261147 _rtK '�VcE CITY OF sAINT PAITL Council 2b r� _ - MAVORTMENT File NO. ���, � Coun 'l Resolu ' n Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the City Council h�reby concura in the action of the Purchaeing Coamdittee in the sivard of a eontract for furnishing and delivering the follo�ing PLATFORM TRUCKS, BATTERIES AND CHARGERS for the Civic Center, 143 W. 4th Street, Saint Paul, Minneaota 55102. �0: ��(1�A �UP'PLY C�ANY ITEM U ITY UNIT PRICE 1. 2 Model K6W-R�1S 9-66 Low Lift Platform Truck, battery pawered, designed for horizontal monement of skid boxes or akids - F.O.B. Cincinna�i, Ohio. . . . . . . . . . . $2,875.00 2. 2 BATTERY--Two (2) Exide 6T3C-13, 310 amp hr. @ F.O.B. Factory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 621.00 3. 2 CHARGER--Two (2) LaMarche Model A1+5-85-6L, 120 volt, single phase, 60 cqcle service @ F.O.B. Fac�ory. . . . .$ 458.00 tiotal s�mount of contract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,908.00 Terms: Net - 30 Days . ae a result of Bid No. A5444 and the specificatione iacorporated thereia. Minne$ota , Se�ppig Co�npany beiag the' lavest res,�ronsible bidder under the apecificatiosa a�d the Corporati.on Cou�eel is hereby directed to draft the proper form of coatract an� obtain the neceaaary p�rformance aad paym�nt bonds. The proper City officiale are hereby authorized to execute said contract on beh8lf of the City of Saint Pau�. i' � Bid No. A5444 DEPAttTMENT HEAD-FINAtTCE A3 TO FU�tDING��, Re�'n No. 3421 Code: 60006•808-000 L7343-1 to be reimbursed from Civic Center Bond Fund 70035 4/6/73/Pranke/�k COUI�TCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �tler Nays H�n�t-- � Civic Center Authority Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against By S� Aeeel�er Tedesco Mme.President Str�lee- x,�t �pR �61913 Form Ap e y City � Adopted by Council: Date � Certi ' a ed by Co ' S retary By By Approve M or: Date � 73 Approved ayor r ion t ouncil By By Pusu��e MAY 5197� � r � � � r � T1�IBULATION OF BID NO. A 5444 261.��� � , ��'?? PLATFORM TRUCKS � CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY ' ,���,'� REQN. H0. 3421 - CODE: 60000-808-000 � � BID OPENING DATE - FEB. 28� 1973 "..-BUY,ER: STEPHEN PRANK E PURCHASING COMMI TTEE � For furnishing and deliver ng 2 Two BATTERY POWERED LOW LIFT RIDER PLATFORM �' TRUCKS designed for horizontal movement of skid boxes or skids to the City ,' of St. Paul - Civic Center Authority; Civic Center - 143 W. Fourth St. St. Paul Minnesota. MINNESOTA SUPPLY CO. � TERMS: Net 30 Days � � � + Lit. W/�3id .__._____.__._...�-----.___.�__.____..___..._._...__._.---.... .. ._____ � 2 Battery powered low lift rider plat- � form trucks designed for horizontal � movement of skid boxes or skids. . . . . . . 32�875.00 - $5, 750.00 (F.O.B. Cincinnati� Ohio) � Lift Trucks, Inc. � Make & Model Hidding: Model K6W-RWS 9-66 '��` Low Lift Platform Truck � Delivery date to be quoted. . . . 12-13 Weeks after receipt of an order � Dwg. 0940 W/Bid, Ride Walk, Auxiliary ` Handle, 12 Volt, 3-speed Walk, 4-spe� ° Ride, 6,000 Lb. Capacity, 5" lift, � y" High Platform, 25" Wide Platform, : {'� 66" Long Platform, Polyurethane � Load Wheels - 9" x 4'� , Dynamic and Deadman Brake, Butterfly Control� Horn. 2 Battery - Two ( 2) Exide 6TSC-13� � S10 amp hr. (� F.O.B. Factory - t621.U0 - $1, 242.00 � 2 Charger -Two ( 2) LaMarche Model - � A45-85-6L, 120 Volt, single phase, � 60 cycle service (� F.O.B. Factory - 5458.00 - $916.00 Total - $7�908.00 : 3 NOTES: GARLAND' S INC. - Sorry, we are unable to bid - Unless you could use � a 4�000 L . Unit -Lit. submitted. � � MATERIAL SERVICES INC. - Gentlemen: We wish to thank yau for the � opportun ty given us to bid on your requirements for 2 Battery powered - low lift rider platform trucks. However� we do not handle the type of � equipment you do need at this time. We deal in the sale of pneumatic tired lift trucks only. We are sorry we cannot fill your present needs, � but do hope you will give us an opportunity to bid on any pneumatic � tired equipment that you may need now or in the future. � MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT - No Bid - Thank you - Dean L. Wennberg. � :� � ;� � 3/2/?3/em �s a; .� ,,