261166 WHITE — CITY CLERK C�P�+� �r• PINK — FINANCE CANARY — DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL CO1111C1 �a�LJ .j,R � BLUE �— MAVOR File NO. . C ncil e olut ' Presented By / Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLV�D: T1�t lice�u�a appli�d far bT the iollowia� persoxs at the addressts stated be aYS the +su� are berebT praiteA. LorraiM� Peterkn �13 Per�la:xS R�. �C Brd. Hse.App.4:�78Re��n►1 Mr�. LrrT Bursehwer S39 Holl� n n 4413u Y.l1.C.A. Miel�raT Bra�e� 1961 IIxiTersi�� b+►i.rriat Poel �� � ,�6p6r� Breaks�ose Su��r C�reek �ood Divs. B� Territorial Rd. Foods 1lDP'W B " � �gn Max & Itbsella Hyatt 381 Miehf�a� Groeery A-� �� 3393�� n �� Bn�aher �� �� �� i� �� Ofl"-3al• ]�taalt �� �� '� �� �� Cf��t7r'ei��e r� i� t� Riekard Gi�pl 1�39 Ri�ae 81s. Ori�. Caat. D " �3Z1'� n n Ci�st�'ette �r n �i Her�he� Foods Corp. 7S"�i Yaxaalia Food� IlDPM B �� �33a�� East Side Bra=sk Y.M.C,A. 1075 Ara�ade SKfa�ix� Peel �� 5437�� �itt� Clo�rer Co. Divx. oi P'air�owtt FeeeL 1880 CoNa Foods NDP'MT B " 34�0" t� �� 3 Vek. n n �� Je�seph J. Perk�s�iaL s99 �ria Reiu�. C-1 �� �g�� �� �� Oif-S�le 1ta1� �� �� �� n �+ Ci�tret�e n n �� �� n Cfi.VM Op�r. Zllnn �� �� Jeha A. Rerf�ox 115� Rise Gex.Rep.Gar. '� 8�34�r Jase k Frateia 303 Ca i�el a B1 . Barber " :5�37" COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki [n Favor Levine Meredith l� Against By Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . By BY WHITE - CITY CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE COUIICll � CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAZIL �+ BLUE •- MAVOR File NO. . . Council Resolution Presented By LIC,�iSE (701�ITITEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Coatd. P��e � St. Panl Athletie Club 34.0 C�dar 3Niw►iaE Peol App.S!'i66Rese�►al Bn�ll Bra�s� Iue. 1�0 Pioteer Bl�. Flori�t/Hurser�r r� �7��� Little Dipper Bar� I�e. 1U45 Hud�a• Rd. 8eat. C-3 " Sa�B" �+ �� 0�i-S�le 1�1t �� �� �' �� tt Cf=al'�tte n �� �� n n Ci�•VM Op�r. Z#1 �r u n N.D.C. F�ee'Ue� I�t�. 143? N. Clevelaad Re+�t. Crl �� 568p�� n tr Cf�ii'e�te a �r �r L�abs Snpper Club� Tac. 93'T E. 7th Ree�t. G3 �� 8703�� �� n Tav'�r�t �� u u u rr Of�-Ss�18� I���.t �� �� �� �� tt Ci��rette �� t� �► 11i�xeLaha Tavera� I�s. i784 E. Nixaeh�� Re�t. C-1 �� 59}.8�� �t n pff-Sale Malt n n 'r �� n Ci�tre�te n �t r� Hr�. Elsi� C. Jah�ex 134'7 Burius Ite+st. C-� " �756" u �� Tavtr�! n n r� �� �� Ofi-3a►le Malt n �� r� C�arles Dexaf�s� I�e. 6�5 Fro�t Re�st. �� ggat3" u �� Ci�a�'ette t� �� n u �� Oit-Sale 11a1t u n �� Belaada Liquor & Feods� Ixe. 68a E. 3rd Re+et. C-� �� �91��� r� �� Oif-S�►le llalt n a u �� n Ci�tre'tte n n n COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By ' BY WHITE - CITY CLERK � �C��(1� PINK - FINANCE CO1111C11 BLUER�- MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PATTL File NO. v ~� . Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE �ITTTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cextd. P+<<e 3 Stephen & Yietor'ae Inc. ).90� StillwAter 8e�t. C-2 App.596ZRe�t�a1 �� �� Oii-Ssile llalt �� �t „ n �� TiCVe1"lt �� �� �� n « Ciiare�te n u u n �� Cir.Yl�! Ope�`.�' 1 n u n MeTeasue'�s Bar� Ixe. 141� Ilsiverisitr Rest. C-3, " 6043" t� �� Oi!-5ale 11� �� n n n �� Ci�ti'ette u n n Belia�e� I�a. 949 E. 7th St. Reat. C-1 '� s059" i� n Oif-Sale I�lt n �� u it u Ci�t!'ett� n o n 11Atl�ew A. Morelli 4Z1 E. 7tb 8�. Re�t. C-� " 6084" �� �� Ofi-S+�le Ma1t �� �' �' n �� CigA1�B�ttc n n u 8iaoa�� Ixe. 574 Rise St. I�st. C-1 �� 6i�2�� n �� Ofi-Sale il�tlt �r '� �� �� �� Ci�Arette n n n Leria H. Jolusao� 1165 Hudaoa Rd. Greaert A-2 �� 6157+� n n ButekeY' i� �� tr tr �+ glarist/Nursery �► rr n �t +� Oi't-S�le llalt �� r' �' n « C3ja7rette +� n n Guertta Drnr Storee� Inc. 2�64 Ce�o Re�st. C-2 �r 617��� n �� Ci�a='ette r� n n Hi�hla#d I�x� Ixa. 18?0 Old HnBsoa Rd. Swis#� Pool �� 6173�� COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki [n Favor Levine Meredith Against By Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , By BY WH17E - CITV CLERK 1 ��A ��� PINK - FINANCE CO1111C11 BLUER� - MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. 1 • � . Council Resolution Presented By LY�� �ITT� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Coxtd. Fa�� 4 Forster-Joh�uos� I��. 636-54 iJ�irersft� Ner Dltr.Veh.Dlr.App.6186Reaeral n n Zad Hd MY Dlr. n �� n n n D1r.Rep.Qa1►r. �� u n Olivd Y. T�ylor 2?5 E. 4th Rest. C-1 �� 618?�� t� �+ 01t-3Ale Netlt n n �� n �� Oii-S�le Malt u n n Gerald Ya• Sl�k� 13� Eadisott Bl�. 350 N. Rabert Ori�. Coat. D �� 618gn n �� Ci�a3'ette n u n �� 11? Eaa�dicott Blds. aee�t. C-� " 6L�" Millard C�teriu E��erprisea� Ixc. 631 S. S�ellia` Reat. C-2 �� 6198�� u n C'1�2'�tte n n n Northera State+s PoMer Ce�. 8�5 Rice St. Private Gas Pu�p" 62��" ��� Netro 1leat Packiar� I�►a. ^38 Che�ster 6 Yeh. '+ a�85" Cstiteea Corp. 336 Axeri�►� Nat'1 Bk. Rest. C-2 �� 6311r� Fra�ic J. Schaeider 1.�9 I,afo�d Gen.Rep.Gar. �� a318�� Dri-Kleeaette� I�c. �07 Hu�so� Rd. Ld�/DC Plt. �� 633?�� N.M. Bell Telephaee Ca. 70 W. 4tk Rers�. C-3 �t 635O�� De�saiek Bros. Lexiaston Dru�� Ints. 1088 Uai�ersitr 8est. C-1 �� 6333�� n t� n Gro�e� A-1 n u �r i► �� Ofi-Setle Halt " �� �' �i n Cf�rette n n n COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �7C Bu�ZeP Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against By �C Roed].er Tedesco Mme.President� Hilat Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . By By WHI7E - CITV CLERK 1 ��� � � PINK - FINANCE COUT1C11 ��, � BLUER� - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � # � . Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CU1�1I'lTF,E � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Coatd. pa�e � 5 71rix Star Poat �854 Y.F.W. 8,'d0 Coxdordfa Rest. C-1 App.6336Re�seval u �� Ox-Sale �Alt n n n n +� Ux'it. Co��« D r� �� u tr �� Cfs�rette �� �� n ltfcl�el gelley 900 Uxiver�ity Gex.Rep.Gar. �� 6361►� Raaolo Moxda & J��qnei�� Ra�er 889 aice Rest. C-Z " 63aS�� n �� Ci��rette u u n Eti+el Hra�ber 188U Gra�d Be�ut, Srpp " 8386�� Ntilliae A. Eber�paeher 5?1-?3 Rice Qea.Rep.Gar. " 6388�� Evel�a 1�la�x & Jaeea Yezek �044 S. Cle�elaael Beauty Skop " d395�� Ci�iE Ce�ter Chr�re�ler P1yR0uth! Iae�.166-80 Ihtf�ersity 2ad Hd lN Dir. �� 6398�� B311T BsT Juiaea� In�. 500 Bueih Faoet� yiDP'hT B �� 6399�� �t n ,"d V@h. n n n paul DaRiso �13 �roat Gro�et*� A-1 " 6400�� u f� 01'i-S�le �lt u n n �� �� Ci�a1'ette n o n Nartia Ole��a 1080 Grs�a� Bakery B �� d408�� A�es Pablic Selwol 1760 Ilae� Ave. Food Estmb t� 6417�� Ar�ia�to• Pablia School 1150 llru��el �� �� 6418�� Bat�le Creek �uex Sshool 163 H�rard r� �� 6490�� Battle Creek S�kool 60 8uth �� �� 64,3l." COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against By Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By , BY WHITE - CITV CLERK COU11C11 `,s���h PINK - FINANCE GITY �OF SAINT PATIL - �� CANARY - DEPARTMENT r� BLUE . - MAYOR File NO. . Council Resolution Presented By LIC�fSE (70iIN1TTB�E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Costd. Pa�e 6 Bs�ttle Creek Jusior Hi�h Sckool 21�1 N. Pa�rk Dr. Pbed �stab. App.64�3Rexe+►�1 Ce�trsil 8i�k SEhoo� 378 N. Lexi�to� �� �� 64�4�� Cle�rela�ul Jr. 8it1� S�kool 747 Jeaka " " ��9" Dea�e Sehoel �00 Clarexce " �� 6431�� Doo�l�s School Orlea�s & Stevexs �� " 6�" �'rs��lclix School J��ksos St. & Yalley St.�� " 6�40" Gorsaa Schoal 36? Froa� �� n 6�44�� Nazel Park Jr. H. S. 1140 White Bea;' �� rr g�,,�qn Hm►rri�son Sekool 949 E. ldaaxolia �� " a4.sz" HATiea Nei�ht�e Seknol N. Ii�z�l & Cle�r �� " 6454" Hi�hlaa� P�rk Ele�eal�r� S�kool Saneaers & Da�rern �� " 645�" Los�fellor Sckool 2?0 N. Prior '� " �3" 1leeka�ic Arts Hi� Sel�ool 9? W. Ceutral �� �� 646�" lba�rls Park Jr. Hi�h Sehoal, 316 Es�rl �� ►� 6469�� l�lattoska Sekool 449 Maealester t1 �r 6470�� Monxd Park School 1000 Paei�ia �� �� 64?3�� Nokowia Sekool _R�t�h & Case �' �� 649��� COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , By BY WHI7'E - CITV CLERK ^�a ��� PINK - FINANCE COlIT1C11 •1e � BLUERY - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. ~ . Council Resolution Presented By LI(�ISE COi�9lI'1"1'EE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Coati. Fare ? - 1'�rasworth ScLool 1Z9U Arcade Fbod E�tab. App.�43gReaeral Nako�is Aawex �181 3tillwa�er �� " 64?6�� Nartk Esa 3�koa1 �? E. Geraait�s u n 6477n Opea Sehool 1885 Uxiversity �� �� 6478�� proaperit� Hei�ht�s Seke�ol 1305 Pro�peri�g �� " 64?9�� Phalen PArk Schoal 630 E. Ro�se " " 8480" Rf'ervier Sehaol 27'1 E. Belvid�re �� �� 648��t Roose�relt • Jr. Ai�h Sahool Greearroo� & E. Cossre+ss +� �� 64A3�� Ra�dolpk Heiskts Sckool 348 S. Hasli�e �� n g,4g�l,n Vi�toria Sehool 1610 N. Vi�toria �� " �490�� K�shia�oa 8i�k Sehool 10+�1 D�rios �� �� 6491�� Miliee�oslc Setiool lg�l E�erto� �� " 6#9��� Teelu�ical-Yo�a�iox�l I�stitate �33 Dlarsl�all �� �� 6495�� St. Axtho�* Park Sshool I,a�ford �[ Park & Knapp �� �� �496�� Mfhittfer Se1�oo1 921 Albe�rle �� �� 6498�� Clanie Kixzel 1U51 Arkwri�ht B�,rber �� 6303�� Fairia�' Co�'p. 3.g5 l�ytom Re+�t�Nnrsix,; H�e" ggp7er COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki [n Favor Levine Meredith Agaitlst BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor; Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . By BY WHI7E - CITV CLERK 2s11�b PINK - FINANCE .COII11C11 'BLUERY -MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL- File � NO. . Council Resolution Presented By LI�� �IT�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Coati. Pa�e 8 Pkillips Fetrolemr Ge►. 1015 Rice Ci�arette App.651�Renewa2 Rieck 8e�lty Co. 1�l59 Ueiver�it9 • Ci`wre�te �� 6318�+ �� �� Ci`.VN Opes'. �SN t� n u Yebster Co. Ine. 8�.'f E�ertoa Private GA� ptap�� gg,3g�� � 3t. Casir�ir Scl�ool 917 �. Je�a�aaine Fooi Estab. " 6�9" Hea�eth L. Katk & A+ssoefates� Ias. 81� ihiYerait� Br�i Hd 11Y Dlr. �� 6i30►' Gi� Gee Hut� Lts. 767 3. Cle�rela�d Re�t. C-� �� 6533�� . Lonfs Go1�La� � �lartiser Silberstein 18"! E. 9th $arabroker �� 6534" n n Fipear��s n n �� Bnrlia�t,os N�rthera R.R. 619 W. Hianehal� Ci`arette �� 6338+� Harold E. Ber�et 1g60 Uairrersity Rest. C-Z �r 6542�� �+ �+ Cisarette �� " �� G�s Znaoaro �40 E. 6tk 8t. Pks. Lo� 33 e �� 6S�lg�� Uxio� Ofl Co. ot Cs�lilerwia 3005 Ford Pkwy. Gs�s StA. 6P '� 6546" n n Ge�.Rep.Csar. " �547n n �� C�i�tlette �r n r� Edwar� A. Boyle 1;956 T. Ripley T.V. I�au�er �' 6��" l�obert Reae� 618 W. MinnehAha t3as► Str�. 4P �' 6�1�� n u Gen.I�p.Gs�'. u ri �� �� �� Tov Trtte�c �� 655�tr� n �� Ylt I�e 11�1 n 6gg3u COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Bt1t1@P Konopatzki [n Favor Levine Meredith Against By 7�t7C Reedler Tedesco Mme.President � $Uat Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , gy By WHI7E - CITY CLERK � BLUE - MA oR E GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council I CANARV - DEPARTMENT Flle NO. �� `1� . Council Resolution Presented By � LICENSE CUi�IIZT�E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cat�i. Pa�e 9 Stlre�ster Norak 831 W. Mixiel�alu� Fooi� MDP'W B App.6554R��e�ra� �� �� 1 Vek. " " " Marri� A. Merrick �'19 Burr Bu�cher �� 653:5�� G. Evelys Ber�lund 1568 3elby Reatal Clothe+s & At�ire �PP•63' �6c� Hele� E. Dtnrray 1634 E. A.rli�ton Beauta Shop " 6538" Fasiqr FArner C+�m�1y SkopR� Ina. 39 Uf. 4t1� tAaieet. B �� ag6gr� Harold & Sliirley Yerkho�en 393 N. Danl.ap Re�t. C-Z �, gggg�� rr �+ Cents�.l 1ledical. Bl�. C���rette �� �� " Clark Oil & Reifsins Corp. 637 Rfce St. Gas Sta. l�P �� 68?'3�� �� n Ci�trette n �� n Jeaase C. We jsck l� N. We�tern Gre�eerar A-� " 6�7�'� �r -n �ze� FoodB n n ti �� " Off—S�le 1Mlalt �� �� �� �� �' Ci`u1'ette n r� tt �tilray Snzaki I�a. 1261 Unf�erei�y Motor�Tele Dlr. " g590" Ru�ell Brans�e 1l,37 8. Clerelaui Beauty Shop n 6381�� Geor`e R. Herbst 60O N. D�Ze Rest. C-1 '� �58�" o n G�'o�e� A-1 t� �i o �� n CiEarette �� n n Sl�arox Boelelcer 433 S. C1e�elA�d Beauty Shap �� 6385�� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �X Butler Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY �C�li Roe�iler Tedesco Mme.President H�X�dC H1lltt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By , BY WH17E - CITV CLERK ,PINK - FINANCE CO1111C11 26116� BLUERY- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. . � Council Resolution Presented By LIGZNSE t�0�4ITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Co�ti. P��e 10 C1areMee 1!. Grs�a 171 Fro�t Barber App.6586ReneMAl Jweepk A. Yiese 961 E. �th St. �� " 65$?�4 Hear�► 3taeifus+s �04d 3t. Clair �� �� 6b88n I. H. Sperlinr ?86 E. 7th Ori�. Cont. D n gggpn u rr Ci�rette �� u n Leoaard W. t�esworth 126 A�eri�aa Nat'1 Bk. Barber �� 6391�� Er�►ia H. Hie�clz 561 Eirun�l B�et. C-1 �� 6893�� n �� Oa-Sale blalt n n �� �� �� Off-Sale 1�1t '� �r " �� n Ci�arette �� n �� Mii�r�y Na�ieeal Bs��lc 1578 tTuiversity See�t. C-B �� 6596�� S�q►�ter Drns Stores� Ix�. 2145 Fori Pk�r. Coafeat. B �� 6597�� +� �� Eiar�►are �� �� �� �� �� F16Pist�NuPl�e2y n �� n �� " Ci j�rette r� u u Harols R. Tkeia�ea 1381 Ford Pkw�*. Gr�+e Sta. 8P �� 8598�� �� �� Gelt.$ep.Ga1*. n n n �� �� Cf sa�t'ette �� r� �t CArboae Pf�a�� i�c. 7?? S. S�itk le�t. C-2 �� a899" Geer`e A. Reutek 475 S. C•l�ts�rortk Ge�.Rep.C,ar. �� 6601" Moat�c+�aor�r MTar�l & Co. 1?'00 Y�ae T.Y. ll�ater �t g603�� r� n 3S Ser`nie3e�le� u n e� n n Ele6.A .Re . �t n n COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: l�E Butler Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against By � Rosiler Tedesco Mme.President � I�t Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY BY Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , By By WHI7E - CITV CLERK COUIICll �h�''�1 PINK - FINANCE � CAN�RY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAZTL V i��j BLUE -MAYOR File N O. . Council Resolution Presented By LICSAiSE fAI�IMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Coa�a. Pa�e 11 Brooka Snperette� L�. #]. 1530 �BEI[iE Skerrooa (irecer�* A-� App.6608Reseaal �� �� Frozee Foeis n u u �r �� Oif-Sstle 1�lalt �r �� �' �� �� CfEaY'ette n n n C. L. I,aM & Otto Edhlun�l 1196 N. Dale Gaffi Sta. 3P �� 660g�� �� �� Gen.Rep.C�ar. " �� �� Berk�ae-O�aLa Iron & Metal� Ixc. a37 Piae �bi Hi MV Prte.Dlr. 661�f� Attucka Breaka Poat 606 A.L. 9?� Coxsoriia Ori�. Coat. D App.6615" Nor�a� H�npt 454 Selby Ninisrr C1ar. �� 6616�+ Sher�ax Sekel 400 Sibl.ey Barber �� a61T�� Briire�a Cre�erie+s� Diva. oi Laai 0'Lakes Crea�eries I�e. 31-33 W. 7t� Rest. C-2 " 6637" Alptili Ne�ille 219 Bs�tes Grt�eaer� A-� �� 6641�� n n l�rezea Foois n �� n n �� Oif-iS�le Nalt �t �� �' n �' Ci�rette n i� ei 1�lr+s. Erely� lt�a`ax �044 Fc�rd Pkxy. Besutr 31iep �� dg,l,4�� F,i�rfn Huke 18;3 W. 6tL St. Gex.Bep.Gar. �� 6645�� Yiki� Car Waek� Ie�. 116g Uai�er�ity Gsis Sta. 8P �� 66�0�� Joe�epb D. Rauseker 93S N. Dale �i Hi D1r.Gea. " 6681�� u n Ori`. Coat. D er �� n n u �il�ai� �i u n n �� Ci`aY'ette �� �� r� COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor - Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By , BY WHITE - CITY CLERK �h1��6 . PINK - FINANCE COIII1C11 Vj BLUERY- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � . Council Resolution Presented By CIt�NSE f�Tt"1'EB Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Coat�l. Pa�e 1� Harol�l llor�ik �lOO x. we�ter� I�r/nc Plt. App.663ZReeew�►1 gs�ert's Gour�et Dre+�sixs Co. I�d. 3g7 Case F'oois IIDPi�f B �� 6656�� �� �� 1 Vek. n n �t Geor�e Pappas 391 Uai�er�ity Re�t. C-^ ff ���Zn „ �+ Ci`arette BaiureASe J. Hrege 496-8 Tlioaa� Groaerf A-1 �� 6663" n �� Ci�arette �� n �� P�u1 C. S�luriit & Lauren�e J. Kreres 4g6-8 T7►o�aA Buteker �� 6664+� Edwin �tuz�k �090 Earl Grecerar A-� �► 6666�� �� �► Frozen Foo�+s �� n " a �+ Oif-Sale 1W�lt �� n n u �� Ci�aY'ette �� �� �� Erxe�t Yar�se 1158 Graaa B�auty 5kop �� 6667�� Pure Oil Co. 635 S. Snellinr C�� Sta. 3P " 6668" Euse�te C. NaEel 83Z i�►ite Bear �aa H�l D1r.Ges. " 66?6�� u �+ Elee.App.Rep. �� �' �� Patrfsk Barrea 996 Froxt BArber �� 66?7�� Servosa�ion T.C. Ix�. c/�;o � 11oat�ror�er�r Nfari & Co. VM Loe 1N " 6680n u 1400 Univer�ity � A�l�l'1 I+1 '� �� �� �� �/o No. AaeirieAa Vikiy� D�'ill Co. 470 Kitt�so� 1H " 6�8�" u �� 8 Add'1 1�1 n n a COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ]8�C Butler Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY �@C Raeiler Tedesco Mme.President7� Ku1�t Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council R gY By WH17E - CITY CLERK COl1IlC11 c1 .PINK - FINANCE . GITY OF SAINT PALTL �V1��� >. CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE (701�tIT'rEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Coat�. Pa�e 13 Serve�atiau T.C. Iae. c% Dowali�ow'�e 93 E. 7�1� V!t I.ee ].1! App.6683Reneval u �� 8 Aid'1 b1 n n �� �, c/o Fairvay F�rode�3 Inc. 19�0 Co�ea 1�1 �� 6684r� u n 8 Aii'1 Dl n n n rt c/o P�ak� Iae. 51� Lafayette 1M �� 6685�� n �� 6 Add'1 M �� n n �+ s/o Ne�th�reiterx Natioxs�l $ank 55 E. 5tk 1M �� 6686�� n n 6 Aia�1 M rr n u Philip A. Hatvenateir� �175 Ford Pkwy. Gi�rette �� 6689�� HoxAri D. Ber�k 1195 Earl Reatal Clethea & Attiee App.6690" Hi�klani Car Was�� Iaa. 1985 Fbrd pkwy. Gas Sta. 7p f� 6695" �� �� Gea.Bep.Gar. �� �r n If /t C���tt@ if I1 fl �r �� Ci+;.VM Oper. a1! �� n n �llio� E. Beawlet 11�7 Payxe Fi�ti. VM Oper. �' 8696�� �+ c/o Ea�t Siie Y.N.C.A. 10'75 Arca�is 1M �� 669?�+ �� c% Bobert E. Jeaae�►� Allex D. Dor�o�t & Hex�aa Meyere �� �� 6?Ol�+ 584-6 RiQe �� e% Silver Coahl�e�s� I�e. 16�8 Rice St. 1M �� 6703�� �r a/o The Patio� Inc. ].420 W. �th 1M �� 6?03�� Skil Corparatioe 1930 IJ�irersit Hardaare �� 6907�� COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By BY WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE C011I1C11 .^D ��� BLUERV- MAYORTMENT � GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. ^+�1. . Council Resolution Presented By L,TrFat� [YUUt� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Costi. P�Ee 14 Eiwin C. Jerabek 365 Miabasha Bakery B App.6710Rene�ral Ja��a Tobaeco Co. 241 E. Graa�l Ave. (�ica6o Fiati.i►Id Oper.�� 6?ll�� General Eleetrie Co. �23� Uni�ersit�r �lee.App.Rep. �' 6�18�� It.A. Lac�er 18�0 Grana Ori`. Cont. D " 6732'r „ �� Ci`arette " " r' H.H. Lfllia 545 W. 7th Oris. Cont.D " d?24�� n �� Ci�xrette �� " '� Ren & Jean Nieaaber 134? Saait Cateri� B " 6'7��" Conntry Club Market� Iae. S� S. Sne�li� �rocer�r A-� " 6734�� n i� Buteher �� n n n « Ofi—Sgle �lt �� t� r� n u Cij�='ette n i� n Doaal� J. & Aawabelle Carter 843 8. Robert $ni Hi lrlV Dlr. �� 694�l�� Kehne Ele�tria Cc>. Iae. �1�4 Unireraity 1M " 6��" 1,�r+aoa Dieael Serrrice 18 E. Acker 1H " 67''!6" n u 1 Adi'1 M n �� r� Leo C. Giiiori 193 N. Nfestern B�rber " g�4�" Tei J. 8ex�na� 864 Raaiolpk Barber �� 6949�� First 3eeari�y State Baak �383 t�niversi�y li�l �� 6?51 Haaw�l-Greett E� AbraLaw�on� Ine. 26?5 Univer�tity a �+ 6?83�� COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council _ R By BY WHITE - CITY CLERK .PINK - FINANCE COIlIICll CANAP2Y - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAiTL 1 BLUE - MAYOR � Fll@ NO. � � Council Resolution Presented By LIE'LNSE OOiO�IZTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date co,r�i. P�e 15 Betty E. Tibeear 79'T Selb�r Beauty 3hop App.6784Reaenal Rolaai L. Kebber 1400 U�iversity Bakery B �� 6?35" Gulf Oil Corp. 34 S. Cle�elaei Gas Sta. 8P �+ 6?g8" n �� Gl'ote2y' A-1 r� t� u �� �� Cl�l='ette n u �� Jeas Cirirtf� Ju�e 1991 Stillwater 1.�4 �� 678��� Itobert E. Jeasem� Al1en D. Doriott & Herewn S. Meyere 884-6 Ride 1M �� 6764�� I�ia Glaa�s 44� E. Ge1'au[tfttw B�auty S�op r� g,r��r Kne►rlA�u 3uper Ms�leket� I�►s. 991 Grand 1M '� 6774�� If it 1 Ad�'1 At n u n Grfiiia Tire� In�. �3?� tTniver�f�y 1M " 6778r' Hi�laai Car Wa�k� In�. 1985 Fcrri Pkwy. �r " 679'7" n �� 1 A�ld'1 1�1 n t► n 8i-i Club� N.S.P. Co. 301 Sl�epard Bi. l�t �� 67'T8�� r� n 1 Aid'1 H �� �� n 1laeniler Brumk �lit. Ca. 138 E. 9th 1M �� 67?9�+ First Merckanta Bank of St. paul 8?9 E. 7tk ].I�! " 6781�� �� +► 1 A�id'1 M �� �� �� Serviees for tke Blixd State of Minmersota 1745 Dmiversity Reat. C-1 �� 6?8��� Je� A. Tietz 3833 N. Lexiy�an 1 Tox Trudc �� 6?85�� COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: 78i�OC Butlea2' Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Te esco I�e�ler Mme.President �( g�t Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council 9 gy By WHI7E - CITY CLERK CO1111C11 2611 PINK - FINANCE � � CANQRV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL . BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � � Council Resolution Presented By LICF.NSE Ct�lITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Coati. Pa�e 16 I�l�rraret E. Grakas 193 E. 7th Z�d Hel D1r.Ge�. App.6790Re�ewal Ra�r C. Schaoor 3366 Hi�►way 5� 1 ToM Truck �+ 6791�� Jero�e & Cli#for�l Nelso� 1�19 Are�ie Butcl�er " 67g�" Roser Johnsan 77$ S. S�itk Gas Sta. 4P " 6�93" u t� Ci�str'ette t� �� n I�Iarrin L. Huber 1002 Delaware Ave. We�t. St. P. Fisti.VM Oper. APP•6794�� �+Da2e Barris�er 2499 M!. �tk 1M �� 6799�� �+ c/e Hi�way Ckevrolet Co. 1�89-1319 IIaiver�sity 1M " 6�" Donali A Curti�s 337 waba+dkal Gre��er3r A-1 +� 6801" �r �� Cf�s*et�e w n �' Nortkowatioaa Systee�� Isc. �/m Bu�kbee �IeAr� Co. 1M " ��'r n Z45 E. 6th 9 Aid'1 Ir! " " " r� c/o Psaraen Car�ly Co. 31+�lA �{. 7tk 5t. 1�1 �� g�" ?�trra�r M. Hale S68 W. ldarylani Ci�arette �� g8pg�� I�Iarol�� Willai^d & Frei Krinkie 1400 CoACOriia 1M �� 68I4�� Gerali Ha�oboo� 10? W. Ora� FirearNS �� 6818�� gay E. Ha�elber�er 1398 St. Cls�ir 1M " ��" Alaao So�fety of St. Paul� IQ�i Iuc. 5� N. Robert �� �� 68�5" COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By , BY WHITE - CITV CLERK 1 .PINK - FINANCE (jITY OF SAINT PA�UL . Council 2611�b � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By �YC�� ��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Co�tti. Pa`e 1? F�a Norton Residence 6?0 N. ltobert 1M App.68�6Renewal t� �� 1 Alid�1 H n n n Quality Fbai Ser�iee� In¢. 694 N. Saellia� Rest. C-� " 68�8" C�itteniea � Ea�taan Co. 2�l02-14 Uaiversity 1M " 6&�1" T.C. Vexiin� Co.c% Haiiktet ot Colu�bu� 186 NT. 9th " " ���" �� e% Sunray Seor�sboa='d� Ina. r109 8udu�an Rd. n t� 6841r� �r a/o 8a�iz' Nfs. Co. 93U Dulutk 1M �� gg4g�� �r �� 1 A�i'1 M u �� rr " c/o St. Paul Iiealtk Ce��er 555 Ce�ar �! " 6843" n tt 1 A�i'1 Ut n n n rt e/o Hf�lerest De�►elopsent 655 Nab�+sl�a 1M n 684,�n u �� 1 Add'1 M " " " �r c/o Econo�iee Laboratory� Iae. 3'�0 W�bsaha St. 1M �� gg4��� �� �� Osboi'� Ble1e�,. 1 Adi'1 IK t� n n �� c/o Tjeraluni Irli�. Co. �140 Kasota UI �� 684?n �t �� 1 Aid'1 N " " " r� e% i Iieal Braa� Warks� Inc. 236 E. 9t1� 1M " 6&'34" u �� 3 A1ld'1 H n tt rr Kerner Dumomt� In�. �"!4 S. S�elli� 1M �� 6859�� Hillereat State Bank oi St. Paro�l� I�e. 1Sg0 Yhite Bear " �+ 6860�� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In FaVOi Levine Meredith Against By Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council 0 By BY WH17E - CITY CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE - COU11C11 CANqRY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ��� Council Resolution Presented By ��� �ITT� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Conti. PA�e 18 F�iriay Corp. 3� D�ytas 11K App.68638eaeMal �r �� Z Ad�'1 M n u �� Artlwr Brooks 481 Rice St. 1�! �� 6865�' n n '1! Aid�1 M n �� n Nar�c►u� Nursi� Ao�e� I�►�. 135 E. C�raaiu� liN �� 6866�� u �� � Aad'1 M u �� �� Ptwer Brake & Eqnip�ea�� Ipe. ��11? UAiver,�ity Gea.Rep.G�r. �' 68'?0�� CoaastruEtion & Geaeral Laborer� Loa�l 13� 347 Uni�er�city ll�t " 6873�' ir n 1 Aid'1 M t� n n Sfr Ye�i Ine. e/o Eaet $ide Branal� YM6A 1(Y7� AxA�ade 1.11 �r g�ggr� �� �� � Aii'1 M �� 688g�� �+ �/o Ri�e Phillips� Lauairp ?�10 E. 7th 11�I �� 6890�� �t �� 3 Aii'1 I�! �� t� n f� % B. W. Harris Co. 201 E. 6t1� 1N t� 6893�� �� n � A�d�l M u n n �� �/c RTCA — TV 1640 Coio 11M �t ggg,��, n a L Add'1 M r► n �� �� e/a Natfonal Bntter Ct>. 2�� Territottal Rd. 1M �� 6896�� �� e% Straus I�ittin� Milis 3S0 Sibley 11N �� 6900" n tr 1 Add'1 M �+ n �r �� e/o Alter Co. Caneord �C Paae 1M �� 6901�� COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against By Sprafka Tedesco lV�me.President Butler • Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , gy ' BY WHITE - CITV CLERK t �����` �-PINK - FINANCE COl1IIC11 j•� BLUE�Y - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. �� � Council Resolution Presented By T NSF c7ol�Brt�rrFF Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cantd. Pa`e 19 Eu�ene C. Iar�oa 1100 Grani Re�st. C--� App.6910Seneval +� �� Ci�si'ette n u n Roberts� Ine. 1049 Gra�d Rent.Clotke� & Attire n �� 1 Yel�. App.6912r� Ciareaee M. Aa�edt 689 N. Dale 1M �� gglan Josepk & Beraard Kes�el �58-60 S. 3�elling �� �� a913�� �,utoboip /upply� Iae. 1185 3elby 1M " 6915" Harold E. Anier�oa 874 L. 7th St. " �� 6919t� ir �� 1 Ad�i'1 1N �� n n �9Z� Haf�er� In�. 1360 Irhite Bear 1M �' 6918�� u n 1 Adc�'1 }I �� n u How�ri J. M�Keazie 53� White Bear Gro�ery A-2 �� 69��+ n �� FroZen FooEl�s r� rr n �� +� Ofi-3Ale M�tlt �� n n �� �� Ci�arette �� n �t St. Paal Rent* A11� Inc. 1396 Ri�e St. Rea�.Hosp. � SR Equip.�� 69���� �i �� 7 Vek. n n f� Maxixe Mueller 8�9 Unirer�sity Gas Sta. 3p �� a9�6�� J. ilf. EnterpY'i�aes� It��. ?10 S. Sdit}� I�y/DC P1�. �� 6927�r ♦rthnr Rineh�rt 779 W. Ceatral Barber �� 6930�� �e ' ti O='i�. Cont. D er n n COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against By Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By , BY WHITE - CITY CLERK 1 ^^���� ,PINK - FINANCE COII11CI1 . � �L■' BLUERY - MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. F�v � Council Resolution Presented By LICF�IBE t�01�@lITTF,� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Conti. Pa�e � Ro�r J. Deutsck� Jr. �34 N. S�ellia6 ].1�! App.6932Reaexal �� ►� 1 Add'1 M n n i� Gordoa & Merril], Marhell 341 W. ?th St. 1M �� 6933�t Wkeel Service Co. �654 iTniversity �� �� 6934�� Lexingto� & Larpenteur 66 Ser�rice 16?6 N. Lexington �� �� 69361+ 1�larvin Ma� 18�0 Grar►i �� �� 6939n St. Paul Liaoleue & Carpet� Inc. 1503 University �� �� 6950�� Katl�leea & ]rie�rlin Mirseh 9SS W. 7t1� U! " 6951" n �� 1 Add'1 1M n n n F'ellor+skip Club� Hazelden Four�iation 680 Stevart 1Tt " 695�" n �� 1 Add'1 M n a n D{��een Eq�ip�eat� Inc. S9S Alifne 1M �� 6g55�� r► i+ 1 Add'1 M '� " " . Orville N. Faulkner 880 Payne 1M �� 6957�� ' Harvey Y. Ruhnow X�iXI[ 1�2 N. Dale Ga� Sta. 6P �� 6960�� n �� Gett.Rep.Ga]�'. �� �� t1 �� �� Ci6arette �� ►� n Deca Properties In�. 26I Selby I�/DC Plt. �' 6961�� White Bear Service Co. 1444 E. Minnehaha I]�i '� 6963�� r� 1263 A1`Cade �� n 6964�� COUIVCILMEN ' Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , By By WHITE - CITY CLERK . COUIICll 261�fi6 •PINK - FINANCE TT CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAVL � � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By L7Cri-NtSlz (Y�A1j'j!f�,F Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Coat�l. Pa�e al Miiw��r Ofl Co. 578 N. S�ellir� 1N App.6967Renewal Coacord Oil Co. 629 Ri�e St. �► n 6968n tr S00 E. 9�h St. " �► 6969r� La3oa Miho 9?4 Rice St. Gen.Rep.Gar. " 89?D�r J�aes McGinnis 654 E. 6tk St. IM �� 697��� n �� 1 Add'1 1H n �� �r Ztirin City Hard++sod Lumber Co. 509 N. Clevelaai 1M '+ 6976" �� �+ 1 Add�1 M " �� �� 8eatucky Friei Cki�ke�� Inc. 769 Grand Reet. C-a " 6979�� St. P�ul Braes & Foua� Co. 954 Nf. Minnehaha 1M " 6981�► n �� 1 Add'1 �l n u n Lan�e Bro�� Blis. Ma�erial Co.� I�c. 781 Habbar� 11N " 6985�� Staff Ro�a Etployee+� St. Paal Pnbli¢ Library 90 W. 4th +� �� 6986�� Ed�rth Bu�h T�eatre 690 S. Clereland " " 6S8?�+ Ralph J. Moasea 600 Cedar 1M �� 6985�� �+ �� 1 Add'1 M '� '� " Yiiliat A. Haff c/o Pkiliip� Petroleue Co. 1540 8andolpk 1M �� 6993�� Leo & Floyd 3e�id 687-9 1V. Snellin� Groeery A-2 �� 6996�� �� n Butcher +� n n n n Ci�arette n u u COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki [n Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By , BY WHI7E - CITV CLERK 1 �C��^� ..PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C11 1 � BLUERY - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. � �� � Council Resolution Presented By j,T[�NCF r.r�uT� - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Coatd. Pa�e B2 Mary Pietrzak 1556'� W. t�oe�o Beauty Shop App.6997Reneaal Nors;e Auto Parts� Inc. 208 E. Arlinston 1M " 6999'► n �� 1 Adi'1 M 'r �' �r White Castle Sy�te�a� Ia�. 505 Riee Rest. C-2 " 700�" �� �� Ciearette �' �' �' ' �� 1085 Uxiversity Rest. C-� �' ?003" i� �i Ciaarette '� �� �� I,a�rry Hasf l�on 986 Selby Resb. C-2 �� ?pp4'� Pioneer Distributin� Co. c/o I,ntl�er Seminary 23?5 Co� 1M �� 70�3�� u n 3 Add'1 M " " " �� c/o Ra�ey Cc�unty Kelfare 333 Sibley 1M �� ?Oi4�� �� �� 5 Add'1 M w M w . . �� c/o T.C. Federal Savin� & Loan As�n. 395 N. Rabert 1M �� 7016�� �� c/o Harry & Yale Jul�nsoa 5�3 N. 3aellin� �� �� 9019�� GocA Cola Bottlinr Midwest c% BoyX1[ Scoata of Aa►erica 1M 393 Mar�shall. �� 7031�� �� c% Central Manor Z6 E. Exchan�e ]1►t " 7U32" �� c/o Ckicaso Aoak I�laad �jr. ?17 N. Prior �� �� ?033�� �� c/o Capri Hotel 7-9 W. ?th " �� 7034�� �� c/o Corso Park Zc�o Pavilion Como Park " " 7033t' „ a �r r� COUIVCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , gy By WHI'�'E - CITV CLERK COI111C11 2611fi� PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Lt�x� (7�►1iTTF.[� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Coati. Pa�e �3 Coca Cola c% Mian. Eelucatio� A�sn. 41 Sherburne 1M App.70�ORenewal �� c/o 8oa Saxon Ford� Ine. Z25 Uaiversity �+ �, �p,��n �� c/o Sear� Roebnck Co. 435 Rice St. �+ �� ?0�.3�� '� c/o U. S. Post Office 193 E. Pennsylvaxfa �� �+ ?(�5�� t� g�o n ?10 ArCade t� �� qp,lg�� n e�p �� 2215 HudBOli lti. n �+ 7049�t n ��o n 89? St. Paul Ave. �� n ?p4g�� '� c�p U.S. PoBt Office 453 N. Sl�ellin� �� n 7049n " ��a n 106? Rice St. n n 7050u n c% �� 43� S. Wabashs �� n ?O'31�t n c�p tr 1546 St. C18i1` �t n ?052�� rr ��o Burlin�ton Nprtkern $y. 379 Coso �� r� 7054�� n c�p 3I�1 Co. $1�. #7. 935 BuBk �+ �� ?pg6n �� % � co. sia�. �2 soo Bu� �, �� �o�r�� �� c/o �� Bl�. �16 1080 Hazel �� �� 7061�� +� c/o Clark Oil & Itefisis� Co. 1132 Arcade �� �� 7063+� COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine ' Meredith Agalnst BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . gy By WHITE - CITY CLERK COI111C11 2611�s PINK - FINANCE � BLUERY - MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAZTL File NO. � Council Resolution . Presented By Lt[�t� ['tnor'r'r�' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Pa�e 24 Coca Cola c/o Clark Oil & Itefiai� Co. 1060 Grand 1M App.70641tene�ral �� c/o Clark Oil & Reffnin� Co. 1330 W. Larpenteur " " ��$" �� ¢�P �� 637 Ri�e �� �t 7pgg�� n ��p �� 58$ E. ?th �� �� 7066n n e�p �� 301 �II. 7th �► u �gn �� ��o n �6 1�1. 7th �� �� ?O?O�r �� c/o C1ark Oil & Refinirag Co. 201 N. Seellin� " " �l" " c/o Aifral Merchaat� Motor Frei�ht 26�5 Terrftorial Ri. " " �2" �� c/o 3t. Pau1 Sani�ary Dietrict 2400 Ckild+s Bd. " " ��" �� e/o Limrood Park P1a�ygrounds 840 St. Clair " " �4" �� e/o American National Bank 419 Robert " " ?�g'� �t n 1 Add'1 M n n n �� c/o St. Jo�epl�'s Hoqftal 69 W. Exclsanre 1M " ?�79" �� �� 1 Add'1 M n n n �! e/o 3�t Co. Bl�►,. �2'� 850 Bu�t 11�1 n 7O8,,n �� �� 1 Add'1 I�t " �� " n ��o u gl��� �7 84U Forest 11�[ " ?��' t� �� 1 Add'1 M �i n �t �� c/o Dfvn. of Social Welfsre Centennial Bldg. 6th F}.. " " ��" � i H fl It COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By ' BY WHI7E - CITV CLERK COl1I1C11 2s116s >PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT FAUL CANp,RY - DEPARTMENT BLUE -- MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By LICI:N3E COl►IlNITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Pare 25 Cocs� Cola c% H.I.O.A. Inc. 361 St. Antlaony 1M App.7087Renewal n �� 9 Add'1 M �� �� ►� �� c/o Ulae�lester Golleae 1600 Gragd 1)1 �� 7088�� �� r� a3 Add'1 1N t� �� �r �� c/o �t. CatLerine Golle�e �004 Raniolph l�! �� '7089�� n n 19 Ad�'1 M u n n �� c/o St. Thoe�as Colleee 2115 3tm�eit 1N �� ?090�� �' 1e 13 Add'1 M n �� �� �+ c/o East Side Bra�eh Y.M.C.A. 10?5 Arcade 1H �� 70g1�� �� �r 2 Aad'1 M �� n r� �� ¢/o U.S. Po�st Otfice 190 E. Kello« 1,1�1 �+ ?092►� �� �� 9 Add'1 M n n n a c% 3M Co. Bld�. #�0 915 Buah 1�! n ?pg3n u n 3 A�d'1 M u �i u �� c/o Haisline tTniversity 1536 Hewitt 1H �� 7099�� u u 9 A�ld'1 M u n n �� c/o Clark Oil � $efiaing Co. 15?0 i�fhite Bear 1M " 7098�� Arnolal Tess�aer c/o Gold Ea`le Wa�k 1645 W�ite Bear �� �� ?102�� n ��o Lsurfe Ga�s� Inc. 695 MF. ?t� 1M �� ?106n Arthur Brnok�s 481 Riee � Add'1 M �� 710'7�� Nortl�ern Vec�d. Serwice c/o General Tire & Rubber Co. 395 E. ?tk 1M '� 7110�� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By ' BY WHISE - CITV CLERK /�1�L�-� PINK - FINANCE � COUI1C11 ��� �� � BLUERY- MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. Council Resolution Presented By a� �ug�„�a�=::Tm�Q Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 26 Harold Gulden ffi 1Z02 Payae 1M App.?113Renewal Ators'a Auto Parte� Inc. 2U8 E. Arlfngton Cigarette �� 4114+� Montgonery Mtard Co. 1400 University Bicycle Dealer " 7120�� 3. P. H. Hotel Co. 11 E. Bellogg 1�1 " ?l��r �� �� 20 Add'1 1!1 a n �� Stanley E. Bester 1148 s. ?th 1M �� 7131�� General Tire & Rubber Co. 395 E. ?th St. Gen.Rep.Gar. " '7133" North Dale Playgrounds N. Dale & Arlington 1M " 7140" u �+ 1 Add'1 M " '� " R. L. Folk � Co. 333 Sibley Nalpak Bld�. 11N �� 7142�� Gateway Glass Co. 889 Pierce Batler Rd. Cigarette �� 7146�� Northern Cooperage Co. 551 Concord 1M " 7148" Gerald Sandquist 614 Como Barber �� 7150" Clark Oil & Befinfng Co. 430 S. Robert Ga+s Sta. 6P �� �151�� n �� Cigarette " �' " Boehm� Inc. 1592 Selby Bicycle Dlr. �� ?152�� Royal Dat+sun� Inc. 734 Crand New 1►1V Dlr. �� ?156�� �� �� 2nd Hd MV Dlr. �� �� �� n �� D1r.Rep.G�'. ° �f �� COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith A gainst BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council 1 By BY WH17E - CITY CLERK CO1111C11 ,PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAI�NT PALTL ���,���j. CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR F312 NO. � Council Resolution Presented By T NQi� CdI�NITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cc�ntd. Page 2? Northland Financial Corp. 6th F1. Hame� Bldg. 408 St. Feter 1M App.7154Renewal �� �� 3 Add'1 IrI n n a Joseph E. Perkovich 12A1 Jackeon 8t. Re+at. C-1 " f].60" n �� Off-Ssle Malt �� �� �� n �� Cigarette �� " " ti �� Cig.Vl1 Oper. 2A! �r �� n The Mcwre Way c/o Ha�line University 1536 Hewftt 1M �� �164�� �+ �� 5 Add�1 M u �� u �� c/o H. 3. Haplan 345 Shepard Rd. 1M �� 7166�� �� +� 4 Add'1 M �� �� " +� c/o Zin+�a�ter BakiAg Co. 97 Sherburne 11N �� 716?�� n �� 3 Add'1 M '� �� �� �� c/o I.D.C. Inns Inc. 1966 Univer�ity 1M " 7168" �� �+ 4 Add'1 M �� �� i, �t c% St. Paul Ra�sey Hosp. 640 Jackson 1M �+ 71?O�� n +� 13 Add'1 IK tt �� n �� c/o I.D.C. Inn+s Inc. 19'l6 Oniver+aity 1M �+ ?171�� u t� 2 Add'1 M ri n n " c/o St. Catherines' College 2A04 Randolph 1!! " ?174" �� �� 13 Add'1 M " " " St. Paul Folice Relief Assn. l0I E. lOth St. Cig.Yl1 �per. 2M n ?178�� �� �+ Cigarette " " " Eoil iXi� Sfeber � 923 Univer�ity 1M " 7182�� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �C BIItl@I' Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY � I�edler Tedesco Mme.President �C Hilnt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�!or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council i By BY WH17E - CITV CLERK COU11C11 ��+��<J 'PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL � CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR � F31@ NO. Council Resolution Presented By LIt�NSE COIY@�lITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 28 St. Paul Lcdge #59 B.P.O.E. Inc. ?2 Cormord 1N App.�184Renewal tiMi II Post 6845 V.P'.W. 10.�58 Oniver�ity �� �� �186�� n �r 1 Add�1 �1 �� �t �' Wayne $wartout 154?-51 University 1M �� �188�� �� n 1 Add'1 IYI n n t� Robert R. Mitchell 150 A�rican Nat'1 Bk.Bldg. Orig.Cont. ?189n �� �' Cigarette App.TM " Harold IYI�fE Mordh 400 N. Nleatern 1M " 7192� 1�. R. Shaw Lueber Co. 217 Co� 1M �� ?199" ' �+ �� 1 Add'1 M " �� " Internatfonal Harvester Co. 7?S Rice St. 1M �� ?201" �� �� 1 Add�l M �� " �� Ji�bee Corp. 326 Grove Rest. C-1 �� ?24?�� �� �r Off-3ale Metl.t n n �� �� '� Cigsrette �� i� �' Jame� Y. Cordell 2236 Car�ber Barber �� 7208�� Jack C. Peteraon ?89 Rice 11N " 72905" General parts & Supply Co. S�3 N. Fairveiw �+ �� 7210�� �� �+ 1 Add'1 M �� �� �� Don'e Towi� & Automotive Service Inc. 524 Lafayette �2 Tow Trucica '� 7213�� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � gy By WH17E - CITY CLERK CO11T1C11 ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALIL � CANARY - DEPARTMENT ry��tl BLUE��-MAVOR Flle NO. , , Council Resolution Presented By LIGENS�' CO�fl►!'t'rTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 29 Pioneer 3yatea�e Inc. c/o Dayton's 2 E. 7th 1M App.7224Renewal +� c/o H.I.O.A. Ittc. 161 3t. Antho�q �� " 7226" �+ c/o G. C. Murphy Co. 1566 University �� " 7228" �� c,/o PLalen Rack & Cue 1365 E. Idagnolia �� " 72.30n „ c/o Yictory Auto Park� Inc. 344 Wabasha " " 7532„ �� c/o St. Paul Academy 1?12 Randolph �� �� ?234�� COUIVCILMEN Yeas �� _ Nays Requested by Department of: ��'�A Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY � �...� Mme.President�Belkr I�li�i$ 1 � �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certi ed sed by C il etary BY By Appro d by or: Date �7� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By BY PUBLISHED MAY 51973