261124 WHI7E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALIL Council ��1�(([��� CANARY - DEPARTMENT 'J�� BLUE - MAVOR. Fll@ NO. 1 K C ncil Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date A�ri 4' �47�'�--- Out of Committee By Date WHEREA3, Th. present aesesement againet property in Pront of wh�eh water mai�e are lsid ie �2.�0 per lineal foot oF frontage thereon which �um may bs paid at the rats of tweDty-fiv• (25�) per y�sr for te� (l0� years; and, WHEREAS, those charg�a were last am�nded by the 3tate Legielaturs under Chapter 272 of the Minneeota Ses�ioa I,a,we for 1951 on April 6, 1951, and ainas that date ths co�et� of �t�riale, equipmeat, and lsbor to the Wat�r. Departffi�nt have increased aoneiderably; and _ WH�RTAS, aft�r due Qon+�ideration, the Board of water Comia�ieaior�era hae de- t�r�ined that the prs�ant frontag• a�ssseamsat is iaadequate 4nd should b� increas�d tv �5.4� g�r front foot; and WHEFtI�AS, the aaid Board hae requ��ted the City Cousail of ths Oity of Ssint paul to Qon�ur in ths reoommendation that the fromtage teu� or �isesam�at l�e i�creaaed by the aation of the Minnea�ota State LQgialstur�, , AOW, THEREP'ORE, BE IT R�OyVID, That the Minnesota �tate I,mgi�lature be asksd to concur in the inare�e• of annual taa or aeee�emen� 6y► th� appro- . priat� anaendment of the Minneeota �easioa I,aw� caf 1951, chapter a72, :Saation`;1�o. 1. .. -- .,.�..._:,.� - f _x...� COUNCILMEN Yeas Butler Nays Requested by Department of: 'HiRfi' Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY �ac Roedler Tedesco Mme.President Birt�er- �Ylt �— Adopted by Council: Date APR 2 51973 Form Ap r ity torney Certifie ssed by C�il Sec tary BY By Appro e by Maxor: Da Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By PI�BLISHED APR 2 8 197�