261238 WHITL - Cll� LERK ����y�� �NA�Y =�'�TMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � 1 � _ uncil Resolution � Presented By �- / Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS : � l. the Council has by Resolution No. 261060 adopted on April 12, 1973, authorized the issuance and sale of $4,500,000 Capital Improvement Bonds , Series 197� to be dated May l, 1973; 2. the appropriate City Officers have, pu�su- ant to said resolution, caused proper published notice of the sale of the bonds to be given as required by law and sealed bids , pursuant to said Notice of Sale, wer� received until 10 :00 o' clock A.M. , Central Daylight Time on Wednesday, May 9, 1973, in the office of the Director of Finance and Management Services , Accounting Division, of the City of St. Paul; and 3. the Director of Finance and Management Services of the City has advised the Council that the bid of �e First Natio�ial ��-:nk of Chicago, Account Manager, and Associates, including the American National B�nk, Saint Paul was found to be the mo�t advantageous, and has recommended that said bid be accepted. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that l. th e b id of �e First National Bank of Chicago, Account Manager, and Associates, inc u ng e er can at ona an , aLn Paul to purchase , 500,000 Capital Improvement Bonds , Series 1973 of the City in accordance with the Notice of Bond Sale at the rates of interest hereinafter set forth and to pay, COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: � Yeas Nays x� Butler �- Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY ` x�pxafica�x Roedler Tedesco Mme.President �� Hunt Form Approved C' y Att ney Adopted by Council: Date - Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved or for Submission t ouncil By BY /�-'°`C� . . . � �, . . � .. :;. . ��. . 26�.�3� therefore, the sum of $4 ,500 ,000 plus a premium of $ 396.00 is hereby found, determined and declared to be the most favorable bid received and is hereby accepted and said bonds are hereby awarded to said bidder; 2. the Director of Finance and Management Services is directed to retain the deposit of said bidder and to forthwith return the good faith checks � or drafts to the unsuccessful bidders ;� 3 . said bonds shall be payable as to principal and interest at The First Na�ional Bank of Saint Paul, in St. Paul, Minnesota, or The Chase Manhat�Ean Bank, N .A . , in New York, New York, at the option of the holder; 4. the bonds bearing the serial numbers and maturing in the years as follows shall bear interest as follows : _ Years Serial P1os. Iriterest Rate 1974 A- 1 to A- 90 4.00% 1975-1983 A- 91 to A-900 4.40% 5. the Council hereby ratifies and approves each and every act of the Sinking Fund Committee in connection with the sale of the said bonds ;� 6 . said bonds shall be executed by the �'ac- simile of the official seal of the City of St. Paul lithographed thereon and signed by the lithographed facsimile signature of the Mayor, attested by the litho- graphed facsimile signature of the City Clerk and countersigned by the manual signature of the Director of Finance and Management Services and the interest cou- pons attached to each bond shall be executed by th.e lithographed facsimile signatures of said officers ; and -2- r WHIT& - GTV G'_ERK ��1�3[� PIfJ� -.$IN �CE Council �� 1 �� BLUER�-MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 7 . the bonds of said issue ma.ture without option of prepayment, shall be dated May l, 1973, and sha.11 be numbered from A-1 to A-900, both inclusive. Interest on said bonds will be payable November 1, 1973 and semiannua.11y thereafter on Ma.y 1 and November 1 in each year. -3- COU(VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas -�— Nays � Konopatzki In Favor Levine � Meredith Against BY �adia Hc�edler .Tedocr�c--- Mme.President � �� Q Adopted by Council: Date MAY 9 197�+ Form Approved y ity torney Certif' ed by C Frc'ri �tary BY By Approve by Xor: e Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY P86C1SHED A4AY 1 g I�7� � .: . � DEPARTMENf CF FIN,�,NCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DlVISiON OF ACCGUNTING 109 CITY HALL SAINI PAUL, MINNESOTA 55?�2 kC3�R" �'.. -. '.�UFAU _ CLEMENS .. �`��t�C�; �"E` A����.i 6, 197 3 cn�e+ A.<- : _:,, :�';: '�` - al Ols�r �� . C;zi� Clerk'� Ofiic�. 307 Cit} Hall � i;�:�r A1, Attached h�rewi=�� is a copy cf Not.ice :�f Bond Sale as approved b;� the Sin'�in� F�.ind Cc.�mittee .�t their mEetin�r cn 4pril -�th. 'il�� couacil reseiution p_�:�cribing �he �o_m cz ho.r.d and coupcn fcr each issue of bends tc� be ::01�� on s:ay 9, 1973 will ref�r tu the NoLice "a cop•� ot which is on file in the o�fi�e ��f tne City Cle�k" . � Also, wi�1_1 yau please note that che a��rard o�; the bortd� to r -, cUCCES.�fUl tJi.CiCIE.Y W��.i CE.' IDti�l'. G!i i�iay 9� 19;3. L�CCOY��lilso"iy� W1�.� . �-o� please include t�_is cn the Agencia for tnat da_v. If yo�.� n��ec� fu��t��-;' info��ma�ion ��-=se call m��, , p.._.� S incere iy, Rcbert W. Trudeau, Director ._ . . . : .� Barbara ,�sbury (Mrs.) , ���ach, cc: Jerome Sebal � .��-�.�4� . DEPARTMENT OF FINA MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVI OUNTING ALL SAINT SOTA 55102 ... ■�■ ROBERT W. TRUDEAU CLEMENS J. SCHLECK DTncfor Chiaf Accounfant April 28, 1973 Mr. A1 Olsen Council Recorder City Clerk's Office Dear A1, I am transmitting herewith copies of the Notice of Sale and Official Statement to be distributed to the members of the City Council and for your files, The bonds will be offered for sale on May 9, 1973 (Wednesday) and the award or awards to the successful bidder or bidders will be made by the City Council at their meeting that day. Will you please include this on your agenda for the Council meeting on Wednesday, May 9, 1973. , Sincerely, Robert W. Trudeau, Director G�'�/��— v Barbara Asbury 12 copies P.S. Please call if you need additional copies. cc? Jerry Segal �� �