261154 WH17E - CITY CLERK ��1�1�� PINK - FIRANCE GITY OF SAINT PALI�L Council 1 Q CANlyRY - DEPARTMENT BI.UE - MAYOR File NO. �y Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An 6rdinance Amending the 1973 Budget and to Provide for Supplemental Appropriations The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Section 1. That pursua.nt to and in accordance with the procedure set forth in Section 10.07.1, and upon certification of the Mayor that additional revenues are available in excess of the estimates of revenue adopted within the 1973 Budget, as amended, the Council of the City of St. Paul does hereby revise the 1973 Budget so as to increase the appropriation in Activity 09125 - Municipal Memberships - National League of Cities so as to increase the annual membership dues in the amount of $1,300.00 so as to read $2,500.00 and further that the appropriation is hereby increased as follows: General Government Accounts ` 09125 Municipal Memberships 251 Dues and Memberships National League of Cities $1,300.00 and further that the item i�. �e ��'�;r�ane�g=-Summary noted as: General Revenue Fund Balance - Not Dedicated (12/31/72 Unencumbered Balances-Not Dedicated) be inereased in the amount of $1 r300,00.. Sectiot� 2, This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEIV Requeste by Department of: Yeas �"" Nays • �Inetr � � . � `V�t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Mer� g���;r � Against BY Mme.Presi'�den$�Ll�� �t Adopted by Council: Date MAY 15 � Form Approved by Ci Attorn Cert' e sed by C c' etary BY By Approved M or: ate Approv y M r S �c�sio Council � By By Pt�Bti�� MAY 19 191 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI ����y'i ,�4 April 18, 1973 To: �layor Lawrence D. Cohen � i 1 Fr: David Nozza, Acting City Administrator 1(3 { ' Re: Council Ordinance - NationaZ League of Cities I have reviewed the above Counci.l Ordinance and recommend your approval of same. DHH:mc Attached City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 O . ��' GITY OF SAINT PA�TL ��,� -'.� OFI�IGF. OI�' THF. MAYOli I' �s�ae ��e���a�� ��a _ L�WRENCE D. COHEN MAYOR April 18, 1973 Ruby Hunt, President and Members of the City Council In accordance with the provisions of Charter Section 10.07.4 I hereby certify that there is available in the 1972 Unencumbered Appropri- ation Balances-Closed to Fund Balance at December 31, 1972 funds in excess of the amount estimated in the 1973 Budget as amended to finance the attached budget revision. It is my opinion that the new schedule of dues as determined by the National League would be a good expenditure of city funds based on services we have received from this organization. Res�ectfully submitted, re D. Cohen Ma�or 22 ,.�f + �/� 1.i,:;��r.. J�.F��.+�,.�+ L�.'�:� � .� �� �,�� w� �`J s�#G��.,s�'tk.'C�. �� �,'q,'�,$ 1�33.�13 ' � FiflNCI'A l�iS;L � ��°�� ��1��� � I�ii�:=��'�'^ � R�� LE� � ' „ � l?RESI�3T�r3I' (�G"I�'.�) . \