261115 WHITE - CITV CLERK COIITICII �V���� PINK �FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL CANARY s DEPARTMENT � � BLUE �MAYOR File NO. +�L C uncil Resolution � Presented By u%���� B-��J�-C Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Highways has prepared pians, special provisions and specifications for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number 115 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 3 within the corporate limits of the Clty of St. Paul from the Southerly corporate line to 1152.32 ft. Northerly of Concord Street; and , WHEREAS, Said plans are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul , Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 1928-04 � S.P. 6245-04 (3�115) ; and WHEREAS, Said special provisions are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paui , Minnesota, being marked, labeled and identified as S.P. 1928-04 � S.P. 6245-04 (3=115) which, together with the Minnesota Department of Highways Specifications for Highway Construc- tion, dated January 1 , 1972, on file in the office of the Canmissioner of Highways, constitute the specifications for said improvement of Tru�k Highway N�anber 115 renumbered as Trunk Hlghway Number 3; and WHEREAS, Copies of said plans and special provislons as so marked, labeled and identified are also on file in the office of the Director of Publ ic Wc�rks; and WHEREAS, The term "said plans and special provisio�s" as heretnafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the plans and special provisions in the fo�e- going recitals particularly identified and described; Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said pians and special provisions for the improvement of Trunk Highway li5 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 3 within the limits of the City of St. Pa�l be and are hereby approved; and be it jm COUNCILMEN Yeas ��r Nays Requested by Department of: � � Pubiic Works Konopatzki In Favor Levine � Meredith ' Against BY �.. � ���r Daniel J. D ford, Di ector (DOL) Tedesco Mme.President��L7R �!1'. Form Approved by.Ci Atto y Adopted by Council: Date i Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approv y ay u Council i BY By . F . WH17E + CITY CLERK COI111C11 2s1��(� PINK FINANCE BLUERX a MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAZTL File NO. � ��� �` � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- FURTHER RESOLVED, That the elevatio�s and grades as shown in said plans and special provisions be and are hereby approved and consent is hereby given to any and all changes in grade occasioned by the construc- tion of said Trunk Highway Number 115 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 3 in accordance with said plans and speciai provisions. jm COUI�iCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �_, Nays Konopatzki �_ In Favor Publ ic Works Levine Meredith __� A ainst BY � �gUr g an e . Dun ord, Director DOL Tedesco Mme.President � �pt APR a 4 � Form Approved by�City tt ey Adopted by Council: Date 1 ; \ � Certi ' sed by C r e ary BY ' Approve y Ma or: Date Approved by Mayor r Su mission to Council i By BY Pusu�ttEe APR 2 8 1973 , . , �{� : ��� .:.s ��t'` a��e��aese ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL CZTY HALL AND QOURT HOIIBE PATRICK J. ROEDLER SAINT PAL7L. MINNESOTA 55102 Councilman P H O N� 61 2 \ 2 9 8-s 2 s a April 23, 1973 Mr. Harry Marshall City Clerk 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Ma.rshall: This is to notify you that the Public Works Committee approved the attached resolution at its meeting April 18, 1973. Please place it on the City Council agenda. Sincerely, ,� j � � ,�.�-:z.,t�., ���'� t.... cC.,. � Patrick J. Roedler, Chairman Public Works Committee PJR:ml Attachment ��22 � , . ��tr ,� � . � . � . ��± y O . aj�..^��`y �v � . CITY UF SAI �I i PAL1L Capital of Minneso�a DEPART�11�:�4 C� P�BLiC 14lOEtKS 234 C'ity Hall & Court House 5�102 March 3�, 1973 Hono�able La�rcnce D. Cohen Mayor 347 City Hail • Dear Mayor Cohen: The attached resolution is for approval of finai construction plans for completion of T.H. ir'3 from Concord St. to the south city limits, These p�ans also inciude a vehicis and pedestrian bridge over T.H. #3 co��tcting Belvidere St. and Winona St. . The contract also includes the gradina and paving of Concord St. in Oak��a County from the south city lim�r, to T.H, #494. Bids wiil be opened on April 27, 1973 and :t is expected to take two full constructio� seasons to cor,ipiete this work. Yours very truly, �ir d��.� . ���:�� Daniel J. D nford � DirecLor of Pubiic Wo�ks DOT:kjb r cc: Donald D. Tufte , �� � � 1 t . lt�"� _ ra,�` ' T