260822 WHI7E - CITV CLERK CO1111C11 �:,�s�/�2 PINK w- FINANCE GITY. OF SAINT PAITL CANARV - DEPARTMENT - BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ` Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS� The City Council� pursua.nt to Ordinance No. 15311� Council File No. 260426, adopted Janua.ry 23, 1972, did hold a public hearing on March 2, 1973, in the City Council Cha.mbers for the purpose of establishing the level of service of Street Main- tenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul and the amount of service cha.rges to be levied against benefit�ed property; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby determine tha.t the program of Street Maintena.nce Services to be performed within the City of Saint Paul sha.11 be in the ma.nner as set forth and described in the attached report of the Depa.rtment of Public Works, and the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized to perform the necessary work as set forth in said report and shall, in accordance with said Ordina.nce No. 15311, keep an accurate record of all costs attributable to the program and report such information to the Department of Finance and Ma.�aagement Services. COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Rolnopatzki � In Favor Levine � r Meredith Agaitlst BY ° s�c R�dler Tedesco Mme.President Butler Adopted by Council: Date MQR 9 � Form Approved by ity Attor ey Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Appro by Mayor: Date Approve Ma • Subc ' io Council By BY �ue��s��o AR 19�� . . , ` �"���%�� t��OTICE OF PUBLiC NEARING Notice is Nere�y Given, *hat Public Nearing will be held an the 2nd day of March, 1�73, at 10:00 A,�1, in the Saint Paul City Councit �hambers, City Hall and v�urt House, Saint Paui , t1innesota, the purpose of the public hear- ing being to consid�r the level of service of Street Maintenance to be per- formed in the City of Saint Paul in i973 and to consider the cost of such service to be charged against benefited praperty according to Crdinance No. 1531_1 , Council File No. 260426. The particul�r service to be perforned and the estimatecf costs as proposed by the �Jepartment of Pubiic 1�lorks, are as totlaws : CLASS 1 - Do�•rnto«n or Loop Streets Description : Class I service �.�ill be performed on all downtoUm or loo� streets with- in the follo��rinq boundaries : Kelloaq Boulevard on the south and west, Eleventh Street cn the north and Broadway on the east. Proposed 19.73 Level of Services : The dor�nto�rm streets 1•ii 1 i �� s�•iept three times oer s•reek anc4 flusheJ f ive times per ►•reek. A11 routine maintenance, including patchinq ana re�air- �tzc� of street surfaces ti•ti i 1 t�e nerforr��d on an as need�yd '�asis. Pr��osec! /�s�essment : Al ! Class I service wiil be assessed at a rate of $,b0 per front foot. CLASS II - Outlyino Commerciai and Arteriai Str�ets OesGription : Class 11 service wiii �e performed en al ) outlyina commerciai and arterial streets in the City. These are the major arteries in the City and have both heavy volumes of v�hicular and oedestrian traffic and, in most cases , have business or commercial prc�perties frontin_q on them. Typic�3 examales would be as follows : University Avenue, Snelling Avenue, !�Jest Seventh Street, East Seve�th Street , Rice Street, Payne Av�nue, ,�rcade �treet, Summit Avenue, Grand Avenue, St. Clair Avenue, and others. Ail of these Ciass II streets are accurately defined on a map available for viewing in th� Department of Fublic 4Jorks , Foom 234, City Nail . Proposed 19�3 Level of Services: The Class II streets would be swept or cleaned once per week. Ali routine ma�ntena��ce including patchi�g and repairing of street surfaces will be done on an as needed basis. Pr000�ed Assessment : Under Ciass ii service, there will be two assessment rates , one commerciai and one residential . The commercial property rate will be $.40 per front foot and the residential �roperty rate will be $.20 per front foot. � Nofiice of Public Nearing -2- February i3, 1973 CLASS lif - At1 Residential Streets Description: Ctass ill service would be performed on all residential streets includ- ing oiled streets, paved streets , and intermediate type streets. Proposed 1973 Level of Services : AI1 residential streets, including the oiled, paved, and intermediate type streets under Ctass III will be swept and fiushed thrce times dur- i�g the season. The spri�g cleanino t•�ill be comp)eted by a5out June Ist. The second cle�ning would be completed during the mid-summer months, and tEie third and final cleanina would be in late fall or after the leaves have came down, completing it by November lst. Ai1 routine niaintenance inciuding patching �nd repairing af the street surf�ces, will be perfor�ed on an as needed basis. Proposed Assessment: Under Class ! II service to residential streets, we have two categories of assessment, one being resodential , tr.e other ccmmercial . The resi- d�ntial property rate would be $.ZO per front foot and the commercial p�operty $.30 per front foot. C!ASS 1V - Al1 Oiled and �aved Alleys �escripti�n: Glass IV service ��ould be performed on all oiled, paved, and intermedi�ce typ� alleys within the City. Proposed 1973 Level of Service: A� I oiled, paved and intermediate al�eys would be saiept twice during the season. Efforts ��ould be made to complete the first cleaning by Juty Ist, and the second cieaning by November lst. All routine maintenance entluding paLching and repairing of the alley surfaces will be performed o� an as needed basis. P��posed Assessment: �nder Class IV alley service there would be one assessment whether it is �iled, paved, or intermed`iate. An assessment of �$. 10 per frvnt foot is �raposed. CLASS � - Unim�roved Streets and Alleys Description: Class V service will be performed on unimproved streets and alleys. By u�improved we mean those streets and alleys that have not been develop�a f�r one reason or another, They are pl3tted City right-of-ways, however, the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improvement nor ha�e there been any assessments }evied. There are approximately 80 miles _ a „ ,. _ _ � Noti.ce of Public Neari�g -3- February 13, 1973 of unimprov�d stree*_s znd 100 m31es of unimproved alleys in the city. Because they are City right-of-4�ays, the City has the responsibility to perform minimal repairs and maintenar,ce work on them to reduce any hazards or potential hazards. Proposed 1973 Level of Services : The maintenance and repair of these streets and alleys w+ ll consist of patching, minor blading, placina of crushed rock and other stabilized material 'cn order to make them passable and reduce hazards. Proposed Assessment : Under Ciass V service we propose the follo��ing two assessments. Since , there will be no sweeping and flushinq invoived, the assessment is based only on the patching and repair work that may b� needed. For streets we propose an assessment of one-half of the standard residential street assessment proposed under Class 11 ( , or $. 10 per front foot. Under alleys we again propose an assessment of one-half of the ailey assessment pro- posed under Class IV, or $.05 per front foot. These assessments will pro- vide tne bare minimum funds necessary to take care of these unimproved streets and a] leys. 1973 PROPOSED EXPEttD ITUP,�S `�OR STRcET f�1A I r1TEtdAP�CE - CIEA.N I i+G !�°db REPA 0 R kdmir�°��rt,;iv.r � ��� rnr. Y /�f�"� Do�tntoti�:n L i e,�n i na .and P�eRa i r 1,5�,,0�� 4utlying Con���ierc+al and Arterial Streets 900,C�00 Residential Cleaning and Repair 1 ,207,000 - Oiled and Paved Alleys 180,000 Unimproved Streets and Alleys 100,0�0 Street Cleaning and P.epair Equipment 130,000 Total $ 2,$40,500 Source of Funds Municiaal State Aid $ 395,000 Trunk Highway tlaintenance Aid 165,000 County Aids 175,000 Total Aids $ 735,000 Assessments e Dawntoam Streets $ 63,000 Outlying Commerciaj � Arterial Stree�s 725,000 Residential Streets 1 ,015,000 Oiled and Paved Alleys 177,500 • Unimproved Streets and Alicys 125,000 $2,105,500 $2,840,500 ,. . � Noxice of Pubiic Hearing -4- February 13, 1973 . � Points of Information Residential property on corner lots will be assessed for the normal assessment for the front of the lot but only � the assessment for the tong side of the lot. Residential properties on outlying commercial and arterial lots will be assessed at the residential rate ($.20 per front foot) commercial properties on residential streets would be assessed at $.30 per frant faot. Churches and church pro�erty would be assessed at the residential rate. State and Federat properties wilt be billed for the assessment o:�ied by them. Assessment �aill be included on your tax statement in 1974. Questions in regard to this program may be answered by calling the Department of Pub 1 i c t�lorks on 29$-4321 . JFS,/jg � CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI February 28, 1973 To: I�ayor Lawrence D. Cohen and I�r. Phil Lee Fr: Frank D. �larzitelli �1�'I Re: Council Resolution - Street �laintenance---Assessments I have reviewed the above matter and recommend same. Upon your approval, said matter should be immediately forwarded to the City Clerk in order that same may be placed on the City Council Agenda in order that the Resolution may be considered immediately following the Public Hearing on �larch 2, 1973. FDl�;mc Attached City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 O . . ��._ l� J �y i �iJ�� WH17E� - CI TV CLERK - � � �Y . � I..OUIICll � ��� -. - P�NK . -,.-.FFNANCE �, � ' .GITY OF SAINT PAZTL } CANARY -4DEPARTMENT- � I �Flle NO. " ��BLUE ' -'MAVOR � � � � �� � _ o nci Resolutio�z ' � . ,� Presented By �.,�--��'lR.- �`�_ �.�''� Referred To — Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � ��.�T�� �iSt � S�t:�7�� l�f�:� �. ����.��. ��� Fi le 1'�. 2�iQ4.2�; �p� J�uts�rp' 23.� 14�3, t�e C�moci� �f � t�i�� s�f Sai� Fa�t2 �� �r� �� L� 2�i t�g t�f I�z'�,* 3.�73, �:t 3.��#�t3 o'cl�c,& A.�.., �$ t� c�ate � �,ir� t�e ��� �.Il �ald � �b:�.c �a�� !n � �.tq �iI �ers,� S�.� �iea�., ��t.� t�a �c��t+��r t#� ��. �f ��r�� ���:� � b�e ��� � � G#��.� c�� Sa��t F��. f� 1��'3 � th� r�s�� t�s � �ar,� ���t � �f�.�ed �F��s � ��Ze Gi� G�� �.� �r�by �i�� � �a�3.� n�tf�a t� �s �r� f� t�e :+�a�.� ��u� �s�'�c� #�lE�, t� 7a� ; g�bl�i�a�.ia� "t��� � I.��� t� � �e� prf.e�r to tt�e c�� � tb�e `_ ; p�� �i�. ,. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � "�hrrtr"'"' c., - k t 1l'l�c 5 tConopatzki In Favor Lecine � r ' Meredith �„ ' S.�£ka-�a�,(��r,� � Against By Lf :���L� Tedesco ` Mme.President Butler F EB 1 �)973 Form Approved by Cit�r Attatney ; � Adopted by Council: Date », ; ,� r Certifi ed by Cous�i� Sert'�t -i` / BY �E `�` � l�{ { �� .�� �_,�� ,3 By �'>� �`f� f � ; ; ' � � _;�,,, Approved by Mayor;% Date �G�TI''+ 107� , Approvi�d b��`�a� s�ion''Ao Cotitncil . � ,., / � �+`�: �� . r - ` _. . By By � `'i� . ' A RESOLtTPIO�J TO THF CITY COZA�iCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINN�'cSOTAt The Pollowing re�olution we�s adopt�ed by the Association of' 3t. Paul Co�u� nities �t the regular �eeting of the A:aociation on � March 7, 1973a W�dAe��z.y, Inasmuch as the City �ouncil ha: been preaen�ed with a propomed ordi�nce for street maintenwnce ott a new bamis ofl assessments against abutti.ng property of pri�ate hons owners, and Ins�s�uch as the slight reduction in per Pront-foot assema�ent for the gre�t �aajority of' such private home owners is not in proportion to �be ■ub�tantial reduction in ser�ricee proposed, and Inas�uch a�a �aore thatt half o$ the proposed assess�enta woul� be against residential properties, �nd Iaa��uch as no public hearin� on such assessmettts has beez� rcquired prior to this year, ao that Pew ho�ue ownera are even aware oP this right to speo.k out on their affected interests, and Iziasnuch a� extension of this assess�ent sy�te�► would �erre to solidiPy uzd per�atuate the levy of specie�l costs against the citizens of 3t. Paul for gener�l bnaic services, TherePore, The Association oP St. Paul Comeaunities does hereby resol�e that it recomme�d to the St. Paul City �ouncil that all street �aintenuace and repair costs not funded Pro� other speciPic oources be Punded fro� �,oner�l city re�enues, and that this be i�aplementad At the earliest Qossible da�te. � /p� -�¢- ' .. ���' �" � �.���Z°�[�'7� DATF George Winter, President 1016 Laurel Avenue �� �� St. Paul, D�iinnesota 551 �