261000 WHI7E - CyTY CI.ERK i � COUT1C11 ��1�J'h7� - PIN� - FINANGE � �A�RV ->DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL BLU ; MAYOR File NO. � � ncil Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the present non�stop airline service between the Minneapolis�.Saint Paul International Airport and the Washington National Airport is the most convenient service between the Twin Citi.es and the nati.on's Capital, being used by more than 200, 000 passengers per year; and WHEREA.S, the airlines have provided such service for many years and the Federal Aviati.o.n Administration has long recognized '� the Twin Cities' "grandfather" rights to such service; and WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration proposes to revoke the "grandfather" rights and to prohibit non..stop flights between the Twin Citi.es and Washington National Airport; and WHEREAS, such action would downgrade the service by adding at least an hour to travel time by greatly inconveniencing 2Q0, 000 travelers, by forcing the Twin City passengers to pay at least $590, 000 more per year for ground transportation and by disrupting existing connecting schedules; and WHEREAS, the Minneapolis.-Sa.int Paul International Airport serves as a gateway to Washington for more than 50, 000 passengers per year and these passengers will be forced to use other airports which are less convenient and more congested; and WHEREAS, the proposal will result in discrimination and prejudice against the Twin Cities in favor of other points like Milwaukee and Chicago; and COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler � Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney . Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By t / 1 . ' ' . . . . . . . .� � WHI«M — GITY CLERY. . . . � .. ... � {,{�■. . � ?IUK — FINANCE � �� ■/�-��T T T P TTT COUIlCll . �����. �7 � . � BLUgRI — b1AVOF2TME:N-7 EJ�1� 1Y �� ���N1 1�.� V,A...J.:� i'll@� �O. ' lJ C'o���i� ��s�l�ti�� Presented By�_ ...,.. ; . � Referred To Committee: - Date : Out �f Committe�:By Date ° . ,_: . - . , _ . . . . _ . :�. WHEREAS-, the p��sent �on-sto� aarline service between the � ; . �- 1Vlinn.ea.pc�li.s.�Saint Paul Ixxternational A.zrport and the Washington - Nation�l l�sirport is the most canvenJ.ent se�vice between the Twin Citi.es ar�d the nation.`s;Ca�ital:, being used by more t�.an 200, OOQ . _ . �a.s�seii:gers p�r year;`aud _ ,. . , � - :�. . ,. . � , : .. . . - . . _ _ ,_ . ,�. _ _ . : . �. . ; ,.�- , " .W�IERE?�S, ;the a�irli�a.es have provided such ser.vice for m.any ' - , year� �.nd,:the �°�ede�al �lviatic,n Adrr,�nistration ha.s Iong recogr,i zed _ _ " � `�: the Twin Gities' '!grandfather" rights-to such service; and �':' �� �.. .:.= .- x � . _ , - � ` , WHEREAS, :the Federal Aviatiors� Admi.nis�ration p�aposes ta _ .:;. ° ;:: ' ��/ ��v�k� �h�;�''grandfatheru rights and: to prc�hibit n:ar,-stap fligb.ts : . - ;� 1�etwe�n` tY.e Twin Cities and Wa�hi�gtor� National Airport; and � �� � WHEREAS, such action would downg�ade the servi.ce by �� ac�dzag at 1.ea�,t an hour to travel ti.me by greatly inconveni.enci.ng 200,.60Q tx�avelers, by forcing the Twin City� passengers ta pay " _. at least $�RO, OQO more per year for g�ound transporta.ta.on and. by : disr�pta.ng ez�isting connecting sched�les; and ; - _ WH�REA5, the Minneapolis-Saint Pau1 International Airport : serves as a gateway to Washington. far xnore than 50, 0`40 passengers per y�ar and these passengers will be forced ta use other airports which are less convenient and n2are. cor�ge:sted; and . ` ; . -, . WHER.EAS, the proposai wiil �esuit zn discrirx�ination and prejudice against the Twin Cit:ies in favor of other points like MilwaLikee and Chicago; and COliNCILMEN Requested by Department of: � Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine P+leredith Against BY Sprafka . Tedesco , l�ime.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by hlayor: Daie Approved by blayor for Submission to Council i ' ; . . . � . � .. .. . . r . _ _ .�_._ _ � --. ._ __ - - ---- --- _ .-- -__ ___ ___ _----- Wtj��PE - CITV CLERK . TT COUIICII ��/��� � PINK - FINANCE C..11y OF ►:Jt�llr� ..l � �Al.3L L CAf3ARY- DEPARTM-E:N-T � 1''lle. N'O• � BLUE -MAYOR - Council R�b�o���tion - � Presented By — — Referred To " Cammittee: Date Out of Committee.By .,, _ . Date � _ .: � - -< � .. Page ..2 _ . 1�VI�E�tEASf the�e is rxo significant environmenta.l impact from a - revocation of "grandfatYier" rights; and , ,, ,� ; :,_ _ . - WHEREAS, it appears' that tka,ere are suita.ble practical alternatives _ -� - . to accaxnplish. the basic objectives of. tkie Federal. Aviafaon Administrati:an; - . ._-..: r�ow�, tlierefare, b� it., _ ,, . . � . ;; RE.SQL,VED, that this Council he�el�y registers its`vigorous �._...-� . :� ' `- � opFositioB to t1Ye proposed policy change and directs its Clerk to �� � - trarzsmit a copy of this resoluti.on t� th;e Fr�sidenti, the Secreta.ry of -� Transpor�ation,.the Administrator o� the Federal Aviation Administration, the Goverr�or,- and the memb�rs of the Minnesota Congressional delega.tiQn to record its strong protest again.st the proposal to eliminate non-•stQp aixline service between the Minneapolis-Sa.int Pau1 International A.irpo�t a.rxd Washington National Airport; a.nd be it - � "� ` -' FURTHER I�ESOLVED, that the Federal Aviation Administration. I hold a hearing with respect to the change in policy so that representatives . I of the public may ha.ve the opportunity to explain orally why the drastic and discrixr�znatory chang�a should z�ot be farced on. the people of the _ _-, Twin Cita�s. : . � COUI�iCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Butler Nays � Hu�wY� Konopatzki In FaVOc Levine Meredith Against By �c Roedler Tedesco . Mme.President Butlet j�nt APR 31973 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By AADTOV?d by iVlayor: Date A�� 41973 Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Council , � C,r �LP l Df_%C,� , JOSEPH E.KARTH HOUSE COMMITTEE ON ,4rx dsrarcr,�Mmxesora WpYS AND MEANS Z93P RAYBURN HWSE OFFICE BLW. � ���" �ottgre�� of t�je �t�iteb �tatc� ROBERT E.HESS �Y,x,s*�TryE,�s,si,�7 �ou�e of �lte�re�entatfbe� Di57e¢i O�rc�: e�w sa� �as'lJington,�.QC. 20515 FEDERAL BURDING AND U.S.COURT House 3I6 N.ROBERi STREEi SuxT P�u�,M�xx. 55f01 (612)725-7869 April 9, 1973 Harry E. Marshall City Clerk and Commisioner of Registration Office of the City Clerk City of St. Paul Bureau of Records 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Harry: Thank you for sending me a copy of the St. Paul City Council resolution, C.F. 261000. I appreciate your thoughtfulness in keeping me advised in this matter. With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Jo ep E. Karth M be of Congress JEK:sa . • . � �m F��'�/4�� • JOHNtA.BLATNIK CHAIRMAN • '8�w otsTR�CT,MINNESOTA COMMITTE60N PUBLIC WORKS - Rootr 2449 RAYlURNHOU86OFFICEBLD6. �ot�gre�� of t�je �r�fteb �tate� \Y� �ouge of �c�regentatibe�c �a�jfttgtott,�.4C. 20515 April 10, 1973 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of St. Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Thank you very much for your letter concerning the FAA's proposed regulations to eliminate non-stop flights between Washington' s National Airport and Minneapolis. I am deeply concerned over these regulations which would inconvenience over 200,000 passengers who use these flights each year. I know from my own experience that there is a tremendous savings in time as a result of direct service. The Minnesota delegation protested this action in a joint delegation letter after the proposed rules appeared in the Federal Register. On March 22 I called a meeting of the Congressional delegations from Minnesota, North Dakota and Montana with the Department of Transportation and the FAA to discuss our objections to the new policy. They assured us that they will consider our objections carefully before making a new policy decision. I appreciate your letter and hope you will continue to keep me posted on any further developments and likewise, I'll do the same. With best wishes. Sincerely, ��, a- J n A. Blatnik, M. C. JAB:saj ' ' � � C� a� � eo d WALTER' F. MONDALE ' � MINNESOTA ,� 1C�cif ea .�if afes ,�enafe WASHINGTON, D.C. 20570 April 12 , 1973 Mr. Harry E. Marshall 386 City Hall • St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 l I Dear� , a . � Thank you for your recent letter concerning the Department of Transportation's proposal to cutback non- stop flights from the Twin Cities to Washington National Airport. I did join my colleagues from the Minnesota Congressional Delegation along with other Senators and Congressmen from the Mid-west to protest this proposal and you will be glad to learn that we were successful in persuading the Department of Transportation to reverse this proposal. I do appreciate hearing from you on this important matter. If I can be of any further assistance to you, please feel free to get back in touch. With warm regards. Sincerely, . al r F. Mon ale . � ;c��G � aa 4 . . . � . o,�.�:��: , �� � .��.�..� ,�..�,,,r.�,,.F�.�� :,—._: �. ,�o r�.�.�.�:o.�. - . . � , �.MwMIMroM olrlo�... . . . . � . . . � � � . :. � � Ms11sM�aJ�vMll�lkl's��i9t �� . . ,��.�. �t�r�� 0# �je ���b �t��c � � � � . �� :�ou�t o�� c�tt�ttatfbc�c : ��� : : �a� � ��. , _ � , - - ��.�.IC. 20�ib , _ � A�ril 10, 1973 � : _ � � ,,. . ; . . ' Mr, 'Harry :E. Marshall , City Clerk . C1 ty of S . PauT 386 Gi ty i�al l St. Pau1, il�n 85102 , . �ar Mr�. f�ar$hall : . , - Thnnk youifor forw�arding the resolatian �f the St. Paul , . ' City Gouncil which :opp��sed the praposed eliminat�vn`o# ` non-stop. �ervice between ��nneapolts-St, P�u1 and _ � • M[ashingtonl Na;tional Airparts. As a:c�anstant us�r of _ , � this servi'fce, r am in whoief�earted agree�nt wit� ya�� . . ,resolutior�. - : . . . �� . ; �The:Mtnnesota Gongressionai delega�ion has� �een working ' with the a�irlines involved �o present a case agai�st the � :prc�Posed Nu1e .to: the FAA: We� t�aae heard a r�norjthat tF� ; - rule had �itirer been withdra�n, or altered, but we have no substanitiation of� this as yet. � . , . � Aga�in. Yo�jr s�rpport is .appreciated. . � . Y'ours ver�r truly, . ` ', . , I ''V`� � Bi l l Frenz`el � � ' Member of`C�ngress BF:pce _ , , � . . � . �� . ; , , rH�srwT�aNSRx�s��ot,r r�R Mwoe:vn�rFt�rd.ea���ws.; . . �, � �� � , � - � w 4 `l� �' G' THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON April 9, 1973 Dear Mr. Marshall: On behalf of the President, I would like to thank you for your recent letter and resolution concerning proposed policy changes of the Federal Aviation Administration to eliminate non-stop airline service between the Minneapolis- St. Paul International Airport and the Washington National Airport. Your letter and resolution will be presented to the appropriate members of the President's staff as well as others in the Executive Branch involved in implementing the President�s policies. You may be assured that your letter and resolution will be given full and complete consideration. 5incerely, ana G. Mead Associate Director Domestic Council Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ' . ` - , S � � C. r— c?6 /C� c� c� . ' . ,tATg � S`�wu w np�A � " ;� _ �1� �\` 1' f STATE OF MINNESOTA �r-��-�,_ � ,NNES�� OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR WENDELL R. ANDERSON ST. P�UL 55155 GOVERNOR April 25, 1973 Mr. Harry Marshall Off ice of the City Clerk 386 City Hall St . Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear � . Thank you for your letter forwarding the resolution by the St. Paul City Council regarding the proposed FAA policy change which would force Minneapolis/St. Paul direct flights to Washington to land at Dulles International Airport. I have instructed the Commissioner of Aeronautics, Mr. Lawrence McCabe, to express the state's concern regarding this matter. I am confident his comments, those of local units of government and businesses in Minnesota together with the strong leadership of our delegation will ensure that this change will not be implemented. I appreciate the concern of the Council. With warmest personal regards. Sincerely, Wendell . Anderson WR.A:s h cc: Commissioner Lawrence McCabe -- 55 , • C F� Or �a �QQC� ti , . - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ' FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20590 �0.P1 A y�qr W� O '� Z � * va o2 � ��N/STRP�\ � 2 5 19T3 NLr. Harry E. Ma.rshall City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration City of Saint Paul 386 City xall — St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: The Secretary has asked me to acknowledge receipt of your letter of April 5� 1973, with its enclosed resolution on the Proposed Policy Regaxding Role of Washington National Airport and Dulles Intern.ational Airport. Please be assured your comments will be given thorough consideration as we casry out the review process associated with the Notice of Invitation for Commsnts on the proposed policy. Sincerely� p''��•s1 R EftT F. BACON D rector� Of�'ice of Aviation Policy and Plans � - � �r"a� �� b � HUBERT H'. HUMPHREY MINNESOTA '2s 1 Cr�rf eb .�if af e� ,�ertiaf¢ WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 April 30, 1973 Mr. Harry E. Marshall Office of the City Clerk 38b City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Thank you for sending me a copy of the Resolution adopted by the St. Paul City Council. I do appreciate being kept informed as to the opinions of your membership. Bes t wishes. Sincerely, Hubert H. Humphrey � . r- � ' - � ° GF a�/o c�o • ISONALD M.FRASER FOREIGN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE S�n+D�srn�er,M�rwewr� .. SUmCOMMITTEEB: CHAIRMAN,INTERNATIONAL 1111 HWSE OFFIC6 BUILDINO OR6ANIZATIONS AND MOVFMEMfS �°"° �o�gre�� of t�je ��fteb �ta�e� $TATE DErAKfMEN1'OR6MIIZATION DALE M�CIVBR �rm Fons�6N O�eewnau ADMINI8TRA77V6 ASBISTAN� �ou�e of �.ie�regentatibeg N�noru�SecuRm Pouer�wo SCIENTIFIC DRV6LOrM6NTf �as�jfrigtori, �.QC. 20515 F°"°°"�"'°""`�°`� DISTRICT OR COW MBIA COMMITT6E April 12 , 1973 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of St. Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 (`-�t��,�Z't� Dear p�r. �R..�..�.,,� , : Thank you for your letter and resolution in opposition to the termination of non-stop airline service between the Twin Cities and Washin�ton, D.C . In case you have not already done so , I have sent a copy of your letter and resolution to the Federal Aviation Administration for addition to their file against this proposal . Your resolution is excellent evidence of the widespread concern there is in the Twin Citiss area regarding this proposed action and I appreciate your letting me know of your opposition. With best wishes . �_�.� ,�-- rely yo s , i� ` ___ , �., on d`��f:"Frase�` , -' ��..._�.�--� .. � _ , � C�c���°C.�r� • RNCHER NELSEIV COMMITTEES: HUTCNINSON�MINNESOTA INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN " COMMERCE ZD DISTRICT COUHTIE3: SUeCOMMITTEE ON PUBLIC BLUE EARTH MCLEOD �ot�g�re�� o� t�je ��fteb �tate� DISTR�OF COLUMB�IA BROWN MARTIN CARVER MOWER DAKOTA(PART) NICOLLET . FARIBAULT SCOTT �ou�e of �.i.e�re�entatibeg FREEBORN SIBLEY WASHINCiTON OFFICE7 HENNEPIN(PART� WASECA 2929 RAYBURN OPPICE BUILDING L6SUEUR WATONWAN '.q'AI1'y'y�l�iy4o�y'�.�• 20515 WA$wNGTON�D.C. 20518 �wcR�A � }ia as 2oz-2zs-za72 April 19, 1973 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of St. Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Ma.rshall: Thank you for your letter and the copy of the resolution from the St. Paul City Council concerning the Federal Aviation Administration proposal regarding non-stop flights from Minne- apolis-St. Paul to National Airport in Washington, D.C. We of the Minnesota Congressional delegation, in a letter to Secretary of Transportation Claude Brinegar, have also ex- pressed our opposition to this proposal. As this matter has a direct effect on the �ain City area and the State of Minnesota, I will continue to watch these proceedings closely. I appreciated knowing of your support for the position I have taken in this matter. Kindest regards. Sincerely yours, Ancher Nelsen Member of Congress AN:sw • -�� = cl � �� /0 6 a iiUBERT H. HUMPHREY � MINNESOTA Zi 1 C��f eb .�if af¢� .�ier�af¢ WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 rsay 8, 1973 Mr. Harry E. Marshall Office of the City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Thank you for your recent letter concerning the Order of Proposed Rule Making proposed by the Department of Transportation which would substantially change the status of Washington National Airport. Earlier this year, every member of the Minnesota Congressional Delegation, including �ryself, directed a letter to former Secretary of Transportation John Volpe advising him of our strong ob3ections to this proposal and asking to go on record as being opposed to the Department's proposed action. We indicated to the Secretary that we feel the proposal is unfair, unresponsive to the needs of the traveling public and contrary to the very policy ob�ectives he is seeking to achieve. We followed up this letter by meeting with Under-Secretary of Transportation Egil Krogh, Jr. , in March. Z appreciate your communicating with me about this land and wish to assure you that I will continue to express my ob�ections to the proposal. Bes t wishes. Sincerely, Hubert H. Humphrey WHI7E - CbTY"CLERK COUl1C11 n PINk - FINANGE ' GITY OF SAINT PAITL 1 � CArJARY -.DEPARTMENT � ��■■ B�.OE . - MAVOR . Fll@ NO. ��� �1 �. � � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 WHEREAS, there is no significant environmental impact from a revocation of "grandfather" rights; and WHEREAS, it appears that there are suitable practical alternatives to accomplish the basic objectives of the Federal Aviation Administration; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Council hereby registers its vigorous opposition to the proposed policy change and directs its Clerk to transmit a copy of this resolution to the President, the Secretary of Transportati.on, the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, the Governor, and the members of the Minnesota Congressional delegati.on to record its strong protest against the proposal to eliminate non-stop airline service between the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Internati.onal Airport and Washington Nati.onal Airport; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Federal Aviation A.dministration hold a hearing with respect to the change in policy so that representatives . of the public may have the opportunity to explain orally why the drastic and discriminatory changes should not be forced on the people of the Twin Cities. COUNCILMEN Yeas ���Y. Nays Requested by Department of: Konopatzki � In Favor Levine Meredith O Against BY �x Roedler Tedesco Mme.President Bat�er- AP� 31973 PP Y Y Y Form A roved b Cit Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certifie a sed by C cil e retary BY gy ;!"', Approve by Ma or: Date R �1973 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By PU66i�HED APR 7 19�3 =� G � r� �� :� April 5, 1973 President Richaxd Nixon Washington, D.C. Dear Sir: Attached for your information is a resolution of the St. Paul City Council, C.F. 261000, opposing proposed policy changes of the Federal Av3ation Administration to climinate non-atop airline service between the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and the Washington National Airport. Very truly yours, City Clerk ABO:ml c.c. Secretary of Transportation Administrator of Federal Aviation Administration Governor Wendell Anderson Senator Hubert Humphrey Senator Walter Mondale . Representative Albert Quie Representative Ancher Nelsen Representative. Wiliiam Frenzel Representative Joseph E. Karth Representative Donald M. Fraser Representative John Zwach Representative Robert Bergland Representative John Blatnik