261279 . . .. � . . . 26�.2�9 ciTY oF sr.Pau� COUNCIL FILE N0. FINAL ORDER By � In the Matter of ' . .v-.:.. ... . . . �- .. � . , ���y: . ._� _.__a t. , . ....-,.,v. �,:..-...... ..- . .., ..-._. .. .�,.;;...�v....z....e„ ... . � . � .....�� . ...v�.a�sn�.wi .. a :h�t::.�.T"�.. ._ . Constructing and reconstructing side�alka and by doing all other work Which is necessary and incidental to caaiplete aaid improveaent, except where it is deterBined that good and sufficient poured aidewalks now exist: Finance � File lio. Description ! :; S9825 �� BUSH AVE. , south side from Atlantic St. to Johnson Pkwq. S9826 b CENTRAL AVE. , both sides from Lexington Pkwy• to Dunlap St. S9827 � SII�IPSON ST. , west side frora University Ave. to Sherbume Ave. ggg�$ � SIMPSON ST. , east side from Blair Ave. �to Minnehaha Ave. S9829 � VALLEY ST. , both sides from Jacksoa St. to Capitol Heights. S9830 �� ARGYLE ST. , both sides from Orchard Ave. to the North 300 feet. 59831 �1 ROSS AVE., both sides fram White Bear Ave. to ,�� �__�—�_.. ��_ Van Dyke St. and ir� froat of 18�+7 Ro�s Ave. The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. MAY 1 ? 1973' COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas.�,T— Nays Konor�atski CerY P ssed by Counc' cretary MAY 21 1973 Levine �} Meredith � In Favor y Roedler Tedescc Against N u nt - Mayor .:�p�:.� ��_..:< PuB�isH�o MAY 2 6 1973 . m r ,—^* � ti . �. , � . 261�`� . - �,TY „` ,�6 � 9 a� s 1� �4 � �� � Y y O < '� �� ^� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall 8c Court House 55102 � � *� f`�'` :tarch 22, 1973 Mr. Robert :d. Trudeau Director of Finance Room 109 Citv :iall ATT:y: Paul liesc'ri �Le��onstruct-ard/or reconstruct side�•�alks. Dear Sir, Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the .construction and/or reconstruction of the side���all:s listed on the attache�l Administrative Order. The estimated cost tiiereof is $5.50 per lin. ft. for standard side�aalk 5 ft. ��ide and $6.50 per lin. ft. for standard sidewall: 6 ft. wide. Attachec� hereiaith are the followin�: 1. Administrative Order D-495 2. Advisability & Desirability Report Yours very truly, l 1 �l ' �� �. 1��2LC ' ���. 7 -,. Daniel J. Du ord Acting Director of Public �lorks r,Jli/hT/�h ,y {,., . � �.� ...n, � r„�,� ��' ��� `..r?' � a ���,�� �.�Y, y`C`�' � '� '�' � � ,i., < �J - • ..\� 4 ^�� j,..) . •'.1'lf � .� C' , `� ....� ` f��r � �� . �_��� .•'` ,C:`-' ,;:;�� ?�.,nd y!:(,., 4 a,jP� .. ��.iy o� _ e�;i���:� , �.. •� � ,^ , ' . Dist. r;o 1 �3.5. ArC11e S�. — Orcii�rd Av�, to nortli 300' Tnis orr.�r ���a;, initiated by th� Director o� Public l;orl.s on the basis of inspection of t;ie wa1.1�. This ia11k is olcl �ile �,-ith tree h�:r.a.��s, bror,.�r, tile, hi�h joints, tripping ha--ards, water p:,ckets, �ioles in ti:ie, ;;iissin� t.ile, iii�ii lonf,ituciinal joints. Th._� En�rii�e.erin�; r;co�:a;�nca�ion is for al;prova:l of the order. Retr,arks: �:e;a constructiorz on �zst side. ;f�onstruct to width desi�;nated on. plt-�t) C`l' 1.J F�P .� , � - , J L `' Dist. Ido. 1 ' F�.S• ROJ:J Ave. - lvriitebe_ar Ave. to 153' East ot V.in Dyke St. Tiiis order ��as in_itiated 'oy the Director of Public ':?orks as pu�lic necessity on t�ie basis of inspec tion of ttie �aallc. 1'tiis �arilk is olcl tile �aith Cree neaves, broken tile, high joints, tripping tiazards, �,�ater pocl�.ets, holes in tile, high longitudinal joints, asphalt patches anci 30' of_ scaleci con�rete, Ti�e I:n�,ineerin� recor,ir�endation is for approval of the order. (Co,�s truct to wi�tli ciesignated on plat) CT ^ tIJ RP ,� � � '1 . � ' t - llist. i,o. 1 � ' t'�•S• Si_::r;o.i St. — liniversity 1,v�. to Siier'�urne Ave, ril'= ord��r �.:��� initi.�t�:i Li� tiie i)irector of Public t•�or?�.s as pub].ic necessity OIl i:''i�'. i�(:cil:i O� 1_:15�)3Ct10Il Oi t[l�' �Jdl_�:. T[?1:� t�'<lln l:i C;ICl L11.E' c"lIli� �U:::i_C� (:p,1Cri?i:t± \•7.1t}1 tCC'E' jlc'3�;;S� bIOiCE.'il tl.lE'� 111.f?21 ;)U111tS� ZY17�`iIl�� 11?.'L�1�'C�S� �.11}�L'Y �pCi:C.'tS� 110�_CS ll.l t:11C� �llv'il ZGi1�1tiS:.�1:1L11 ;fO:LI1tS H:ICI � asF-�!iult Patches. 1';%t i.II;�1�2i?i:1:C.i?1^ I'P_COI7,^`c_L;r�?i_iJR 1S i0� �1�7rpVa1. of tlle O_:C�i'I. ��Oi;StYi:i:t �O Z•;1G�r�1 CIE'_51�:1<l�:?CI O�l D�at� �"�' HJ fi° �"r';1 � Dist. No. 1 I:.S. Sir:�o.;c,� St. - i�lair t'��:e. to Iiinne?laha Ave. Ti.i_s ord,r �,�a� iaitia�ecl by tlie Director oF YuUlic [dor�.s as g�_tblic I1�C�SS1ty on the basis ot inspectiori of ti�e �,�a1k, T��-�s ��alk is old tile witli tree Eieaves, brolcen tile, n���i ja:itits, tr:ipnin; tlazards, w�ter Pockets, hole� in tile. Tiie Ezigineerin� reconmendation is for approval of tile order. (Cos�strur_t to �ridth designated on plat) C7.' riJ PP =f ;� y: ,� t I3.�. Valle• S_. - ;-� ,� .Tac.�on St. to Gapitol Haights Dist. No. 1 Tilis ��r�ler caas initia�eci by the Director of Public j•Jorks o�z the basis of a r�tition �a:i�iz 1 sigr=>r -representino 35% of the assessable frontage and inspection of the wal?c. This tT:�lk is old tile ���itii braken tile, tii�h joints, tripning hazards, h�les in ti:�e, ni�i: longitt:dinal joints, offgrade and with concrete and asphalt patches. Tii�� Engin���r�ng recomnendaticn is for approv3l of the order. (?t:-�cluc�, frc��� a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. t��?lk) C:i' ti J RI' , _ __ �, , . , �25 �� Dist. No. 1 S.S. Bush �:v�. - At1ai:Cic St. L-o �ohr.son Plcc•ry. 'Ciiis order ���as initiatec? by tiie Director of Public idorlcs on tiie basis af inspection of the �.�alk. / � T�►is �Jalk is old tile witti broken tile, hiE'ci joints, tripping hazards, water pockets, holes in tile, hi�h lon`itudinal joints, and off�rade. Th� Engineeri.ng recomme�.c:ation is for approval of the order. (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. ��alk) CT HJ R'' , ��� �- �' Dist. No. 1 B.S. Central Ave. - Lexington Piccry. i�o, to Dunlap St. Tiiis order ��as i_nitiated by the Director of Public t{7orks as �ublic necessity on the basis of 2 cosnpla�nts and inspection of the �aalk. This walk is old Lil� and poured concrete �aitti tree h�aves, brolcen tile, :�igh jeints, t�-i_pping hazarus, holes in tile, iiibh longitudinal joints, cracked con�rete panels a�lcl scal.ed, tipt ed panels. l�ie E*_i�ineerin� reco�:-nendation is for approval cF the order. (�onstruct to ��l:lt'll desi�nated or� plat) G"i' I iJ I'.I' . � � �A � , .._ _ __ ---_ __ -- -, . :., - c�Eti� r..�..�,: ���;� �>i 'I"t�' C3I' �3:�,. I '`:T ��-'�, IT L I�o:—� ,�< ,-- ���,.,��:��, c,:;,t. , �,:,�y ._ ,>�... , � - OI'1�I(;1; OI� 7'IIL'' �I<�1'OR � ) Daie: =�—�`�- �_"_"? � A _P.'�'ifl�iISTRr�TI i'E O�:DEI: � � � � AD',::i�JS1'R.��TIVE ORDl�l:, � � T't�:.� Ctl�; 11l.YCCC(;?� of t'.:�� DLi�art�'�^nt cf I'ziu3tc �vnr�.s i� :ic�'eby auttlozized an1 $ ��'ti,`� � r "i% .. S a i: 'i:(;t't r r: ^i �iii! �I1V:�S r 1 c ir� t:c ;-c zre i;i.�-�.�:, c:.,t:iir s z`v�y�, , :�i�e csti. zt ti�,ate t:i� R�.CE'_�::.�t' 1:0 i;J?7:>LrUiC ::?u�(±� Tf.:.C�:loiTt.C� til.^-. S1C.iLt'T�i�iC:3 OIl [�ie folJ_ct:,l.^.�� SZ.YGC�S ::�� .�o :7_1 ot:i��r c:orr� �::iic:� i:� si=.��L�JJt�ry �r�d incic:ent�1 to c.nr��nlcte s.zicl ir:_�rover.:e:nt: � . . , .- , _ . _. ,. . _ , --irfj-:.=?:---�2CZ'�—C`-�-i�_i`�"�cF s�`;_�_.. .:.: ,,j, :xfrr—:�--�'�:�-'G�r--n'1�E�_ ,. ,.a�,�"t�t{�. ✓ � ✓ . y,��,y S�::til :�ic.� o� L'u.>:< <��.�e. f���:, lstic�iz�ic 54:, to Ja.i.�<:c�:7 P�-ay. �l'�} W 1�U�h Sk�E':i Of �S'::L��l� t��2. 1-r0::1 1�t?Y_7.Il��t-Oil �i:[s'�!. 1:0• t:0 1�:1RZ.c2i .riL. " /U `3 / :7C_SL 5?.G�: Ga: $i:::r-s:::i .>t. �:i0?il �;::�Vf'T.S:��} 1�V^. �U .�i1cL-�LiYI:E'. E�V�.'. '� �I}'��'" Zs�L �idc� o� :�.:���sn;z SL. �ror:i l:I:ir :�v�. to,-�i�r�eii�:ia Av��. '� ���-� �'• �..'C�ti: �i1C:E_'u C'1i V�'.Z1L',�' :a�. ;ki}:: .i3Ci::�G`�1 .`it. �O C.::�l�'�^.I �if:7.��:1�S � � r �/��_)C) li!li"il !>3_S:i[.'i Oi f1Y.'�',t�L .i�. ��`..'JPI �i���1:1Y'i.� l�i:i?� CO F10?"ttil ._�i'JJf � J:1 ',� �� �:�JZ'il �.'.(�C':. _ r ..v_>:i ii.t%a�. �IOsm.. . _^_s..`.�'L:=1Z' �ii'�. ti. 1 ju� f�`?F;'' n� ��:!Il 1?���-P �[. � � �1i:C �::.i"CC:=^I O� 1"1i?�P_Cf? .L:.i �2C'i'F��)j' C7F::'i.�E?E3 �:U nZ'E:��2�E I:i1C �7'�'1.1.^.i].':2<ll`ti� Oi:<S[Er ...i'�. F :SC.<{�'i;:�._ !`:ii'1:> I:::_Lt�I' {7x Jlitiiif; :IF=�31�_ll�. _ � �,� ". t�" • rl �„/ l ' � __ , � , ,�.. � �, • �j ° r• c � � � - i ; , , r , �, �, ,` r��T:^,vr�� t�s �ro Fo��;i � �. ,%��. . ' �� . f� _ �: -- � -=�-� - � ,__L,__�. ---------- Assi�tani Ci?;Attot�ey �tlb�.1.0 ::OT::3 �:1)�partment }lead r ', ll��n�.�i .T. !)uniorci � , .t1a3.tei .Iu:tle.°� 4 � 1 � . /� - -.._ _ ' • _____ �j . ��_ - �--..�1 . :1 t C ---- -------------- ---- ;. _ -- -- —-- ----�—� ;' �' P.dministrative A�sis[ant to `.!ayor w .i. ::��..� �+.�. �' Y_ � Y? . �' � f a 3 �}' �`�R. � ♦A _�'.....,.�: � 1 ''`� # i �. �k : ,.,�� ��� � S, :f; m 1: �x"5