260929 WHIT� - CITY CLERK t �� PINK � - FINANCE COU11C11 f BLUER �- MAVpRTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. � � • � ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FINAL ORDLR File No. 17662-G In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the Tast-West a11ey in Blxk 6, Hamline Syndicate Addition No. 3, frc� the Westerly North-South alley to the Easterly 1Qorth-South alley and the Easterly North•South alley from Charles Avenue to $dmund Avenue. Also conatruct 8 sewer in the alleys for storm Wate�urposes. .. .. WHI�REA3, Pursuant to Preliainary Order �� , approved �ebi�tar',,�' 28, 1973 , , the Council of th� Citq of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above iaprovement, due notice thereof having been given as pregcribed by the City Charter; $nd WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, obj�c�iona and rec�endations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully'eanmidered the same; na�, therefore, be it RE30LVFD' That the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 does hereby order that the abov�-described improveme�t �made,F�en� the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with th}e i�provement; and be it P'tJRTRER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, th� proper City offic�ra ahall calculate sll expenses inaurred therein and ehall report the sa�e to the Citq Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City �harter. COULVCILMEN � Requested by Department of: Yeas �y. Nays �EI�ant Konopatzki In Favor Levine Mer�dith � Against By �c Roedler Tedesco Mme.President B�le�— H11C1� MAR 2? 19T3 PP Y Y Y Form A roved b Cit Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certi ' sed by Co il tary BY By Approv by M o . Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By NUBLISHED MAR 311 � . �- , _ {� , ' �� �� '.. . .,Y� ��l/ .. � . . ���;;�\r , . .� . . � � �/ . ��t', � . �� « f ..,�. - �,� . � } � . .�,- �\:/�. � � 1 ,� t � ` - � �..,,i ;v :" �J .i�, � �� 7 :a d"'� �.1 � C�oi�.�l o� Zilinnesata , . � . . },J_','.(��1��1.��.�1�7� 4�� a '.f�' /'a w� w�t.. . � ''?,�g� 3� ���7 2 '' �.s;_, 23� <'�;;�/ :iail u �aurt �icusa �a3�2 � �-�C� Di;'dIEL J. CL'1�0�� kcting Dir��tor of Public I�+orks D°G.°.mb�t' S> >97? F�onor.�bla La��ren�� D. Cohen Maycr u� Saint Paul - _ . � Roon 3�7 Ci ty �fal ? ' . . ' Re: Hamline Syndicate Ac�d. ` �r3, iilk. b. . �?ar �ayor Conen: � . Attacnpd is a� Administrativz Order to grade an� surface �vith bituminous m�terial the ailey in Nanline Syndic�te A�d. �3, °1!<. 6. T�e att3ched drawing snrn�s the "H" sha�:�ed al lny in Bik. 6, �i�ml ir�e �ync}ic3�e �,dd. ,=3. in this ���,� shaped alley the +����i., nort'� an�i ��Lth al ':zy �ras g;a�Jeci nrivately in 1911 , leavin� the ba3ance of t�►° a�]eys una�aded. Tner4 is a drai�ag� prcolem at t�►e int:rsec*ion of Chp east �r.d �,d�st a? 1Qy a�ti�' tn� ti•��:r_, rort� a�d s����h altey. io sol�l� this drain��e problerr, it i•iili },ti nti��s,ary to construct one catcn basin, one manhole and 190 feet ^ �F l2" C07fic:.P DIpB. �n order �o gr-ade a�d .surface this unimproved a11�y an� construct a s�,ier for c�� �50��� nentioned dra��?a;e oro'�l+�m ��r�s brought be�or� tne City �our,c� l on �:c.,"e,r,oPr ^) , i9o7, basQd on a pQtition of approxinat°ly 39°� os tn= p1'nr?rty c��r.e,•s. 3�� i�prov? an al lzy �,�i t�� a s2+�rer in i t becomes qui te �ostly. T�zr� ':ras �Lr^r,; c�1ecti��s_ �rom t�e property :;�•�r,�� due rostly *� t�� ni,h c�, cs' �nd t��� ��o�lncil �-escirzde�+ t'n� o�-�er. . .,�•'_ Si��ti,� ti'1�L �If�?' '.•!'� f1d`/._ tt�� �U�°r:JUS �<iI �S �11G c�mnlaint5 GO�C°..rtll�tq �h? urai::�q� p��bl�r�. -ine res'sd��ts hav? ���-�n unah�e to us� th� a'. 1°y rfur;r.� t'r�� „� ��!i11�; �`i_?';.' ']r'� ar�'c�,i' �"lc'.c3V j i.31 !l�. �1�(J iil? �:lr��C)'_Sfl� C)� 1'1:1�;;1" �i 0;�1 rf'? 1l!�i1 ��.� Oi ��'1z Ji�CY 1� �O Cji'Zat �ilaC 1�1v �:rJild S�r�c3:.�S Oi1� COV°Ylfl�y' �3�tiy� i�t�0(5 ���'�. ��a�'cy�,ds a�d int� �h� baszment of 5oC Sinpson. it is on the bas�s o` th�se .� r_o�:,p!�i,,�:� ��zat tRZ Cenart�;,enc of Publ i� �;Io�ks is ini �iatir.g tni= r;-r..:j:�ct. ,r,�' �. '�.�' t.lry�+ • �� ti,;t.� , .. , . � �� , , H � � . � - � � �^� L . /`,�st� at*�c��d is a sm�l i r.�ap shu>�iin� tne Eclmund-Snell ing "^l ief Se�,�er Proj=:r:t (5-1477) proc�r�r„rred fo:' I973 construction. This projer_t ti�ras i;�iri��.ed by tn� planning section of Se�.yer Design, and received a hi,h pr i or i ty ra�i ng based �7 hac!;u� co,�pl a i n ts and undercapac i ty seti•r�rs , anJ therel�y �-�as scheduled for 19J3. Th� estir.iatzd cost to cor,s�ruct this al !ey including en�inee�ing and . ir.spection is as follows : Grading SA�•�°r Esti�aLed Total Expenditures $3,71i4.00 $<<,Sa2.00 Ass°ssne�t Ra�es : S�war ��ly - $5.00 per ass�ssable foot G;�ding � Sur�acing Only - $4.60 per assessa�l� too� Co�oined Grading, Surfacirg � Se,•�er - $9.60 pe� assessaolz t=oot . �inancir.�: � Assessmznts $7,j86.G0 City Aid (LOng Side) $ 740.Q0 it is anticipated to assess all properties in the blocr; ba�ed on wida�; for se�,,lar ass�ssment. Proparti:.s abutting portion oF alley to be grad�d ar.d surfaced to be assassed 'in accor-dance wi ��7 present assessmen� proc�dures fc�r grading. �,1� �lould �rppreciat� ap�roval o� the attacheci lldminis�r�tiv� O�d�r au_horizing t�e D�nartrent o-� �inance to schedule a public hearing befo;e the City Councit . Yours very truly, � Dani�l J.t�unford Acting Director of °ubiic .yorks ;;tt/Jr�J�� tl�tac�ir^en� - �:� .�, �*'�.; � , ��� a: � `M� ... _ � ,x�,kk� ���. 1 � �,: 4;I: . � . � ��o ' , . � i ' � ' . !/ i . ^ f! ' i � November 17, 1972 Mr. Walter Hurtley Local Improvement� Engineer Department of Public Works � BUII,D Il� Dear Mr. 'riurtley: Set for�:h herein is inforn�,tion �er�anen':. to the property asaessment for the pro- pcs�d impr�veme:rt deaeribed ae: G-1829 Ti�prcve E - W alley and Easterly 21 - S a11�r in Block 6, Hamline Syndicate �ddition t1o. ;; Estima.ted costs and �Pina.nefng proposed are as foll:.ws: Gradi o Se�rrcr onlsy EatS.mated Cost (incl. En�. & Insp.) 3, 30.00 ,37�•� 'Valuation & Asaeesment Ser�rices 7�•� �•� biisc. Costs (Fablica,tion �[o�ices, e�c.) 44.00 7.26.OQ Esti.ma�e�d To-ta1. Expenditures � 3:7 •40 ,5 2•� As�assment Rates: Sewer anly - �5.00 per assessable Paot Grading & Surfe.�ing oril.Y - �+.60 " " �: Cambined (}rading, ;iurfa.cing & �ew�r - 9.60 � ' '' Financingt Aasessments $7,586•� C�.ty Aid (long side) ?�•� It is anticipated to e.e�eas all prapertiea �.n the black baaed oa xidth rar se�er e�seessment. Properties abutting portion of alley to be graded and surPaced to be aasessed in accordance with preaent as�eesment px�oceclurea for graRliaB. It you hn►ve a�y questions, pl�a$e �dvi�e. yery �xv�y Yotirs, � �:,. � • Roy 1�. Breclalil., J�'. "�. Assiatant Valuation Eng�neer .� � REB:dm _ � � � � �.�i �� ��Cb� . � . � . � . � � . . � k . �� Hanry Jackson � : �`,�^' , t Jr �c.: � � ,_, . '�i � i i Z�' �:' �:'�A .r }_ .�.iZ.; J� j�c) '>f �:i r�iii. — i � , n,:� pep[. - . :_�... �A . . (;��norvr- ��1��c. - . r� .n � O1'I�'iC;l] O1� 1'lI}: 3L11'Oit . _ j�, ti�' , D:i te: _ D�i. � '� 1�i f . � AUi iF�'ISTRAT[`✓E OdZllER 111��1INIST�I'�:1T[V� ORD1;::, !n t?;, r:;.-��t�: cf gr�ci+,�� �nc� sut�r<3�ir�g �ait`� bttu;iinous r:���eri�� tf�c E�S�-l�lesL' i!� �!:.`�� ISl Cl�i. � ��_. :i� 4i:.. �f1:'ie!�%1�" 1��i:ii. j il'i:•'.1 ;�f:� �.�j�f. ;iC)il`fi'SflClt�'1 c e �Cv �Q F L��� c ty .;��rt;i'°:Ci;��l i:,1ii� ',.�1° i:�`�. ..�.'`.i°��7°v:�j;.i?'1) F1f l+�V i CCil C}::i"!�'5 �`�`.'C'.. LC) L�:ill.inES 1 �,Vi3� /:��O CCS;1`�tl"t.iG� c3 �t.4'ei' 1[J Li:i: ci� �f C�r'S f4;" S�06'TR t•fc1yC:I" N1S3"�TilS::�. � �:7 t:fi' fl�krc�i' O"i COi1L��".'.ltf]cJ �?T1t� �'c^,Kl!?�? a?ri L'�iS�E"2C3t T(1 ��1:'. �i.3i3� 7'iF',C^�5i?T� ��1" t�iE: : f:,Ji�:i� C�?LS c'.IIC� i! � 15y Iil�:lU..ii(i'-1 I'iCi(lt.` �� ii�i;:3V:7i Ui �.��'.':'71 s!1��al:ii t: i�Y'O,ii S!l��G'�t'" �:_.;Li Cii F"c^,f��tlflC�t`.1' �il�'.�e:�1'ii� G.r'.Gc:Sf^•`:�t� 5`� CX:::�13;`.it�i:S i.i��"��Oi {l?" C�J7�t`.!"'+SCt�Q') Or i����lG�S I!'. .`_i:•� �S'c�Caillir;i v�Cj ..CiU1"T�lCli:Ci L^l1 �iT �ltLi^ll�O!1's t,ic3w,n.;'1=3 L�:� �c�.a�`iil?S� �� ZG�f !fl `.�i3(?Ci� O� }{�r!j 71:L: S�i,C�iGritC lit�f�. ;r� i�f°C;:1 �slt: 's+l tl. ��OC::il"jt�1.3'�:'1 c'�j if:'f �O �i�� ��y. i.C�l[�Li1^'JJ:1�}l i9: IC:y a:eil� �tic� E���. t:���f}'1"i:�JL>1 i:r �-�y f�rofil ���.r;��lk;s It��C.'. �� �C�u'iU�ld �:'e. 1't�c ie�arY..r,�r�: o� Fin«s;cc i� tz�:re�ay dis'.�ctec< 4:0 �sriG�g t;z'ss ratcer E;efc�ra �l;e * �c;.l^i:i� i-c�: i=:�bl ic !i�<^Y�-in.^,. �r���� f . � � � �� � ��'�_�l ��y���/� � :_6�.,.. �'�.r�/, / �; I / �' + ` -� ��`r �- n ,y# �Y . !/� /.'" / . �i l f.�;I\ r� �� � '+i ��r` � � �� �? � ✓. � • t w� �� � , , .�. �. . ������}�o`�r� �.� To Fc�,�;�i ; �;� ,. ; ; / � �: - '��`�- r � (� . , �- l - , r. _ f�--r // /� — :�L= - • ��--- -- �ssi;[ar.t Cit} �lttorney �i�epartmrnt Head / , � � j.'-- � % _ -- �� f � i I ,� ', � . \_J�.. . :_. _.. ' • 'i I�:itt. �-- ------ --- _ _ _..., ___ ... ------ - — ---- -- - ---- — Admini;tr.itive :\ssistan[ to !�::i}�o! - 1Z�� . �-.. ' . _ / 1 � `� ' �'�TY �P �. �`�� � � �` � -�i � B::4n;.�� -�+ V 4esi� �� „ a� °='A:� ^lb CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 Ci+y Hall & Court House 55102 DA�J 1 EL J. DU�JFORD Acting Director of Public 4lorks '�-� ,'� ''; `� - �. � February 1 , 1�73 s � Mr. Robert W. Trudeau , ctin Director of Finance �- . . r : . 4 Room � //� City Hall �.p`r ". r.�.,,, ' ;.f't..< P, .�:�'�,�, i; Re. �l l ey f�1 k. G Namline Syndicate n�cj. rf 3 Dear Sir: Please prepare the preliminary orders for the ir�provement of the alley in Blk. 6, tiamline Syndicate /�ddition #� 3. Attached herewith are copies of the followin�: 1 . Administrative Order D 320 2. Report to Mayor Cohen 3. Slope Plans . 4. Estimate of Cost � Financing . Yours very ruly, r ,� �'.� . 1�1��. L" G`�'�'z,/� L �L Danipl ,J. for�l / Act i ng Di rector of Pub 1 i c 1,for4;s �AlAH/JAD/bp ,L�j�� ��t���, Attachments ���� � `�;�-'��\ � ,FEB 1g73 `;�7 � a�C�:9��:� �; . . � ^..� ..,..,y . e�+ DEPT. �D� ,� `�'' �INANCE .°a� �� �`���'�Z�ZOZG��f�� ..-,.r.r, ,� s--- =+w.�. i .w,y.�,�.,���� s ��`�. --��.�-�-.-.,.. -�.-.. �,��:ew�r _ � . . � i � i , ' . � : . .�-..�. .,,. ,� . �ra �o� s x ��. `a az c �<r� z rz,+.� --�zz�iz�w�<,..: �� .� i �, � i � ; � . .+.�.w ..., w...,Y����t xc. � }a � • m� � � ' ' . ". � �"(�� y ,, r _e.rr •�:� . r r.� t:.0 rw � � . , ,� "r .�.�,...._._. .I.._. �....._ � I I _"7 .' . t�t - ' , � . . 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PAU L �EPARTMENT Of fINANCE AND MANAOEMENT SERVICE� n� c«w �+.w. ss�o� March 9, 1973 Melvin Jacobson 548 Sinpson Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 File 17662-GS, Page 4 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of Saint Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. , on Match 27, 1973, on the advisability of proceeding with Administratfve Order D-320, approved December 14, 1972, and Preliminary Orders 260766 and 260767, approved March 1, 1973, which propose to: Grade and surface with bituminous material ��. East-West alley in Block 6, Hamline Syndicate Addition No. 3 from the Westerly North-Soueh alley to the Easterly North- South alley and the Easterly North-South alley from Charles Aveaue to Edmund Avenue. Also, construct a sewer in the alleys for storm water purposes. Also, condemn aad take an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral �support from subjea�� ��nd or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in connection with said gradiag. The total estimated cost of this project is $7,526.00. The estia►ated property assessments are based on the follawing rates: Sewer Only $4.60 per assessable foot �% Gradfng and Surfacing Only $5.00 per assessable foot �'��d� / Combined Grading, Surfacing and Sewer $9.60 per assessable foot If you wish detailed information regarding this proposed improvement, you are invited to meet with the technical advisors in Room 286, City Hall between 9:00 and 9:30 a.m. , t�e same day as the hearing. You aaay also telephone 298-4139 for constructioa in- formaCion or 298-5241 for assessment information. T:�is proposed improvement was init£ated by the Department of Publfc Works. If you have any questions, it is reco�nended that you attend this public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and con, known to the City Council. To comply w�th the City Charter, the Department of Finance is charged with informing you of this public hearing. ROBERT W. TRUDEAU Director c '4 ;' ' ��► ,i'��i. . W t� /��(� � C ' � � � - � ��' � �T" � _ �� d �C.�.z�, �;�?��=� �, � 2b �� � `'��-�''� 1 � � ��� /��''����� ��'� � , , � � �cJ �9 i� _ ? ,�i ..� � � � �- ..�-�-- ��,� � � �� ���� . �z�c�c�=�.�' J � ^�////�`�� l;,'� � . / ' . I . � / v/ � � � � . � � �� , ..... '��A��/e�;i� fJ . t . ��� � � � y � ��.'. � � ' .. ` � � ��/ r i / . .., f ` ��� � � �, � =. � y • . ;;; �. . 'y; . .. . ;.»ttr.. .. � � _ .,, , ,,.., _.,. ,. ., . . 4 ,: :..�.s �r,;�;-� ....,�...� WHI7Ei - CITY CLERK � � � �,� PINK �_ F�NAh��E '�� � (jITY OF �AII� T I�ALTI, Council �,,�t,,,.;��;,r CANq ��:.- DEPAR�TMENT T -.BLtjE �:.�vo�. . F''l12 N0. i� , ; �ouncil �Zesolutio� , - � ' � � Presented By _ __� __ _ — _ _ / Referred To _ __ —__ Committee: Date — — Qut of Committee By --_-_—___ Date -- --- — FiNAL ORDER �ile r?�,. 17bb2��G in the matter of g�`ading an4 surfacir�g with bituminous ma�eri�l the East-Wes� alley in Block 6, Hamline SyndicaCe A�dition r�o, 3, frem the West�:rly PI�rth-Sout'_n aiiey ta the Easterly Narth�Scuth al��y anc� the �asteriy Ivorth�S�u*h alley fror� Charles Avenue to Edmund Avenue, Also canst.rucC a sewe.r in the ai�eys fcr starc� :aater/purp�ses. WHEREA�S, Pursuant to Preliminar;� Order 2��"-� , approved F;bru�r.y 28, 19�"�, ,�, the Counc�1 of the Gity of Sai_nt Paul has candu.cted a public hearing upon the above improve�ent, due notice thereof �aav:�ng been giver? as prescribed by the Cit} Ct:arter; an3 WHEREAS, The Cour►cil tias hear.� all persons, objections and re�ommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement. and has fully considered tFi� same.; now, therefore, be it 2ESOLVED, That the Gouncil of the City of Saint I'aul do�s hereb�- ordQr that the ahove-described improvement be r►ade, and the proper CiCy officers are hereby directed and �uthorized to procee� with the improvemgnt; ar.d be it FuRTHER RuSQLVED, That upon the �omplation af said i4i�:�ven�ent, tt.e pro�er Cicv officers shall caiculate a;.l axpensas incurred therein an3 shal� rE�ort the ssme ta the City Gouncil in accord�n�e w�th Cha�ter 1�;. of t�te ;;�t�, Ch�rt:er. . �J� " ✓ �}�' f � � � �._�,� � �;� � COU�iCIL'.VIEN Requested by Department of: Yeas "�p= Nas�s � � � �h�..* Ko.:op�:tzhi In Favor _ Levine Q ��x���c Roedler Against BY - — Tedesco i1'Ime .President Btr��•• Hurit Adopted by Co�.i.lcil: Date Ma� 2 7 1��� i Form Approved by City Attorney Certi � � sed by Co ,il c tary �� BY By � ,. ��-�! V,y,� � `_� � �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approv by M _ or. Date __ �_z s^�+ (�t,,..�'� BY — — — `` ;-',� '.�""�,�, � By �'�."`. _,. , , . . ���an � 7 1��� �-,r�r+, - �_ � �WH Em — CITY CLERK � � � FI K -- FINANCG 7��s A -�7 CO1211C11 � � . CA�!-��.��-�Y — DEPARTMENT' C I TY OF - SA I NT 1 C�11 L BLU'% ti. MAYOR Fi1e � NO. � . .,�.._ . `(f �+ . o - - C�������1 �e���������� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date F�NAL ORDER IN CO�t�Ei�IATI0�1 PR.00EEDI�?GS File Pto. Z7562•� In the matter of condemning and taking an easp�pnt in the la�d nece��4ry for the slopes, cuts and fi11s, including right of re�ova2 of la�eral suprort �Lc�� subject land or renainder ther��f, occasioned by excavatioas thereof, c�� e:.:s�truc�i�a of slopes in the gradin� and suriacin� with bitu�inous c:aterial t:�e E4�":-?;�v: �z�1�;� in Black 6, Hamline Syndi.cate Addition No. 3 fro� the Wasterly hor�r-5outt� a11e� to the Easterly North-South alley and the Easterly North-South al�ey fr�� Cha�l�s Avenue to Eclmund Avenue, under preliminary Order ��y';."_�'� approved February 28� 1973 A public hearing havi.:g been had upon the above improvement upon d�se notice, and th� Council having heard all persons, ob�ections and reco�mendations relati�2 thereto, and havinb fully considered the sa��; therefore, be it P.ESOLV:D, that the Couna�il of the City of Saint Paul hereUy orders said .- improvemc�nt to be made. RESOLVED FURTH�R, that the land, lands or ease:nents herein required to ma:ce said improvenent be and the sarae are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemr!ed for the purpose of making said improvements. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �''�v,�1-�.�. Nays f . ' . x��r �- � Konopatzki �� In Favor • � Levine � ; Meredith �`� �..� Roedler Against BY Tedesco ' Mme.President $nk�let I$,ari't t� r� r� 1 ' �p1�1 G+ l 1��� Form Approved by�ity Attorney° Adopted by Council: Date � Certifi ed by cil w tary BY --- , � By '%' ', - --°-�- ��,"�� � ' �•.�"r_ Approved by 1�4ayor for Su�umissinn to �.i�.:�c�l Approved by P? yor: Date ° C�!� � J ^ /t+ �, ' � ,�'n".,,�',�� • - � � , �y r= r ? ��'���1�� ' BY --------- _ _ _.- ._ __h �� � � -...�.. .�....__. e r..R e� n 11 �n�,( ... . , ' ' ` =-__=_;.. � ,..,.. < �;`� '���� � \ : , ; x ._ -. � '`�_.:�,.---' :° ,.-� �rTY or s�z���, P.��T. OFFICI� t3I' TITF. CZ�`Y GUUNC£L CZTY rS�1I,7. ��ND C�riTi�l HOU�;E PATRiC�{ .;. ROEDLER S<�I�T PAUL. iVIII\TNES��'� 5�1�� rcu:.�;ilman nxo!vk �sid � z�s-s2ss June 21, 1973 Mr. Harry Marshall City Clerk 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Ma.rshall: This is to notify you of several a.ctions taken by the Public Works Subcommittee: 1. RE• Final Order on Edmund-Snelling Relief Sewer The Committee recommended approval at i�s April 25 meeting and referred it back to the City Council. 2. RE: Plan for Use of Visual Aids In its meeting of May l, 1973 the Committee instructed the Public Works Department to provide visual aids in presenting proposea sidewalk projects to the entire Council. 3. RE: Alley Improvement in Hamline`s Svndicate Addition No. 3 At its meeting of June 13 *_he Committee referred it back to the City Council for public hearing without recommendation. + `, :�i Very �truly your�s, i � `� �' ; , � � , �: � � , ��, : _ , - ,F" � ' � . , , � , L � ..� �. `� t'�; �- C„ �..._� � r.L,s � ,-'�_ f �. �.. ' �,'Y"� � Pa rick J. Rq'ed]�er, Chairman Public tiJorks '.Cq.�nmittee PJR:ml . . D_3ao ' . . DEC 1 4 1g72 C. � a�o 9a9 December 13, 1972 To: f�1ayor Lawrenc� D. �ohen and ��1r. Phil Le� ! Fr: Fr<,n�; D. P�1arzi�elli �� ,� i C� Re: Hamline Syndicaze Addition - ;;-` 3 Block o I have reviewed th� abov� mateTi_al and feel that the work should proceed based upon publi. necessity. FDM:mc Attached ' ,', • J; . . � � . - 3ao � _ . .. . . � . ��,TY �, � . . � � . R��sy� �' M O W 3e ab . . . ip "`° " ^O . . . •.• CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cepital of Minneso�Fa QEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 C'rty Hall & Court Houss 6510Z DANIEL J. .DUNFORD ���_l � Acting Director of Public Works p��. 6 � ��'� ak`;� .� Decembe r 5, 1972 � � 'y. � � �� � .. . �t ��.�C+'4 �Fr���L r Q \ ���.�. ���������� � Honorable Lawrence D. Cohen � ��� Mayor of Sa i nt Pau l � _ C�� �' Room 347 � Q City Hall cn � Re: Hamline Syndicate Add. , #3. 61k. 6. Dear Mayor Cohen: Attached is an Administrative Order to grade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Hamline Syndicate Add. #3, Blk. 6. The attached drawing shows the "H" shaped alley in Blk. 6, Hamline Syndicate Add. #3. In this "H" shaped alley the west, north and south alley was graded privately in 1911 , leaving the balance of the alleys ungraded. There is a drainage probtem at the intersection of the east and west alley and the west, north and south alley. To sotve this drainage problem, it will be necessary to const�uct one catch basin, one manhole and 196 feet ± of 12" concrete pipe. An order to grade and surface this unimproved alley and construct a sewer for the above mentioned drainage problem was brought before the City Council on November 21 , 1967, ba��d-.c�a..�:�wR�rt� . ' _ : '..�....��...�ri� _ owners. To improve an alley with a sewer in it becomes quite costly ', ��. s t�saag;ob;�es�roc�a.�-�t-:.�X�_rn,t h i gh cos t s and � � t�►e�`��t�uncll resci nd�ed the�"orcfer:"'��"�"�'"� ��'° Since that�t��r„� have had n ' d ra i na ' �R:�" �� �'�e�t�� e een una e to use t e a e dur i n the �"� Y 9 spring thaw and after heavy rains. Also the amount of water from the high end of the block is so great that the pond spreads out covering garage floors, backyards and into the basement of 560 Simpson. It is on the basis of these complaints that the Department of Public Wo�ks is initiating this project. � . . ,< -2- Also attached is a small map showing the Edmund-Snelling Relief Sewer Project (S-1477) programmed for 1973 construction. This project was initiated by the planning section of Sewer Design, and received a high priority rating based on backup complaints and undercapacity sewers, and thereby was scheduled for 1973. The estimated cost to construct this alley including engineering and inspection is as follows: .G�radi�n Sewer Estimated Total Expenditures $3,744.00 $4,582.00 Assessment Rates: Sewer Only - $5.00 per assessable foot Grading � Surfacing Only - $4.60 per assessable foot Combined Grading, Surfacing � Sewer - $9.60 per assessable foot Financing: Assessments $7,586.00 City Aid (Long Side) $ 740.00 It is anticipated to assess all properties in the block based on width for sewer assessment. Prope�ties abutting portion of alley to be graded and surfaced to be assessed in accordance with present assessment procedures for grading. We would appreciate approval of the attached Administrative Order authorizing the Department of Finance to schedule a public hearing before the City Council . Yo s very truly _ � Daniel J.D ford Acting Director of Public Works WH/JD/bp Attachment •. . , . ;t�.� ^�r� ,� . � � ��._ - . . . ,�., � �'a � , ��, +.:�. � � � i ,�. 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