260713 WHITE ' -�GTY CLERK 1 C��s¢�� (�� PINK� - FINANCE COUI1C31 � i' CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL 1 �V �� �-`�-* BLUE -- MAYOR Flle NO. � uncil Res ution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FINAL ORDER ___. - -- - File No. 17635-G In the matter of grading a�d surfacing with bituminous material snd conatruct• iug concrete curb and gutter on HIL'L�+100D DRIVE fran 485 feet West of the centerline of McKnight Road to McKnight Road and on HILI�TOOD COURT from the cul-de-sac south of Hillwood Drive to Hillwood Drive. Alao eonstruct sewer for storm water purposes. Also construct Water service connections. (G-1999). Also, open, widen and extend Hillwood Drive from 485 feet West of McKnight Road to 1�Knight Road by taking and conde�oc►iag the South 30 feet of the East 485 feet of the Northeast 1/4 of the South- eal�t 1/4, Section 11, Tawnship 28, Range 22. Also, condemn and take an easement ia the land necessary for the slopea, cuts and fills, inclading right of remaval of lateral support'fran subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or catnstruction of alopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material and constructing concrete curb and gutter on Hillwood Drive from 485 feet West of the centerline of McRnight Road to McRMight Road and on Hillwood Court from the cul»de-sac South of Hi�,lwood Drive to Hillwood Drive, �----�------.:� WHEREAS Pursuant to Preliminary Order �do529 , approved �'�7 �s i�� ; tha-Cuuncil of the City of 3aiat Paul has conducted a public heariug upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given aa prescribed by the City Charter; and WH�tREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improven�at and has fully considered the same; aow, there- fore, be it RESOLVRD, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RSSOLVBD, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City oEficers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and s4a11 report the same to the Citq Council in accordance with (�apter 14 of the City Charter. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays 3i��si� Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith V Against BY �—�o�(Q.�/ Tedesco Mme.President Butler f Eg � 1 � Form Approved b orne _,. Adopted by Council: Date Certi 'ed ed by C ci ary BY � By Appr d by M or: Date Approve Mayor for ubmi sion to Council By BY PUBLISHED EB 24 /1iI . 'R , .� � .. . . .. . . � . �ITY pp • � ��� � � _ �e,::::�,�: � ,�6�:� �6��-!� ��, ^�� -�� r� �7r RICHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L GARY R. NORSTREM Chief Engineer Deputy Commissioner Capital of Minnesota , DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ' 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 ROGER M. CONWAY Commissioner A�ri ! �7, �4]� The Honorable Rosalie Butl�r Commissioner of Finance Room 113, City Hali BUIL�iNG Re: G-194� and 5-1469 Dear Mrs. Butler: ,�J' I transmit herewith prel imina!-•:� estim�te of cost for gradi�n� �nd surfacinn with bituminous material anc� c*�nstru�tinn concrete curh and �utter on HILLlJ00D ; DRIVE from 485' west of the ce�terlin� �f McKninht Rd. to McKniaht Rd. ; also ' constuct sewer for stnrm w�t�r �ur�oses; <ilso construct water service connections , 3 under Preliminary Orc�er Mo. ?S7Q1�1 , �p,�roved April 7, 1972; also I transmit � here�.yith �reliminary estimatr� nf c�:f fo.r �tra�finc� and surfacin� urith hituminou� � material and constructina concretF curh an�i nutter on HILL4lOOD COURT from Cul - � �ie-sac south �f Hi 1 lwood DrivP tn Hi i l���c�o�i �rivn; also construct sewer for stc;rm � water purnoses; also construct water service connections, under Preliminary � Order No. 2_5794G, approved l�pril 7, i�7?. � � Estimated Canstructed Cost 557, 140.00 , � En�ineerine� - t39; 7,�+30.O�J � � j, Insp�ction - 2q 1 , 140.�0 � 4 yt..� �� Total Fstimated Cost $F.5,71�.00 9 � �:_. r. I also transmit herewith pre) iminary estimate of cost for the construction �'�� � of a sanitary sewer in HfLLW00D DRIVE, HILLWOOD COURT, and the 20' sewer easement . � �s Also c�nstruct sanitary sewer servic� connections, under Preliminary Order _ ,��.,� No. 25�288, approved April ?_4, 1972. - �µ� Estimated C�nstruction Cost S16,760.00 �4�5�"' �� Enq i nee r i nq - 8.Sq $ 1 ,420.00 '�� � � �`� ��`�, .:,., * I nspect i on - ?_q 340.�� ��; "hAY 197� ,� �-� `.�����1��E� � ���..,� Total Estimated Cost $18,�20.00 h � � �F"`, i�� ,-� � �'�.�� �r ' ���� ��,'.� r .C'� .; ��` L� : � ?�� l.- 7: V �.���,�r:� ; ��'�E�ut.�,, y a '� .� . �. The foilowin� is a sche�ule �f che costs of water service and sanitary sewer service connectians: 1 inch water service �n F,n' StrPet $225.00 each 1 inch water service on F�0' R. Cul -de-sac $290.00 each 6 inch sanitary sewer service $300.00 each You 5 v ey truly, � Roger M. Conway � Commissioner of Public Works Rt1C/t�1AH/qh cc: Richard Schnarr Ken Newcomb Clem Schleck , � ! ' ; �� �'i�,.,.�r, ,� � �^ �� , � '\�.���i� ��'9 ' �'�»� � �„�. . i=;: ny 4��� n' � '-' n., ;.��1�! �9� �'� � �� �� � , �. � r�� �� �� � � �-�- �-_�T. �F ; � �-� , ' C� • t� � i � ��1 �.��}�.� 1'� �,5� r`.,�� ``��'Z�C�r.���,v �� ��a,t!:. ., :� '�' � ������ �'+� November 1, 1972 Mr. Walter Hurtley , Zo�. Ia�rovements En�ineer Department of Public Wo�ks I,OWRY Re: Iiillwood Drive and Hillwooc3 Cc;zrt Dear Mr. H�irtl�ey: Set forth here�n is information pertSnent to the prcperty a�sessment for the proposed public i�proveraents as folla�rs: �-199g - Opening, Sewer, Gra.din� and Surf�cin� I�ILLF.OQD DRIV� and HLS,�d00D COIJRT The total estime,ted amount recovsrable by assess�ment is ae �a11aw�; Sewer & se�er easement �19,�2G Openin�� Gra3in� & Surfacin� 72 �p �'�J'Ea.l. 9���,3� This is based on the follawing estimates of cost; i Sew�ex Gr�,di i Est. construction cost per P.W. report 1 ,5?_O.UO 5,710.00 � Est. Opening & Slopes or Eaeement 1;Qf}0:00 5,000.00 s Val. & As$ess. Services & bTisc. 4Q4.00 1 500.00 � Es�imated Total Expend3tures l��a�p.pp 72,�p.�p � Estimated assessmen� rates are; �` Openingf Grading & Surfacing - �39•�5 Per a�eeesa. ft. � Sewer & Eas�ment - 12.g4 " " " There are apparent areas where 1G side Cit aid moaies will a :� � Y pply but this is minisaa�. in compa.rison to the overall pro�ect cpst. It wi11 be applied whexe � applicable at time oP levying the assessment. As of this date, thi� of�'ice is anticipating receipt ot' the n�ce�a�ry administr�tive order p�rtainir�g to sewer construction �o as to proceed wifi.h heasings nn these matterr. If you have a�n�r quegt3ona an these arder�, pleae� call. �� Very truly yours, Roy E. Bred,ahl, Jr. Assistant Valuation Engineer REB:dm cc: Pau1 Desch �;���� Henry Jackeon St. Paul, Minn.---.Sept.--2�-t--------------•---19-7�---- To The Honorablc, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property o���ncrs, hereby petitiun your Honorable Body to cause the fullo�i�ing improveme�it to be made: Street, Curb anci Gutters installed For a distance of 325 feet Westerly of - - --------------------------------------------� ------- . -------- - - --- - - - - -- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - South Mcr.night kd. on Hill�wood Drive. Also we request street, curbipg, sanitary sewer and water be installed on Hiltwood Court as per Leonard Oak Hills ---------------------------- -- • ------ -- --------------------------------------------------------St. Ave. � �let ff2 to serve Lots #1 thru �,`18. � � from ------------------------------------------------------------------St. Ave. to--------------------------------•---•--------------------------... ------------------------------------------------------------St. A��e. NAi�IL LOT BLOCK ADDITION Bonnie L. Leonard 1-18 1 Leonard Oak Hills Williarn E. Leonard 1-18 1 " " " -- ---- --------- -- -- �� � ---- ----- - - ��.� ----- ---------- - — -- ; I • �'.� ----- --�L - , T_-__-_-_ ___._" ' ___- _ _ I __ � � y�r >. - ��, r: :�f , . �,,_ - ----------- -- � , ,, _�._.-----_ _-- --- ----- ___ - -- ---- -- -- - - -- � � : i —�---- + �._._._ —�-- • -- WM►is���+ CRty GMr—kLLg�"��^ �T,;,N,� �1�. _.V 1�Y Q F' ►.7A I♦�I T ,�'�, ,� `+t�'�' s`'"t�'"'" {�'' ��` `- r , Pink' —r fh�anc�a�p� t �t����`-� u �€ � F� �� Can4►Y—.�OeP'� r,> s: ° OFFIGF. OF THE MAYO$ h����� , '�� � "' '� i ���►rT' �;�j'1�7�K �.� ,�� ,�`.' '� , _ � ,;.: �= Date: � � k. � w"-� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER - � ;� �X �, ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, !n tha wtte� of in�►roving Hillwood Court � Miltwr�oQ at�i� �Ctty �rojact �-1999I a�► follc�rs: Gsads �nd �wrf�cB rr�th bitueainous materiai and oonstruct conc�ete cu� �td guttar ot� HJ 1 Iwood Court from the ce►1-�-�ac �tt�h of'Hi ilwond Arttrs to ti�1 lxood 0�. A��construct sewer far stora wtar �rposas. /�t.SO constcwct wacet� ssrvice connections. (C�1999� ' ' Grada ac�d surfas�e xith bituminous materi l���d const�ct coeE�s!et� cyr� and g�tt�c � Ni 13wood Drive from 485' �t of th� tx�ntsrlina of Mc14�tght Rd- to l�Kn��►t R�, A150 construct sewer for stora� Nate� pctrp�as. ALSQ c.oastr�L �rat�� s�rvice conr�ections. �G-i999� Opar�, w i dee� an� ext�er�d H i 11 wood D r 3 ve f roai 4$5' �L of Mcltrti yht ad. Lo McKnlgE►t Rd. by Laktng and cor�emning the scwth 3Q` of Ehe Eaxt $85• of Ll�s NE � of tha SE �, Sett 1 c� l�, Toamsl�t p 28� �nge 23, ALSO t�o�daon and taka � aas,aaent In t�►a land r�ecessaryt for the slopes, t�ts and t'1tis, incl�dtug ctgbt flf removai of Iateral suppo�t �e�oer s�rb,�eci land or remai,adsr ther�f, occasio�ed by excavations thereaf or c�sLsuctioa a# siopas te� the gr�cli�g aad surfacing aith bttu�Inous �aarterial anQ consttucting concreta wrb and gcttier on t�i tlwood tlrtve frc�m 48�' Wlest af E�e ct�t�,�11�e of Mcl4�ight i�,d. �o McKnight E�ci, ALSfl co�struct serwr faf stcst�m �raxee* - , , �. pur�ses. �41.St� cor�stra�t water scnrice conr�ectiorn. {G-1999� Ccx�desa iud taiw an aasemer�t tn the iand nac�saary for t� stapes, cMts �td � fi 1 ts, including riqh� af ren9avai of Iat�ral swp�rt f� s�b,jeet tared or �e�aiader thee�f, occastaned by e�cavati�s �heceof Qr construeL�vn of slopes j� the griding a�d s�tfacing with bituwteKnss Msteria! �u! ��onstre�ting �oncreLe curb eusd guttet on N�!iwood Ccwrt fro� t!� cet-de-s�c soait� of ' Hi i ir�oc�d Drl�s to Hi �Iw�d O�ive. Al.50 ,c�as#�cE se�e� fa� stat� wai�� P+irposes. ALS� ca�de�n and take temporary aaseme�ts f`or QonsRraCtion -. putposas � tha fa3 tew�ring: the l�arth 10 f�est of th� 5o+�ttt Ztf faet of Lqt b, Block 1, lsoaard 0ak Mi�is No. 1, the Soutb i0 fe�t of thet ito�tb 20 fae� of i,.ot 7, 61 odc 1, �ard �ak N�!1 s t�o. 1, �ha N�tb 18�t�st o� �hi So�t� APPROVED AS TO FORM , , Assistant City Attorney partment Head ,�3tQ ' ' ,Administrative Assjstant to Mapor . � � � ���" ; . - (��' ._ , � �1���`y�� � `-��''1 �°w�,ra .. c�c�� ;� . �IT Y O F 5 A I N ,f"� `� � '�,.� ��k _.��,��a T w,. N� ; �.� � Canarv—�DePt. - � k�.:� � °:• �: —�r ��-�r- ., OFFIGE OF THF. MAYO$ " � „� �°s � OCT .1`�`P�97�' ,i yr .�.,' _ �B�C: '� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER �_'` - � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, ' -Page 2� _ _f 20 feat of Lot 6, Block l , leonard Oak Hi lYs Ib. 2, antd Llas l�q�etf� �O fest of the North ZO feet of Lot 7, B lock t, Leaaard.�ik Ht l ls !b.' 2, satd teaporary ease�ents to remain in effeci fo� a pertod of o� �r�ssi' Eorneactag vn tt� date of �atificatton of this order.� (6-l�99� � " : - Furthar tbat the Qtrectar of Flnance is heraby dinct�td to pt�apape ths prell�inary order asd schedule this matter fov a publ�e hea�te�g. APPROVED AS TO FORM . _ ' . � Assisiant City:Attorney epartment Head Date : . . ' Adminietrative Aaaista$t to Mayor . , _ - —�---�.� r...r � �r_ y� - - �t _ . � df �� ��oo Q . . � .� � � - � � , � � � . � ��� � �� a °� .. o ' � � - .� ,� �%�s,. . � � . ' � , � � , ,tl D r�y/�r s��'o D A�� 1 � o/ ,�,�AN .� � � �Ro�� � ; � ~ � � � � , � � � yy�rrTOl�i'�v � k I . w I u` � � ,� C.� I �' � i .,,-, . . .�. , . � � \ � � � � �� . � �� � � ?q � . � - � ]����7f�//i//"�+' -7T�•� f��?'��q,y .� . .