02-148i i, F k ` � � --- Green Sheet # 110096 council File # O.'1.�+ �y � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to '�p Committee: Date 1 WI3EREAS, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) through its 2 Regional Trail Grant Program has made funding available to assist cities, counties and townships 3 to promote the development of regionally significant trails; and 4 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau1 is an eligible applicant and desires to submit an 5 application to the DNR Regional Trail Grant Program on Febrnary 28, 2002, in the amount of 6 $250,000 for the Indian Mounds Regional PazklBruce Vento Regionai Trail Link Program; and 7 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation has submitted the following project 8 pre-application to the DNR for the referenced grant program, to-wit: ]0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Regional Trail Grants Pro�ram Indian Mounds Regional Park/Bruce Vento Regional Trail Link Program - This project is intended to construct a trail link between Indian Mounds Regional Pazk, Swede Hollow Park and Lowertown which will connect the Bruce V ento Regional Trail at Payne Avenue and East Seventh Street ta the Lowertown neighborhood at Broadway and Prince Street and to Indian Mounds Regionai Park via Commercial Street; and WHEREAS, the Indian Mounds Regional ParklBruce Vento Regional Trail Link Progzam will be of benefit to the public by connecting nearly 50 miles of regional trail systems and feed trail users into city destinations, thereby increasing the trails' use as a commuting corridor; now, therefore, 21 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul act as legal sponsor for the Indian Mounds 22 Regional PazkfBruce Vento Regional Trail Link Program contained in the Regional Trail Grants 23 Program application to be submitted on February 28, 2002, and ihat the Mayor and proper City 24 officials aze hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Natural Resources for funding of 25 ttus project in the amount of $250,000 on behalf of the Ciry of Saint Paul; and pi_ �ylf 26 27 28 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and proper officials of the City of Saint Paul aze hereby authorized to execute such agreements as aze necessary to implement the project on behalf of the City. r Yeas Nays Absent senanav ✓ Blakey _ �/ Bostrom ✓ CoZeman _ Harris ✓ Lantr� _ ✓ Reiter ✓ ` I � II � I Adopted by Council: Date �.,�, °�.� ao0'�_ Adootion Certi£ied bv Council Secretary By APF By: Requested by: Divis' n of Parks and Hy : ^-�� u ° V ion Form Approved by City Attorney sy: 7 ��i�,rr ��Z� �/�n.c�, DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNQL Parks and Recreation DATEINITIATED February 14 GREEN SHEET 2002 COMACT PEfl50N AND PHONE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 s SIGN NUMBEq FO ftOUTING MUS BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) OflDER February 27, 2002 TOTAL q OF SIGNATLRE PAGES 1 INff1AL/DAiE 1 DEPAHiMENT DIREGTO� Z CITYATTORNEY _ ❑ flNANC1AlSERVICE50IR. 3 MAYOR �OR ASSVSTAIJn � Oa-t�1- NO. 110096 INITIAVDATE 4 crn cooNa� � CIT' CLEFiK � FINANC1Al5ERV1ACCTG r J _ROSSBERG - 300 CHA CW At1lOCA1109S F�R SIGNARIRE� ACTION REQUESTED: Signatures authorizing t) the Division of Parks and Recreation to apply to the Minnesota Department of Naturat , Resources Regional Trail Grant Program for the India� Mounds Regional ParkBruce Vento Regional Trai! Link Program and 2) the proper City officials to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement this project on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A1 or RejeEt (fU _ PLANNMG COMMISSfON GB C�MMITTEE _ CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION x STAFF X PARKS COMMISSION PENSONAI SERYICE CQNTIIACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLUWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked untler a conttac[ for [his tlepartment? YE$ NO 2. Has this person/tirm ever been a ciry employee> VES NO 3. Ooes this personlfirm posseSS a Skiil not nmmaly possessatl by any currenY cky empioyes? YES NO 4. Is Mrs pereoNfirm a[atgeted ventlor? YES NO FxP�i� all yes answws on sepazMe sheet a�M attach ca 9��rt sheec. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOIiTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, Whyl: . There is a need for a pedestrian/�icycle trail link between Indian Mounds Regional Park, Swede Hollow Park and Lowertown which will connect the Bruce Vento Regional Trail at Pay�e Avenue and East Seventh Street to the Lowertow n a t Broadway and Prince Stree and to indian Mounds Regionat Park via Commercial Street. A�VANTAGES IF APPFiOVED: This project will result in the construction of a needed trail link between Indian Mounds Regional Park, Swede Hollow Park and Lowertown which wil� connect the Bruce Vento Regional Trail at Payne Avenue and East Seventh Street to the Lowertown neighborhood at Broadway and Prince Street and to Indian Mounds Regionaf Park via Commerciai Street DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED � . . The opportunity to obtain funding for a needed trail link between Indian Mounds Regional Park, Swede Hollow Park and Lowertown which will connect the Bruce Vento Regional Trail at Payne Avenue and East Seventh Street to the Lowercown neighborhood at Broadway and Prince Street and to Indian Mounds Regional, Park via Commercial Street will be lost TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ Z FUNDINGSOURCF Minnesota Deqartment of Natural Resources COST/FEVENUE BUDGETEp �CIRCLE ONE) ACTNRYNUMBER FINANCIALIN'rORMATION: (EXPLAIN) V2�JQ in funding being sought. VES NO � t �� � 9 2�0� i i, F k ` � � --- Green Sheet # 110096 council File # O.'1.�+ �y � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to '�p Committee: Date 1 WI3EREAS, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) through its 2 Regional Trail Grant Program has made funding available to assist cities, counties and townships 3 to promote the development of regionally significant trails; and 4 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau1 is an eligible applicant and desires to submit an 5 application to the DNR Regional Trail Grant Program on Febrnary 28, 2002, in the amount of 6 $250,000 for the Indian Mounds Regional PazklBruce Vento Regionai Trail Link Program; and 7 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation has submitted the following project 8 pre-application to the DNR for the referenced grant program, to-wit: ]0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Regional Trail Grants Pro�ram Indian Mounds Regional Park/Bruce Vento Regional Trail Link Program - This project is intended to construct a trail link between Indian Mounds Regional Pazk, Swede Hollow Park and Lowertown which will connect the Bruce V ento Regional Trail at Payne Avenue and East Seventh Street ta the Lowertown neighborhood at Broadway and Prince Street and to Indian Mounds Regionai Park via Commercial Street; and WHEREAS, the Indian Mounds Regional ParklBruce Vento Regional Trail Link Progzam will be of benefit to the public by connecting nearly 50 miles of regional trail systems and feed trail users into city destinations, thereby increasing the trails' use as a commuting corridor; now, therefore, 21 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul act as legal sponsor for the Indian Mounds 22 Regional PazkfBruce Vento Regional Trail Link Program contained in the Regional Trail Grants 23 Program application to be submitted on February 28, 2002, and ihat the Mayor and proper City 24 officials aze hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Natural Resources for funding of 25 ttus project in the amount of $250,000 on behalf of the Ciry of Saint Paul; and pi_ �ylf 26 27 28 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and proper officials of the City of Saint Paul aze hereby authorized to execute such agreements as aze necessary to implement the project on behalf of the City. r Yeas Nays Absent senanav ✓ Blakey _ �/ Bostrom ✓ CoZeman _ Harris ✓ Lantr� _ ✓ Reiter ✓ ` I � II � I Adopted by Council: Date �.,�, °�.� ao0'�_ Adootion Certi£ied bv Council Secretary By APF By: Requested by: Divis' n of Parks and Hy : ^-�� u ° V ion Form Approved by City Attorney sy: 7 ��i�,rr ��Z� �/�n.c�, DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNQL Parks and Recreation DATEINITIATED February 14 GREEN SHEET 2002 COMACT PEfl50N AND PHONE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 s SIGN NUMBEq FO ftOUTING MUS BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) OflDER February 27, 2002 TOTAL q OF SIGNATLRE PAGES 1 INff1AL/DAiE 1 DEPAHiMENT DIREGTO� Z CITYATTORNEY _ ❑ flNANC1AlSERVICE50IR. 3 MAYOR �OR ASSVSTAIJn � Oa-t�1- NO. 110096 INITIAVDATE 4 crn cooNa� � CIT' CLEFiK � FINANC1Al5ERV1ACCTG r J _ROSSBERG - 300 CHA CW At1lOCA1109S F�R SIGNARIRE� ACTION REQUESTED: Signatures authorizing t) the Division of Parks and Recreation to apply to the Minnesota Department of Naturat , Resources Regional Trail Grant Program for the India� Mounds Regional ParkBruce Vento Regional Trai! Link Program and 2) the proper City officials to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement this project on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A1 or RejeEt (fU _ PLANNMG COMMISSfON GB C�MMITTEE _ CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION x STAFF X PARKS COMMISSION PENSONAI SERYICE CQNTIIACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLUWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked untler a conttac[ for [his tlepartment? YE$ NO 2. Has this person/tirm ever been a ciry employee> VES NO 3. Ooes this personlfirm posseSS a Skiil not nmmaly possessatl by any currenY cky empioyes? YES NO 4. Is Mrs pereoNfirm a[atgeted ventlor? YES NO FxP�i� all yes answws on sepazMe sheet a�M attach ca 9��rt sheec. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOIiTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, Whyl: . There is a need for a pedestrian/�icycle trail link between Indian Mounds Regional Park, Swede Hollow Park and Lowertown which will connect the Bruce Vento Regional Trail at Pay�e Avenue and East Seventh Street to the Lowertow n a t Broadway and Prince Stree and to indian Mounds Regionat Park via Commercial Street. A�VANTAGES IF APPFiOVED: This project will result in the construction of a needed trail link between Indian Mounds Regional Park, Swede Hollow Park and Lowertown which wil� connect the Bruce Vento Regional Trail at Payne Avenue and East Seventh Street to the Lowertown neighborhood at Broadway and Prince Street and to Indian Mounds Regionaf Park via Commerciai Street DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED � . . The opportunity to obtain funding for a needed trail link between Indian Mounds Regional Park, Swede Hollow Park and Lowertown which will connect the Bruce Vento Regional Trail at Payne Avenue and East Seventh Street to the Lowercown neighborhood at Broadway and Prince Street and to Indian Mounds Regional, Park via Commercial Street will be lost TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ Z FUNDINGSOURCF Minnesota Deqartment of Natural Resources COST/FEVENUE BUDGETEp �CIRCLE ONE) ACTNRYNUMBER FINANCIALIN'rORMATION: (EXPLAIN) V2�JQ in funding being sought. VES NO � t �� � 9 2�0�