261075 ..l�.o,-.�� ��...... . WHI7E = CITP CLERK �`� � -/����� r.` . PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALIL Council r CANAeY -DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR , File NO. � � ou il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�R�A�, �h� City Valuation Engine�r aQting pur�nt to Aclministra.tive �rder No. 5E� date8 I�reh 26, 1q73, he�� recc�a�ended that the City purahane: Lots �ixteen (16), seventeen (17), �nd eighteen (18), IIlock thirty-�ight (38), 1K�yfields�' 8ub- Divi�ion of Lots 37 a.nd 38, Pioneer Heal E�tate and �t�ilding �ociety`a �bdivi�ion, �3aint F�ul, for the � of R'wenty-eight �.'heu�arid Five Hundred and no�1�U Dol].�,rs (��8,500.00), and th� �eller� would retain the right to move the exi�ting d�re]ling �nd appurtenant atruetures from the lota at their mra coat and �xpense�; and W�AS, Purchaae Agr�ement sett3.ng forth the t�rms ar�d conditions between the City and the seller of the above real esta.te, Qrordon 8. Holmdahl, Y�� besn prepared and recc�ended t'or �,pproval by the City Valu�tion �ngineer; ncnr, therePore Tbe it RESObV�, That the Council of the City o�' �3a3.nt Paul does heseby concur in the reco�mnenda.tion of the City Valuation Engiueer, and th� proper City ot'ficer� ar� hereby authorized and direEted to pureY�se th� r�]. proper- ty and �ke payment to the e�raer� ther�of in acaordanee with th� Purek�se . Agreement and the prop�r Gity of1'icers ars authoriz�d �o �ecv.te aaid Purahase� Agree�ent on behal.f o� th� City, a copy ot' whieh Purche��e Agreement i� attaahed h�reta, and be it Ff3RTI�A R��OLY�D, 'That ths sum of $�8,500.00 to be paid by ths City of Se,int Paul. f'or the puraha�� of the hereinbetore de�aribed ]..r�nds be paid f'rom PS�i P`und Cod.e 60400-�0�-000 (L-714g), to be rei�bur�ed i'rc;�nn 9377Q-�64-002. -�-" COUIVCILMEN Yeas �� Nays Reque ted �rti �y��. � � Dj.l"6C$Or Konopatzki � In Favor Fi nee and l�nage�ent Service� Levine Meredi th A gai t1s t BY g�c Roedler Tedesco Mme.President�atler �t ApR 13 � Form Approved y ity ttorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certifie ssed by Council ecretar �) BY ' _ � 0„`-'�'`.�" \ � ' By � Ap v by Ma�!or. Date AP 16 1973 Appro d by i ouncil By BY �us�t�i�D APR 2� a973 J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 27�-�-5317 Valuation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. � I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L Asa't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS ���� 286 Cify Hsll �(S S�inf Paul, Minn�wi� 66102 MEMORANDUN! �o; Phil Lee From: J. William Donovan �a,te: April 10, 19'73 Sub3eet: Frost I,ake Recreation Area. Open Spacc Land Pro�ect l�o. �Iinn. OSA-123 Attached is a re�olution for Council action, a� nabr aceompanying report to the Ma.yor and Council, xhich resolution is for the purpose of direetirig and authorizing ex�cution of a pureha.s� agreement and subseqnent purchase of a parcel of land for the sub�ect pro�ect. This o�'fice has obtained this agreement with GorBon Ho]s�aciahl pursta,ant to Administrative Order No. D-50�, dated Maxch 26, 19'�3, �or the sale of his property to the City for compensation in the amo��.,.,of �28,500.00. � %�/" _... .. ._ � J'WD:R�:dm '` �._ ..... Attach. J. WILL'IAM DONOVAN 2��5317 Valuotion Engineer , ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L n�s�► vai�ar�o„ e�9��ee. BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 Cify Hall S�int Paul, Minn�sole 66102 To the Honorable Mayor, Council Preaident, and l�effiber� of the Cit� Council I,aclies and f�entl�ea; The l�.yor of the City o� Saint Pata1 by his order, Acl�inistrative �rder Ao. 8-50�+, da.ted, Mareh �6, 1973, authorize►d. and direeted that the Bur�au ot' ValUations proceed �rith the aetion necessary to complete the aeq�.isition of th� prop�rty loc�.ted at 158�- Etna Street, which propert� is nec�ssary for the Frost Iak� Recreation �ite, f�pen Space I,and Proje�t No. Minn. OSA-123. P�r�uant to such authorization and direction, I, in my capacity as City Vs.luation �ngineer, have secur�d an agre�ent with �ordon �. Hol�da.hl, c�rner and seller, for pvrcha.se of his land for conpensation in the amo�nt of $28,540.00, which in my opinion i� a fair and reasonable price. Th�re- fore, it is reecr�m�ended. to the Co�neil that it authorize the purchase of this prop�rty in lieu of condemnation at the price of �28,500.04 as negoti- ated xith the cn,rner. �he property herein recc�ended to be aequired is more partienlasly de- scribed in the resol�.tian s�bmitted here�ith �'or your consideration and action. Eespect --�a.firncitted, � � �'. �Iilliam Donovan Valuation Engineer JWD:REF:dm Pa.rcel No. A File No. 17545 cc: Rob�rt Tradeau �Tilliaffi Q. Patton John �ticei January 22, 1974 Mr. R. Scott Davies, City Attorney ?�oom 64'�, City Hall St. Paul, �Sinnesot�► Dear Sirt The City Council referr�d to you for investiQation the attached. letter of Gordon and Beth Holmdahl requesting certain action. in connection w3th the award of damages for the takina of proPerty at 158�+ �tns Street. Yours verq truly, City Clerk ABO:mj f Attach. cc: Mr. J. William Donovan, Valuation Engineer tL. - _ . . .� ` 2S� ;�,� � PURCHASE 11GREEMENT ��t� THIS AGREEI�NT, Made and entered into this day of , 19'73, by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, hereinaf'ter rePerred to as "City" and Gordon S. Hol.mdahl and Beth A. Hol.mdahl, his wife, Range Road R.R. #�, Stillwater, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "Sellers"; WITl�SSETA, WHEREAS, City is desirous of purchasing Lots sixteen (16), .seventeen � (17), and eighteen (18), Block thirty-eight (38), Mayfield's Subdivision of Lots 37 and 38, Pioneer Real Estate and .Building Society's Subdivision, Saint Pau1, for the sum af �.'wenty-eight Thousand Five Hundxed and no�100 Dollars ($28,500.00); and WIiEREAS, Sellers agree to the above purchase and wish to retain pos- session of the property and desire to move the dwelling located on the � . above real property; now, therefore, � I� TS AGREID by and between City and Sellers as follows: l. The City agrees to purchase T,ots sixteen (16), seventeen (17)� and eighteen (18), Block thirty-eight (38), Ma.yfield's Subdivision of I,ots 37 and 38, Pioneer Real Estate and Building Society's Subdivision, Saint Pa.ul, �or the mutually agreed upon consideration of the sum of Twenty-eight Thousand Five Hundred and no�100 Dollars ($28,500.00). 2. The above consideration sha,ll be pa.id to the Sellers by the City upon delivery to the City of marketable -�itle and warranty deed conveyin� fee simple absolute title to the above-described real estate free and clear of all encvmbrances, provided, however, that the City shall retain the sum oP One Thousand and no�100 Dollars ($1,000.00) until all the remaining terms and conditions of this agreement have been comple�ed and the dwelling removed from the real estate by the Se]1ers. 3• Sellers sha.11 pa.y rea.l estate ta.xes and assessments due and payable ' in the calendar year 1972. City agrees to pay a11 real estate ta�ces and assessments which sha11 became due �.nd payable in the year 1973. - - - - _ , �. � a�i a7 � � �� �"- � ' � I- � z_�� oI�S Jdrvis ave. i�1. �tillwater, I�in. 55���� FtLED I�I��74 ��H j B �217 P� '1� City Of St. P��3ul CiTY CLERK'S OFFICE Office of i�i<�yor ST PAU�.MINN. Uear ���ayor Cohen, 'y�re hape you ��:ill be aule to help us ;,�itn our problem. Last vear th� City o1 �t . Faul purchaseci our prox�erty at I4)7 e:; I1�� ; `rioyt �t . arla I>-�� Etna St. for the Frost Lake park. ��ye have not been paia for a sruall parcel of property ir� front oi 15�:� �;tna at. Ther has beeri soi:ie pro�ple:n with tne title orl tnis pronerty. It v�as a�reec� over a year a��o, that Y��r. Se�al's offic� ti��ould clear up tnis r�atter and we t��oula �,et tn� �.i��'� .��� due us. i���r. �eUal no,v state� ti�re are to nave our o,-,�n attorney, Ronal�l Riach, take care of tnis riiatter. r�e have alreudy s;�ezit :�ev�rl hundreu c�oll�:,rs �vith other attorneys and ��re caii riot spend r�ny criore. i;ither t�,r. fieF�al s��iould tak� care of this pro'ulec�i or we snoula +�e paid mor�; to cov�:r attorn�y' s fees. Thank you for� your ir�terest in our pro�lern. We look for�,rarc� to hearin�; frorrl you soori. Yours truly, ��� � � �� -� � �����z � t► . • . . . �+. Sellers shall rema.in in possession of the land and building and � shall remove the house and appurtenant structures at their own expense. Sellers sha11 complete the removal of the house and appurtenant structures .. � r and delivex possession of the la.nd to the City on or before 3�3�1, 1973• The Sellers agree to remove the house and appurtenant structures according to the specifications of the City of Saint Pau1 which are attached to and made a part of this agreement. . 5. In the event the Sellers do not deliver possession of the premises � on or before July� 1973, in compliance with Pa.ragraph � above, Sellers shall pa.y to the City a monthly rental of the swn of One Hundxed and Eighty Dollaxs ($180.00). 6. It is agreed by and� between the parties hereto that if the Sellers do not comply with the conditions set out in Paragraph �+ pertaining to the �rrecking and remova.l of the dwelling and appurtenant structures and delivery of possession by December 31, 1973, the City shall be entitled to retain the swn of One Thousand and no�100 Dollars ($1,000.00) and the City would be authorized to enter upon the premises and wxeck and remove the dwelling and appurtenant structures at the City's expense. Notice vf such action to be taken by the City sha]1 be given in writing to the SeLlers at least thirty (30) days prior to the City's entering upon the land and wrecking the buildings. 7. The Sellers shall, during the term of their occupancy of sueh real property, maintain insurance protection covering the premises and protecting the same aga.inst all losses, damages or claims whatsoever and shall provide the City with a certificate of insurance prior to the transfer of title as contemplated in Pa.ragraph 2 hereof. In addition to the above insurance' coverage and during the term of occupancy by the Sellers contemplated herein, Sellers sha,ll maintain, at their awn expense, public liability insurance pro- tecting themselves and the City of Saint Paul as �oint insureds f`rom claims for damages and bodily injury, including accidental death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise while the Sellers sha11 remain in possession of the property in the following minimum amounts: -2- - _ �` _ _ : _ ; � � c .. . � .. . . . : � � , .`- .. . . �. � . .. Bodily in�ury insurance, including death, in an amount of not less than $50,000.00 for all damages arising out of' Uoda.ly injury to or death of one person and subject to the same limit for each person, in a total amount of � not less than �150,000.00 on account of any one accident. � 4 , ; � � � � � i IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this agreement � , i as of the day and yea.r first above written. • � i • I ! CITY OF SAIl4T PAUL ! s � �i By ; � Mayor � ; � FORM APPROVED � City Clerk �, I Assistant City Attorney _ Director, Department of Approved as to foxm and Finance & Management Services execution this day o� , 1g73. Assistant City Attorney In Presence of Gordon S. Holmdahl Beth A. Holmdahl STA`i'E OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. _ COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this day of , 1973, before me, a notary public within and f�r said County, personally appeared Gordon S. Holmdahl and Beth A. Holmdahl, to me knawn to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed. . Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission e�ires _3_ � . . , : . ` ' . . .° . ._ . - , + �, � • , . � . , . . ,.' . : '; � . . • . . � • . � . - � -. � � , -. ��.: . . .. '�: . �. � . . . , � _ . . . . � � . . � . �- . . .. � :} • _ , i : . , ,ti x� ,s.._ .�......r.�.._t..�:�__`.:��_V.. ___. .__... ��.� , � _..� .::.r__. ::;.�:-°:_�._s.. _:�.._.�....,, _.....� .. _:.�1:_.._: ___:�'_ _...__.�� r,,...",..._.._�..._. .... _. .:, _..r>r._...,.... . r.__�' � � . . . . . • �• - .. . . . : � .. . (' . . . . . . . . . .� � . � . .. . � . � � . . . . � . � . - . ' .. _ �� . � ' . � � .. � � . SPECIFTCATION FOR DtVELLING — ---_----- . , � �-RENOVP.L, FILLTNG AND SITEGaORK ' ` • { S • _ � . _ . . . .. � _ . �. . - � � . . �.a . � � i . . . . . . . . . .. ' . . . . . - . , . .. .. � . " . �. .. . . . ' , � � . . . - . � . . . . . . . . . . - �, � , - . i . .. . � � . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .� . _ . . . . . . . . . . . � i � FOR DEPAR�'MENT OF PARKS, RECREATION & PUBLIC BUILDINGS . - ; 4�5' CITY HALL � � SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA : � � ! _ , _ . , . , _ r � . PRE PARED BY _ � DEPARTMENT OF . : PARKS AND RECREATION AND PUBT.,IC BUILDINGS _ VICTOR J. TEDESCO, COMMI5SIONLR ROBERT L. AMES, CITY ARCHI'r'ECT ' • 445 CITI' FiALL AND COURT HOUSE � SAINT PAUL, Mx1�NL'SOTA • � � .�,��.�...,�........�..�.. �,.:�...,.��.,,. K..,�� _ � ,.�. �; � . • ;,, ,,.�_ . ... .,-.,-..T..-, -.:,_ ,. .:?, „�,�:e ,., _:.,. .. .,..,�,..ffi-..:.- „ . . . . , _ , _ ,:_. r .. . . . . . _ . - - - - - . : .., . . . . ; ., : • �• ... . . ... 1 " . ... . . � .. . . . . . ' . . , 1� . � . . .�. • . ' . . .a • . — . ' . " .. � . . . ' .. . " . � � � — � " r. _ � .. � '.� '.�' ....' � •. . - �.. . . . .. . . . ' ' Y ,• ' , � _ r -. � �: • . . ' 1'.. . . � . ... . ,.� ,�. _ .. � .' . ..� . ...�� " .. " _ . . ' �' • � L�. - '' � . . . . ,. . . : �.. -.. . . . . _. . : , �. . . . . . ..._. . -. . .. . . . ' . ' . � �•I• .. •..- . .. . . . _ . .._....._. �,� ,.�' y w . ' .. � ��. .. . . .. .. � . ' < .'• , � . . � . . ' . •� . . ' • • .. .. � �� ... � j • ' " � � '� �. � . , � -_ � - ' �i �r� . . - • � , ... ' �. .. � . �� � ' � .. . � . . _ � - = r� ' . ; - - �•- - . � . � .. . .. . .. . . ' ._ _ . .. ._ . , .• , ..; i . . . •4�� � ,. . i ' . . � ' � .. � . . ...� ' ' ': . . .. • ' � � � .. . ' ' ' •. • . :. �. .. : . . .` ' .�.• .r ; �. � " � . , . . . � � � - '� • :...._.�,_..�.. _.`_�... ...... . 1'.,.t. , .. . , . _ � . . . . . . . . . . � � . -..� . ' -.'�.? . ' - � . .. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS: � - . .__. ! . All bidders are cautioned to tamiliarize themselves with the requirements of t.hese specifications which shall c�overn the co itions - of the purchase and removal o�� the subject dwelling. - The proposal shall be made on �orms provided by the City rchasing � Ageht and all applicable spaces in the form shall, be f' ed out. � Except where the City reserves the right provided t. reject any or f all proposals, the sale of the subject 1-1/2 stor dwe113.ng sha31 be � made to the highest bidder. - ; ,� All. bi.dders are informed that time is of th ssence in the sale and . removal of this struci:.ure wi�.ha.n the sche ed time periods. Attention is particularly called to Sect�ion 1..5 wh ' h provides for assessing ' � the cast ot boarding-up work should th uilding remain unsecured or � trn-removed after the due time period . _ _ . � . � ; - � . .; ; . _ • � . ._: � ,_ _ ; ,__ _ .,. : .: � i _ . _ ..., .. . .: . _ ,_ . . _. _ „ . . _ . _.�.":.._. . .. ...._... _ . � .. . .. . .t. . .. . . ' . . . � . . � . � . - .. � . . ' . .. .:.. '.3.' . . ;. �.' . - ' , . . .i_. : . . � .. , _ � . � . . - ' ::..,� f ..... .. :. � '�� i:.. .. _ - PARCEL TO BE . ,_ .. . PURCHASED AND REMOVED - . PARCEL O. ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRZPTION BLDG. " � 532 W. Maryland Ave. Lots I1, 12 and 13 1-1/2 story ; " Block 3, Como - frame dwell.ing , _ Prospect Addn. � -Y . - _ . ,; - - - - - _ _ . _ , � _ - : � _ , , ...:. � , ,,. -� .:, . . , _. ;,._.. .. _ :_ . _. . ,- . . ... � � ' - ...,�-.,. ,., :�;,.,;.... .. �.:.�:. ; .:Y� p� - ::� ,� "�..a. ��'d..:;-�o : .. .. • � . . _, . . . ' ... : , -. . . � . .. � � + F' : �. . . . . � .. �.�. .� . . . _� .. , . ' . �.. � �. . . _� , .. � : .. � . . .. � � - . . � � � Le,l .. �. � " . � - . . . � . . . � . �. . : . .. . .. . . n . . � ` . . .. . � � - . .. ' . ' .,+ . ... ,`,� �� ' . _ . . . . • . .. . �...... . . _.._ :,r�,� _ ,. . .. � , �-�, ,i � _ . � . . . � . .. :� . . . . . � �•�. „ . '• ; . � • . . . ._...� . . . . . . . ' � � .. , t,:. .. . � . . . - . . � . • �. , ' �,� '._' ._., � , �{. �,�'� . . - _ � . . . . . . . . .. ?ea . � . y. . . V . :.,� ' . � - .. ..:.. �; . , , . . � -- � . . . � ;' ' � . • - ' . � `_' "�.:.__._.. _"'"_. . .r. . _'_ '"_.._._. . . .. �' , . . .. . ... _.._... _�....� .. . _._�..._....-a «�....." �`�� .. . . . . .. ._ . • . ..?� .._ . - _it:.wA" _fr. C?.- � . � - _ . . �.., . . . . . . ' . . � '.�'C?', .. � . . . . . . . . � - � .�� � . . . � � ;�"" � . . �. . . � � � � � . � �.� � • . . � � � . . � . .- s�:.s . , � . . . . . . . yh`t �.. �. . . . � �.. � .. . � � . .. . _-_: .._ .. . , _.. � .: . . . .�.:.. . . . . _ . . . . . . . . � . . . .. .�t. ..., . sECTroN � �:. ��� SPECIAL CONATTIONS � == . 3.,:=. . _. . . - � Tne Purchaser shall commence the removal work within �ive (5) � � working days after notification in writing by the City Architect � � �.o proceed. After removal the;,_Purchaser sha11 complete the filling • and sitework within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of such . � notice. . � e � . . - � ••••'�` ��TT'�Tn TTL�AR[� - . . . - . � ^+-+a-rr'+'vv�IDZ7�!!7�lA�� � . . � . . p-,•�. . . - . . • . The City of St. pau7. cannot guarantee the exist�ence of any � sal.vage�ble items for the Purcha�er. �:� In �aait�.on to the purchase bid amount, the Purchaser shall. �be requzred to simultaneously deposit with the City of Saint Paul a work performance sum o� $1000.00. This deposi�. shall be r�- tained by the City until t.he satisfactory completion of the � filling and sitework described in Section 3 is accomplished, at � which time the entire performance sum shall be refunded to the . Purchaser. The Cit.y of Saint Pau3 reserves the ra.ght to perform thi.s fill.ing and sitework should such work not be completed within � the time lim9.t specitied in Section l.X. In the event the City does perform this work due to the failure o� completion on the �part ot the Purchaser the sum of $300..00 shaZl be fortea.ted to � t.he City of Saint Paul. : .:.v,_ _ _�,. _ . . x.4 � APPROVAL AND FINAL ACGEPTAVCE � . �E �.r..�. . � - ' Upon completion of the removal., filling and sitework, the ::� _. _ Purchaser shall notify the City Architect in writing that tlie site a.s ready for final inspecti.on. • : _ ., .... _ . ._ :._ . .__- -� - _ ._ . _ _ .,�; _ - - . - � TT�T�Tl1 rrn rtnnr � --� .. .- - R�:: ... s, _ - ----,........... ' . r—T--�n�� ■�n� ^^ . ' .. . �-_.:..... . vn � ; �. .. __..,- ` . _.. _ : Should the purchaser not commence the removal work nor securely . board-up the vacant. structure wi�.hin the speci�ied five (5) day period after recei.ving a written notice to proceed: the Ci�.y of St. Pau1 may order �he vacant struc�.ure t.o be boar�ed-up. The cost of such tiTork if ordered shall be assessed against the $].00O.QO performance sum. _ _ _ _ . :. . . _. . _ .. _ , _ s �_ - �ob #70-7a - : : . .:: `1- _.._ _ : � _ �.-= . • �.- � . � •. �. � � " . ... .f.'� . . � �'" . . ' . .. . . .. . � ��q � • . � � .. .ew'l. -� ' ... . ._ ` y 2 . ... . . x . � . . . • .. .... . .. . . . � _ i. . ., ..�. . ... .. . . ....�. . . . . ., ti � . . .. .. ... .. � �%•� ''.fa � . . . '. 'r . , • . , . � , : . . . - � , . � , , . . . . .. . • ; - _ _ � :. . , , . . � , , . � . _. . . � . . _ . . , � _ . . . . � • . : , � , .. . . . � . • . . � _ , ' . �•�Y _ _ `�' � .-__ ....._ , . _ � . , � . � -- - - . . _ . . , . f • f ',` . - . � � ' - � _ �' -- - . ..:. . _ . c _. �. ,. -t . . . t . _ . . . . t - _.a•. ; �.:..: . � �'�. . . . .r. . . -• - . � . � . , � :��. � - .::;�:;.. . '�. . � . .. . . � . . . �- . . � . � � . .. . - . � • . .� . � . � . � � . . . � . ' - r .. .• ..��_. - . ' - -. �� . ..• _..__. . � .. . _..... . . - . .. .._.._�. . �� ._ .� .. _. ._ ...._ . .. ......�......�...�..__..��.�_.�.�.�.�_._�w.. . . , � . . -' --- - � ,. � , _ . . . ..___ �_ .___,... .__ ... ...-_ -. — . � _ . . _-_ . . ... . . ,. . ......_ . _ . _. . .. . __. , . . . . . . . - , ._ . .�.... _ ' . ..' . .. . ' 4:�. ... . . . ' ... . ' _ .. �� .. .. .. . .. '. �.i�... . .. . . . :�.� - . ....... " ..... .. . .. . .. �_. ' SECTION 2 . _ D.^lr;LLING REMOVAL _ .. a �� REMOVAL OF STFUCr:'URi , �. _ The Purchaser as soon us he receives the notice to proceed wi�h � � the worl:, sha1.1 ent�r upon the premisES and do any and all . t.hings nec��sar� to pr:t�ct the premises frcm damage by persons • who are unaui�.hori�.�d to car�y on the remaval work. The struc-- � • , ture shal7. be mov:.d in a proper and approved manner. .�., Moving operations sha1Z be carried on by �tble, skilled vra�ts- men, using equip:nent �;h�.ch provides adequate safet.y in trans- • . _ _ porting the structures. The Purchaser shazl pay a].1 •fees and �ob�.ain alI permits requir.ed for hi.s opera�ians. - The Purchaser shall ob�:ain the a�proval from the St. Paul City Axchztect for the lo�at.a.on of the new si.i�es ,where tl�e struc- � ture ia to be reioca�.ed, if within the St. �au7. City limits, � � betore any mov�.ng operations are started. The location of the � dwelling on the new lot shall comply with the St. Paul City Building Code regulata.ons. _ _:. . , . _ 2.2 METHOD OF CP.rc�_.'ING ON TF� WORK ' _ .��..r -- . �� The Purchaser shall rcmove foundati.on wa11s to an eleva�.ion of . not le�s than (3) three fee�. below the 1eve1 of the abutta.ng _ grour.d lir_�. The Purchaser shall. remove all basement columns, .partitions, and partition walls fi.o the level of the basement • _floor. The Purchaser shall remove all piping, condua.t, heating . facilities, ta-r�c�, �urniture, rubbish, combustibl.e materials, etc. from the basement evcavations. The Purchaser sha].I break � up fihe basem�nt and garage floor slab� int.o pzeces not over o:e � (1) square yard in ar.�a and leave zn plac�. : � _ , - � �The Purchaser shall remove from the premises a11 sl.abs, clothes __ . . � poles, st�ps, walks, ma.scellaneous concret.e, trash, junk and . � debris�. Ti�e Purchaser must not use thi� area to dispose of _ _ . - - ._._ . _._ _ . ... .. ; any trash or debris. - �� 2.3 PUBLIC UTILITIES .� ---. . ��. ..�he Purchasnr shall�. take .care o£ all pub].ic utilities encounter.ed during the progress of th� work. He shall srnd prc��cr notices, make the neces�ary a�rang�ments and provide all s�rvi.ces re- _ _ _ �_ quired to take care ot gas mains, water pip_s, sewer �ipes, eZectrical wires, t.eZephone and telegraph conduit and cabl.es, fire nluga, ?ar.-;� pow�., sign �osts and sny otheL item of this �� - cha�r�cter� a�.su;.ling �11 responsibili.t.y and paying all -costs -for--:- sob #70-70 - . _2� _ . . � " . . , , �:.. . ..-'. - ..;. .... ' .::._ " . .. . �� ....,..:. . -.. .. . _. 1 . . . . . � . . '" ' .-!.:...� :�:..:' _ . . .� � ; . . .s.'...� . .-..: �.'C" ��.'i4�t�Mt+{� ._ ._.. .. . - . _ .. ....� . .+: . .. „�"+�_ . -.i..n . .. . ' �. . . - , : . .' . . . _ ; '� � . . _ ., ' • . � � I .. . � . • .. . . j ' . -� �� - "_ ` .. _ . ' � . j°.. . . . . . . '. ' r� • ,� • �. � .•`,' ., . �- , . , . � . - ,� . . . �... ., ._ �-�. .. _ .. �.�. . . . ' . . . .. , . . . . . . . . . �. • � .. � .. �� � T.� ' . , . ' ' . • � �• � , ' � • . ... . . .. � .' � . . �' �1 •r•.,' ' � . . � . . ' : � . .. - .. .. . . � � ' � . � . . . : - �.� (' � r , .. �. � .. � . • . . . _ .. .�_•..-.-.. _. . . . ,. _ __.. ... .. � :_. . .._.:..._':.: . . • . ... _. . _ .. ...�....t �...�_.... _.�.�.. ...�.r which the Gi�y of St. 4�aut may be liable. The Purchaser shaI.l consult aIl public and service company records to inform himselg . o£ the loca�.ions of all utilities. Locations of wa�er, g�s and other pipes shall. be c2early marked so. that they can be located , at any future time. - A11 sewers shall be 1.uq ed, caulked and ��aled with concrete - � at �he ro srt line. Tne lu in of sek*ers sh�1], be done in accordance wi�.h the re ua.rements o� the St. PauZ Secaer De arfiznent. - 2�4 . PR02'F;CTION OF PUBLIC AI�"D PRIVATE PROPERTY �� - In �.he work operations involved in the moving of fihe bui7.d�.ng, the Purchaser sha�.l use every precaution to protect the public - , from personal harm and protect all. private and pub].ic property from damage. The Purchaser sha1.]. erect sui�.able barriers to prevent peopl� from geic�ing xnto t.he danger .xone and to prevent them from falling into holes or depressions. : No work shall start and no permit sha12 be issued for the removal of any building or structure in the City untcil satis- � . _ factory evidence is furnished by a cert�.�icate from the Heal�.h -- Offa.cer that a licensed pest contral company has extermina�.ed al1 nuisance pests �rom �.he structure and premises. _ - - , . , . - - ' � � :., .�:: . ; _ . . #70-70 _ . -; . �- . .- .- - � ; ,.- - �. = - .. . . . . 3 . - � . . . _ . . _ _ _ . � . . . , . . . .. � .. . _ .- . ..�_ � , .:,. - . . _ �� ,- -, . . . ;_�_ _ _ _ . . . _ -. t�. . _ .. . ..... ... . .. .. , . .. . . . .r ,i: H 4 �.: . . . , . . . , 4 . . - � , ', . ... . . � . � . . . . . � . � .. . . � � . . ;��. � . . M . .,. ... . - ' . . � � .. � , . . � . . r. .. . . � .. . f . ._ - ' . .'t �.•F♦ � . . . .. . , . . �, . ., _ . ',� �. . ' . . , � .. . � .. .. . . . ,. _ .. _ >.:�r.:� �... _�� .- -ri�� _ � � � .. .. . • a . . • . � . ,. � -. � . . � ,.. . . . . - -. . � �.- � . �: . .. �•�.. E� �'.• , . , . . �; . �. • � . • . , _ . �'s ••• - . - . .. _. � - �- � �.f � _ � � ' � . . � � � . � . . . . � 9!e-r . - � . . . .: . � ' . . . . . . . . . t :. . � . . . I .. . ,�.. , .- ♦ � . . �'-{ , . . . . . � ..._ .._...�.........�.. . . ........ : .. .. . . . .'... ... ..:_.. . .... ... . . . ... .. . . .. .:_ ..._a. d � �. • . . . . � .. . . � . � � . . � . �. . � SECTYON 3 • �:-: . . � ' _.-' . . - FILLINC3 AND SIT���TORK �=: __ _ 3.1 FILLING _ . .�' . . . . The Purchaser shall fill the basement excavations and a�l ho�.es and depressions to a 3.eve7. 6" above t.he abutting ground �.ine with clean dirt. P?here the ground line slopes, the Purehaser shall match �.he sl.ope with the top of �.he fi1.1.. �2 3A_ FETY - . _ e ..�.� The Purchaser shalt use every precau�.ion to protect �he public - �rom persona�. har�. The Pu�chaser shal7. er�c� suit�ble barriers to prevent people from falling into holes or depressions. � 3.3 CLEAL�I UP - - ....�- -------.-- _ .�.. - � Upon the -complefiion of the work requir�d under this specification : the Purchaser shall remove a7.1. toflls, equipment, scaf�olding, debris and other mafi.erxal.s Erom the premises. The entire premises shall be le�fi. in a clean condition to the sat�.sfaction _ ___:. . o£ the City Archit.ect. . _ . _ - END OF SPECIFICATSON : : - _ ='- _ . , , ' _ �.� ., :. Job #70-70 � j --4- � : , � - - - - . �:.:: _ . - . ��;� , ,; - � f ;, .. ' _, ..� ' - ...+.. .. ......�. . . . .... ..._:. �:..� .-"'.. . _. ,... '... . .. . - ,, .. . .. . . � - . .. . y .... . -. .. ,..,.� . _:.... : �.. ._. . .__� .,..... , ._ . : .... .�: ..... _ ._ .: . . . . ... -. - ..:. :.,, ~1 . c.... .. . . . .. .. . p �J'..