D00941• City Clerk Finance Dept. _ - Dept. Accounting (Civic Center) _ - Engineer (HGA) - Contractor _ - Project Manager (CPMn No. �fYlu1. Date CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF TAE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP4.01-2 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Wheteas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Impiovement desctibed • as Sairn Paui Civic Center E�ansion CP-4 Building Consttuction lmown as Contract L Project No.015117 M.A. Mortenson, is composed of ffie following: Provide operable partition per Contractor Proposal #4.18. Approved by the Saint Paul Civic Center Authority, Resolution No. 309Q 24 April 1996. Reason: Owner Request, operational requiremen[. Tota! specifications in the sum of $ 151.969.00 . said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the $151,969.00 $151,969.00 ORDERED, That the Ciry of Saint Paul, through iu Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the contract, known as contract L- 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. APP D A� F ist ity Attorney Committee Committee D'uec or of ivic Center I � AI'CL11tCCt and which amouni is to be financed from: � ! . � � 1 L' � • of Finance �� Assistant to The Mayor • 1 �(�Ru i � DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DATE�RATED �REEN SHEE � ' N 3 4 9 2Q (''_'..� : c, L'E�c.� W �Pt �ff � R - - — CONTACfPERSON&PHONE DEPAp'fMEMDIRE �CfTYCAUNqL �N�nAwA1E C a `g�S�'� �� CITVATTORNEV �CT'CLEfiK ST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) �� � BUDCET DIFiECTOfl � FlN, & MGT. SEflVICES DIR. qOVfINO ORDEN MpyOF(OPASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATUHE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SfGNATURE) a ` ACf10N XEQUESTED: C:}�ar�� or��c.�' 1k a�or �on-E-ra�-�- 1a�-au?eEP� i�`bc-4sc.so,� d t�d � L cEv��!' RECOMMENDAi7oNS: Appmva fA) w Reject (R) pERSONAL SERYICE CONTRAC7S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES710NS: _ PLqNNiNG �MMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Hd5 MiS pOrsONfifin evef WOYketl und2f e ConVBC[ f0f thi5 d0pdf�RiBM? _ CIBCOMM1lTEE � ��oa t\S� F1�I YES "NO �- 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? � � AFF r��� i's,.� YES NO _ DISTRtCT COUR7 _ 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessetl � by any cuneni city Bmployee. SUPPORTSWNICHCAUNCILO§.J�tjVE� � � YES NO ��I�'� � Explain al� yes answers on separate sheet anE ettech to green sheet e^.fi INITIATMIG PROBLEM. fSSUE(6P.F1tiHfU 1 (Wtla: Wfiat. When. Wt�ere, WhY): � o�E. l��ra= Sar�E�X.QaYtS�an. 'Si-�s ar� oRera.�;or�a\ C�q�tTrerncnl- �0 1�doc avl 'a� V � DVANTAGES IFAPPflOVED: DISADVANTA6ES IFAPPflOVED. REC�IVE� MAY 3 a 199� �ITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF PIOT pPPROVED: OTAL AMOUNT OF TAANSACTION $ 15 � ��1 �., 9-� GOST/REYENUE BUDGETEO (CIRC�E ONE) YES NO FUl7DINGSOURCE� �E-S�c C�'��.�3I QCu�.Fc'LS�cYlllACT1VITYNUMBER ��' (�� ^S FINANGAL INGORMATION: (EXAIAMI) �� �-�� I coH;��ts-�a-rus- � • • PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR M.A. Mortenson PO Box 710 Minneapolis, MN 55440 Original Contract Amount: PO # 015117 $33,973,000.00 PO # 385,700.00 CO No. C4.01-�1 C4.01-2 Subtotal Deduct Add 34,475.0� 151,969.00 00 $186.444.00 DATEISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: 29 April 1996 CP-4.01 Building Construction Multiscope � 8 January '1996 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $34,545,144.00 �� . ------ - -�a� � RECENED APft 3 -;,. � • A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: It is requested the completion date be () extended, () decreased, (X) unchanged by cale�dar days. The adjusted completion date will be N!A 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable�. Reference RFP No.: 4.18 : FO NO.: Title: Incfude Exhibit Hall Operable Partitions as described in Alt. #2 in the bid dor.uments. 3. Basis of payment: (Check one) (X) Firm price for performing this change is $ 15'1.969 Adequate supporting details and information (Increased) (Deduct) must be attacfied to a11ow Owner to evaluate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed S () Actual cost at completion of work 9 Submitted by: M. A. MORTEN ON Date: Aoril 3. 1996 ontrector � A • Contr ctor Signature FOR CPMI USE Action Recommended: (Check one) ( 1 Change wiil not be made. Explain: +� CPMI Job No.: 3225 (} Proceed on the following basis: S! As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. () Change is acceptabie, basis of payment is not acceptable. ( 1 Basis of payment shall be S ( 1 The following modification is recommended: () Change in comptetion date is accepted. O Change is acceptabfe with no change in price. () Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( ) Other Reason for Change: () Design Change () Client Request () Field Condition () Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other (explain) 3. Is this a part of the original contract scope? () YES () NO 4. 1s Contractor's Estimate attached? O YES ( � NO 5. A/E consulted. ( 1 YES (� NO Prepated by: CPMp Approved b HGAI • Approved 8q U `"'� Approved by: CPMI Ina, do Sai Paul Civic Center, I.A. ( ca Chris ansen Mike Dick Zehring Date: Y '"�lo " / �O Date: « Date: �— / � % 4 3225- Project: ST. PALlL C4VIC CENTER CP.4 Contract No.: 4.01 OIGt7J7��r S • �o � r�x saH _ W Thr C.b�u'tn�runn O�ROrti: tninn CUHF�OAATE OFFICE5 P.O. Box 7t0 Minneapolis, M�nnesota 55a40-0770 ppriii7,1996 Ms. Susan Jc�nes 700 Meadow L.flne Norih Minneapolis. Minnesota 55422-4899 Teicphone' (6�2) 522-2100 Facsimile: (672)?A7-5 �/p St. Paul Civic CeniCr 143 West Fourtih Ssreei Sl. Paul, ivlN. 5510?-1299 RE: St. Pnul Civic Center F.�pflnsion CP-4 Building Ccrostruction 1'rop��sed C{r+nge No. 4.1 R P,xhibit Hal! Partitions �+� described in Ait. #Z in hid documents. llcar Susan: • W� are submitting a cost prof�osnl ior the chanKes in work as defined hy Proposcd Change No. 4.1 R clated 3 April 19t3G. We are requcsting a C'hangc; Order to inerease our (:'�mtr�ct r\mount by One }iimdred Fifty-One 7'hous�nd Nine Himdred Sixty-Nin� Dollars (�+1 � L969.OU) tu perform the sul?j��t moditic�Yion. Attachcd is tl�e cost hrcakdow» for tliis pr��pua�31. SincerCly, �� . 1�odd Schilling Assi. Ymject Ma»agcr TShnkl encl. fife: KFP �. � H • MinneeP�lis•Seai$e �Dem�e�•Coloiado SPnnas•�ndwau4,oc•Gtand R.,pntls..S:�n Dicao•5%�n Frani.isco•HonolVlu•I os An(Jeles 4/2/96 C J St. Paul Civic Center Expansion Change Proposal ST. PAUL CIV/C CENTER SAINZPAUL,7vN 55102 PH. 672/293-9154 FAX� 612/293-9557 Description: CP 4.18 TiGe: lndude 6chibit Half Mortenson Labor. (See attached) Mortenson Material: (See attached) Mortenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposal) $ - $ - $ - S - ius�Yns� General Conditions: $ - (Mortenson Work) SUBTOTAL M.A.Mortenson $ - SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS 1. Panelfold Doors $ • 2. $ 3. $ 4. $ 5. $ 6. $ 7. SUBTOTALFee M. A. Mortenson Company Fee: SubcontractorsNendors Fee 5%: M. A. Mortenson Work 15°fo: Total Material & Equipment $ M. A. Mo�tenson Material & Equipment Tax: SUBTOTALTax 143,378 143,378 $ 7,169 $ - $ 7,169 7% $ SUBTOTAL:M.A.Mortemon+SublVend+Fee+Tax $ 150,547 Builders Risk GCL Insurance Costs Payment & Perfortnance Bond SUBTOTAL Insurence & Bonds $ 108 568 747 1,423 . TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 157,969 Partitions as described in Alt #2 in the bid documents. $ Amount 0.0007 ($.72/Thousand) $ 0.0038 ($3.77IThousand) $ 0.0050 ($4.9593/Thousand) $ l. Q�-( l Summary Page 1 • � CJ MRP,-67-1996 10=57 FROM NHr�tLruw, in�. i� � � _� . . !a � �'������ -ANECPO�D. �NG. �O�CO NOATNWEST 06^ 0.VENUE. MIAMI. G�OFtOA OJ161 ���l�NP AODR$e5: C.O. 80X lsOabo. 11�4M1, FLGA�OA oars¢ <lE>MONE: �OS/BGO-9dOt GAX: 006/C30-OfiS Febrvary 20, 1996 Mr. Ronald Schreiner Ivf_ A. Mortenson Co. PO Bax 71Q Minneapolis, MN 55440-8714 Re: Saint Paul Civic Center Dear Mr. Schreiner, Pazzelfoid, Inc. confirrns the price on the above refecenced project, total price ��livered and instaLe�, ' Panelfotd would like to propose a price of $ I43,378.00, for Add Altemate Number 2. PaneIfold �vi}l hold this price tantiI 3anuary 31, 1997. The track and head work for all opeatizxgs on the e�ibit level is included in the base bid. This wouid make it practical to add paneIs later_ Th�ilc you for the order on the base bid. If we can be of any help, please ca13. Sincerely, t� � ohn J day • Vice President of Sales ,� MANUfACT�1R(.FS p� FOI�I:aG DOOF5,4CCVSTICP: FC�IO�NG PAFTITION 4N0 �ELOCATAEIE `^/!�-5 TOTFL F.0?