260804 . � - +P�TV ClERK � /CA�R� - DEPAN TMENT G�TY C�F SAINT PALTL COIIC1C11 ������ BLC'�� 'MrOR File NO. � ��� . '�.•' '. f Ordin�cnce Ordinance N�. �� 6 • _ . Presented By i Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative ordinance approving the terms and conditions of a collec�ive bargaining agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Federation WHEREAS, the Council pursuant to the provisions of Section 12.09 of the Saint Paul City Charter and the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1g7I recognizes the Saint Paul Police Federation as the exclusive representative for the purpose of meeting and negotiating the terms and conditions of employment for all full-time police department personnel as set forth in Article III of an agreement between the City and the Federation; and _ WHEREAS, the City, through designated representatives, and the Federation have met in good faith and negotiated the terms and conditions of employment for such personnel as are set forth in a "Memorandum of Agreement" between the City and the Federation; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � Section 1 . Tha.�t the "Memorandum of Agreement" dated as of the effective date o£ this ordinance between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Federat�on on file in the office of the City Clerk is hereby approved and the authorized administrative officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf af t�.e City. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Dgpartment of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki [n Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka - Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date " Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ���A���x�'�� By Approve Mayor: ate Approved b ayor for Submission to Co�ttcil By BY CN` �� CATY CLERK eR.�F- EPA TMENT , COL111C11 � ,� f�,�(� BLU�. � M�yoR G�TY OF SAINT PAIIL File NO. "���'��1'� ,. �, r` O�dindnce Ordinance N 0. �✓ _ . . Presented By "'�/• Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2. That the wage schedule attached to said agreement as Appendix B and the terms and provisions of Article XVIII contained in said agreement shall take force and effect retroactively to the 22nd day of December, 1972 in accordance with the expressed intent and agreement of this Council contained in Council File No. 260367. Section 3. That all other terms and conditions of said agreement shall take force and effect on the date of its execution by- the City and the Federation. Section 4. That any other ordinance,rule or regulation in force when said agreement takes effect inconsistent with any provision of the terms and conditions of said agreement is hereby repealed. Section 5. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. C lVC LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � F --�patxlci•- �G�K��`�`�- In Favor Levine Meredith o Against BY sgra�k� ROedler Tedesco Mme.President MAR 211973 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certifie sed by C il etary By ���c m�t'^1��!'Xi(.Lt�2d_� By • Approve y yor: ate Approve y Ma or for Submission to Co cil By By P.U�LI3HED MAR 3 Z 19l ���G� .. _ . � ���--?���Q y , r � ' ��� , April 11, 1973 To: Chairman, IManagement and Personnel Committee From: SI�YTHE-OBER�IEYER and Associates �� Subject; Criterie for Arbitration Awards in Contract Negotiation Disputes The attached arbitration award with regard ta the City of Detroit Police Department is representative of the thinking of arbitrators. Arbitrators have consistently paid little attention to the budget problems of public employers and have ruled rether on the basis of other criteria. The stated rea8oning behind this award is common to erbitration awards in public employment. CS:mc Attachment CC: MembeFS of the City Counil �layor �amrence D. Cohen Frank D. I�arzitelli .. -. ',� - �:�- (No. 497} STATE ��� ����� ' (GERR) 4�-2-i3 � � ?r� a p?'ohibzre�3 pxactice c�.s�, the Board ��isn:isses iur Iack of jurisdiction charges r�y si�: r�ersons �vho riaimed they •,��ere unla�vfully exne)led from �he HG�A because they suppoi�ted a. �ival ��nion during an org«nizati�n:zl cirivc �v?�i?.e retaining rr.embcrship i�~� the HGEA, The "�'�� ���:,lationship beri��eea th� HGEA and its mem':�ers, F�}�,RI3 says, is a contractual one, and the ,� �:oard is not autharized to interfere in that relations3ii.p. ���' The former I-3GEA members, who had actively supported the Professional and Super- visors Ass�ciation of Hawaii, an af:iiliate of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, , contended rhat their expulsion vialGted the statutary prohibition against interfering ���ith em- ployees' rights to participate in -- or refrain from -- the activities of an employee organi- zation (RF51:2012). . • Ho��v�ver, HERB decides that the statute "does not vest it with jurisdiction to regulate discipline of union members who, while retainin.g membership in one union, seek to replace it `��ith another. " This �-uling is restricted to tlle facts in the instant case, the Board notes, adding that "there ���ill be instances in which the Board will have jurisdiction over union actions directec� at members . . . " The existence and maintenance of a contracival relationship, like the relationship bet���een a unior and its members, is based upon "mutual voluntary action, " the Board says. HER� contir�ues: "To }�old that a union may not protect itself from actions such as those engaged in by petitioners through tlie use of discipline, such as expulsion, would be to prevent a ur�ion from taking reasonable steps to preserve its existence, The conduct of petitioners at- tacJ:ed the viability of the union. Expulsion, in such a case, can hardly result in coercing or restraining them in the exercise of the rights guaranteed under [the Act], for their .:--,,, actions, in attemuting to repudiate the union, showed how lightly they regarded membership � therein, and expulsion from a union they sought to destroy can hardly, in these circum- •._� stances, have coercive or restraining effect upon them. " The charges are therefore dismissed. � (In_ the matter of�ames Chang, et �l. , and HGEA, Loca1 152, HGEA/AFSCME; HERB Case Nos. CU-13-1, CU-13-2, CU-I3-3, CU-04-4, CU-o4-5, CU-02-6, Decision No. 3, March 1�, 1973. ) - 0 - DETROIT POLICE WI1� PAY I\TCREASES IN CONTRACT SUBMITTED TO ARBITRATION Over vigorous objections by the ciry's representative, a Michigan arbieration panel awards Detroit policemen a contract which will give patrolmen maximum pay of $15,000 in 1974, The contract between the Detroit Police Officers Association and the city, `vhich ex- pired July l, 19%2, ���as submi.tted to binding arbi_tration after several months of fruitless nego- tiations, ?;ursuant to the provisions of Act 312 {RF51:3114). The contract that emer�es from • the arbitration panel has tti�-o expirations dates: June 30, 1974, for the economic terms and three years from t��;e date of approval by the Detroit Comric�n Council for the noneconomic provisions. In additior, to th� pay in.creases, the police «-iI1 ra�-e iiicreaszd long�vit�y pay, more � � �'�� acc�.mulated sick lcave co�npen5ahle upon retirement, and the option of coi�lpen.sator�T time aff or p��l at the rate of one-and-one-lialf times ovei�ime houis u�orked, � Copyriyht p ]973 by THE BUREA.0 OF NA71�h'�.L A�'FAtRS, IP�lC., WASlilNGTON, D.C. 20037 .. .., .,4-2-73 (GrRR) ST�s.Te Af�&i� �.00AL (N o. 497 ) Ei - 13 ' Panel members Jack Woocly ior th� association, and neutral chairmar. I3ruce 1�,. Fox were res�onsible for the dccisien, �vhich ciry representative Allen Hyman hints will be sub- ' `� mitted to a circuit court oii ap}�eal. H rnan took au adamant osition in the cotirse oi t;ie arbi- � tration proceedings--hasr:d on thc: o-rnuncls that t e citv was una e to a w iat t e assocLa*i�r�. � : -u `as asTc�"'n=-an�'c e was not invite to t ie ina session, w en t e ot er two reac e agie�- ment. Hvman's str.enuous dissert �s ant�ended to the arLitration awar . , The issue of patrolmen's salaries is summarized in the following table: Minimum Maximum Benefits effective June 3U, 1972: $ 9, 000 $ 12,750 Association requested: 11,200 14,000 Ciry offered: 9, 27Q 13, 133 Panel. awards: . July 1, 1972 9,333 13, 040 November 1, ].972 9, 666 13,330 Maxch 1, 1973 10, 000 13,620 July l, 1973 10,333 13, 910 January l, 1974 10, 666 14,450 March 1, 197�� 11, 000 15,000 Arguments on patrolm�n's pay were, in short, the city's contention that Detroit police are "adequately compensated, " and that the city is unable to afford any pay increases o�Ter their counter offer (above); and the DPOA's rejoinder that, in terms of pay, Detroit natrolTY�ei�'s '�` ;` compensation is not equal to that in other metropolitan areas. To this the city argued that its pension benefits inore than compensate for deficiencies elsewhere; and the association stated tl�at fixed pension costs should not be used to penalize younger men on the force. Resolution, the panel states; lies in coinpromise: "On the one side is the cit claimin neither funds nor resources are available to pay the sa ary increase. ere is to e no urt er e p or t e inancia morass in w�,ic the - city presently finds itself over which it has no control nor hope for the future. "On the other hand the association believes, and hardly anyone today takes exception, that a patrolman's job is at the very least a most trying and difficult assignment. He many times is fraught with peril and buffeted in storms that he must use every ounce of wit, strength and will to survive. . . . His inost adamant admirer believes he must be superman, babysitter, diplomat and qualified so�ial worker. He must be a miniature ` judge. . . . His one thoughtless remark or derogatory statement may well be the spark that i�nites an inferno. ' "In this day of high profits in crime (drugs) he is tempted by bribe. An adeqtiate pay level for himself and his family leaves him absolutely no valid reason to violate his oath of dury to preserve or_der and justice. "Detr.oit is entitled to and has need of tl7e Uest and cannot afford anvthing less. It is �� - hoped an adequate wage will attract the kind of officer who �vill be a val.ual�le asset r_o _. the total communitv. " Copyriyht �O 1973 F�y THE SUREAU OE NATIbNAL. A.FFAIRS, iNC., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20037 B - 14 .: (No. 49%) ��°t��� a,���r ����'�,� �GERR) 4-2-73 � '1'he panel t�'�en s <�c�lates o�i ossiLle additional soarces of rcvenue that t:hc: ciry mi r.z ta to a t 1e �va e incr. �a r. a so me��t�.ons t iat a revision o t c crirn ina coc e is e .�re t�c state .egis �.ture «�llich ini�ht conceivabl_y Iree police from dealing with "victim- ��'��. less crimes such as prostitution, gambling and 3narijuana; " thereby saving at�out half of �' pclic,^. resources. . � Th� panel then points out that the pay incr���ases, while they appear "substantial, " are over the t�vo-year period "onl.y approximately 0. 5j�; over the President's Phasc II guidelines. " Salaries for cominunications officers are summarized below: � Minimum Maximum Fenerits efiective june 3G� 15%G: $ 9,651 $13, 161 Association requested: 10,901 14,411 Ciry offered: 9,941 13,556 Panel awards: July 1, 1972 $ 9,934 $13,451 November 1, 1972 10,317 13, 74I March l. 1973 10,651 14,031 JuI�T l, 1973 10,984 14,321 January 1, 1974 11,217 14, 861 March 1, 1974 11,651 15,411 These salaries, and similarly-computed increases for the assistant supervisor of motor vehicles, band director, police data processing programer, radio maintenance officer, and radio systems and planning officer are outlined �vithout comment by the panel. _ r.r..,�� �:� ��.eSC�lar�nn alcp rPrni�gte� �I1 aC�ClltJpll3�. �.nIIP'2V1CY D'dVT?1217t Ol 2 p2rC21It 1f��r 21 � years of service, to be added to the tlien-current provision of. 2 percent af.ter 11 years and 4 `�-y-� percent after 16 years. The panel awards l percent additional after 21 years, predicating this "upon the total settlement. " The panel_ denies the association's request for tYie creation of three new classifications of patrolmen to reward additional years of service, with the comment that the ciry might in- stead consider extra compensation f.o-r the'completion.of formal education. Regarding overtime compensation, the panel revises the then-existing provisions only slightly. The association had asked that policeinen be free to choose either money o.r time at the rate of one-and-one-half times the hours worked overtime. The contract previously read that employees could so choose for up to SO hours overtime and 36 hours off-dury court appearances but that more hours than that had to be paid in cash. The panei merely changes "50" to read "7�" and "36" to read "40. " The association requested that the ciry pay hospitalization insur_ance for the dependents of retirees. The panel denies the request, noting that the ciry does make a group health plan avai!able to the dependents as we11 as paying ful.l hospir.alization for the retirees thems�lves. • In addition, the ciry claims tl:at this is not a manciatory subject of bargaining, citing Allied Chemical (40 Law �Veek 4042), a Decemb�r 1971 U.S. Supreine Court case. The panel finds this "per�t:asive. " � � The association asked that employees be paid f.or all accumulated sick leave upon re- tirement or, at their option, be permi*.ted to apply sick leave to their retirement date. Under rhe old contract, employees could be paid for half their sick leave up to a max��num of: 60 days ,_,.� accumulated ii. e. paid Ior a maYimum of 30 days). The pauei g-rants that tl�is s�ipulation � shall remain, and that in ad�lition emplo}�ees may be paid for sick leave over 60 days at the r;,;� rate of one-quarter pay. ) � Copyright C� 1973 by THE BUREAU OF NATIONAL AFFAlRS, INC., W�.SNIt�IG7QN, D.C. 20037 - 4�;':-'l3 (GERR) SSA�� ��vD L�C��� � (No. 497) B � 15 T�e panel c�e�lics r}ie rcquest tllat accumulated sick leave be applied toward tlie retire- ment da.te with tl�e cor�iment, "This p�i�el should steer cicar of legal entanglements where �` ' possible, " �..._ The association requestec� r.hat all e�»ployees be g-iven physical examinations anmaally at the city's expense. The panel, noting that certain supervisory employees are covered for this type of cl.eckup under an insu-raiice prog.ram, finds that the city llasn't the funds to pay f�r the physicais and that the associa:.?o;i's ar�,nxment lacks "convincing proof. " The "single nzost controversial and emotional issue" lo arise in the arbitration is that of residency, the panel notes. (Detroit has had a require�lent for 35 years that police ' officers resid� in the city ; last year the associa±ion sought to have the requirement remaved but a �i%lichigan circuit court held that residency is not a 3nandatory subject oi La-rgdiniiig [G�RR 478, B-1]. ) The association in the instant arUitration again sought to have the regula- tion lifted, hut the panel poirrts out that the above-noted deci_sion has been appealed to the Michi.gan Supremc Court by the association. The panel thus declines to rule on the issue, noting that "where possible this panel should restrict itself to issues clearly within its purvietv. „ Finally the panel rules on the expiration date of the agreement, and chooses to divide the econornic and noneconomi_c issues for t11is purpose. Though the association asked for an expiratian date of December 31, 1973, the panel decides that the nonecor,omic issues shall be effective for three years froin t11e date of approval by the Detroit Common Council, and that the ecenomic part of the contract shall be effective July 1, 1972, through June 30, 1974. It adds that all retroacti�Te pay increases shall be paid witliin four inonths from the date the agreement is signed. The anel notes that "the above award reflects the decision of the chairman and the association's dele te to the arbitration anel. " Ci member H man, in act, �vas rot in- ;, \, vited �o t e ina session �a�1en a eement �vas reac e y t e ot er two mem ers ecause he ' _. .: had ma e zt c ear t at e cou no �e issua e ro __. __ -- -- dissent to the opinion, basing his reasoning large y on t e city s ina i ity to pay �or. t e a�reement. According to F-�yman, the cost of the award will-be $4, 640,000 for 1972 and $11,010,000 in I973. The increased pension costs will add �8,660,000 to these anlounts benx��en 1974 and 1976, Hyman calculates, for a to�al of $24, 310,000. If the arbitration panel presently working on the firefighters' contract upholds pariry as previous panels have (GERR 491, �3-9) the cost to the citv will be an additional $2, 100, 000 for 1972-73; $S,000, 000 for 1973-74; and $4,000,000 for pension costs for 1974-76 for a grand total to the city ef over �35 million, Hyman points out. Detroit has an operating deficit of$8. 5 million for 1972-73 and of $30 million for 19?3-74. Moreover, Hyman postulates, the contract will affect future settlements with other units that bargain with the ciry. Hyman agrees wi.th the panel majoriry tl�at the policeman's function is "not oniy trying and difficult, but extremely hazardous as well. " He notes, however, that under the ttrms of ' th� panel's az��ard, those in the "comparatively easier an.d safer" desk joY�s will be qaid at higher rates than those on the streets. His position is that the city's offer must reflect its limited resources, and he adds that kvhile the ciry is grateful to the police force and proud of ' its recent decrease in crime, many other services and functions of the municipal government need improvement. Hymaii predicts that the contract will result in layoffs, reduced services, and deferred ciry pro�ams. I-�e calls the panel's suggestions that the city tap otlier sa�:?-ces of revenue j (sucii as the state lotterv) "a burst of unwa�:ranted optimi5m" and adds tilat, since thc a�-ee- � ment is retroactive, its costs will be fel.t at once, before any o�her revenue sour_ces can be exploited. Coppright OO 1973 by TH[ EiUREAU OF NATIt7NAL AFFkIRS, IhiC., WASHINGTON, D.C. 200�7 B --' iG `- (I�'o. 497) �TATE AP�[� L�CAL (GERR) 4-2-73 Hyn�an iists �everai .re�sons wl�y the awar� is not justified, in his estimation. First, he �ays it is incotasistent «�ith poiice pay� in other cities. Second, he feels it is not supported by "r�ompetent, material and s�_�bstantial evidence on tt�e whole recorcl" -- and is therefore � revi��vahl� by a circuit court. � _;,�' He then points to salary advarices in the past few years resulting from arbitration avrards: On June 30, 1970, the annual salary paid an officer after four years of employment ��as $10, 800. T1iis rose 11 percent to $l 2, 000 on July 1, 1970; 6 percent to $12, 750 on July l., 1971.; a.nd will rise to $13, 040 effective July 1, 1972; to $13, 910 July ], 1.973; and to $15, 000 on ' Mar_ch 1, 1974. According to Hyman, this amounts to a 38.9 percent increase in salary alane, nct inc.luding pension and other benefits. , Fou�-th, Hyman says there is no justifica�ion for tlie award on the basis that tiigher pay �vill deter an officer from corruption and graft -- and, he states, to reason this way implies that the integrity of the police depends upon their pay checks, which is not supported by evidence and is insulting to the officers. r'ifth, the award eaceeds the voluntary wage increase guidelines under Phase III, he says. Hyman closes his discussion of the a`�,�ard t��ith the comment that Act 312 w ill be changed effective "ne�t year" (the Act expires June 30, 1975). He comments that "the proponents of this chan�e claim that it will result in decisions t�vhich are far more reflective of the needs and desires of the general public. One can only hope that they are correct. " (City of �etroit Police Department and Detroit Police Officers Association, State of Michigan Ar.bitration Proceedings Pursuant to Act 312, February 2, 1973. ) - 0 - MUNICIPAL NEGOTIATORS EXCHANGE VIEWS °.,.T�� ON PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT LABOR RELATIUNS � °:�..::� The National Public Employer L,abor Relations Assocation (NPELRA), consisting of over 100 personnel administrators and labor relations directors who negotiate across the table fro�n emplo;�ee organizations representing city employees, convened in Atla.nta, Ga. , March 28-31 to exchange views on mutual bargaining probl�s and to trade ideas which have fostered stable labor relations. � The free-wheeling discussion among some 60 city negotiators, took place roundtable fashian around tabl.es forming a large square, and topics of interest ranged from individual -reports of significant developments and prospects for the coming year, to the strike as opposed to various forms of enforced settlement, productivity and management improvement, the impact of the removal of wage controls, and the Administration's push toward decentralization. The need for an organization or association of municipal negotiators first began to be recognized in 1971, when about t��o dozen ci�y negotiators met informally in New OrJeans with Sam Zagoria, director of the Labor-Management Relations Service of the \ational League of , Cities, U. S. Conference of Mayors, and \ational Association of Counties. Fur*her interest evolved at the November 1971 Conference on State and Local Governm�nt , LaUor Relations conducted by the U. S. I.abor Department's recently-established Division of Public Employment L.abor Relations (GERR 429, B-12), and in April 1972 under the auspices of LMRS, the municipal negotiators met in San Diego, Calif. , officially formed NPELRA, and elected �'��ashington, D. C. , personnel director ponald �'Veinberg its first preside.�t. _�.� .* In Atlanta, labor relations director for Pasadena, Calif. , Frank LeSueur., took over ,;� as this year's president, �i�ith Allan Davis and Willianl Holcomb serving as i�'PELRA vice "`�"' presidents. 1fie former is directar of labor relations for Detroit, Nlich. , and the latter directs persannel administration in F3uf.falo, N. Y. LMRS assistant director Ro�;er Dahl tvas reelected secretary--treasurer of tt�e �-roup. Copyright �O 1573 by THE BUREAU OF NATIL'N�::_ t`.€='r""AIkS, INC., WASHINGTON, D.:. 20037 � �� ��� �� � � ' • � ��f'� 4� Y �L •�' � � � � ~ �� / MEMORI��.��uP�i O�' AG���;ME�:� :��T�VEEN CITY O�' �T. P.�"JI, ,AND ST. �r�UL �C�LICE I'�DERr��1'ION �fi�s .7�:�£t�EMENT is entered into on •t�e , of , 1973 bet�re�n the Cit� of Saint Paul, her�inafter rQ�errec� to as the Ei�I���'1Y��, an�3 the St. Pau1. P,ola.ce ��degatio�, herei►�a��;�r � i ��f�r�e� ��i as tY�� ��i�L�cATI�N. ��� L�iPLCYE�L �n3 the I'�DiI'.��TI�2: con��ar t�iat thi� AGR.E�MI£NT ha� a� its b��ic ob jective th� r � a. 9 A, .[.' 7 /� ' A. f,: G� T�. 7 .7 �:x:cSl�lO'c:JLV'ti lJt: tfi� TLIiLlLLt+L'11 lYl"�:�Y:�S�.� C3i �.,i8 �.l��i i3i .�t, rs�Li.,. �:aiau i�� e�nplo���s �o �rov:ie3� tisp hi�3hes� 1.r��;�1 Af s�xE'ic�s by ���h�ds c,����ch �all :��st se�r�r� tr�� n�e�s of �?2� ��en�ra� n�ic��ir.. ARA�C��'�: T PiJR�.AOsE 's`nQ r�i��t'iaCi�.'�� r��.°�'.I3 Tri�, r�i;;a�Ft�T7C0i�T �e3��e? vh�t t1^.�: �7a�'pt�s� Uf �:��1`���.;�� :in�c� �;�i5 r�.Ciic�r;C..c�i�Iv�a� i�3 �ti; �..1 .���:�iev� ard�r�.y a��3 ��ac��t�l ��.6.L�v.�lUI1J� �h�r�b� �.:�trx'�I.a.;��:;.�*f_,= a �y.�t� n� �vi_?_iat���t��t�� ��?��atiox�� �:�r"� �'.e 2�1.:;a���:;-c �.�6r�,?i c�� ���wr.:���s�:�.�^.ea tra�t is con��.:�ten� c,����-: �hh •�°�],1-�b�?.n� �;�-�:3.�. ccnc�rn��1> 1.2 .�?.���:���.a.;:.t� �yy�� �A.��.J >�xx�l cr�sn;alc�t� �r�e���:��r.��ridiras� t�� �h� part�.��, co�.�•�rr�ir� ��c� t��.<t:�� ���:-� c:f3T3f.�1t1023a . � , ' � • t .� � - cf this AGREFM�N'1'. -- -. 1. 3 Establish �roc�dures to orderl�• and geac�fully resolv� disputes a� to the an�lication or in���rpretation of. this AGREE.t�E�TT. I.4 Plac� in written torm the paXties' agxeement upo�n terms a�d c�nditions c+f employ�ment for th� �l�zr��ior of this AGR�EMENT. ARTTCLE II DEr^INITT.ON5 ?. 1 F�E�ER.AT�OP�; St. Pau]. �o�ice Federation. , / 2. 2 EMPLCYER: T�� Citv of S�_ P�ul 2. 3 FEi�EP.A^£ION MEASBER: a inember af the St. Pau1 PoZice I�'ederation. 2.�• �IPLO'Y��': A ?nember of �he FEDFR.ATION' S exclusivLZy recr�gniz�d bargaini•rag unit. ��`TI��E TI� �COGI�T.LTTUN � . 1 '�'he £tI�.P.��Y:;R re^ognizes the FEUERAT2UI� �s the �::c�*_,.siv� r�;�re�era�a�ive �or �k.e �L;rpose Qf :a�����n� ar��. n��3oLiating ���e term� �za�d c�ar�cli�i��.� o� �m�a�.o�iFpn�� :f-:c.'r_ a3.1 fu].1-��ime po?ice d�partm�:nt �erso�ne3.; �xcliading; su��rvisc�ry �mpl.oye�s, ;nria.:id�nt�.�l empZc�gJees v pa.rt-tir�.� employees, �.�r�t- porary t�� saa�ona:l. �e��Unn��, ar�cl al� o�.'�e� ein��oyee� 2 - : , � - , exclusa.veiy r�������L�d �y ot��� �ry�nizations. 3.2 Job class�s which ar� witlain t�e b�rgaining unit and r.overed by this AGREENiENT �re as �ollQws: �olice Train�e S�rgean't Patrolman Lieutenan� Policevaoman Police Li�ut�nant Detective Cap�ain Po1_ic� Serc,►eant *Cri.minalist �o].icewoman �ergear�t � �Radior�zan � �There is a gotentiai disp�ute on t�ese cla�ses in terms of bargaining unit. 3.3 rr� tzie �ven� �',�e Ei�iPL�`IER and i:he �'EDER�TIOP� �re txrxak�l.e t� agr�e as to the inclusion or exc•lzxsi�r� af a new or modi.fi�c9. job p�sition, �]Z� issue s'�:a11 b� �ubmitted to th� Bur�au of l�lec�iatio� 5��v�ices for determinat:ien. ?'.P,T�CI,�' I�l S��U��`X 4. 1 �'r,e EP�??L�XER shall �.�:du��. fro� t�h� <<Jages of. employe�s w�o atA�.hori�:� such a deductien �n �,axiting an a��o��nJc �zec����ry to co�,�.r m�nthly �'�`I)�`,FcATTnN due�. Such :nc�nies shaYl be remif:�:e�� as direc���c.�. "�� ��:� Fs:�E:�A�'ION. 3 r .' . �. 2 Th� FEDEktA�SO�T a:�ay d.e.sa.gr.at� e.r�p'oy��� from -- - tY�� bargaini�ng rxnit to ac�. as stewa_rds and shall inform t'hc: EMPLOYER in wr?tinc� of such choice. 4.3 The EMPLOYER sh�ll make space avai:Lable on ��he employ�e bull�tin board for posti,�g �'EDERATIAN notice (s) and announcement(s) . Such notics (s) and announc�ment(s) shall be submitted for �he approval of anct pas.t�d by the dep�r±ment head � i or authorizcd Yepre�en�a�i_ve i�, chargc of the F3G1�.1'��/ or caoxk area where the notice (s) or announcemnt(s j are to be pc�sred. 4.4 '1'�x� FEDEI�.�TION agre�s to indeinnify arad hold th� �!PLOY�� r,armless against any and a11 alai�s, sa�.ts,orders, or juc�gments broug�t or i.ssu�d �,�ai:��t Lhe city as a res�t,�.� or an� a��.ian ta;��n or not �a;��n by t►�e city una�r =c�� p�c�visior_a a� �his ar�ic�e. AR'1'I{..'Iw V El�I�LQYER �TJr!'HORITY �he FED�"RA'.L'ION r�c�yc�izes the prQarc�g�tives of the �NiPLC�Y�R to operat� a�c3 n�.n�ge i�s af�airs in a�.l re:�p�cts in acc�rdanc� ��ith �i��%sic:�blo la�r:� anc? �:e��-�il�.�ior_� s�� ��P�'opriate , ��x�thori-ti��. �;�� �rezoqa�c:ives an�1 �.��•ti��rzty w?�iich� t:ze � �MPL�YER has not o�ficial.?y abridged, delegated or modified b� thi� AGRE�IE�TT are retained by t'he ENIPLOYER. p,R�.�ICl,E 'o7I IIKPLOYEE AND FED�:RATIOAT RIGHTS - GRIEVANCE PROC�DU�2E 6. 1 DEFII�TITION 0�' GRZEVAI�CE � grievance is defined as a di�pute or disac�reement as to the interpretation or application nf the sgecific terms and r.onditions of the AGREE�'iENT. I� is specifically understood �hat any matters c�averned by civil service r�ules or statutory pro- visions shall not be consid�red grievances and subj�ct to -the grievance pr�cedure 'her.eiri�f�er set forth. No disci�linary action which may k�� appe�led to a civil service or m�rit system aut�.ority ��ill be conside�ed a grievance .and su�ject to th� c��:i�vanc� procedura Yierein. fi. 2 FED�RA`�'YO�I Rk��RE5ENTr'�TI i7�5 �'Ize E;�iPLO�R ��ill �ecogz�ize �.EPRESENTA'S`I�IES designa�:�r1 l.�y �he r��UE1�T�ON as the grie�•a�zc� xe�resenta�i�es of th� ��r.gaining uni�i: having the d��z�ie:: an� .resporisibi.li+�ies es-�alalish�d by �his ��,��icl�. i''he FEDE:t�,.�TZON vha.i.l nc�tify th� �i�iPLa��R 5 . � �- ` . ; in writing o£ the na�es of suc;� �EnL��'I�I� RE�RESENiATIVES and of their succvssors when. so designate3. - • , . 6.3 PROCESSING OE uRZELIANCE It is recognized aiad accep�ed by the FEI3ER,ATION and the �+IPLOYER that the �rocessing of grievanc�s as hereinafter provided is limited by the job clut�ies and responsibilities of the EMPLOYEES and �hall ther�fore be accompl�ished dur�'.ng normal ca'orking ]�aours only when consistent with suCh E1�`iPLOY�'E duties and s-Qs�onsib�lities�. Z'he agg?'ieved FMPLOX�'E and the b'`�;n�2�TIOr7 REgRr:Sr^..NTAT�i7L �hal� be allo��ed a r��sonab?e �.mc��ant of t;ime wxthout loss in pay w�hsn a c�ri�var.ce is inves�igated and gresented to �he �MPL�YE R c3�aring normal w�rkin� hours provided the E�I�LOYEE and the F�DERATIG`N F.�FRESENTA�'�VE have not�fied and rec�ived th� ap�x�oval. of �he design�ted sup�rvis�r ��ho �as dete�nined that �uch a�as°nce i� .reascnable anc� 4r�uld n�,� k� d�vr:�.zc���t«I °�c� th� wor� p�ogr�-n� �f 'the �iPLOYER. 6.4 PROCE�Ua2E Grievan.ces, as defined ly �ection �. 1, shaZl be ��sol�Y�� i:� cvn£cr��ncs ;�i�c:n t'he �oll.�wiY.g ��ocec3ure: b � � . _-. . � St�p 1. �-,r.d E�.tii:.�i,GIEF �:laima�ng a violation cot2caxning ::r�e in-cLr��e�ar=6-on c�� a�p��ica- ` . _ i�ion of �he C0�3TR�CT s,.a11 within � twenty-one (21) ca3.��dar da�s after such � , . alleged violation has occurr�d present _ . . su..1n grievancP �o tY�Q E.�?P�..OYEL' S suparvisor __ �s d�signated by t�� Ei�iPLO�R. 'I'�e E�iiPLOYER-designated r�przsa:�t�.tive �ail.Z ` . c3iscuss and git�e a;z ans��rer to such S�ep 1 grievance c�i:�'nin� t�n (1U)� calen�ar �ays after rec�ip�. A g�iev�.r�ce not reso�ved in St�� 1 aa��. ��yaaa�_�c� •�o S���p 2 s?�ai.� ��e plac�d iri writi�� �v��i�,g fc�ytix �i�e �a�a�rv O i 417° g'?-'3.8V�T3C°' �i1E �c�.CtS UY"1 �7:11Cyft Zt 1S �asad, the provision or pxovisions of �:he ' Ca�1��t.��T �l]_er��dly viola�ed, t�is ���Edy reques��d. �nd sk�all be appaaled to Ste� 2 �vz�hin t�n (10) ca�.endar d�ys aft�r ��xe Eitii�LO'�R-d�signa�ted re��res�ntativ�' s xinal ctT1Sv�7°:t 1'l1 .�i�2� i. �:':°17 C.j?°'3 2t7�-'-•T1Ct-�'. ll..c,?"�: ��%?�y�c�,�t�t?C� in :�?�iting t0 St�?� 2 b1� th� F.L.U��'�TIQiV 'v�ithin 7 . � , � t / � . . �. t�n (1Q) calendar da�s s��It bE� cr�ns�dered -- . � �alV��.ls � c P ; �t_e�2. �f appeaLed, the written grievance , shall be presented by the FEi�ERATION to, and discussed with the EMPLOYER-design�ted Step 2 representative. The EMPLOYER-designated representative sha�l give th� FEAERATION the F.NIPLOYER' s Step 2 answer in writing within ten (10) c�lendar da�s after receipt of such Step 2 i grie�an�e. A r�rievanc� not resolved in Si.e�a 2 may be appeal�d ta Step 3 within ten {10) c�iencia� �.�.ys �o��a�tix,g �?:° EMPL�J�R-�sG;gn�,t�d �epres�ntative ' s final Step 2 answer. A►-�y grievance �iot agpealed in writing to Step 3 ?�ay the FEDERATIQN withi.n ten (10) calendar days shall k�e eonaidered �n�aiv�d. Step 3 . I:� a�peal�d, th� �.�*r:�t::�:� ��?�van�:e sha11 �e presen�:�c� x:,y t'�.e F'E�E?t��'I�N to, a�d disctis�ed ��.i�:h t�e �i.3?�,��ERedesignated Step 3 tepr��entati�re. �'Yi� ��IP710YER-designa�ed repr�-- ser��t?�iur shall giv� +c�h� FET3ERA�IOIV the �MPI,i�YER' S �n��rer :i:� wri�.:�nc� �°i.�.1i.:� ter: (�.()} c�:�.�ndaz aays 3 � , afte� rec�ipt o� such 5tep 3 g�ievance. A g�i�vanc� �ot resolved in Step 3 may be �ppealed by the FED�FtA�IOL� to Step 4 within ten (10) calendar da s following tche EMPLOYER-d�s�gnated rep�esentative' s Y final answar in Step 3. �ny grievance not appealed in sariting to Step � b;y t�he F�DE�tATION within ten (10) cal.endar �lays shall be considered waived. g_t� �, .� qrievance unr�solved in Step 3 and appealed to �tep 4 shall be� submitted �:o ar�itration subject to the provisions c�f the �ublic Empl�yment Labor Relations Act of 197J.. The s�lection o� an arbi�trator �ha11 be made in accordance with the " Rules G�verning the Arb:i.:ratio�z of �ri�vances" as establish�d b� th� Puz�i�ic� F:npl�y�nient Relatiors �flard. 6,� �'�RBITR.ATOR' :� AU�IaRI7�Y �, �r��� ar3�it�a�or s?za11. have no right to �.mPnd, �nodify, nix�.lify, i5nore, add to, o�' sulatract fram ich� �ei�� an:' cc:�dit�Mn� �f ±��?P ��REFt�E]�T'I'.. �''he arbitia�or s�a1.I. cor��ide.r and decide only t�he specitie issu� (:) subFni���d in writing b� the � ENt�'I�O`IER �.nd th� FED�RATIC�N, an3 �hall have no �� � au�hority to make a decision on any o�her assue not so submitted. B. Z'he arbitrator shall �e without powEx to mak� decisions cr�ntrary to �r inconsistent with or modifying or varying in any way the application of laws, ruZes, or regulations having tn� force and effect of la�w. 3'he a.�bitrator' s der_i�ion shall be submitted, in writing wit�in thi�ty (30) � i days ��llowir�g �l�e close of th� hEaring o� the submis�ion of briefs by the pa�ties, w3�ichever :'L:� id'�CY:� I:$11.�8: t�.'f12 �uY'vi^.0 ay:�8 t0 ?..:: �:`�t'c.'-:`�5].U.^_. �tze de�ision ��all be bayed so��ly on �he arbi- trate,x' s interpret3tion or �ppl.ica�ion of tl-�� express terms of thzs AGR�E�+iENT and t� the facts c�f �l�e �ra.evanee prQ��nt�:d. Co �'he ie�s aria ��p�;z�es �ar t:�72 arbi�r�tor' � se�vices ancl proceedin�s s�all be borne �rual.ly b� tYie EMPLt�YEtt and t�'t� FEliER2`y�'ION, �z^avi��ci that �ac� p�.rty �hall `be ��u�c���a.b�_� for compPn�ating i�s o°�'n r�rax�sen�a�:i�res and wi.�.resses. If �ithe�c xaar�y desi.��� a ��r�aa�i�zz reca.r� of tYa� proc:e�d�.nq�, IO , •� � �.t may r.a�asP sixch a record �o be mac��, providing . it pays for tk��: record. If bo�i:az parties desire a verbatim zeco��, of the proceedings, the cost slcaall be shared ec�xaZlX. ' � 5.6 VIAI VE R . If 3 CJ�3.GV2�IlC@ �.s no� p�esented ;�rithin the tirr.e limits set fQrth �bcave, i�t shall be ca�nsiderEei "waived" . If a grievance is not appeale�i tc� �he n�xt �tep �,aith�n the specified time limit or �ny. . � �.gx�ed ext�nsion thereof, it 5ha11 'be consicler�d s�ttled e� the basis of the EMPLOYER' S last answe�. I f th� k'�4PL�YER doss not answ�r a _qrievanc� or �n �.ppea�. thereof within �.he 5p�:ci- fi�cl time �.i.mit�, th� FEDEP.ATION may el�c� �o �r�at �iYe g�ie��nce a� denied ag ti�at step and i.mmediat�ly ar�peal th� c�ri�:vance �o the r��xt sta�. The ti�e limi+� in e�rh step znay bv extendeu by mutuzl wxi�ten agre�*ne�a�. of tl�e EMPLaYER and tl:� rFDE�.�.��OA� in Qach step. F.7 RECORDS i�11 docuznent�, cAm;:�ui2ic�tic�n� and re:^.oY'ds dealirig aa�.th a r�ri�vazxc� sha�1 �e filec� sepa��.�t�1y �ror� y .� , r .�.z„ • ,J7 Y�� �t�or,r1?'F�' ,S `(�CSE'. �3L,I:�°.J1�i.�1 .i�.R_v5 �=++. i..aa� i:x`v .��' ...+��+ �•.., ( �. • .�.S. ARTICLE VII SAVIrIGS ��AUSE This �GREEMENT is subjec� to th� la�s �f the United SL-ates, the �t��� of Minneso�a and the City ,of St. Paul. � Sn the event any pravision o� thxs �VRE�IE�T shall be held to be con�xary �o law by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose final �udgment ar decree nfl appaal has bEen taken with�n the time p�ovided, such provisions shall be Yyoided. �11 ��ther provis��ns shall continue in tull forc� a�d �f�ect. The v�ide� provision may be renego�iated at the written re�uest of either party. ?�RTICYa:� �IYI OVE!2TIME �. l EMPLOY��.�S under grade thirty-foux (34) wi11 be com�ensated at the rate of o�ze aizcl one-half (Z'-`z) time.� tb.� �t�7PLOYEE' S normal hourly r�te in �it;��r c�mp�nsator�q tir¢ze o� in cash, suk�ject �o V�i� Z��ii�:a�.ior.� �f 8. 2 for hours whick� exceed daily plannea sch�c�.uliz�g �b�r the EidIpLQ�FR- �, 2 �NI�LOY�ES may accumu7.at�: �p �o a r^ax.imurn of ars� Y:undr.ed �?UUj Y�ours �� �nm.�,�r�5a��iy +'.i��. P,R'�I�L� I� COURr.t' TIi�IE 9. �. ;�I+�I�Lt',�:'t E:� �ar.d�r g�ad� thirLy--f�a:ar (3�) r�qui:ced #:c� a�pea� in eou�t durid.� schedu�e� off c�u�y � ^ :.�. � �• , . . tim� �vi11 �ae compen�at�ed �t �he rate +�� one and c�ne-half (12) times tihe EMPLOXEE ' S normal hourly rate for hours v�rorked with a minimum of four (4) , hours at ithe �1�i�QYEE � S normal hourly rate. 9. 2 The mirifmum ot four (4) hours �hal� not apnly when sach court time �s an extension of or early report to a sch�duled shift. t�RTTCLE X CtiLL BACK 10. 1 EMPLCYE�S, un3er gra�.� thi ty--four (�4) calisd to c�ork during sc�iedu�ed off duty tirne will be eara- pensated at the rate oF Qne and one�half. (1�) time� �:h� E�PL�YE� ' � noz�*_iai n��rly rat� ��r 'c�oua� w�rkeci wi.th a auir.imant vf four (4) hours at �h� �NiPI�OYEE' 5 r�ormal hourly rate. 10. 2 �'h� mii�imun� of four (�) hou�s shall. r.ot ag�pl� when s�ach �all to v+ork is an exten�ifln o£ or early report �to a schedul�c� ��i�t. 1�RTZCLE �.S ST.�iI�TD•�-L3Y T?�NiE 11. 1 �iPT��'�E5 �ar►der c�rad� thi�ty-�our (34) req�.xix'ed �� stand-by fo.r cou�t appearance� d�i�ing scl�eduled off duty �ir:�� �ri11 be �c�mp�iis�t�d fc:c a minimuan o� �w� (�?} i°four� ��.��� odi t,he �iPLOY�'E' S normal hoar�y z�;�e for ��;�:h s�ich c7ay he i� required 'to �.3 , " . � . . � � �s�ar�ci-�y but is no4 c�1Z�d to cou�t. 11. 2 'Irhe two-hou� mininra.m campensation for stand--by . sh�Il not a�ply if natification is c�iven �hat the s�and-by is c:ancelled prior to �:00 �.m. of the greceda_ng day. ARTICLE XII U�IFG`�c""�I ALLQWAI�CE The 1972-bas;� of one hundred eighty($18A. 00) dollars as a �clothing allowanc� an a �roucher system will b� increased on J�.n�zaz•y .l, 197� atic� each year �therea�ter on the basis Uf a �early . s�.udy a� t�� ine�ea�ed cost of ths defined uniform. 7he 1972 bas� �ost of the un,if�arms �re d�:firae�. in 1�ppendix A. �3R`Z'ICi�r'^ liIIY ?S?.��,�TAFtY �RVE OF AF�SEI�T�+ 1� . I P.i�,Y `iLLO��TANCE — .A.ny emp3.oy��� wkit� shall be a member o£ tl�e Na�tic�nal G�ax�d, t:he NavaZ Mi�:itia or ar�y othex cnmponent of the militia o� the state, nc�w or her�after organized or cvnstitute� �.nd�� s�ate o�r f�c�eral l.a�, s,r �►r��o shall be a me�bea: of tY�.� Ofricer' s Reaerve Corps, the �n��5t�d Fes�rve Corpa, tYie �Ta�al Re��rve, ��e �2arine Cor�ps ��:�erv� or a:�y �trser r�serve cor�i��n�nt c�f t7�� �i3.itiax.y or �za�:��. foxc.� �f l�t , � . ' ; �• the United Sta�es, r�ow or ize�eatr�e� oryanized or cons�ituted under fe3eral l�w, shall be entitled �o leave of absence f�om e�n.ploymen� , , witl�out 1os� of pay, seniority status, efficiency ra�ing, vacation, sick leave or other ber�efits for a11 the time when such ENiPLOYEE is engaged with such or•ganization or componen�. in �raining or active service o�derea or aathoriz�d by proper authority pursuant �o luw, whether for state or f�deral purposes, provided that such leave shall no� exceer3 a �atal o� fifteen (15) day� i.n any calendar y�ar and, iurther provided that such leave shall be 311owed only i� case the required military or naval sEr�ic� is �atisfactorily perfc��m�d, wrhich sh�ll be presumed unless the c�ntr�ry i� establ�+sh�dv St�ch leave shall not be allo�sr�d �ar.l�ss 1��� Fa'�°I�LUY�E (I) re�CUrns ^co �his uosi�ion im:�n�a�.i.ately upon k;,�ir,g �elievec� from� �uch �ilitary �or nava�. service and no� later t7ian ��,e �xpiratiun o�. ���e� time �erein �.izni��c� I�5 . , � ' " ; . • - - far su�h Ieave, or (2) is pre�zex�ted £rom so � � returning by physical or menta? disabili�ty or other cause not due to �uch EMPLOYEE' S �� fault, or (3) is required by propPr authority to continue in such military or naval s�rvice beyond the �ime harein limited for �uch l�ave. 13 , 2 LEAVE WITHOUT PAY Any EMPLOYEE who engages in active �eYVice in time of �+aar or other emerg�cy declared k�y proper authority ofc any of the military or n�val farces of the state or of the United States for which leave is not otherwis� al?owed i�y �a�r �i1a13. ue �nti�lec� ta l�a�re of 3bsence from� eznglaymznt wi���ut pay during �uch :ervic� witY� rig�t of r�ins��ateme�t �nd subject �o ,such con�liti�ns as a�e impnsed by la��, 1,3, 3 Such leav�s of absenc� as are g��ant�d �zr�det� Art�cl� 13 shall con�o�-m t�o I�tinne3ota Statut�s , ��ction 192 as amen�ed from �inie tc �ime an� s'hall. confe,r no ac�ciiti�nal ben�fit� ct:�.e� tl°��n t1�o�e g�anted by �aid s�atute. 16 / 1.• ' . .. r 9_ ._` ' . . A?�TICL•E �{IV LEG.'1A, S�.'��tYCES -- - Except in cases o� malfeusanc� in o£fice or willful or wanton n�glect of dut�, EMPI�OYER shall de�enc�, save harmle�s and indemnify EMPLOYEE against any tort claim or demand, �ahether gro�andle�s or otherwise, arising Uut of an .alleged act or omi�sion occurring in the performance and scoge of �PLOYEE' S duties. r'�RTICLE XV VIORKING OUT OF CL�SSIPICATION ED�P�OYER sYiall avoic�, whenever possible, �orkinc�. �n IIyiFLOYEE � an �n out-of-c�as� assignm�nt for a p�olonged peri�d of tir.te. p,ny F��i�I,OX�E wprkir�g an out-of-cla^s assignm�nt for a period a_n eY•�e.,� t�f �� fteen .t� workin cia � uarin a;x�° fi�c�1 �°�r ,. �. , {_ _J � Y T 5 � qf �►�ik':,OYFR �h�lZ receivp the rate nf p�y for t:ze out-of�-c3ass as�i�:ur�ant in a highQr classification not latex thar� the sixteenth c�ay o� such a_sign.,�Pnfi:. F�r p�.asgoses of thia artic�.�, �.^.. ou�- o.E-class as�ignnent i� definc�d as the fu�.l.-ti�e perf�rm�:�c� o:E al.l. o� the signi�icant j�b c1.a�siii��a�ic�n �3utizs a;�d responsibiJ_iti�.s o� 3n availabl� funded �c�siti.oa� �.n va�e cla�s�.fi- cata.c�n b� an ir�ni.vidual ia� a ,�asition ir� ano�he� c1�.ssi�icati�n. ARTIC�E XVI �NS'J�TCL I6. 1 3'Y'�� I���LO1TL;�. w�l�. c�ntin�.c ror t�ae p�:��.Qd r►f � tri� F�GRE�:PI��1T �:r� ��c�'�i�� �or F�i�'T�OY.�E� such ��:�?_th anr7. 1�f� i3��ur.an�t� ��:��fits as ar� �.'7 s ,`" e " _ � . . ,4 G- " provi��� b�� E�RnLOYE�t at the txme of E:xe�?it.ion of this AGR�EI�II�NT, 16, 2 '.i'he EP�SPLOYEP. will �or �'ne �eri�d of this AGREEMENT provici� far EMPLOYEES who retir� ai�er tkic tim� of execution of �his AGRE�.�IENT and •antil s�zch �NiPLO��.:� r�ac� sixty-five {65) years of age �ucYs i�ealth i;nsur�.nce b�nefits a� az•e providec� by �'kie EP2PLOYER for such �'��iFL�YEES at the time of executi�� of tlzis � AGRF.E,4S�NT. �',RT7CLE YV2I� Sr'1F'�Z`Y �iPLOY'�R and �'���LOYE� sha�l r_04�G�3te in tnP �nx":orc�m�:�t c�� ail apr�li�;abl� r�gulat:i.o�; fo.� the Qr�La�c�:men� cf job �afc���, I � �rs �p�Pra�Et�,� :�'QPI� �:zat his =.�rc�rk �:��ti�� or xesponsiAilities x��qui:�e �uL�-i �IYiA?:1C1�`�:� t� kye in �: witua�:ian t'r.a-� violate�s fed�ral 9� �f:�t� saf�tv �tar.:larcis, `Y�� �att�� �Y�.a�.1 be i.^imedi�t�iy cc�x:siu��:��� ��r ,ic� F,�IPZ.3�R. T_f �uc� it�at��x �s nia�� stxtisfact�ar.3.ly �aci��as��d, ��' rnay bec�;rle th� �ub�act �f a griev�nc� and �vill �;e proce�sed in .�vcor�ianc�. with tne yrie�ance pxoc�d:ar� set i:.�r��z h�rein. c�FcTIGI� Z�'JIII S�?�;�I�I� 1�:i�T�4td1�?t;;�S i.F� , 1 Yn ac?ui.tir�r.� �o �t�Gr co?�pensati�n paya�It� , Patro�.men anc' 4�r�eants assiqY��c� �� z���ta�rc�c.�€: :�uty .�ay be gr:.n��d a� aZ:�.ov�anc� 1f3 � � A • ' � �r. e� '• siot to exceed Nitie ar,�. 2ei'1Q� {$`�. 20) Doll�.rs bi--v�ree�cty as paymen� fox ac3dz�ionZ�. unifar:ns and equipment; provided tha�t such allow- anc.e si�ail only be pay�ble during times that such EMPLOYEE is gerformir�g actual sexvice on motorcycle duty. I8 . 2 In addi-�ioxz �o �ther compensation payable, i:raffic pa�trnlr.len, traf��� sergean�s an�1 trafric lieutenant5 may 3�e granted an a1.�owance not to �xceed Four and 60/i00 {$4.b�) Do�lars bi-�seekly as payme:�t f_or �ke��ing uniforms and equipment in con- dition; provided �thdt such allowance sh�11 only be payable �u�in� t:ixn�s that sueh II�'IPLQ`�EE is p�z-forming actual service as a �raxfir patrolman, tra�fic se�eant or traffic lieutenant. ARTTC�.� XIX ;;r3T�'7.' DIFFE�tEN'I'I�1I, An_y EA�FLOi'EE vrh� workc� on a r�gularly assigned nc^-rG#:atinr� s�.ir� beginning earZier th�n hs 00 �.m. or en�ir.g later �Y�an 6 s�JO p.z;1. , an� nrnvi3�c� t�at o��r f.cu� (4) hours of the sr�if� a�� 'f�et,�a�r;k 6;00 p.m. ar.d 6.Q�J a,m. , sh�ll be �aid a differ�n'tia! or �i�7:��e�� �nc7. �C/10� {$�.�3.4�; nr�1_�.��'s bi-Ta�ekl� for those shifts �ictu���y work�d b1 ttie Et+1�LO�"r�E. c1RTIL"1,F ?� Wx�G:' v("Iii;Di7L,L; The wage sch�ctvle i�,��� �urpo�es of this contract sha.lt be ?���a�nai.x B att�ached h�reto. �g � , �a ' , . , �� - _ A':Z`dICL� �CI DURATTON �1N� EF'EFCTIVE DATE - � 2T. 1 Excep� as herein provide�i this AG2�Fd�ENT ��iall be effectiv� as of the date it is eYecuted by the �art:i�s and 5ha11 continue in full forCe and �ffect until DPceraber 3I, 1973 and therea�t�r until �odified or amended by mutual agre�:nent o� the parties. Either party desiring to amenc� or modify this AGREEMENT shall notify the other in writin� so as to comp�y with the prcvision� of the Public i �ployinent Labor Relations Act o� 1971.. 21. 2 �'he wage scheciule attached hereto as Appendix B �nc� in� terras a�d ��ovi�ior.a �f �.='t;��e �%'_VTTT shall taxe force an;� �ff�ct at 5uch time as is �p�cified in t':ze administxa�ive ordinance rec�gnizinc� and app�o�ving t�zi� A.GREE�i�L��' in accordanc� witlz S�ction 12,�g of 'c��� ���.Y�� P�ul City Cha��exe �� ✓ ,� . 1 1 t 1'�`� . For t�he E�PLOYER For t�►e F�DERATIOI3 � �'iayor � �resi��nt, St. Paul Police F�deration Chief o£ Po?ice �_i�r�c�or, �epa.rtment cf . I�inance and M�nagement � Se�°vices ��rm :��prov��: De�uty Ca.ty Attorney �pprov�� as to forn► and �xecution thi_s aaj o£ _ , 1�73. �epu�:y Cz��� :�tt�rney ��. . . . . _ ,;. � - ; � ,.�.. . .. t�F • � .: - , . . - . S ie� - . . . , . . . , -. . • . :.. ' tti� ` � .' . . _ .. ., . , _ . , . . .. .. _ • . �' _ _ .. .. . . , �,- .{,. . .. . .� � _ , ' . . _ . ' ' ' �� T . '�. . , . . . - � . �.- .. . . _ . . . �. '. . � , . . � � � . . . . .-. . . " . ' r �'.. . . . . . . . . . -'- .- - � �',-: _ � - � .� . '_ . _..: .. . -�.. " ' ... . _.--.,. .. . _ . . ..- � _ ; :.w . _ . . .�. ��, . . � . . . . � .. . ,AFF- . .. . .. � . ' � . � .. . � . � . ... . . .� •. - . . .. _ . . .�-3 • . . • . .�. �� . + . . ' . . . . � _ � . . . .. . . .� Z.. . . . . �. . � . i `' . . � .. . . . . • .. , . �- _ •• . � t . • . . . . . .... ' . � - . .. .. . . _ .. � �t �• �._� . . . . . .. , • • - - {�i[a�l}� Ei .. . I _ - .�y; .. - . � . � . - � ' � . ' . . � . .. . . ' .' . . ..i . � - ` . . .. , ' . . . • .. �- .• : .- . � , . � . - . ' . . � � . ..� � . .. . _ . . .- . � _ . . - . � . . , -, . � Unit Price - - _. � � ::�... � . . Overcnats _.._ «._:.. .. . ..._. . . :..._._. ..._::_:�.-.�. . $125.00 _ . ' �Jackets, tTint�r . _ _. _. . .. .._. ._.. . __.-...�►---.�. ..:.. �,$ 39.95 . _ Jackets, Iate-r�e�te . ._. . _ .� .___.�:::_�:•=-•=. _�..�:$� 35.95 . _ . :ackets: Swzr.zr .,. . . _.. .�._ .___. . _._�.._..�_� : . ..._ �.$ 27.95 . � - ... . . . . — . y - � ..�-' -. . . ' . . �- Parkas _. _. _ _. _ .. __ . ....... ..:... .._-. .�..�-:-.•.':�:_ � $ 49.95- ^ . . 'tai:z �ui.ts �r,otorcycle Off ic�rs) . _ ._ .-�-- -• -. . $ 17.9� . _..�.,__� �.. ' tres�s . _ -• --•_•-_. ... . .. . .. .. . .._.... . :'._ _.._ �-:� `�_$ -8.54 . .�_� . . ._ , � ' Alteruzte �Test _ .. . . . ..__ _..�.. _.__�.�-. _.".`::� $ S.gS . . .- . Trausers, �inter . . . . . . . : . .. . . . .. . . . .._.:_...:_. �-- $ 34.95 � _ -- -' � Trot�ezs, In�er�diate . . .. ._... _..:� ._:..- =••-- •- . � 29.SQ Q . • � � : : . � . . T-rouse�sJ Sti-��►�r _ _ . . . . . . .. . . .... ..:..• -•_. ._ _. $ 25.SQ . � � Pani s- (�adio Division) .. . ___-_."__f_. _�-=--:_._. .- 6.95 . . � ' . � . . - - . . . �. . �y�. ':.. '.,:,. . • , � . ._, _. .. � . � . . : -��ci�-�,���e� �C��m_-��} . . _. _ .. ._._. _.::_��...._._ . 7.�5 _ . , . � , _ • -• . : :.��:!Tt i� _j�T1TItEr �R3��:iro Ofii��r� ...... _:..:,�...".. $ 8.45 : St��i.ts, S�r�r (Coloreu) . :. .__ =-�•• ��: --�_-.. ... $ G.95 - . -: Shirt3�. S .� 2t �Ra n?�i no 0�1CeT} . ��..�.�����:_.. � 7.9S � � � 5his�s, Shor� Sleev� (Radio �i�isian� ..__--••__... $� 6.50 - ' `. - Shirts: Lou� Sleeve (Ba�io Di��ian) _.....��t--=_�. $ 6_75 :� : . ,��r, - �'• �• • �'� � ����� • � �����'��• •i�• •���������1-1���a1���• • ��1�����s►�� �• S . �i� . ��� . . T . .. �'_. . . .. - . . . � . ' � . "' .. . - . 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P.�.. .� _ ' _ . . . �F� y . . . . .� .. �'"' �� . = �..... . . ... � '� .. �►' _ t� _ . .... . .. . .. `. . , . -.. . . . . . ,. � _- . � . _ . j'5..�1 .. . . . r . .. �. . .... _ -�... �.. .. ._.__.. _ ... . . . . �e"��' � . . . _..T- . �,_. . .. . .. ...._.._. � :_ �2_.. .. _. � ' . ..:.. � . ..-....�-.-_" _�. ..._,.� . .. ' t � 4. , : �. � �- . .�.-_ � .:� ", :-, � , ...,r ' v {�`- . . • • • ' _� �.� i s i �. 1 I rJF� . _ • � . . y _ �. ::. -. .. . -.. . . ' . � . �. .�, _ � f. • : , � - ._ r:' � . . _ . .�, �. . . _ , . . _ ' �.q �. �.._r: 'f'.��.► �. . . _ . . . . . . . ... . - -,�J . , . ,..� 14 .. � . • . � • ,. -.v � ''-� -*'E ,e,. � . . _ ' , . . . . . .. . . � . . . . . . � . _ a .s_ "•''�i! , . � . .. � . ' . . . �. , � . . . . . ' . . . . ..... �:-- R '= � „r I �� _ _ _ IIriit Pr�re: �r ' . . . . . . . .. .�.Y " .. .. - _ . Eiack �Ioires . -- - •- • - • • - . -_ ._�_ . . .. _ . . _ . . ... . �_ 7:SQ . _ . , ' Ur.iform C���, TT'zr.�er .. . __- -• • - ._�_ _ .. . __. _.:. . �.. 8..75 � `, � . Uniforct Ca�s, S�er . _ . _ . . __. . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . $ 8��75: �`- . . _� _�.. � , 8.95 � ` � V Sam Brownz B21ts . . . .. .... .. . . . ... .. . .. . ... . . . . : =r-- � - - �[Tter�ate- Sa� Bros�me B°�ts . . -- • .- -• $ .I6:�25 : - �- Raincoats . . __ . . .,._ . __ . ._ _. . . _. ._ _ __ _.�- • •-•- .. $�� 32.'.00 � _ .- - . - . : _ . _ . . Cap Cov2rs . . . .._. .-... . ... .. ... ...... . . .:.t ... $` 2.50 ,� � . Gar_-ison B�lt ._. ...__-.�.......... .. . ... � ` _- '� � - _ - . - -•-• -• � �- �:Sa _ . . . . _._�;. . CurtridQe uolc��r -_ : . . :. _ __. _�_ . . . . .__�. ... . _.. $. 3�:50 ' � . .� . Flashlite hold�r� - - - -• -_ . -__ . .�. _ . . . . _ _ _ _.. . ... $ ::1.�0 , � � 'Fed�rai Stre�eer Halder .. _ . __. .. . _. . . . . -. 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OQ 473 . 50 495 . 50 517 . 50 541 . 00 556 .00 572 .00 Range 3 439 . 00 458 . 00 478 . 50 500 . 00 522 . 00 546 . 00 561 . 50 576 . �0 Range �x 449 . 00 468 . 00 488 . 50 510 . 00 532 . Q0 556 . 00 571 . 50 586 . 50 Gi?ADE 3$ Ran�e 1 465 . 50 486 . 50 508 . 50 531 . 50 556 . 50 583 . 00 598 . 50 615 . 5Q P.anc�e 2. 470 . 00 491 . 00 �13 . 50 536 . 50 562 . 00 587 . 50 604 . 00 620 . 50 Pang� 3 475 . SC 496. 50 518 . 50 541 . 50 566 . 50 593 . 00 608 . 50 625 . OQ Fc�.nge 4 485 . 50 506. 50 528 . 50 552 . 00 576. 50 602 . 50 619 . 00 635 . 00 GRADE 41 Rang� 1 505 . 50 528 . 00 553 . 00 578 . 00 605 . 00 633 . 00 651 . 50 669. 50 Range 2 510. 00 533 . OG 557 . 50 583 . 50 610 . 00 638 . 50 6�6 . 00 674 .50 _Tt�r.qe 3 5:L5 . 50 538 . 00 563 . �0 588 . 00 615 . 00 643 . 00 661 . 50 679 . 50 Range 4 �25 . 00 547e50 573 . 00 598 . 00 624 . 50 653 . 00 671 . 50 6i39 . 50 " �"r C � �� 0 8r , .. _ � Civil Service Commission � +� F � Director of Personnel Mn.Ruth D. Schwarswalde�,Chairman $A ' , UL John S. Haider Mr. Harry H. Gaston � � � e s Mr.A. R.(Dick)Zangs CIVIL SE � � OFFICE Assistant Director � �� �` Thomas D. Gleason Me� � � i ! i R � �t i 1 ST. PAUL, MI N SO 02 April 19, 1973 Mrs. Ruby Hunt, President St. Paul City Council 713 City Hall Dear Mrs. Hunt: The Civil 5ervice Commission, at its meeting on April 16, 1973, unanimously passed a resolution indicating that it did not find any matters in the police labor contract for the year 1973 that were not in agreement with the Civil Service Rules; and therefore, by this letter, the Civil Service Commission indicates its concurrence with this contract in accordance with Section 12. 09 of the City Charte r. Ve ry truly your s, _j `1� t .. �:: o . Haider Director of Personnel MEMBER . �rbiie p�nonnd wxoeia�ion � - � . _ � � 3 14.,. , � - �:,a.� � •� \ L � ��._. Ac3.opted..._�r� � a� � Yeas B�� Nays � -�(3�i�- K�JNOPATZKI ctJ�a,r.�,.,,`- r-),'' I' �r � LEVINE �,,,����c� � MEREDITH ROPDLER J �f�A TEDESCO ; Nhne PRESTDENT �B�P�R3 (H[3�TT)