260874 WHITE - CITY CLERK COl1IIC11 ��`" �4 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL CANARY - DEPARTMENT � BLUE -MAYOR File NO. Cou cil Reso ution � Presented By �CEi�tSE CONll�tITTEE � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date NESOLVED: That Application M 6731 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License i�io. II368, expiring January 31, 197�� issued to Stanley J. Fiorito� Sr. at �00 Sibley Street, be and the same is hereby transferred to Fiorito's Drinking Emporium, Inc. at the same address. OiJ SALE LI�UVR ESTABLISHl1�'ENT (TNA�1SrEN. — Individual to C��rporation� COUNCILMEN Yeas $ti1',1CI� Nays Requested by Department of: ��� Konopatzki In Favor Levine O Meredith Against BY � Roedler �ec3seco— Mme.President�X Hlll1t "A R n � p�h G 0 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date . Cert' ed sed by Coun '1 et BY By Appro by Max, Date R 1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �eust��� MAR � , � � ` ���n $ 7�` �-'_ CITY OF ST. PAUL ' APPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE FIORI3'0'S DRI�NG EMP�RIUM, INC. Application Na .._..._...._.._ Name of Applicant...._...��.�c��ac�'�..._....................._...._...... , .........._..__......... A.ge...._ 26 ...�. ..._ ....._. .._... Residence Addresa.._.���''Goodrich Ave. ..._......_._.__......_.._..._..__...._..._._.. ............................................ Teiephone No......�9.$....4��,6...._..._...�....._.._ Areyou a citizen of the United Statea?__Yes ._....._._.............._...._............................_...._................_........._....._......-•---......�......................._._......._ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or buainess of similar nature? , ......................................�o......................... _._......_.......__........___......_..� ..................._...._........._.__...._...._......................_..._..._........ . .......__......_._._.._._ . ...... .. ...... Whenand where�...N�A........._......................__._...._..._._............._..._.__..................._.................w.._.... �....._.� • .._...._._................... Fiorito i�s��Drinking Emporiu�� , �nc. Lfcorporation� give name �d general purpose of corporation......................._..........:�.._...._..._...._...._...._..._._......_..._.__...�._.. Cocktail L'ounge and restaurant _._...._.._.._.__.._...._._._.. When incorporated?.......�?o.Y._:...a9_Z?..�.._.__ �.... .___ ifclub, how lon� has corporation owned or leased quarters for club membera?........................................._...._.,.._...._.........__..._...__ Ho«- many membera?..........._...._.._._......._._._._...._...._...__._..._.._..._ Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and addreas of general manag�er. . . . . . . . . .. . . . Stanley J. Fiorito, Sr. 1871 Highland Pkwy . �� - ....................................... ..........................___._._._......_.._.........._..................._..............._......__._...._................_._._..__...................._...._...._.Y..�_�!�'_�.s:..�.S F�....__ .......................................S�i�.i1J.:L',�...rj.y....Fi'.�OF3�iO�r~�wT3''..s.._..••�-�.}•—GE1Af�•3'Y�C�Y••�t�E�ar......... ,S6p.r..I••�..5�..,S..e f...T.��..f.�� ...................... Nu.mes and �ddresses of Stockholders: _ - Same , ...�.. _ ._......................._.___.._..._.... ___w..........._.._.........._...................................................................... ._....................._.........._.........._.........._._..._ . . ...................._.........._....__........._......................................................................_........._ Give narn�of�.�urety company which will write bond, if known.._....:���1A����;�'�' Western Surety Co. ............................................................................................._ =Number Street Side Between What Crosa Streete Ward 4b0 . Sibley . NE . 6th and 7th . . . ; How many feet from an academy, college or univeraity (measured along atreets) ?............................._......................_....................... How many feet from a church (measured along etreets) ?......................�........................................................_.....................�.....__.._..._..._..._.... How many feet from closeat public or parochial grade or high school (measured along atreets)?........................................_ Nameot closest school..............:.............._..._...._......._._....__._.........._...._.........................._............................_..........._.........._.......................................__...__..._....._ How are premises classiSed undst Zoning Ordinance?.........................................................�---......................_..._.............._.................._....._................._ Onwhdt ftoor located?............................._......................_...._...._..........__._._..........................................._.............................................._...................................................... Are premises owned by you or leased?...leased......._.....If leased give name,of owner....111....3�......l�leax.e..................................... Ifa restaurant give seating capacity?..............�.��........................................................................................................................�..........................................__ Ifhotel, seating capacity of main dining room?....._........................................._........................................_.........._................................................................ Give trade nan�e...---..._.Fi.arito.!.s._Dxinkisig..Em,p.a�iu�,...Ix�c.•....--•--.._._........................................---....._........................._.. Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor salea are intended: Banquet room on 2nd floor .................................................._........-�---..._....._..._..__..._.........._......................_......_.............................._................_...._..................................................................................................... ......................................................---......_......._...................._._..._................_._._.._.............................._.,....................................................................................... (The ialortnatioa sbo�e mnat be givea ior hotels and reatanrants which uae more than one room for liquor sulea). Howmany guest rooms in hotel?...._...._.._.._....__.._.__...._........_......................_......_.................._.................._........._..._......................_..._.._._......._....._. Name of resident proprietor or manager (reataurant or hotel)...........___...�...................................._.._.._........._...._................_.__..._......,.. ' Give namea and addresses of three businesa referencees....�...._....._..._._........._.__...._..._................_.:.._..._...._...._.._...._................._..._......._ 1. _ .Highland Park State Bank 2004 Ford Pkwy .Stw�Paul .._.._...__...._..............._...._.._........__..._...__.__........_.... ...._...._ .._...-----..............._..............................................................._ Grigg8 * Cooper and Co. St. Paul 2......_................_._......._..._......................._._...._.......�............__._.....___......._..........._.........._.................................._.............__...._...._.........._............................................... 3....__.._.Eamou.s...Br.anda,._.1.nc�._....._....�....�.........._..._�.......�.._..._....�...._.__...._...�ip.].a.._................._.�......._...._..._........._................_....................... THIS APPLICATION MU$T BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICEIt OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHO�iIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: SEE OTHER SIDE � STATE OF MrNNEBOT�I, COUNTY OF RAMBEY, �• � ...........:....__..��A���� lL t �d�/� • � .� }. .. � ` �,_�;:,..,_being IIrat du�y swarn, o �j � ,,� , � , depoees and says that he has read the foregoin� sppl3cstion and lmowa the conte�ta thereof�and that the same is true to the best of hie knowledge,iniormation and belief. � ...� _ .........__. _..._�._. . ( G�� Subecribed and eworn to betore me , , � 4 � ' �� ������ � .� , this. � ._ of .����-_� . _1 , , . , , _. �� _ . _ . O�y P I�C, R8II18@y C011Ilty. LBERT. A: WOODWARD • My COIriIT118810ri �X�1�'�....._..._......._.__...._..._. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minna �M''�mm155f'�STI Explres Aprtl 25, 1973 CO�►ITlg'O�E�� . . � . . . .., . , �, . _ ..�x __ ,_ , , , . . , .. _ .Z��`��T.�..z��.f�_...._ ..�. _._..1.1_i....�..����.._��___.. r..._...�..... �+ - - -� • ' be�ag 8ret duly ewora, . depoees and eays tha�..�f....�`._.1._,.� th, a �F- .S FC , of...�.zi.e.�.,G o:�.........�.,ee.l....lv�:.G�_ �..��.��.d..,r.�.l..� .�T.�;. �N e ration• ' � a corpo � that........ .,�..�...�..�..........................................._.....has read e foregoing application and knows the contenta thereol,and that the , same is true to the best of....,f!1...�:_...........__..._....�.........lrnowledge, information and belief; that b�►e se�nl afSxed to the foregoing inatrument ia the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed� eealed and e�co- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of ite Board of Directors,and said applicatio:s anc� the execuf,ion t;hereof is the voluntary,�t:a�.ddee�i,o$saiSi�rporatfon. ..��G•-��_._...._..�..�. ' _ 9ubscribed and ewom to before me � . , , ;, :�_ _..: ;.''. � ; , . . , . thia...�.....�....._....day �. � ....._.. . _..... . .. ..ti��...._..._.�19 .. _��.'...,� _ ___...._. _. ....._...._ _ ... • , Notary Public, Ramaey County� Mi �dy commieaion expirea.....__.._....__...._._.�.... ALBERT A: WOODWARD Notary Public, Ramsey County, Aq�nn, MY Commission Expires April 25, 1g73 ; . , ! .:� , . , , , . _ � . ` > : .. .;> : , �:. I � � F i s . . 4 : . _ �. . , .� -� —