D00939W�ite — City C�erk Pink — Finance Dept. Canary — Dept. GITY OF SAI1�'T I�AUL OFFICF OF THE MAYOR ADMINIS"IRATIVE ORDER � No: �ooq39 Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter o£ that certain contract known as Activity No. 29208 for CROSBY OUTLET City Project No. 94-5- 0 � ons, nc. Contraetor, the speeified date of completion is ep e er , and the Contractor did not complete the conCract by sai.d date of completion because field problems necessitated a_change in the rip-rap design, and it is hereby ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, extends the time of completion to November 30, 1994 and it is FURTHER ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby does waive claim for liquidated damages on this pro�ect. • PPROVED AS TO FORM c Accistani City Attorney ' te -- ---- — -- - Dep rtment Head ����— � D�.. �(�/�"'—� Administrative AsSisCant to plapo[ n�iAl�I. • • � OEPAfiiMENTAFF ,', W7E WIMTED F�-AI I P���wo*S�"�,e'6� -�CO C� 5/13/96 GREEN SHE�ET� N• 34s°�s CAHflGTPERSON6 Pk10NE AR7yENT i%qECTpp Dan Ha�c 266-608�4 � —'�'t- ancouNC� ATfOiiNEV 7 CIiY IXEfiK MUSf BE IXJ COUNC9_ MaENDA BY (DATE1 �� BIft7GFTdflECTOR 8 FW. d MCT. SEflVICES DIR wror+�or+tissisrum � La t�h t✓ " mru_raFafaNnpiEVU,� '�_ (CUrull.oc►noNSwreac�unNlq 2 AB�F�wn oEar.ACCouNr AC'f1�N fEWff3Tm Extend cocrtrad compledn� date from September 3�,1994 W November 30,1994. CROSBY OUTLET - C1y Projed No. 945-8089 Comr�tor. Palda and Sons, Inc. TqN5:k4�P1 «Raject {i0 CERSONALSERVN:E CONTRACTS YUST ANSWEB TiE PDLLOWUK UIiESSq118: _PLMNRIG CWIYISSpN _CNL 9ERVICE C0IAYISSION 1. Has tltis pe worlrod under a conuaG iw iMs depaMlBnt? C6 COMM(TTEE 2 Ha4 tlks Y oBraWBrm eva been a ei9' emPbYae? — — VES NO A S7AFF 3. Does Cie peraorufirm posaeas a skill rot nwmalty posseased by arry curten[ eiry 9 Dl4TRICTCOUNCp. ���• YES NO SUPPOFfS WHICH COUNCILO&IECTIVE9 ��Y Y� �fs On apYJR� ahNt a1M altedl te ylMn aMM i.i ' n r 4'{.°+°i'� INITU171NG PHOBLEN. ISSUE. OPPONNNITY Mq'10. WHAT. XMEN. WHEHE. NMYI: —_ Fiea proaems necessaaced a cnange in cne rip-rap design. �AY Z 3 1996 ' .. , v � �F=� i . c mi'vA ADVANTAGES IFAPPqOVED: The time extension authorizes additional contract time required to complete the project. ����������� �. {�AY 2� �v�� DISAWANTAGES IF MPROVED: � �� � K � ' �✓��G����� r�one RECEIVE[� '� �" � � � MAY 2 4 19g6 CITY CLERK OISADYANTAGES IF NOT OPP(iDVEO: Contrador's work peAormed after September 30, 1994 will not be authorized. Torn� a�au�rt oF rna+snc�aN S 0.00 cosrmever�ue euoc�o t�pc� or�� YES No �aan�souacE t3/A ACRVRYNUMBER C94-2T627-0784-29208 FINANCUIL INFORMA770N: (EXPIAIN� ` R � ' � VV