260708 WR77E "��ITY CLERK ��v i��� �INK -y�-INANCE COZIIICII � j CANARY�i DEPARTMENT GITY OF AI��� � PAUL BLUE -MAYOR � Fll@ N O. �•N • 0 rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. � � Presented By ' ��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 205 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the �naki�g of �tontracts with village�, other governmental subdivisions, private corporations, and individuals, for f�re protection to be furnished by the Fire Department of the City of Saint Paul outside the city limits, and establishing a schedule of rates to be charged therefor. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIIdT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 T'hat Chapter 205 of the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul, as approved on March 16, 1967, ia hereby am�nded in Section 12 thereof by striking and deleting the ss�e in its entirety and inserting in lieu and in place thereof the followings _: :,����n 12... Charges for fire protection shall be as follows: � ,�app�,icant shall pay an annual minimum �harge of $4.00 for - �����ach $10,000.00, or fraction th�reof, of assessed valuation of the real property upon which buildings and other property are kept and for which fire protection is to be furni�hed, said assessed valuation to be determined by the latest figures ahown on the books of the County Auditor. If the annual payments based upon said assessed valuations shall be less than the following �inimum charge�, then the applicant sl�all pay in lieu thereof minimum charges as follow�; In �ase- t�e applicant is an individual or church, he or it shall p�y annual,ly a aaininium charge of $50. � : COUIVCILMEIV \ Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approv • Su ' sion Council By BY � ,s . , ; �f��i�� ' - z - /✓�� �� In case the applicant is a village or other governmental subdivision it shall pay an annual minimum charge of $300. In case the applicant is a partnerahip, association or private corporation, except a church, it or they shall pay a minimum annual charge of $150. "Association" as used in the preceding paragraph shall �ot be construed as including groups of individuals who are associated together solely for the purpose o€ fi�e protection. Such individuals shall pay the annual mini.mwa charge of $SO; but in the discretion of Fire Chief, such individuals may jointly enter into a contract and furnish a joint bond. In such ease the penalty of the bond shall be in such ainount as the Fire Chief with the approval of the City Council, shall determine wi11 furnish adequate protection to the City. These annual charges shall be paid irrespective of whether the applicant during the year requires or requests the services of the equipment and personnel of the Fire Department. Such charges shall be in addition to the charges for equipment and personnel actually used for fire �rotection for the applicant. SECTION 2 That Chapter 205 of the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul, as approved on March 16, 1967, is hereby amended in Section 14 thereof by striking and deleting the same in its entirety and inserting in lieu and in place thereof the following: Section 14. The Department of Public Safety shall bill the applicant annually in advance on the anniversary date of each contract for the annual charges hereinbefore provided for, and shall bill the applicant immediately after each particular response to a fire or fire alarm for charges for personnel, apparatus and other equipment fur�ished therefor. SECTION � T'hat Chapter 205 of the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul, as approved on March 16, 1967,, is hereby amended in Section 15 thereof by striking and deleting the same in its entirety and inserting in lieu and in place thereof the following: V�N'KE INANCE RK COUIICll •/a'�y��r CANARV �EPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL M�/���� BLUE —MAYOR File NO. ♦ r � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. , � ���`° Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Seetion 15. All moneys received from the applicant in payment of charges for fire protection outside of the City of Saint Paul are hereby dedicated and s11a11 be credited to a Fire Services Equipment Trust Fund. The Depart�nent of Finance and Management Services is hereby authorized and directed to assign a proper code number therefor. SECTION 4 Z'his ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval �nd publication. COUNCILMEN Ye2� Nays Requested by Department of: �i-Iunt � Kc�e�tzl�i. In Favor �ero�re �11Reredith d Against BY ��Ro�u�cTt 'Ped�eaeo �114me.President Butler Adopted by Council: Date MAR 61973 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P ssed by Council Sec etary BY By Approv May : ate 7 iq73 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By ��8�� P!lBL��Nf�D MAR 101973 . � �-� ,�, �, - �'��,� '� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI February 15, 1973 To: I�ayor Lawrence D. Cohen and �1r. Phil Lee ���� Fr: Frank D. I�arzitelli Re: Ordinance Char�ging Chapter 205 -- Saint paul Legislative Code Enclosed is a proposed ordinance concerning changes to Chapter 205 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the making of contracts with villages, other governme�tal subdivisions, private corporati�ns, and individuals, for fire protection to be furnished by the Fire Department of the City of Saint Paul outside the city limits, and establishing a schedule of rates to be charged therfor. This matter has been reviewed with Chief Steve Conroy and Mr. Bill Carroll of the Fire Department and with {�r. Paul mc Closkey Jr of the City Attorney's Office, and it is our recommendation that you approve same. The billing for services in 1972 was $52,521.00; an increase of from 12 - 12 1/2 � should generate approximately $59,229.00 for 1973. FDl�:mc Attached CC: Bill Carroll Paul Mc Closkey Chief Conroy City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 O . -� ' + i C1TY OF SAINT PAUL OFF(CE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY - February 14, 1973 . - -- I�fNNETH}.�fITZPATRICK _ M�. Frank Marzitelli City Administrator 615 City Hall ._ . . _ BUI LDI NG Dear.Mr. Marzitelli: - - Enclosed is -the ordinance �amendinent you requested of this office when you forwarded Fire Chief Conroy' s letter of January 19, 1973 to us for the appropriate action. The changes requested by the Fire Chief in his letter have been done with the following excegtions. In Paragraph 15 we did not strike the wor3s "�'3�e Department of Public Safety" and insert in lieu thereof the "Department of Fire Servic�s" . The reason we did not is that the ,k'ire Department has a7.rQady been entitled so by the administrative code which was adopted this past summer. If any action is to be taken regarding the nam� change, we should start with the administrative code first, Additionally, we did not e�fect a similar n�-ne change w;2ere the Fire Department was referred to in the ordinanc� that is to be amended for the reason stated above. As to the title change of "Arson Investigator" to "Fire Invest- igator", Terry 5ullivan of this office is assigned to the Civil Service Commission and I am referring this matter to him for the appropriat�e processing. n % ,� ' �! ; i` f: ,t ,�i�, � _.. � ' _ t \ ` 1�11 ;� . � . � '��M1 ,� ` ' �J��, ���~' ... i !S ` 'a : - a��� ��.� l �rty°Hali, Saint Paul, Minn�sota 55142 612 223-5121 � .� , � ` 1 Mr. k'rank Marzitelii Page 2 February 14, 1973 . _ .. . _ _ . _ . _ If we can ba of any further service to you, please do not hesitate to call upon us. Very truly fyours, � ,� / • �, : r� '�` PAUL F.� MC CLOSKEY, JR. Assistant City Attorney P�'M:jp , ,- , 1st � r fo 2nu. � e� ` 3/�3rd � -Z Adopted Yeas Nays .HUNT � ���~��(� MEREDITH . SEB�AF�KA vRf3EDLER N�ne PRESIDENT (BUTLER)