02-1895�t���-+�-�- - M.4,-a. �a, aooa. RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Council File # G�o7 /�-�1 Green Sheet # //� ��� Committee Date RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A LEGISLATIVE ADVISORY COIVIMITTEE TO MAKE RECOMIVIENDATIONS FOR TI� NANIING OF A STREET FOR DR MARTIN LUTHER KtNG, JR. WHEREAS, Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. is known as one of the world's best voices for non-violent social change strategies for civil rights, vofing rights and color-blind justice; and 3 WHEREAS, Doctor King's views, hopes and dreams were delivered to the world through his exceptional 4 oratorical skills and personal courage; and 5 WHEREAS, more than 500 streets across the United States of America kiaue been named after the slain civil 6 rights leader as a way to memorialize and honor his accomplishments and to create a connection beriveen those 7 accomplishments and local citizens; and 8 WHEREAS, naming a street after someone who has contributed to positive change in our society is an 9 acceptabie way to acknowledge their contributions; and 10 WHEREAS, currently, no public street in Minnesota has been named after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr; and 11 WI3EREAS, the Mayor of Saint Paul has expressed support for renamiug a street for Dr. King in the City of 12 Saint Pau1, and the Saint Paul City Council passed a resolution on February 27, 2002, calling for a Saint Paul 13 street to be renamed after Dr. King; and 14 WHEREAS, the idea of renaming a street for Dr. King has been received enthusiastically by many in the 15 community and has elicited a number of proposals for streets which should be renamed in Dr. King's honor; and 16 WF3EREAS, no process has been established to determine which street sha11 be named for Dr. Martin Luther 17 King; now therefore be it 18 RESOLVED, that a legislative advisory committee is hereby established to make recommendations to the Saint 19 Paul City Council regarding which street in the City of Saint Paul shall be renamed for Dr. Martin Luther King, 20 Jr.; and be it 21 FURTHER RESOLVED that the legislative advisory committee develop criteria for the deternunation of which 22 street to rename based on, but not limited to, the following considerations: 23 24 A. Historic significance of e�sting street name; 25 B. Street must have proper significance and prominence which reflects the unportance of Dr. King's 26 work and life; 27 C. Costs associated with the streeYs renaming; 1 D. Testimony provided at the Mazch 6, 2002 City Council public hearing regazding the renamiug $� 2 process; and pa � 3 E. Input from neighborhood residents and businesses affected by the street renamiug; and be it 4 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the membership of the coxnmittee shall consist of nine (9) members appointed by 5 the Ciiy Council. These members shall reflect the diverse population and interests of the City of Saint Paul. 6 The membership shall be selected as follows: Three (3) members sha11 be recommended by City 7 Councilmembers; Four (4) members shall be recommended by the Mayor; One (1) member shall be 8 recommended by the Saint Paul Plauning Coxnmission; and One (1) member recommended from the Heritage 9 Preservation Commission; and be it 10 FUR"I'IIER RESOLVED, that recommendations for appointrnents to tlus legislative advisory committee shall be 11 made to the Council Secretary by Monday, April l, 2002 and once the Council has received the 12 recommendations, the Council shall, through resolufion, appoint the members of the legislative advisory 13 committee; and be it 14 FURTHER RESOLVED, that committee shall have at least three meefings, one of wkuch shall be a public 15 hearing to receive input from residents and businesses regazding the name change; and be it 16 FL7RTHER RESOLVED, that committee shall complete its work by Wednesday, June 12, 2002 and provide a 17 final written and aral report to the City Council on this date; in the final report the committee sha11 identify three 18 options for streets to be named for Dr. King, shall provide the criteria used for determuung these options, and 19 provide a written explanation of how each oprion satisfied the criteria; and be it 20 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council Research and Investigation Center provide any needed 21 support to the legislative advisory committee. oa�l�9 Yeas Nays Absent Senanav ,/ Blakey � Bostrom ,� Coleman � Hazris ,/ Lantry ,r Reiter �! � Requested by AepuVnent of. By: Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � oa. -�� �EPARTMINT/OFFICFICOUNCIL oATE WRWTm . c�t caun��� 03-06-02 GREEN SHEET No 113726 COMACi P6iSON & PHONE NItlallDye InIW W9e Councilmember Blakey ,�,,,�,�,�,�,�,,,� p ,,.� MUST BE ON COUNCILAGHJDA BY (p4TE� wEII1G1i 03-Ob-02 ��� c,.�no.�sr � ❑cn«m� rzouru+c � rauxus�aeaneesun rwwuufanaccra ❑rdartprtAessrwnl ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7ED Resolution establishing � legislative �dvisoty co�ittee Eo make Lecommendations for the the naming of a street for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) w Rejed (R) PE7t50NAl SERYICE CANTRAGiS MUSS ANSWEATXE iOLLOWIN6 QUESTIONS: ' t. Hasthisa�snn/frtne.ervrorkedunaxaconhacttorthisdeWrone�t� PLANNINGCOMMISSION YES NO CIBCOMMITTEE 2. Hasth�pereoNfirtne�erbeenacityempbyce? CNILSERVICECAMMISSION YES NO 3. Dces this Oa��rm poesess a Slall not nofmal�YP�� bY a�Y Curtent cilY emP�%'� YES NO , 4. Is Mie P���rtn a tefpe[ed verMOYt YES NO F�lain all yes answeis on sepaiate sf�eM and attac� to preen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Wt�ere, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVm TOTAL AMOUNi OF TRANSAG770N S CAST/REVENUE BUOIiETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE AC7NI7Y NUMBER FlNANC W. INFpRMAiION (EJJ� WW NJ b a-��9 „--�_�,'�- CITY OF SAINT PAUL trm �'��''"'_�'� OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL JERRY BLAKEY Councilasembec MEMORANDUM Date: March 13, 2002 To: Council President Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Hanis Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember Jim Reiter From: Councilmember Jerry Blake¢�/$ �i Subject: Substitute Resolution for Item #32 - Establishing a Legislative Advisory Committee to make recommendations for the naming of a street for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Mayor's Office and I have reached an agreement on the nuxnber of inembers and the appointing authority. JB:jab attachment cc: Mayor Randy Keily Dennis Flaherty Nancy Anderson CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PALJL, MINNESOTA 55102-1615 651/266-8610 s�� Rirted on Recycled Paper ORIGINAL Referred FOR THE NAMING OF A STREET FOR DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. 1 WIlEREAS, Doctor arhn Luther King, Jr. is lrnown as one of the world's best voices for non-violent social 2 change strategies for ci ' rights, voting rights and color-blind justice; and 3 WI3EREAS, Doctor King's 'ews, hopes and dreams were delivered to the world through his exceptional 4 oratorical skills and personal c urage; and 5 WHEREAS, more than 500 streets cross the United States of America have been named after the slain civil 6 rights leader as a way to memorialize d honor his accomplishments and to create a connection between those 7 accomplishments and local citizens; an, 8 WHEREAS, naming a street after so� 9 acceptable way to acknowledge their 10 WIIEREAS, currently, no public street in has contributed to positive change in our society is an ns; and has been named after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr; and 11 WHEREAS, the Mayor of Saint Paul has expressed s�port for renaming a street for Dr. King in the City of 12 Saint Paul, and the Saint Paul Ciry Counci] passed a res ution on Pebruary 27, 2002, calling for a Saint Paul 13 street to be renamed after Dr. King; and 14 WHEREAS, the idea of renaming a street for Dr. King has bee received enthusiastically by many in the 15 community and has elicited a number of proposals for streets wku h should be renamed in Dr. King's honor; and 16 W HEREAS, no process has been established to determine which stre'�a11 be named far Dr. Martin Luther 17 King; now therefore be it 18 RESOLVED, that a legislative advisory conunittee is hereby established t�ake recommendations to the Saint 19 Paul City Council regarding which sireet in the City of Saint Paul shall be reriat�ed for Dr. Martin Luther King, 20 Jr.; and be it `�� 21 FURTHER RESOLVED that the legislative advisory committee develop criteria for t� 22 street to rename based on, but not limited to, the following considerations: 23 24 A. Historic significance of existing street name; 25 B. Sireet must haue proper significance and prominence which reflects the 26 work and life; 27 C. Costs associated with the streeYs renaming; RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINTEAUL. MINNESOTA Council File # o a_ i g9 Green Sheet # � \3�1 �. lp � Committee Date UTION ESTABLISHING A LEGISLATIVE ADVISORY COD�NIITTEE TO MAKE deterniination of which of Dr. King's .� \ Z 0 R�G i f� � o�, `�� 1 �ny provided at the March 6, 2002 City Council public hearing regarding the renaming , and 3 � E. Input from neighborhood residents and businesses affected by the street reuamiug; and be it 4 FURT RESOLVED, that the membership of the committee shall consist of nine (9) members appointed by 5 the City Co il. These members shall reflect the diverse population and interests of the City of Saint Paul. 6 The membership all be selected as follows: Four (4) members shall be recommended by City 7 Councilmembers; Th�ee (3) members shall be recommended by the Mayor; One (1) member shall be 8 recommended by the S�'a�nt Paul Planning Commission; and One (1} member recommended from the Heritage Preservation be it 10 FURTI�R RESOLVED, that r�on 11 made to the Council Secretary by l�i 12 recommendations, the Council shall, 13 committee; and be it la6ons for appointments to this legislative advisory committee shall be , Aprill, 2042 and once the Council has received the resolution, appoint the members of the legislative advisory 14 FURTHER RESOLVBD, that committee shall ue at least three meetings, one of which shall be a public 15 heaxing to receive input from residents and busine es regarding the name change; and be it 16 FiJRTHER RESOLVED, that committee shall complet 'ts work by Wednesday, June 12, 2002 and provide a 17 final written and oral report to the City Council on this dat • in the fmal report the committee shall identify three 18 options for streets to be named for Dr. King, sha11 provide the riteria used for determining these options, and 19 provide a written explanation of how each option satisfied the cr' eria; and be it 20 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Saint Paui City Councii Reseazch 21 support to the legislative advisory committee. Center provide any needed 2 ORIGINaL -�� • � - � ��___ �___ : � � . �� ___ . -u.� ___ �___ �___ �___ ---- Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Approved by Mayor: Date � Requested by Department of: '� Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � 6a-t6-� �. o �.l�"� � CZTY OF SAINT PAUL ;;=:,_"r OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL ` JERRY BLAKEY Councilmember MEMORANDUM March 5, 2002 TO: Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter FROM: Councilmember Jerry Blakey�/"`� � +�� RE: Suspension Item for March 6th City Council Meeting Attached for your review is a resolution for establishing a legislative advisory committee to make recommendations for the naming of a street for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that I will be bringing in under suspension. attachment CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAIIVT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1615 651/266-8610 s.�ac Pnrted on Recycled Paper 5�t���-+�-�- - M.4,-a. �a, aooa. RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Council File # G�o7 /�-�1 Green Sheet # //� ��� Committee Date RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A LEGISLATIVE ADVISORY COIVIMITTEE TO MAKE RECOMIVIENDATIONS FOR TI� NANIING OF A STREET FOR DR MARTIN LUTHER KtNG, JR. WHEREAS, Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. is known as one of the world's best voices for non-violent social change strategies for civil rights, vofing rights and color-blind justice; and 3 WHEREAS, Doctor King's views, hopes and dreams were delivered to the world through his exceptional 4 oratorical skills and personal courage; and 5 WHEREAS, more than 500 streets across the United States of America kiaue been named after the slain civil 6 rights leader as a way to memorialize and honor his accomplishments and to create a connection beriveen those 7 accomplishments and local citizens; and 8 WHEREAS, naming a street after someone who has contributed to positive change in our society is an 9 acceptabie way to acknowledge their contributions; and 10 WHEREAS, currently, no public street in Minnesota has been named after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr; and 11 WI3EREAS, the Mayor of Saint Paul has expressed support for renamiug a street for Dr. King in the City of 12 Saint Pau1, and the Saint Paul City Council passed a resolution on February 27, 2002, calling for a Saint Paul 13 street to be renamed after Dr. King; and 14 WHEREAS, the idea of renaming a street for Dr. King has been received enthusiastically by many in the 15 community and has elicited a number of proposals for streets which should be renamed in Dr. King's honor; and 16 WF3EREAS, no process has been established to determine which street sha11 be named for Dr. Martin Luther 17 King; now therefore be it 18 RESOLVED, that a legislative advisory committee is hereby established to make recommendations to the Saint 19 Paul City Council regarding which street in the City of Saint Paul shall be renamed for Dr. Martin Luther King, 20 Jr.; and be it 21 FURTHER RESOLVED that the legislative advisory committee develop criteria for the deternunation of which 22 street to rename based on, but not limited to, the following considerations: 23 24 A. Historic significance of e�sting street name; 25 B. Street must have proper significance and prominence which reflects the unportance of Dr. King's 26 work and life; 27 C. Costs associated with the streeYs renaming; 1 D. Testimony provided at the Mazch 6, 2002 City Council public hearing regazding the renamiug $� 2 process; and pa � 3 E. Input from neighborhood residents and businesses affected by the street renamiug; and be it 4 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the membership of the coxnmittee shall consist of nine (9) members appointed by 5 the Ciiy Council. These members shall reflect the diverse population and interests of the City of Saint Paul. 6 The membership shall be selected as follows: Three (3) members sha11 be recommended by City 7 Councilmembers; Four (4) members shall be recommended by the Mayor; One (1) member shall be 8 recommended by the Saint Paul Plauning Coxnmission; and One (1) member recommended from the Heritage 9 Preservation Commission; and be it 10 FUR"I'IIER RESOLVED, that recommendations for appointrnents to tlus legislative advisory committee shall be 11 made to the Council Secretary by Monday, April l, 2002 and once the Council has received the 12 recommendations, the Council shall, through resolufion, appoint the members of the legislative advisory 13 committee; and be it 14 FURTHER RESOLVED, that committee shall have at least three meefings, one of wkuch shall be a public 15 hearing to receive input from residents and businesses regazding the name change; and be it 16 FL7RTHER RESOLVED, that committee shall complete its work by Wednesday, June 12, 2002 and provide a 17 final written and aral report to the City Council on this date; in the final report the committee sha11 identify three 18 options for streets to be named for Dr. King, shall provide the criteria used for determuung these options, and 19 provide a written explanation of how each oprion satisfied the criteria; and be it 20 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council Research and Investigation Center provide any needed 21 support to the legislative advisory committee. oa�l�9 Yeas Nays Absent Senanav ,/ Blakey � Bostrom ,� Coleman � Hazris ,/ Lantry ,r Reiter �! � Requested by AepuVnent of. By: Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � oa. -�� �EPARTMINT/OFFICFICOUNCIL oATE WRWTm . c�t caun��� 03-06-02 GREEN SHEET No 113726 COMACi P6iSON & PHONE NItlallDye InIW W9e Councilmember Blakey ,�,,,�,�,�,�,�,,,� p ,,.� MUST BE ON COUNCILAGHJDA BY (p4TE� wEII1G1i 03-Ob-02 ��� c,.�no.�sr � ❑cn«m� rzouru+c � rauxus�aeaneesun rwwuufanaccra ❑rdartprtAessrwnl ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7ED Resolution establishing � legislative �dvisoty co�ittee Eo make Lecommendations for the the naming of a street for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) w Rejed (R) PE7t50NAl SERYICE CANTRAGiS MUSS ANSWEATXE iOLLOWIN6 QUESTIONS: ' t. Hasthisa�snn/frtne.ervrorkedunaxaconhacttorthisdeWrone�t� PLANNINGCOMMISSION YES NO CIBCOMMITTEE 2. Hasth�pereoNfirtne�erbeenacityempbyce? CNILSERVICECAMMISSION YES NO 3. Dces this Oa��rm poesess a Slall not nofmal�YP�� bY a�Y Curtent cilY emP�%'� YES NO , 4. Is Mie P���rtn a tefpe[ed verMOYt YES NO F�lain all yes answeis on sepaiate sf�eM and attac� to preen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Wt�ere, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVm TOTAL AMOUNi OF TRANSAG770N S CAST/REVENUE BUOIiETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE AC7NI7Y NUMBER FlNANC W. INFpRMAiION (EJJ� WW NJ b a-��9 „--�_�,'�- CITY OF SAINT PAUL trm �'��''"'_�'� OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL JERRY BLAKEY Councilasembec MEMORANDUM Date: March 13, 2002 To: Council President Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Hanis Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember Jim Reiter From: Councilmember Jerry Blake¢�/$ �i Subject: Substitute Resolution for Item #32 - Establishing a Legislative Advisory Committee to make recommendations for the naming of a street for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Mayor's Office and I have reached an agreement on the nuxnber of inembers and the appointing authority. JB:jab attachment cc: Mayor Randy Keily Dennis Flaherty Nancy Anderson CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PALJL, MINNESOTA 55102-1615 651/266-8610 s�� Rirted on Recycled Paper ORIGINAL Referred FOR THE NAMING OF A STREET FOR DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. 1 WIlEREAS, Doctor arhn Luther King, Jr. is lrnown as one of the world's best voices for non-violent social 2 change strategies for ci ' rights, voting rights and color-blind justice; and 3 WI3EREAS, Doctor King's 'ews, hopes and dreams were delivered to the world through his exceptional 4 oratorical skills and personal c urage; and 5 WHEREAS, more than 500 streets cross the United States of America have been named after the slain civil 6 rights leader as a way to memorialize d honor his accomplishments and to create a connection between those 7 accomplishments and local citizens; an, 8 WHEREAS, naming a street after so� 9 acceptable way to acknowledge their 10 WIIEREAS, currently, no public street in has contributed to positive change in our society is an ns; and has been named after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr; and 11 WHEREAS, the Mayor of Saint Paul has expressed s�port for renaming a street for Dr. King in the City of 12 Saint Paul, and the Saint Paul Ciry Counci] passed a res ution on Pebruary 27, 2002, calling for a Saint Paul 13 street to be renamed after Dr. King; and 14 WHEREAS, the idea of renaming a street for Dr. King has bee received enthusiastically by many in the 15 community and has elicited a number of proposals for streets wku h should be renamed in Dr. King's honor; and 16 W HEREAS, no process has been established to determine which stre'�a11 be named far Dr. Martin Luther 17 King; now therefore be it 18 RESOLVED, that a legislative advisory conunittee is hereby established t�ake recommendations to the Saint 19 Paul City Council regarding which sireet in the City of Saint Paul shall be reriat�ed for Dr. Martin Luther King, 20 Jr.; and be it `�� 21 FURTHER RESOLVED that the legislative advisory committee develop criteria for t� 22 street to rename based on, but not limited to, the following considerations: 23 24 A. Historic significance of existing street name; 25 B. Sireet must haue proper significance and prominence which reflects the 26 work and life; 27 C. Costs associated with the streeYs renaming; RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINTEAUL. MINNESOTA Council File # o a_ i g9 Green Sheet # � \3�1 �. lp � Committee Date UTION ESTABLISHING A LEGISLATIVE ADVISORY COD�NIITTEE TO MAKE deterniination of which of Dr. King's .� \ Z 0 R�G i f� � o�, `�� 1 �ny provided at the March 6, 2002 City Council public hearing regarding the renaming , and 3 � E. Input from neighborhood residents and businesses affected by the street reuamiug; and be it 4 FURT RESOLVED, that the membership of the committee shall consist of nine (9) members appointed by 5 the City Co il. These members shall reflect the diverse population and interests of the City of Saint Paul. 6 The membership all be selected as follows: Four (4) members shall be recommended by City 7 Councilmembers; Th�ee (3) members shall be recommended by the Mayor; One (1) member shall be 8 recommended by the S�'a�nt Paul Planning Commission; and One (1} member recommended from the Heritage Preservation be it 10 FURTI�R RESOLVED, that r�on 11 made to the Council Secretary by l�i 12 recommendations, the Council shall, 13 committee; and be it la6ons for appointments to this legislative advisory committee shall be , Aprill, 2042 and once the Council has received the resolution, appoint the members of the legislative advisory 14 FURTHER RESOLVBD, that committee shall ue at least three meetings, one of which shall be a public 15 heaxing to receive input from residents and busine es regarding the name change; and be it 16 FiJRTHER RESOLVED, that committee shall complet 'ts work by Wednesday, June 12, 2002 and provide a 17 final written and oral report to the City Council on this dat • in the fmal report the committee shall identify three 18 options for streets to be named for Dr. King, sha11 provide the riteria used for determining these options, and 19 provide a written explanation of how each option satisfied the cr' eria; and be it 20 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Saint Paui City Councii Reseazch 21 support to the legislative advisory committee. Center provide any needed 2 ORIGINaL -�� • � - � ��___ �___ : � � . �� ___ . -u.� ___ �___ �___ �___ ---- Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Approved by Mayor: Date � Requested by Department of: '� Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � 6a-t6-� �. o �.l�"� � CZTY OF SAINT PAUL ;;=:,_"r OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL ` JERRY BLAKEY Councilmember MEMORANDUM March 5, 2002 TO: Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter FROM: Councilmember Jerry Blakey�/"`� � +�� RE: Suspension Item for March 6th City Council Meeting Attached for your review is a resolution for establishing a legislative advisory committee to make recommendations for the naming of a street for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that I will be bringing in under suspension. attachment CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAIIVT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1615 651/266-8610 s.�ac Pnrted on Recycled Paper