Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Constructing and reconstructing s�dewalks and by doin� all other work which is
necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, except where it is determined �
that good and sufficient poured sidewalks now exist:
Finance Description
File No.
S9747 � Jefferson Ave. , both sides from riount Curve I3oulevard to Mississippi
t .
River Boulevard.
,� l--�apton-�ve.��et�—s t-�es f�-enr-��e�e�—P��a e e t-e '—�r«s e ^�-�.
--��- 3 . . ;;: :
_ _�.�.,
4 59750 . -° '} Niles Ave. , both sides from Warwick 5trect to Snelling Avenue
—�rr-rs , t e 1 y
� � � -J
� S9752 6 Wordsworth Ave. , south >ide from Sue Street to Prior Avenue. I
� '�
S9753 7 Highland Parl:way, south side from Mount Curve Boulevard to �,
Woodlawn Avenue. I
S9754 �t� Amherst St. , botn sides fr�om Goodrich �'lvenue to Lincoln Avenue.
S9755 �1 Fairmount Ave. , south side from Prior Avenue to Kenneth Street.
Yeas Butler Nays Requested by Department of:
Konopatzki In Favor
Levine /'�
Meredith v Against By
�70�C REiQCiI@t
Mme.President�i X HL1i1t
APR 1 � 1913 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Cert' ied assed by `'���etary , BY
��'� / /, .
By „' ,
Appro Ma,�o Date 9 �973 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
I�FIED APR 2� 19 �
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Capital of Minnesota
234 City Hell & Court House 55 i 02
February 5, 1973
Mr. Robert �J. Trudeau
Director of Finance
Room 109 City �iall, Attn: Paul Desch
Re: Construct and/or reconstruct side���allcs.
Dear Sir:
Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the construction and/or
reconstruction of the sidewall:s listed on the attached Administrative
T�he estimated cost thereof is $5.50 per lin. fta for standard
sidewalk 5 ft. wide and $6.50 per lin. ft. for standard sidetaall: 6 ft.
Attached herewith are the followin�:
1. Administrative Order D-411
2. Advisability & Desirability Report
Yours very truly,
, . %� � �
� C' -���.�. . �,��,- �
Danie�J. Du rd
9cting Director of Public ��orks
L,TH/HT/gh �
,CnnarY—,,Dept. " . --• 1`1U:_r;yr.o °v 9 '�1
�`i 2 •
� orE�-ict: or� z�ii�: •i<��-oiz FE8 1 �973
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1�Dhi1NtSTR=\TIVE ORDER, . �
Yh�t L�e Director of th� �z��rt^ent of Pubi ic t:orl-� i� hereby autFi�r3ze� and
��TE,'Ct�.3 t0 r-,�D�re p��tl.i� Oiir.1�12 ;12TVC`�:�� F?X�T13TC E:3tl�..''..ie:� �''..Il� fRV�'St�t,1tC ��le
IlE'C��3Zty t0 COf23trLI�t �_l�ta� rCCOP..c-iLruc� t�l[: 5�4::1J�t1'.:S 0:2 Z�lL' follot�ir.� StZeCtS
�cail d.� 313. a�iier w-+ork �::�i�b i� uec�ssary ana iu�idez�tal to ca..�lete saici i�prove�ent:
� ��th si�es of Jefferson �vn. frun �L. Curire 31v�t. �o ?fississippi Riv�r B,d.
F>at� si::es of St. Claiz �ve. ft4n I�'. 7th St. to F3ch:sond St.
BoLh sides a� Dayton A�e. �ro�a Exeter Pl. to ?`:on�rose PI.
P.aih si�::es of Hou�3I S�. fro� Saunders Ave. to 13oiiland �lve.
Eoth sidAs of Nil�s Ave. frora i�Tarw-ick St. to S�el2in� 1lve.
i:est si•�� of 7wvern St. fro� P,3ado3an ave. to So. 2bu' �'r
.SOi1i}1 S��Z Oi �:O�c:aSJO2�i1 �t7C. �Z'.^.il .riI:c $Z. LO P�iO: ��1t�.
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Eot� si�:-�s �ierst St. frors Cao�rich Ave. tv Liacflin Ave.
Sau� si:i� Fair�out Ave. froa Fr�or Ave. to �:ennet.i St.
�.:e bire�tor �F Fin��ce is herebp directed to prepaze the preli..-zinar� order and
�c�e.a.ule ti�i� s,,atter z"or public nearing.
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. .. , Administrative A�sis[ant tu �fayor;
. _ __ . �"3 �=,
. � Dist. No. 2
B.S. Jefferson Ave. - :It. Curve Blvd. to r�ssissippi River R�.
This order was initiated by tne Uirector of Public iti'orks on the basis of inspection
of walk.
This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints,
✓ trippinb hazards, water pockets, holes in tile, missing tile, hi�h longitudinal
joints, offgrade, asphalt patches, disintegrated, cracked concrete panels, scaled,
�� tipped panels, settled panels, and very dangerous walk.
� ���'
� The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
. (Recluce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft, walk)
Dist. �10. 2
B.S. St. Clair Ave. - W. 7th St. to Richmond St.
s This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works on the basis of 1 complaint
� and inspection of the walk.
This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints,
tripping hazards, water pockets, holes in tile, nissing tile, liigh longitudinal
joints, offgrade, asphalt patches, disintegrated, cracked concrete panels, scaled,
tipped panels, settled panels, and is very dangerous walk.
The Engineering reconmendation is for approval of the order.
(P.educe from a 6 ft. to a S ft. walk)
Dist. No. 2
B,S. Dayton Ave. - Exeter Pl. to riontrose P1.
Ttiis order was initiated by the Director of Public [Jorks on the basis of inspection
, of the walk.
This walk is old tile with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints, tripping hazards,
� '��'�� water p��kets, holes in tile, missing tile, high longitudinal joints, and offgrade.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk)
Dist. No. 2
B.S. Howe11 St. - Saunders Ave. to Bohland Ave.
This order was initiated by the Director of Public tlorks on the basis of inspection
of the walk.
j This walk is old tile with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints, tripping hazards,
� water pockets, holes in tile missin tile hi�h lon itudinal
� � � o g' joints, offgrade,
and asphalt patches. New construction on i7.S. between Saunders & Beech�vood.
59 The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Reduce fro� a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk)
Dist. No. 2
�.5. Niles Ave. - tdarwick ST. to Snelling Ave.
This order was initiated by the Director oF Public tJorks on the basis of public
� . -� necessity. .
` All construction will be new 5 foot mono walk.
Tlje Engineering recomrnendatioz is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designated on plat)
Dist. No. 2
tJ.S. Davern - Randolph Ave. to So. 260+
Tt►is order was initiated by the Director of Public� Worl;s on the basis of nublic
✓ � All ize�•� construction to the gate of S.P.A. only •
� The �ngineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
Remarks: See. �lat._and�map��also letter
(Construct to caidth designated on plat)
Dist. No. 2
S.S. tdordsworth Ave. - Sue St. to Prior Ave.
This order was initiated by the Director of Public t,lorks or. the basis of inspection
of walk.
This walk is old poured concrete with tree heaves, hi�h joints, tripping hazards,
+/ water pockets, high longitudinal joints, offgrade, and asphalt patches.
S`� �J The Engineering reco�mendation is for approval of the order.
Remarks: Remove all �uono
(Construct to width designated on plat)
� .
� � Dist. No. 2
B.�€i. Pinehurst Ave. - Snellin; Ave. to Fairview Ave. CY e
This order was initiated by the Director os Public t•lorks on the basis of 11 complaints,
a petition with 2 signers, and inspection of �aallc.
This wallc is old tile and poured concrete �vith tree heaves, tripping, tiazards,
water pockets, longitudinal joints, offgrade, asphalt patches, disintegrated, cracked
concrete panels. The walk is very dangerous.
� - : � The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
Remarks: Remove all curb and walk, construct new 6' inteoral walk.
(Construct to width designated on plat)
Dist. Pdo. 2
S.S. Highland Plcwy. - rit. Curve Blvd. to Woodlawn Ave.
This order was initiated by the Director of Public jdorlcs on the basis of inspection
of the walk. �
, This walk is old tile with broken tile, high joints, tripping hazards, �aater pockets,
, ; =''J holes in tile, high longitudinal joints, and offgrade.
The En�ineering recommendation is for approval of ti�e order.
(Reduce fron a 6ft. to a 5 ft.)
(Construct to width designated on plat)
Dist. No. 2
B.S. Amherst St. - Goodrich Ave. to Lincoln Ave.
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works on the basis of inspection
oi the walk.
Tliis walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, broken tile, high
��joints, tripping hazards, missing tile, disintegrated, cracked concrete panels,
-;I1 scaled, tipped panels, settled panels.
� �
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
Remarks: Walk is very dangerous
(Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. caallc)
(Construct to width designated on plat)
' D'ist. No. 2
S.S. Fairmont Ave. - Prior Ave. to kenneth St.
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works on ttie basis of inspection
oF the walk.
This �valk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, brolcen tile, high
joints, tripping hazards, holes in tile, missing tile, disintegrated, cracked
, concrete panels, scaled, tipped panels, and settled panels.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designated)
`��� �o�
�:re� tl:e unc.ersi�;.ied, �.r•e .�ot in fuvor o� install�tion ����d/
of ne�wT side«ral�cs on 1Tiles 5treet bet�^reen ,�,�.r�vick a.zd Snellin�;
avenue, St. P�;ul� ;:i.nesotu. �
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Maxch 23, 1973
Mr. Daniel Dunford
Acting Head
Dept. of Public Works
Dear Sir:
At today's City Council meetin� a Preliminary Order was adopted
Por the construction of several aidewalks, including Davern St.
west side from Randolph to the south 260 ft. Councilman Levine
requests a further explanation of the proposal on Davern St.
prior to the public hearing.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk
, � �