261122 �N1,jL7E� - CITV CLERK 261122 PINK ��INANCE COU11C11 �BLUERY- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. i Council Resolution Presented By '! Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Airports Commission has since 1943 provided a sound framework in which decisions have been made to develop the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport into one of the finest facilities in the world; and WHEREAS, taxpayers of Saint Paul and Minneapolis have accumulated an approximate $20 million investment in said facilities; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of Saint Paul recognize � that population shifts and problems of modern technology deem it advisable to expand the Metropolitan Airports Coramission to include broader representation, but at the same time safeguards should be main- tained to protect the investment and other interests of the citizens of Saint Paul and Minneapolis; Now,� Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council of Saint Paul go on record as supporting MAC reorganization as proposed in H.F. 986 as amended, and are totally and unaltera.bly opposed to other bills or legislation that would effectively abolish the Metropolitan Airports Commission by incorporating into an agency subservient to the Metropolitan Council; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be transmitted to members of the Ramsey County legislative delegation, Governor Wendell Anderson, Mayor Charles Stenvig of Minneapolis, and members of the Minneapolis City Council. COUIVCILMEN Yeas �tler Nays Requested by Department of: HnK+� Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President BaHer HUrit pPR �41973 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifi a sed by C ary By By � '� Approve MaX : ate Approve Mayor for Su ission o i gy By puaus�E� A P R 2 8 1973 . . -� _�-' � �, a� i�a� ,tATE � S`�wu w,�.t• :� •��; �`�--� f STATE OF MINNESOTA � �rNN�o� OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR WENDELL R. ANDERSON ST. PAUL 55155 GOVERNOR ! May 30 , 1973 � Harry E. Marshall City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Office of the City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear 1: Thank you for your letter concerning legislation that would place the Metropolitan Airports Commission within the authority of the Metropolitan Council. Although the first session of the 1973 legislature failed to resolve this issue, interim committees will be study- ing a broad range of inetropolitan problems in an attempt to bring before the 1974 session recommendations that will guar- antee effective planning in the metropolitan area. I am hopeful that questions concerning the relation- ship between the Metropolitan Council and its operating units can be quickly resolved. Again, thank you for writing. Sincerely, Wendell . Anderson WRA:ke . 55 Apr31 2�, 19'T3 Hon. Charlea �temvig Mayor City Hal.l Minneapolis, Minne�ota D�ar Siri Attached for yc�ur in,forme.tiaa ie a resolution of the St. Paul City Counci�, C. F. 2E>1122� eiupportiag l�tro- politan A3.xport Cb�.aaion reorgani�tion se progoasd in Houee I�.2e 9$6 and oppasiag othar billa or leg3slation that would aboliah the M�trop4litari Airports Commiseian by inaorpora�it�g it 3nto aa agency mubeez�.et,tt to the Metropolitan Council. . vex'Y tru3,Y Y�"�r City Clerk AO�ng Attach� April 2�, 1973 City Clerk City of Minneapolia C'�.ty Hall A�inneapolia, Minnesota Dee�r Sir: Will you pleas� di�trlbut�e to the measbers of the City Ccuncil �he enel.c+�ed aopies of a reaolution of the St. Paul City Counc3l, C. F. 261122� �upportin.g Metropolitan A�.rpor�t t'�mmi.seion reorganisation as , proposed itl Hou�e Fi1e 986 aad opposiag oth�r bi]1e or legiel�t3on th+�t wc�u7,.d a►br�lish the Metropalltaa Airporta Gammias�.on by incorporating it iuto �en agenc�r aub��rvi�n� to the Metropolitan Council? Very txuly yo�rs� City. C].erl� ���8 Attaeh. April 2�� 1973 Hon. ��Iendell Anderson Ga�vernor :;tate Capito�. �t. Paul� Minnesota Dear Sir: Enclosed for yQUr in�'ormation is a resolution oi' th� St. Paul City Cnuncil, C. F. ��i112c, sup�nrting Metropolitan r:irports Commis�3on reor;anization, as proposed in �ious� F�.ie 98� �na opposit�g other '�ill� or le�islation which would abolish the Metropalitan Airports Commission by 9.ncorporatin� 3t into an a�ency sub�ervient to the Metropolitan Cauncil. Very �ruly yours, City C1erk AO�ng