260722 WHI7E - CITY CLERK , ` ^^����� PINK - FINANCE COUIICll �,:1 CANARY - DEPARTMENT ' �iITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. '�" ���b BLUE - MAYOR Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. / �/�� Presented B `��" �'�' � Y � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance Amending the 1973 Budget and to Provide for Supplemental Appropriations The Council of the City of�Saint Paul does ordain: Section 1. That prz�suant to and in accordance with the procedure set forth in Section 10.07.1, and upon certification of the Mayor that additional revenues are available in excess of the estimates of revenue adopted within the 1973 Budget, as amended, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby revise the1973 Budget so as to provide for a new activity No. 02211-Fire Alarm Switchboard in the Department of Publia Works with an appropriation in the amount of $76,136.75; and further that the appropriation in the 1973 Budget for the Department of Public Works is hereby increased as follows: Department of Public Works 02211 - Fire Alarm Switchboard 829 Capital Outlay - Equipment (NOC) (Switchboard) and further that the item in the Financing Summary noted as: General Revenue Fund Balance-Not Dedicated (12/31/71) be increased in the amount of $76,136.75. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage approval and publication. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine D �oe d�er Against BY Mme.President Butler MAR 131973 F pprove by Cit t ey Adopted by Council: Date � Certifi d assed by Cou i�cretary BY� g � 1 Approv by Mayor: Date Approve y uncil By By �t16LlSHED MAR 17 19T3 f . i . F __--� �` . �> I'i'1' <)I' �_� I \'F ��.1 i' l, ��� ,.3 � , ,��� `��, 5._a.a;•�,----:�g';c`1"''�, i)I'd'IC;1: <)1' "i'Iii: �1 .\Yf)K T 4� I 'i ' �- ;.,�-. . ��� ��� ... �.w �. , �;��� - _ _..-- . � ., ,, L:�w-tir:�c;�; I). C;f�}n:� _, `t^�"°'t February 21, 1973 P.osalie L. Butler, President and Members of the City Council f�..-:... � .- . � _. _ . � . . � . . _. ' This is to certify ta you that there is available in the General " Revenue-Fund,_Balance-Not Dedicated as of December 31, 197I (see report �. attached a e 6 _ - :'_ � : - � P g �� $154TQ05.55. _. � . _ _ :.- _ _ �: It_ is my re.commendation that a portion of these funds Ue used to _ _: Finance the following 1973 Budget Revisioas; ^ Fire- Departmeat - CapitaL OatlaY $55,986,00 - - " New Aerial T:adder Department of Public �dorlcs 7b,136.75 - . _ . New Switchboard-Police & Fire Building General Governmerct Accounts $,632.00' Civic Center Insurance Premiums , Tota�:. �140.754. 7� Your concurreace ac�d approval of the above Budget Rejrisions will be sincere�y�agpreci:ated. . Respectfully submitted, Lawrence D. Cohen rlayo r . . . .,y,-`.-^,.�,.,1 . � . , . . � . . ,. . .. . . . .. . .. .. . . . . ��'�"�,�� �..� l,v .� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI February 21, 1973 To: �layor Lawrence D. Cohen and �Ir. phil Lee Fr: Frank D�. Marzitelli � �, ,. Re: Ordinance - Amendment 1973 `Budget - Public Works/Fire Alarm Switchboard I have reviewed the above matter and recommend approval of the attached Ordinance. FD�1:mc Attached City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 O ���� � � � � �� � � � � �s�� ���� G� (iIT1' O1' �.1I .�'1 1�.1i' I. �;��'�� c�i•-1��tc;1: c»- �t'lil: �I.�l'OIt �OL. NMMlP•..,::1n� ,'i�l1` p�I NI, " �. ' ` ^_`L�•. � t Lntiii�;�cr. l). Gc>1rr:x ; `r^,'���t February 21, 1973 Rosalie L. Butler, President and Members of the City Council This is to certify to you that there is available in the General ' Revenue Fund Balance-Not Dedicated as of December 31, 1971 (see report attached, page 6) $154,005.55. , It is my recommendation that a portion of these funds be used to finance the following 1973 Budget Revisions: Fire Department - Capital Outlay $55,986.00 New Aerial Ladder Department of Public Works 76,136.75 New Switchboard-Police & Fire Building General Government Accounts 8,632.00 Civic Center Insurance Premiums Total $140.754.75 Your concurrence and approval of the above Budget Revisions will be sincerely appreciated. fu submitted, awrence D. Cohen Mayor ��za d,� �,y .�f,. � , 9��a ;�: . � _� februe�'�e '21, 1973 Tns l�ayor Lamrence D. Cohen end Mr. Phil Lee Frt Fran1< �t I�arzitelli Ret Ordinance - Amendmernt 1973 9udg�t - publia Warke�/Fire Al�rm 5witchbosrd I have reviewed the ebave metter a�d recommend appraval of the attached Ordinance FC)ly!tmc Attgched � • 3 ' �1 lst � .� � 2nd � �� � ,� l .3 3rd Adopted Yeas Nays HU:�1T KOrdOPATZKI ��/�S� ---- , �. � LEVIATE ;".,� ��" r��z�-- � � '�'�— blme PRESIDENT (BUTLER)