260717 WHITE - CITY CLERK �h�' J��
1 ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Mayor and the Council of the City of Saint Paul,
Minnesota, on behalf of its citizens, wish and desire to express their
deep and sincere gratification for the long-waited peace agreement in
Southeast Asia, which resulted in the release and return of United States
prisoners of war to their country, their families , and their homes; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and the Council of the City of Saint Paul
wish to honor our American POWs for their courage, their faith, and
their loyalty to our country by hailing their return home as a symbol
of peace that will not only be lasting but the beginning of a new age
of freedom, wisdom, honor and progress; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and the Counci� t,�1��City of Saint Paul
wish, to especially honor and welcome home ��'�or Glendon W.Perkins ,
a nat`ive of Saint Paul and a graduate of North Saint Paul High ch ol
now li�ring in Orlando, Florida, who served twenty years in the �ee�tr.
the last six and one-half years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam;
Now, Therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the Council of the City of Saint Paul
do hereby join with the nation in expressing their sincere gratitude
to and pride in our American POWs who have supported us over the long
war years of imprisonment, while we prayed for their safe return; and
be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the Council of the City
of Saint Paul welcome them home and share in their complete happiness
and j oy.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Konopatzki In Favor "
Mer��J.��� � Against BY
Mme.President Butler F t� a 1 �,q� Form Appr v d.hy-@ity A torney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certif' d sed by Co S " By
Approv by Ma r: Date Appro d by Ma Su m' i ounci
P�¢LI�HED FEB 2 41973
. PINK - FINANCE �ITY OF SAINT �,(it} L COUTICIl S��a}'���,`�py� t
BLUERY - MAVORTMENT File NO. ^�-a'; C,�it i�� 1
- ouncil Resolution �
, ;
Presented By ' ����'�'`
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Nlayar and the Council of the Cit�t of Saint Paul,
Minnesota, on �ehalf of its citiz�ns, wish a�d desir� to express trisir
d�ep and sincere gratification far the long-s�aited peace agreement in
Southeast Asia, which resulted in the relea�e and return of United States
�risoners of war to their country, the.ir fami.Iies, and thei.� hom��; and
WIiEREAS, the Mayor and the Gouncil of the City of Saint Paul
wish to honor our �merican P�Ws for t��eir courage, th�ir faith, and
their loyalt� tv our country vy hailing their returz� �iom� as a symbol
of peace that will not anly �e la�ting but t:�e b��ins�ing of a new age
of fre�do�, wisdom, hono� and progr+e��; and
WHEREAS, tha M�.ycar and the Council�, Qf�;�fi�h�City of Saint Paul
wish to especially honar �nd w�lcome home i� N�a�or Giendon W.Perkins ,
a native of Saint Paul anci a graduate of North Saint Paul High �Schp.ol�,�
now living in 4rlando, Florida, who serv�d twenty years in the ��;
the la�st six and an�-half years a� a grisar��r of war in Vietnam;
N�r, Therefare, be i.t
RESOLVED, that the P�iayor and tne Council of th� City of 5aint Pau�
do herehy join with �he nation in expressing �h�ir �incere gratitud�
to and �ride in our American POWs whr� Y�ave support�d u� over the long
war years af i��risonment, whil� w� prayed for their safe return; and
be it
FURTHER F,ESOLVEI�, that the P�`fa.yor and the Council c�f t�� City
of �aint Paug �a�].ea�� th�m hom� and share in th�ir complete happiness
and j oy.
COUIVCILMEN � Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith � Against By
Mme.President Butler �-�� �j 1 �9�
Form Approv 3�--E',Yty A orne ,_____,�__
Adopted by Council: Date �,,,.-° ;�
Certifi�P ed by Cou i�e�' ;i� '�y �+�'�"�'�� �
� �
l� i ;
BY � �. ,. �.._..,,_. ^ '" . .�,,-__�.�
Approved by May : Date FEB 2� 7 Approv2c�by Maypr fpi�Sub. ' s�fo �ounci�r'
1� �-- � � � - �,;� , -�`7
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