261037 WH17E - CITV CLERK CO1111C11 �Vj�� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARY+� DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ' ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached amendment to House File No. 1556 now before the Legislature of the State of Minnesota and entitled: "A bill for an act relating to the city of St. Paul ; amending the provisions relating to the issuance of the license for the sale of intoxicating liquor at the civic center; amending Laws 196g, Chapter 783, Section 1, Subdivision 1, as amended. " and recommends the same to the Ramsey County Senate and House delegations. COUNCILMEN Yeas Butler Nays Requested by Department of: -F�SZt_ Konopatzki �_ In Favor Levine ' Meredith � Against BY � ROF.DLER Tedesco Mme.President B1itT�t- �t APR 6 � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Cert' ' sed by Co ary BY� s�" '� �� �-��- By Approved MaX : Date ➢ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �( �`'�� gY PUBLISHED APR 141973 , . � � 261,�� Mr. t,he typewritter bil.l , as follo,��� t� a�nerid H. F'. No . 1556, In Line 1y , after the sentence endin�r inserL the following lari�ua�;e ; � with the word "cen�;er" "The license so at.it,horized ma be vested with the rior i ��pproval of the civic center aut,horit ,_in an_y pPrson, fir.m or cor. oration who has contracted for theuse o.f the civic center �remises for an evenf; or a cat;erer of such erson ' f'irm or cor oration a r�ved b the civic cerrter at�tharit , The l.icense ma be vested in such erson firm cor �z°at�ion or caterer notwithstandin the f'act that such erson firm cor oration or caterer ma hold another "on sale " license in its oti��n ri ht but such license vested b r the authorit r sh�ll ex iie iz on termination of the contracted event . �� In Line 99� after the word '�license '� and k�efore the word "shall" insert the words ; "to the aut]loritv�� . � � ' , .Y, . ` R ���,a �-.��-r 3 Ci ty of S�; . �Paul Bil1 No . li- Loca�. . �. Uill for an act the cit � of St . Paul ; amending � �/��3 � relatin� to 3 the pro��isions reJ_ating to tlie issuance of 1;he l.icen5e for tlie sale of ini;o�icating liquer at �;he civi.c center ; amending Laws 1969 , Chapter 783, Section 1 , Subdi.vision 1 , as amended. , BE IT EANCTED }3Y THE LEGISLATURE Or' THE S�1�ATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1 . Laws 1g69 , Chapter 783 , Section 1 , Subdivision 1 , �tis amended by Laws 1971 , Chapter 498 , Section 1 , i_s amended to read: Section 1 . �T. PAUL, CITY OF; CIVIC C�IvTTER; LIQUOR LICENSE�7 Subdivision 1 . In addition to the licenses now authorized by law, and notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary contained in the charter or ordinances of such city, or s�;atutes applicable to such city, the city of St . Paul is aathorized to issue an "ar, sale" liquor license for t�e premises known and used as the St . Paul civic center. The licen�e so authori7ed may be ��ested, wi_ th the_Pri.or a pro��al of the civic ce�fiter authority, in an.y person, firm or cor oration who ha.s contracted For the use of the civic center premises for an event or a caterer of such person ,_ firm or corporation approved by the civic center authority. The license may be vested in such person, firm, c_orporation or caterer notwithstandin; the fact that such p_erson, firm, cor oration or caterer ma hold another "on sale" license , in its o�an� ri�ht , bu� such license vested hv the a�zi;hority shall e� �-ire u on termination of the contracted event . `i'he fee for such license to tlie authority shall be fixed i by the governinb body of the city of St. Paul . Such liquor license shall be issued in accordance wii�h the statutes ..............r . ._.._ .. . . � � ' . Bill No . =! - Local ` . '��8-73 ,- .3-� �pp]_icable to tl�e issuance of "on sale" liquor licenses in cities of the first cla.ss n.ot iilcol�.sistent herewith and in accordance with the charter and ordinances of the city of St . Paul. not inconsistent herewith and shall littiit the sale of in-�oxicatir�g liquor to metn�e�s-s��-��es��-e�-���' �e�°sen s�-e��a���a��e�-�eas-���-s�see-��-��e-ei��e-ee��e�-�e�-��e ����e�e-a�-ee���e���b atrons of the entire civic center com lex who �ather therein ior �ny conven}ion, banquet , conference , uieeting1 theatrical event or social affair, �r�� but shall prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquor to the public or to any persons at�;ending or p�rticipating in any athletic event bein; held on the civic center premises . Sec . 2 . This act shall become ef.fective only after its approval by a majority of the �overnin� bo�of the ci1,.y of Saint Paul and u on com liance with the rovisions of Mi.nneso�i;a Statutes Section 645 . 021 . � � . � � , 2 � NOTE AMENDMENT� �...... Change has been approved by Civic Center Commission