260928 WHITE• — CITY CLERK ,1 ``�� PINK — FINANCE CO1111C11 � `�)����•j t� CANARY — DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIIL f, BI.UE — MAVOR � Flle NO. � d r�'� ♦ ' Resolution _ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RE30LVED, Z'hat Americ�n �oiat a�nd D�rrick Company be and hereby is granted a permit to install a 117-car parking lot on prc>perty loca�ted mn the east aide af Cuat�r b�tween � Indimr�a and �hicago, more particularly d��cribed a� fmlletws: Lots 6 through 10, �lock 14, B��il and Rc�berts Additiont all in accordance with revia�ed plans dmted Received 3'aauary 18, 1973� s�abjeet to the emndition that �aid applicmnt-peraaittee, mnd ita :uce�s:or: aad aasigns, shall make due �mmplianee with all applieabl� provi,sions of municipal ordinariees, :tate atat�tes aad rules �nd r�gulations of priblie at�thoriti�ffi having cognizance. COU(VCILMEN Yeas leY. Nays Requested by Department of: � Konopatzki �� In Favor Levine /' � Meredith V Against By 9�bl4ifi Rc��dler Tedesco Mme.President �C Hl�ll't �R Z 3 �]� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �— . Certifie a ed by Co il tary BY By Appro by Ma r: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By BY PUBLISHED MAR 31 1973 •. *,�;,.�,� � � l ,�•��t.I�n , .� t� . �BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 � PHONE: 223-4151 February 15, 1973 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of American Hoist and Derrick Company for a permit to install a 117-car parking lot on property located on the east side of Custer between Indiana and Chicago, and further described as follows: Lots 6 through 10, Block 14, Bazil and Roberts Addition. This matter was heard at the January 18, 1973, Board of Zoning public hearing, at which time the staff said that revised plans had been requested. A representative of the applicant produced revised plans. Upon viewing these plans the staff noted that the revisions were incomplete, but that they would make the changes themselves. Noting that the further revisions would be acceptable to the applicant, the Board acted to recommend approval of the plans as completely revised. The action was taken on a vote of 4 to 0. Very truly yours, � `� ��° PETER . IETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:PLR:mb Zoning File 7449 Encl: Traffic Engineer's report, Sewer�s report and Police Dept. report �� � � �� ��v � �. f ��� . , � ` ,• ����'��� � : Traffic Engineer November 27, 1972 American Hoist and Derrick Company 7449 West side of Custer between Indiana and Chicago 117-car parking lot �� r ��- , ____ � _ ��/� � . �_�z�2� ���� �� o�C � . G�G2� � � / t� ,1� � ; � � � � � � � �t(�v 3 U �gT2 /I-� ��� � � ����NINC Bp� �� i , - ',' ,... „ n ,; . .. � � � �,TT , .. � � � .. �. . ., ♦ ' � pv Q y . . � . . .. ':� . i, � . .. . � �'�..4� . , .. L;�� ,�,� . . � . . � � �'�u_'ly� 9 � . . � � � - a � • �'o .�: . � . ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBtIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 DANIEL J. DUNFORD Acting Director of Public Works December 5, 1972 Mr. Paul L. Rosetter Zoning Section St. Paul Planning Board 1010 Commerce Building St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 Re: Parking lot permit reviews . by Sewer Ozpartment. Dear Mr. Rosetter: We have reviewed the following parking lot permit applications. We have the following comments : t , t',acalester College - North side of Grand between Macatester and Cambridge: This lot has already been constructed. IJate� will drain to a catch basin at Grand and Cambridge. There coutd be drainage problems in the future. We would let this small � lut go, but future majo� lots in this neighborhood would require a more criticat review. �. American Noist - Custer east s�de between Indiana and Chicago: �'here is a catch basin in Custer Street to which the lot should drain. The catch basin is attached to a large sewer. We foresee no major problems. 3. Univac - South of Stewart, East of Davern: This is a very large lot and has already be�n constructed. The iot is obviously shaped to drain to a culvert near Shepard � Road and sorne drainage to a catch ba�in. Since these are attached to a storm sewer, he do not object. The culvert and the catch basin may restr�ct the flows in a heavy rain. There is a great deal of storage capacity i� the dip near the culvert. Therefore, the d�ainage situation should be adequate with some sto rage on the lot. , n � � � � �ri � � � � � , . . � � ., �- ,, f, 1�j/�` � � . I � C��� t-�.�-. '' � _ . ���liif� lI�A �itlIIt F�dL'l. i`�'11IIZtC80� ,��, , s• � _2_ � 4. Our Lady of Guadaloupe Church: Construction has already begun on this parking lot and appa�ently water will flow partially to a catch besin near the highway ramp and partially down Robie to the pump station area. The flow down Robie would drain adequately in a light rain, but a heavy rain may tend to flood the pump station area for a time. There is only one catch basin which may not handle the flow. Therefore, there should be a catch basin built just below the driveway to take the increased flows. The large sewer in Robie should handle it. The acceptable catch basin detail plan is attached. The catch basin in the southwest corner was built and is owned by the Highway Department. We strangly urge that their utilities section be contacted for approval of this connection. We retained an easement for this sewer. For all construction mentioned above, we reserve the right to approve the final plans. 5. American National Bank - S.E, corner 6th and Minnesota: Drainaqe will be to 6th and Robert. This should be adequate for disposal . Sorne of the lots were already built. �de would like to have reviewed these before construction began. We appreciate any help you can give us in this matter. Yours very truly, F' � �� � Richard J. Hedman Civil Engineer II RJr�/bp � At*achments ;� � � (�� �� (j� � �j j�� � �_. � n j��' t. L1_ i' , ��- t;r" � _ t_. , _ � �..{ ,.. ,� '� _ . . � '..'. !} l�i'.f �� . i . . . . . . . -+i:r? . s7 � ' z�ii.� . ..� . � t 3��"11I.�. �:'*1 � ft. H. AOWAN : � k D E PA RT M E N T �HIEF OF Po�,�E � LICE .a� OF PO � C ITY 0 F ST. PAU L 101 E. tOTH STREET ST: PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 January 18, 1973 (s�2)-29�-��t� St. Paul Board of Zoning RE: Our Corres File Zoning Board 1010 Commerce Building #730002 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Gentlemen: In matters to be considered by the Board of Zoning at a public hearing to be held on Thursday, January 18, 1973, at 2:00 P.M. , in Room 356 of City Hall, I would like to make the following comanents. File #7449• This application presents no Applicant: � American Hoist F� Derrick Co. traffic problem and would probably improve the overall parking situation in the area. ' I would recommend that the application be granted. Files #7457 and #7452: As previousiy commented, this application presents Appla.cant: Virgil Doerfler no serious traffic problems , File #7436: This application involves the Applicant: Professional Realty, Inc. establistunent of a business on the south side of Banfil between Western and Ann, and should only be granted if all parking needs can he met on the applicant's private property. Parking is restricted on the south side of Banfil and probably should be re- stricted on the north side, although it has been left as a courtesy to the private residents. Yours truly, R. H. Rowan Chief of Police �������� o.� r� � � � � c.9 , P., WIL� D 0. JYRKAS a ain Cit Traffic Superintendent WOJ:dws D. J. Blakely R. F. LaBathe W. McCutcheon Deputy Chief Deputy Chief Deputy Chief Patrol Divieion Inveatigative Division Services Divieion �� , � /� � Citq of Saint Paul, Minneaota �v�� • APPLICATION FOB SPECIAL COt)I�CIL USE PER�IT � (Please print or type) � T0 THE I�DI�ORABLE D�AYOR AND CITY (�OAN�CIL y6 the City Clerk Citq of Saint Paul, �in�esota � Application is hereby made to "°�'"'�'' '�'��;� instail and operate a new �cross one out) Q FILLING STATION No. of islaads and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: Q PARBII�G IAT for (c�ta�t�� (employeea) (p��te•ase) (�bi.3�zxse'1 f ot�ter? (indicate type) Capacity of parkiag lot __ jjT To be used ia connectian aith: Aat�II HOut It Di!l�Ck p�#1� � . � �ISCEI�I�ANEOU3: (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Refreshmeat Stand, Uaed Car Lot, Dry Cleaa3ng Pick-up 3tstion, Ice Vendor, etc.) Cspacity of parkiag area: *Location : BetwNa �dfana� Cu�tet and�"+hiQa�lBt�cwta I.egal Description : �.ot 6� 7, 8� 9 aad 10 Block 1� A�d i�i�� AppliCSat's Name : Affie�'113a8 Hpist 1t DRl1'kt CO• Some or Of f ice Address: 6S �01ith �Ab�lt � St. l�ul� I�NOti Pho Number : $Z$•4�I B� APPL 11/1 . Signature - � date Address : 6Q0 P�!� �t• Pl�YI� I�i�tlM9tt �S1Q1 Pbone No.: x34•1'$�1 1Vben compieted: file three copies oP tbis applicatioa form and three priats o! the preliminarp lay-out plans of the proposed facility arith tb� City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court Houae, Safnt Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 '�SXAI�PLE: 1. 5.8. corner of ll�ain St. and First 8t. 2. Soutb side of Matn St. between First aad 3econd 3t. � � � t� � � � � ��NIN C, FILE ��.�— � Nav z � �� �tY PlANPtiMC BOARD sa�nt aau1.�gr�nesota )������ � B�ARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION Januarv 18, 1973 Plat Map ��45 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 � passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7449 • 1. APPLICANT'S NAME . American Hoist and Derrick Company 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appesl ❑X Permit � Other X-1302 3. PURPOSE . Install 117-car parking lot 4. LOCATION . East side of Custer between Indiana and Chicago 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lots 6 through 10, Block 14, Bazil and Roberts Addition 6. PRESENT ZONING: Heavy Industry 7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: .23 Paragraph: 4b 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: January 11, 1973 BY� PLR A. HISTORY: There is no zoning history for this site. B. AREA ZONING: Light Industrial zoning exists along Wabasha Street. The rest of the area is zoned Heavy Industrial. C. DESIGN STANDARDS : Revised plans meet design standards . D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 250 feet along Custer Street, and 119 feet along Chicago and Indiana Avenues, for an area of 29,750 sq. ft. E. SITE CONDITIONS: The site has been graded level and is approximately at street grade. F. A?tEA CONDITIONS : The general area is developed with mixed industrial uses, but the dominant use north of the site is American Hoist. 9. BUARD ACTIOti': To Recommend a Approval � �enial Council Letter Dated: Yeas Nays Feb. 15, 1973 Moved by , Maietta X Benshoof X McPartlin Date of Szconded by: Benshoof X Maietta Hearin X Cochrane g� Secretary's remarks: Feb. 22, 1973 Council Action: Date: � �� . . ���c���� a �,4 ��?�F2�'ES C��' `�� PtJI�LIC H�a�8C £E��J�E T�E BQARD C1F ZQNING , t�� Tl�t;��r��, ��!!'d�3�tti� �£3, i9�3, AT 2:00 P.�f. PR�S���7': f���. ������c�e9 (�es�rs. �ens����, t��Pat�lin, P��e�fi.� o� �� �oard; � 1��°a #�s�se����z Mr, ��ick�Qn a�d Mrs. �a�r�ia�lt of �t�� St�ff. ��°�:����3 Fi����� :��� DER��C�: CC� (�����: Q.� a�p��ca�L�a�n �o� a p�trm�� t�a i�stal'� ��r.�� ��.�64r����trr� p����o•��� �������3 �� �he �as� si�e �� Cu�t�r b���� ������� ��� G�i����. tiy�^r 9���e���9° �•��:�� ��� ����� �°4��,:��� a�� �h�� �xpl��r��� �he pr�p€��ed si�e pla� �. ����.;�� ,r�x� ��� ��i���. t�f����� �d���°€�� �:h� �f�e pla� p��se��d �a h�m at ��t� r��=��;�€�a�, �;�=> �������,�� sa�� �h�� ���:���°re� �o h��e wt{e�'� �t��s no� ar�a�r :���3g �:�� ��.ti,8��� ?3i�� c��5C r��Cs�� �h� ��� QT ��'3Q a��Z�'S 1l?1t$ '�i� 1'Gh8 �°d��1"C?�G ��°��1<;. �`f�,�a v�a;� �h�t�ld �s����:��� ��-���� �tt��� a'�ng �h� d�°���vay r��x� to �h���.�;� ���;���. �t� �a�� he �����1 r����i��e t��s� c�ang�� �sn �he s3 te pl an ifi �h�s ��a�,� <���w�����e w� �th� �ppi�tc�s��s ��d $t raas. �r� �����r��� � � ����sb'��a� i���a� �i�. F'�y���a, ���°. R�se��e� �a�d h� �u�d also ��a�� '�;��� ti:����'� ���� ����g �����ara� 5t��� �s ���s�� Z-�/2 f�e� ��e from �h� ��'�3;��?°Y;� a$c�,:. S�bj��; �9 ��� ���:=6s�� �:��cages �s� ��e s�Ca�f, P��°. M?i���a r�a��d th�y ��a�nd ���a��.t�� �� �;�a� ����s��, I� �ra:a ��cca���d �� F9�. Ber��4��r�� an� �h� �wtiore :�r�°��ed u������r:�t���;�a ��E. t���� i�e ���:'�s� U�t ���9� i, i.1s������ t��°�. C����� �:c�c�a�r�ne ✓ City Clerk � CITY OF ST. PAU L DEPARTMENT OR RINANCE AND MANAOEMENT �ERVICEi 11� cww N.w. ss�o! February 9, 1973 File X1302� page You are hereby notiffed that a public hearing will be held in the Oouncil Chambers of the City Hall and Court Rouse at 10:00 a.m. on February 22, 19�3 on the application of the American Hoist and Derrick Cocapany to inatall a 117-car parking lot on the property described as follows: Lots 6 thraugh 10, Block 14, Bazil and Roberts Addition to West St. Paul, County of Ramsey, Territory of Minnesota. The property is located on the East side of Custer Street betweea Indiana and Chicago Avenues. For further information, contact the Planning Board, G21 Wabasha Street, or telephone 298-4I51. To comply with the City Charter, the Departmeat of Finance ia charged with iaforaiing you of this public hearing. If you have any questions, it is recommended that you attead this public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your vieWS, both pro and con, knaw�n to the City Council. ROB�ItT W. TRUDEAI� Director . . `�����;�� ' ' City of Saint Paul, l�innesota � � APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT � � (Please print or type) . TO THE Ii�NORABLE �RRAYOR AND CITY COUN�CIL ' 90 tbe City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota /���/ Application is hereb made to xemodel_,or recwat�tr�tat-an-ex�s�#�g y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (c�as#cwes�� (employees) (��#ra�e-wse) (jx�rlic-trs� fother} (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot 117 To be used in connection with: American Hoist & Derrick plant o MISCELI,ANEOUS: (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Ref reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location : Between Indi.ana, Custer and Chica.go Streets Legal Description : Lot 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Block 14 Addition Bazil & Roberts Applicant's Name : American Hoist & Derrick Co. Home or Office Address: 63 South Robert Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Pho Number . 228-4321 �-THE APPLIC , l�, � 2�. 11 14 72 . Signature �� � � (date Address : 600 Pioneer Building, St. Paul, Mi.nnesota 55101 Phone No.: 224-2851 When completed: file three copies of this application form and tbree prints of tbe preliminarq lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. 3outh side of Maia St. between First and Second St. r � � � ����°.� � �, I�arch 8, 1973 To: I�ayor Lawrence D. Cohen From: Frank D. �larzitelli � l Re: Parking Lot Permit, American Hoist and Derrick Lots 6 through 10, 81ock 14, Bazil and Roberts Addition I have reviewed the above referred to matter and recommend your approval concerning same. FD�1:pm . ' i j , � pt�•; , F-��►G r�D��v�S � Z ', � , ; � �c�.c._�c, v.�ET' �; 1 � 4�4l;��,.'.� �?t 7C7S i i� � � � � �7E�,,T, �1� � � � �� Z ?� -Fe'�l._AC.t� � � ; �j� ; � �,`�,�a;�..�lb ,�� � � ���� z � � �� ���R : , � � � �;� , r, ,� � � �f�� 2 � �° ��-`���� : i � � �f� �,��.�r..1r � � ;�J �, i�j�t 1'��� � '� �i ,���-,.- _ ` i � � 3 , � :. �4.-�t�� ��''� � `?}`"r� �Jr' ,�r�''� � � .� �' ; t �f �, � Q�GArd t L � tiLT i r ���-. s ���� A L� � ' N�.�''� t��j `� �(f�f��'� • �.� ; �t 5� ;� .p Ae.K �e�Y ��, Z ,, �/ Ea►►v�. r ,i ? � i � l#���T���� � � �� ���.�A�,������` �.�� '✓,�i'�!�' �"�'"�, �°� � i � ; WA �:.'�' � '�r.!� � � :,`'� ' V� L..0 �� 1,S . �7 i „ a r , ,..��� 3 � p�sc—,�,�aF ,�y:�`�►�1;,�'�'`.?` L� + � SAi�1Q, �!N� c,��. �DAQy� � $�.ACj�,�S /,, C3rr �'>T�-s�+';'` 1 �- 1�i l/` � �' i W b,�'�'�,�("�TZ.z N.c.-, ,.. . ;; t�t �� 1{ s � � ��E rz..� �..o os�' � � .A.-t'"' �� , : �r ,�� �� � �c c � �:-�� 3 4 , 4��j��, , ,. /'�.-, � � - � � �.�% 4 d��� � � S � _� � � ! o R.Cs A 1�l G 5 (C...T'`� �T -� 1 ,5��31� ,M� �_.., , � c-�-+�,`c', 0�."2..IG C:@A°Y°� t._...� � � L�T-c'r..rc t 'S OF'C" ' �J� W ATFQ.� � ' �:-�� ' �'...�s� � � � � � � � dt�Gu3�t 5 � G�� �._ � ra,~r �.c,�' . � k \ � .� i' � L �,�,, e ._.- , � l� `:;':, � � �`s"d. ��.P�.N,t�Dt�.�G T"D MEt7. � . 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