260735 NHITEw - CITY CLERK ��(�,�A� . PINK - FINANCE FF � ±lt CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL COU11C11 f� ��} y BLUE - MAYOR . Fll@ NO. • Ordin�nce, Ordinance N 0. /���s'L _ Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance Amending the1973 Budget and to Provide for Supplemental Appropriations The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Section 1. That pursuant to and in accordance with the procedure set forth in Section 10.07.1, and upon certification of the Ma.yor that additional revenues are available in excess of the estimates of revenue adopted within the 1973 Budget, as amended, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby revise the1973 Budget so as to increase the appropriation in Activity 09185- Civic Center Expense by the sum of $17,328.00, and further that the appropriation in the 1973 Budget as amended is hereby increased as follows: General Government Accounts 09185 Civia Center Expense $17,328.00 609 Building Improvement • (Repair walls in the theatre section of the auditorium) and further that the item in the Financing Summary noted as: General Revenue Fund Balan.c,e-Not Dedicat,�ed (12/31/72) (Unencumbered Balances-Not Dediaated) be increased in the amount of $17,328.OQ. Section 2. This ordinance shall take �fect and be in force thirty (30) days fram and after its passage approval and publication. COUIVCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine � �� Against BY 5Freaficer Roedler �—Tedesco MAR 13 1973 Mme.President Butler For Approve by C' y rne Adopted by Council: Date �' ., � - Certified sed by Coun ' r tary BY By Approv by Ma r: Date Approved y • for bi ' ion to Council BY BY �►BUSH�c MAR 17 1973 � � . � . , • 1i11�1r ��1'�� S71J 11��� I��UL • �1/V� 1e l� ij" � AUTIIORJTY I►�SOLUT�:ON CCA 630 . WHEREAS, the Purchasing Department of the City of . � Saint Paul, pursuant to a request from the Civic Center Authority, requested bids for the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary to ' the repair of tfie existing proscenium walls in the ' theatre section of the Civic Center, and said bids have been received and tabulated under Informal Bid 3626; and . WHEREAS, it appears from considering the bids sub- mitted that the lowest responsible bidder meeting the specifications is Bor-Son Construction Company; and . , WHEREAS, the Civic Center Authority, by Resolution � '� No. 557,- appro�red November 16, 1972, recommended to the City of Saint Paul that Informal Bid 362�i be awarded by . contract to Bor-Son Construction Company; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Civic Center Authority hereby � recommends and approves the payment to Bor-Son Construction Company for the aforementioned services of the sum of $16, 828.00 plus engineering costs not to exceed $500.00; said sum being payable from Civic Center Expense - Activity � _ No. 091&5. , . . r0;:, 9 �F-,�,� �p• c Asst. City �torney Yeas Nays ' 're1.1 � � ' ]. � 'e��1���1-i �PProved .Z , 9 Ju cl /i er ��Tn Favor � �'c �c cl i th ' / , esel: � , �•�..�-ti� Radm�.n � Agai.�is�t; Cha�.rnian ' � �, : �i��. G1�3ir.��rrr;-�iarmon - � t CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI February 22, 1973 To: i�ayor Lawrence D. Cohen and I�r. Phil Lee Fr: Frank D. f�arzitelli � � Re: Ordinance - Amending 1973 udget - Civic Center Theater Walls I have reviewed the attached matter and recommend approval of the Ordinan�e. FD(�:mc Attached City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 O � GITY OF SAINT PAITL OFI�IGE OF THE MAYO1� c:.sa uu��a s��� LAWRENGE D. GOHEN MAYOR February 22, 1973 Rosalie L. Butler, President and Members of the City Council This is to certify to you that there is available in the General Revenue Fund Balance-Not Dedicated - Unencumbered Appropriation Balance at 12/31/72 closed to Fund Balance the amount of $545,730.89. It is my recommendation that a portion of these funds be used to finance the following 1973 Budget Revision: Civic Center - Theatre Walls $17,328.00 Wall is cracked and should be shored up to protect against accidents. Your concurrence and approval of the above Budget Revision will be sincerely appreciated. espectfully submitted, rence . Cohen Mayor 22 , . lst �?nd � �--- 3rd �.dopted � Yeas P1ays HU1VT KONOPATZKI §''`' ���A ����� � / LEVZrr� . � � ��� � ��� ^�R4 �r�� �� T o�,sc� � „ m�r.n7=s�,c� � � Mme PRESIDENT (BUTLER)