261236 ... .' .. . . . . . . ' . . ' / .. .. . . ., . . � � ..,. M ' i � � l f CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. �5��`�" FINAL ORDER By � In the Matter of .. � . -. Constructing and reconstructing sidewalks and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, except where it is determined � that good and sufficient poured sidewalks now exist: ' Finance File No. Description S9799 I ELEANOR AVE. , south side from FairvieW Ave, to Sumner St. 59800 �- ELEANOR AVE. , both sides from Cleveland Ave. to Finn St. S9801 3 ELEANOR AVE. , north side from FBirview Ave, to Sue Place. /� �4 �` • 1 S9803 S WELLESLEY AVE. , south side from Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave S9804 e JAMES AVE. , north side from Wheeler St. to the East approximately 120 feet. S9805 � JAMES AVE. , north side from Wheeler Street to Fairview Avenue. , �,p c4 I J 70V���- � J ,S�_ �-��___ .. 3 S9807 y ANNAPOLIS ST. , north side fr rnn ,Sqtith Avenue to Chippewa Avenue. S9808 �� AALL AVE. , both sides' from West Is�a'�e1 Street to West Delos Street. . � ,,- ,- ; ` '�'i`�:; _ - X__.�� rk.. _ .� _-__�9�,.:------- _ ; RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authoaized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. MAY 91�!"3 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas -F?��e+�- Nays ��;�:,opatski _.- Ce ' d assed by u '1 ecretary;MAY � 0 1g73 L<:vine � P;'.:�r��dith �In Favor By , F�,d�er T"'�-�v-- Against F:;;n t Mayor l�UBU8HED MAY 121973 ��� , t . � , • � 1 � _ a, .���� .' ����' ��TY qo �� �ati s� z r ' .a '/,�7�� a - C 'I JB ,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS 234 City Hell & Court House 55102 March 9, 1973 Mr. Robert t+l. Trudeau Director of Finance Room 109 City Hall ATTT1. Paul Desch " Re: Construct and/or reconstruct side�oalks. Dear Sir: Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the construction and/or reconstruction of the sidewallcs listed on the attached Administrative Order. The estimated cost thereaf is S�•SO per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft. wide and $6.50 per lin. ft. for standard sidewall: 6 ft. wide. Attached herewith are the followin�: l. Administrative Order D-464__ 2. Advisability & Desirability Report Yours very truly, i ✓ � � . . / ,1 �� Cr Daniel J. D ford NO Actin� Director of Public ti�or�.s WH/hT/gh � � �>n White —"City Clerk V x fL� �Z' �1�1�l Jr ���1.U�i .. ,I, y �'l? � Pink — Finance Oept. ' , • NO: �-� �anory— DCPt. , • - � ori�-icL or z�i�: •z��ioi� . . . . ��AR ' Date: 8 1��� ADDIINISTRATIVE O�DER . . . _ , ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, - . . _ - Th�t the Direc�or o� the D�p�rt�9nt of Pz3�l.ic T�ark, is hereby authorized and � diraete:i to prenare �l.ans, ohL-aiu surveys, prepare esti:nates and investigate the nece..�At3� to eer��truct aud/or zecor.�truc� thc sicic•�ralks o� tfie fo�.Iawin� stree�s r�..n.d cz� alI other c,rork tirhic;� is necesc�ry �,n�i incide�etal to co�plete said inprove�ent: ✓ � 5�--�79�Sou�:h s3.de of EleAnox Ave. iror� Fairvieva l�t�e. Lo Su�*.�zer St. '� � 1 �+ T� ,i �` � - �_ ����� Tkrtn si�tcs ai E1��F1fJY •�SYe•.�Xr�.UYIi_.W1:t:�iY���Y2'tki..,Iii�L''• �LQ.:2:}.aZI1 .JL. ,s- y�d r �Ior�h side of �le�enor Ave. fror� Fa�rviec�r Ave. to Sue PI.. '� '�B tis sic�� of T3�c�enuorsd Ave. froia Fairviet:r Ave. to 1ios�ell St. '� . � 9���,� , � . . �3 Sou� szcle af `�Tellesleq Ave. tro� Fairvie� Ave. to Prior s'1ve. '' t.s' �8" ,, S `� �d�Nort�i s�cie of Ja�s Ave. fro� �,'heel�x St. to East �ppraxi�tely 124i `' _ � . ✓ , � ;S- `��4 2�orth sid� of James Ave. fro� I�:�eeler St. to Fairvi.�a Ave. S - 9�'t'JfaS�tith s�cie ef .iamQ� t�.ve. _f.?ca�: �73z�eler Sx. to 'i:a�t �gpx'r�ximar.:a).y ,t��i° ,� �`— �2;osL'n side a� �napal;�s St. fro� Scaith Ave. to Chipp��a At�e. '� _ . . ��� w �°����BvLh aides of riall Ave. frors i�. Isa.bel St, to W. Delas St. '' �ii� Director of Fiiz.3uce is here��g direczed to prepare �he preli�inary order and sehed e thfs r�tter far public �iearin�. �� " - .,. : :. , � , _ : _ .. , .. � _ . _ _ . ,-._ -. .�_,. ✓��,� ._ .. .. _ . _ _ . . _ : . : . J/ 'U C1 � l _ , _ ;; . . • . _ � ' 3�, �,� . � . _ . : __ . i � ✓ .. .. . . . . . �iPPROVED AS�'4 FORI��i ' � . � <<_ . , _ ,,- .. � .� � � i • ,� ' � , :.'�G��� . � tcf.�f�7' � Assistant City f.ttorncy -�� G Or ,�� epartment Hea� � � A�niel J. Dunford � . _ �4al.t�r �iurt�.cy = "�-� r __ -~Y �' � � - .�_- _ , �_ ._ : . ..�-. _ .. . .� �ar�__ . - • Rdministr�tive Assistant to Mayor , � 3-� . � � • . .. . , .- ,��� '`3��` � Dist. No. 2 S. So Elearior Ave. - Fairview Ave. to Sumner St. Thi.s order was iri:itiated by the �Director of Public Works on the basis of inspection or the ��all:. T':iis �aa1k is old poured concrete with tree heaves, high longituclinal joints �` off�;rad�, asPhalt patches, clisinteGrated, cracl:ed conere�e panels, scaled, tipped � paaels, settled panels and walk is very dangerous. T��e ingineerinU recommenc�ation is for approval of the order. + (Construct to width desi�nated on plat) k t,:{ CT HJ RP ,g� 6 I3.S. Eleanor - Cleveland Ave� to Finn St. Dist. T�io. 2 This order was initiated by the Director of Public jdorks on the basLs of inspection of the wallc. Ti�is walk is old tile and poured concrete �oith tree heaves, brol:en tile, triPping h�zards, ��ater pocnets, missing tile, offgrade, asphalt patches, disinte�rated, craciceci concrete panel.s, scaled, tipped panels, settled panels. The P:ngineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (i,anstrucC to width designated on plat) , CT HJ RP "�?.�. Eleanor Ave. - Fairview Ave. to Sue P1. Dist. Tto. 2 ' �b� 5'��is order caas initiated by the Director of Yublic Works as public necessity cr. th2 basis of inspPction of the walk. T�t:is wallt is old poured concrete with tree heaves, high joiiits, trippin� tiazards, oif�;rade, asphalt patche5, disintegrated, cracked concrete panzls, scal�d, *_ipped r:�.nels, settled panels and walk is dangerous. 1'he Ln4;ineerin� recommendation is for approval of the order. (Cc��struct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RP .. . - .: . � � , ; - ._. _ _ . _�, g� v ' �•S• 33eecti��ood A�,�e. - Fairvew Ave. to liowell St. Dist. No, 2 This order �aas initiateci by the Director of Public idorks as public necessity on the basis of inspection of the wallc. '� t Tizis walk is old tile and poured concrete witli tree heav�s, brolcen tile, hi tl 'o' tripping hazards, missin� tile, offgrade, as halt fi � lnts � � concrete panels, scaled ti p Patcties, disinte�rated, cracked ' � Ppea panels, settZed panels. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (Construct to width desinated on plat) CT I;,J Rp i �0 .3 � S.S. Wellesley Ave. - Fairvieor Ave. to Prior Ave. Dist. No, 2 Th�.s order �vas initiated by the Director of Public iJorks as publ=ic necessity on the b,�sis of inspection of the walk. `�:��.s walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, broken tile, tripping 1�<.zards, holes in tile, missin� tile, higFi longitudinal joints, offgrade, asphalt Pa�ches, disintegrated, cracked concrete panels, and settled panels. Wa1k is dan�erous. Tiie Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (C��nstruct to siclth designated on plat) CT �lJ Rp � 'w , • . . . � ...._ � � • , -.9,ga �, � Dist. v�. 2 �. � =';.�. Jar�es Ave. - i�itieeler St. to Last approx. 120' (175i, 1755,1751 James) T;iis order �,�as initiated b;� the Director of Public [dorl:s as public necessity on the basi; of iaspection of the wali;. r Ti�is �aa1k is old tile with tree heaves, broicen tile, hi�h joints, trinping tiazards, " water pockets, holes in tile, missing tile, hign lon�itudinal joints �znd offgrade. ':'', rhe En�ineering recom.�endation is for approval of the order. (Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RP 4. _ 9So '� iv'.S. James Ave. - ��Theeler St. to Fairvie�•� Ave. Dist. No. 2 T$is order was initiated by the Director of Public Worlcs as public necessity on the basis of inspection of tlie walk. T�lis walk is old poured concrete with tree heaves1 tripping hazards, ��ater Pockets, hi�h longitudinal joints, o�fgrade, asphalt patcnes, disintegrated, cracked concrete pa.:els, scaled, tipped panels, and settled panels. Ti1e Eng,ineering recommendation if for approval of the order. Remarlcs: 3/8" rods should be used on complete �job. (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a S ft. walk) CL HJ RP �aS.S. James Ave. - jJheeler St. to East A rox. 40' Fp (1756 James) llist. No. 2 This order �aas initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the t�asis of inspection of the caalk. T'_-:is c,allc is old tile with tree heaves broken tile hi h oints tri inn ha-�arcis g J , P P �, , =.�ater packets, holes in tile, missing tile, tiigh longitudinal joints, oif�rade tiles. 'The Engineering rpcommendation is for approval of the order. (Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RP _ _ _ `� w ' • w �- � • ♦ ' . � ♦ _ y �� � Dist. No. 2 i1.S. Annapolis St. - Smith Ave. to Chippewa Ave. This �aal�; is ail new construction except for 93' at 875 Delaware Ave. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (Reduce from a b ft to a 5 ft. walk) � CT HJ RP ,��grg I�.S. Hall Ave. - W. Isabel St. to W. Delos St. Dist. No. 2 T'zi5 order was initiated by the Director of Public ?Jor1:s as publ�c r.ecessity on the basis of ir_spection of the walk. T'ciis walk is old tile with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints, tripping hazards, holes in tile, missin� tile, and offgrade. T�-�� Lr��ineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (R°(jL`CE from a 6 ft. to a S ft. �oalk) CT HJ RP _ 4 r CITY Of ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIVISION 113 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 May 8, 1973 A1 Olson 3s6 city agil BUILD� Dear A1: Forwarded to you is a copq of a letter received by the Finance Depart�ent on Kay 2, 1973. The hearing is scheduled before the City Council on Maq 9, 1973. It is the recowaendation of Public Works to replace the entire sideWalk at a S foot Width. This informatiou was forwarded to l�ir. Jacobson on May 7, 1973, by telephon�. Sincerely, i �'�� ; Paul . Desch Supervisor of Assessments PFD/rm Encl. � - ; �, ��� . � � . �. . � . . . .: . _ {� . �_ _. _. . ��.,`.� � � . . ? � �- ./-�''-� �'�////� �`..�..� �i-� ,c�-��P. \ '.,'♦ 1./�,�rf ..<.'� �// � . ,II/�i}�L,.i� / C/ �/ � -'; .1��'� r ' �.��!'1���,,�X, �2 Zr�,,,.,,�,,3.r 1!� . ,������ � � _ __ _ _ _ �:.��a / q�-.�, . ' %��.. '�!��� . __ _. _ � �-v _ _ _--.. __ _ _ .. _ _ ��.��- _ . _ . �..�1.c�c.-,.�-c�e.,`��' ._ _ ,6;r���' _ • . �� v�-fC C� � _. __ _ K�i/6��C.i(/.�. , �� ��o. - s��'o r , �-- �ti�:Gf�. � � � � ��G�-.��.�-�' �� � - � �� j ,-- r%��2� �,N.���- �G%C�e�„�.F-c�G�Z�e•�9,c�.�'�z c�2�i�-c.,z.�cr- . �'1�-� .L�Gd �-c�.�—��Gck.:�-- _ b��Lt,�f�,�' ...�t�v / v . _ � t�� ��%�-et/1/��` ' � . : . �E'�..�,,.r �%� � _ �L�' G�-�G�L;��-� �'t�/j�'�3 G%��s-c= G��%-r . - � � J , . �- /��t��l�o Cz�� �� C'.1�� � � ,� . �e�jn 'iYr�-��:%"� '�-- ' C'� �%:�"�u:�- i' � _ .��- _��w�,t���-�-�; ��%�' �c.�����'" � � � � G'. �.�� � ` Lt�+.c-�� _ _ C G' , ,�;�� � ��• � ��iG:/G�'�-`�/l+"��(�.�;L��[,'� �� � � �� f�� ��0 ..i�'�i ` 41'`�(�'Ll�� � ,,�1%'v'1`-A�`��— � �� � G�t��� �,�,vz. � ✓ i �Z��'�G _ ��-�� _ , �--..����'���- ' _ �� � ��� � �..�'�t:�..�����--...� , .�� - .. ... . .. . ytt..,._..:..,--, �-:. w,.:w.«rat�y....;u'AS�c.r::.;s�.,.,.>......�,....�.:....:,--,.z�r,�.: �»'+;::�rr.:..�✓s:.v..�. ..� . ��an�y} . . _ .. . - .-i �'1�«.�..,,., ., . � . , . . . . . . ,..4 ...,,...,_.., ti : �.:. ,.�_ . _. .»�._--� , x�.. .�-m,- a.� �--�„�: . .., . _ � _ �'�'�'�'.�--� _ _ . G�v�., %'�!L _. _ _ !1 � ���, ��,,.� ��-�--��.�,�,� .�� ., '�-e- _ __ , , _�� � G�GC�L'��— �� ����E�y�.�..�7�G' �� ._ � . __ � , .��� _ .�'Lc-'C-L�e- � J �/t st�i� d�� • �-�.���h�-^��/l �.-����� ...t���- / � - -/G�-��� _ '�-'�'�i�2.Q-�`fl`w��� _ � ��"v�'�v�_✓Gv�.�� LI�.�� ��I.�.�(J'Tit�J� �. ..�.--��` . / /� ��t-��titi... ^(�-�! l��'-�_ d'�..�� �,L'c�--el�-� ' ' ���s,-- �('C�`-� �iJy��%G� /'n�_/����� C�,.�,- • ���L�.�t���,�,-�-- _,�c�c- .�1Ck- ��t,�.L��.� � ��.�-v t��:.�,�- ���-�..- ����.c-c.�G��� � �----- -�'L�J�C.�.� /��.'�-`'L -�-��! .���`�.�/./L'l-'`�--.,/�►-`- .�G(�%� ' n � �" � - ./y ��'j--�-�,�'...c--�.�c�,.,_,,.�-c.�:,� .� �. ` / ��=�- .�-�'vr�2i � �Gi!-c�(/!J`{=�'- , �`e' C�-,..-�P' ���/"� ,- ..- _�,.,�.'.-�-_rr�-- .C¢-�-t.�t/. __ 4 `r � _ � � �•. /Jf , .t�-crti�L.rZ-� .�;Yl�.-,�%t�C���� L�✓Z�4-_.�_ G��`;��C.O-�.� �-� � ti .��!..� _� _ , : -�-�- ��-.�.�.w�,��. . �' �ri �.�c-�.�, a� ,�Z.�U-- c�ti�Gtr�2 ,��� � �.. � ��� .��, � �� L �� , . ��' �,�-�-u,�� �l� . ���� � � �, ti��� � ��� � y�. v z �� . � � � � ��,�� , ���.�...� , -�-- . � . .