261242 WHI7E - CITY CLERK CO1111C11 �/61��2 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Cf�N.ARY -.DEPARTMENT M1�� BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resoluti n Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE Q,�,y�„�,� � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date W:�EREAS: Edward J. klexander made application for a IyTotion I'icture Theatre License at 1077 Payne Avenue, and G�IFiEREAS: A public hearing was held in the Council Chambers on NIay 1�� 1973 and said persons attending the meeting opposed the granting of the license to Edward J. Alexander, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the application made by Edward J. Alexander to operate a Motion Picture Theatre at 1077 Payne Avenue, be and the same is hereby denied. COUIVCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � �mTC�_ Konopatzki In Favor Levine � Meredith Against BY � ROEDLER Te�dwsee-- Mme.President$� HUNT �e� Adopted by Council: Date MAY 1 O �7��7 Form Approved by City Attorney , Cert' ied P s ed by Co ' Se BY By Apprnved t�►3t2�Otit Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayo . Date $ g Q g Or� gy pt�ae�atnt to S�etion 6_p8 sy o�' the q.ty �tiarter. PURUNl�D MAY 2 91973 � �WH17E — ClTV CLERK � � � COUIICII /�/�1�'�(", � . PINK — FINt�r��E � (�ITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 .. CANARY —�DEPARTMENT ,� . OLUE � — MAYOR Fll@ NO. Council Resoluti n � � LI V.J_�YJL V�L'Tr'111�ILL � . rresented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date >��'iLt'W:�,�: :.�.;ard �, nlexander ma.de a��_�lica�.;i.en for a ���otion t'ic�ure Ti�eal.,re L�ce:�se � ; i�;,% ; P�.,�r:e x�Ten,,.e, ar:d .�..;:,.�U:�.�: .� :�ub�.ic "earin� �:as r��l�'a .��? �i�� �o��r.ci� �2.a: _ers on :a�- i;, 1;7� az� sai.� ,ersons at'�,e iai��:; ti�e ,;ee�� .� cn��osed ?ne ;rar.t�. .: o= tre liceasc tc r�dtaarA .;, �tle::�.nder, ti:ere:f'o.r.e, be it r ': t t�P. 1�)1��..?Ca�'Ori rr.ad2 ��� ;���T:�'8.?."(Y J. k1�X�.?"'iC1PZ' ��o c�erat,e .-''.. ��U�i.10;. '.�1CLLiT'E _�.LSI:�= :.il: �� F� , '��eatre ��t 10?? ?'4;Tn� Ave..��e, be a�� �he same �_s �ere:��,- denied. COUNCILIIEN I Requested by Department of: Y�as Nays � 1-�t'iri�'= �'-E— �o„_,�,atZt,i In Favor Le�;ine � 17�;e�ith Against BY — ��� -.-,,.r,, , �VJU.Lti�a� . 'rypr�.�.:_4) . . � � � . . . � � .. . 1�4me.President�K �r ``�i MAY � � ���� Form Approved by Cify Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Cert" ied P�s ed by Co�'ri Se �i BY �,'., '�, i : By _ �_ ._ Appx'OVed trt3thOUt Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayo . Date � g �,e O @ y0I'� gy ptiTeuarit toA Seetion 6_O8 BY i of the Ci.ty �iarter, PUQU�m MAY 191973 �,�;;�..,� -��. _..__... __ _ . _ �.....;�... , r � .. _ .. . , �,.�. . : . . . F . ..,�..... .. ._,_.,. � . � � s-/8' ��` � • � C� o?��a _ ya �- � , � cT 7 c� T #� . � JIt�Gt Vr i�li;�iGJ�;11�1 . . . �� � . UISTRICT COI�RT � SECOt�D JUuICIAL UISTRICT r., CO��z.iY OF t�?riSEv � ��� � Edwart; ,�. r�lexanuer, � � � ;;' '' ' Piaintiff, � � i� , vs. OkU[� TC• SFtC'vd CAL'SE � �I; '�, Ci�y of vair�t Paul, � � ir �� a ��ur�ici�al Cor�wration, � � E ��eferfidant. �'{ ------ --4- -------°----------------------------------�----------------- ; T0: Tfi� �tF..,��iiAiaT F4bLV� tJAMEi3: � � � ; � It is nereby orclered that you Gc :,nd arpear at the above narec ; � ;`', Ccurt, at Specia'I Terra before ti�e Nen�ra.�le Sid�iey P, r�bramson, ttocr: 11:��.'. ,� , � '. � in tne Courti house, St. Paul, f�i:;sey Cour�t;•, ��innesota on the �3rd d�y of :. � . � Fiay, 1S'73, at 3:45 p.�n, or as soon theresfter as ccunsel car. i,e ne:,r�l �►�,: � shcrr cause, if ar� you have, sytiy th•� rcli�f r.ra;/eu fcr it: Cir attac�.er� � ; j ttsotjcn siiould not be gra►ite�. A. �` �� � � � '� ,� �t ?�� �Y ?:IE CGURT �, , � !k ' _� � ' I n! , � if: , . ;, , ; r i 3v'-�ZF��I"STk�TC'�i.��'<;�__________--- 'p; : Dated: t�ay , i�`73. _ �,� ,�! :; ` i: _ r,' �k.�, .. � � . � � . .�'i.�- � . . . . � � � � . . � ' � . . j.��� . � . '. . . . "'.I. . .� .. . � � � ��:i. . � � � . . . � � � � � i. . . . . .. . . . . ,z �i, � � � h � I � . . �'�51r"�i i��; =C � . . . . �. '• 3�1.�.!„ :tk�.i�)� �ii;, - ' - , .. . .. � . . - . , . G�c�i���'r c;! �.! �"•g� . � . . � � . . �. . ." .. � - Y�ll� � . . . . . .� � . ....._._.__.-Y..___„�,,,,..e , . - .�._._..._. __. .._._ __ ...-�--- . ._..... ,_,._ ...'--. .....,.....f....r. P'�� �.. _.. . . .. . . � ._.. .._.... .., .w.�.�....r•........�r:.r�. 7kt�' }l,� . . � � � . _ . . � . ._ , � _ _.a� . _ � _. . ,. . ,..,.�,,. ..; . ...• .- , :-�.-. ,� �� . . :� _. .. , 4 � . . , , : � � -. _.,r ....._... ....�� —-- -____. _ _. _ ._ .. ----_ °`. . . _; _ _--' __. _ _ ,,: ._ , . �' � . A ;�x � fi !,x a � � • S7l,TE OF F;IPli��SOTA DISTRICT COUnT 1"� � �1 COL'i�7Y GF RI�,i•1StY SECOi1U JUDICIAL UISTRICT s_+ � � �� ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ �.'; �� Edwurd J. �lexander, �;i' Plaintiff. vs. 1�CTIC[ GF �fGTI4ii a+C� h�OT.C�i � Ciiy of S�. Paul, a b�u��icipal Corporatior, . � Berendant. i ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ � TG T{-i't AGCUE P;hPTJ ii£FEIdDAi�T, CI7Y OF SAIi;T PAUL: � � �� YOU 1r'ILL PLCASE TRKE NOTICE ti�at on the 23rd day of May� 1973 , , � in ti,e Rar�lsey County Court {�ouse, City of St. �aul� County of Ramsey, Sti�e ; r of �?irnesota. in Room 11G2 before tf�e tionorab7e SS�ney P. /'�bramson at 3:3w p.m. or as soon thereafter• as counsel .may be heard tne plaintiff will r�ve C the court for the fullowing order: � 1. Restraininy and en�oinirg the D�:fendant City. 1is agents. � - servants and emp]oyees from arresting or threate+�ing to arrest plaintiff ar � any perso� ir, con��ection ���ith ti�e operation of ti,e Capitol ±f�cater, 1077 Payne Averue, St. Paui, �iinrtesota, for operatinq a m�otior� pciture ti�ea�er � i arithou� a licerse iri violEtion o` Sec. 372 of t�ie St. Paui Leo�slativc i,cc:e. � _ s� � � � /s/ F.cbcrt �l. !'il<<�retz � i `c�J.(�iL�,V[ � A�torn�y fur Plaintiff ,:?::, Duii� 7o��rer � t�inucapolis� t�innesota J�4C� � rrr � Il' 33�-�.;�5 �c � �: � : _ � i � ; r �� .-. y�.ir � �. . . .. - . . ' . . .. � . .•� .... � I . . . � � � . � . . � . �. . . .� � _ � . ��I . . � � . � . . . _ ... . . �. . +� . . . � � .. .. . � .. .� . � . I �.. I . � ' � � . � �� � .. �. � . .. . . � . � .. ' , . �. � � . � � . . _ . . . .. . . . �.. . . ..._ . . .. . . . - . �«. . .v� . �- .� .. � . �v.� I�, �-'. . . . . . � . . � . . ' . r. � � ...� . .:.: .� . ' .... � . - �- ,i�'�wl�}�wG}� :. . . . . .. . . . .., , •r ..:.,� j..y.....-.:-n.-� �.r+'.'�-_ �.�, A" .'.�. � - � � . . . ... . � . . ' . � . , . �.. . ., �. . . . � .�. � � .. . .. � � . . , '< < � . � � . , . . . � . . . , . � . �� ... . . . ` . , . . . . . . � , . � :�1!� . � . . . . . � . STAT� OF PiIPiitESOTlt DISTRICT CGUi27 . COU;;7Y OF itAt��S�Y SECUNO JU{3ICIAL DISTF.ICT '� Edl,ard J. Alexan�er, � � �' Plainti`f, �� , vs. SUF�;OtiS � ' ��` Ci�y o` St. Pau i, . + a i�iut�icipai Corporatioo, F �� ' t)efendant. ,� �� �a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . �` T�: Th� STATi: C�F (,I�;i�L-SOTA 70 T�iE AEOYE P;/!,z�ED DEFEt;OA(IT: �. �. You are l�ereby sur,ur;oned and required to serve upon piainLiff`s ; , , �< < attcrrey an Gnswer Lo t+�e complaint which is herewith serve� upon you �aithin �;� �= twenty (ZG} days after service of tl�is suamwns upon you. exclusive aP tne `� day of service. Tf you fail Lo do so, 3udcr^ent by default wil] be tak�n !�9 �j against ycu for tne relief demande� in the complaint. t� ' ��/-�r-(:oc�ert ,I.��?:yi�l�avetz ��. . �"•l�L-G Fl�t Y L 1 L - � Attorney for P1air�tifP Z�4; Dain Towe�• � ;�Si nneapol is� P�innesota 554G2 � � 332-5555 "� � '` ��; t 4S, � �:� _ r � � ei �yo � !Y . `�� ; . � . . .. .. . ♦` fF �;. '+; : �' r�, ' �.. ,,� �s d�: r �� _ �.�f. . . . . ':.'Y �.}� � � . . � �. . ! �.�.. ��` .. � i��. . �, i�, r �. �,� , � i� i; �_ f}V � r�� �. ;� � � � _ . �*d � . , _ _ . . � . . . . . -. ��., . . . � .. . . . . . . . �: � , . � . . � �. . . .. � � : � �. � . �,,.� �.,F...a.� . o � �.. .� ......�..� ...�:.�:�.y..,,� . ,s � �:,, m. ,.:. , , , . ,. _ _>, ". , : � . STATE OF RiIN;iLSQ7A UISTRICT COURT ! � COU�;TY OF i�A,"1S�Y SECOi�D JUDICIAL DISTRIC7 � :',; ------------------------------------------------�--------------- ----------- �',' Ed�<iard J. Alexar�der, ` �� Piaintiff, �`.• i:�,; ' ! vs• ` COtiPLAIN7 ' ` City of St. Paul, _ a h;unicipal Corpora�;ior,� `; Defendant. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- � COt:ES i;utd THE PLlIIiVTIFF F�i;G FOR tiIS CO�,PLAIPIT AGAIt�ST OEFEPi��a7� STATcS !'!iD `` ALLEG[S: I. �� P]a�n�iff, Edward Alexar�der. desires to operate a motion picture �'� ti�eatcr consisting of approximately 650 seats at 1G77 Payne Avenue in t��e '; � Gi�y o` St. Pau1, County of Rumsey� SLate of t�ijinesota. kr,ewn as tiie °Capitol sa �„� iheater" a�d intends to ext�iGit to citizens of tne United Statc:s r�otion t.. ;'�cture filrns protected under the First Acnendment to the United States �'sa � Constitution. II. Gr or abouz t��e ;� day of _ E,r�ril , 19i3 plaintiff dul� app7iea to tt�e City of St. Paul for a notion �,icture ti�eater ii:.ense tc �_ � � �: eperate tiie a�oresai6 t��ea�er pursuant to Sec. 372.G et sc;q c` tt�e �.e.,-fs- � ' ]aiive Codc of the Ci�y of Sz. Paul ard cJuly tendered t;ie su�a c° $15�.Gu, � � III. � � Sectiuri 372 of tne Legislative Code of the City of SC. Pau7 provi�Ses ... �= us fcllo�vs: � �`'° 372. i'ISCElL14'�EOUS LICL��S�S � r �',', 372.�T. L'1C@,�se �cc,uireu, t;o persa�. st�a;l conduct or erigage sn any o,` ti�e � : ` fo�loti�;icig bus�inesses or act9vities without t�eing duly lieerised and having r;. � `' - paid thc iicense fee for sucn busisess or acttvity: � - ��_ � ` i. Gunpo�v6er. For selling or dispensfng gunpawder or guncotton, ir, ar�y �uantity - �aO.00 per year. _ � ^ , �� e �� -1- � � � �+;. � �', ` ` ' - �'-`; � � � . _ . �:� � � �� � � ,, �� i..'� .. . a � ���'�� � , ae �±'*ar uci... :�+t[pF. ' _ � .. . � ,r�. .e., .._ -�ws.. . .,r�..•7�'-7Mt �' • . . ' ` ' . .. . � . � � . . '� � t. �. .� . � . . . . . �� 2, t'�erry-g�-ro�r,ds. For �!aintaining or operating a �^erry-go- _ � � . rourid - S�O.GC �er wetk or portion thereof. tp 3. Plotior� f'icture The��res. For maintaining. operatin� or F co�iuuctir�g a t�'.oticn Picture ;t.eater with va�devil ie cr tf�eatrical ex±�ititions - �' � ;,3:,O.GC per year. � <<. Fcr maint�ii�iir�g, operating or tonaucZiny a i�'otion Pic�ure .� � T:�eater eaithout vaudevil]e or theatrical exhibitions - �1�Q.00 per year for '� less ���an 75G sea;:ir ca �acit t p�r year for 750 to 1QC0 scatir,; ��` 9 i' Y� .210.G0 �t capacity; aZ70.00 per year for 1000 to 15G0 seating capacity; �350.G0 ;er � � year `or ovcr 7500 seating ca^acitv. , ; � . � s (Fr�m Ordirance 5244, passed ,lanuary 31, �920; Ps�endect: C�rdir,ance �' ��� 7619, Ju��c 4, i�35; Ordinance E927, Ju1y I6. 1947; Ordinar,ec 105G1. July 15, � .; � 19�5; Ord. 134G�, Sept. 30. 1966.} � IV. ` 7i�at Li�e appiication of p�aintiff �aas referred to tt�e Licersin� � Cor��r�;ittee of the St. Paul City Council en ti�e day of �'ay. 7i�e Licec+�ir�g Comrnittee of t�e City of St. Paul voteti to reconr�end deniai u' ti�e licer�se and on the lOth day of Nay� 1973 the City C�uncil of the City of St. Paul denied to the plaintiff a lieense to operate tne aforesaid tr�eater. � `� V � E Sectior, 372 of ti�z Code of urdSr�arces of tf�e City �f St. Pau� ��. � ��.' is void and vlolat�ve of the First� Fift�� ard Fourteent�� P�reer,dme►�ts to tne � i c '; Uiii�ed Stai.es l.Of�5�1tUL10i1 in *na�: � `� 1. Sectio�; 372 of :f.e Orcfirance places unlinited discretior� ir t;�e � P S�. Paul City Counci'i to deny a motion picture theater licer�se ►vithout � f sufFicieni: stardards to pro�ect press rr,aterials in violation of the m�a�,dai:e � r6 ( ,�, �, of the United Sta�es Suprerae Court in Irrterstate Circuit v. Gallas, 39C' G'S '' 67u. � �' I'' . � : 2. SecC�on 372 of the Oi�dinance +�as no sufficient proce�ural �`� safeguards to protect free speech in that it provides no itme ilmiC in Y �- � '�� �� � -2- r,. �' +t- ^ �r �ir , � I�,. f�': 1-- � f� __ � ���i � � . . . .. . � � _' � � . �p, - � � . � . � . . . ' � . .. � . . .. .:�: '°'w°�;^atiq,"»+i�' :: . . . .. - . a _:., ...�,� ...,c�.:._ ,:. : "a::x.,-::.-°f �w`�' r - , _.' , . 9S- �:.• ' , .. t; . . . . ...:: _ . . , . .. , s .: . . .. .. �. .+ � . �� � . . � . . . . . . . . . � . .. �. �- � � . #'i.,. �. � � . . � _ � . . . � � � � � .. . . t' wi�ic�� a iicense aE,plication r�ay �e granted or denied and upon denial of a �� s:� � '�; • 7icerse t�e exf�ibitors have tt�e burden or procceding Sri violation of tl�e �� `�' rr�n4aie of ti�e United Sfiates Supreme Court in Freedr�an v. t��aryland. 3EQ i,� 51. '�,; V I. ��' � 7Ha� under the cperation of S�ction 372 of St. Faul Theater � #� i� � Licensirg Crdir,ance plaintiff Edvrard J. Alexartder is betng denied his ri�nts � of Free S;?cech ar;d Press under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to ti�e - U,�it�d Sta�es Cans�itu;.ior� as r.�andated by tr�e United Sta2cs Supreme Court � itt Yi�c11^ Y. i:111rE5Gi.d� 2t5� L$ Ey7. VII. ^ Ttza� t�ie der.ial of the ;icense r;as aruitrary� ur�rcasonable anC '` � c�pr�cious an� ir, violation of plairtiff's Fourteentt� �Intendr�ert rights to . °�* �t;e Unitcd StaLes Cc;nstitution Co �ue ?rocess a�id L�ual Froteciion of ti�e � � Lati•rs and in viola�ior o` the ConstitutlQn of the State. � ; � ;fIII. � Tiiat tn�: denia7 of the license was v9olative o` tr�e Free Sreecr, ai.0 � Press Previsions o` tire First and Fourteerth Amensre��ts of t1�e l;nited � I '! States Constitution and of ti�E ConstStution of this State. i IX. Tt�at unless defenGant is restrain�d, plaintiff vurily be;ieves tha� aefendant, its agents, servar,i.s ard employees. wi11 arrest ar,� tiireater, to arresL piaintiff and h�s empla,ees for violation of Sectiur, 372 of ti�e � � � Lec�isiaLe Coc12 0` Ll;e Cit of Si.. Pa�1 w�;eri ' Y p�ainLiff operates the said ��,.� � � � ii�eater rritiiout a licer;se and t�i17 deny plaintiff ar�d thc pubiic their � t� First f,men�rrerit rights ta ext�ibi� anci receive a�otior� picture shows. � X. � T�at tf�e t�ireat of arresL t�as a ci�illing effect on nlainLiff's rigi�Ls a �.' �o Free Spe•eei� aiiC Press �rd has orevented p�ainttff from oFer3ting the saiG �: � - 7heaCer wit;iout a license. • �. � � _g_ � � I � �j . .. �� 1 i , +`: �.�.. . ���.1� � � . � . . . . .; . . � . i� ... � � .� . � . .. � . . . . ... . . . .. .. . .... ... . � . � I� . . . .. �.._..� � . � .. . � 7f . . - - li . . r . • ' � ..� .. .. . .. � .�. . . . .. _ - �.i.. � � . . . . ,_ . 'e:3M'3.',�;,r..:� . ;a � - � ...� , . ,. . .,._-., a� .y-_... ` ...� �,::,.......+....�-w�a+L,�a 4c:s •F'i , e � _.. � s� . .:� � -� . . . :_. . _,�� � . , ,.- �! � �: .' . -� , . . . . � . � �.;.�.'b„ , . � . . 'M�• .. . . � . . . . _, . . . . � . . �. . - . . : :;� I . . . .. . . � ... � . . . .. �.i�. . . . .. . � . . . � .. .. 1 . � . � ' . . . . . . . �. f . . �� � � .. . . . . ��.. . . .. . . . . � XI. _ � . 7�:a� piair�Liff �r;d the y7ub�ic iiave no ac�equate rcmedy at law s�nce ; �3, �t�e arrests �•;iil s��u� dnE�;�� the ineater per,dfng the u]Lir�te Get�rmtnatiun �� of L-he va3idity af tr�e liccr�sir�; ord'Er�ar,c� and t'r�e Qenial of piainLiff's .�; ;:� sp;,i i cv�i o::. � � ;:_ '� KII. ' �, a Plairi�tiff a;:c: �i�e pubiic are belr�g irre��arably irj�red. '3 f��• 1�;1�n�Fi;�i:, Fiainiiff prays the Ccuri, for an Qrdcr us fo�lores: ;� l. G�•�r;t;►;r, to ��e pla�r,tiff a nrelim4r,sr,� and parcanent in�ur�cLicn �` w.,'«i�is;, t�:e def�r,d4��c ifis accnfis, servar,ts aad trployees fror.� arras�ing cr �.� it�;.:�:i;e;�in� io arresr plain�i`f or any oti;er persun ir� ccnr+ection wZt;, t�.e � cpera;.ior� 0'� �tiE �dp�td� iliedi.�P. 1G77 Payrie �tivcr�uc, $L'. (��U�. i�in�,ESGLd. �}� :� 7or c�cr•a�ing a rr.otior; �ic;:ure ti�eater ��,it.out a license in v�olatSor� o` � Sectior,. 37'L of tl;e 5t. ,'aui Lec;isiative Code. E+� . ".�': i:. u::clari;,g t:iat aie Ccnial of �laic;tiff's :,pplication far c � ro��an �icture �l;eatc:r license ��as i11;.Ga? ancl in violat9on of the Cot;s�i t�:'wicrr o1' ti;� lln�i,ed State;, and of th1 s Statc. 3. Ducl4ring �t�at Seetion 372 of tnc St. Paui Leqls�ative Code ` is vo�id and u;;cor�siiiu;iatial ar,d is violailve of ihe Corsti tutton oP Lh3 �'" U�.iieci States ar��� of Li�fs State. �' �� _ �` 4. EnSuf�iitl� dfi(� restrainii�, ucfcndants, Ct1011" d�Cf1L5 .7itu StC'V3�..S �k fra;� t�arrassi7ic� Ut' uitir�ai,Ci�J 01^ ILtC!'1���Ilq t0 t;:,rraSS or int�(1�c;:�LC �` r�. ;�, �I�ir�2iff, f,?s age���ts ar,c; e;:sployees �'or ��ersiinq saiu tt�eaCer anC rctr,fr.ir�, ,� -f� � ,�iUT'iS�1C�1CCi Of LiilS CdSC >O L�'��i. LhC plaintiffs W{1 f i101 di.LitliQL �".4 �` c9rcutnvesit �i�is Court's �iruer. �� � � '- �. f'ar sucn c���er ar�d S'urtt;er reitef as tn t3�e C�urt r.;�y sec.� � ��' ,. =� just 4nc: ectui�at�2e u�:der u�e cSrcumstances. �_ . �. � /sl �:c'�vr� � ':;i14re�:T. ; �:�:L'�i?T��. 1'I�'!'�i'Z 4 +: E i�ctcrney ror P]afntiff • '' <� 234� aa�n �'o�ver *'. �' ;'i��naa�.�oiis. F.innesota 55�G4 � '� `"'� 33Z-5555 � �" '�` f y . � ;�: -4� f• : �" s i ��� r . � _ � . : .. .. . � . . � ... . . � . �`� .. . . . . , . . . . • . � �� ��,�� � . . . � . . . � . � . .. . � . . � � . .. . . . _ � . . . . . .. . .. � . . � . � . -... .. � � � . . .. .. � _ ,. �. �. " . ' . ; . . . . .. . . . .S: . . . _ . , . . . .. � ,•��� ,.:.,�:�.�,,. �, , , ,. . ,�:: � � .� �.� . :, -�.:--�, . � � - � h•. .• . . . . Q t !€� • . . . . � . . . . . . .. . T ��-..1 � . . . . . . �Z�- � . . . . . . � ' ,. i il .. ��� � • � � . � . {.-. ��� � �� . STATE QF t�It;i;[SuTA "� ss: �� COUt.TY OF fL�i'SEY , sa ��� Edward Alexandcr, �eing first duly sworn. on oath deposes and g � � says: that he is tlae plaintiff herei�; tha� he has read the foreqoing - compiaint and {:nows �Lhe conte7ts thereof, and that tne sa�r�e is true of 1.is o�rn kr�od�.ledge excep� as is trerein stated on informution and be]tef. and as �o such mat�ers he believes them to be true. ' �/ EGviard rlexar,der u !lR AL �( i;u y 4 � � , Suuscri bed �and srrorn to .�efore me . f� t�i s 11 tt� day of ;1ay, 1973. � '� • ^ ;;� , �ictary Public i ' � YA��'",F�l<x '�,� .... : � ' . ., ' " y r� „ ,::d P� 3, , ,� ,,,,.�.., ,,,,,, .� � �; � . �. . �' ... . � . . � _ �, � G c.�+ � �� � 4. . . . . . � . . .� , � � � . .`y' ti5��� � � . � � � . � . . . . . � �" � .. . . � . .. . . � : � .. .. �=�- � . � � � .. �j,,� ' � . � � . . . . f . . a. �' � � il °k i�` ' _ -` � � � . . � i��: � k�� � }��, _ . � - , ;�-� . � _ . ir� . �� � . . . e � ► w` . .-� � F a��ay� .. r STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF RAMSEX SECAN� JUDICIAL AI�TRICT File No. Edward Alexarider, Plaintifi, v. G1 ty of Sii nt Paul, a h�un�cipal Carpcar�tion, S LT B P O E N A Defendant. THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, To A1 t��S��i Sidney Abr��on You are hereby ordered to appear persanally before �oa�ud�e pre�idia� at the t�rial of the above- entitle� �tion in the Court Ho�ase in 3t. Paul, Minnesota, on �ednesd�Y. Maly Z3, 19?3 a� � �r�i[!:-p.-m.� to testify as a witneas called by plaintiff-d�f�ltd�dc Bri ag wi th you �nd ha ve wi th you at I rec+�rcts of Ci ty Gt erk re't ati ng �a �h� 1 i cense �pplication nnd denlat th�reof afi Edwa�rd A1�xander ar+d a11 l�cer►se records of the Capi tal 'Fi�eater. Witneas The Honorable JC�.'YN W, GRAFF, ��$�ct Judge thie�.���Y o�y� ���� JOSE.PiI P. I,A NASA� Clerk (COURT gEAL) By Deputy € 1[.B.A. 8H�0. 698.OS � .01. "R�' A1VY PER80N DULY BUSYOENAED TO A1T�ND A$ A W1TNE88 lAILS TO DO 80 WITHOUT AEASON- AHLL E7CCU8E, IiE BAA.LL 8E LIABLE TO THE AGGRIEVLD PASTY IN A C1VIL ACYION POS ALL DA1lAG�B OCCASIONICD BY BUCH FAILURE. RUCH FAILZTRS TQ ATTEND AS A WITNE88 IS .1► CO2QTE1[PT OF COURT AND �[AY HE Fi]I�716tdSA HY A FINS NOT E7(OffiEDINO {860.00, O$ 8Si I7[PSI�ON1tENT IN JAIL NAT ERCEEULRl(i SIE 1[ONTHB, 08 BOTH." cnc aao BR�I�TG THIS SUBPAENA TO �:OUR'�' �'• • . . _� � \ � � � � � a , � � �' � gi5 � � =• p nH x , � � � zd ° a ° � a � � d � � � � � ° '� °0°' � � `�d ►� � x � d � a n, � �d r� A►-� o �'. � � oo � c AH � �, '. r. � � a � � o z � � � ° g a � ro d � � � � � � � � �: � y �" o �' � � � � � � � a � � �"�• r + � � d y ' �(TY8 iLOiBB�LLILiIO� !�� •ua�yq'�uno� �faeiu� '�gqnd �ois I�� eiu azo�aq a} wioese pas PaqI,�agqn8 •pasaaappB ssas Buaodqns aq� naoqm o� uoeaad 0u; �r eurno eq� e� epiecu os eses e�� qone acoqes aodn uoeaed aq3 �vq� saea�ecl �I�s� 3��dTB �g� Pug 'I�e�3 � �� P� a� ,�eq-utT� K3�m ��t P����P�t 6 �a.�eq� PaQea�PPg ese► �� cuoues o� uo�,�ed eq� , odn�aodqne Su�oaa,�o;eq� pee.xae a o '�ooeua�yQ ' �asa� �o �i�uno� eq3 ut ��� �dYw pag �todep '�wmo d'�nP ��;8 � ��s��� 30 �xno� �sos�xxi� ,�o �s�ss � . . . � � a� iaya :�s����s�����e��. C�� �/� o •� / A � � ��.�,�'���� � . • � ' � JOHNSON HiGH SCHOOL 4 • • � 1349 ARCADE STREET� ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA 55106 � V���V� � y • � i • �� •���s�����N����� � . WHEREAS Johnson Senior High School is located within the community in question; and WHEREAS Johnson Senior High School is composed of citizens and voters to be of the community who are concerned ab�ut the morals and decency of community; and F]HEREAS the licence applicant intends to use the Capitol Theatre for the showing of certain objectionable adult films; and uTHEREAS the Johnson community is indeed striving against �crime and for a peaceful and decent community life; and WHEREAS a theatre of this type w�uld bring certain undesireables into our community, BE IT RESOLVED that the John A. Johnson Senior High School Student Council is opposed ta the issuance of a licence for operation of the Capitol Theatre Iocated at the corner of Payne and Magnolia Avenues for the showing of "Adult Entertainment Movies" and ask that the City Council Licence Committee and the City Council of St. Paul, Minnesota reject the Capitol Tneatre' s ap�lication for licence.* *passed by the Student Council on Thursday, April, 26, 1973. , � --._� �1 /� ��,,��'`� ����� , r -�..f�'`.i' 'f" �'� ;°,�.l..�� v�__..._.--- ' C._-- %;;"1'�� ' `'�` � �'', fi '.s-i > � l 1 c..- �; , U- Je£irey R. Bau�r, Pr�sident, Robert Sanzt, Vice Presider.t, Jahnson High Studen�t Council Johnson High Stuc3ent CaunciZ May 1�, 1973 Nir. Kenneth Fitzpatrick City l�t�orne�dT 13uildin�; Llear Sirt The City Council rei'erred to ynu the attaChed 0�`�DF.R TO SIiOW CAUSE� etc. in A rnatter before the Distric� Court entitled Edward J. �.lexander� Plaintiff� vs. Gity ofi' Saint �'aul, DEfendant. V�ry truly yours� City Clerk ng