260787 OR16II�AL TO CITY CL6R , . �V�� r�{�
�'" CITY OF ST. PAUL ��NC�� NO. '
: •
WHEREAS, Pursuant to resolution of the City Council, the Mayor
has ma.de application to the General Services Administration for
the purpose of the City receiving title to the Old Federal Courts
Building; and
WHEREAS, The City' s application is to be approved and the
Mayor recommends tha.t the City enter into an Operating Agreement
with the Saint Paul Council of Arts and Sciences for the purpose
of complying with the terms of the Agreement with the General
Services Administration; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby approve lease and Operating Agreement with the Saint Paul
Council of Arts and Science whereby the Arts and Science Council
will undertake to renovate the old Federal Courts Building at its
expense, operate the facility on beha.lf of the City, and the City
will be responsible for the operating and ma.intena.nce cost for
the facility; and, further, that the proper City officers are
authorized to execute the said Agr�ement on beha.lf of the City.
Asst. Attor ,
MAR 21973
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Naya �R 5 ��
B tler Hur►f
lson Konop9� , ���: Ar 19—
L vine ���e v
' _�n Favor
edith��og d�Q.Y �
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Mme. Pres�BYf� ASainst
Mr. President, McCarty pUBI.�lHED �IAR 10 1973
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'rH._�� 1':C=';EEMENT, Made and enterEd ��nto this day of
�, 197�, by and bet�aeen tl�e CITY Oii SAII�1T' PALL, a
municipai corporai.ion. cf the Stat� �f Mirrie5otd, hereina.fter
referre� t� as "City"g and the SAIr�'I' PAUL C�UNC:CL OF ARTS AND
SCIENCESS a nonprofit carporation ex�_sting under t�� �aws of the
Stai�e of Minn�sotap here�nafter �-eferred to as "Council";
W�;EREAS, The City, pursuan�� to Cit:y C�uncil Res�iution No.
259b53, has m�.de applicati�n to the United States Go�=err�r�ent for
coi,.tre;Tance to the City of the Old Federa� Courts I3�il.dir�g far use
�or his�aric mom�unent purposes purs�.iant to Sec�io;�� 203(k) (3) of
ti�c� F'�c7.e:r�,l Property and Administrative Servzces �ct af 1949, as
amended; and
WHEREAS, The City has r�ceived title to the 01d Federal
Caurts Bt�ildin� stl�k�ject to terms and canditions �mposecl by the
Fecieral Government, acting tYx�-ough zts General. Sprvices �!:lmi�is--
tration; an.d wishes to enter in.ta an A.gre�ment with the Ccur�cil
whereby the said Counczl would be authorized to r_er;.ouate the Olcl
Federal Courts Building and assume the mana�,emen� of the buildin.g;
WHERFAS, Tr�e City is prohibited from selling, leasi�ng, assign-
ing cr otherwise d�_sposing of its in�erests in u1�d to the Old
Fede��a1 Couri�s Bu�ldir�g except ta another local goverrunental agency
t�,.a.t thc Secretary o� the Int�rior is s�.�isiied can ass�re the
cont;:i�Fued use ar���i n�aini:er:�.zz�:e of_ tile pra��er4y for hi.stoci.c
moni��aerrt P�rT�oses; ai�d
t�IiEREAS, The CourLcil i.s a Minnesota nanprofit corporation;
it hG.s bcen granted tax exemPt status by the Interr.al Revenue
Service and by the State of Minnesota; a copy of its Arti_c1PS of
In.corPoration is attached hereto as Annex A; the Council was
form�d for the purpose oi coordinating the fund raising and func-
tional activities o�' the participating members and in F�artic�u]_ar
with a view to iLS operation and managemen.t of the Arts and Science
Center for the benefit af the participating members, the p-rosF�ctive
occu�ants thereof, and the �ub7_ic generall.y;
NOW, THEREFORE= In consideration of the premises and in con-
sider.dt�on. of the benefit to the pu.blic from the preservation and
utilizati�n of the Old Federal Cour�s Building and the scientific
ar�d ed�.ca�:�cr�a.l actici`ies of the Gouncil ard the partic�pating
tnembers tr.ereof, and �f the agreements and undertaking herein
1 . The Council sha11 operate, ma.r.age and ma.intain the Federal
Cou-rts B1a.ildin� (Old U. S . Co�u.rt House) , GSA Control No .
G-Minn-466Ay located at 109 West Fi�th Street, Saint Paul,
Minnesota, from a�.d afte-r November l, 1972, as a civic arts and
science center ta pravide �acilities for the conduct of the f�u.nctzons
of t.he Councii and its partic?pating agencies and f or such other
institu.tiorLs as ma.� fra�n i:.ime to time seem suitable to said Council,
, al1 subject to ar.d in acccrdance with the conveyance agreement from
t:he United States of An�`rica? �a copy ot which is attached hereto
as Annex B and ilicorpoLated here�_n by reterence) and for the
purposes set forth t.he-reii: ar�d in the City' s Application for
Obtaining Proper.ty f or_ Hist=o-ric Mon�..*nent Purposes submitted �o the
General Services Admznis�ration, all of whicYi shall hereinafter be
- referred to as "the apprcved pr�gra_m" .
2 . The Council slzal.l ma.in�ain and ttse such propert;y as a
historical monu.�ent and in accord�i.nc�e with th.e apDroved progr.dm
for �he ultim�.te benefit of the public �.nd under suc.h re�sanal�ie
rules and regulations as tlle Council. sha11 from time to time
promulgate .
3. The Council ma.y p-rovide facilities and services to the
visiGing public, compatible with the approved program through lease
agreements or otlier.wise entered int�� with thi.rd parta.es; provided,
however, that prior concurrence of the Mayor shall be obtained
whicYi conc�u.rrezice shall no� be unreasana.bly withheld and that
where requirPd prior written ccnc�urrence of the Secretary of the
Interior or his designee shall be obtained.
4. Biennial reports setting forth the use made of the Old
Federal Courts Bu�_lding during the preceding t��o-yeai period sha11 be
filed by �he Council of Arts and S�iences w_�th the office of_ the
5. If the Council pro��ides r�venue-producing activities with-
in the Old Federal Courts Euilding9 the Counca_1 sha11 file with
th2 �f_f ice oi 'th� Ma.yor every year th.e f oJ lowing reports:
A) FinanciaJ_ xep�ri�s �.ncltadizig �he fallowing:
i) Statement of ir�come irom aIl sources �.uring
the reportilzg period.
iz) Statement o� expenses c�assifi.ed a.ccordin�
to the f-ollo�ving heads:
a) Rep�.ir, rehabilitation and restora.tion;
b} Recur�ing maintex�.nce requirements; and
c) Administration aizd operation.
iii) Statement of disposition of exc�ss income.
The financial '!�eport sha1l cover �ne accounting year, wheth�r
fiscal or caZendar, and ;��i�l Ue submitted ��7itl�a.in ninety (90) days
after i�h.e close of the accounting yearo
B) Aud.it report consisting of a repoxt by ar. indegen�.�nt
audit firrn s�rnnarizii�g the resul�s of the annu�l
aud�_t in. sufficient detail to disclose the finan-
cial position of the Council and the validity= �f
the accounting procedla.res .
6. The City and Fedexal Government shall have the ri�ht,
di�.ring axzy national emergen.cy, including any existing nationa)_
emergency, to full unrestrici�ed use of the Old Fedezal Courts
Building without charge and a11 agreements entered into by t�Y�.e
Cot�ncil for use o� the building shall. be su.bject t�.ereto; pro�
vided that the City or Government shall bear th.e entire cosL o.��-
ma.intena.nce of a11 Fr�perty so used. laymex�t cf fair rental for
use of impravements added by the Ca�unc�l wi11 be m�.de.
7 . The Council �ail1 comply° with a1I requiz�ements :imposed by
c�r_ �pursua.nt to th� regulat�_ons oi the Gcneral Services Administrat.ion
(41 �FR I.GI-6 . 2) iss��.e�'� undr:� �.h�: pYO�,-isi��?zs of Title `�I of the
Civil Rigr.ts Act of 1y64 anc1. Lhis agr_eemen.t shali be sub�ec� in
alI respects to the provisions of said regulations ,
8 . The Council sha11 be responsible for raising the capital
funds for the renovation oi: the OId Federal Courts Building and for
the costs of renovat�_ng said buitding including iniLial remodeling
cost and r�lated arch3_��ct' s fees for spa.ce to be occupied by the
Citye 'The Courcil shall be resl�onsib7_e .f_-ar the selectior_ of the
arcizitect� and space p1a�.n�r and the architectural arid spatial
planning considerations . The Ma.yor shall assign a r�presentative
of the City to serve on the Council' s re�.lovation committee and who
sha11_ partici.pat� in the f ormulation �f design plans and spec�fi-
cations . Upon compleL-ion of said plans and specifications th.ey
s1z�1.� be submitted to �.he T�.yor for approval whirh approv�.i shall
not unr�ason.ably be withheld. If within faurteen (14) days of
said subm�_ssicn, thLre h�.s been no approval or disa.pproval, said
pl.ans a.1zd specifications "shall� ve deem�d approved.
9. Upon c�mpl�tion and approval of the renovation design and
specificatioxzs, the Council shall, at no expensE to the City,
cause to be perfo�med a11 work on the Old FederaZ Courts Building
in accordance with said plans and speci.fications .
I0. The Cit.y sha11 ha.ve the right to occupy space in the Old
Federal Co�a.r.ts 13u?_lding, �th� exact amount of whicri and 1oca�.ion
thereof to Ue mu.+�uaZly agrced upon between the Ma.yor and the
Cot�ncil_ witl�in the following 1imi.i.at�ons :
(a) S��.d spacc, s�,<.�t� n�� b�� in excess of_ ten Percent
�f th� ref� irsi�e -usanie space �i saici �uiiding;
(b} S�xid ��ace sha7_1 be 1o�.a.ted in that portion of the
Uuilding as determined in the design plans and shall.
be in acccrda��ce with the approved program, or as
may 1'ae o�herwise mutually agreed upon be�ween the
Mayor ancl the Council.
. 11. As t4 the s�ace othe� 'ch.an that occupied by the City
ti7ith:in the Old rederal C�urts Bui?dzngy the Council shall from time
to time determine, and to �iza.t end shall allocate by lease or other-
wise, the rema.ining space under suc''r? terms and conditions consisLPn.t
with the approved prograni as it sha11 cietermine. All rents re-
ce�ved by the Council_ s'�a]_:1. be retained by it and shall Le used ta
de�ray ma.i_ntena.z�.ce costs otherwise -bo.rne by the City as descriUecl
ir.z Pa.ragraph I2 . AIl 1`ases shall be submitted to the Mayor for
a.p�xobul przoi �o che C�uncil execufiing the same, the City reservin�
thc right to reject teria.nts �r uses of the faci_lity which it seems
n�t to be in the �est interest of the public. Fees f_or temporary
bui_lditzg usage (a period of four (4) days or less) may be charged
and shall Ue retained by the Cou.ncil.
12 . The City sh�.11_ be responsible for the costs of operating9
maintaining and ordir:ary repair of the Old Federal Courts Building
commer�cing Janva.�y 1_, 1�7i+. The City shall each year thereafter
�ay th` Council ir regt�.l�r instal�ments, not less tr.an monthi.y,
such- sums cf mor_ey �s the City ma;r determine will be adequatP fur
- si.�ch op�ration, ma.inter�i.ce a.nd a-rdir�ry repai.r. Such ape-ration,
maintenance �.nd crdirar,� i•ep��:ir �ha11 inc�.�de each axid every item
of expense whic't��. taouic� ��°�ii��aa�izy be ir.curre� ir. thn c�perati�?n�
m.a.intenance ar brLinary z-cpa.ir� of a publ�c building and the
grounds thereiore if opera.ted and ma.irtained by the City, inr_�ud�
ing, by way of ilZu.stration �ut not by way of limitation, the
follawing :
Building supervisiun; mecha.nical, electrical and
plumbzng n�-intei���nce repair; cleaning, watchman' s
servi�e for building pratec�.ian on�v; heat, light and
po�,ier; elevator �r�intenanc�� u.rLd repairg gene.ral expenses
for sanitation and ianitorial service; Social SecuritST;
Unemplo5�ent Compexisa.Lior�; hospitalization and other
directed fringe benefits for supervisur5=, secu-rity,
ma.ir�ter��.nce and repair personnel; ?�ainting anci decorat�
ing; real and personal property ir�surance; care of
grounds, i�.�cluding grass and shrubbery3 snow retr�o�.Tal,
and window clean�ng.
The C��ty sh�.11 also be respansible for a11 ma.jor repairs
rs�ce�sary� to �hA bui lc��ng. Ma j or i:epai�:s s��.al l. rlot inc�ude the
.renovati�n abo�ve described.
The Council sha.11 be responsible for a11 periodic remadeling
costs exclusive of all suc,h remodeling costs inc�.rred for space
occupieci by the Ci ty.
13 . The Council shall protect, defend and hold the City
harml.ess fr�m a11 claims for dama.ges and i�odily injuries, includ�-
ing acciden�al death, as well as from claims far property dzmage
wh:�ch may arise from the operations hereunder.
14. Fublic Liability Ins�arance: The Council sha11 obta.in
and maint�.in a� its own expense public liability insurance, na.ming
the C�ty as an a�dition.al insured, in amounts not 7.ess than the
follo�tiing: Bodzly Ir���zry I.r�sl.trarice, ir.clucling death. in. an amount
of noi� 1�ss than T�co Hundrec� Fi£ty '1'housa�ci a�ci Z�o/I00 �o7_lars
($250, 400.00) fo-r a�l dama.ges arising oui� of injury to or de�.th
of one person and suLject to the same lim�t for each person ir�
a total amount of not Iess than Five Hundxe�. Thousand and no/100
D�llars ($500, O�O.OG j on �CC(J11T1� of any on� accidert$ pxoperty
dama.ge insurance in an amoun� of not less than Qne Hundred Fifty
Thousand and no/100 Doilars ($150,000.00} for alZ damage� to or
destruc�ion �f proper�:y in any one accident, and. subject to that
Iimit ger ac.cident? furt?�ler subject to a t�ta1 of not Iess thax�.
Two Hun.c:rec� T'housand and no/100 Dollars ($200,OOG.00) for all
damage to or des�ruction of prc�perty.
� The insurance policies requir�d hereunder� sha.11 be in form
ard wit�n suc'n companies as arc a�ce��abl� to the City; �nd the
Council shail fur�nish to trle Cit� certifiGates of �nsurance or
duplicate insurance policies respeci,ing a11 such insurance.
lSo The Council or its t,enants at their own expense sha.11
procure and ma.intain fire and extended coverage i.nsurance on
contents, equipment and f�u.rni.shings bAlonging to it or to i�s
tenants � '
16. The Council shall keep such accotints of expenditures for
the foregoing ope�ation, r�,.in�enanc, and repair expenses in such
form as required by tne City and ics Depa�tment of I'inar�ce and
Maz��gement Services . Suc�: boeks and records sha.11 be available
for :i.nspection ar�d audzt a� su.ch reason�?�f�le i�imes as required by
-the Department �f Fin.�nce and Manqgem�nt Services . Sur.h books and.
�g.. .
records shall �be avazla.ble .for inspect�on. and a.udit at �uch reason-
able times as required by the Uepartment of Finance aiid Management
Services . Th�e Counci_1 shalJ_ submit monthly itemized statements
for these expenses, and i�he Ci.ty, after approval thereo.f, sha.11
reimburse the Counci�.
17 . All agel�ts anci employees required for the operation,
maintenazice and repair 'nerein described ar contemplated sha.11 be
agents or err�ployees of the Co�u.r.cil anci not �f the City.
18 . All proper.ty of ar�y kind wl�ich ma.y be placed in �he bu�id-
ing sh.all remain the absolute property ef the person or persans
permitti�zg the same to be pl_aced therein, and the City shall not
have or acquire any right, titJ..e, property or interest therein by
reason of placen�ent of such rerson�.l property in said bui.lding.
• 1�3 . Neitr�er the Council nor any Uther firrn, cor�oration cr
individu.al sha11 acquire any right, t�tle, pro�erty or interest in.
the Old Federal Courts Buia d.ing by reasor! of its occupancy or_ other-
wise, except as expressiy grar�ted hereby.
20. The City, by its officers and a.gents, shall at a1� times
have access t� every part of the building for the pur_poses of i�.-
specting the same. Th.e p�lice powers of �.he City shall extend at
all times in, through and about each and every part of the building.
21 . The Council agrees to qui.t: and deliver up �he premises
above descri.bed to �re City at the en�. of its period of management
hereunde-r in as goad order and condition and state o� repair,
reasonable use, wear and #:e�.r and a�cidents excepteciy as the same
are or_ ma.y� be put into by the City o�: �,�y the Council.
22 . .�t any tirne aftPZ ten (l�) y.�rs either party shal.l have
the right to termixzate this agreement by thirty-six (36) month' s
notice in writing; providedy however, i�hh�.t if said buil.ding is not
being operated, managed �:�zd maintairsed at any time with.in the scope
of the appro�.Ted program, the City shall have the right tQ termi-
nate this agreement after first giving the Council notice ziz writ�
ing o� the manner �n tahi�h it is f.a�_ling to properly operate,
mar�.ge and m�intairL sai� building within the scope of: thA approved
p.rogra.m, and ninety (90} ciays within which to correct the same .
Such notice sha.11 be sufficientl� given if served by registered
ma.il to the City, addr_essed to the City Clerk at the City Ha11,
Saint Paul, T1inrLesota, and to the Council at 3U East Tenth Street,
Saint� Pau 1, Nlinne s�ta.
23 . The Ca�.r�cil sha.11 annually furnish the City with copies
of its entire operating budgei�, and sha11 also submit a proposed
bud;et for operation, maintena.nce and repair of the Old Federal
Courts Buildingy which sha11 be subrnitted to the Mayor prior to
August 1 of each yeax.
24. It is mutua�ly understood by and between the City and
Council that the �County of Ramsey ma.y be asthor�zed by 'the State
Legyslatur.e to appropriate sufficient funcis so as to ma.ke it pos-
sible for the County to assia.me the City` s obligation for fihQ
operation and maintena.nce of the �ld Federal Courts Building. In
such case this agreement shall a�atoma.tically terminate, and the
Caunty of Ramsey w�_11 assume ownership and ccntrol over the OId
Federal Courts B�aiZdin�,
25. If any ambigu�ty exists i_n this agr_eement or in it.s
application in certain circumstances, �t shal? �bQ consi�rued under
the principle that botYi �arties seek uc improve the quality of life
of Lhe citizens oi �he City of Saint PauZ and aIl persons �aho may
enter its limits .
26. This agre�ment is binding upon the parties herQto� their
successors and assigns .
IN WITNESS WHEREO�, The parties lzer_eto have hereu.�nto set their
hands and seals as of �he day and year first above written.
Approved as to Form: By: _______�, -- —
Asszsfiant City r��torney irecto-r o F�nance an Management
By. �
It s ______
T0: General Services Ad;nin�stratior �
Hist�ric Preserva�ion Liaison Ofi;ce
Washing�on, �.C. 204U5
The undersigned, Tne City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, hereinai�er re�`erred to as the
Appl �Cd11't or Grartee, acting by a�d ��i�rough Lawrence D. Cohen, Mayor of the City of
j��n± p�U� , �1:1"`�,� upN i l cS i G f' i r@ COilV2ydi1C2, W i��ilOU"� nior�ei:ary cons i dera�i on, �O1"
use fcr historic monument purposes, from �he United States oi America pursuart to
section 2U3 (k) (3) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949,
as amended (40 U.S.C, 484 (k) (3) , and in accordance with the rules and regulations
of the General �ervices Administration, hereinafter referred to as the Administration,
the following described property:
. �
The Old Feder�ai Coui�ts Building (Old U.S. Court House) , GSA Control
No. G-Minri-466A, a block. in downtown Saint Paul consisti�g of .7950
This proper�y is more fully described in the Program of Preservation and Util�zat�on,
Exhibit "A" , attache� here�o and made a part nereof.
Enclesed herewi4h is a resolution or certification as to the authority of the under-
s�igned to executP th�s application and to do a� l other acts necessary tc consummate
� the transaction.
The undersigned agrees ti;a� �his application is made subject to the ioll�wing terms
and cordit;ons:
1 . This applicatior� and i�s acc��tance by �he Administrat;on shall cons�itute the
entire agreement betl��en �he Fpplicant �nd che Adininistration, unless modified in
writing signed by both part�ies.
2. The descriptions of the pro�erty set forth above are believed to b� correct, but
any error or omiss�ion shall not cor�stitute r�round or ret�son for non-performarce of the
agreeinent resulting from the a:ceptanc� of this application.
3. I� is understood that the property is to be conveyed "As Is" and "l�here Is" �vith-
out representation, warran�y, or guaranty as to quarti�y, qua� ity, charac�er, condi-
tion, size, or kind, or that -�he same is in condition or f�t to be used for tre pur-
pose inter�ded, and no clair;i for any adjustments upon such grounds wi71 be considcred
after this applica�tion has heen accepteda
4. The Nr�pl i cant agrees tc assume possessi on o� the proper�ty ►�Ji th7 n 15 days �f any�
. wri tte;�� request gi ve�i by the Adrni ni stra�i o� after acceptance of thi s appl i ca�;i on.
Shoul� tne Appiicant fail to �take actual possession 4�i��hin such period, it shall none-
theless be charged witn cons�ructive possession co,�n�encing at 72:01 a.m. , 'loc:al time,
� of tl�e 16th day after such request by the P,dminis�ratior�. The �•rord "possession" shall
mean eithEr �ctual physical possession or construct�ve possessio;�.
5. As oi the da-ce of assump�tio� of possession of tne property, or the clate oi' cor�vey-
ance, v;f�i chever occurs �fi rst, �the Appl i cant shal 1 assume responsi bi 1 i�ty �or any general
and specia1 real and qersonal nroperty taxes which may :r„v� been or may i�e assesse� on
the property ard to prorate sums paid, or due �o be paid, by �the Government in lieu o�
6. As of the date of assumption of possession of the property, or the date of convey-
ance, �vhicl�eve� occurs iirs�t, the Applicant sha'1 assume responsib;lity rer care and
handling and ail risks oi loss or �ar�age to the property and have a17 obliga�ions and
liabilitie� of ownership. �
7. In support of Aligibility co acquire th�e property for historic monument purposes , '
the undersigned submi-ts a proposal en�it� ed "Program of Preservation and Utilizat�ion,"
attacf�ed hereto as Exhibi� "A". The Program of Preservation ard U�tilization may be
amended from �ime to time, at the request of either the Applicant or �he Government,
with �he wri��en concurrence of the o�ther party. Such amendments will be added to anci
become a part of the original Program of Prese�vation and U;.ilization. The Apnlicant
further agrees that i� w�ll furnish such data, ma�s, reports, and i�formation as n�ay be
- request�d by the Secretary a; the In�erior.
B. Co m�eyance of the property shall be acconplished by Gn �irs�;rument, or instruments in
form satisfactory to the administra�ion, v��thout warranty express or in;plied, and shall
contuin reservatio��s, restrictiors, and conditions substantiaily as follows:
a. That the Grar��tee shall forever use the property in accordar,ce w�ith 7ts appli-
caiion an� the approved program attached tnereto entitled "Program of Preser-
vati on ancl Uti l�i za-ci on."
b. Other tnan as provi cl;�d �or �i n �:,he approved "Progt•nm of Preservati on and Ut�i 1 i-
za�icn" , a, above, ;:ne rra;�er��y shall no� be sold, leased, assigned, or other-
wise cisposed of, exc4pi. to ano�i�er 1oca1 gover�menta; agency that the Secre- --
tar,y of tne znterior is sa�isfied car assur�� tne con�inued use and maintenai�ce
� of the property tor historic monui7ent pur�oses. Ho�-Jever, nothing in this pro-
vision shall preciude the Grantee from provid-irg facili�ies and services to the
• . visiting public compa�ible with the approved program, a, above, through conces-
sion agreements entered into ��rith third parties , provided the prior concurrence
of the Secretary of the Interior, or his designee, is obtained to such agree-
c. Bienniul reports setting 7G}�th the use nade of the property during the preceed-
i ng i:�vo-year peri od shal 1 be• fi 1 ed by 'che Gran�ee wi th the Secretary of the
Interior at Gdashington , D.C. If the Adm�inistrator of Gen�ral Services has
authorized rever,ue-producing activities , the Grantee shall file with tiie Secre-
tary of tne interi�r at the same address every two y�ars ��ne rollovring repor�s:
(1 ) Financial ��eport. 7he iinancial report shall inc�ude the following:
(a) Statement of income from ail sources during the t�eporting period.
� (b) Statemen-t of expen�es classifie� according to the following heads:
(i ) Repair, rehabilita�ion, and restoration:
(ii ) Recurrin� maintenance requirements; ard
�111 � Administration and operation. �
(c) Statement of disposition of excess income.
7he fiinancial report will cover two accounting years, �vhether fiscal or calendar, as
mutualiy agreed by thz Grarrtee and.�the Secretary of the Interior, and will be submitted
within 9a days af�er the close of the accounting year.
(2) Audit r���r�t. The audi� report wili consist of a report by an indepen�en��
audi t fi rm sui��;7ari zi���g -the resul ts cf the bi enni al audi t i n suf�i ci ent de-
tail �o disclose the fit�ancial posi�ion of the Grantee and the va7idity of
the accounting proredures.
The Secretary of tl�e Interior shall hav� the righ�c, a� his discretion, ta audit such
financial recoras , to examine such o�her records, and to inspect such portions of the
- granted property as may in h�s judgment be necessary to sa�eguard the interests of the
United Sta�es.
d. The Government shall have the righ�, during any national emergency, including
any existing national eriergency, i:o rull unrestric�ed use of the property con-
veyed without charge: provi�ed, the Government shall bear �he entire cost of
main�enance of ai1 proper�y so !�sed. It shall pay fair rental for use of im-
provements added b�� the urantee without Federa�l aid.
e. _ Title to the property t,�ansferred sha11 revert to the United States at its
option in the event of ron-co!npliance wii,h an,�� of the terms and conditions of
c�i sposal .
9. Any titl� �vidence �ai�ich mav be desired by the Applicant will be �rocured by the
� Applicant at his sole cost and expe�se. The Gavernmen� will , however, cooperate v,�ith
the Applicant or his aui.horized agent i�� this connection, and will permit examination
� . and inspection of such deEds , abstracts , affidavits o� title, judgments in condemna-
tion proceedirc�s , or o�her docume,�ts relating to the title of the premises ard property
involved, as it may have available. It is understood that the Government 4ri11 not
be obl�gated to pay for any expense incurred in con�ection with t�tle matters or survey
of the property.
10. The Appiicant shall pay all taxes imposed on this transaction and shall obtain at
his own expense an�i afrix to all instruments of conveyarce and security documen�ts such
revenue and docume�tary s�a�os as may be required by Federal and local law. A1� instru-
ments �f c�nveyance �.nd s�curi t� docum�nts shal� bQ pl aced on record i n the Iilt�IlnC':" �re-
scribed by local recording statutes at the Applicant's expense. � .
. 11 . The attached "Assurance of Compliance witn GSA Reguiations under Ti�tle VI of the
Civil t2ights Act of 1964" is hereby made a par�: of the application.
Dated ��' Address of Applicant
. �
ACCEPT;a.�vCE E31` TH� GOVERi���^EP�1'
� Accepted by ar�d on bena7r of �he United States �f Aineric� this
day of �.�._, 19
� .
� RIG}1TS AC7 CF 19G4
� • The following agreemen� is made by the Applicant in conside�°ation of and for the pur-
pose of obtaining the transre�~ of any or a11 property covered by this apalication and
the Applicant recognizes and rgrees that any such transfer will be made by the United
States ;n relia�ce or� saiU ag��e,�ment.
The Applicant agrees that (1 ) the program for or in connectian ��rith which any property
covered hy this application �s trans'ferred to the Appli�an� will be conduc�ed in com-
pl iance VJ1 �{1, and r,he Appl i cant wi 7� corrply a�ri��h a��a requi re ar.y other person or any
legal entity �rho tnrcugh contractual or other arrangements witl� the Applicant is author-
ized to per�orm activities or provide services or �enefiLS under said program to comnly
with, all require�ents imposed by or pursuant to �ne regulacions cf the Genera� Services
Administration (41 C�R ?O1-6.2) issue� unc�er the provisions of Title VI of �he Civil
Rignfis Act of 1964; (2) this ar,reement sha71 be subject in all respects to the provisions
of saic� regulations ; (3) the Applicant �vill prom�t]y take and continue to take such ac-
tion as may be necessar�� -to effecicuate thi s agreement; (4) the Uni ted S�tates shal l have
the right to seek Judicial en-�orcement oi �his agreement; and (5) this a�reement shal�i
be binding upon the successors and assigns or the Anplicant.
It is agreed tha� the -instrument efrectir��g the �ransfer te the Applicant of any property
coverecf by thi s ar�pl i cati on wi 11 contai n prc�vi si ons sati s-Factory to tl-,e Uni ted States
inc�rporai�ing ine subsiance or zne forego�ir.y agreemQr�t, su::n pro��isions to cu��sist o�
(a) a ccndition, coupled with d !^iqht ��eset°ved to ��f-�e UniteG States to cause the prop�rty
to revert tc the United States in the event oi any breach of such condit-ion, and (b) a
covenant running with the land.
� Exhibit "A" o� Applicatior� dated September 8, 1972
' � a. Name of applicant agency and represent��ive.
(1 ) Legal name ef pros�ective �i�«nsfe�ee is The City �f Saint Paul , Minnesota
(2) Name, title, and address of person having authority to consum�at` �ransacticn
as shown by attached rLsolution:
Lawrencz D. Cohen, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul
Ci�ty Hal l and Cour� House
Sai nt Paul , N1i r,nesota 551 c�2 _
b. Pr�operty nam� a�d 1 cca�i�n.
(1 ) Name and GSA Control Number G-Minn.-466A
� (2) Locatian Qf property: 109 Wes� Fifth Street, Saint Paul , Minnesota
c. Description of proper�y:
(1 ) Land
(a) Acreage: .795U Acres
(b) Description by me�es and bounds, accompanied by a map.
7he proper�cy requested �is a t•rapezoid - shaped block in down�own Saint
Paul , bounded by Wasl�ington and Market, Fifth and Sixth Streets, Qlock
N�. eighi. (8) , Rice and Irvire's addition, Ramsey County, Stu�e of
(�inneso�a. The center poirl: of the property is at latitude 44� 55' 43";:,
1cngitude 93� 5' 47" .
(2) Buildings, structures, and improvements.
(a) ihe blocE; contains one build�na of 5 stories tivith basement, sub-basement
� and at��ic, measuring 122'-2" x 271 '-3".
� (b) Tne ground floo� area is 28,194 sq. ft.
(c) The gross area is 195,207 sq. ft. �
(d) The net area is 101 ,011 sq. ft.
� ,
. � {3} Uti 1 i ti es - see attached sc;�c,�ul e
(4) Related personal ,�;�oper�y - ;ione
d. Significance - see a�cf:ached cop�� o� National Register nomination form.
e. Preservation and architeci;ur�a'! plana �
. (1 � Existing architectural condition
(a) ExterioN
The ro:,fs cf tl�e �ortn and �outii tower:, fiave �1��ei r or�i yi r�al c i ay t�1 e
roofing. The ccnical roofs of the turrets ha��e been rer�afed with
sheet copper; whereas , the main roof surfaces , wh�ch were forrnerly
clay roofing tile, are now canposition shingles� A;so, t;;e several
sky1ighus have been covered up, F�r the most par�, the granite ex-
terior is in good condition. No4ve�der, somz de�terioration has taken
pl ace due �to weatheri ng and s�t�uciural �movemetii, i n parti cu�ar:
1 . At the fourth floor cornice 'line on botfi East and West faces , seven
' triangula�° pieces broken of� - each about one-half cubic foot in
2. Slight se��lement at the f�orth erd of the tti�est face - several
stones fractured and joints apened up.
� 3. Stone lin��el over sidewalk - level entrance �r East race is fractured.
4. Son�e spa i i i rig on i ace o�F L�ase course on South face abou�t one fcot above
si devral k i e���l . Cause uncertai n.
5. F1 anlci ng vrai 1 of exteri or stai rs to Basement an�1 Sub-basement on
Wes-t si�e of building evidence movement. Attempts to shore up
wal] have been made.
The mos� serio�s change effecting the exterior appearance is the addiiion
of a wooci framed encl osure for the truck 1 oadi ng dock at �he 4��est face. �
Metal flashing has been ir�serted in t�ie stone jointing, and brick in ii11
has been used at �he arched openings of this entrance. This work can be
. removed and the entrance restored to its original condition.
(b) Interiar
. All of �he m�,in structure, and most of t�e partitions, and finishing �
materials are original . The major changes to the intericr are as follows:
1 . 7he original coal-fired b�ilers have been removed, and steam is no4v
fiurnished by PJot�thern Sta�tes Powet° Company. Hence, the t�ra-story coal
bunker and boile�� room �tand emp�y.
2. 7he monumental lobby at the No��h entrance has been bisected by a full-
height par±ition; and in tt�e West hal-F, the marble walls have been
pain�ted. This t�oom is ta L�e restored to iLS original condition, in-
_ cluoing the repair of �he marble mosaic floor in bath the lobby and
3. In 1�27, rhe �l�tt^�i;�t COU?^t No. ! cn tFie th�r�d floor vras reduced
. Z n s1 ze b,,r �hc, in���al l a�1 on of a 1 a�^ter�d cei:7ing and by partl ti on-
1ng off �he rear (�-les�) `nd cf the �oom, The f'loor area wi�l I be
inc•reased io its ariginal di�nension, bu� the ceiling will probably
be '1 eft i r� �i�s present condi ti an, si nce i�c i s sti 11 qui te hi gh and
the acous��cs of the room are very good.
4. The decora�ive 7eaded glass ce7ling panels 2n the Courts �ooms have
been covered with opaque palnt -- probably a� the tlme �he skylights
ti•�ere covc�ed over. Th�se ar� tc �c res�cre� to their or;ginal con-
5. The various elevators req��ire particular at�tentiQn. The two elevators
in the Southeast area of the building have been removed, althou;h th�
decora��ve grilie work surround�ing tne shaft is intact. The t�vo �ie-
vators �i n the c�nter� o� tl��e fdorti� end of the bui 1 di ng hav� sol i d snaft-
ways (not original ) , although they are s�ill at�endant o�erated,
ra�:her �har� automa�ic. Directly opposit� this pair of e?eva�ors is
� a si ngl e onen-gri 11 e �rork cab and shaft t�Ji�h an open stai r surro►,ndi ry
it. A single service eleva�or is located in the Southvlest area, and
serves only first floor, basement, and sub-basement.
6. The intrusion of water has ca.used ex�ensive damage to v�ood�n rloors
. (buckled, ro�ted) ; plaster G�ealls and ceiiings (disintegra�ed, fa1len} ;
� plasl:er ornamental mouldings and capitals (disintegrated, fallen) :
and possibly to iro rn•rork (to be investigated) . There are severai s�urces
Oi Cll�('y Gi V1d�Gi', ltiC�Udlily bi"Oi�Cil ili�tri0i' �iGWnSNOU�S, Y'G0� �Ed�S ,
broker� �-ri ndow gl ass , and oper masonry joi nts.
7. The iighting and electrical distribution �hroughout the �uilding �•�ill
require complete re�ovation. In i940, a nev� substation �,ras installed
ir� �he South end �f the sub�basement. This provides adequate elec�ri-
cal capacity for'th� building , but the existirg manner of distribu�ion
i s no-t sui tea -te the nature of �f1e bui 7 di ng. The exposed runs of bus-
duc�t and conduit must be repla.ced t��ith concealed wiring. Mast or the
rooms in the buiiding have been relighted with industrial t�/pe fluo-
rescent fixtures. In general , these fixtures vrill have to be removed
and replaced with suitable means o� iilumination.
8. The North half of tne f�f�h iloor has beer, re�oueled to provide general
of�ice iacilities. This remodeli��g included a lowered acoustic tile
� ceilir�g with recessed fluorescent fixtured and vinyl abestos tile
- floor. Since this area ���ill nc� be visited very much by �he gener�7
publ i c, �i t n�ay be 1 ef� i n i Ls r�resent con�i ti on.
, •
9. The Up-toG�rn Postal Statior occu��ic:s the entire South hal� �f the firs±
fl oar, ar-�o c�nsi sts of rece�vi ng, sorti��g, se11 i ng, and shi ppi ng TUI�IC-
� ti ons. A �r°uns 1 uscent gl ass skyl i�h�. ovet� tre central porti an af the
work area pro��ides neczssary security io�� the area, but b�tocks �he
vi ew of thi: c�r•a.mati c o�en i i gh 4 ti��e i i whi ch ri ses from tt�e second
� through the �`�urth floors , �nd, in turn, has a glass skylight at the
fifth ��loor leve� . Sy relocating the postal station in another
� building near-byy it v�till be possible �o open up this dramatic cen-
tral light court t� the first floor.
�2) The effect of bui�d�ng pr�eser•vaLi on or� 'cne env i ronrnen�i: uf the surr�oundi r�g hi s-
toric area.
Rice Park, in the heari of downtown Sai�� Paul , was given �o the Ci-cy in 1849
by Herry M. Rice. Ii provides a;� appropriate setting for tw� of Saint Paul 's
finest archi�ectural �reas�res - The Old Federal Cour�ts Buil�ing and the Main
Public Library-Hill Re-�erence Library Bui1ding. 7he first is a powerful ,
romantic Romanese,ue s�ructure of granite which domina�es the skylir,e; the
second is a proud, soph�stica�ed Palladian Building of limestone. They are
� dependent upor each other to establish the cultur�.l integrity of �th�s urban
� (3) Genera1 outline of inves�igatio7s and analysis to be conducted.
(a) Architectural Investigatior;
lo Exterior
a. Roof
b. f�lasonry
c. 4d�i rdo�vs and Doors
d. Wrought Iron Work
e. Areatvays
f. Paving � .
g. Gutters and Do�,�nspouts
h. Fla�poles •
2. Tnterior
a. Stai rs
b. Elevators
, c. F1cors
� Cemen� Cera�ic
Brick Wood
�iosaic Mastic 7i7e
d. Walls '
Marble P1asonry
Plaster Wood
� e. Ceilings '
- - Glass
f. Tc�i 1 et Rooms
g. Custad;a; �oeir!s
h. ��echan�i cal Rooms
i . Food Service .
j. Or�a;rental Work �
(b) Engineering Investigation - Mechanical
1 . Plumbing .
a. Remcva�
b. Replace��ent
c. New Installa�ion
2. Heafina
a. S�:earn Source
b. Remaval of ftad�ation
c. Replacement ot Radiation .
� d. �!ew Rad�iation
e. Converters, Hea�in� Coils
3. Ventilation
a. Re�,io�ral of Duc�work
� b. �e�v Ductwork
c. New Fan Units
d. F�i i�er�s � �
e. Gri 11 es
4. Air Condi�ioning
a. Compressors
b. Conde�sers � .
c. Coils
5. Temperai:ure Control
a. Complete Sys�em
6. Fire Guntro"i System
\ a. Sensors
- b. Alarms
c. Sprinkler Sys�em
7. Snow Melting System
a. Sidewa�ik>
b. Gutters
- (c) Engineerir�g Inv�stignti�r w E�ec�rical
1 . Power Distribution
2. LiShting
a. Exterior
� b. Interior
Gsnera7 �ffices Eifect Lighting
� • Ornamental Emergency lighting
3. Telephcne
4. In-tercorr�, P. A. , TV, Security Systems
(d) Engineering lnvestiga�ion -�' Structural �
1 . Cxi s ti r��g Structure
a. Columns � �
b. Q�an�s , Trusses
c. S1 abs
d. '�!a 11 s
� 2. New Support Members
3. Fireproof�ing Members
(e) Consultarts
1 . Life Safety Code
2. Elevator
3. Mechanical a�id Electrical Engineers
4. Struc�tural Engineer
5. Cost Estimu�i i�g
6. Food Service i ,
7. Cons�ruc�ion Management •
(4) Time Schedule
(a) Investigations and analyses - 2 months
(b) Preparation of Construction Documents - 6 months
(c) 6idding period - 1 month
(e) Construction - 12 months �
- {5) Estimated Costs �4,500,000
(a) Construction Coritracts
(b) Architectural and Engi�neering Fees $4,950,000
(6) {'lans, ele��al;ions, section� , �etails - �ee attached
f. Use Plan
(1 ) There are three basic concepts �rhich guide the efforts ta preserve ano
rehabilitate the Cld Federal Couris Bu�ilding :
1 . A sense of respor�sible stewardship of our Cultural Heritage:
"One of th� mos� visible urhan manifes�ations of wasted resources is
vrhat we as a society do with bui7dings - all types of bu�ldings -
ccmr�erc�a; , reside��t�al , irdustr�ul , roverrmenta� . As a soc�ety, urd
as individuals and groups , we deplete thes� t�esources with only a mini-
mal regard fo•r maintenance. Glithout regard �or the physical resources
util��zed, we allow buil�dings to deteriorate to 4he point where they
must be de���ol i shed. By thi s a��ti tude and acti on we dra.mati cal 1y
illustra�;e for each new genera�ion i� our society tnat resourc�s are
expenduble, that ��e nave no respec� �or either ar�t or ar�isan , labar
or laborer.
. zn rejecting �he continued maintenance and r�novation cf usable
physical facilities , tive are ��aching our successors an attitude to�vard
7 i fe i tsel�. I f t'r�e products o-F tf�i s arti san, cra�tsman, i aborer are
not ��vor�h preservi ng and usi ng (and use i s the only justi�`i cati on fcr
preservat�on) , then in e�fect we are teachin� our cnildrer tha�c humUn
life and effo;� are meaningless.
Because P�MSC sa arofoundly re,jects the idea that cities have faciliLies
and resources whic;h i:ney can airord �co 4-das��e, cne cnlie�e i�s eayer �o
be �`ully involved in �he preservatior of -the Old Federa7 Courts Build�ng
. and in ���s �continued utiliza�ion as a viable and important structure,
i 11 ustrati ve o-� much that i s grea� i n ur�bari 1 i vi ng, i ncl�.idi nr� the
contribijtions o� ordinary men and womer (ir such there be) as w`11 as
the contriautions of tne grea�;. Our commiirn?nt �o �he QFC� is becoming
symbalic o� our corrani�nent to the renewal of urban life generaily."
David E. Sweet, President
Minnesota Metropolitan State Col�ege
_ 1
. 2. Educati onal oppor��uni��i es ti,rh�i ch areach the v�al l s of �he c�ass,�oom.
The accredi�ed programs of �the Mi�neso�a Nuseum of r�rt and of the Minnesota
MetroNoli�an Sta�e Co1i�ge wii"t be gre�tly enhanced by the interaction which
will take p1ace in the studios , in the corridors, and �n the coffee shop.
Just experiencing ti�e spiritual uplift which th�s buildirg gives to those
. who get to know it, ad�s a n�w diirens�on i:o education itself.
. 3. The Cultural and �ducational Ou�reach to the comm;�nity. - See Exhibit I
The adminis�rative base of many new programs will be located in the building
and aff�r� coord7 na�t�o�� o-F efforts �nd ec�r:omi es of operati on. 1ao��ever5 �he
ef�fects of �hese r�roc�rarns w�i 1 i be Coi��muni ty-wi de and even Stai:e-wi de i n scope.
The Council and the member agencies thereof, housed in the building, provid�
extensive prograrnming throughou�c the s��a�e of Minnesota. The Schubert Club,
through its scholarships and reci-tal programs, the Philharmonic, through its
music camps and school residenc_y programs, and the Art Certer, through i�s
interna�io�a1 programs serve a broad s�ate-vrid� base.
KSJiV-�M radio is a member of Minnesota Educational radio net4�iork and cri-
ginates mur..h of its public services and music prcgramming in Saint Paul for
� state-wide distribut�ion.
(?.) Use designation
(a) The four Court Rooms, wi�:h their rich arcf�itectural details , ar�� virtually
museum pieces; and, as such, are to be preserved and restored as closely as
possible to their original condition. They will 5e used as meetitig roo�rs,
' re�earsul rcoms , u�d for sma�1 performarc;s by member agerci 4s, �i,he State
College, and �he general public.
(b) The marble-faced North lobby and ihe ce���ral area o-� the Soutn portion of
the firs� floor (beneath Lhe light courc) will be for oeneral pub1ic use and
for occasiona� special exhibitions or performances in conrection vrith ac��-
vities in otner .areus of �kre bui1ding. Th� south court area, w�ich is pre-
sently used as the Pos� Offi ce ti��orlc area, ���i l l beccme a Garden Cour� - a
gatheri i�g pl acc - open to uhe ?i gh�t cou��t above. T��i s tai 11 i rvol ve the re-
moval oi the Pos�t O�rices sortii�g cases, the rows of industrial iights, the
gl azed skyl i gh�, a��d the net��ork of observa�i on ca�v�al�s. The furni shi ng of
this Garden Cour� will consist of mcvable bencnes, potted plants, sculpture,
and possibly a fountain.
(c) The spaces surro�ndi►�g ��he fi rs� fl oor 1 obby and Garde�i Court wi 11 be rente�
for craft shops, flower shoo, import shops a�d a lunch room.
(d) The en�;re second �loor will be used by thE h1innesotia Museum of Rrt for
exhibitiions of pain�ings , sculpture, and crafts. The balconi�.s or the third
and fourth floors will also have exhibits ins�alled by th� M�iA.
(e) The entire third floor (exc�p� for courtrooms} will be used by the Arts and
Science Council and �hree of its member agencies for administration offices.
r ,
(f) The entir� -Fourti; �F7�or �except for cc�rtrooms) �riil be leased to the
Mirnesota (�ietropol7tan State Callege. The principal functions wi'il
be adminis�ra�ion, inter�viewing , and guidan�.e counseiing.
(g) The South �ai°t of the f7fth fiocr (around the light court) will con�ain
Art s�udi os and cl assroor�s o-; the Mi nnesota P9useum of Art.
j (h) The North part or the �ifth floor will house Ci�ty and Cou�ty agencies.
(i ) The basement ard suk�-basement areas �ri 11 be us�d for restaurar�s, ex--
hibitions, storage, shops , and �nechanical rooms.
(j) All areas of the building ti�vill be available tc the public - see attacned
plans (Exh�ibit F; for designation or revenue-producing rooms.
(k) The success of �he Old Federal Cour�s Buiiding un�►er its propused use
will be measured in term� of the number oi people in the com���nity whc�
visi� it because of i:ne exhibits , the classes , �he mee�ings and per-
formances , -the restauran�ts and srops , or just because it is a grand
building to visit. By incorpora±i►�g diverse, but campatible functions
' and acti vi ti es i n �hc� bui 1 di ng , a broad spec crum of the pub7 i c ���i 11
come to know the history and ar°tistry of an earlier period of St. Paul .
� (1 ) Since ii, is proposed that the F�rts and Science Council will operate tN�e
building (as it now operates the St. Paul Arts ard Science Cen�er) , a
high standard wili be maintained in the opera�ion of res-taurants and
shops . Tlie principal objective i� incorporatir�g rental areas is to
generate interest in tre building, and secondari�y, to generate revenue
: �o iel p of�sei; LI1C opera�i ng anci i,�ai ntenance costs of tne bui 1 di ng.
(m) The Time Schedul� listed under e (above) is subjeci to the following
restrai n�s:
� 1 . Time interval of staged rev�ews by governmental agencies.
2. Relocation of branch Post Orrice outside the bu7lding. This �_ be
accom�lished duri.r,g the investigation and construc�ion docum�nt5
3. In refef°ence to i.l�e i denti fi cati on �of fi nanci al resources , I bel i eve
i� i s important �o put i nt� perspective �;he capaci��y of the Sai nt Pau7/
�inneapolis area to �und projects of th�s tyoe. In the last ten years
over �5�,G00,000 huve Uecn raised for ca.pitai cons�ruction an� invest-
ment in �he cu;tural insiitutions o� �he twin ci��ies. Approximately
� one-third of that money has b�en raised in Sainz Paul . Saint Paul
has one of tne �larges� foundacion� in �ne country, the Bush Foundation,
and another major foundation is th� Hi17 , both of wnich nave SU�iNGt"�cd
in the past the efforts to save this facility. In addi�ion, there are
approximately 50 other fou�dations of varying wealth which can be
. . _
A ,
� In addi�ian t� ;ounuat�i�n 4v�alin , the Saint Pau1 metropoiitan ar�a
has many fan�i 1 i es af extr��me vreal th who have show�� pas+ i nterest
in prcgrair�s ;�f th�s typ� anci we i`eel ca� be courted upr�n for s�.�poort.
To da�e, we have �350,000 uf committed money withc�ut a rund drive
being m�unted or any effort being made to solicit funds.
� The Arts and Science Council raises for its operational support at
this �ime �� ,OOO,OOU per year. On a �otal and per capita basis , it
• . is the largest fund drive by any arts council ir the country, ard a
reflection on the willingness of the com�nunity te support our en-
g. Financial plan
(1 ) �,nalysis of projected inco,ne from all sources.
(a) Sales areas on �`�irst floor 11 ,000 sq.. ft.
Minn. N�etropolitan State College 10,000 sq. ft.
Restauran� in basement 7,�Op �q, ;�;,
Total a•rea 28,000 sq. ft.
28,000 sq. ft. @�3.00 $ E4,Q00
(b) Annual comtributi�n from St. Pau1 and Ramsey County $2]6,00�
Projected annua'� income �300,000
(2) Analysis ot� �rojected experses.
(a) Repair, rehabilita�tion and restoracion
Phase I $4,950,000
Phase II % . 900,000
TOTAL . $5,850,000
(b) Recurring main�enance, supplies , guards , custodial , utilities $300,000 per y
(3) Provision for disposi�ion of excess incom�. Any income in excess o� costs ror
r•epair, rehabiiitation, restoration, and maintenar,ce arill be used for public
historic preservat�ion, park, or recreational purp�ses. 7he renabi�itatien and
res�oration of .Irvine Park (��rhicn is being nominated for designation as an
- historic dis�ricta would have a high pr�iority.
(4} Description �f aCCOUnting and financial procedures - See Exhibit I
� h. Capab�lity
Tne appl-icant is fu11y capable of financing, opera��ng und ma;ntaining �I�is
facil�ty. Further, the Ci�y of Sa�int Pau1 has the requisite i�gal authority
to do so. Ciiapter 13, ;ec�:ian 13.01 or �th.e Sa-ini. Paul City Charter, effec-
tive June 6, 1972, gives ��he c�ty t+�e power to acquire by "purchase, gi�t,
devise, condernnatior�, or excharge3 or in any other iegal manner, any prope��ty
either vaithin or ���ithoui its corporate boundaries , necded by it for any pub-
• . lic use or purpose. " The a��:ached resclution , (part i ; and the iinancial plan
(part g) indicate the ability of the applican� �o malce i:he necessary arranye-
ments for financing , operating, and maintaining tne facility. Most importantly,
i t i s understooca thnt �cne staf� of �L'r�e Sa�n�� PGuI Ar�s ai�� Sc;ence Counc i 1 w�11
operate and manage �nis historical proper�y. This s�aff, at present, effect-
ively marages tne Sa�nt Paul Arts and Science Center, a �nulti-million dollar
operation. The Ar�s and Science •Council operates this cen�er pursua�t to a
contractual relationship wi�h the Ci�y. This same approach, so eifective in
managing �he Arts and Science Cen��er, shou1d provide ihe best possible staff
for the operation and management ot the Old Federal Court�-l3uilding racil�ty.
Actual physical maintenance of the buiiding �vill be handl2d by the Ci��� of
Saint Paul .
� , ,
r , .
� .
� Exhi[�it A °rogrum of Preservation and Utis:zat�ion
Exhii�it B Resolu�ion �
Exhibit C �1ap of guadrant of City
Exhibit D Schedule o� Utilities �
Exhi�i� E PJut1urid� Regi�ter nomi�ati�r fof,m �- Si gni fi cance
Exhibit F 3 plans (scale: 1/16" 1 '-0") showing revenue-producing
areas on each floor'. �
Exhibit G 27 p��in�s (various scales) showing elevations, sections , details,
� and pia.ns oi original cnns�ruc�ion and subsequen�c r.emodelii�g.
Exh-ibit H Description of accou�ting and financial procedures - Sands, Ben-
son & Weinberg , certified publ�c accountants.
Exhibi�t I Brochure - St. Paul Council of Arts and Sciences.
Exhibit J Memorandum �rom Marlava Burt.
� Exhibit K 8 black a�c! 4�ahite photographs of the exterior and interior views
of th� building� ,
__ _
, . ox'�41MA1 Y.^.. G,�.y CL�;.: ����l f^y��..... ��
, .. ��i�° :.�i� ;`�`� �=a'�.8,�� couiaci� p,p , ��e..r�;t��.�
+, ' Qi f"14,� �e' f t i� �E c�{ �.<4.�(Ct� F{LE 9V�._.. -__---
. . �P`�+�(�€ \ ^6 64�r.3t«.✓`��e If�.��Ft�'��l.?�i`E�ie�i� rte'TliYl
f �
PP,ESENTED EY r---� �'7�•^+n�•... ` ' rti p,,,,� �
CGMhtI5S10NE�-=" „_—___�, .=,✓a��V v_� .- r�t.�_.�:�s,-.j:�;�C:'w2------ _ _D/1TP �
i-Jh�reas, eerta�n �ea1. p�c�per�, aunied by �h� UniCed S�ates, lo�a�ed
in th� Cnuaty of P,�msey, Sr4te c�f Minz�e���a, h�zt� b�en decl�;re� sur�lu�
snd a� tI� discretion �f. th� txdmini�,�ratc�r o€ Genrral S�rvfve.�, may be
convcyed for h�storic ma;L..^::ent purpov�3 �c; a S�a�e, �olit�cal S;�Y�d�V�3iGri'
inst�u�--i��talities thereofr or �.unic�pa�ir_,�, under r.h� pravi�ion� .�f secCion
Z03(I:� C.3) af thn �ec�e*��� ?�,-�j�rty 4r.3 E'aaL:it'i�Et.��2��.`ti� �'ve�t$.C�..^� �,ct o€ 1.949q
as �.r:?nr_ded (40 U.S�C� 4 S4(l:} (3s . �� rul�s and re��:Ia�ions pro�ul�a�ed
gursu�n� ther�t�, more garcicu�.arly de�cribed as fo�Zow,: Tiie �l,d Federsl
Coux�� �+s�Iding (01.�'. U.S, Cau�� Iiouse� �SA Coz��r�1 I�or G-Mir�n-�a66�., �.
b1QC1:. :n �o�:�ntts��*n Sain� Fau1 �ons�tir�� ot .7950 �cre�.
�sTher`a�, dhE Ci�q �f 5aia�: Paul nreds an�. wi11, u�i��e �aid g�a���ty
i�. perpetuity �or histor�c �cs:cu�n:�a.t pu�vo�es as �et forth in �.*a �:gpZi_
catic-� a:ui ir �c�c�rc�,nc� wi�h tre �equir�,aen�s of �aid Act ��d `he rule�
and r��ulatioas pro�ul.gated til��reun�e�y �rtd
t�h�r�as, Ap��.ic,�nt is �utY��ri2ed, cc�.l.ling and able to conduct
compat�.bl� reve�ue-producln�, �ct:�.vities, and that rcgardless o£ ar�y
reve.�uc�s derived �rom �uch ac�i�itie.sy A�plic�nt i� financiallq �ble
_ �o utxl3�c� eaid propert;� for historic rorau�nent �urp�Wes 2s aet fortr
��:i :.n it� Pra$a•� of PYe�er�,►��inn and Utili.��tion �ncl in accord.:nce widh
;,� the ��;�ujxe.::�;�t� of said �.ct �.gad �egtilwto��.m s.n� ps�cedt�re� p�o�al�a�ed.
: -� � `;a t�',:LC�.:;,iu��.� �i:ici
1': �.
�._ €�._ ,.;�
_ w �.� tJ"r.ereas, Appl3.cant a�ree� t:iat any inco:ne in excess of co�ts of
°- �� repa{rp rehabilita�ions rQstoxation, ai:d raaisitenance shall be u�ed �y
-- ��� the Ap��13.cant on1S• �or pu�al.ic h��tozic pr���:-vR�ion, parl; ar �ECt��:aC.i�n
�� p��:poszs as exbunciated � �t: pragram of Pxeservatton and Util.iz�t:ton;
Noca£ Thezefore, Se It Resnlved, th;3t the C:ity of Saint PauI. s1�1?
ra�,€k� �,g�plica�ion to the Adm�nistrstar of Ganeral Services for and secrxr�
the trarr�f�er to it of tha above-r�entioned pro�aert�� for sai.d use upon �tnd
s�.��jec� to auch exc�p�ionb, res��cva:bCionsB tezznsf covenants, agrev��n�s,
conditfons, ac�d Yestric��on:� as the Secre�ary af tl�e Interior, �nd th�
Ad�in�4tr�.�ar c�� Ge.�eral Services, or �heir au�'r.o�rized represcn�ati��€�;,,
anay req�ire in cor.necti�� c�irch the �isp�ssal df said property u�der said
COUNCILI'.iF.N � Adopted by the Councii _19�
Yeas I�Tays �;�..�'� ���,,�
3�:.���� I�t1A� ����.R,���`.'i''`��MP �
� � i, �''��`y Apgroved__ 19____
�'���'�"�i iZonoga*z��. ��, ..-
�__In Favor
Meredith � �� '.,'�'°�'-' _
Sprafka �aYQ�'
Tedesco """`�`��`�I�``t
n a;,� �,* � �
��»:{7{sis'::�.� a.:L:�;:i�ri?.�r��j'r.�."1'1',.c �r�:i{Gii'8i2.� �U.��l:�
wH76INAL TO G:'fY C�CR� F;, � <:J I',• q �.�`tl:..#C Rt, .�:t
- . . ��r �' �. �. --.�`�, c:ou�c!�. �d�._ .�_
p� p e FJ LE
� r '' •• f��!t';;o".� R./t"' �i"1� r+��t€j +�.s�,.6:j�li
G'�✓�e�iL�.-l� E�,L���}!���{4�+€`i-°.-'�i�i��::C�'Li C'�d��
PR[SEF�TED BY —! nqTF ---- ----
COt,�MI551Ut1ER__---- -- --'----'— -
Aet �an� the rule� �nd r�gulati on� issu�d p��s�xant �he:reto ffi �nd Be �t
Fu�wh�rr f��soLved �haL �he Ci�y of Saint �'�=.�ls ha� tc�gal, a.uthoz7�.yg i�
willi.aa� and is in. � po�itio9;� �� assume •��a��iaie ca�e �ird mainten�r.ce
a€ the �ropertyD and tha� I��cr�r�nce C�hen., ii�.yors be a:�d he is k���reby
�.�atltcr..�;:�d f fo� und �n beha?� nf the ��.�y o� :�.in� i'ae�l, to d4 �n3
p�rfoz� a�y an.d �11 z�ts �,:�ac� Chi+��� whi�h. r^..a� �±e �r�Ge��ax� tv c�.rry
out �h4 £aregoix�.v �esolueica� incl�:dir_r the �r�g���'�3;r making� ���d
Lilb►�.,; �f �yan�s �pplic�..�ior�P regort�, a�.d other �o:•wT�:�:�t�, the �x�.-
cu�far� �ccegtanc�.p deli*��y°�fs and �:�carda�i�n of �.�����r.�s„ ured�,
aaa.c,i cather 1�trtiuN�w,zta ge«u��°z�.zi� CQ ��:� �r�n�fer cf �aid pxo�:�r-��qp
1:3c1�:�i�g `t;a filirio of �:op��� ci€ �k�� wgp�.�,cd�t�.a� :nd �h� ccr�vey��:�Pe
dc�cc:��:i:�s �.n tY±� reco�°d� �a� E;�:e �overn��g be�3ST, �nd �he ���,1�=��b� o�
a�y �.��: �lI 3u::;s z��cc��azy o�. :ccou�xt rf e:he ��rrc�.;^�e �r�.�E th4recf
or fee� ox' costs inc�arred in cennecticn c��.�h �he transfer of �aid
p�uperty* to� ,�r�r�y, title ��arches, xecdrdarion of 3.n�Cr�e:�t�, or
atY��r c�as�� id�n.tifi�d w•ith tne FE�.eral s��.rplus prd�erty acqc±isi�ion.
Council Uf the C�tty c�f Sain� �$�:1
City Hall, S�3.iat Paul? °2�r_t�esota
�!� - -`� - , hereby cer�ify thaC 1. am �he
(P:� oE Cer��.Y`�ing 4�ficer�
! .
, �f ttte _
iePi�le af CertifSTi.:G Of��.cer; (Tit.1.^ of Gove�ning
�; �nd tha.t �he £oregoin� r��olution �.s a
I3ody �f App1:i.C^.����
tru� ar3 correct �cpy of the resn].ution adop�sd b� tY�e vote af � �aj�
� Az3opted by the �ouncil ��P � '�--��-�--�YS----
�'eas Nays ��.�' � `� ����
l�i:i� �i�at
� .�,.pgrove� — r�--
�� �nop�dzk� �'"�'`�.�i��
� .�
Levine �n Fuvor ,�^.,� ��;� ��n,�� � r � ��� - :, H.��.
4,�'L..�"�_�--k? +�W� ' _
Meredith —"� "" i,�ay or
Sprafk�, v �
- �edesco
Pt.���...:,..�����:�.c:,`:..�t Ii���. P�es:�sien� �utlex
R�;_ „
t)RFC,7Pai.L TC: ^ : i.Le:'i Y
- ` s,o �s �r� ,�„ �a�ye G g + �}'� �'g 1`a�E�
, . . ..s� �.. i �� COJir'GiL �'('�"Rd< C �r�.. t�?J6 y?
g� �+r �g- i^ItE
. R�E i'['vt: ��r !b ti�: .��.�.�`;� v�.�s�.P
i ;i.[r�,.� r?!'C�'�t� � -y r *t x°p.�r`..� g E„�.. .,��
- � � �����e`tike��„ t'�i�'..��,si.A�II���d�"'�l.�I�;4.��-'.k.. C"4.�k'at4'�
COMMtSSiGNER__..___�—.— ------ -- ._��AT-C _
ority of the m,embe�:s af �aid
Ti�le of Goverizin:g Body c�f,
, ��ese�.t at a meF�ting of aaid �ody �n the
i;,:�plicant) "�'"''-
day of___ _ , 19� at whicn � quor � � c�*as preaeat.
. (Si�cs�tu*°e ef C��r�ff;ri4; 0£�:.cer�
SCP 1 � i�7�
COUNCIL�M1IEN A�opted by t�e Council 19—
Yeas Nay� ��� '� � �s�2
��� Kt�nopatzki �� �pr'ove� s�l��---
t ,�9� ;��
Levine ' ,�° r ;
Tz1 Fav�r �� F-�, �.R,� ,�,R�"±}�� �.;�' ��.�` .,,,,
Mei•eaith .�^ a�� „���.,�;,� _:_: " �:
Spraf ka � ����
�` __A�°�,inst
i'�.-���"�:�»c��''.�.���'r:.-��p �.'resicl�n> �3a*.�Ze.x
�_°".._ °:��
�� � � �' i��
�yt��s_��„��� �� �. � �
February 26, 1973
To: I�ayor Lawrence D. Cohen and �Ir. Phil Lee
Fr: Frank D. �larzitelli ��
Re: Council Resolution - Agreement - Old Federal Courts Building
I have reviewed the abw e matter and recommend approval of the Council
Resolution attached.
FD�I:mc 0 �
City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02
DYrLtCATt TO lRIN7�R " ' � �`��/�8�
WHEREAS, Pursuant to resolution of the City Council, tlu Mayor
has made application to the General Services Adminiatration for
the purpose of t11e City receiving title to the Old Federal Courte
Buildingf and
WHERBAS, Ttie City'a spplicatian is �.o be approv+Qd and the
Ma�hrtrecoa�uds t�at t�e City entor into an Oparating Agnem�nt
wi he Saint Paul Coun�cil of Atts and Sciences for the purpos�
of complying with the terms of tho Agrae�nt with th�e Ganarnl
Services Administration; now, thar�fors, be it
�E.SOLVED, That th� Co�ncil of tt�a City of Saint Paul does
hereby ap rove lease arrd Operati Agreement with the Saint Paul
Counci2 o Arts and Science whe�e�by the Arts and Science Council
will uadertake to renovate the old Federal Caurts Building at its
expense, operate the tacility on behalf of the City, and the Gity
will be responsible for the operatiug and maintenance coat for
the facility; and, further, that the proper City officers ara
authorized to execute the said Agraement on behalf of the City.
MAR 219�3
COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Co�,nci� 18.—
Yeas Naya
utler Hunt ��
laon k0nope� APPrnv� 19—
• e{,��Ra e d l�y� Tn Favor
T�� v �
p Mme. PreskJe!'!�@IltiY ro�'�st
Te sco
Mr. esident, McCarty