260718 WHI7E - CITY CLERK PINK 'y- FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council �('�J4,a�j (� BLUERY - MA'YORTMENT File NO. ��v • ��_ a ` uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RBSOLVED, that pursuant to the Statutes of the State of Minnesota in such case made and provided, and the aiaendment of the Articles of Incorporation of the Teachers' Retirement Fund Association the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby � coacurs in the appointment of the Mayor and the President of the Council of the City of Saint Paul as ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund Association. COUPTCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �tRil� Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith/� � Against BY �� 1�2.eQ�.t/ Tedesco Mme.President Butler FEg 211973 Form Appr ed ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certi ed as ed by Coun ' e By By Approv by Ma Date �i L 1973 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By Pt1BLISHED FEB 24 �'Xfi��,B.T ,� . . . � � ������``� ,,� ARTICLES OF AMENI�MENT QF ARTICLES OF INCORPOR.ATION OF TEACHERS' RETIREMENT FUND ASSOCIATION JOSEPHINE DOWNEY, the President and LYLE T. FARM�,'R, the Secretary, of Teachers' Retirement Fund Association, a nonprofit corporation du],y organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Minnesota, having its principal place for the transaction of business in the City of Saint Paul, State of Minnesota, do hereby certif�r : I. That on the fifteenth day of November, 1972, the Board of Trustees of this corporation did propose the amendment of the Articles hereinafter set forth by adopting a resolution setting forth the proposed amendment and directi.ng that it be submitted �or adoption at the annual meeting of 'the membexs of the corporation to be held on Thursday, the eighteenth d�}r of January, 1973, at 4 :00 o'clock P. M., at the Saint Paul Technical Vocational Institute Auditorit�m, 235 Marshall Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. II. That on the thirtieth day of December, 1972, a writtPn notice of' the said annual meeting of the members of the corporation, stating the time, place, and purpose thereof was duly mailed to each member of the corporation entitled to vote on the proposed amendment and to eaeh officer and trustee regardless of his voting rights. zzz. That at the annual meeting of the members of the corporation duly called and duly held on Thursday, the eighteenth day of January, 1973, at four o'clock P. M., at the Saint Pau1 "rechnical Vocational Institute Auditorium, 235 Marshall Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, at which mceting the majority of the members were present in person vr by pro�cy, the following Resolution was duly adopted by the aff irmative vote of a majority of the members voting : RESOLUTION AMENDTNG CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION of TEACHERS RETTFtEMEN� FUND ASSOCIATION RESOLVED, that the Certificate of Incorporation of Teachers' Retirement Fund Association be amended, effective the first day of February, 1973, in the fO110W- in� respects, to wit ; I. That Article N, Section 1, which now re�.ds; "The management of the affairs of this Association sha11 be vested in a board of twelve trustees. The l�iayor and the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul and the Chaixman of the Board of Education of the Ci'ty of Saint Pau1, during their respective terms of office, shall be ex-officio members of said board. The remaining niane tru5tees shall be elected by and from the members of the Association." be amended so as to read : "The management of the affairs of this Association shall be vested in a board of twelve trustees. The Mayor and the President of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, and the Chairman of the Board of Independent School District Number 625, during their respeetive terms of office, shall be ex-officio members of said board. The other nine trustees sha11 be elected by and fr� the members of the Association." II. That the second paragraph of Art3cle VI, Section 1, which no� reads : "As used in these articles, the term 'teacher' means a person regularly employed, under a wxitten contract, by the Board of Education of the City of St. Paul, in the instructional, supervisory, or other essential profess3onal staff, whose employment is dependent upon the possession of an appropri.ate certificate issued by the Minnesota State Board of Education." be amended so as to read: "AS used in these articles, the term 'teaeher' means a person regular7,y employed, under a written contract, by the Board of Independent School District Number 625, in the instructi.onal, supervisory, or other essential professlonal staff, whose employment is dependent upon the possession of an appropriate certif icate issUed by the Minnesota State Board of Education." RFSOLUID, that the President and the S�cretary of this Association be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed to make, execute, and aeknowledge a Certificate embracing the foregoing resolution, and ta cause the Certificate to be filed and recorded in the manner provided by law. IN WITNESS WHER.EOF, we, the undersigned, have hereunto subseribed :-> , �•i.. our names and caused the seal of' the corporation to be hereto affixed this ��-� day of January, 19'73, In Presence of�� �r ,- - - v �� �, , /; ;;Y�70 ' p ine Downey, I'resid ; :` L-tf�Cr r�>�L���d-lc t,(" � . i,� ` � � � r� s ��,�-"""_' ���' . � ra _ n J �r �''�3 �—'�`/� / i,C " 1, rL:� ./ ' J / /l..'L.. ... �r...-,. .��/l�. .� e 7". .. �,, �" � �. Farmer, Secretary i � (Corporate Seal) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF RAN6SEY ) -7 . �� On thi.s p�'' day of January, 1973, before me, personally appeared Josephine Downey and Iy1e T. Farmer, who, being by me duly swarn, did depose and say -t;hat they are the President and Secretary of Teachers' Retirement Funcl Association, the corporation named in the foregoing instrtament; that the seal affixed to the instrument is the corporate seal of the corporation; that the instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of the corporation by its express authority; and they acknowledged the instrument to be their free act and deed and the free act and deed of' the corporation. . . L � '-°"�. � - ��-C_ L.� c c_._.� � ., \.,�t_-�i -�+L_o 41..r Nntary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota N(y commission expires vtViAN E. PETERSC��; Notary Pubiic, Ramsey County, :v+!rII1, My �ommission [xpires lure i z����7 ff (Notarial Sea�.)