261156 WHITE - CITY CLERK CO1111C11 261�.�s PINK • - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARY - DEPARTMENT BI..UE - MAYOR File NO. ` un 'l Resolution . �Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WH&REA3, the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company, by letter dated April 2, 1973, a copy of which is hereto attached and incorporated herein by reference, pertaining to the City employee pay dependents group life insurance, policy Number 2881-G, wi.th said company, has indicated that the exper- ience under the aforesaid employee pay group life coverage has resulted in s dividend account balance in the amount of $�+4,736.19; and WF�R�AS, the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company in said letter makes a recommendation concurred in by the City's Health and Welfare Insurance Committee, that the City Council authorize by resolution that this amount be paid proportionately to those persons under said group who were premium paying insureds on December 31, 1972 and who had been contint�o�sly Siw�s� for si.x months prior to December 31, 1972, said proportion to be approximately 60°f, of annual premium paid by said eligible employee; now, therefore, be it RES�I,VED, that effective as of danuary 1, 1}73, the aforesaid 60°�, of the premium paid by each such insured described aforesaid, during the period from January 1, 1972 to December 31, 1972, the total amount of all such refunds to eligible City employees being in the amount of $44,736.19, to be paid to those employees described in the preceding paragraph of this Resolution, such distribution to be made by the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co�pany as soon as conveniently possible; and be it FINALLY RE.S�LVED, that the City Clerk be directed to prepare a certif�:ed copy of this resolution and deliver the same to the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Gompany as soon as conveniently possible. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �krr►t� Butler �1Zonopatzki In Favor d.e4iYee- Meredith � Against BY �re€3�� Roedlor Tedesco Mme.President�ut�et HLiAt •oR �e� � Form Ap�lpved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Ar � t Certif' d sed by Co i tary BY By Approved r: te �7 �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED MAY 51973 . ���,�' y-�. -���, : �� �`�NESQ f � � TME MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANV ' � 346 Cedar Street, Saia[Pa¢1, Minataote �StOt � �►�? `,�� AL ec: Joi�a ilevlia , ?65 Citv Iia.I.I : Ci[p of St. Psul `St. Pan1,.Minn�sota ,SS7�4� ' Zlen�datl Phillips 6-740 ' �'z;�ril 2, I�73 Joha Graatisr 6-75"� ; D�2a '.Toh�msen 6-767 : :�r. To�t �tid�r ` � . ��ie€ �� as�ed �LQt Dt 1'lx�te2 :i�T ot St. 'Pavl ` �.�.t� B1t�.�, �+� `, , -:. ....� �*7�re ���i�ii�� �M� ���iVi�:,�. . .. �.�.. - � f���\ Vil.i' YT� �i�.�AYM1 .�. ���-�� :� . . . .:. -�. �- .:. ' - V .� � . �r�w� �a . . . . � . ' _Uia�W�i� Lii i1 i�R�tiG �i�i . . . . ����i4i�. �• '�� �ViiZ� .. .. .. .. � � � � ' : . .. . : � � . � � �� � - ` LMtL' I'#'a BL�+��:' � 'i�s p�tc�st+�a ��tsh aivsde�a a� tLSs p2an Eor rb+e Janr�.ry i, 13t2 00 3ans� I, 3�73 F4iicy ysar is 6��. i`his pacsreataga eaa b� p�3e1 ist � tash to t.t�a�a �Ia�s �o ��t�s inauc�d oa D�caaber 31, 1�7Z t� v�a v�stie al�w inas�ed oa July 1. 1�72. Tba di���d �I � a p��ata�a a! � �li�i�1� +�rploX:a's aBO�at ds�t prrsitis. �osa'ds� chrcka Fc�x the aligibl�. �lolsaas w oMd to Ic�r it Y t�is r�a�dation is antia�actas�r �ar tba CitT. 5tnc.a�ly, - ���( `J ` �ao�rss a. J�t� ;. dacsistaat �atuss� .T�.Tt�ti�c � � ,. : ;, : ; �� � - ; ; ... ,:; -,. . . .,�:�ra, ��� ' . : +m�, "�...t� � . .. .... . .. . �. � . . . . . .. .. . . . �.*,, � r � ¢ ' �.,,�� cc� �ir. John Devlin ?65 City Hall : Citv of St. Paul St. Paul, i4innesota 55102 t7enda1l Phillips - b-790 : John Grantier -- 6-759 Dale Johansen - 6-767 . i�arch ,14. 1973 ��ir. John �1�id�� Chief Examiner & Director of Personnel City of St. Paul < City`Hall St. Paul, �iinrte�ota 55102 : CITY OF ST. P�IIL DEPENDENTS LIFE TNSIIRAI�CE PLAN PULICY N0. 23aI-G , Dear Mr."Ha�.der: The clividend on ehis plan for tt�� 3a�uary 1, I972 to January 1, 1973 policy pear ts $k3,08a. TtzE pre�3um paid for the po:icy year was $35.705.' Zncurred clai�ns are $32,OQ0, and a Iistinu of these claims is enciosed. A convcrsio� chargc of $60.00 per $3,(?00 of insuranca is charged for depen- denCs who converC their insurance to indivi�iu�l policfes issued by Piinnesota xiutual. In ttte po2icy year twa esapZayees cor►verted a totril of $2,000 of insurance, and �he canvarsiun cltar�e is $Z20. A lis� of the policy year caaversions ia enelosed. The following Cable shows the total divic3ends available for disCribution � nn January Z, 1973: �Iance at in�erest. 3anuarq I, I372 $1,5�G.9i3 (�ep�rted by 2c�ter, Ap�il 17, 1972) Dfvidend due 3anuary l, 1972 fo� N3.col:�a Cocchiarell.� ' $ I7.28 (DraWn A�ri3. 18, 1972) _ � Ad�ustad balance at 3nterest, Januazy 1, 1972 $1,569`.7a fi � � ,� .. ,. , T�, , .. • �- � � �ir. John Haider City of St. Paul - 2 _ March 14, I973 Znterest to Januarq I, I973 at S� $ `7F3.49 Dividends earned-January 1, 1973 47 I6$ QO ToL�I dividend January I� I973 ` $48,8I6.Y9 4Je recamacnd that �hese dividends be paid 3n cash to thos� em�loyeen who were iasured oa D�ceanbar 3I, 1972 and wizo werQ �3.�o insured on Su2p 1, 1.972. The :dividead wauld be � perccnta�w of each elfi�f�Ie emp2oyee's Anaual dependent premium. We are iu elie proce�s of deternzining tl�e c�act percentage cash divi-- d�nd Co be paid. This percenLage will be about 55x and wc3 should b� able to = �ive pou the exact figeire eoon. : _, tir. Aaidex. please let me kaow if this rec�mendation is sstisfactory ta the City. Siacerely yours.. 3ame� �, Jolineon Assfstaat �ctuarp : 3�J:trrr� EA�. � � _._w;.«. ,..__F�-.w:.:', ,...,._._: '� __r. _ _ .. ,. .. �� __��.,: . .�_ .�.�:,�u.� -- ,:,....�....`.�:�,.,�.. `; t � �._ ._ ' � rt. � , Revised : CLAIiIS REPORT POLICY v0. 288I-G DEF�NDENTS 1-1-72 to 1-I-73 ' DEATH . :` Nrme Date of Death Amount Fr�ncis tJethern 1-24-72 � 1,000 Doris Dols 3-27-72 i,Q00 ' Ericicson' 4-22-72 3,000 C3r1 Ahl 5-06-72 3,000 `' David Wanner 6-16-72 1,000 ��Ia�ilyn Een�ke : E-30-72 ` 3,OQ0 Rayella Tschida �-23-72 3,000 Ja�ne.s Novc,tny 9-24-7 2 1,OQ0 �ean Jansen 10-II-72 3,0�70 Sidney Novak 11-30-72 1,00(� Agne� Rc�ss 12-Q9-72 1_,000 Jam�s Mcerr�y 12-1?-72 3,06� Ituth Arnould 12-17-72 3,000 Total $2?,000 AD&D ` Doris Dols 3-27-72 $ 1,000 Total $ 1,000 Grand Total ' $28,000 ` i `