260719 WHI7�-j - CITY CLERK COU11C11 26� ���
�i.UE - MAVOR File NO.
" cil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Whereas, A petition for a referendum on Council File No. 259662-
Ordinance No. i5i95 entitled an Administrative Ordinance fixin$ the
salaries of elected Officials of the City of Sa.int Paul, pursuant to
Laws of Minnesota for 1971, Chapter 473, has baen filed with the
City Clerk, and
Whereas, Section 8.02 of the City Charter requires that petitions
for referendum be signed by re�istered voters of the city equal in
numbers to 8� of those who voted f or the off ice of Mayor in the last
preceding city election; the number of persons voting in the 197�
magoral election being 90,993 and 8� thereof constituting 7280, and
Whereas, The City Clerk has examined such petition as to its "
sufficiency and finds that the petition contains t�.l�75 valid signatures
of registerad v oters, theref ore
Be It �Resolved, That the petition be declared insufficient, and a
copy thereof be returned to the person filing the petition with a
statement of its defects.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
Klonopatzki In Favor
Meredith � � Against BY
Mme.President Butler
FEB 2 2197� Form Approved by�ity Attorne
Adopted'by �ouncil: Date ,q
Certif' ed by Cpun�il tary BY
..,�---�r��^`- p
By - � '
Appro Date v Appro d by Mayo r Submiss'
. .
gy B
.. � � .� � �
Hor�y E. Manhall ��TY p� Donald T. Nystrom�
" City Clerk and ,�06 �, Supervzaor of Elections
�ommissioner of Registration ,, =y
?e =- ,b Walter A. Bell
'�� ^° Aseiatant Supervisor
SJ City Hall
St.Paul,Minnesota 6510£
Feb. 21, 1973
To the Members of the City Council :
A petition for a referendum under Section 8 of the City Charter,
filed ATovember 13, 1972, has been checked by this office. The petition
consisted of 512 pages with 8591 names. Of these, the followin� were
re jBCted for the reasons given:
29 names rejected - certificate not signed or notarized
106 " t' - circulator witnessed own signature
2gl r� �r _ circulator not a resident of St .Paul
18 " " - notarized in blank
24 '� " - circulator used husbands first name
19L� " " - no notary stamp or expiration date
1 " " - no address given
54 " '� - duplicate si�natures
42 " " - signatures appearing signed by someone else
306 " " - signatures of women using husbands first name
662 " " - not registered at address given
�3? " " - outside city or printed signature
5 '� " - identification of initialed signature not sure
1208 " " - circulator did not sign certificate
1098 " '� - certificate signed by other than circulator
1 '� " - petitioner witnessed own signature
11 Total re jected
We f ound that 4l�75 names were valid registered voters . As a valid
petition would require 7280 signatures, that being eight per cent of the
90,993 votes cast for Mayor at the last election, the petition appears
not to contain a sufficient number of valid signatures.
Very truly yours,
��, �.
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� � "��' �_�� �/����'U%�- \
`� �
,�fiarry E.Marshall
City Clerk
,�..__, _. ,
_" , -
' Harry E. MarshoU Donald T. Nystron�;
``TY °° Supervisor of Electians
Cit�Clerk and R°� �t
Commissioner of Registration o .�
yt� ib 1F/O�tOT A, �@II
d� „ Assistant Supervisor
CI'�'Y O� SAi101'r �'AUL
3S City Hall
St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 2z 1973
Feb. ,
To the Membe�;.°s of the �ity Counc.il :
� A petiti�n for a referendum under Section. 8 of the Cit,y �narter,
f �led NovembQr 13, 1972, has been checked by this office. The pet ition
consis-te� of 51� pages w�t�. 8591 names. Qf these, the followir� we�e
rejected fQr. the reasons given:
. 29 names re,iected - certificate not signed or notarized
106 " " ' - circulator witnessed own signature
� 2�31 " '� - circulator not a res ident of St .Paul
, 18 " " - notarized in blank
, 24 " " - circulator used husbands first name
x 191.� '` '� - no notary stamp or expir�tion date
I " " - no address given
54 " `� - d�apJ-icate sign�tures
42 '� " - signatures a�peari�� signed by sorreone else
; 3pE " " - signatures of women using h�asbands first name
� 66?_ " '� - not registered at address given
+� 3? 1t " - outside city or printed signature
,� 5 " �' - ident if icat ion of init ialed si�nature not sure
1 ?Q8 " 1t - circulator did nct sign certificate
1�98 " " - certificate signed b�y otYier than circulator
: �1 s' " _ petitioner witnessed owr. si;nature
11 Total re�ect��
We foun� that L�.�.?,� namvs were valid re�:istered voters . As a valid
net�tior.. wolz�� requis�e ?2t�0 si�;n�tures , that be irk; ei�ht per cent oy tha
90,y9� vvtes c�st ior ��fayor at the last election, the petition ar��e�.r. s
:�ot to contain a sufZ'zcient numbe» oi va:Lid si�;natures .
�;�, ��erST truly �TOUrs,
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;�iarry E.J�Iarshall
� City Clerk
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s-' � - Donald T. t�7y��ror�
' t Harry E. b7arshaU FQ�,�'TY °.�= Supervisor of Electzons
3 �� � � City Clerk and y �
Commissiotiaer of Registration 4 ''^e:; -�
° Wal�er A. �r�ll
,� :w�::'9 �,
�b y �� Aasistant S2tpervisor
CITY O� SAIl�'�' �A�1L
S3 City H¢ll
St.Paul,blinnesota 55102 Fp�• '�' l�.f i
;c; �ne �'eYnbers of' the ��ity �ouncil :
� A petitior. fo� a refer�ndurr. und�r Section � of the City ';h�rtar,
f iiP� Novembpr 13, 19?2, has been eh�c'�:ed. by this office. The ne� itio�
�`�riszsted o" 51? �ages w?th f3591 names . Uf these , t�e follawin�, F�ere
re;;ec�ed fer tr.e reasons �iven:
29 r.atnPS re je�.;ted - cartificate not signed or notarize4
106 " " - circu�ator witnsssed own signature
2t3� '� '� - cir�ulator not a res ider�� of �t .Pau�
' l� " " - notarized in blar�k
� � �4 " " - circulator used husbancis first name
," zgj+ " 4i - no nctary stamn or expir=�tion date
�° 54 " " - no adaress �iven
„ " _ ����1 ic��e s i�nat�.�res
; �2 'F " - si�natures appearinm si,.r,r.�� by seme�.�ne e:LSe
, 306 '� " - signatures of women usir; husb�nds first r.�;r.°
; 652 'T " - not reg?stered at a�dress �iven
�, 37 '� " - outside city or _arinted signa}ure
; 5 '� " - identificati�n of init�aled si.,a,r.ature not s�are
��p8 " " - circulatcr c�.id n�t sL�r, c�rti.fica�e
�.�{�8 11 tl .. �^.Eit'.lf'].C��E.' S1r�:ie� �;� Cther �.i"laZ1 {;1T'CU.l?';��
rl Ft it _ ;�etlti0?"1('.I'' Tr3it2?LSS„C� OWn 51Ui,3�111'8 i
'.1. �'O'I:al T'G'JPCt��"'
We £oun� tha�; 1.��7� names were va�id re�-iste�e�.�. votere . �.� a vali�? �
patit �_en T�ro��l� re<��zire 7�80 s?;-,nat�res , tL.nt �e �n;, ei�ht ::er cen� �,�' t'_:e
90,y�=!3 v�r�s c�st ior M�;�or �t tYi� lrst e�.�ct;{:�n, the netiti�n a�pe�..rs
I1G'�i. t O GOT1T�i1�1 a suf�zL ie�lt Iil.,i!r!UET' O� L�`ctilC�''. S t;�7;�c.tU7'08 �
�. �2T'V +1l:Zf ,�,7ilUT'8� ,
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j�f�/�'��-� A : � ,, e""=',% �.-{��—'"1 ,
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'�iarT'y E„i�I2.�sh�l�
City Clerk
�. � � °� r �
l�ebruetry 22, 19?3•
Mra. Vaa Poperin
628 s�ryrker Av�.
St. Pau]., Mina��ota
llear Madam:
Pleaee be advi�eed tha.t a petition ot' referendum Piled
by yQU againat Council Filt 259662 - Ordinanee No.
15].95, hae been dealare�d insufficient.
Attached is a written �tatement containing its defecte
and also a copy of the pet3tion.
Very tY'ulY' Yowra,
Gity Q.erk