02-188Am�.�.� �a - M�.r�. c� a o a a c4,���� F�e � o a_�� g Green Sheet # ao a a 53 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has become a regional center for arts, culture and entertainment through a rich variety of organizations and institutions committed to creating a vibrant urban center; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has joined together tune and tune again to develop strong 6 public and private partnerships to create economic growth, urban vitality and wonderful 7 opportunities to enhance urban living; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Wild and the Xcel Energy Center have proven to be tremendous economic generators for the City and have contributed mightily to urban economic growth in our city; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul recognizes the strong potential of the Minnesota Twins to add to urban economic growth and vitality by locating in our City; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul recognizes that a public and private parthership that allows for the construction of a ballpark in Saint Paul would be generally positive for the City; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul recognizes that the need far Major League Baseball to reform itself is a key element of determining any final pubiic and private partnership; and WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul recognizes that any public and private partnership for a ballpark in Saint Paul must include a strong working relationship with the hospitality industry, neighborhood arganizations and others to ensure success; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul recognizes that a ballpark in the City must contribute to broad economic development, opporhxnities for housing and transit and other urban development projects; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul recognizes the right of the public to decide on any new taac that will be used to build a ballpazk in Saint Paul, and will abide by the decision reached by voters on such a tax; and oa-t�Y 34 35 36 37 38 39 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports the vision of bringing the Minnesota Twins and a new ballpark to Saint Paul; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul will support the decision of the people of Saint Paul on a ballpazk financing referendum for the City of Saint Paui, including any imposition of a bar and restaurant taac not to exceed 3% d such tas shall be ternunated upon completion of bond payments that are used to constnxct th ballpazk. �.�- ��.t. s �...pfi . , a° ° a � �r�Y(�a�r.� E\cc���� ��- p�SS'� `o\ �. . Requested by Department oE Adopted by Council: Date M s „�a.�, C_ 2-0 0� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary , BY� l�� �- � rt—�-a.1a�' Approved ayor: te Y By: , � Form Approved by City Attomey BY� _-�����— 3..1�02 Approved b ayor for Submission to Co cIl By: (i . �a-ig� DEPARTMENTlOFFICE/COUNCIL OATE WmnTED � Mayors Office March 6, aoo GREEN SHEET No COMACTPQ2SOIJ&PHIXJE M „�,„ , 202253 Dennis Flaherty 68519 oe.�un�,.owEemx ar.ca.ca MUST BE ON CWNCIL AGQJDA BY (DA'f� 1,.G .e L I\SSicx NYMBFRFOR GfYATTOII�Y � ❑ CRYCIFRK RWTIIIG �� fNNitlN.4ERNCF80R ANIICJ6Lf8Rl(RCCTO ❑ WYw[(GMASSm41I) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REOUESTED That the Saint Paul City Council approves supporting the decision of Saint Paul voters on any new financing proposals that are proposed to build an open air ballpark in the City of Saint Paul. RECOMMENDA ION Apprwe (A) or 2JECY (R) PERSONALSERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER iHE FOLLOWIIiG QUESTIONS: 7. Has this persoMfirm everwwked uMer a coMract ipr Mie tlepa�tmeM7 PLANNING CAMMISSION VES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this personfirm ever been a dty empbyce? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION , YES NO 3. Does this persoNfiim possess a sldll not nORnallypo65easetl by airy curtent city employee7 YES NO - 4. Is ihis pefwMrm a tarpe[etl �endoYT YES NO E�ryiain all yes ansvers on separate sheet and attach to Oreen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WM, What, When, Where, Why) The opportunity to bring two to three million new visitors to Saint Paul will have a positive impact on the City's economy, urban vitality and reputation as a national point of destination. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � St.ates the Council's intent to abide by the wishes o£ Saint Paul voters if they approve ballpark financing proposals in a referendum. Sends a strong message that Saint Paul is prepared to be'a part of the solution to help keep Major League Baseball in Minnesota. - DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED - None DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED ' Lose an opportunity to commit ourselves to supporting the right o£ voters to ultimately approve a ballpark financinq proposal. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S C0.5T/REVENUE BUDGETED (GRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER FINANCW.INFORMATION (IXPWN) �a� �-- i Y� ��� � 1 ���� � �r � �� 34 35 36 37 38 39 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports the vision of bringing the Minnesota Twins and a new ballpazk to Saint Paul; BE IT FiJRTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul will support the decision of the people of Saint Paul on a ball�ark financing refe� ren�um for the City of Saint Paul, including any imposition of a baz and restaurant tax not to exceed o and such tax shall be terminated upon compietion of bond payments that are used to struct the ballpark. � ��� �� ��� �� '�--- �--- :. .. --- �--- �--- �--- �-_- ---- Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ay: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Requested by Deparhnent of: � Form Approved by City Attomey By: �.�^G✓UA�Ne-- ��L�o2 Approved b GF�ayor for Submission to Co . cil By: Am�.�.� �a - M�.r�. c� a o a a c4,���� F�e � o a_�� g Green Sheet # ao a a 53 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has become a regional center for arts, culture and entertainment through a rich variety of organizations and institutions committed to creating a vibrant urban center; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has joined together tune and tune again to develop strong 6 public and private partnerships to create economic growth, urban vitality and wonderful 7 opportunities to enhance urban living; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Wild and the Xcel Energy Center have proven to be tremendous economic generators for the City and have contributed mightily to urban economic growth in our city; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul recognizes the strong potential of the Minnesota Twins to add to urban economic growth and vitality by locating in our City; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul recognizes that a public and private parthership that allows for the construction of a ballpark in Saint Paul would be generally positive for the City; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul recognizes that the need far Major League Baseball to reform itself is a key element of determining any final pubiic and private partnership; and WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul recognizes that any public and private partnership for a ballpark in Saint Paul must include a strong working relationship with the hospitality industry, neighborhood arganizations and others to ensure success; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul recognizes that a ballpark in the City must contribute to broad economic development, opporhxnities for housing and transit and other urban development projects; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul recognizes the right of the public to decide on any new taac that will be used to build a ballpazk in Saint Paul, and will abide by the decision reached by voters on such a tax; and oa-t�Y 34 35 36 37 38 39 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports the vision of bringing the Minnesota Twins and a new ballpark to Saint Paul; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul will support the decision of the people of Saint Paul on a ballpazk financing referendum for the City of Saint Paui, including any imposition of a bar and restaurant taac not to exceed 3% d such tas shall be ternunated upon completion of bond payments that are used to constnxct th ballpazk. �.�- ��.t. s �...pfi . , a° ° a � �r�Y(�a�r.� E\cc���� ��- p�SS'� `o\ �. . Requested by Department oE Adopted by Council: Date M s „�a.�, C_ 2-0 0� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary , BY� l�� �- � rt—�-a.1a�' Approved ayor: te Y By: , � Form Approved by City Attomey BY� _-�����— 3..1�02 Approved b ayor for Submission to Co cIl By: (i . �a-ig� DEPARTMENTlOFFICE/COUNCIL OATE WmnTED � Mayors Office March 6, aoo GREEN SHEET No COMACTPQ2SOIJ&PHIXJE M „�,„ , 202253 Dennis Flaherty 68519 oe.�un�,.owEemx ar.ca.ca MUST BE ON CWNCIL AGQJDA BY (DA'f� 1,.G .e L I\SSicx NYMBFRFOR GfYATTOII�Y � ❑ CRYCIFRK RWTIIIG �� fNNitlN.4ERNCF80R ANIICJ6Lf8Rl(RCCTO ❑ WYw[(GMASSm41I) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REOUESTED That the Saint Paul City Council approves supporting the decision of Saint Paul voters on any new financing proposals that are proposed to build an open air ballpark in the City of Saint Paul. RECOMMENDA ION Apprwe (A) or 2JECY (R) PERSONALSERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER iHE FOLLOWIIiG QUESTIONS: 7. Has this persoMfirm everwwked uMer a coMract ipr Mie tlepa�tmeM7 PLANNING CAMMISSION VES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this personfirm ever been a dty empbyce? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION , YES NO 3. Does this persoNfiim possess a sldll not nORnallypo65easetl by airy curtent city employee7 YES NO - 4. Is ihis pefwMrm a tarpe[etl �endoYT YES NO E�ryiain all yes ansvers on separate sheet and attach to Oreen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WM, What, When, Where, Why) The opportunity to bring two to three million new visitors to Saint Paul will have a positive impact on the City's economy, urban vitality and reputation as a national point of destination. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � St.ates the Council's intent to abide by the wishes o£ Saint Paul voters if they approve ballpark financing proposals in a referendum. Sends a strong message that Saint Paul is prepared to be'a part of the solution to help keep Major League Baseball in Minnesota. - DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED - None DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED ' Lose an opportunity to commit ourselves to supporting the right o£ voters to ultimately approve a ballpark financinq proposal. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S C0.5T/REVENUE BUDGETED (GRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER FINANCW.INFORMATION (IXPWN) �a� �-- i Y� ��� � 1 ���� � �r � �� 34 35 36 37 38 39 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports the vision of bringing the Minnesota Twins and a new ballpazk to Saint Paul; BE IT FiJRTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul will support the decision of the people of Saint Paul on a ball�ark financing refe� ren�um for the City of Saint Paul, including any imposition of a baz and restaurant tax not to exceed o and such tax shall be terminated upon compietion of bond payments that are used to struct the ballpark. � ��� �� ��� �� '�--- �--- :. .. --- �--- �--- �--- �-_- ---- Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ay: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Requested by Deparhnent of: � Form Approved by City Attomey By: �.�^G✓UA�Ne-- ��L�o2 Approved b GF�ayor for Submission to Co . cil By: