D00940No. D OOqy 0 Date: `� �� �'+� CITY OF SAINT PAUI, - OFFICE OF TI313 MAYOR • ADMII3ISTRA`PIVE ORDBR for CONTRACT CIiANGE AGRESD�NT NO. 1 ADMII3ISTRATZVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Downtown Children's Plav Area known as Contract 15254 , City Project No. L94-17-29 , Parkos Construction Co.. Inc., Contraator, is oomposed of the following: 1 2 3 Revisions in playground equipment. Installation of aCCess drive for artist's painting equipment_ Add $ 536.00 Add 631.00 Omit synthetic surface on public sidewalk. Deduct 1,698.00 -'-------------------- TOTAL, DEDUCT $ 531.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing deductions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 531.00 , said •amount to be subtracted from the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Contract 15254 , and which amount is to be credited to: Original Contract Sum $237,500.00 Change Orders to Date -0- Amount this Chanae (531.00) New Contract Sum $237,269.00 Chief Engineer Director of cc: • 6 =/c�i9 yC ` ecreation l9 19_ City Clerk Finance Department Department Accounting Project Manager Contractor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy C94-34021-0882-34137 Parkos Construction Co.. Inc. Contractor By letters dated 5/2/96. 5/3/96 v U CJ� Ql.11b-BN\ Director of Finance & Management Services � C-' c fl�'4�G"�J Administrative Assistant to the Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM �„ �� �4� r DEPARTMEM/OFFICFICOUNCIL DA7E INITIATED L� � � Parks and Recreation �u�Q, 5/6/96 �a REEN S EE N °_ 36168 COMA PEFSON&PHONE 1NITIAUDATE INRIAVDA7E � DEPARTMENT DIREG70R � CYiY GOUNCIL Don Ganje 266-6425' A��" CITYATfORNEY �CI7VCLEFK UST BE ON CqUNCiL AGENDA BY (OATE� ��� � BUDGEf DIRECTOH � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. NA °"°ep ❑""^Y°p�°R^ssiST^"n �Parks & R2 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACt10N RFAUESIED: Approval of Contract Change Agreement Downtown Children's Play Area , RECOMMENDA7�ONS: Mprnre (A) a Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLpNNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVIGE COMMIS$ION �� Has this persoMirm ever worked under a coMract for this tlepartmeM? - _ CIB COMMI77EE _ YES NO .. A STAFF 2. Has this personttirm ever been a city empfoyee,? — — YES NO _ DISiRICT CAUH'r _ 3. Does th15 personffirm possess a sltill not normall possessetl y by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICM COUNqL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yas anawen on separate sheet an0 attnch to green sheet INITWTING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPP�RTUNIN (Who, WM1at. When, Where, Why): . New equTpment enhancements provide opportunity for increased play value. . Stable access drive required to facilitate safe working conditions for heavy equipment for painting mural. . Specified synthetic surface on adjacent public walks.nai� permnitit�c! bjn Ddpatttmein��of,. Public Works. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: . Playground will have maximum play value for dollars spent. . Safe conditions for wall mural painting will be provided. . Credit for contracted work not desired by Department of Public Works, DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: y � e,a.. 3:. '�.*a��� �'" None REC�BV�:� MAY 2 41�9v � ��AY 1 � 1��5 CIT!'�L�:��. �; � ��� �i DISAOVANTAfiES IF NOT APPROVEO: . Opportunity lost for taking advantage of latest developments in playground equipment. . Potential unsafe conditions for wall mural painting. . Loss of credit for removing contracted work. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACiION § � 531. 00 ) COSi/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) � NO FUNDINGSOUHCE CIB ACTIVITYNUMBER C94-3R021-0882-34137 d�Vs FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN)