261057 WH17E - CITV CLERK COUI1C11�r /V1�� PINK - FINANCE BLUERY- MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File 1\O. f,+ Council esolution Presented By - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that an extra in the amount of One Thous and. Ninety-five Dollars ($1, 095) be allowed under Contract L-7344 between the City of 5aint Paul and Reuben L. Anderson-Cherne, Inc. , said contract for Mechanical Piping and Control Work for 5aint Paul Civic Center Multi-Purpos e Ar�na, and. s aid changes to revis e flash tank vent as more fully set forth in Civic Center Authority Resolution #637 and Project Architect's Change Order MPC-14, copies of which have been filed with the Department of Finance and Management Services. Charge to 60000-604 -000 to be reimbursed from 70035-460-000. (��., Job #70-45, COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas -*'-�+��,.._�— Nays I�k�e�— Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith O Against BY � s�oc Roedler Tedesco � Mme.President Bet� Hurit 1 �A� APR 1 , Form prove by C' ney Adopted by Council: Date' C Certi 'e a ed by Co ry B By Appro by r: Date Approved by 11�or for Submission to Council . gy By PUBLISHED APR 141973