02-151Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 WHEREAS, the North Quadrant of downtown Saint Paul is being redeveloped as a mixed use residentiai neighborhood; and WHEREAS, a new city park is included in the North Quadrant plans, at the center of the redevelopment area; and 5 WHEREAS, the Capital River Council and its North Quadrant Advisory Committee, a$er 6 considerable research and deliberation, have recommended that the new pazk be named Wacouta 7 Commons; and 8 WHEREAS, the 5aint Paul Pazks and Recreation Commission at its December 13, 2000 9 meeting recommended that the new pazk be named Wacouta Commons; and l0 11 12 13 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation concurs with the proposed park name and recommends approval; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby approves the proposal to name the new North Quadrant park Wacouta Commons. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ,/ BZakey� ✓ Bostrom v Coleman ,i Harris_ ✓ Ldntry r Reiter ✓ �"( c� O Adopted by Council: Date � �, a-o ��... Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By Council File # 0 1� � Green Sheet # �e,;�[o5 RESOLUTION C1TY OF A{NT PAUL, M{NN S TA 'q � Mayor: Date �;� � � • Requested by: Divis on of Parks a R creati� / ` � v By : GL Form Approved by City Attorney � By: � �c/!'.�.> Appro ed�by Mayor for Submissi �i 1 � . By: � �L/�Z_ to DATE INITIATED Parks and Recreation Feb 8, 2002 CANTACT PFRSON AND PHONE John Wirka 266-6411 � MBER FO MU5T BE ON CAUNCILA6ENDA BY (DATE) �� February 27, 2002 WTAL,YOFSIGNATUREPAGES � (CUPALLIOCA"f70NSFORSIGNATURE) ACTION REQIIESTED: GREEN SHEET INITIAVDATE � DEPARTMEMDIRECTOR ? CIT'ATfORNEY (— FINANCIAI SERVICES DIR 3 nuvoR�oanssisr.nrrr� �,5� � NO. 203105 01-15� INRUWDATE 4 crtvcouNCa S CfTYCLERK FINANCWISERV/ACCTG B PARKSAIVDRECREATON This repfaces Green Sheet No. 101386 Approval of Council Resolution naming the new North Quadrant park "Wacouta Commons." RECAMMENDATIONS: Appr9ve (A) or Reject (R� _PLANNINGCOMMISSION CNIL SERVICECOMMISSION CIBCOMMITfEE A PARKSCOMMISSION A STAFF A CAPITALRNERCOUNCIL -- OISTRICT COUNQI SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqI O&IECTIVE� INITIATINGPROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY(Who, What, When, Where, Why)' PERSONAL SERVICE CONfRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Hastluspe[san/Fumeverwo�ketlunderaconUac[forihvsaeparMenl7 vES NO 2. Has tNis perso�rtn ever been a cily employee? VES NO 3. Dces Nis pe�soNfirtn possess a 5WI1 nct nam211y possessed by any curtentdty employee? YES NO Explain all yes amwers on separzte sheet atb attach to green sheet. Plans to redevelop the north quadrant of downtown Saint Paul include a new park at the center of the redevefopment area. The Capitol River Council and its North Quadrant Advisory Committee, the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Division of Parks and Recreation recommend that this new park be cailed Wacouta Commons. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVFA; Approval will be in accordance with the recommendation of affected citizen groups and the proper city officials. DISA�VANTAGES IF APPROVED None OISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Park will remain unnamed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � NA FUNDING SOURCE FINANCIAL INGORPMTIpN: (E%PLAIN) C0.ST/REVENUE BUDC�ETED (GIRCLE ONE) ACTIVITY NUMBER YES NO ♦ fi a, u � � �Y�� ✓ a..a,-tsi Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission RESOLUTION 00-11 �VHEREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission is an appointed body to adcise the DZay and City Council on lona-rangz and citc-��ide matteis related to Parks and Recrzation and L \VHER�AS, the Parks and Pecreation Commission has establisl�ed a na��iin� policy� ���ith proczdures and criteria for considering the na,niil� of Par;;s asld Rect•eation faci(ities; and �VHEREAS, the North Quadrant of do�cnto��n Saint Pau1 is being redeveloped as a mi�ed use residential neighborhood and �VHEREAS, a ne�v city park is included in tnz North Quadrant plans, at the center of die redevelopment area, and �VHBREAS, The Capital River Council and its North Quadrant Advisory Committee, after considerable reseazch and deliberation, have recommended that the ne�v pazk be named Wacouta Commons, and WHEREAS, the Divisionrof Pazks and Recreation concurs with the proposed park name and recommends approvai, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation Commission supports the proposal to name the new North Quadrant pazk Wacouta Commons, and recommends approval by the Saint Paul City Council. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Adopted by the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission on (date): December 13, 2000 Approved: Yeas 7 IvTays 0 Absent � Resolution 00-i l Attested to by�: �' �""� 1 Staff to the Parks and Recreation Commission CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor October 27, 2QOQ Mr. Bili Englund, Chair Capitol River Council 332 Minnesota Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 Dear Mr. Englund: DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION b,�.,15 ` 300CiryHa1[A�mex Te[ephone: 651-2666400 25 SVest Fourth Street Facsimile: 651-292-7405 SaintPauL,MN55102 7TY.- 65I-266-6378 Thank you for your letter of October 18, 2000 concerning the work of your district council's North Quadrant Advisory Committee, regarding their efforts in developing a recommendation for naming the new park in the North Quadrant azea neighborhood. I understand that the committee which was formed to address this issue has come up with a recommendation to name the new pazk Wacouta Commons. The Division of Pazks and Recreation concurs with this recommendation and will forwazd our endorsement to the Pazks and Recreation Commission for their review. We are excited about this new neighborhood in Saint Paul along with the associated new park and look forwazd to further planning and design discussions with the future neighborhood residents as well as members of the North Quadrant Advisory Committee. I wouid also like to request that you consider discussing the creation of an endowment fund to support future maintenance and operations functions within this park. This is a relatively new idea that has been used successfiilly in other cities and which we have begun to implement with some success at a few of our own facilities. Thank you for your interest and s�ort in the creation of this important new park. Si cerely, .�---� �� Victor A. Wittgens Director of Pazks a c: Kathy Stack, Chair North Quadrant Advisory Committee �11/ Distri�t 1� �ctober 13, 2000 CapitolRiver Council 332 Minnesota Streec Suite W 3250, Saint Paul, MN 55101 651•221-0488 4Yebsite: ti+nvw.capitolrivecorg E-mai1: caprivecC`usfamily.net VictorWittgensteiq Superintendent St. Paul Parls and Recreation City of St. Paul 3Q0 City Ha(1 Annex 25 West Fourth StreM St. PauS, MI3 55102 Dear Mr. 6Vittgenstein, o�.-�s� FAX 651•221-Q581 In August the 7Vorth Quadrani Management Team requested assistance in developing a recommendation for the new park in the new North Quadrant area neighborhood. At that time our district council's North Quadrant Advisory Committee offered to work with your staff, and Don Ganje, on behalfof Parks and Recreation, accepted the offer. An enthusiastic committee �vas immediately formed and went to work. The process, and its outcome, is described in the attached committee report to the CapitoiRiver Council Board. Our board met today and ' adopted the recommendation of the committee to name the new park Waconta Commons. As required by St. Paul Parks and Recreation Commissiori policy, I am fonvardin� our district council recommendation to you for your action and, hope£ul(y, your endorsement and recommendation to the Commission. . While this certainly was a serious research and marketing effort and we used a rigorous decision-makin� process, we thoroughly enjoyed the effort and appreciate the opportunify the doxmtotivn community was given to make this recommendation. Please let me know if you would like to discuss the recommendation and the report further and if we can I�elp the Commission in its deliberations in any way. $nc rely, C� � �� �ill Englund, Chair 65t 222-07(8 c: Kathy Stack, Chair North Quadrant Advisory Committee p� -\S1 WACOUTA Chief Wacouta of the Mdewakanton Sioux was the son of Red Wing., ' Wacouta was a man of peace, FIe was very ta11, straight and dignified in his demeanor. He was a man of good judgmettt. He advised people rather than commanding them, according to statements about him in Minneso_ ta Geo raphic Names . The name Wacouta means " Shooter from the pine top" and was often shortened to "Shooter." At ihe treaty of Traverse des Sioux in 1851, Indians ceded ali the'u lands in lyinnesota. ARer the signing for the upper lands, a similar agreement was made at Mendota with the Mdewakantons and Wahpekutes. 1'he principal chiefs were Wabasha, Wacouta, Red Iron , Standing Buffala and Traveling Hai7. This treaty showed techniques ofthe commissioners " in all their ruthtessness," according to Roy W, Meyer, in Historv ofthe Santee Sioux (Univ, ofNebraska Press 1967) They met on a high p]sin near pitot Knob within sight of Port Snelting. Alexander Ramsey said that because the Sioux of the upper agency had already signed, that the lower bands must sign also. These chiefr said they would not leave their lands and that they should be paid an educational fund The chiefr refissed to commit themselves and the coun�il had to adjourn. Meetings were called repeatedly for several days. Finally on August 5, 1851 the treaty was read in English and translated by Gideon Pond Litfle Crow was inrited to sign, hut he made no move to do so. Wabasha questioaed that the treaty was for the Indians benefit and objected to the prairie land that had been selected for his new home. He said he had always lived near woods, Luke Lea, newly appointed commissioner of Indian Affairs t}ueatened that troops would drive them to the Rocky Mountains if they did not sign. Wacouta asked, "Wil! the treaty }� changed when it gets to A'ashington7" He said that when he had gone to Washington in 1837 the chiefr had been told many things, but when they pme lrack, they found things were different than they had been told Wacouta was held in high regazd, and Ramsey attempted to pacify him by promising that Indians wuld go on hunting near the'u ovm homes for manyyeais until it filled up with settlers. Eventually Little Crow signed his name and each of the sixty four chiefs signed with an X. The article conceming a reservation was strQcken by the Senate. The Mdewakantons were unWilling to accept these matters, 6ut after weeks of wrangling Wabasha and Wacouta were presented with bags of gold and signed a receipt for $9000 supposedly due haders. Within wceks settlers and specuSators moved on to the Indian lands. A Red Wing paper reported that in � 860 about two hundred of Wacouta's band had gone to Wisconsin timber land to hunt. They traded fhe furs and venison for provisions for the band. Following the battles of 1862, 221 members of Wacouta's band of were imprisoned at Mankato. Wacouta died at the Santee Reservation in Nebraska. Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 WHEREAS, the North Quadrant of downtown Saint Paul is being redeveloped as a mixed use residentiai neighborhood; and WHEREAS, a new city park is included in the North Quadrant plans, at the center of the redevelopment area; and 5 WHEREAS, the Capital River Council and its North Quadrant Advisory Committee, a$er 6 considerable research and deliberation, have recommended that the new pazk be named Wacouta 7 Commons; and 8 WHEREAS, the 5aint Paul Pazks and Recreation Commission at its December 13, 2000 9 meeting recommended that the new pazk be named Wacouta Commons; and l0 11 12 13 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation concurs with the proposed park name and recommends approval; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby approves the proposal to name the new North Quadrant park Wacouta Commons. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ,/ BZakey� ✓ Bostrom v Coleman ,i Harris_ ✓ Ldntry r Reiter ✓ �"( c� O Adopted by Council: Date � �, a-o ��... Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By Council File # 0 1� � Green Sheet # �e,;�[o5 RESOLUTION C1TY OF A{NT PAUL, M{NN S TA 'q � Mayor: Date �;� � � • Requested by: Divis on of Parks a R creati� / ` � v By : GL Form Approved by City Attorney � By: � �c/!'.�.> Appro ed�by Mayor for Submissi �i 1 � . By: � �L/�Z_ to DATE INITIATED Parks and Recreation Feb 8, 2002 CANTACT PFRSON AND PHONE John Wirka 266-6411 � MBER FO MU5T BE ON CAUNCILA6ENDA BY (DATE) �� February 27, 2002 WTAL,YOFSIGNATUREPAGES � (CUPALLIOCA"f70NSFORSIGNATURE) ACTION REQIIESTED: GREEN SHEET INITIAVDATE � DEPARTMEMDIRECTOR ? CIT'ATfORNEY (— FINANCIAI SERVICES DIR 3 nuvoR�oanssisr.nrrr� �,5� � NO. 203105 01-15� INRUWDATE 4 crtvcouNCa S CfTYCLERK FINANCWISERV/ACCTG B PARKSAIVDRECREATON This repfaces Green Sheet No. 101386 Approval of Council Resolution naming the new North Quadrant park "Wacouta Commons." RECAMMENDATIONS: Appr9ve (A) or Reject (R� _PLANNINGCOMMISSION CNIL SERVICECOMMISSION CIBCOMMITfEE A PARKSCOMMISSION A STAFF A CAPITALRNERCOUNCIL -- OISTRICT COUNQI SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqI O&IECTIVE� INITIATINGPROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY(Who, What, When, Where, Why)' PERSONAL SERVICE CONfRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Hastluspe[san/Fumeverwo�ketlunderaconUac[forihvsaeparMenl7 vES NO 2. Has tNis perso�rtn ever been a cily employee? VES NO 3. Dces Nis pe�soNfirtn possess a 5WI1 nct nam211y possessed by any curtentdty employee? YES NO Explain all yes amwers on separzte sheet atb attach to green sheet. Plans to redevelop the north quadrant of downtown Saint Paul include a new park at the center of the redevefopment area. The Capitol River Council and its North Quadrant Advisory Committee, the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Division of Parks and Recreation recommend that this new park be cailed Wacouta Commons. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVFA; Approval will be in accordance with the recommendation of affected citizen groups and the proper city officials. DISA�VANTAGES IF APPROVED None OISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Park will remain unnamed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � NA FUNDING SOURCE FINANCIAL INGORPMTIpN: (E%PLAIN) C0.ST/REVENUE BUDC�ETED (GIRCLE ONE) ACTIVITY NUMBER YES NO ♦ fi a, u � � �Y�� ✓ a..a,-tsi Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission RESOLUTION 00-11 �VHEREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission is an appointed body to adcise the DZay and City Council on lona-rangz and citc-��ide matteis related to Parks and Recrzation and L \VHER�AS, the Parks and Pecreation Commission has establisl�ed a na��iin� policy� ���ith proczdures and criteria for considering the na,niil� of Par;;s asld Rect•eation faci(ities; and �VHEREAS, the North Quadrant of do�cnto��n Saint Pau1 is being redeveloped as a mi�ed use residential neighborhood and �VHEREAS, a ne�v city park is included in tnz North Quadrant plans, at the center of die redevelopment area, and �VHBREAS, The Capital River Council and its North Quadrant Advisory Committee, after considerable reseazch and deliberation, have recommended that the ne�v pazk be named Wacouta Commons, and WHEREAS, the Divisionrof Pazks and Recreation concurs with the proposed park name and recommends approvai, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation Commission supports the proposal to name the new North Quadrant pazk Wacouta Commons, and recommends approval by the Saint Paul City Council. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Adopted by the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission on (date): December 13, 2000 Approved: Yeas 7 IvTays 0 Absent � Resolution 00-i l Attested to by�: �' �""� 1 Staff to the Parks and Recreation Commission CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor October 27, 2QOQ Mr. Bili Englund, Chair Capitol River Council 332 Minnesota Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 Dear Mr. Englund: DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION b,�.,15 ` 300CiryHa1[A�mex Te[ephone: 651-2666400 25 SVest Fourth Street Facsimile: 651-292-7405 SaintPauL,MN55102 7TY.- 65I-266-6378 Thank you for your letter of October 18, 2000 concerning the work of your district council's North Quadrant Advisory Committee, regarding their efforts in developing a recommendation for naming the new park in the North Quadrant azea neighborhood. I understand that the committee which was formed to address this issue has come up with a recommendation to name the new pazk Wacouta Commons. The Division of Pazks and Recreation concurs with this recommendation and will forwazd our endorsement to the Pazks and Recreation Commission for their review. We are excited about this new neighborhood in Saint Paul along with the associated new park and look forwazd to further planning and design discussions with the future neighborhood residents as well as members of the North Quadrant Advisory Committee. I wouid also like to request that you consider discussing the creation of an endowment fund to support future maintenance and operations functions within this park. This is a relatively new idea that has been used successfiilly in other cities and which we have begun to implement with some success at a few of our own facilities. Thank you for your interest and s�ort in the creation of this important new park. Si cerely, .�---� �� Victor A. Wittgens Director of Pazks a c: Kathy Stack, Chair North Quadrant Advisory Committee �11/ Distri�t 1� �ctober 13, 2000 CapitolRiver Council 332 Minnesota Streec Suite W 3250, Saint Paul, MN 55101 651•221-0488 4Yebsite: ti+nvw.capitolrivecorg E-mai1: caprivecC`usfamily.net VictorWittgensteiq Superintendent St. Paul Parls and Recreation City of St. Paul 3Q0 City Ha(1 Annex 25 West Fourth StreM St. PauS, MI3 55102 Dear Mr. 6Vittgenstein, o�.-�s� FAX 651•221-Q581 In August the 7Vorth Quadrani Management Team requested assistance in developing a recommendation for the new park in the new North Quadrant area neighborhood. At that time our district council's North Quadrant Advisory Committee offered to work with your staff, and Don Ganje, on behalfof Parks and Recreation, accepted the offer. An enthusiastic committee �vas immediately formed and went to work. The process, and its outcome, is described in the attached committee report to the CapitoiRiver Council Board. Our board met today and ' adopted the recommendation of the committee to name the new park Waconta Commons. As required by St. Paul Parks and Recreation Commissiori policy, I am fonvardin� our district council recommendation to you for your action and, hope£ul(y, your endorsement and recommendation to the Commission. . While this certainly was a serious research and marketing effort and we used a rigorous decision-makin� process, we thoroughly enjoyed the effort and appreciate the opportunify the doxmtotivn community was given to make this recommendation. Please let me know if you would like to discuss the recommendation and the report further and if we can I�elp the Commission in its deliberations in any way. $nc rely, C� � �� �ill Englund, Chair 65t 222-07(8 c: Kathy Stack, Chair North Quadrant Advisory Committee p� -\S1 WACOUTA Chief Wacouta of the Mdewakanton Sioux was the son of Red Wing., ' Wacouta was a man of peace, FIe was very ta11, straight and dignified in his demeanor. He was a man of good judgmettt. He advised people rather than commanding them, according to statements about him in Minneso_ ta Geo raphic Names . The name Wacouta means " Shooter from the pine top" and was often shortened to "Shooter." At ihe treaty of Traverse des Sioux in 1851, Indians ceded ali the'u lands in lyinnesota. ARer the signing for the upper lands, a similar agreement was made at Mendota with the Mdewakantons and Wahpekutes. 1'he principal chiefs were Wabasha, Wacouta, Red Iron , Standing Buffala and Traveling Hai7. This treaty showed techniques ofthe commissioners " in all their ruthtessness," according to Roy W, Meyer, in Historv ofthe Santee Sioux (Univ, ofNebraska Press 1967) They met on a high p]sin near pitot Knob within sight of Port Snelting. Alexander Ramsey said that because the Sioux of the upper agency had already signed, that the lower bands must sign also. These chiefr said they would not leave their lands and that they should be paid an educational fund The chiefr refissed to commit themselves and the coun�il had to adjourn. Meetings were called repeatedly for several days. Finally on August 5, 1851 the treaty was read in English and translated by Gideon Pond Litfle Crow was inrited to sign, hut he made no move to do so. Wabasha questioaed that the treaty was for the Indians benefit and objected to the prairie land that had been selected for his new home. He said he had always lived near woods, Luke Lea, newly appointed commissioner of Indian Affairs t}ueatened that troops would drive them to the Rocky Mountains if they did not sign. Wacouta asked, "Wil! the treaty }� changed when it gets to A'ashington7" He said that when he had gone to Washington in 1837 the chiefr had been told many things, but when they pme lrack, they found things were different than they had been told Wacouta was held in high regazd, and Ramsey attempted to pacify him by promising that Indians wuld go on hunting near the'u ovm homes for manyyeais until it filled up with settlers. Eventually Little Crow signed his name and each of the sixty four chiefs signed with an X. The article conceming a reservation was strQcken by the Senate. The Mdewakantons were unWilling to accept these matters, 6ut after weeks of wrangling Wabasha and Wacouta were presented with bags of gold and signed a receipt for $9000 supposedly due haders. Within wceks settlers and specuSators moved on to the Indian lands. A Red Wing paper reported that in � 860 about two hundred of Wacouta's band had gone to Wisconsin timber land to hunt. They traded fhe furs and venison for provisions for the band. Following the battles of 1862, 221 members of Wacouta's band of were imprisoned at Mankato. Wacouta died at the Santee Reservation in Nebraska.