260931 WHI7E .:— CITV CLERK CO1111C11 ��0�/�71 PINK � FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL t �CANARY — DEPARTMENT BLUE — MAYOR . Fll@ NO. s Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RB3��V�D, Th�t Virgil D�erfler b� and h�reby is granted a per�it to inat�ll a 166-car parking l�t on property loQated on t�e north �ida of Wila�r� betwean �azsl and ltuth, m�r� particularly d�scribed as follow�a Lats 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 2, Hud:on Rc�ad �a�rdena and tke �l�st 75 feet of the W�e�t 135.15 fe�t of Lat 7, Block 1, Hud�on Road �ardens, and the W�st 1/2 of Lot �, Block 1, Hudson R�ad aardens, together with thst part of Luella 3tr�et v�cated, which �cer�ed to tl�e above praperty by reason of the vaQa��� �l�sr��f, ffi�je�t ta the rights acq�ir�d .by City of �t. Paul. for the c�l-de-sac in Lt�ella �treet; .._._ __ . _ all in secordance �rith revi�ed plana dat�d Re�eivec� December 14, 1972y subj�ct tm the condition thmt maid applicant-permitte�, and hia s�ccesmors aad amsigas, shall mak� due co�plian�e with all applicable provisions of m�anicipal ordinances, stmte mtatutes anc� rulea a�nd reg�lationa o� public suthoritie� having c�gnizanee. COUNCILMEN Yeas ,��, Nays Requested by Department of: Konopatzki � In FaVOr Levine��� Meredith � Against BY �l6d�i ROCdl�Y' Tedesca.•�/ Mme.President Bxt�ee- HL111t �AR 2 71973 PP Y Y Y Form A roved b Cit Attorne Adopted by Council: Date � Certif' P sed by n ' cretary BY • By ,� ,� Approve �or: Date Appro d M o or is io to Council , By BY PUBLfSHED �R 311973 - . • ' ' BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 2����. 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 February 15, 1973 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of Virgil Doerfler for a permit to install a 166-car parking lot on property located on the north l side of Wilson between Hazel and Ruth, and further described by the legal description on file. This matter was heard at the January 18, 1973, Board of Zoning public hearing at which time the portions of the staff report were read as well as a letter from a nearby resident of the area. Several residents of the area appeared and said that when the portion of the site east of vacated Luella Street was rezoned, it was promised that no buildings would be built there. As the Board discussed this matter, it was noted that the minutes of a past meeting confirmed the resident's claim. Subsequently, a motion was heard to reco�nend approval since the plan meets design standards with approval from the various departments and since the zoning is proper. The seconding motion amended the motion to recommend to the Council that they consider widening Luella Street from Wilson to Old Hudson Road while the east side of it is still vacant. Arguments against the motion cited traffic problems and the fact that buildings are shown on the plan where it was promised there would be none. The vote on the motion was two in favor and two against. Very truly yours, PETER J. IE TA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:PLR:mb �� � ��� Z. F. 7457 � � �:F'�"� �- �. Encl: Copy of letters from Smithson, Traffic Engineer report, Sewer Report, Police report and Fire Department report. Revised Plans dated received December 14, 1972 �, ��w, G `� -� ���: � j . i � r 43? Jayne St. St. Paul, Mina. 55119 Jan. 15, 1973 N�embers of the Planning board : I recieved your notice of the hearing oa Jan.18, 1973 for the applicatiott . of Mr. Virgil Doerfler, for a permit to install a parking lot to be used in connection with the apartments he plans to buiid. I saw tne map of where th�:se apartr�ents are to be built and the�r are to be on the east side of Luella st. At the cnuncil meeting last spring when the council voted to vacate Luella St. �rom the Cu1-de_Sac in front of ti�e home of Mrs.E. Tayerle,466 Luella to Wil�oa, the mayor and the council promised there �vould be ;d0 apartments on the east side of Luella St. And that this area r�ould be used only �or parking. I will not be able to attend the hearing, But I and my neighbors are much opposed to having apartments nn the east side af Luelia St. Yours Truly j�•,�� �C ` �-�r2�/l�jiavrv �+, � � � � � � � � � :� JAP�t 1 � Iy�� �' ;,�' � P�+�V�i/� ._.. s•�� P� �;�,�, �: � �����G ,� z�r .y. �� FtLE ...�::.� �� ,� � , • �� Traffic Engineer December 19, 1972 Virgil Doerfler 7457 _ North side of Wilson between Hazel and Ruth � 166-car parking lot �/�/ / _ � G��r� .�C�-G /LG�--G� ��? '� 1'� Z �� `�� � ,U � -� � �� �, � � , y,�- � ��� (� ��� ,�,c�� ��\' e�,^\i� �=��:� �����°''rt��� v�•�� �etQa�„°''` Sa 'a t. �� . :3 "'f.�.. " . � . .. 'E „ y -y:: a' :� a �r �,:, ,� c . , � � .. �,� , . � ,. '': � q ,'� ,�.f., . }R�. . , . �S . . .. ' �r . ��"s . ,k�l �. F �. + , a ;-��� . fR'" � . �',- �' � �" ���a�.•�i'��"�" °� _ ' ,.� Sewer Design Division Decembe: 19, 1972 Vir�il Doerfler ; 7457 { North siae of Wilson between flazel and Ruth � ;: 166-car parking lot f� '� � / , j / � ��� �-� , ,� ( C.u.� , . ,S�f/ .StO i",'Yi .SE'G 1/ol. � Tl���'e � s cc - i v; U�� l1sc' r� V'r'h�C61 Shvu�O � . � � ��� l� 1�ty►5 ���(�`,d �� (rt s� gp� �p � l� l� � � � � �t .iAN 9 1�73 �' CITY Pup,.an�NG oA t� � qp (� �� � �, 1� ��f a" r M�fl L `` �'��. G � 197 � G�t�- '�� 4 Ja 3 N 9 , � esign Di� ��� p�pirt��N� b�A�� c.E,� sewer n Cl�� paut,M;�c� , �, .,� . ' �� � �E NT _ D E PA R—� M �NiEF oF POLIC� ��- OF PO LICE � CITY OF ST. PAUL . 101 E. tOTH STREET � ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 (6121-291-1 11 1 January 18, 1973 St. Paul Board of Zoning RE: Our Corres File Zoning Board A730002 1010 Commerce Buildi.ng St. Paul, �iinnesota 55101 Gentlemen: In matters t o be considered by the Board of Zoning at a public hearing tolbe held on Thursday, January 18, 1973, at 2:00 P.i�1. , in Room 356 of City Ha , I would like to make the following comments. File �7449: This application presents no Applicant: American Hoist � Derrick Co. trobablypi proveathewoverall P . parking situation in the area. I would recommend that the application be granted. � , /Files 745 nd #7452: As previously commented, this application presen s V Applicant: Virgil Doerfler no serious traffic problems , File �7436: This application involves the . establishment of a business on Applicant: Professional Realty, In�• ' the south side of Banfil between �Vestern and Ann, and should only b� grante3 if all parking needs can �:° met on the applicant's private property. Parking is restricted on the south side of Baeenlleft as�aacourtesylto theeprivate stricted on the north side, although lt has b residents. You:s tx�uly, R. H. Rowan �hief of Police „ „ � /��� �/ /�' � �, �, � � � ✓::`'�_� � � .— �JILF ED 0. JYR KAS a tain �it�Traffic Superintendent WOJ:dws R. F. LaBathe W. �4cCutcheon D. J. Blakely Deputy Chief Deputy Chief Deputy Chief Services Division Patrol Diviaion Investigative Division ....�.... . . .y;..,.��.,,: . .. M.. �-..,"� �, Fire Department December 19, 1972 Vir�il Doerfler 7457 st .. ., _:,_k>_ . North side of Wilson between Ha�el and Ruth 166-car parking lot �� �./G��G�� _ / � ` �.�' ,�c� ���� ��a`- � � ��',� �� .' = . � � � � 0 ..,:a� [� � � �' Fire Department �aN 31973 ���:�� �I�p��r11v� ts�� �'T..._ � , M;n���� � 1 . � • / City ot Saf.at Paul, MinaesOts � '�'� AP'PLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL UST PEI�tIT . g� (Please print or tqpe) TO TI� �ONORABLS ldA7POB AND �ITY (70IIN+CIL % the City Clerk _ City of Saint Paul, l�i�aesota � Appiication i� bereby made to remodel or reconatruct aa existing �cross one out) instali and operate a nea Q FILLING 5TATION No. of islands and pumps : • No. of tanks aad capaaity: � PARKINa LOT for (customers) (employees) privs�te (public use) (other) � dicate type) Capacity of parking lat / j„R;� To be used in connectioa witb:_ _��,pp►��„�y��,r,,�f�� � � �.�r....�irT � �iscs�.�r�otr�► : (iudicate tqpe sti as Drive-in Sefresh�tent Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaaing Pick-up 8tation, Ice Vendor, eta.) Capacity of parkiag a�ea: *Location : .�IIt�'�d �� "' �e� � j��.r� ..�L� • 9i Gt����.Sa st /�7✓� • Legal Description : Lot.s / Y � �' ��T Blocl�s � y � Addition '" ���� ' �' ' �t � �"r�I'�I'"R�'�li.� Applicant's Name : ��s�'� 1�C. ,,�i►�.'f;��f i" Home or Of f ice Address: ,J�,nP���.s G�� +��'�'� �'°�'��" - Phoaa Number . ��.� " L7� ./ � FOR✓BY TA$ APPT. , , L . Signature d e aaaress ; /�"d'3 u.��.�� � .:i� Pboae No.: �.��+ ` d�'�'/�' Wl�en co�o�pleted: file tbre�e copies of tf�'ls application tora �nd three prints of the prelimi.aary lay-out plaas of the proposed facilitq witb t,�e-City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Cou�t Sou$e, 3Atat Paul, Minaesota :�'� �. Z-3 6/11/96 '�;a;:,: 1^� . j ,, *BXAMPLE: 1. S.S. corner of Nain St. and First St. �� 2. 3outh side of �aia 3t.. betweea Fir�t and 3ecoad • - ,�„ � ,,,, � L� L� i� � �� U � � DEC1 � 1972 �Ot�li�G FILE y=-- C{Ty p�ANNiNG BOARD s�,-r ��u� �;;- :, : � , BOARD OF ZONI�G REPflRT AND ACTIOV January 18, 1973 Plat Map �k42 . Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7457 1. APPLICANT'S NAME . Virgil Doerfler 7412 2. GLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal X❑ PermiC � Other 7233 6995 3. PURPOSE . Install 166-car parking lot X1307 4. LOCATION . North side of Wilson between Hazel and Ruth 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTIOPd : See File 6. PRESENT 'ZONINGo "C-1" Residence 7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: ,23 Paragraph: 4b 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: January 11, 1973 By: PLR A. HISTORY: The subject site was rezoned in three increments. The first was the lower portion of the area west of Luella Street rezoned in 1969. The next was the area just north of this in 1970. The last portion, that east of Luella Street, was rezoned in 1971. B. AREA 20NING: There is a "C" �Residential district on both sides of Luella south of Wilson with a Commercial district east of it and an "A" Residential district west of it. The subject "C-1" district extends lZ blocks west. The rest of the area is zoned "A" Residential. C. DESIGN STANDARDS: The submitted plan meets design standards with approval from the Traffic Engineer, the Sewer Design office and the Fire Department. a. FRONTAGE AND E?R�A: The site has a frontage of 505.98 feet along Wilson Avenue and a depth of 475.34 feet for an area of 184,977 sq. ft. Building coverage is 18%. E. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is irregular in elevation with the lowest area approximately in its center which is about 15 feet below the grade of Wilson Avenue at Luella Street. The south, east and north boundaries of the site slope upward very steeply. The site is moderately wooded. F. AREA CONDITIONS: Property east and south of the site is much higher but propert5� west o� the site is slightly lower. Thus, the general slope of the terrain in this area is downward from east to west. Apartments exist - west and south of the site. Single family homes dominate the area to the . north. 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend , � Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated: Yeas Nays Feb. 15, 1973 Moved by . Maietta Benshoof X Date of X McPartlin Hearing: �econded by: McPartlin X Maietta , Cochrane X Feb. 22, 1973 Secretary's remarks: . Council Action: Date: . , . 1 ��I�d�'��S OF �'HE Pl3BLTC HEARIt�� 8E�'UEtE Tf-BE �iOARD �F ZafVl�d� ��d TB�iiJ�SDAY, �JF�,�UI�T�Y 7�� �973, AT 2:�Q P.R4. !'Yi��SEP��'o �fin�. C��f�t•���, Phess��, ��ns�AO�= k�Pat��e rnE Mafiet�� af the [3aard; �i�'� �t�sE�t�e��s P�r. E�^°€c�:s�n �a�� Ma^�. Barryautt o� the Stafif. 'J�F���9.. ��!�v�d��.s:� ��45��a ��a �ppl��at��r� Y�r � ��►�n�� to �ns��i 1 a �66w�ar pa�°�C�ns� �i��; c+� ��c�p�rt,� ��c�t�d o�a �he �or�i� s�i ctP �f �1i 7 s�n b��ra�en h���'� and Rta�;�� C��< Ft�a�e���� ���:<t �t�r`�i��a� �f ���e �ta�"� �°eport at�d �ls� a l��ter° froir� Rah��^� �„ Sm��E����t ��r. ��s������ �e;as����rl ar� w�:o;�;���eg a �e��ph�n� r.al� fr�in � �9r�, Ta�yer°l� wrio 1��'=°-� ����w �� �s��: ���e. Bo�h �€�� lette� ar�d the �ai1 bb�EC�f�d $� d(Jd�'�3Ti�f3'� �����7��� ����� �tt��� ea�t �f v���t�c� L.taella Str°�et. ;��1�. �;��ar�3�� �����d h� �ho�ght t'raat, L� a�cor�cdat�: �t3�e ea����a ��°af��'c, �.ue�i� �°�an� Wil��r€ �� t��� l�+��sor, R��d sho�a7d b� �r�denerJ �,lav�g �ts ��s� side �h�re �� fia� s��� ���n develapeda a�Ir. �����r�c�� p�ser�t�d th� mir�ui�s �f �h� Z.orit�s� t�o�r°d r���t��� ��r�G�rnin� �he �ez�r��r�g �i" tr� p�s��r�y �a�t ��= yasa��� Lue�l a ��;r��e� t n wh�c� �he ��ca�sQr �tatec� t�� �r�ap���,� ���a�� na�� con��in z���rtm�n� b�eld��-:gs. P�r. B���fl�a q «����^gs��• ��� p�it� a�pi a car�t 9 �e�t�d th�� h�� �:���nt w�s �t�t i n- ��al��d ��� �;�*�� ��o��:r��,�r ��'�i�r� �h� pr���f�e� p��sc�p•��ed wi��� �3 ts r°�zo�a-�ng w�re m�td�. f&� s�'�� tt°<� �.�7::�`�; :�Pot��c� �� �t�a���g to �i��n d i'f=6'E�@ ��s3�i�i ��S prope�'�� 3�S ��� v 4'�� t:�,3�i.'i�'�a �cl�; "i'�'�, so� r°�s ac°������ ���` �..Fae ���� �a�pv���°�� �o���►�� cor�c�rns ov�r t�at�i� �nd �h� �a�t '��'ii�w 3� t°'1�C� ����i' j,�.�"C�iC1.��g`£� ��ic�� °R'«U ����(�lr1�e baOld�C� F1G� ':?l���� ��.S� t3'� f.l€���a. it���ng �h�,m ���;� p��,r �ne��<:� �:?���e�� ��and��ds be�r�c� appro��d b�r the T����i� ��g%r��s��•� 5;:�4��� ;s���;�e ���i �;�� �'��� D�p�v°tm�n�; and that ��� zoning w�� pr�pe�y t�!,°� ��:�������� r;���>=u '�,F����: �;���; f3�a��� ����rnr��n� approv�� . t��. P�W�'a�.�.�:�i� s€,��a�:c��� ���� �7�����6� ��r��i� �h� �m�nd�r�t �h�� �l�e�+ r�co�er�d �o Cn���d;: � k.4�;�� ���°�,��� �:�p���bre�e� �e� ���d�r�ia�c� ��° ���1'�� �����t on i:i�� ��s� ��'d� �th��� �:,�te �a��:� ��� ��:t Y ��s�t��,�rz�a H�ra 3��i����s�a' �;;���� ���s ���������� �:�a �(�� n���ic�n l�� �:� t�n� ��r��'f3� cor,����Qna. i���� C�c��a�?� F��p����d ��,�: m��i�n ��;r��c� t;a� pectp�ES ���z�! b��:� ��m�s�d €�a k�sa�Z lt��gs �aau�d �� b��i�� c� ��;�� ��s� ��d� r,� �ac���:�� Lue'1�a S cree�. P�►e ���:��s��:° �.€:� ?��s. ��cht��s:� tae��e� �sd���f: tl�e m+�tior�� �h��� P��°� Ma����� ��d �r. P��P�.��'��4� ��r���cf �.� f��3o� �°�' �t v �u�n�����c� ��o ��P�v�d ��: ����? �.� R������r Mr�� Carol yn �o��ra�e i / City Clerk � 4� C ITY OF ST. PA U L GEPARTMENT OF RINANCE AND MANAOEMENT SERVICES �u c.� n.w. s��o= February 9, 1973 Pile X1307, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10;00 a.m. on February 22, 1973 on the application of Virgil Doerfler to install a 166-car parking lot on the property described as follows: Lots 2, 3, 4;aad 5, Block 2, Hudson Road Gardens and the West 75 feeC of the West 135.15 feet of Lot 7, Block 1, Hudson Road Gardens, and the Weat 1/2 of Lot 8, Block 1, Hudsoa Road Gardens, together with that part of Luella Street vacated, which accrued to the above property by reason of the vacatioa ttwreof, subject to the rights acqufred by City of St. paal for the cul-de-sac ia Luella Street. The property is located North of Wilson Avenue snd between Hazel and Ruth Streets . For further informatfon, contact the Planning Board, 421 Wabasha 6treet or telephone 298-4151. � To caa�ply with the City Charter, the Depar qaent of Fivaace is charged with informing you of this public hearing. If you have any questions, it is recommended that you attend thia public hearing to afford you the oppprtunity to make your views, both pro and con, &nown to the City Council. ROBERT W. TRUDEAU Director , . , ���� City of Saint Paul, Minnesota �q APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERI�IT / � (Please print or type) TO THE I�NORA.BLE MAYOR AND CITY OOUNCIL 96 tbe City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: �' PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) private us � (public use) (other) dicate type) Capacity of parking lot f �� To be used in connection with: A� r���P ,�f�/�/� ` � MISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity ot parking area: *Location .SL� --.Z�c� . �.�ird .�� - 9l l��LS�'s2• ��� • • .Ca e!-�a , / y�y�Jd/CJ Legal Description : LotS / � aZ Y .�`'�7glocks � y� � Addition �a� s � � Applicant's Name : vU/"� ,j,C, �d►��^�'���' ��'�c� Home or Office Address: ���.5 G�� ��� �07/� Phone Number , �.�.�°- d d/ � FOR✓BY TIiF APPLI ANT, � L � Signature (d e Address : ���j�`�d/� � �/7 Phone No.. �3� � When completed: file three copies of this application forau and tbree prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. � February 21 , 1973 • y A1 Olson City Clerk's Office 386 City Hall Re: Application for off-street St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 parking by Virgil Doerfler Dear Mr. Olson: It is requested that the petitioner be permitted to present his case on this matter on Friday, February 23, 1973, by reason of the fact that the undersigned, as petitioner's attorney, must attend a funeral on Thursday morning, February 22, 1973. Ver,� truly yours, 'nr��4 1S. i��G,c�J J,�.. �- �Jo�hn E: Daubney JED:kk � � �`�J � .' March 13, �973 To: Mayor I.awre�ce b. Cohen and M�. Phil Lee Fr: Frank D. l�rziteili � Re: 166 C�r Perkit� Lot, North �ide of �i�Son between H,azel �nd Ruth I have reviewed the above matter and reco�e�d your approvel of sa�e. FDM:p� attached ..'� . .__"' -...._._ ._..�.�... .�. �_..... __.r�. . ".. _ ' -__ - �._._..r��.__ -;-1 I-.`ti __ ,...__ .. - .' .i_.:__'�-- �_ .. -° �. .I. �=:J'�_J-��C_1-� , � , y!• _..-.yr •- • i_.i.� : _.._�L_�_-1- - t ' � � _�_ _ _ __ (—j� { IT � � � I ( � � � I � I � � � , � ;�� ! �- � � t I � � � � -,I l-1 I•,i (� � n C��� � ��� � ��� C � � , c� � - -� I � c� �� �o, � c� �� , :, a� . � � p � � � '� _� •_ �....��,�_._�!_l...�,:.._.i...r..�y.i.�1._..�... '�.. ..�.._..,�......! _ .�..J�...u�_. _� . _ � � � T �-� I R C-� � T ___ _.�.. � �n �.I_ � '. � {i- -\y� __����y,�....�:.,/ .!�_��.....f ���� r-�Y_� �� � I� I i0(�101 0�1 � v C�� ; � v; . I�, v � � � � P� �.. � c _ — I v ' ' ' I ' - ' ' __ _ - � � � - F� ---1 �_i_ L _._ - i� - � ; , i t � � _- I .'' ' ' ._ ' _ V I _� T r � i ": E _____ ; r , T- , , , � , , � v � � i :.b�_ '-- —` � v� � �I,���v���, ' i { � i r, i I�� � : v ��� ,r ! i I �✓ I ,-�� �Oi � C � � �, -� , ; � ; ; ��� I , �' � I ► I I I 'T � �o, , �� � � _ _._ ' I_w,. _J _,��_ �1 �� .��L_ ,._.,.�.a_._.I_ i_ �L ! 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