260715 WHITE - CITY CLERK COl1I1C11 ������ PINK ..'.4 FINANCE TT BLUERY- �LAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAVL File NO• ' ouncil R olution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is holding a hearing on Thursday, .february 22, 1973, on the Proposed Classification of Underground Water of the State of Minnesota and Standards for Waste Disposal , WPC 22, and WNEREAS, After review of the proposed regulation the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul recommends certain revisions to the proposed regulations, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of.,. the Cifiy of St. Paul requests that the Minnesota �ollution Control Agency revi�e �,he;.�regu#,ations in accordance with the attached Statement, dated February 20, 1973, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk transmit a copy of thls resolution to Mr. Grant Merritt, Director of the Minnesota Pollution Controi Agency. � COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: •H�rr� Konopatzki In Favor Levine • Meredith � Against By ' ' ,,Sfar�f'ka��,u/ Tedesco Mme.President Butler FEg � 119T3 Form Approved b City ttorn Adopted by Council: Date J Certifie s d by C il ary BY ( i \By C Appr d by yo . D f Appro d by a o n C uncil gy By ��a«sr+�a FE B 2 41973 _. _ . ..�_ _ _ _ _ r February 24, 1973 ��te� STATEMENT OF THE CITY OF ST, PAUI ON THE '`ti STATE OF MI tJNESOTA POLLUT i CN CONTROL AGENCY �,�5 PROPOSED CNAPTER 22, WPC 22, PROPOSED � CLASSIFICATION OF UNDERGROUND WATERS OF TNE STATE AND STANDARDS FOR WASTE DISPOSAL The City of St. Paul is in complete agreement with the policy of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency in connection with the protection of under- ground waters of the State of Minnesota as stated in the proposed WPC 22 and in general agreement with the Standards as proposed. The underground waters of ;he State of Minnesota, particularly in the metropolitan area, must be considered as potable water supplies and, as such, an important natural resource which must be protected. We do feel , however, that consideration should be given to the revision of two sections of the Standards, Section (d) 5 and Section (d) 8 as follows : (1 ) Secfiio� (d) 5 indicates that the regulations shatl not be construed as prohibiting the use of septic tanks and soil abosrption systems for dis- - posal of sewage but does not provide standards for such facitities and the conditions under whicti such fa�ilities should be ailowed. We feel that this section should provide that such systems may be installed when allowed by the Minnesota Plumbing Code as promulgated by the Minnesota Department of Health and shall be in accordance with the standards for such facilities as pro- vided in Minnesota Individual Sewage Disposal System Code Minimum Standards Recommended by the Minnesota Department of Healfih. (2) Section (d) 8 prohibits the storage for later treatment of sewage, industrial wasta, or other wastes, yet allows the storage of all other liquids provided reasonabte safeguards are taken to protect underground waters. In view of the fact that temporary storage to reduce combined sewage overflows atready takes place in the metropolitan interceptor system, particuiarly in E�) - . the computer controlled combined sewage overflows in Minneapolis and St. Paul and, in addition, that St. Paul is considering lined tunnel storage as a method of abating combined sewage overflow to the Mississippi River, we feel that this section shauld be modified; and, if the words "solid waste" were deleted from the first sentence of Section (d) 8, the section would allow this type of use. Section (d) 8 would then read as follows: '�he storage underground for later treatment of sewage, industrial waste, or other wastes, except under permit of the Agency is prohibited." The remaining portions of Section 8 would �e as proposed, RAS:If �. . � �2) 1 Fesbz�ue�r�y 21, 1973 Mr. Grant Merrit� D�r�ctc�r, Minuesot� Pollutioa f�cmtrol Agency 717 Del+�war�, s.E. Minuee�pol3e, Minue�ata Dear 93rs Atteehed 3e a rsaolutian of the St. Paul City Gbunai]., C. F. 26t)?1��, re�qu�sting certain revf.sl.ons Ln propaaed claaai.fication o�' undsrgrout�d w�►►#,er aad �tsndarde for waate d�,apo�al regulations. Ye�r�,r truly youra, City Clerk ���8 .