Haybe, Abdi F�'�,��-������ SEP �8 201�+ ,��'ll�.��`�"�/'�� Payment Address Document Address C I TY C L�RK 24344 Network Place P.O.Box 512929 Ch�ago, IL 60673-1243 Los Angeles,Ca 90051 Phone:(877)818-0139 Fax:(888)781-6947 8/26/2014 8:54:00 AM Certified Mail 91 7108 2133 3934 1949 6285 Retum Reoeipt Requested CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS CITY CLERK OFFICE 310 CITY HALL 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD ST PAUL, MN 55102 Your Client: CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS MUNICIPAL IMPOUND Your Claim Number: N/A Our Insured: HAYBE, ABDI Our Claim Number:142338905 Amount Subject to Reimbursemer�: 1,115.76 Amount of Insured's Deductible: 500.00 Please take this as formal notice of our subrogation rights relative to the above-captioned claim. We have completed our investigation irrto the facts of the above-captioned loss and find that your insured was the proximate cause of the accident. Location of Loss: 51 COLFAX AVE N in MINNEAPOLIS Date and Time of Loss:08-06-14 @ 5:00 PM Description of Loss: Our named insured's 2007 Saturn Aura was towed and damaged from City of Minneapolis Impound.We are seeking reimbursement from the City of Minneapolis Municipal Impound for the repairs to our insured's vehide as a result of this loss. Please make your draft payable to Progressive Direct Insurance Co as subrogee of "HAYBE, ABDI ", in the amount stated above and mail it to the attention of the undersigned at your earliest convenience. All supporting documentation is enclosed. I have diaried my file ahead fi en (1 d ys. Than you for your anticipated, prompt atterition to this matter. Chris op er Woolfolk Subrogation Representative � �`' Progressive Direct Insurance o Tel. 440-910-5505 Fax. 888-781-6947 Email: Christopher_Woolfolk@progressive.00m Ciaim Payment Detail Page 1 of 1 �lairn �ayment 1��taE1 ( i4-���BS!{35 ) �--Payment Information-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Disbursement Number: 483198927 Total Amount: SS15.76 � EFT Trace Number: Invoice Number: � Paid To: ABDI A HAYBE,ONL i Mailing Address: PO BOX 6794 � � MINNEAPOLIS,MN 55406 USA � In Payment Of: COLL,2007 SATURN AURA,LESS 500.00 DED � � �___________________.._______.._______.._____________----------_____-----------____________________________-------___________------------_-------_________________________� t--Vendor Information---------------------------------------------________-------------------�-----------------------------------------------__________--; � 1099 R uired: E Name: 's TY�: i__________________________________________________-_--___--------------_______________________--____-------------___--------------------------------------_____________� ReviewedSummary-________._______________---____-----______--------�_�_____________�__________________---_____________�___----------_________, � Issuing Rep: TXC0121 Approved By: ilaa�Date: 0&1&14 Review Date: � Last Updated Rep: TXC0121 Reviewed By: , �--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------� �-•Bank Information--________________________.__________________..___--_--_________________--_-__----___________________________________._____________---_________, � Ty�; �„pgg Bank Code: AS2 ` Stop Reason: Cleared: 08-25�14 I ! Stop Date: !--------------------------------------_____----________----------_____-------------------_------------------------_____________________--_-----------------------------' Ex ure Detail:COLL---______________________________________________________________________-___--_--______________________�________________________, �" � = Party Name: HAYBE,ABDI A Amount Paid: 5815.76 jProperty Description: 07 SATURN AURA Deductible Taken: 5500.00 ! Payment Type: FINAL PAYMENT Property Damage: a0.00 � Rerrtal: $0.00 � � http:/Iclaimspayments/Alpha/ClaimsPaymentsWeb/default.aspx?... 8I26/2014 Data: 8M8/2014 01:7D PM Estl�La ID: 10-2338905-01 Eetlmate Vsrdon: 0 CommlttW Pro1Ns ID: Yatro All Parts PROGRESSIVE �ozzo cowenroa se Nw,coon�as,MN ssaoa �ra�ss��eo Danage Awessed By: TODD CARLSON 'CIaYn Rsp: Tadd(�rlson-Coon Rapids SC (76S)964-5182 ClassHlcatlon: 'ProduMTyps Auto 'Dats of Loss: &8/m14 •Dsductlbis: 500.00 'Gaim Numbar. 14-2338�OSM Insurad: ABDI HAYBE Ownx: ABd HAYBE IWdross: PO BOX 8794,MIIqiEAPOLIB,MN 55A08 TNrphona Ham�Phonr. (61�?22-7176 c.n�on•: ��2���-0oos CoiKaet Phane: (b1�5B7OOQB I�tchNl Ssrvics: 9f0762 Daccrlptlon: 20D7 Saturn Aun XR YNNN�Praductlon Dab: 7N6 Body Style: 4D Ssd Drlve Train: S.BL In�6 Cyl 6A FYYD VIN: 7G8ZV57777F129875 License: 419LDL IIN 1A�wga: 10Y,449 OEY/ALT: A 3eareh Code: ARDBdHILL1 Color. RED Optlonr. PA39ENGER AIRBAG,DRNER AIRBJIG,POWER DRIVER 9EAT,POWER LOqC,POWER WINDOW POWER STEERING,REAR WINDOW O�OGGER,CFaN3E CONTROL,TILT STE9iNG COWIYMI TELESCOPIC 3TEERING COLUMN,ANTI�OCK BRAKE SYS.,TRACTION CONTROL,FOG LIGHT3 ALUMIALLOY WF�LS,REYOTE IGNRION,FRONT AIR DAM,TINTED GLASS AUTO AIR CONDITION,TRIP COMPUTER,TELEMATIC SYSTEYS UMVERSAL GARAGE DOOR OPENER,SIDE AIRBAGS,ANTI-THEFf SYSTEY AUiOMATIC HEADLIGHT3,MERIOR AUTOMATIC DAYIIiGHT OR ELECTROCHROMATIC MIRROR SIDE HEAD CURTAIN A�2BAG3,VEFMCLE THEFT TRACKINGINOTFICATION DAYTIME RUNNING LIGHT3,AAI/FM STEREO CD CNANGERIMPS PLAYER ELECTRONIC STABIL�TY CONTROL,FRONT HEAT�BUCKET 9EAT3 FROHT 9EAT3 WITH POWER LUMBAR�JPPORT,KEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEAI,POW92 DISC BRAKES POWER HEATED EXTERIOR MIRRORS,POWER UFfGATE�TRUNK,REAR AUDIO CONTROLS 3TEERING WHEEL AUdO CONTROLS Lins Entry Labor Llne Item Part Type! Ddlar labor ftem Number Type Operatlon Descripdo� Part Number Amou►rt Uni[s Frant Bumuer 1 001562 BDY OVERHAUL Frt Bumper Cover Assy 2•4 i� 2 001663 BDY FtEMOVEIREPLACE Frt Add w/Fog Lamps 0.4�i 3 000008 BDY REPAIR Frt Bumpx Covx Ezlating 3.0'A 4 REF REFMNSH Frt Bumpx Cover � 2� 5 OOOOZO BDY REMOVEIREPLACE Frt Lwr Bumper Alr Dellxtor 25874532 92.10 INC Raar Lamos 6 001677 BDY RFJNOVEIINSTALL RRavCombinatlonLamp �C 7 001678 BDY REMOVEANSTALL L Reu Combinatlon La� �C 8 007679 BDY REMOVEANSTALL LJcense La� ��� Rear Bumoer g 001881 BDY REMOVEANSfALL ReuBumperCover �•3� 10 001500 BDY REPAIR Roar Bu�or Covw ��s���9 ��� 11 REF RFFMIISH Raar Bu�ar Covar C � ADDITIONAL OPERATIONS 12 REF ADDL OPR Clev Coat �a` Additbnal Casts 3 Materiala 13 ADDL COST P�nVMaterlals 214.7D ' ESTIMATE RECALL NIAiABER: OBl1&201413:20:36 742338905-0/ MKchell Data Version: OEM:JUL_14_Y0814 MAPP:JUL_14_V0817 Copyright(C)1984-2014 Mkchell I�Kxmtlonal Page 1 ot 4 Soi[ware Vwslon: 7.1.168 All RIgMs Reswvad ooro: anerzo�am:ao�u Eatl�te ID: 14-2338906-01 Eetlmate Vsrdon: 0 CommNt�d P►otMslD: Ystro All Parts '-Judgment Rem #-Lebor Note Applles C-Included in Ciear Coet Calc Priw Or+mags: hood,rear covx,scratohss and dings 1111 �aeiufactur�rs r�quirwnts r�qardinq s�at b�lt arid suppl�ntsl z+�straiat syst.�oa raplao��nt �auot b� adhor�d to. if additional parts or op�rations ar� n�ssary to prop�rly sCOOmplish this, pl�as• oontact tho �stimatiaq cluae s�p. Estimate Totals Add'1 Laba Subbt I. Labw SubtWals Units Rate Amoun AnauM 7odls II. Part Replaceme�R Summary Amount Body 8.3 34.00 O.00 0.0D 44B.m Ta�N Parts �210 Retinish 6.3 54.00 0.00 0.00 340.2D Salss Tax @ 8,87576 8.35 Non Taxable Laba 788.40 Toql ReplacsllMnt PaRS Amount 98.43 Loba 9um�rwy 14.6 7BB.40 III. Addltlonal Coats AmouM IV. Ad�ushns�s Amount Taza6le Costs 2147D Insunnce Deducffile �.�- Salas Taz @ 6.87596 14.73 Customer ResponsbNlty 500.00- Total Addltlonal Cosffi 228.93 Pafnt Material Melhod:Rates InR Rats c 34.00 1. Tofall.abar: 788.40 II. Total Raplacanw�t Puts: �8.43 III. Total Additloml Costs: �.� Gross Tdal: 1,115.76 IV. Total Ad�uatrnelKS: `.+�.�- Nat Total: 615.76 PoIM(s)01 Mnpact Y Right FrorK Corner(P),5 Rlght Rear Comer(3) Alt.Locatlon: PROGRESSIVE Inspactlon Site: Coon Rapfds Sorvico Gntar Adtlress: 102?D Goldanrod Straet NW Minneapdis,MN 55448 (7B3)3543160 Inapeetion Date: 8118l2014 ESTIMATE RECALL NUMBER: OB11B1201413:20:36 142338905�1 MRchell Dah Version: OEM: JUL_14_V0814 MAPP:JUL_t4_V0817 Copyright(C)1964-7A14 MRchell IrRernaBonal Page 2 of 4 SoRware Verslon: 7.1.168 All RIgMs Reswvad Date: 8M8/7A14 01:7A PM Estlmate ID: 14-2338905-01 Estlmate Vsralon: 0 CammYtod Pro1Ya ID: Yatro_All Parts THI$ I$ A I�A�9►fa'� )1$8=S��NT OT1LY - NOT ]IN 1W'1'F10RIZ7�TIOTi TO REPI►IR - B�►SED ON D�1l�1GE VIBISLE OR C�RTAIN l►'! � TIl� IT 1Q18 11RIYTaN. IS FR111� OR �TIHODY RSPAIR 18 IIiQ.UDED O�N THI$ 88TDQ►T8, TAE 111�UN! $HAIN INCLW!$ '1'D� aQt ALI.OIQINt� H"OR I�TRIN(i HEH"O�tS. D(JRING 11ND )1F'1'aR THO$E R�PAIRB. � Q�IldBR OF 'PFlE ViHIC7a �►Y $EL=CR' '1'F� RiPl1IR FACILITY OF HIB/F�R CHOICB. Tp ENg�JRt pROPSR 111�1D PP�'P P]►�iT H�t ]1DDITIOTAL D� D18C�ViRSD DURING Tt� CO[JR$E OF REPAIR$� GdN'PlNC4 PROGRS$$M B�OR $UPFLS�NT x�r�zn�c �ocsav�. PR06R�88IVi HOTi0R8 TF� PR3VAILII�i6 I.A��t 1�1R1QT RATi IId YOUit 11R=7► �OR YO�JIt PROP=RTY. IF YOQ CF100$S 1► SF10P TF17►T C�71RG�8 IId gXCSB$ OF pRZVAaIIiG L71HaR 1�R1QT RATSB. YOU I�II.L He R=BP�TSIHIi �OR � DIP'PZRZNCE. I.IHBTD� f;W1R71B7TaB P"O�i $HEET 1�Tl1L 11ND P7.ii1$TIC HODY P!►RTS Ths replaaam�nt parts xrittsn an th� sstimats ars intaadsd tc rsturn your whicle to its prs-loss c�dition rith proper iaetallatioa. ]►ftsr rrpair, if �ty sh�at �tsl or plsstiC body p�'t inCludrd in ths aetimate fails to raturn your v�elsicla to its pre-loas conditioa {a4suminq prOper installAtiOn) , in tsztis of form, fit, finish, durability or functioaality, Proqreasiva nill arranqe and pay for ths replacement of tha part, to tho e:tonb not covered by a msaufaaturar's or othar rsrrantiy. This e�rvias �rill ba parlozssd at no cost to you (includinq associated rapair and rantal car costs) . To obtain ssrvice und'r thie Guarsnte., cali Prograssive at 1-800-Z74-4641. This Guarantso appliea as loaq as you onn or loase tlta vohiCla. This GuarsntYY is not t.riitisfor�tblo a�d t�rminat�a if you sell or ottwr+rise transfar your vehicle. THIS GCT�IRANTEE DOBS NOT COV�R NOI�►L NBATt ANQ T�AR OR Dl11�4GE C.MTSBCD BY Il�ROPBR D�IINTSDUINCB r NB�+B�CT� ]1BU8B 0� 8UB$BQUII�IT ]�'C. IDBNT. THI$ (sUARANTBE 18 LII�'1'aD TO ARR1i1NGING LK)Rt THS S=I.3CTIdN OF REP!►IR PART$ TH!►T IPIIS. RSTURN YOUR VSHICI.B TO ITS PRE-L088 CQ7DITION. 11CCO�DINGLY, PROGl2E$BIVS �PILI. NOT HB L711flI.8 P'ORt liNY IL�IDIRBCT� INCIDSNTl1L aRt (70NSSQUSIITIAI. ON�1GS$ TAAT R8$tl�T H'R�d TI� IN$TAI.LATIdN OR USS OF TFi�$E PART$. Part Typa Tarma and Abbran►iations t�i� and OsM or part nusber displayed - These refsr to a nenr, oriqinal equipment manufacturar part. NdN-O� and A/M sad Qusl RBPL - Thsse refer to an aftor-market part, which is s aen, non-oriqiasl aquipaent msnufacturar psrt. IIgBD/RECYCI.�D aad 7+1CQ - Ttw4e rafar to a used O�Ii part. �s�1F1�uC�'URgp and RECQ�p, a�nd R8COR8 - Thass refar �o used/racycisd p� p�},8 thgt hsve b�an re£urbished. RSPAIR BHOP'8 AVTHORIS�D R8PR388NTATIVS'8 SIGl�A1VRt ILBDZCATING AGRB��NT R� CO$T TO RBTf11ai TH8 VSHICLS TO PR8-IA$$ CONDITION INGLUDING Td9P�$TORAIfa`�. C�]ARIG�$: ESTIMATE RECALL NUMBER: OBl181201 4 7 3:7A:35 1423389D5-01 Mitchell Data Version: OEM:JUL_74_VOB74 page 3 0l 4 MAPP:JUL_74_V0817 Copyright(C)7994-2014 MRchell I�Rernational 3oRware Verslon: 7.1.168 All RIgMs Reswvad Dats: 8M8/m14 O1:Z0 PM EstlmaDe ID: 1 4-23 38 906-01 Eetlmate VsrNon: 0 CommYt�d Pro1Ys ID: Yslto All Parts $HOP $IQ�U►'1[JRZ: =ST. C�7iT10N D]►'Pi: 11NY PgR80N MI�O, 1fITFI IN'1'=NT TO DBH'R11L� OR 1�CRINfi 'PH]►T I�/$I� I$ P'J1iCZI.=TI►TINC`. A FR1WD !►C�IN$T !iN II�18�, $��T$ llN ]1PPLIC7►�ION OR BTI.S$ 1► CL71IM CaNTAINII� !► H'ALBS OR DSCSPTIVS BTATD�iR' I8 O�JILTY OS IN$URl1N(3 P'R11[JD. Evan Log Flls Crsatsd: 08118/�11 01:15:SS PM EatlmatsStarDed: OBI78/�A1401:Y7S1 PM Eetlmate PrinLSd: OB/18/�14 07�:40 PM �ui�coR.�nosd: osnsr�o�a m�o:�� Eenmac�upwasa: asnsr2o�a w�o:m a� ESTIMATE RECALL NUMBER: OB1181201 4 1 3:7A:35 142338905�1 Mitchell DaTa Version: OEM:JUL_14_V0814 MAPP:JUL_14_V0817 Copyright(C)1984-2014 MRchell I�rtxnatlonal Page 4 oi 4 Sottwaro Vwslon: 7.1.168 AII Rlghts Reswvad r ++ � � f f �� � 3� �� 'd��� _ / II � ` i � i 4 �q: seyi$ 'i��' ��� � i� } ��� �`} r�,. � � �� � � ' =-.�E;; ` ,�, ; -�� ��� =;°��- _ .�''`����-��- � ,:� � � �.� -�, °�� � �� �� _ __ � � , � � � � ���r � �� �. � �� � { ��:�� �. � ' � � ., ,. 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