260964 /y . -�_Y* . , 2fi0�64 . C�TY OF ST.PAUL COUNCILiFjILE NO. � � PRELIMINARY O�iDER � By File No. In the Matter of � , _ � �' ..�- Constructing and reconstructing the sidewalks and by doing all other work wh�'��w�4���-' f' necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, except where it is de��min�Y' �f� , that good and sufffcient poured sidewalks now exist: � Finance ,� File No. Description S9764 MENDOTA ST. , both sides from Margaret St. to Beech St. � S9765 E. MINNEHAHA AVE. , south side from Hope St. to the West 150 feet and on the north side of E. MInNEHAHA AVE, from Weide St, to the West 250 feet. � � I S9766 MARGARET ST. , north side from Kuth St, to No. Hazel St. .. , S9767 ROSS AVE. , south side from Earl St, to E, Sevent}i St. 59768 FOREST ST. , west side from E. Rose Ave, to tfze South 122 feet. S9769 E. JESSAMINE AVE. , north side from Mendota St, to the East 87 feet,. � ,� _ 59.770 E. MAGNOLIA AVB. , north side from Forest St. to the West 43��fe�et, S9771 FOREST ST. , east side from Jessamine Ave. to the South 142 feet. � . S9772 CYPR SS ST. , both sides from Beech St. to Bush Ave, and on the `�} ,, east side of CYPR�SS ST. from E. Seventh St, to thz South 67 feet. S9773 GERANIUM AVE. , south side from Woodbridge St, to Marion St. S9774 SEMINARY AVE. , south side from Hamline Ave, to Syndicate St. S9775 W. MONTANA AVE. , both sides from Lexington Ave, to N. Dunlap St. i • MAR� 2 9.1973 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas �er Nays MAR s 0 1973 Kono���+�,';� Certi d P ssed by Cou il cr tary # Le:ine M�r��ith In Favor By • Rc�dl�r Te c^sco �Against Mayor Brri+er- I3nnt PUBLISHED APR 71973