261233 WHIYE - CiTY CLERK PINK - FINANCE �7� CO1111C11 261��3 BLUERY �MnEPAOF�,TMENT GITY OF SAINT PA V L File NO. Ri � C u cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � WHEREAS, Representatives of the Transit Operating Division of the Metropolitan Transit Commission, the Bus Sub-Cornrnittee of the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce, and the City of St. Paul have investigated St. Paul bus Routes 9, 14, and 15 in the Central Business District; and WHEREAS, a Ridership survey indicates that 85% of the passengers who alight from these buses on Eighth Street between Jackson Street and St. Peter Street walk south to the employment centers; and WHEREAS, Said representatives agree that service will improve for these passengers by rerouting said bus routes southward to Sixth Street; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul requests the Metropolitan Transit Commission to reroute said bus Routes g, 14, and 15, south from Eighth Street on Jackson Street to Sixth Street, then westbound on Sixth Street to their present routes, one bus route at a time, over the next several months. COUIVCILMEN Yeas �. Nays Requested by Department of: Pubt ic Works DJH �K�on�opatzki [n Favor Levine _ Meredith Against BY �9p� ROedlls �,.a.�*_±.. Mme.President $� I�pt �A� 8 �9� Form Approved C' y orney Adopted by Council: Date Certif' sed by Co il tary BY By Approv y M o • Date Approve y Ma ubmis ' to C cil gy By ►�t�s+��o �IAY 12 �973 � , � �ITY OP ``�$ ei y, � 2 p . v. .i �� �� °b 2�1�r`33 �o -�� �o _.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capita) of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Couri� House 55102 �� Aprit 26, 1973 Honorable Lawrence D. Cohen Mayor of St. Paul 347 City Hall BUILDING Dear Mayor Cohen: Attached is a Council Resolution which has been approved by the Council Public Works Comnittee. If you wili approve this Resolution and forward it to Councilman Roedler, he will then present it to the City Council . Very truly yours, IG� . Daniel J. Dun ord Director of Public Works ddr Attachment � WNITE - C'.�TY CLEFiK COUI1C11 � C NARY DE AR MEh1�T G I TY OF SA I NT 1,A �1 L 1 � ���� BLUE - MAYOR . F31@ NO. ���;, , C�uncil Resolution Presented By _� � rr �'t � ``�� 1�';�- �`t �-�''�`� t ! Referred To " Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS� Repr�sentatives of the Transit Operating Dlvisian of tMc Metropol i tan Transi t ��SSIOi'!� the Bc�s Sub-C+aqmt tta� of the �t. Par�t Ch�niber of Comme�-c+c� 8nd the Ctty of St. Paul have investtgat�cf St. Paui bus Rcwtes 9, 14, and 15 1a thc Centrat Bustr�+�ss Dist�tct; and WHEREAS, a Riderahip survGy ir�dZc�t�s that $5% of the passengers +� alight fros► these buses on Eigt�th Str+e€�t b�tween Jackson 5treet and St. P�tar Str�et watk south to the emptoyr�nt +ca�ter�s; and 41HERE�AS, Safd repres�tatives agree that s�raic�s wllt t�prove for these pa�sseng��s by rerout I r�g sa i d bus routes� sQUth�vard tea S i xtf� St r�+et; hiOW, TFtEREFORE, BE IT RESAttfE�, That the Ci ty af St. !'aul rsq��sts the Metropolitan Transit Camn►issior� tc� rerovt� said b�ss l�cwtes 9, l4, and 15, south from fighth 5treet cm J�ckson Str�aeL ta Stxth Street, then westbausad �n Sixth Street to thetr present routes. one 6us route at a tl�»e. over t�ie rs�ext several mo�ths. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays PubI tc Works �UJH.� onopatzki � In Favor � Levine j' 1 r� Meredith � Agalnst BY � .f- '' ::' � �_ _ ` �c xoea.l�r � T�±— „r Mme.President � �j�t Q Adopted by Council: Date MAY p �973 Form Approved by City Attorney Certifi� a sed by Cou�eil ySe�� tary -, BY r��� � �� �,,,.- � By ' Approved by Mayor-for-Spbmission to Council Approved by Ma or: Date _,_ 4 , y�. �, °} � � °�, , r �' �: .� By BY , , ,<..._ .- _. ' . ' _ , May 10� 1y73 Metropolitan Tran�it Commission Metrq Square Building St. Pau1� Minnesota Gentlemen: At�ached for youx itaf4xmation is a copy of a resolutio� of the 5t. Paul City Council# C. F. �1233s requeating your Commiaslon to reroute Bu� Routes 9: 14 and 15� as deacribed in the reeolu�ia�n, ovex the neact several montha. Very �ruly �ours� City Clerk AO/n�; Attach.