02-200�• � �
� E'
+-.� \ � -.� : 's � r`t
Presented By:
Referred To:
2 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department has received a Safe and Sober Grant from the
3 Minnesota Department of Public Safety for the period October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2002, and
5 WHEREAS, this grant was accepted by the City Council on Auwst 22, 2001 (Council File #O1-849); and
7 WHEREAS, tlus grant is to be used for additional police traffic patrol on specific dates and for equipment
S necessary for traffic patrol; and
10 WHEREAS, a 2002 Tinancing and spending plan needs to be established for the remaining
11 Safe and Sober grant funds to be used in 2002; and
13 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Secfion 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that
14 there are available for appropriarion funds in excess of $31,793 of those estimated in the 2002 budget; and
ib WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addifion be made to the 2002 budget: •
436 - Police Special Projects
34147 - Safe and Sober Graut
3199 - Other Federal Direct Grants-State
436 - Police Special Projects
34147 - Safe and Sober Grant
0141 - Overtime
0396 - Field Equipment
0439 - Fringe BenefiCs
Council Fffe # o a- a oo
Green Sheet # 113637
- > >
25,000 25,000
3,340 3,340
3,453 3,453
- > >
THEREFORE BE TT ItESOLVED, that the City Council approves the changes to the 2002 budget.
Requested by Department of:
Services Director:
Adopted by
BY� _�L1
by City
. �,� � �
;; Pot��evepaiunent z����o2 GREEN SHEET No. 113637
� (:hiefFinIIey 292-3588 'I oevuemexraaECron S COUNGL
PleaseprocessASAP I J �[.I �rAROw�Y _�� , ❑arraEwc
Approval of the attached councIl resolution eshblishing a 2002 spending and financing plan for the
Safe and Sober Cnant.
1. Has this person/firtn e�erwo�lced undera contract forthis departmenY?
CIB COMMITTEE 2 Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee?
3 Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill rrot normally possessed by any curreM city employee?
, 4. Is this persoNfirtn a targeted vendoR
Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
The State of Minnesota, Deparhnent of Public Safety, awazded a Safe and Sober grant to the Saint Paul
Police Department for traffic control October 1, 2001 tluough September 3Q 2002. The Ciry Council accepted
this grant on August 22, 2Q0 t(Council File #Q L-849). A spending and fwaucing plan needs to be established
for the rennaining Safe and Sober grant funds to be used in 2002.
(Attached is a copy of the grant.)
Increased traffic pahol on specific dates.
f39S42�C�4 �;Cn��C
Inability to use grant funding for increased traffic patrol.
� i�1i� ►� 5 2��2
FUN�ING SQURCE MiIIllOSOTd DOpaLlmeIlt of Qllb]1C $3fet}� ACTIVItt NUM6ER 34147
ad. _�o 0
This grant contract is beccveen the State of Minnesota, actin� through iu Aepartment of Public Safen� Office of Tr�c
Safen� address• 444 Cedu Street Suite 150 St. Pau1, Minnesota, 55101-5150 ("State') and Saint Paul Police
Department address 100 E. llth Street St. Paul, Nlinneso[a 55101 ("Grantee").
Federal Funds for this b ant contraa aze proc�ided under the IJ. S. Department of Transportation's State and
Communit Hiqhc��ay Safete Protrram Federal CatalogNumber 20.600. This grant contract is funded throu�h the
Mimiesota Department of Public Safety, Of�ice of Traffic Safet��s project entided Safe �'. Sober in Communities ,
numbers 02-03-20 and 02-0404.
1. Under Minn. Stat. § 4.075 and 299A.01 Subd.2 (4) the State is empowered to enter into this grant conuact.
2. The Stare is in need of well-publiciud enforcement of tr�c laws, especially of those laws relating to passenger
protecdon and impaired driving.
3. The Grantee represents that it is duly qualified and agrees to perform all services described in this grant contract to
the sacisfaction of the Sta[e.
C�srant Contract
Term of C:rant Contract
11 Effective �Iate: Ocrober 1, 2001 or the date the State obcains all required signatures under Minnesota Statures
Section 16C.05, subdivision 2, whichever is later. The Csrantee must not begin work under this grant
contract until Yhis grant contract is fully executed and the Grantee has been notified by the State's
Authorized Representative to begin the work.
1.2 E:cpiration etezte: �tember 30, 2002, or until all obligadons have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs
3 Survival ofTev�ns. The following clauses survive the expiration or cancellauon of this b ant contracr.
8. Liabilit5 ; 9. State Audits; 10. Federal Audits; 11. Government Data Pracdces and Intellecrual Property; 13.
Publicity and Endorsement; 14. Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue; and 16 Data Disctosure.
2 Grantee's Auties
The Grantee, who is not a state employee, will:
Pardcipate in the Scafe �i^' Sober campaign, a program �i�hich seeks to increase compliance with traf£ic safety� laws, with
emphasis on driving while impaired and passenger protection by enhanced enforcement of those laws coupled u�ith
educadon and media relaaons. The two-pronged approach is designed to increase the public's percepdon of the
likelihood of sufFering nega[ive consequences ff they fail to compIy.
The Grantee will paracipate in the six Safe �rSober �i�aves in accordance with the following calendar of evenu:
Wave Focus Area 'Pre-Enforcemen[ Media Enhanced�Enforcemene Post-Ettforcement Media
1 Thanl:sgiving Kovember 5— 18, 2001 November 19 - 2�, 2001 Past-media �vith Wave 2
/Pe(cs Sun�e}' Survey (Nov 25 — 30)
0 a--�o 0
R'ave Focus Area Pre-Enforcemenc Media Enhanced Enforcemenc PosrEnformment Diedia
2 December/ November 30 — December 12, December 13 - 22, 2001 Deccmber 23 - 28, 2001
Impaired Drivina
3 Va(entines January 28 — February� 10, 2002 Februan� 11 — 17, 2002 February 1S — 24, 2002
/Child Seacs
4 Dlemorial Day� D1a}� 10 — 23, 2002 Prom, �raduation azid June 3— 9, 2002
Y ouch(Belrs May� 24 — June 2, 2002 Sun�ey
5 4`" of July/ June 17 — 30, 2002 Jui)' 1— 7, 2002 Jul�� 8— 14, 2002
Impaired Driving
6 Seprember/ August 24 — Seprember 6, 2002 Seprember 7-14, 2002 September 1� — 21, 2002
To Be Determined Survey Survey
High school proms, and college and hi�h school graduations are considered covered by �vave 4(5�outt�} �vhether or
not the specific date(s) are listed in the calendar.
Participation in Safe �" Sober 2002 is further defined as:
(A) Scheduling and conducting approximarelp 142 hours of addiuonal tr�c pauol durin� each of the six Safe &
Sober enforcemenc windows and 0 hours of addidonal traf£ic enforcement not covered by [he enforcement
windows, for a total of approximately 852 hours of additional enforcement.
(B) The traf�ic patrols reunbursed by this grant will be conducted using only those individual officers whom the
State approves as eligible. Eligibiliry is defined as completion of Occupanc Protection Usage and Enforcement
(OPUE) and Standardized Field Sobriety Tescing (SFST) courses for each officer and the additional
requirement for officers from agencies puticipatin� in Safe F'� Sober for a second or subseguen� year to have also
completed Advanced SFST: Drugs tha[ Impair.
(C) Scheduling and conducdng informal seat belc surveys at 5 sites during each of the following si� time periods:
the tcvo weels prior to Thanksgiving, the week after Thanksgivin�, the two weels prior to Memorial Day, the
week afrer Memorial Day, the two weeks from August 24 throu�h Sepcember 6, and the week from September
15 through September 21.
(D) Informing the media of the Safe � Sober program and keeping them apprised of plans, resulu, and issues.
Through the media and other oudeu as decided by the Grantee, informing tl�e public of the program and issues.
(E) Submitdng a written plan to the State on the enforcement schedule and public/media relarions activiries on or
before November 5(coverin� waves one and two) in 2001, and January 28, Ma}' 9, June 17, and Au�ust 24 in
2002. The plan will be on a form provided by the State.
(F) Submitting a�vritten report on the enforcement and public(media relauons activides to the State on or before
January 4(covering waves one and two), March 1, June 14, Julj� 19, and September 27.
(G) Strivin� to achieve performance measures �vhich can reasonably be e�pected to fulfill the purpose of the grant b}�
decreasin� the incidence of impaired driving, increasin� the use of seat belrs, and increasing the public's
percepdon of the likelihood of being stopped for violadons of traf£c safery laws. The State �vill pro��ide
comparadve stadstics of each grant's resulu after each reporring period.
(H) S[riving to increase the number of DWI azrests and seat belt citadons in the jurisdicuon(s) co�•ered bp the grant.
(I� When the Graiuee is the lead a�ency for a grant covering two or more enforcemenc agencies, the Grantee ��zll
summarize che plans, reports, and invoices for all the enforcement a�encies into a sin�le plan, report, and
invoice on or before the dates required and submit it to the State.
`6 ,�•�� 9
3 Time
The Grantee must complj� �i�ith all the time requirements described in this grant conrract. In the performance of
this grant concract, ticne is of the essence.
4 Consideration and Payment
4.1 Corzsieleratio:z. The State will pay for all sen�ices performed bp the Gran[ee under this grant contract as
(A) Budaet. The C:rantee will be reimbursed from federal funds up to the macimums set forth in rhe follo�ving
budget table:
Overtime Enforcement Hours and Frinae Benefi _
Adminisuative Hours and Frinye Benefits
Equipmenr. two lasar radar tcvo DWI �oa�les, and
F�,,;nme�nr reauires an eaual local match of funds. _
�r mile basis)
ivel Cosu
Incenuves or Materials
The Grantee is required to track and report to the State any matching funds. Matching funds aze cosrs related
specifically to conducang the Safe �?' Sober project that are no[ reimbursed by the State.
(B) Travel Expenses. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses acmally and necessarily incurred b}�
the Grantee as a result of this �rant contracc and provided that the Grantee �vill be reimbursed for travel and
subsistence e�penses in the san�e manner and in no greater amount than pro��ided in the current
"Commissioner's Plan" promulgated by the commissioner of Employee Relatioris. The Crantee Gvill not be
reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses incurred ourside Minnesota unless it has received the State's prior
written approval for out of state travel usin� a form provided by the State. Minnesota will be considered the
home state for determining �'hether travel is out of state.
(C) lrcclirect Costs and Prinpe Benefzts. I�TO indirect cosu are allo�c�ed under this grant contract. The State has
an obligadon to derermine if any fringe benefit costs to be reimbursed by this grant contzact are reasonable. If
requested, the Grantee must furnish an ezplanarion of the basis for such rates. Fringe benefits must be
accounted for separately from overame salary costs on back-up documentation of invoices.
(D) Tota1 Obligatian. The total obligadon of che Stare for all compensation and reunbursements to the
Grantee under this grant con[ract �vill not esceed Forq Fi� e Thousand Dollars ($45 000 00 Dollu�
4.2. Paytnent
A. Invoices. The Sta[e will prompdy pa}' �e Grantee afrer the CCrantee presents an itemized invoice for the
services actually performed and the S�ate's Authorized Representadve accepts the invoiced services. Invoices
must be submitted timely and according to the follo�ving schedule:
Itenuzed invoices �vill be filed in azrears on or before the following dates: January 22 (�;'aves 1& 2),
March 18, July 5, August 16, and September 30. The final invoice pertaining to the first s[ate fiscal year
of this grant contract must be recei��ed by Augus� 15, 2002. Reimbursements from the second stare fiscal
}•ear map commence on or afcer July 1, 2002. The final invoice pertaining co the second state fiscal yeu of
this granc contract must be received by October 31 zooz. b a �� p O
Espenditures for each stace fiscal }�ear of this �rant conuact must be for services performed �vithin
applicable state fiscal years. E��ery state fucal year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. The
Independence Day wave crosses over stam fiscal ��ears; nvo invoices �vill be necessary.
B. Federad fu:uis. (Where applicable, if blank this section does not apply) Pa}'menu under this granc contract
will be made from federal funds obtained bq the State throu�h Tide 23 CFDA numbers 20.600 and
220.601 of rhe State and Communiri� �trh�vav Saferv Act of 1966 and amendments thereto. The
Grantee is responsible for compliance with all federal requicemenu imposed on these funds and accepts
full fmancial responsibiliry for any requirements imposed by the Granree's failure to compl}� �vith federal
This grant wntract is contir�ent upon the Scate of Minnesota receiving funds under the Highway Safery
Act (Public Law 89-564) as amended for purposes of reunbursing the Grantee for the cosu set forth
hexein. If for any reason the State is prohibiced in any �vay from using such funds m reunburse the
Grantee for an}' of the costs set forth herein, then this grant con[ract shall be null and void and the Sta�e
shall have no direct nor indirect obligation to reimburse the Grantee.
5 Conditions of Payment
All services provided by the Grantee under this grant contratt must be performed to the State's satisfaction, as
derermined at the sole discretion of the Scate's Authorized Representative and in accordance wirh all applicable
� federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules, and reguladons. The Grantee will no[ receive pa}'men[ fox work
found by the State to be unsatisFactory or performed in violation of federal, s[ate, or local law. All claims for
reimbursement shall be suppor�ed by �vritten documentation includin� receipts, invoices, and gersonnel time
reports. Expenditures for each Scate fiscal year of this grant contract must be for sernices performed within
applicable State fiscal years. If at any time such funds become unavailable, the grant contract shall be amended
or if necessary termina[ed immediately, upon wricten nodce of such fact by rhe State to che Grantee.
6 Authorized Representative
The States Autl�orized Representative is Kath � Burke Moore address: Suite 150 Town S uare 444 Cedar
Street St Paul Minneso[a 55101-5150 telephone: 651-297-7876, or his/her successor, and has the
responsibility to monitor the Grantee's performance and the authoriry to accept the services provided under chis
grant contract. If the services are saasfactory, the Stare's Authorized Representauve will cerdfy acceptance on
each invoice submitted for payment.
The Grantee's Authorized Representauve is Cmdr William Mardnez address: Saint Paul Police Departmenc,
100 E l lth Street St Pau1, Minnesota 55101 telephone: 651-292-3722. If the Grantee's Authonzed
Representative changes at any time during this grant contract, the Grantee must immediately nori£y the Scate.
7 Assignment, Amendments, Waiver, and Grant contract Complete
O �._ �-t� a
7.1 Assign�nent. The Grantee ma} neither assign nor transfer an}� righu or obli�ations under this grant contract
�aithout the prior consent of the State and a fully executed Assignment A�reenlent, execuzed and appro�
by the same parties who executed and approved this grant contraa, or rheir successors in office.
7.2 Anxevulnzents. An}' �endment to chis gcant contract must be in �rriting and will not be effective until it has
been executed and approved by the same puties ���ho ezecuted and approeed the original grant contracc, or
their successors in oftice. Minor chan�es in rhe tasls and bud�et of this grant contract may be made if
requesCed in �z�riting on behalf of the Grantee and if approved in wridn� by the State. Changes requirin�
the approval of the U.S. Depaztment of Transportadon or resultin� in reimbursement daims in ezcess of S
45 000 00 Dollus are not minor chanQes.
7.3 Waives^. If the State fails to enforce any pronision of this grant contract, that failure does not �vaive the
provision or irs right to enforce it.
7.4 Gyexnt Cosztrctct Colnplete. This grant contract concains all negotiadons and agreements benveen the Stace
and che Czrantee. No other underscandinj regarding this grant concract, �ehether written or oral, may be
used to bind either parry.
The Grantee must indemnify, save, and hold rhe State, its agenu, and employees humless from any claims or
causes of action, including attorne}�s fees incurred by the State, acising from the perfotmance of this grant
contraa by the Crancee or the Czrantee's agents or employees. This clause �vill not be construed to bar any le�al
remedies the Grantee may have for the State s faiiure to fulfill its obli�adons under this grant contract.
9 State Audits
Under Minn. Stat. � 16C.05, subd. 5, the Grantee's books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and
pracuces relevant to this grant contract aze subjea to exanunaaon by the State and/or the State Auditor or
Legislative Auditor, as appropriate, for a nunimum of six yeazs from the end of rhis grant contract.
10. Federal Audits
The Grantee shall obtun an annual (or biennial covering both yeazs) financial and compliance audit, made by an
independent auditor in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-502) and Office of
Mana�ement and Budget Circular A-133. Exhibit A, Federal Audit Requirements, is binding upon the Grancee
and is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this grant contract.
11 CCOVernment Data Practices and Intellectual Property
11.1. Governnzent De�ta Practices. The Grantee and State mtut comply �eith the Minnesota Covecnment Data
Practices Act, Minn. Stat. � Ch. 13, as it applies to all data provided 6}' �e State under this grant contract,
and as it applies to all data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the
Crantee under this grant con[ract. The civil remedies of Minn. Stat. S� 13A8 apply to the release of the
data reEerred to in tl�is clause by either the Grantee or the State.
If the Grantee receives a request to release the data referred to in this Clause, the Crantee must
immediately noufy the Seate. The State �vill give the Grantee instructions concerning the release of the
data to the requestin� party before the data is released.
ll.2. Intellectual Property Rights
All reporu, studies, photo�raphs, negatives, computer pro�rams or other documents prepared by the
Grantee in the performance of its obligadon under this grant contraa shall be the exclusi��e property of thc
State. The Grantee map continue to use the materials to promote high�c�ay safery, but may not sell or offer
for sale any physical or electronic documents developed under this �rant contract, unless a plan to record
such sales and make the proceeds available for traf£ic safety purposes is approved by the Sta[e.
12 - Workers' Compensation 6 �- -� O �
The Granree cerdfies that it is in compliance «ith Minn. Stac. S� 176151, subd. 2, pertainin� to �vorkers'
compensation insurance coverage. The Grantee's emplo}'ees and a�ents �vill not be considered S[ate emploJ�ecs.
Anp claims thac may arise under the Minnesota Workers' Compensarion Act on behalf of these emplo5�ees and
any claims made by any third party as a coasequence of any act or omission on the par� of thue employees are
in no way the State's obli�ation oc responsibiliry.
13 Publicity and Endorsemene
131 Publicity. Any publicixy regarding the subject matter of this �rant contract must identify the State as d�e
sponsorin� agenc}' and must not be released without prior cvritten approval from the State's Authorized
Represen[ati�*e. For purposes of this provision, publicitp includes nocices, informational pamphlets, press
releases, research, reports, signs, and sunilu public norices prepared bp or for rhe Grantee individuall}' or
joindy with others, or any subcontractors, �vith respec[ to the �rogram, publications, or ser��ices provided
resulring from this grant contract.
13.2 Endovscrnent. The Grancee must not claun that the State endorses irs products or ser�aces.
14 Csoverning Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue
Minnesota law, without regard to its choice-of-law provisions, governs this grant contract. Venue for all 1e�a1
proceedings ou[ of this granc contract, or its breach, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with
comperent jurisdiction in Racnsey Count}�, Minnesota.
15 Termination
15.1 Te�-rninatio:a by the Stctte. The Sta�e may cancel this grant contract at any rime, with or withaut cause,
upon 30 days' cvritcen nouce to the C:rancee. Upon rermination, the Crantee �vill be enuded to payment,
determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed.
15.2 Protection of State's Interest. When the State finds that there has been a failure to comply with the
provision of this grant contract or �vith the provisions of the incorporated Etihibits or that rhe purposes for the
funds have noe been, or will not be fuifilled, notwithscanding any other provisions of dus grant contract to the
contrary, the State may take such acdon as ic deems necessary and appropriate to protect the interest of the Sca�e
of Minnesota, including the refusal to disburse additional funds and requiring the repayment of any funds
already disbursed
16 Data Disclosure
Under Minn. Stat. � 270.66, and other applicable law, the Crantee consents to disclosure of its social securit}�
number, federal employer ta� idenuficadon number, and/or Minnesota ta� identificadon number, already
provided to the State, to federal and state tax agencies and state personnel inc�olved in the payment of state
obligadons. These idendficauon numbers may be used in the enforcement of federal and state ta� laws which
could result in action requiring the Crantee to file scate tax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities, if an}'.
17. Equipment
17.1 Purchase afEqssijnnent. AnS� equipment purchased under this grant contract shall be used primarily for
traffic safety purposes during the life of the equipment. The Grantee may not deviate from this reguirement and
may not dispose of any equipment unless it has first obtained permission from the State. Only equipment
speciFied in this grant conuact ma}' be purchased unless the Grantee has obtained prior written permission from
the State.
17.2 Respansibility far Equipment. The Crantee shall be responsible for all operaung, maintenance, and repair
cosu of equipment purchased under this grant contract unless otherwise specified. Tide to equipment acquired
under this grant contract shall vest upon the Crantee.
OS-�e o
This grant contract is subjett to all applicable federal and stace stamtes and regulations, indudin�, but not
limited to the folloc��ing:
18.1 Secdon 504 of the Rehabilitadon Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794) and 49 CFR Part 27 �rhich relates to
handicapped persons.
18.2 49 CFR Part 23 - Pazticipadon by minority en[erprises in Department of TransporLadon Programs; 49
CFR Part 29 Subpart F- The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988; 23 U.S.C. 101 \Tote and 41
U.S.C.lOa - Buy America Act; and 49 CFR Part 29 - Certification Regardin� Debument and
Stupension. These provisions are addressed in Eshibit B, �vhich is hereby incorporaeed by reference and
made a put of tfus grant contract (see Exhibic B).
18.3 Tide VI of the CivIl Righrs Act of 1964, as amended.
18.4 Also, by signing this grant contrac[, the Crantee certifies that the Grantee has a current safery belt use
II�I WTTI�TESS WHEREOF, the parcies hare caused dus granc contract to be dUl}T esecuted inccnding to be bound
Individual ccrrifus that funds fiave becn rncumbcrut ns
reguired 1ryMinn. Stat. §§ 16A.1� and 16C.05.
Grant Gontratt No.
(u�ith dele�ated authority)
Ticle: Direaor. Office of Trzffic Saferv
The Granctt ce�rif cs rhac thc appropriate person(s)
have czccuccd nc� grant conttatt on bchalf of che Grantee as
rcquired by applicabk aaides, bylaws, resolutions, or ordinanccc
Title: St Paul Depurv Mavor. Chief of Scaff
Tide: St. Pau] Financial Services Diruror
Tide: Sc. Paul Citv Attomev
s c,� . _ `
Tide: Chief of St Paul Police
Date: � � �l "� � �"
Statds Authorized Representative - Phoco Copy
�• � �
� E'
+-.� \ � -.� : 's � r`t
Presented By:
Referred To:
2 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department has received a Safe and Sober Grant from the
3 Minnesota Department of Public Safety for the period October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2002, and
5 WHEREAS, this grant was accepted by the City Council on Auwst 22, 2001 (Council File #O1-849); and
7 WHEREAS, tlus grant is to be used for additional police traffic patrol on specific dates and for equipment
S necessary for traffic patrol; and
10 WHEREAS, a 2002 Tinancing and spending plan needs to be established for the remaining
11 Safe and Sober grant funds to be used in 2002; and
13 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Secfion 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that
14 there are available for appropriarion funds in excess of $31,793 of those estimated in the 2002 budget; and
ib WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addifion be made to the 2002 budget: •
436 - Police Special Projects
34147 - Safe and Sober Graut
3199 - Other Federal Direct Grants-State
436 - Police Special Projects
34147 - Safe and Sober Grant
0141 - Overtime
0396 - Field Equipment
0439 - Fringe BenefiCs
Council Fffe # o a- a oo
Green Sheet # 113637
- > >
25,000 25,000
3,340 3,340
3,453 3,453
- > >
THEREFORE BE TT ItESOLVED, that the City Council approves the changes to the 2002 budget.
Requested by Department of:
Services Director:
Adopted by
BY� _�L1
by City
. �,� � �
;; Pot��evepaiunent z����o2 GREEN SHEET No. 113637
� (:hiefFinIIey 292-3588 'I oevuemexraaECron S COUNGL
PleaseprocessASAP I J �[.I �rAROw�Y _�� , ❑arraEwc
Approval of the attached councIl resolution eshblishing a 2002 spending and financing plan for the
Safe and Sober Cnant.
1. Has this person/firtn e�erwo�lced undera contract forthis departmenY?
CIB COMMITTEE 2 Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee?
3 Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill rrot normally possessed by any curreM city employee?
, 4. Is this persoNfirtn a targeted vendoR
Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
The State of Minnesota, Deparhnent of Public Safety, awazded a Safe and Sober grant to the Saint Paul
Police Department for traffic control October 1, 2001 tluough September 3Q 2002. The Ciry Council accepted
this grant on August 22, 2Q0 t(Council File #Q L-849). A spending and fwaucing plan needs to be established
for the rennaining Safe and Sober grant funds to be used in 2002.
(Attached is a copy of the grant.)
Increased traffic pahol on specific dates.
f39S42�C�4 �;Cn��C
Inability to use grant funding for increased traffic patrol.
� i�1i� ►� 5 2��2
FUN�ING SQURCE MiIIllOSOTd DOpaLlmeIlt of Qllb]1C $3fet}� ACTIVItt NUM6ER 34147
ad. _�o 0
This grant contract is beccveen the State of Minnesota, actin� through iu Aepartment of Public Safen� Office of Tr�c
Safen� address• 444 Cedu Street Suite 150 St. Pau1, Minnesota, 55101-5150 ("State') and Saint Paul Police
Department address 100 E. llth Street St. Paul, Nlinneso[a 55101 ("Grantee").
Federal Funds for this b ant contraa aze proc�ided under the IJ. S. Department of Transportation's State and
Communit Hiqhc��ay Safete Protrram Federal CatalogNumber 20.600. This grant contract is funded throu�h the
Mimiesota Department of Public Safety, Of�ice of Traffic Safet��s project entided Safe �'. Sober in Communities ,
numbers 02-03-20 and 02-0404.
1. Under Minn. Stat. § 4.075 and 299A.01 Subd.2 (4) the State is empowered to enter into this grant conuact.
2. The Stare is in need of well-publiciud enforcement of tr�c laws, especially of those laws relating to passenger
protecdon and impaired driving.
3. The Grantee represents that it is duly qualified and agrees to perform all services described in this grant contract to
the sacisfaction of the Sta[e.
C�srant Contract
Term of C:rant Contract
11 Effective �Iate: Ocrober 1, 2001 or the date the State obcains all required signatures under Minnesota Statures
Section 16C.05, subdivision 2, whichever is later. The Csrantee must not begin work under this grant
contract until Yhis grant contract is fully executed and the Grantee has been notified by the State's
Authorized Representative to begin the work.
1.2 E:cpiration etezte: �tember 30, 2002, or until all obligadons have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs
3 Survival ofTev�ns. The following clauses survive the expiration or cancellauon of this b ant contracr.
8. Liabilit5 ; 9. State Audits; 10. Federal Audits; 11. Government Data Pracdces and Intellecrual Property; 13.
Publicity and Endorsement; 14. Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue; and 16 Data Disctosure.
2 Grantee's Auties
The Grantee, who is not a state employee, will:
Pardcipate in the Scafe �i^' Sober campaign, a program �i�hich seeks to increase compliance with traf£ic safety� laws, with
emphasis on driving while impaired and passenger protection by enhanced enforcement of those laws coupled u�ith
educadon and media relaaons. The two-pronged approach is designed to increase the public's percepdon of the
likelihood of sufFering nega[ive consequences ff they fail to compIy.
The Grantee will paracipate in the six Safe �rSober �i�aves in accordance with the following calendar of evenu:
Wave Focus Area 'Pre-Enforcemen[ Media Enhanced�Enforcemene Post-Ettforcement Media
1 Thanl:sgiving Kovember 5— 18, 2001 November 19 - 2�, 2001 Past-media �vith Wave 2
/Pe(cs Sun�e}' Survey (Nov 25 — 30)
0 a--�o 0
R'ave Focus Area Pre-Enforcemenc Media Enhanced Enforcemenc PosrEnformment Diedia
2 December/ November 30 — December 12, December 13 - 22, 2001 Deccmber 23 - 28, 2001
Impaired Drivina
3 Va(entines January 28 — February� 10, 2002 Februan� 11 — 17, 2002 February 1S — 24, 2002
/Child Seacs
4 Dlemorial Day� D1a}� 10 — 23, 2002 Prom, �raduation azid June 3— 9, 2002
Y ouch(Belrs May� 24 — June 2, 2002 Sun�ey
5 4`" of July/ June 17 — 30, 2002 Jui)' 1— 7, 2002 Jul�� 8— 14, 2002
Impaired Driving
6 Seprember/ August 24 — Seprember 6, 2002 Seprember 7-14, 2002 September 1� — 21, 2002
To Be Determined Survey Survey
High school proms, and college and hi�h school graduations are considered covered by �vave 4(5�outt�} �vhether or
not the specific date(s) are listed in the calendar.
Participation in Safe �" Sober 2002 is further defined as:
(A) Scheduling and conducting approximarelp 142 hours of addiuonal tr�c pauol durin� each of the six Safe &
Sober enforcemenc windows and 0 hours of addidonal traf£ic enforcement not covered by [he enforcement
windows, for a total of approximately 852 hours of additional enforcement.
(B) The traf�ic patrols reunbursed by this grant will be conducted using only those individual officers whom the
State approves as eligible. Eligibiliry is defined as completion of Occupanc Protection Usage and Enforcement
(OPUE) and Standardized Field Sobriety Tescing (SFST) courses for each officer and the additional
requirement for officers from agencies puticipatin� in Safe F'� Sober for a second or subseguen� year to have also
completed Advanced SFST: Drugs tha[ Impair.
(C) Scheduling and conducdng informal seat belc surveys at 5 sites during each of the following si� time periods:
the tcvo weels prior to Thanksgiving, the week after Thanksgivin�, the two weels prior to Memorial Day, the
week afrer Memorial Day, the two weeks from August 24 throu�h Sepcember 6, and the week from September
15 through September 21.
(D) Informing the media of the Safe � Sober program and keeping them apprised of plans, resulu, and issues.
Through the media and other oudeu as decided by the Grantee, informing tl�e public of the program and issues.
(E) Submitdng a written plan to the State on the enforcement schedule and public/media relarions activiries on or
before November 5(coverin� waves one and two) in 2001, and January 28, Ma}' 9, June 17, and Au�ust 24 in
2002. The plan will be on a form provided by the State.
(F) Submitting a�vritten report on the enforcement and public(media relauons activides to the State on or before
January 4(covering waves one and two), March 1, June 14, Julj� 19, and September 27.
(G) Strivin� to achieve performance measures �vhich can reasonably be e�pected to fulfill the purpose of the grant b}�
decreasin� the incidence of impaired driving, increasin� the use of seat belrs, and increasing the public's
percepdon of the likelihood of being stopped for violadons of traf£c safery laws. The State �vill pro��ide
comparadve stadstics of each grant's resulu after each reporring period.
(H) S[riving to increase the number of DWI azrests and seat belt citadons in the jurisdicuon(s) co�•ered bp the grant.
(I� When the Graiuee is the lead a�ency for a grant covering two or more enforcemenc agencies, the Grantee ��zll
summarize che plans, reports, and invoices for all the enforcement a�encies into a sin�le plan, report, and
invoice on or before the dates required and submit it to the State.
`6 ,�•�� 9
3 Time
The Grantee must complj� �i�ith all the time requirements described in this grant conrract. In the performance of
this grant concract, ticne is of the essence.
4 Consideration and Payment
4.1 Corzsieleratio:z. The State will pay for all sen�ices performed bp the Gran[ee under this grant contract as
(A) Budaet. The C:rantee will be reimbursed from federal funds up to the macimums set forth in rhe follo�ving
budget table:
Overtime Enforcement Hours and Frinae Benefi _
Adminisuative Hours and Frinye Benefits
Equipmenr. two lasar radar tcvo DWI �oa�les, and
F�,,;nme�nr reauires an eaual local match of funds. _
�r mile basis)
ivel Cosu
Incenuves or Materials
The Grantee is required to track and report to the State any matching funds. Matching funds aze cosrs related
specifically to conducang the Safe �?' Sober project that are no[ reimbursed by the State.
(B) Travel Expenses. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses acmally and necessarily incurred b}�
the Grantee as a result of this �rant contracc and provided that the Grantee �vill be reimbursed for travel and
subsistence e�penses in the san�e manner and in no greater amount than pro��ided in the current
"Commissioner's Plan" promulgated by the commissioner of Employee Relatioris. The Crantee Gvill not be
reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses incurred ourside Minnesota unless it has received the State's prior
written approval for out of state travel usin� a form provided by the State. Minnesota will be considered the
home state for determining �'hether travel is out of state.
(C) lrcclirect Costs and Prinpe Benefzts. I�TO indirect cosu are allo�c�ed under this grant contract. The State has
an obligadon to derermine if any fringe benefit costs to be reimbursed by this grant contzact are reasonable. If
requested, the Grantee must furnish an ezplanarion of the basis for such rates. Fringe benefits must be
accounted for separately from overame salary costs on back-up documentation of invoices.
(D) Tota1 Obligatian. The total obligadon of che Stare for all compensation and reunbursements to the
Grantee under this grant con[ract �vill not esceed Forq Fi� e Thousand Dollars ($45 000 00 Dollu�
4.2. Paytnent
A. Invoices. The Sta[e will prompdy pa}' �e Grantee afrer the CCrantee presents an itemized invoice for the
services actually performed and the S�ate's Authorized Representadve accepts the invoiced services. Invoices
must be submitted timely and according to the follo�ving schedule:
Itenuzed invoices �vill be filed in azrears on or before the following dates: January 22 (�;'aves 1& 2),
March 18, July 5, August 16, and September 30. The final invoice pertaining to the first s[ate fiscal year
of this grant contract must be recei��ed by Augus� 15, 2002. Reimbursements from the second stare fiscal
}•ear map commence on or afcer July 1, 2002. The final invoice pertaining co the second state fiscal yeu of
this granc contract must be received by October 31 zooz. b a �� p O
Espenditures for each stace fiscal }�ear of this �rant conuact must be for services performed �vithin
applicable state fiscal years. E��ery state fucal year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. The
Independence Day wave crosses over stam fiscal ��ears; nvo invoices �vill be necessary.
B. Federad fu:uis. (Where applicable, if blank this section does not apply) Pa}'menu under this granc contract
will be made from federal funds obtained bq the State throu�h Tide 23 CFDA numbers 20.600 and
220.601 of rhe State and Communiri� �trh�vav Saferv Act of 1966 and amendments thereto. The
Grantee is responsible for compliance with all federal requicemenu imposed on these funds and accepts
full fmancial responsibiliry for any requirements imposed by the Granree's failure to compl}� �vith federal
This grant wntract is contir�ent upon the Scate of Minnesota receiving funds under the Highway Safery
Act (Public Law 89-564) as amended for purposes of reunbursing the Grantee for the cosu set forth
hexein. If for any reason the State is prohibiced in any �vay from using such funds m reunburse the
Grantee for an}' of the costs set forth herein, then this grant con[ract shall be null and void and the Sta�e
shall have no direct nor indirect obligation to reimburse the Grantee.
5 Conditions of Payment
All services provided by the Grantee under this grant contratt must be performed to the State's satisfaction, as
derermined at the sole discretion of the Scate's Authorized Representative and in accordance wirh all applicable
� federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules, and reguladons. The Grantee will no[ receive pa}'men[ fox work
found by the State to be unsatisFactory or performed in violation of federal, s[ate, or local law. All claims for
reimbursement shall be suppor�ed by �vritten documentation includin� receipts, invoices, and gersonnel time
reports. Expenditures for each Scate fiscal year of this grant contract must be for sernices performed within
applicable State fiscal years. If at any time such funds become unavailable, the grant contract shall be amended
or if necessary termina[ed immediately, upon wricten nodce of such fact by rhe State to che Grantee.
6 Authorized Representative
The States Autl�orized Representative is Kath � Burke Moore address: Suite 150 Town S uare 444 Cedar
Street St Paul Minneso[a 55101-5150 telephone: 651-297-7876, or his/her successor, and has the
responsibility to monitor the Grantee's performance and the authoriry to accept the services provided under chis
grant contract. If the services are saasfactory, the Stare's Authorized Representauve will cerdfy acceptance on
each invoice submitted for payment.
The Grantee's Authorized Representauve is Cmdr William Mardnez address: Saint Paul Police Departmenc,
100 E l lth Street St Pau1, Minnesota 55101 telephone: 651-292-3722. If the Grantee's Authonzed
Representative changes at any time during this grant contract, the Grantee must immediately nori£y the Scate.
7 Assignment, Amendments, Waiver, and Grant contract Complete
O �._ �-t� a
7.1 Assign�nent. The Grantee ma} neither assign nor transfer an}� righu or obli�ations under this grant contract
�aithout the prior consent of the State and a fully executed Assignment A�reenlent, execuzed and appro�
by the same parties who executed and approved this grant contraa, or rheir successors in office.
7.2 Anxevulnzents. An}' �endment to chis gcant contract must be in �rriting and will not be effective until it has
been executed and approved by the same puties ���ho ezecuted and approeed the original grant contracc, or
their successors in oftice. Minor chan�es in rhe tasls and bud�et of this grant contract may be made if
requesCed in �z�riting on behalf of the Grantee and if approved in wridn� by the State. Changes requirin�
the approval of the U.S. Depaztment of Transportadon or resultin� in reimbursement daims in ezcess of S
45 000 00 Dollus are not minor chanQes.
7.3 Waives^. If the State fails to enforce any pronision of this grant contract, that failure does not �vaive the
provision or irs right to enforce it.
7.4 Gyexnt Cosztrctct Colnplete. This grant contract concains all negotiadons and agreements benveen the Stace
and che Czrantee. No other underscandinj regarding this grant concract, �ehether written or oral, may be
used to bind either parry.
The Grantee must indemnify, save, and hold rhe State, its agenu, and employees humless from any claims or
causes of action, including attorne}�s fees incurred by the State, acising from the perfotmance of this grant
contraa by the Crancee or the Czrantee's agents or employees. This clause �vill not be construed to bar any le�al
remedies the Grantee may have for the State s faiiure to fulfill its obli�adons under this grant contract.
9 State Audits
Under Minn. Stat. � 16C.05, subd. 5, the Grantee's books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and
pracuces relevant to this grant contract aze subjea to exanunaaon by the State and/or the State Auditor or
Legislative Auditor, as appropriate, for a nunimum of six yeazs from the end of rhis grant contract.
10. Federal Audits
The Grantee shall obtun an annual (or biennial covering both yeazs) financial and compliance audit, made by an
independent auditor in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-502) and Office of
Mana�ement and Budget Circular A-133. Exhibit A, Federal Audit Requirements, is binding upon the Grancee
and is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this grant contract.
11 CCOVernment Data Practices and Intellectual Property
11.1. Governnzent De�ta Practices. The Grantee and State mtut comply �eith the Minnesota Covecnment Data
Practices Act, Minn. Stat. � Ch. 13, as it applies to all data provided 6}' �e State under this grant contract,
and as it applies to all data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the
Crantee under this grant con[ract. The civil remedies of Minn. Stat. S� 13A8 apply to the release of the
data reEerred to in tl�is clause by either the Grantee or the State.
If the Grantee receives a request to release the data referred to in this Clause, the Crantee must
immediately noufy the Seate. The State �vill give the Grantee instructions concerning the release of the
data to the requestin� party before the data is released.
ll.2. Intellectual Property Rights
All reporu, studies, photo�raphs, negatives, computer pro�rams or other documents prepared by the
Grantee in the performance of its obligadon under this grant contraa shall be the exclusi��e property of thc
State. The Grantee map continue to use the materials to promote high�c�ay safery, but may not sell or offer
for sale any physical or electronic documents developed under this �rant contract, unless a plan to record
such sales and make the proceeds available for traf£ic safety purposes is approved by the Sta[e.
12 - Workers' Compensation 6 �- -� O �
The Granree cerdfies that it is in compliance «ith Minn. Stac. S� 176151, subd. 2, pertainin� to �vorkers'
compensation insurance coverage. The Grantee's emplo}'ees and a�ents �vill not be considered S[ate emploJ�ecs.
Anp claims thac may arise under the Minnesota Workers' Compensarion Act on behalf of these emplo5�ees and
any claims made by any third party as a coasequence of any act or omission on the par� of thue employees are
in no way the State's obli�ation oc responsibiliry.
13 Publicity and Endorsemene
131 Publicity. Any publicixy regarding the subject matter of this �rant contract must identify the State as d�e
sponsorin� agenc}' and must not be released without prior cvritten approval from the State's Authorized
Represen[ati�*e. For purposes of this provision, publicitp includes nocices, informational pamphlets, press
releases, research, reports, signs, and sunilu public norices prepared bp or for rhe Grantee individuall}' or
joindy with others, or any subcontractors, �vith respec[ to the �rogram, publications, or ser��ices provided
resulring from this grant contract.
13.2 Endovscrnent. The Grancee must not claun that the State endorses irs products or ser�aces.
14 Csoverning Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue
Minnesota law, without regard to its choice-of-law provisions, governs this grant contract. Venue for all 1e�a1
proceedings ou[ of this granc contract, or its breach, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with
comperent jurisdiction in Racnsey Count}�, Minnesota.
15 Termination
15.1 Te�-rninatio:a by the Stctte. The Sta�e may cancel this grant contract at any rime, with or withaut cause,
upon 30 days' cvritcen nouce to the C:rancee. Upon rermination, the Crantee �vill be enuded to payment,
determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed.
15.2 Protection of State's Interest. When the State finds that there has been a failure to comply with the
provision of this grant contract or �vith the provisions of the incorporated Etihibits or that rhe purposes for the
funds have noe been, or will not be fuifilled, notwithscanding any other provisions of dus grant contract to the
contrary, the State may take such acdon as ic deems necessary and appropriate to protect the interest of the Sca�e
of Minnesota, including the refusal to disburse additional funds and requiring the repayment of any funds
already disbursed
16 Data Disclosure
Under Minn. Stat. � 270.66, and other applicable law, the Crantee consents to disclosure of its social securit}�
number, federal employer ta� idenuficadon number, and/or Minnesota ta� identificadon number, already
provided to the State, to federal and state tax agencies and state personnel inc�olved in the payment of state
obligadons. These idendficauon numbers may be used in the enforcement of federal and state ta� laws which
could result in action requiring the Crantee to file scate tax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities, if an}'.
17. Equipment
17.1 Purchase afEqssijnnent. AnS� equipment purchased under this grant contract shall be used primarily for
traffic safety purposes during the life of the equipment. The Grantee may not deviate from this reguirement and
may not dispose of any equipment unless it has first obtained permission from the State. Only equipment
speciFied in this grant conuact ma}' be purchased unless the Grantee has obtained prior written permission from
the State.
17.2 Respansibility far Equipment. The Crantee shall be responsible for all operaung, maintenance, and repair
cosu of equipment purchased under this grant contract unless otherwise specified. Tide to equipment acquired
under this grant contract shall vest upon the Crantee.
OS-�e o
This grant contract is subjett to all applicable federal and stace stamtes and regulations, indudin�, but not
limited to the folloc��ing:
18.1 Secdon 504 of the Rehabilitadon Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794) and 49 CFR Part 27 �rhich relates to
handicapped persons.
18.2 49 CFR Part 23 - Pazticipadon by minority en[erprises in Department of TransporLadon Programs; 49
CFR Part 29 Subpart F- The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988; 23 U.S.C. 101 \Tote and 41
U.S.C.lOa - Buy America Act; and 49 CFR Part 29 - Certification Regardin� Debument and
Stupension. These provisions are addressed in Eshibit B, �vhich is hereby incorporaeed by reference and
made a put of tfus grant contract (see Exhibic B).
18.3 Tide VI of the CivIl Righrs Act of 1964, as amended.
18.4 Also, by signing this grant contrac[, the Crantee certifies that the Grantee has a current safery belt use
II�I WTTI�TESS WHEREOF, the parcies hare caused dus granc contract to be dUl}T esecuted inccnding to be bound
Individual ccrrifus that funds fiave becn rncumbcrut ns
reguired 1ryMinn. Stat. §§ 16A.1� and 16C.05.
Grant Gontratt No.
(u�ith dele�ated authority)
Ticle: Direaor. Office of Trzffic Saferv
The Granctt ce�rif cs rhac thc appropriate person(s)
have czccuccd nc� grant conttatt on bchalf of che Grantee as
rcquired by applicabk aaides, bylaws, resolutions, or ordinanccc
Title: St Paul Depurv Mavor. Chief of Scaff
Tide: St. Pau] Financial Services Diruror
Tide: Sc. Paul Citv Attomev
s c,� . _ `
Tide: Chief of St Paul Police
Date: � � �l "� � �"
Statds Authorized Representative - Phoco Copy