261170 . .: __ . , � ti , �,�; ;� � � � ' �GV��,'��� � CITY OF ST.PAUL � COUNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER By File No. ��`� --- — --- _ __ --- ---- - � _ __In the Matter of �oristruct�publ ic sev��er in the fol lo.��ing streets : in CU�'�18E;LA"ID STREET --�rom tdaryland 'Avenua to �iOQ feet south; in MARYLA�t�J AVE. fram Cu�be�land Stre�t to 'Jirc�inia StreeL and from Marion Stre�t to Aibemarle St�eet an� from t Farrinc�ton Street to tlatilda Street; in WESTERPJ AVE�lUc from Geranium Avenue to i�iaryland Av�nue; in Vl�GlNIA STREET from Jessamine Avenue �to Ger�nium Av�nue and frr�m t•iary}and Av�nue to Oran!�e Avenue; in GcRA�flUP1 I�VE�i�� from ��l�s tQrn Avenue to V i rg i n i a St reet; i n ROS= AVEFJU� f rom 41es��rn �venu� to Virginia Street; in C00;< AVE�dJE from Virc�inia Street to t1atiDda Street; in !�ATIL�A STREET from Cook Avenue to Orange Avenue; in ORA�IGE t1V�"JU� frflm t�tatiida Street to Gaitier Street and frcm Marion Avenue 'to Alb�marle Street; i n MP.RI O�d A�'FNUE from Rose �venue to Or3ng� Aven�,e; i n 1d00D8R1 DGt STRFET from Ross Avenue to tlaryl and f�venue; i n I VY AVE�iUE �rom P1at i 1 da St�-eet to Galtier Street; and 3n GALTIFR S7REET from Cook Avenue to 8urlingtan hlorthern right-�f-way; in an easement to be obtained across the Bur� inqt�� �lortiiern right-�f-�.�ay to the 7rou�broon Sewer, atl to be S�nown as the hlARYLAN�-!�L?I� ' S��d�R SYSTEM (PubJic Works Projec� S-09g$) , ~ � under Administrative Order �"'27a approved �� �+� ��� under Preliminary Order �1015 approved APril 4� 1973 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date MAY Z � Yeas Nays Butlet' Ce i i P ssed by nci retary MA�� 31913 Konopatski � Levine In Favor hne-.�dith R�'�^��er Against Ted.sc0 F',��_^�t Mayor PUBLISHED MAY 5197� =' . . . � _ �- • , '.: ��_ ,� :_ ��..�....,._:,.m.� .._,_...r _ . :. �..:,-,.�� _ _ , �..__.�y,. .,�. _._ _ __�__.__ ____ --- __ _ .�� _ __.._ , _.____.,:---- �_.,._.._....o.r_-.�„�..m,.,�,. t �. ♦ � � � I � A�IEPJDMEPIT TO FItdAL ORDLR In the matter of constructing a public storm sewer in the following streets: in CUM3ERLA'JD ST^EET from t1aryland �',yerue to �00 feet South; in �11;RYLA�•JD A�IE�dUE from Cumueriand Street to Virginia Street and from Farrington Street to Albemarie Street; in t�IESTFR��J AVcidUE from Geranium Avenue to 'i�ry 1 and A�ie�ue; i n V! ttG I��I A STRCET fram Jessami ne Avenue to Geran i um Aven��e and fron Ma;;�tand Avenue to Orange Avenuz; in uER�tilU�1 AVE�JUE from FJPstern ,�+venue to Vi ;ginia 5treet; in R05E AVEtdUE from llestei-n Avenue to Virginia �treet and fram ;1a�iida S�reet to Galtier Street; in C00:: AVEFl�E fron Virginia �rreer to hlatil�+a Street; in t1;^,T1LDI� ST�?EET from Coo�c Avenue to �ose Avenue; in t-1ARlO�d STR�ET fron �osz Avenue to tlaryland Avenue; in GALTIER STP,EET from Cook Avenue to Jessam3ne Aven�e and from Geranium t1v�nue to �iurlingCon Plorthern right-of-e•ray; in an easement to be abtained across the 6urlington i9arthern righ*-of-��;ay to the Troutbrook Sev�er; in ':100D8�?iDGE STREET from Rose Av�nue to ?1arytand Avenue; in 0�'��i�1GE 11U�`1Ut from Ribemarle Street to Galtier Stree�; , ,1�SSA111tl� AVE�JUE fro;� Mati ;da Street to Gaitier Street; and in 1VY AVciiUE from Maci lda Strezt to tlarion Street, al l to be kno��m as the MARYLt1ND-G�LT(ER SEl•!ER SYSTEf1 (Pubtic t�lorks Project S-0993), The Departm�nt of Public l�orks recor�mends that the final or-der be amzndzd to read as Follows: �.. x � � _ .;,tn.,tb�e Matter of_ �ons�ruct�pubt ic se��ler in the fo� losdin� streets : ' in CU�'16r�t!A"ID SsPEF7 � ft-or� Maryland 'Avenue to 804 i=eet south; in t•i�1RYLA�lD AL'c. fram C�^�berl�nd 5tre� to �Ji ;gir.ia Street and fram ilarian Street to Albe�arle Street an� x,r�m F�rrinc�ton Street to P�lati lda Streefi; in tJESTER"J kVEPJU� from Geranium Avenue - to-1�1a ry i anci Av�nue; i n U I R a I P�l 1� STREET f rom .lessam+ne F.venue to Geran i ur� � Rv�nue an<i frorn t�iaryl a�d Av�nt�z to Orange A��enue; ' i n GERA^1�UM /�VE�;�3� f rom : tles te;n t?venue to LJ i rg i n i a S t r2e.*_; i n RQS_ �1VEiJUE f rom tdz�«rn A�ie�u� t� � G�ir,i�ra Stre?t; in CC?C;; AV�i�J� f�rom Virc�in+a Street to �latiida Str'eet; i� � !�HT1 L�.A STREeT from Cook Avenu� �o Orange Avenue; i n ORA'dU� �1V�"�Ur f;om ��tatilda �t;-:�et to Galtier- Street anei fr-�m T�larion Avenue �o �lbemarle �t�eet; i n MA.RI C�� AL'r;JU� f rom Rose Avenua to Orang� Avenue; i n t�JUODBRt DG� STR�E7' f�om Ros� Avenue to t1a;y 1 and Aven;.�e; i n 1 VY AVE�IUE f rom tlat� 1 da St�'�et to Galtier Stre�t; and in G,-'11..TI�R S7�E�; i rem C�ok f�venuQ to �url ingtar ��nrt��rn right-qf-a;ay; in an Pasenent fo be abtained across ti�e Bur� ington ?;or�iiern r i gh t-o+`-��ay to the "f rou�b roo� S�we r, a 1 l to be kno�Nn as the hiA+�Y LAi��7-GAL I Tt R SE�:JiR SYSiEI•I (Pub1 ic tJ�rks Projec} S-Oy�8) . _ _---__.._______v.__,.�....�� _;�`�__T,,,�=. �_ ,. , .. :�. __ _ _ r:� „ �,,yc:�r.� .. , �, � U�'1'Y__OF .�.�.I�'T .."��1�LTL ' -----------�- _ --_� ---- , � ; Finatice iaept. , , . Hb:� �� .�.el�,r•, _ ►7epL. . � OFE'IGI�. OF TiIL �IAYpR , .., � �. Date: «�1 � ��t � '`���� __ f ' '� , ADi11INISTRATIVE ORDER � - - . , . , �'6��_�5 . ----. . � � : . rADI1�iINISTRATIVE ORDE�, . 3n the matLer of constructing pubf lc storr.� se�rers 1R the fo� loWIr�� streets: � ,�f�� ' tn �Us4I3ERLA,'�� ST. fram PiarS•l�nd Ave. to 80fl' south : i�st t'i�+�YLA;1D AYE. from Cura�eriand St. to YJrginia St. r� anc� fros� Farrirnton St. to Albenarle St. ..f:.,•�� (i�;=e• � tn �:LSTER;i AVE. frrorn Getaniurn AYC�. to �taryland ��ve. .,. � {' � I�n 1/1iiGlillA ST. from Jessa�ains Ave. to Geraniswn .�ve, '-�: �`'' � . and frora Naryl�nd Ave. to Crange Ave. 'L� tn C�P,1;ldt!!:� �;1,`�, frQm �'estern f.���., Lo tlirgtnda St. . I .� �,, ��"• " In kOS� �yV�� fran Hes�ern T,ve. ta Ylry�nia St. A.` °�. �riiJ �rora ttattlda St. La Galtier St. _ ,�1 ' �, ,,�,. �_ - .� � .�'in C��;e A6'c. fro:n Vlrginl3 St. ta t".;att l�� St. ;:- R�,.1.%� �`'� ii: rinsl�.a� 5T. fcom Cc�ak Ave, to f.ose Ave. , ;r� tU+R10�J �T. fro:� Rose Ave. to llary)and Ave. .. �n G�aLTi�R ST. f rcm Coac Ave. to J�;ssarai ne Ave. � and'�rora Gerant�r� /ive. to Buclinjtcn i:arth�rn right-of-ti�ay � �.- 'n a:� �asecrnt i� he abtair.ed across th� 8ui 1ingtcn ,aertter�rn r;I�:�r-ar"-w�.� to r=�� �'routbrc:3x :��:��cr. . .,:.; ., . 'n ;K�.�[3a?!u1!;E ST. t�COm i osA Aue. to F"aryl.3ryc� i�,t��. +n f�+i.�.'iG� A�l�, f�cr,i �1ibe^.arle Ste to Galtter St. t.n� �r, J�5S�ltdit;E ;.�. :.o�a 11ati ida St. to'Gtlltier St. � 'n lt'Y `A1i£. fra,a �satl lda St. to t3ac-ian SL. .:'�i t to tre �Cn�rn as the NARYLIL`�0-GALTtER SEIJER SYSTEFi. -� . ' . , . ._. . . 'iP3� re�art of fti.� E��part�r�t af Pubiic 1JQrFs ts accepted. ?i�� ��pa�tr�nt of Fir�ance is her�by dtrected to br€n5 this r,+att�r Uefore tr��: ��t�y Counctt � for �aublic heartn�. , . 4�r:ZO�ED AS TO FORM _ - �; '1 :� ,/�°'; " f�;��� a� � �' k;'' ,�. ..____. �_.._- _____ . �,_•1 ,, , ,,� _� �';�: , �� �—r � P.ssistnn4 City Attotney ��� � partmefi�t Head � y'� �� - . :.,1"f � =-.�.:, _ /'/ � t� l - .. �`` I . �.� . �si b+� f . . . �. . � . � : . �°-��,r.. , . . '.lua�:, ...._.�_ �.._�_��..._ . . �• . . Administrative Assistant io,4tayor '" }�. .. , .. . . . . . „ . . . _. . . : . . . , _ . _ � . f` . �i—� . . , .. ' . �. . . . . � � . •�A'� . . . � . . . . � . • ; �, ` : .� ` . �. . . . � . . �tTY o . . . . � � . � � . . . � '�S�yi . � ����,� r��� .. o = � . � �s ,b : �o �o CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � 234 City Hell dc Cour1� House 55102 DANIEL J. DUNFORD Acting Director of Public Works Robert Trudeau Di rector Department of Finance Room 109, City Ha1 ) .' , Re: Maryland-Galtier Relief Sewer System S-99& Dear Si r: I transmit herewith a preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a publ 're sto�m sewer to be known as the MARYLAtJD-GALTIEP, RELIEF SEWER SYSTEM (S-998) and as described under Administrative Order No. D-275 dated November 15, 1972. PROJECT COMMENTARY. Construction Cost $473,611 .00 Engineering 8.5� 40,256.00 Inspection 2.0� 9,472.00 Non Contract Items 37,600.00 Total Project Cost �5�0,93g.00� Assessments $119,750.00 1973 Local Improvement Fund $426, 1�3y.00 Sewer Repair Fund 2230 $ 15,000.00 A publtc hearing before the City Council on this matter is requested. Yours very truly, /�' ' / l�Q '� L���ZZGt,.'� ' G�L Z �; � � Daniel J. nford �,,-�_,�,� Acting Director of Public IJorks �` 4 Hw��w��kW � a s r�? �.;;� cc: James Schwartz ��6 ���t�� �;;, Clem Schleck ^� �q '� �'� x �y •p �' Q, .�.,�� °FA�'F,G� ; ;� � �� �, F� :; � �� ,9,1,c 0,� �, � �1a 9� �l£Z2��'Z �''� , , ,. .. ,+� . , • . 1E�!'� �,�s �,�!' �N". '�1�. Dt�.'bR'� �" ��e� �e�r�ta�e�u� O�' �:�tib�.t� wlc>xi€a � BiI�►�C4 Desr I�c. Demi'orls �E Z+D �ur !�lqtiest� I bat►rt set farth l�i�ti into�r�s�io� pertl� t�ct t}� p��r sa�ds�at Po� t2�e pxc►pcta� ir�ard�t:tt d�scsibed as s S-� �"t,�l� - t�III+Z�B R�l.i.et fi+�r+Q Syst+e� 't�+s tt�1 wtLl�at�d � �'dCCrrs�►blr b,�►' ��e�anr�a� is a�11�,7'S61.A4 loased m► #�is !'�alY�ri�g +e�lci�ll�ttrsd as�ea�pa� r+��s t ,�8 B�I►�e��s1 Pro,por�r �Q.a1^� Per �e�,. 1'�. '"Q"' �iN. f�. � 3'3�d. Arvg�ricy �CO•a3 P�` aa�. !'1�. � �oo�,p�or�t,t 't�t !!b�wt� �d,tEl�a� o�s�a i� tJ�e Estiaratad �at�. �qc- �,$t�x�r! !b� thi�t t��to�. ��.ce► a�ad Aas�esYrnt Servic�s s����.0� �. Co1�� �►,'�•t'�A Ez�lr�sed � c� estl�a�+r �.►p sc�r yawr sa�ro�sfiion u� u,�e. I�1e�.ae returr� at yvwt' �l�t�. ��' t�vti,y �4s lt� �i. ��.s i�. A�r�1r� V#aia�kt�rrt �l�t�ar ���Wt • ,/��'� i �a.' cas A�l � __ __ _ ��PRfZ1�11N1 Ut 1'Ul3l.lL 1�'Ultl�:� - LIIT v�- �� . �nv�.� n��.�......,�.. • . . • � � ��iC1Jrf.'f ESTIf1�T� . • " - s . � �. _ . � `�� • � ��D�H7I Fl CAT•I ov � � . I.-No. N1SA No. �. 8ond No. � � Pro� iJo. S -9q - - - , j � . . � �rojcct Ti tic; � � � r��nYt�NQ-c�cr�F�e rz�c.�cF sEwr-r�. sY-�r�-�t , - Project Description : '� � RL.s � � � lro�r�m Year !q�'3 i - L�.�. � . � DESIGN CRITERlA ' EXISTIPlG CO�:D(i 10;iS � - Drai n.Area /80 � Max.Q. /G s/ Purpose ,2�uey� �x.�TrNS, s,�w��z c��rit . Pipc Size: Max Go'! Min. i� 5'�' Pt�cEr��nr,,,� P�PE siZF 7r� 1itt�ul � : Tota1 Length ��,�oo' Avr.Depth �':s� FOr2 CG/�?L't-ETE' SEP�R�T�¢�M �' A Type of Constr. o�_ �' �r�^�6 ' ��'�'� DR7'�. . Other � � � � Exi st. Sewer com�Cii�E'D _._.___ . . ESTfF1A7E l�a'nr i tems � Ouanti ties j Uni t Cost ;t•:on Contr�ct ' 'fc+��l � •�1?cP ct.�3t DEu✓ERC-1) �1ucF� ♦�o Gira.p-r.- �?.s' ' � 1 +27 �a0�� . �NTO LAGC' � �. ! I i . � • # . . � . D o T= � � ` 6i�5�/�7F' f9C 1J/ /D ' � � �0� '_'. � Z /?EGOCS�r�•►ib lo�� w.fr�2 �r,Hi,J / 'J'oo —} 'TRAf=�1G /3LIREr3s/ 500• — s . •� � .. VAG ��io�J Rss�.sa>raT .sz�r2O�c C • 9. yoo "' i � �� Ss� sr' c!_�'!z ,�t� " /5 04Q --? � � . . � �, r � . . . . � z . � � � , � - • � � , . e � --, ` 5ubtotals � �� � — E yy� ��� � Mi�r..rl 1."1f1(:(1t15 � rP.R1G - —_- cf t� ' 9 ' . � Uni t Pro'ect Costs ! `stimated Cost � ' y73��i/ _� � Cost lii Ic En�;ncerin . ' �-r "/� ' ye 6 -' � a . Cos t/Foo t l r_,�c c�i on ---•-�- / : ?.'L ` � Cos t/F ron t Foo t - i!�n C,on�t r�c t K 3 7 �i�l—'i . Cost/S�.Yd. if,iA�_ PR�.1�r,� COST ' � 5+50 ��' • •:�". . � � ' � • APPROVALS Q � � A�proved By ' Estimate , .,..__.� Approved ey . . Dat� •�l�N. 4�/9�'7,� • SQt�rer. ' .. ' . � : _ E'�2U-�$ _: ��...� ._� . .:� _ _ Pj?O,i,�CT �STTti:A7'� (SUPPLF"'.�i�*C1_= PUBCIC WORKS DEPT. - ST. PAUL MINN. . � � Proj . No. Proj . 7itle ' Estimated by Date 19 Sheet '� of '�--- � ESTIMA7E c 0�!ar.� i �ies t!nit Cost ;' - t Tota! � ,: : � - - c.l3 �..,,,R. �c i:.l„�- r?._.E� 3 c�"f � L��N F,{- x l. (f� t, c-z i c� �?i /� . � :t1i_ .. " � • •' 1 xzt .. , 1z 44 rp ;7v - . S � " !u �t•0 � .Uec 3.7�i � •• �• _Ga-c--4 1 �5- Z�o 'Ln� . � �,, . � ... �� �� � �j ' -z -t- Sf--- � `:S` 2 C^Gf ' ,, ��'� u 4.7_ ' nr.c7 I �1 S ' '� (o ?' 7-$� 1 531 � 1 Q•.. -l? S, G " 4< 1 �. �-- r-N• �l i% �CY7 5 f y, � FZ C 1� 1Z S.5 „ �_t !, " et-F' 1 Z 5 F�9 C t i; ' • t� F,.i " 33O � • �Z � G � -:�- 1 E ti ' t' i, T"' .2 S " 3 3°t ' ' -�- a$- I 1 7-j 7 �2 C � i • .� ru 5.s �� z, � �� - -F- r� 53 a�� "_ � ` {�C' t� G.G „ ��1�, �• - -�t t7 It 92. z4: - � ';,. „ u 4 S „ 't r� 3 . _ -� - ii:� 9 Wi� ' 4" �� L� S.5- � Zf� . , r � , � � 3i� 'i 4A QCi7 _u. lc��D L� Z ' � ,. =t r.�, 2 :-"Z.i C1 �f�" �' �r �7 7 '� 4 R �• " s:) "�Z - � �l,, �' i� G-7 S " 2 �c. Z cS 4- ��1 z�; ,; _;; � ., .�tq ., k 4c -, 57 - t c^" 'i �i S.s ' 3S'c; ,, � �b 13 s �;5- _ a'� , ., � � p „ i:�l. z Z �=17 -i "t 3ti'' �� =iF 7•v " 33(� �� . � _,3 `�� Y 2 .3 :i „ � j� �. s . „ 3 i � y L� « ��.0 3 1 r Z•: �, y� 3 0 • � I 1 n �, Z4 F� � 1_�. „ n � , „ �� Z_. � ; Z n c=G �4 - . 4 �f �' {2�{� � 7-S ¢�t5 3i S'� G 4 C "' 4�' • :�T'" /[�•C ' ( 4? . .r 37 I� '7 3LQ - : _F" �• 1F. 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