261246 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK �- FINANCE COII11C11 `^- .^{�' BL�1�Y - MAYpRTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. ��{,Ly�y'`j� � ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Local developers are presently considering construction of a $15 million, twenty-story Hyatt House Hotel in the heart of downtown Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, Such expanded hotel facilities would greatly benefit the downtown area; and WHEREAS, Such expanded hotel facilities would also greatly benefit the Civic Center in terms of drawing more conventions, some of which require that a specific number of first class hotel facilities be available; and WHEREAS, Such benefits would not only enhance the i.mage and stature of Saint Paul, but would also improve the economy of the downtown area and the entire city; and WHEREAS, The Saint Paul City Council is on record as supporting various downtown civic activities and is directly involved in activities of the Civic Center, the success of which means direct and indirect benefits to Saint Paul taxpayers; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City Council of Saint Paul does hereby acknowledge the benefits of expanded hotel facilities in downtown Saint Paul and does express its support of the Hyatt House Hotel development as a direct and far-reaching benefit to the City and the City taxpayers. COUNCILMEN Yeas �.- Nays � Requested by De`partment of: I�k�t• Konopatzki In Favor Levine /� Meredith v Against BY �pc 8oedler �edgsLO-- Mme.President �titla�_ $UYi'�', Adopted by Council: Date I�AY 101973 Form Approved by City Attorney Certi ed P ed by Co r ry BY By Approve Ma r: ate 3 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By Y PUBUSHED MAY 121�7� WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE �IZ,Y OF SAINT PA V L COUIICSl � ��' 1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ��� �'1����� BLUC - MAVOR - .���> � � ouncil Resolution , Presented By ���-,�,�, r '� - � c..t".<..,�Cl�- Referred To ��F Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHER�AS, Local developer� are presently considering canstruction of a $15 ni3.11ion, twenty-story Hyatt House Hotel in tl�e heart of downtown 5aint Paul; a�d WHEREAS, Such expanded hoC�l f�cilities would great2y benefit the downtown area; and WHEREAS, S�ch expanded hotel facilities vould alse �reatiy benefit th� Civic Center in terms of drawing more conventions, sacae of which require that a specific ncsmher of first class hotel facilities be availabZe; and WHEREAS, Such benefits wov2d not on2y enhance the image and stat�re of Sa3nt Paul, t�ut would also impro�e the econamq of tlis downtcawn axea. and �he entire city; sud W�tEREAS, Th� Saint Paul Citp Council i� on record as supporting various down�awn. civic activities and i� directly igvolved in activities of the Civic Center, the success of which �neans dixect and imdirect benefits to Saint Paul taxpayers; now therafore be 3t 1t�SOLV�;�J, That the City Couneil of Saint Paul does �aerebq acknowledge tiie benefits of expanded hotel facilities in downtcn�ra Saint Paul and does espress its su�port af t�e Hyatt House Hotel development as a direct and far--rea.ching benefit to rbe City and tt�e City taxgayers. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � H,��i�� Konopatzki In Favor Levine � Meredith Against BY S�r R�ed2er T..�� �, Mme.President �eet�er— �' � - MAY 101973 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifi�Pas�s�d by Cou�n,.�'r�''S���ry ;� �„ . By BY ....�'�`f� ii %'°'�``��'��-�%��C `t . Approved by Mayor. Date MAIf 10 1973 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By