`: ` Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, T'hat Council File No. 255245 approved
August 10, 1971, is hereby araended by striking and deleting
the phrase that appeara therein,
"Two year terms to �xpire August 15, 1973. "
and inserting in lieu and in place thereof the following:
"Four year t�rms to expire July 1, 1975. "
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas �,}q,�„ Nays �
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith �_ Against By
� Roedler
Mme.President Bnt�e�— Hi111't MAR 2 7197�3
Form Ap ove City Atto
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certifi s ed by�r����d75�etary BY
By � �
Approv by M or Date �� Appro by i Coun il
gy BY
�� .� �.
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y; Council File No. 255244—By Charles P. Avenue, Lot 7, Block 3, Brown's Fi
t° McCarty— Addition, said building occupied by �
J Whereas, A valid agreement was ex- Model Upholstery Company; and
�` ecuted between the City of Saint Paul Whereas, Upon inspection and r�
and Beacom and Associates, Inc., a ommendation of ihe Saint Paul F
;�, x Minnesota corporation, whereby the Department and the Bureau of Pub
latter would oversee and supervise the Buildings on this date, said build�
. �>� performance of a musical concert has been adjudged an immediate h.
�.' which was duly held at Midway Sta- ard to public safety inasmuch as
3°°�- dium on July 24, 1971; and exterior walls are in danger of collat.
�,.� Whereas, The agreement provided for over public sidewalks and an adjace
' ' y.�. a deposit of $600 by Beacom and Asso- residence; an3
q ciates, Inc., receipt of which is ac- Whereas, joint fee owners of s:
' �; . knowledged; and building, B. Modelezsky and Lorris
Whereas,According ta the agreement, Mesnik, have this day been apprised
y.�"` Beacom and Associates, Inc. were en- said critical conditions; therefore, be
. , ��'r`= - titled to a refund if the bill for the Resolved, That the Office of the C:
. clean up of Midway Stadium after the Architect be authorized to secure ser
= ywt musical concert was less than $600 and ices of a demolition contractor
�`- such bill has been itemized in ihe immediately eliminate said hazards
_ ''';, " amount of$587.33; now, therefore, be it Pushing in the dangerous walls.
Resolved, That the pxoper City offi- Adopted t�y the Council August
ciais are hereby authorized and di- 1971.
� .;r `' rected to accept Beacam and Associ-� Approved August 10, 1971.
� Inc. check for $600 and refund to
',r.ti them tal amount of $12.67. (August l4, 1971)
Adopted the Council August 10,
- 1971. --
Approved Augus 0. 1971. Council File No. 255248—By R4ger 7
_ (August 1 , 971) Conway—
h W'hereas, The Housing and Redeve
� Council File No. 255245—By rles p, opmen± Authority of the City of-�
` McCarty— Paul owns Blocic 5 of the City of �
_ _ Paul, and that B:ock is bounded T
_ Resolved,That the Council of the ity Seventh, Cedar, Sixth, and Minneso
. �. : . = _
of Saint Paul hereby concurs in a d Streets, and
�" " � . approves the reappointment, by th Whereas, The alley in Block 5 of tt
' ' ., � . �. Mayor, of the following as members of ity of St. Yaul was vacated und
' = ` the Civic Center Authority for two uncil Resolution, Council File N
year terms to expire August 15, 1973: 2 801, approved April 27, 1971, and
Frank C.Tudd, 2108 Lower St. Dennis ereas, The Housing and Redepe
• Road opm nt Authority of St. Ycul has-r�
Frank S. Farrell, 56 N. Mississippi quest d that a public combined sewe
, River Boulevard in the vacated alley uf Block 5 fro?
Reuel D. Harmon, Sunfish Lake,Min- Cedar treet to Minnesota Street, 1
;'� esota abandon d as a public utility to faciu
�- � � , ` Adopted by the Council August 10, tate rede elopment of this land, therc
; . � '-. 1971. fore be it
. _ Approved August 10, 1971. Resolve That the Council of t}:
� • � � .�: �� (August 14, 1971) Cit,y of St. aul,upon the recommend<
= ' " tion of th Chie� Engineer and tr
` Commissio r of Public Works, do�
� ' ` Counci ile No. 255246—By Hoger M. hereby dec are �he following publ�
� ' Conway combined s wer abandoned for publi
_ In the matte f remocing the wood use:
` block surfacing d constructing a Sewer in he vacated alley of Bloc
bituminous surface n the North 5 from Ced r St. to 1�4innesota St.; an
� Frontage Road of Summ venue from�be it
Snelling Avenue to 280 feet t Further esolved, That the Counc
' Resolved, That due to the ' te- of the ty oi St. Pa•�l does hereb
� � ���' ` � decla the aforesaid public combine�
' ' nance problem and the hazards crea publie use, an
' ' by the dislodging of the wood blocks, r abandoned for
� ' the Commissioner of Public Works 9s the Housing and Redeve]opment At�
hereby directed to do the work at an thority of the City of St. Paul, thei
estimated cost of $3,200.00 by City heirs, assignees and designees are ��.t:i
' _ , Forces, and that the Purchasing Agent �ect to the following terms and ecndi
� proceed to secure the necessary ma- tions:
terials and be it 1. That written certificates of in-
' Further Resolved, That the cost of tended non-use uf reserved rights am
" the above improvement,including engi- easements as required in the alle;
- neering and inspection expenses in Block 5 of the City of St. Paul b�
, amounting to�400.00,or a totai of�3,200 submitted to the City, and a counci
"^'s� to be financed bY 1970 C.I.B. funds. resolution be approved waiving th�
Adopted by the Council August 10, City's said rignts and easements.
1971. 2. That the public combined sewe
Approved August 10, 1971. shall be abandoned by closing of th�.
- _ ' (August 14, 1971) sewer line Uy the Department o
Public Worlcs forces west of th�
existing manhole on Muinesat:
Council File No. 255247—By Victor J. Street, in the dedicated right of wa�
- - Tedesco— of Minnesota Street, and aPProxi-
r � rriately ten feet west of the eas
Whereas, A fire in the early hours of property line of Cedar Street.
August 10, 1971, damaged the one-story 3. That the abandoned sewer shal
i� masonry walled building approximately not be used for any reason whatso-
- 60 x 100 ft. located at 916-918 Selby ever unless the legal standards anc
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Mr. Phillip Lee
Mayor' s Administrative Assistant
Dear Phil:
Please review the attached Legal Opinion that this
office has recently i�sued regarding the appointment
of various Civic Center Authority members.
You will note in the Opinion that I made mention of
the fact that we would draft a resolution to correct
the erroneous one approved in 1971. Please o?�.in the
Mayor' s approval of this resolution and see to its
introduction at Council. Thanks.
- ruly,
Assistant City Attorney
City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
612 223-5121
� _
! _
`( . 260�,�1 CfTY � F SF� 1h1T �� �1i
� o���c� o� -rH � cirY �T�ro����
i r�arc�. 2�, 19Z3 KENNETH J. FITZPATRiC�
P�ir. John Fried::tann
Managing Director
Civic C�nter
143 �G�Iest �'ourt� Str�et
St. Paul, 1�Iinnesota
R�z Terns of Office of Civic Center �,uthorit � ,
y tla:;ebers
Dzar Jo;zx�;
In accordanee with the requ�st of th� S�ate Auditor for
th� State a= �iinn�sota, yo� have asked �or a clarification
of t�� pro�er dates of appointme?�t for members oi the
Ciuic Center Authority.. Laws of 14iinnesota, 19�9,
Chapter �.I33 created the Civic Center Autharity anri stated
tha�L it s'r�all have nine m�mbers; seven pa��ic to b�
appoi�ted by the P�Iayor ��ith ths consent o� th� Councilr
ancl two oth�-r r�ernbers designated��by th� Mayor frorn among
th4 m�mbers of the City Counci.l. The reZ�vant portion
of tha-t statute reads as follo�s:
"Three of ti�e p�blic ineml�zrs first appointed
shall. serve two-year terr�is. AIl other apoaint-
m°n-�s of public m�re�,ers shall be for four-I��,r
ter?�s �o e:�pire on July lst in th� year o�
expiratzon_ Cour�cil�en shaZl serve two-year
terns e�piri.ng the f.zrst Tu�sday in �une in
�ach even rz�.z.r;+:�ared y�a.�. "
�n �-�,ugus�. 15, 1969, by Couneil File 2<,52�7, t�ze Counr_i1
oi the City o` Sain� Daul ��p_r_oved l�layor Tho�r:as 1-Z. Sy�.a�•v' s
c2Di�J_i1�i':;..°i1"� Gi C'P_° SLr-`.Vc'rl �?lt'�.`�1'!C I:1°'P.1�J�r'.a C�i t'ne :'�z��haritv
as �o�Io�,�;s. �
"�y.i'1.L 1. a��;?:o !_i�J�} i'�. !r��iC_' O:i. F�L2� �.c',7":� �i�Z.%C�.
_' - r
i,.j �11�'�,'J�71.'L�� �t7'•.I�-1���'�_ 'C�'-r_-r;
�_liy' t''��':il, �l:?l:li. r�31_i�� . ;litlil:-"'�O�<<1 �`; lU.:
E>�I "1 7?3-51 Z�
i�lr. John Frzed_��nn
• Pagv 2
l�:arc.�. 20, 1973
"Lloyd L_ L�zder, 1235 Edycun:a� Road, St. Pau1,
Four-year term;. �
r ra�k C. Judd, 21fl3 Lo�rer St. Dennis Road,
St. �aul, txao-yzar ter�;
Frank S. Farrell, 56 P�. blississippi River Blvd. ,
St. Paul, two-y�ar terrn;
P.�u�I D_ Harrno�, Sun=ish Lake, ��iinnesota,
t��o-year te�;
Richard C. Rad.�-nan, Jr. , 640 �T. Orange Avenue,
St. Pau3., faur-year tern;
Daniel �JI_ Gephar�, 149 E. n�tyo:r�ing, St. Paul,
iOLl�—�8c"3�' tE31'Ri. "
It is r�aclily ap�aren�� that, by noting t�.e leng=h oi tI1�
term of oL�ice o� eacn a� the tivalic n����rs, the �Ia�ay
and Cou�zciZ at that tirr�e, indica'�.ed ��'nich i?:divid�.zals �dure
3��i�g ar�pointed in ac�ordanc� �f�ith z'nz fir�t and secon3
SZTl�G17C°5 oi i�e statute quo�ecl above. J�T?ssrs. Harnon,.
Judd, and Farrell ����re anpointed far a t�o-yea� t�r.1
initiall�, wi�ile �-iess�s_ Pesek, Leid�r, Radn�rx a�� Gephart
ti,r�re ap�ointed for four-year terms. Z�ose nzembers ag-
p�int�d for two years would Ti�d t'neir terrn of o�fice
expiring Fugust 15, 197I._ 2''��zis wouZd conforr.t with �he
terms oi the firsi sentzncz of �h� sta�ute c�uo�ed. �s
-c.o t�?os� rn�::�bers a?�p�in�ted �or a four-yzar te�, �hp
secor..d s�nte�ce o-� the st�tute inclica��s thzir oftice
�ao�tld �xpire July "� in th� l�s� _yeaY af ti��i r -�.��, ,�,�^.i.ch
�s �973 .
.lI�! ry.`��.�`_� -�:?.� ii1G'T�1 ii3�IJ.�� �.:i:tc-l?"��=S .TC'. :•l•^_�3Y� +- �.�
�0 11�1i�i�J�:.iC.�.i.�.
ri�iu ``:E'. C`Ol:l�1Ci1 :�';��J?:'OJ:�. U;1 ci:1Cy'"�:>L _Li�, ��7�, c r".'_SO�l1L?_O?2
(Co�ar;�l� �'1�.� 7:��J7�:j1 Z'�:1�1JOti�`1T1C�' i'i��S�S. F�c�ia:l, �'1UC��
�3t1G .�cZZ'�=?�� t0 cl.Tl:�'�.i1^� tGi'J—�ccl?�' 't�'C.;i F'�;���h_ �`'%1 i,�• c c'
l,.__ S rT�2.� 7.21—
CO:�"�`:i.. �S CRc� x':'a.iJp01x1�?T?�?1�S S�'tO�l�CJ. i"1�Vti S�'c�~zt`� �'�:�.-i; ��=�y
s�;�r� �o:r a �ce�-r,2 oF rotz� y�ars a.nd noz t:�ro y�ars as sta�ed
Lt�°7'°1L1_ ciC�rJ.?"`L'U;l�1_l�r� -Cis:�_' �°:�r:�L`":L�J:1 15 1:L'�O�"Y_'?C� 1T'?
�:z-�?_ ii_ r.�'�__�_�_n<i ��.��._ �?1° �.:�i_.T":S i+il� 1 °� 1 T .t - ^
� .��i��> L��_t��a;:>� ._�, i�)l� .
ca ��.0�':_� Z����.C�.l�IJ �7: '.:!?'�? '�'_l.'Cii ���;��-'•"�Lt:.'.� C7.0 ��1'� Si='.:tLlc`..�� 1:l—
<:'.:_C�'•.��:� 1�.;?�3t i_�S '�•�'C`I::S i;'.:1',:�'. 1� rJt.?i�3.�102"l�?_�_ O`_l��j Q:"1C'�.
.r,?r Jol�.n �'ii.E'G;f1aTIT1
,�C ci.C,��=? J . . , � . � .
1��1:�?'Csl ?_tJ, 197 '
In o�ha� wo.rds, th� first three public me_n'�?rs anpozn�e3
servec�. for ts�o-year terms ini�ially. T:-aereafter,
if thev are reappointed, suc:n reappoin�tm�nt is done
in accordance with the s�corzd sentenc� a1_ the statute
and must b° tor a t�rm af iour years.
B�.�t t�he -�wo errors existing in the 1�7I resolution do �ot
void or tain� P�.essrs. �-Iarman, Judd and Fazrell' s re-
ap�ointm�nts or in any tivay bri.ng into qu�s�ion thei�
ofticial �ositions with th� Aut'nority. 'Zrfae c�ill o� th�
�+tayox- and Council uras unanimo:zsly expressed that the:��
three m�n �� r�ap�ointed. Iu is abvious that t'�ey ware
to b� reanpoin�ed �or ��;aaze�,rer sta�uto?y term was aI.Iosvable �
and b�cause of a misreading of the 1a�r, the r�salut�on
in que���ion cantained iripraper language. Fiaving exzrcised
th�ir_ appointive and rati.fica�ci.on po�,r�rs, th� LQayc?' and
Council r�sp�ctively cou?d do nothing to control th�
Ie�gt'n oi ��he ter;s ir.vclved or th�i� e�piration da�es
as tne stattz-ce d.ictates �:nasz m�ttei s_ i`$�.us, ti�re are �s
th� o�:inio� -c�3� i�t cr�s i�t�ndec7. �'na� �ch� r�appai�.t*_nznts
oi l�?�ssrs. Harmon, �;udd ar?d Farr�1l take e��ect, Jul�r �.,
1971 an3 �vi13 ex�ire �uly I, 1975. �
This o Ffic� �cvill s�e tha-c tne necessary -reso�.ution i�
s�:bc�nzt�ed -to tn? PJla�ror and CounCi� to brir�g Ca:znci.� File 2552a5
in accordanc� tiv:ith th� s�atu�or�r Iar_guage �v.otzd.
Additionally, t'nerz sn�uld be no ques�ion as to the staicus
O� r�Ic.-^SSZ'S_ Pes��, RadmanJ �°1C�.@?" aT1C1 Geahart' S c2U�QI?'1�.'?t°rit.�.
To reitera�e, ��ese a�po_�n�-n�n-t_s e�pire Jui� 1, 1973 and
c�e ii�ld t"n:� his tary o� tizes� a��ointments in pro��r a��.er.
Pleasa se� to i� t�a t -�h� S-cate Auditor and A:xz'�ori.�jr
?Tt'�'iit'•��Y'S �L Z l°C81E�c3 cZ CO'J17 Q` "L}`.? S �e'L�:'�_
-:.�TO�t''�; -i.�'U.t�7�
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