260704 WHI7E - CITY CLERK COI111C11 ��� • ��
. BLUE - - MAVOR . Fll@ NO.
� � Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RL�OL�tED, 7.'hat C�r�atr�etion 70, Ia�. bs and �ereby is
granted m permit to i�stall a S2-�ar parkin� lmt for a
�nrger �Cinq r�stanr�at on pr�p�rty laaated Ar� the south side�
of Sub�rban bet�re�a �3te B�ar and Ruth, mcr� pa�tir�larly
describ�d a: fallc�ar=:
The East 2, fe�t of I�ot 3, irc�ts 4, 5,
6 and t�ie W�st 25 i'��t of Irc►t 7, �lock
20, Scenic 8ills Additioa Yo. Ss
all in accord�ne� witla revis�d plans dated Rmcsived �ar��ary 4,
1973t subj�ct to the conditicn that said appli€ant-peroitt�e,
and its snQae��or� and ass3qaa, sb�tll nalE� d�� ec�pliaace with
all a,��'�.�.��'�,.��'ovisioas •� , , ' �-.- � . �
:,. ,�.- �, , , . � _ �� ; ,�.
�tatt�tea and rnl�s and reg�lat3mas of public authcrities ha�i�ag
Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of:
Konopatzki In Favo[
Meredith �_ Against BY �
��-�edl e y-�
Mme.President Butler FEB 1 6 �9� Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date , �
Certi ' sed by Coty�eirS ry � BY
By p�.�
Appr d by Ma r: Date �/� Approved Ma or Sub 'ssion o Council
PU6�ISFIED FE B 2 4 1973
- . . . . • •' .
January 31, 1973
Mr. Harry E. Marshall `
City Clerk ���''�
Room 386 City Hall �"��'
Dear Sir:
This is written in response to the application of Construction 70, Inc, for a
permit to install a 52-car parking lot for a Burger King restaurant on property
located on the south side of Suburban between White Bear and Ruth, and further des-
cribed by the legal description on file.
This matter was heard at the December 21, 1972, Board of Zoning public hearing.
The Board considered it along with the permit applications for two other restaurant
proposals on that block. The staff read a report from the Traffic Engineer's
office (copy enclosed) written in response to all three applications. The report
presented existing traffic volumes in the area, predicted volumes based upon the
immediate proposals, upon assumptions for the development of the remaining vacant
land, upon development of the new Burns Avenue and predicted volumes by the year
1985. The report then explained how the traffic could be handled. The report
recommended that the present applicants be required to provide sidewalks along
their street lines. -
In answer to a question from the Board, the staff said it believed the Traffic
Engineer's report presented enough ways to handle the traffic that it could not find
how the permits could be denied on the basis of traffic. The staff said revised
plans which should meet design standards have been requested but not received.
Several residents of the area appeared in opposition to the permits. One
expressed concern over traffic while the other person directed his remarks mainly
toward the type of restaurants represented by the applications.
As the Board discussed this matter, there was agreement that the traffic con-
dition in the area was a problem but it was maintained under challenge that there
was no basis on which to recommend denial. A motion to recommend denial failed for
lack of a second. Subsequently, a motion to recommend approval was made, with the
observation that the property is properly zoned and with the assumption that revised
plans will meet design standards and that Suburban and Burns Avenues will be
improved. The motion was seconded and carried by a vote of 3 to 1.
Revised plans were received dated January 4, 1973, with unsolicited revisions
which changed the arrangement of the stalls on the lot. This revised plan was
considered by the Board of Zoning at its January 4, 1973, meeting. After discussion,
a motion was made and seconded with the other members voting against the motion,
making the vote 2 to 2.
Very truly yours,
c..� - �������
PJM:PLR:mb Secretary, Board of Zoning
Z. F. 7437
o m J � � .�
• BOAKD•OF ZONING R1;PORT AP7D ACTI0�1 December 21 1972
l�cting• under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 Plat Map ��42
, ' passed Auoust 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. .
� � � � 7437
1. APPLICANT'S NAME , Construction 70, Inc.
2, CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal a PermiC � Other
3. PURPOSE . Install 52-car parking lot for a Burger King restaurant
4. LOCATION . South side of Suburban between White Bear and Ruth
6. PRESENT ZONING: Commercial
7. PURSUANT T'0 Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section; .23 Paragraph• 4b
8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: December 14, 1972 By: PLR .
A. HISTORY: This property, part of a large area, was rezoned from "A" Residence
to Commercial on June 6, 1957.
B. AREA ZONING: The area west of Ruth Street north of Burns Avenue is zoned
Commercial. An area on the southwest corner of Ruth and Suburban is zoned
"C-1" Residential west and south of which is zoned "A" Residential.
C. DESIGN STANDARDS: Revised plans meet design standards.
n. FRONTAGE ?.`ID AREA: �:�: ,i:.e has a iiucitage of 200 feet along Suburba�.
Avenue and a ciepth of 140 feet for an area of 28,000 sq. ft.
E. SITE CONDITIONS: The treeless site slopes slightly westward and is approximately
at the grade of Suburban Avenue and is vacant.
F. AREA CONDITIONS: Directly across Suburban Avenue from the subject site are
several large retail stores. South of Burns Avenue is an apartment development
followed by single family homes.
_ __
9. BOAP.D ACTION: To Recommend , � Approval � .Denial Council Lelter
DecemLer 21, 1972 Dated:
° Yeas Nays January 30, 197
Moved by : Maietta X Maietta
X McPartlin Date of
Seconded by: McPartlin Benshoof X Hearing:
X Cochrane February 1, 197
BOARD ACTION: To Recommend D Approval 1 n 1 Denial Council
January 4, 1973 Action:
Yeas Nays
Moved by: Benshoof X Benshoof Datc:
McPartlin X
Seconded by: Swesey X Swesey
Cochrane g
. � -2-
just under 14U0 trips per day are added to the present volume of just over
61+00 trips on a typical weekday without any additiona) roadways being con-
structed or improvements to present roadways being made, the Problem at this
intersection obviously will be compounded. However , (see figure 1 ) if the
Burns-Suburban roadway between Ruth St. and White Bear Ave. is constructed
during the 1973 construction season and Suburban Ave. is widened by a mini -
mum of eight ft. on the south side of the street from Ruth St. west approxi-
mately 500 ft. , the problems that would occur at the Ruth-Suburban inter-
section would be considerably less than those that occur at the present
time for the following three reasons:
l . First, and most important, the�additional width would enaole
traffic eastbound on Suburban Ave. approaching Ruth St. to form
two lanes at the Stop sign, with right turning vehicles in one
lane and left turning vehicles in the other,
2. We estimate that approximately 1000 of the existing 6400 vehicles
using Suburban Aveo just west of Ruth St. each weekday will re-
orient their trips to the southerly roadway (Burns Ave.) just
west of Ruth St.
3. The present condition of the roadway surface of Suburban St. bet-
ween White Bear Ave,'.and Sears is very poor. We estimate that
with the improvement of this roadway approximately 500 trips per
day presently using Suburban Ave, at the Ruth St. end will re-
orient their trips to the White Bear Ave. end.
Assuming that the present proposals under consideration are approved
and developed, a considerable amount of land would still be left for de-
v�lopment in the vicinity, Based o� the information we received from the
owner of the land, we have made estimates pertaining to traffic generated
uy full development, the results of which are shown on figure 2.
Figure 2 shows up to five sets of volumes for a number of sections
of roadway in the vicinity. These five sets are:
l . The existing traffic vol�.�meo
2. Trips generated by comptete additional development over and above
that which presently exists.
3. Trips generated by Burger King, Z�ata and Wong's.
4. The traffic volume that would exist in four or five years, assum-
ing cornplete developm�nt by that time and the completion of the
Burns-Suburban route between White Bear Ave. and Ruth St.
5. The traffic volume that would exist in 1985.
. . � .
. � -3-
In addition, figure 2 shows the number of one-way trips that would be
generated by each parcel of land still to be developed.
Based on these projections , we feel that traffic in and out of the
area can be served if:
l . Signals are in ptace at the I-94 off-ramps at Ruth St. and at
White Bear Ave,
2. Suburban Ave, �ust west of Ruth St. is widened by eight ft. , as
described above.
3. The Burns-Suburban route between Ruth St. and White Bear Ave. is
constructed and is opened to traffiic,
4. Sidewalks are installed, Ail future developers, including those
under consideration at the present time, should be required to
install sidewalks as part of their development. In addition,
sidewalks should be constructed adjacent to all property presently
5. Burns Ave. west of White Bear Ave. is realigned so that it inter-
sects White Bear Ave,, at Suburban Aveo At the present time there
are three relatively'closely spaced "T" intersections along White
Bear Ave, south of (-94. These three "T' intersections can be
combined into one intersection, thereby eliminating many problems
associated with turning movements.
In addition to the implementation af the above five mentioned improve-
rnents , it appears as though traffic signals will be required at the inter-
s�e:;tior�s of White Bear Ave, and Suburban Ave, and at either Ruth St. and
t3�rns Avea or Ruth Sta and Suburban Ave< It should be noted because of
prc>blems associated with the vertical align�nent along kuth St. that a
traffic signal installation at Suburban Ave, and Ruth St. could cause more
problems , from an accident standpoint, than it would solve. For example,
necau.;� of the grades, southbound traffic on Ruth Sta probably would ex-
p.r��nce �ifficulty stopping, a�d northbound traffic, once it were stopped,
would experience difficulty, particularly during the winter months, getting
There is no question that additional development over and above that
wt�ich presently exists will generate additional traffic compounding the
pres�nt situation which is just beginning to become a problem. We do feel ,
however, that traffic generated by the three proposals presently under con-
sideration can be handled adequately if improvements #2 thr�;ugh #4 iisted
abave are implemented during the 1973 construction season.
Informal discussions with the Minn�sota Highway Department have in-
dicatc:d that signals on White Bear Ave. at the 1-94 off-ramps can be in-
stalled and be in operation by mid-1974 and that perhaps the installation
' of a signal on Ruth Sto at the 1-94 off-ramp and at Old Hudson Rd. can be
installed in connection with the White Bear Ave. signals.
.. _ . ' .
,' " . , -4-
• Additional development generating traffic of any significance over
� and above that presently in place,or under present consideration,will
require the implementation of the fifth point listed above, as well as
the installation of additional traffic signals.
Although we feel that the ultimate traffic volumes can be handled,
there is very little question that the present relatively good accident
history wi11 suffer� primarily because of increased traffic volumes.
Yours very trul
/� �� �L ���~�
� ( �L �
Robert G, Peterson
City Traffic Engineer
RHR: kjb
Approved e P° `
ic a A. arr
Chief Engineer ,
,� !
� ,.�. ��' " - . �-�✓L ' '
Daniel J. Dun ord
Acting Director of Public Works
r � . `. ► /IA` � /
� ����
.Tanusry 19. 1973
To Cbairraa Aosalie �utler aud Nsabsss o! tbo St. Paul City Couaoil
It is yr undt�tandin� the�t &irder lCi� S�lt Serv3oe aesta�ursnta
are plannia� a nait la this arst. It �onl�d b� looaf.�d st appsoxiaatt],,�► .
1954 �uburban Avsmis. 759 fe�! x��� of �nth �tre�t. (aoroas fro�
La8e31�e•s a�rd on t� soutb side of Snb�s�an Arsnw). Tbe buildin�
itself Mauld be j0 �eot x � fs�t aad �d seat 104 prsaona wit►b
parking space �or 50 - S2 mare�. TAe �ropsrtr ri�e rould be 20Q fel�t
wide x 140 feet ln dep�h.
I aa faailiar xith 8urger Ki� 5elf Ssrvic� A�ataaraats a=�d
wnderatae�d this xill be oos oY t!r latest dssipa inter�ded to be aost
coapatible xith tbe eaviron�ent� I u in favor of the pra,�ect.
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Jsnuary 19. 1973
To Chair�an Rosalie Butler a�d I�esbera of ths St. Pa�l City Cou:►oil
I�t ia �qr underatu�ding thst Burger 1Cing Self Service Aemt�►uraut8
• sre planning to buili a unit in thia ana. It Mould be loaa.ted at
appraxi�tely 1950 Suburban Avenue� ?59 feet veat of Auth Street�
(across froa La�ells's and on the �outh oide of Suburbari Avenue).
The build.ing xould be loested on property 20� Yeet xide x 144 fe�e•L in
depth. The building itse].f �oetld be SO feet x �feet anci would seat
104 persona xith paxicing space to acoomedate 50 - 52 eara.
I a.� fe�ailia.r r�ith Burser King aelf Service Restaurants �nd
underatand this Kill be one af the Ltee�t designs inteaded to be aost
coxpatSble with the environmenta I as in favor of the prv�ect.
a�e Ad�ds+e°s
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laausr�r 19. 1973
To Chair�an Aosalla 8utler and Masbea o�f' the 3t. Pwl City c7ouncil
Zt ig ay u�derataading that F,weger liing Self S�rvio� �ataurants
sre plaanibg to build a unit la this �s�ea. It xouLd be located. �t
arrpoxi�.te],a► 19�0 Suburban Av�snue, 758 feet weat of �uth Street�
(acznas frow LsHelle' a ar�d on the eouth aide of subus�►n Arc�a�).
The buildiAg itbuld bs 1oc11►t�d on propertr 200 fe�t �r�e aq8 140 feet
in depth. The Buildia� itaelY' �rould be g0 Y�aet x � feet and would aest
104 persona xith paxicing sp�ae to acoo�odat+ 5� - g2 cars.
1 sa faalliar xith Surger King ;�elf 5ervic� Ae�t.�►urant� snd
w�derstarrd �his �rill be oae nY tho lateat deslgew Lrtend�ci to bs au�at
oo�potible with ths snviron�eat� I u in favor of tb� project.
Name Addreas
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Jaawr� 19• 1973
To Claaiz�ra A�osalie &rtl.os wd Me�bers o� tl� 3t. Pwl City Co�ncil
It i� a�t ur�derat�►nding thst Bus�g�e= [ina Selt Serrice &setsuranta
sre plsnning to buil,cl a unit in thi� axea. It �ould bc� loaat�d at
approximately 195� �u� Avembe, 759 feat xeat of �rth ��traet,
(aoross fro� LaHell�'a sffi on the south gid� o! Suburba.n Avenu�).
Tha buildi�g wottld b� looa�ed ou propes�Ey 200 =eatJ+ide x 140 feet itt
depth. The bullding it�e].f xvu]�d be �0 fnet x ���et snd r+ould seat
104 gersoaa uith �a.rking spaoe to aaoonoclatc� $J - 52 oars.
I am faailiar xith Burg�r King aelf S�rvice Idiataurants arid
umlerstazxi. thi.s Hill be on� of th� lat�st desi�sa izrtteer�leci �a b� aoat
coapatible �i�Lh �be eavironarnt� I as la favor o�' the pro�ect.
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January 19, 1973
To Chairman Rosalie Butler and Members of the St. Paul City Council
It is my understanding that Burger King Self Service Restaurants
are planning to build a unit in this area. It would be located at
approximately 1950 Suburban Avenue, 759 feet xest of Ruth Street,
(across from LaBelle's and on the south side of Suburban Avenue�.
The building woudd be located on property 200 feet wide x 140 feet in
depth. The b�ilding itself would be 50 feet x � feet and Would seat
104- persons with parking space to accomvdate 50 - 52 cars.
I am familiar:•with Bur�er King Self Service Restaura.nts and
understand this will be one of the latest designs intended to be most
compatible with the environment; I am in favor of the project.
Name Address �� ,, �
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January 19, 1973
To Cha.irman Rosalie Butler and Members of the St. Paul City Council
It is my understanding that Burger King Self Service Resta,urants
are planning to build a unit in this area. It would be located at
approximately 1950 Suburban Avenue, 759 feet west of Ruth Street,
(across from LaBelle's and on the south side of Suburban Avenue).
The buildin� would be located on property 200 feet wide x 140 feet in
depth. The building itself would be 50 feet x ��feet and would seat
104 persons with parking space to accomodate 50 - 52 cars.
I am familiar with Burger Kin� Self Service Restaurants and
understand this will be one of the latest designs intended to be most
compatible with the environment; I am in favor of the project.
Name Addre s s n
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Jaeuias7 19� 1973
Ts Qliairaan Rosalie Butler and l�en�bers of the St. Pdul City Council
It is eyy understsnding that Burger King Self 3exvlce R�staura�nta
are planaing to build a unit in thia area� It xould �e loaated at
approx�stely 195o suburt�an Avenue, �y9 feet �eat vf Ruth StrrF:�t,
(acro9s fron� LaBelle's and on the south side of Suburban Av�nue).
The building Koudd b� Iocated on propsrty 200 fe. et� wide x 140 feet in
deptb. The buiXdin�t itaelf rrould be j0 feet x'� feet a�rcl would eeat
104� persons srith parIci.rsg apace to a,ccomodate 50 - �2 cars.
I am famil3u �+ith burgex �3ng Sa7.f :mrr►icF R�staura�nts a�ncl
w�derat8nd this uill be one of the latest desi�ns intericied to be �t
eo�apstible xith the emrironmeirt; I ar ia ia�or oi the pro3�ct.
Naae ��_
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dannsr�► 19, 1973
To Chaisisn RQSalie �utler aAd l�babers of th� 3t. Paul City Cowaoil
It ia �y ur�derstaAding that ]lurger ICi�ag Self Service Heatawca�ata
are planning a unit in this area. Zt xould be loaated at approxi�at�l,r
1950 5uburban Aveau�, 7y9 fset Maat �f �tth 3trest, (acros� fz�os
IaBelle's srd on the south�e of Suburbaa AveAUe). The buildit�
itself xeuld be j!1 feet x`'�� fset aad wvul�d seat 104 perasna xith
parking apace for �0 - 52 cara. Tlye property size rould be 20a feMt
wide x 140 feet in depth.
I aa faailiar xith �r�er [1� Self 3ervice Aestaurants at�d
underata�nd this �rill be one of' thh� latest desip�s intended to be aoat
oospr►tible xith !he enviro�ue�t� I �ta in fa��r ef t!� pro�ect.
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dan�uuc�r 19, i973
To Cbsiz�oszi aoaslie Butler ard N�nbera of !he 3t. Paul City Couaail
It is ayrtu�derstanding that Burger King Self Sezvias Restauraets
are planning to bui18 a wait in this sres. It Kould be loaated at
arrpoxiaa�tely Iq50 3uburban Avenue� ?58 feet xest of Ruth Straet,
(across froa Lallslle' a ar�d on �!N seuth si�d� of SuDurban Avenue).
The building lr�uld be located or� pre�perty 200 feet _K�de aad 140 feet
in depth. The Building itaelf xould be 50 feet x � feet ind wou]ld aeat
104 peraons Mith parking spsae to acoonodats 50 - 52 csrs.
I atn faailiu xith Burger 1Cing Self Sesvioe Restaura�ts and
waders#�an�d thia �rill be oue of tl�w latsst designs intended to be aost
eewpatible xith the environ�at� I u in f�rer of tbe pro�ect.
� �e A�ldress
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January 19r 1973
To Cha.irman Rosalie Butler and Members of the St. Paul City Council
It is my understanding tha.t Burger King Self Service Restaurants
are planning to build a unit in this area. It would be located at
approxi�a.tely 1950 Suburban Avenue, 7�8 feet west of Ruth Street.
(across fron I,aBelle•s and on the south side of 3uburban Avenue).
The build.ing xould be located on property 200 feet xi and 140 feet
in depth. The building itself would be 50 feet x �feet and Would
seat 104 persoas with parking space to a�commodate 50 - 52 cars.
I am familiar xith Burger Kiaag Se1f Service Restaurants and
w�l.erstand this xill be o�,e of the latest desigris intended to be most
conpatible xith the environment� I a$ in fabor cf the pro3ect.
�Iane Address ,
��" aa31 �
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To Chairman Rosalie Butler and Members of the St. Paul City Councils
It is my understanding tha.t Burger King Self Service Restaurants
are planning to build a unit in this area. It would be located at
approximately 1950 Suburban Avenue, 7�8 feet west of Ruth Street�
(across from LaBelle's and on the south side of Suburban Avenue). The
building would be located on property 20Q,�feet wide x 140 feet in depth.
The buildin� itself would be 50 feet x � feet and would seat 104 persons
with a parkin� lot to accomodate 50 - 52 cars.
I am familiar with Bur�er King Self 5ervice Restaura.nts and
understand this will be one of the latest designs inten�ed to be
most compatible with the environment; I am in favor of the project.
Name Address
. gL ��`� . �,���" -
� � . _ � ��v-� �i�a!
. � -�-� 7�� ���
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To chais�aa aosalie �utler aad lM�bsra or the gt. Psul Csty Couaoil�
It 1� � ut�darata�xlit� tt�►t �urges Kiag 9elf Serviae Reatsuraa�s
sre plawing to build a unit in thie srea, It Mould ba� loo�ted at
approxi�tel,y 1950 3uburban Awnne, �S8 lset west ot Ruth St�+set.
(dcross Pro� L�.Belle•8 �d oo the aouth side of 5uburban Avenue). The
buildlag �ould bs looat►� on propsslr 200�s�t xi�Qs x i40 feet ia dep�h.
The building itself xould be s0 feet x � feet aAd rould aeat 104 persona
with A ptl'I�Sl1g ZOt t0 aOCO�OditA 50 - 52 aara.
I u fuilie�,r �►ith Burger Kiry� 3elf 3ervice Aemt,auraata ar�d
uriderstand thia �+iLl be oae of tba Ltest desi� iAtea�ed to be
�ost ao�p�tible xith t.be �nvis�s��eut� I sa lri favor of tb� pro�ect.
�, d ss
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January 19, 1973
T'e Chsizyasn Roaslie Butler axfd Membcsra of the 3t. P�►u7. City Council
It is my understancling that Buz�esr Rir� S�slf Servlce li�stsurants
sre planning to buila � �it in this area. it Mould be located at
appxoxima�tPly 19�50 Suburban A�snue� ?� feet xest of Ruth Straet.
(sarosa fzo� I,aEslle'a atxl on ttie aouth Bide ef' Saburban Avenug).
The building Would be loasted on property 20� feet�e and 140 feet
in depth. ThP building itsPlf �ould be �j0 fegt x � feet snd would
seat 104 persons xith parking spsee to acco�modate 50 - 52 eus.
I am f�miliar xith Durger King 8elf Serviae lbsta�xa.nts and
understanci thls xill be one of the late�t designs intended te be Aost
eoapatible Kith th� emrir�nment� I �ue lee fslibr of t!� pro3eet.
�ia�oe �ddres�
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Te Chais�an aasalie �utler and Me�beza of tbs St. Paul City �?ounoili
It is �pr understanding th�►t �urser xiag 3�if 3ervioe Aestwrante
are planning to build a uait in tbis area. It would be looated at
approxiaatel,�► 195� 3uburbart Atronw, 738 fe�t xeat ot l�th St�c+eet�
(across fro� La�elle'a sad on th� sotitb •l�ie af 3ubtirbaa Aveaue). The
buildie� Mould bs looated on protertiy 200ifeet Ki,de x 140 fe�t in dep�h.
Yhe buildin6 itaelf �tould be �0 feet x � feet ard NeuLd �eat 104 persona
xith s parkia� lot to a000�oda,le 30 - 52 Qara.
I aa fa�iliar �rith Burger 1Cing 3elf Service Asmtaa�raata a�d
wideratand this will be oae o� the lateat deaigt�a inte�ed to be
�ost owtpatible xi�h the envirana�eat� I as in faror of the ps�o3ect.
� /►dd as
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January 19, 1973
To Chairman Rosalie Butler and Members of the St. Paul City Council
It is my understanding that Burger King Self Service Restaurants
are planning a unit in this area. It would be located at approxima,tely
195� Suburban Avenue, 759 feet west of Ruth Street, (across from
LaBelle's and on the south �side of Suburban Avenue). The building
itself would be �6 feet x � feet and would seat 104 persons with
parking space for 50 - 52 cars. The property size would be 200 fe�t .
wide x 140 feet in depth,
I am familiar with Bur�er King Self Service Restaurants and
understand this will be one of the latest designs intended to be most
compatible with the environment; I am in favor of the project.
- Name Address
,.��i � / �`7 � �O i�i
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BL}1E -- MAYOR File NO.
-�o.�ncil Reso ution
, .
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLV�D, That Da�car Construetioa Cc�psny b� and h�reby
is granted a permit te ingtall a 116-ear pa�rking lot for a
woag's R�:taur�nt on property loeated on the nmrth aide of
Burns b�t�reen Ruth and White llsar, more parti��larly described
s� followsa
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith Against By
Mme.President Butler
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date ,
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By
Approved by Maxor: Date Approve by Ma sion o ncil
By By
. ,
. •
� � . �6���'S
2 . .
. __: _ _ I.vt 23s Slosic 20� Sasnio Rills �Is�. 5� atsd t3iaL P� aY Lot 26, �d H3.�k 2fl :
— �rhie� 13�a Nort�r3,� ot a aurrs oS rasYiaa 260 fs�t xh3ah i� c�aaaar� t� t� �orth and �
t.aag�nt to t2� Sout3� lit� o� aaid Lo� 26 at a point th�rrsan di�tsnt 11.28 f�at W�at
' af th� Sau#�ss't czor�r o� said Lot 2$,
- � .
That pa.rt o3' t'�► South 3Z0 ��rt o2 t2a�► Esst � o� t2� Son�Ltzai+iyt } ot Secticn 35,
' T�nshi� 29� �an�r 22 7�inS :�th fli S�a� Trztx�lc �.lg��q► ��r. 12 – ICB, nc�i Int�retat�a
9�+, a�xcs�t t3a� F�� lfl'�0 *�st th+rsc�f arhissh l.i�s 2�Qr���3� o� a 1�.� 40 ��t l�art3v�r3,�
of ar.d pa�sl3sl to a a�tYtAr i'� d�aari3�d a� to12a�+ss E+►�ia� at 4� poin� o� i.r:t,�x�
�ctSaia at a South�r� a�naian af t.� Ea�� li�► o� aaid F�aa'� � ot Sout2��t � arilh�a
'� Iir.�r 10 tsst 3ottth ot ar�d paurallsl t,a � �Lh 3ir» 04 said �st � o� So�s#.hsrsst �;
_:,L�st1CS l��►�t.�'r3.�►,s1C�tig sA3.d �9c� c�arra�T$�� }��a'�.3.s3. 3.�'�r m t�8'�'a�i0ii 4� �3Qe'7:S ��+ir'L '�A _ �
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. sr�raig}it 11� �'.an�ant to ea�.ti cuz�rs� � dia�aa� at 19�1,16 �P�r�.; �,w P�or�t�.a�sst��3� -
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s�d s o�ntral'ar�3+r::�t-�4 �r�s, �: s dimr�an+ow o�" 2b3.� far�; ��pt that p�r�L s�,t
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P�gin.'iing s►t a pa1�t an tha lior'th li.�a c�3' 3�i.d :3�vrlh �20 �'�at d;i�Lant 2G0 f�+et a3eat oZ
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s#.ra��t lir.� at a� aag3.s cf 5� c�+gr+s+rs sri'tb a�.3 �or� l.Sns to ita point o�' intar�aZ�i�
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WH17€ - CITV CLERK ' (�
- �C�uncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Comm�ttee By Date
all ir� accordanes �ith platns dated Receiv�d J�nuary 4. 1973t
:eabject to th� co�dition that said applieant-permitt�e, and
it� :�cee:a0rs and a�signs, e�hall �aake $ue ec�npliar�ee with all
sppli�able provi:io�s of muriicipal ordinaaQSS, state :tate�t�s
and rule� and regnlation� oE p�blic at�thmritias ha.ving cagaizance.
COUPICI[.MEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas N ays
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith _� Against BY
Mme.President Butler FEg 16 �
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certif' a ed by Co S ry By
Ap v by Ma , . Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By , By
���� ��� 2� �s7a
January 17, 1973
Mr. Harry E. Marshall t�s°��,
City Clerk �,�,�y
Room 386 City Hall L.�
Dear Sir:
This is written in response to the application of Doncar Construction Company
for a permit to install a 116-car parking lot for a Wong�s Restaurant on property
located on the north side of Burns between Ruth and White Bear, and further
described by the legal description on file.
This matter was heard at the December 21, 1972, Board of Zoning public hearing.
The Board considered it along with the permit applications for two other restaurant
proposals on that block. The staff read a report from the Traffic Engineer's
office (copy enclosed) written in response to all three applications. The report
presented existing traffic volumes in the area, predicted volumes based upon the
i�nediate proposals, upon assumptions for the development of the remaining vacant
land, upon development of the new Burns Avenue and predicted volumes by the year
1985. The report then explained how the traffic could be handled. The report
recommended that the present applicants be required to provide sidewalks along
their street lines.
In answer to a question from the Board, the staff said it believed the Traffic
Engineer's report presented enough ways to handle the traffic that it could not
find how the permits could be denied on the basis of traffic. The staff said
revised plans which should meet design standards have been requested but not
Several residents of the area appeared in opposition to the permits. One
expressed concern over traffic while the other person directed his remarks mainly
toward the type of restaurants represented by the other applications.
As the Board discussed this matter, there was agreement that the traffic con-
dition in the area was a problem but it was maintained under challenge that there
was no basis on which to recommend denial. A motion to recottunend denial failed for
lack of a second. Subsequently, a motion to recommend approval was made, with the
observation that the property is properly zoned and with the assumption that revised
plans will meet design standards and that Suburban and Burns Avenues will be
improved. The motion was seconded and carried by a vote of 3 to 1.
Revised plans dated received January 4, 1973, arrived with unsolicited
revisions which included the moving of a curb cut some 100 feet. This change was
reviewed by the Traffic Engineer who approved it. The rest of the revised site plan
meets design standards ,as well. �
Very .�x�u�y yours, � �`�� `''�`�
, _. �
Z. F. 7438 �G Secret r , Board of Zoning
. . , _ Plat Map ��42
, Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64
passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7438
1. APPLICANT'S NAME . Doncar Construction Company 6447
2, CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal X❑ PermiC � Other 5939
3. PURPOSE . Install 116-car parking lot for Wong's restaurant
4. LOCATION . North side of Burns between Ruth and White Bear
6. PRESENT ZONING: Commercial
7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: ,23 Paragraph: 4b
8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: December 15, 1972 By� PLR
A, HISTORY: This property, part of a large area, was rezoned from "A" Residence
to Commercial on June 6, 1957.
B. AREA ZONING: The area west of Ruth Street north of Burns Avenue is zoned
Commercial. An area on the southwest corner of Ruth and Suburban is zoned
"C-1" Residential,west and so�}th of which is zoned "A" Residential.
C. DESIGN STANDARDS: Revised plans meet design standards.
D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of about 200 feet along Suburban
and about 517 feet along Burns and an area of about 30,259 sq, ft.
E� SITE CONDITIONS: The treeless site slopes slightly westward and is approximately
at the grade of Suburban Avenue and is vacant.
F. AKEA CONDITIONS: Directly across Suburban Avenue from the subject site are
several large retail stores. South of Burns Avenue is an apartment development
followed by single family hon:e�.
9. BOAIZD ACTION: To Recom��nend � Approval � Denial Council Letter
Yeas Nays
Moved by . Maietta X McPartlin January 17, 1973
X Maietta Date of
$econded by: McPartlin Benshoof X Hearing:
X Cochrane
Secretary's remarks : January 25, 197
. Council Action:
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t3:�T THLTRST}AY, DNCEMBER 21, ?972, A1' 2:00 PoMe
?1,S�t3d': iti���� �:o�?�razle; Msssrs, N'icPartli�, Maietta and Benshoof of the �oard;
��� ?'�ir, �-icks�nA �iro Rosetter anci �irs, Barriault of t;�e Staffo
C�.dSTR3C_�iC?� 7t���lYdC� !;7437� : An appLication for a pe,�mit to instaLl a 50-car
���k�.ag 1�� :`o� � �u�ger King ResC3�!rant on property �.oca�ed on �he so�a�ch side
of Su�u�'.r,an �et:c�:een [�]h��e Bear ��:d R�ath;
DC3�t��Z CC;�STt.��r:.'�1��T �Ji�iP�:i�f �'7433;� : An applicatiozz for a permi* to instalZ a
i�.ta-;�rar �a,:�c;_ng ?_s�t :ior �Jcng's :Zesf�u�ant on property I.acated oa Che north s�de
aF ���n: i7e�.r�.�-�r� =t�er(� and Glhite Bnar;
CU?FST1?UC`��:00.I?�� TI�IC, �7t�3S�: Aa application fo� a nermi� to �.nstall a 79-car
Paricingy�o� fcs�- ?a�at.a's Pes�auzant ota prap�erty located on the south sid� of
S�?'��rt�a*.z bei�::e^n t•T[,?t.s 3ea-e and kiut:h,
Ai�'., CSC'�c�i i.�l'Lit as;.L�� i£ i:here �ar�;.e �r.y prob�Qms�
ih�„ C��s�L��� sa�cl �n;3t. Lhi.:� is a�. a;.ea wi�ere �h� City Counci�. i�as shoF�m �om� c��.c�kn
p?"�'E'��c�:��•y� Ne saicl th� t'raific ��in�neer studied this at leng;th and Ezas produced
� ��t�e� .afiich h� s�i�] he c�uLd C"'� to sum>ciarizeo
Airo I�CP�7�t.:I.i.r'i astted #.f �t �aas �Aar T�aBel?�esfl and he caas Lold a_t �;a5o
AQr� 3c�izst?u�f ;s�����cl wf�.ca is ��::es�ntiv b�ild;.ng az� ttae siteo
�Ir, P���;n:.ce.r.� s��.d r��t it caas ��Fo�g°s .restaut�nto
T�Ix^ ?��c�s1��o£ �a�_d i� :ss presen+_l.y unc�er cr;�s�;.ucL�OYlo
2R�„ t:cs'_f:LC2� s;�a.d �`EZCy c�*i �gut .aeeci �a Special LTs� Perr��.;.i: to etec� the building�
M�-�� ��3.cteton ;�aid �,i:ai t:h�e;� c�es-e L:-,vzse�! :_iley wQ�ld be �ssued a buiLding permit,
��t: if �:�-=e� �id�i`� b�t ;�[:�e p��F�:i�.�; �.�,t p;�:nit9 i;i3ey c�4uid be in i:�octbleo
I��, It�se:.:::��?•,; sp�..i�.,.r.�; �bcuv Bur�c:� K.zngg. si:4ied tLat t�-�ey rec�c+estaL m�r�ox charges
�r t[�x� �r:.�r�.<,
�`'-= ^ `'y:_'1:S!":s',�?: `:�1��?�Lil$� t[72�� °�';ULt�Q �c^nt?C��P «!2. ::�2�T�?'f 4l �434'_ per�ni� uav�'3�.aC�i.�.Od7S 1:4�4�1"i63@i o
i'�7C�. T'S;-!'�.^�:�::3 3°t.'.�::;5 �'J Sz_'f? �t2E' Ua8:1 o^I2C't �o i��ase�ter S��T:r'ECI 2`t �4 �L�TCio
i�ia�, :hi=�,'.�:�t..�ra �.si:<.ci �.E �:iie� p.exlt�.�r� s�1�.Is t�a�re 1Q b °l�. �. ' t' ^p� t
, '' : � Y , �.nc. ne � Lican� ndic�Ced
rcra�y r:-�rE�.
C`'�s:3.> f'C�C�"'i..�:£2�' �,?!i^d __F ,T��rn���ys�g C7�iS :3L?c'i� `J f o
?�ix�;: T�a?�tc�i:���,a.;�:.;_ ; z:�t3;:es�nting t?�� FS�._-ger ir.i_ng a��Zic�t:�.anr st�teu tha�: �iyer2y's
�3 ii,.�'.aF� e•;:z'�?:':. �Cit� 5��:E?2� �i7 '�f1'd E:�«i: �T1�.I .�'iGe'3ZS 1S �O ��iL' CtiES�o
�i�� Y��s�$-i:,�� ,�<<zc? *i���� for Burg�� k,:is�g t�e� had seve,ral s�aa1�. ciiaiensions rhey wanted
p:�a:raci4d �;� ��t_� ��.��3 �and b�a.ie°re�a icha*� the app�.ica�t t�2d received tt�e request for
�t�er�, �-:e tiaic: t:�ey ��.ere very ��i^.aro
� - _ �� .. -� 3�=c :t<' _... 4?� �"..�
�Iro riaie�t� asZied 3t3flliL the Wt10G'L 9COj)3; and Mr. Rosetter sai.d �hey were 205 feet,
i�r� ., Maitrt., .<��kec� ab�ut t.h� gxe�r� area, asking if it was �eally going ino
Mr, M�lactaowski stated tha� it waso
l�ro �aiECL-�� �ss�c�d zf- �Fey have a canst2uction plan� and astce�i ebout the garbage
:��z 7 I�iulac!ao:astc:i :��wd i� wzs to be enclased in a buildi.ng, and the container will
'O� StGl�d ��?SAdE..
�?ro ;��Te�.ta a�'�.��d i� it saould be picked up and the represen�ative said it ��ouid bee
h� 'rilen a.,stc:.d ;.f s�h�re �re�e any obli�atfons conferred about pickin� up the ��rbagee
P�r� ,��i.c�csori :;a:��-� �,Ei�� the �;ity OPdinance requires that the garbage be Fickeu� up„
Mrs, �achrane st:�€:ed that the '��affir. Engineer`s letter sha�Id be read for the
I��r� R�:�e�ie-r. z.o?:ed trsat t'iQ letites refe�s to all thtcee matters, He reac� the lettex
signec� b�: ;ZouA:��. ��. ;;'et�rson, Gt�y Traffic Ez�gineer, undersi�ned by Rfchard Ao
Scl�.ri�.�r G�d U�x�yz�=1_ 7., A�unford� as foL�ows:
"���3. of �;;�.e �,at���way �irive� should be �� le�st �b ft, c��ide a�.cl the radii
s'r�,�;��d ��.� :, =,j�iniayu�L af ez�ht fto TEa� �0 fta dr3ves proposed to s�rve the
c�.��-sta:ee;:. �a�k•ir_c 3S9�JC18��t� with ��'iE �':OAg�5 restaurenfi meet W1Ct1 011Y'
�p�,°t�v�I. ���id L•ri�F� �ite �af�er_ drives �;:'sa fto as opposed to 26 fto� five ito
m:j.::�;�:u� �-�d,i �a�c� �cc?pta�l�o
Cve esr�r�iate tF:�E: ttie �o}a? num�er of or_e-caay t�ips generA�ted by the
al���,e �z�,ri+��aned pro�c�s�a3s �r+�uld �,e ap�roxirnately 2550 trs.ps on most
ctieel�d�;ysa �A1�? t�a� a�pra�:ima��'ay 3SS0 tir?ps �dould be genex�ated pe� day on
�!}� ti�;e�iz�fl:,�o
3?of �,�uz��asc;:� ar d�t:�xm�nirz� cs•Y�er� ttcUffic problems mi.gttti nccur bec:ause
�i �:hr:� �n:a.-•.av c?evelupr�en•�s; �,ssumptions w�re en�d� Rs ro hoc� the
L�:�i�ic �;e�a���ae:�.-ci ::y �h� ciev�"�.fl;�ment:s s�r�;a1d en��r and Iesvt the �enezal.
vic:..n:.iy� .3eeF��sE af th�: �r�er,.�a�i��x �.f. th� �raposed va_tes and the �e.r.er�l
�sr_ai°�mi�:,� �?�_ �xist_�g ana n�o�soGeci a�aasing zn �tte are�, as ��el�. ns
t��r �;:es�c��: acct�ss�_�s�_1?ty x:�a:^� �he ir�;;exstate £reeway, �lis;t:tly over h��.f�
or �ust ��n��r=�- ?.G.Q�i �ri�s c��� a t�'Pica� ��eekc���y ���a_re assum�d Lo be ac3ded on
�Lt�c:::�£�� d-ar•o �i,;;*� ea;;t of Rut.h Sto Aj��Y'07�)IR3e_�'1� 113 of the Zrips to �nc3
.f}°.:u? ���.c:;;;z� �?.�es wr;��ld �e ac�ded 4n t�ur�?s Avee �us� c,;e�t of. �c.uth Sto$ and
IC�E�� ��_:�;_�3;; r�c3�ed c�n StiRULt�"��23 t��ree ta tiie 7aes� �f �nP site�
i-,i: �t.e ����ca-; :r��: E�i.�e� soaae traifi.c p��:�lecns, n�imar:.Iy i:� the form af
c?ES.�,ys, �>>= UCCitx}'].21� ai. ?-ize i.ntersecf�ian oi Ruth St� and Subu�bsn Ave. If
j��sE. i:n��Fa.:� �4��0 t�:��s pe� apy �iE adc�ed �o tne presenf: vulume of just over
C�4i;ii t��_l.s aiz a tyni�:�j. weelcd�y ea;thout �ny ac��3��ior.�1 road4ray� being con-
s�ru.�ed c�.r �r�ndovcmer�s tn �xesent zoadcaays b�ing �ttade, the problem at this
�.-r_�:e,•�eE-ua.crt 4�ui�a��?�� wi:t1. b� compous�deda T3owever, c�see figu�e I� if the
�surr;�;����;��z.r,an �mvUO�ay �e�ween Ruth S�o and iR]h��e Bear At�e, is const�ucted
��ux`i;:� i.E.e �.�73 c,a�s��uctioxa seas�n and Subcart�A� Aveo is w;�.d�ned by a mini-
tn�n �f e�.oti�. zto Q:s �r� souL-h �ide of the street fram Ra�ttz St, wes� approxi-
m����-3r =��� ��, , `=at px�blems that wou€d occur �+t tihe Rutt�-Se�burban 3.ntecsection
• �... � . � : � ' ... Y�.�,�_ ^, .. t6 r_..w�?i;!'S?!?�' %�A 3...�'.�_`1
�Jr���Id b� cor�,;ide�ahly less thar� those that occur at the present txme for
the ioliowing three reasotas:
Io ri_�si:n e3�.d nast im�ert�n.t, the additi.onal. width wou.2d enable
traifx�, ryaat�bound �n Subu�ban Areo approaching RuCh Sto to form
�ur� �a�zes a�: the Stop sigr., with ra.ght turning vehicles in on�
lane and Zef� turning vehicles in �he other,
"l_., i•7e ��sti.m�+L-� �ha� aporox�mately IQQO of the exi.sting 64Q0 vehiclea
�kvi��� Siahurb�n Av�, jus� west of Ruth St� each week.day wi,l]. re-
ari���.i: _•�ei�- trips to che scsu�therly �oadway �Burns Avev� just west
�f F�u�t� St�eet o
3.. '�he �s.r.esent canct�.tion v£ the raadway surface of Suhurb�a Sto bet-
weere i�r�-tite Be�r Ave, and 5ears is very poor� Gle estimate tha�
wiL-'n ��he imnrove��nt of Chis roadcaay app�oximaCely 50(3 �rips per
day ps�Qsenrly using Suburban Aveo at the Ruth Sto end ��ill, re-
urient theil �rxps to the 4�taite Bear Avee end,
�1ss3umireg tt�ai: tne pre�ent pro�casels under cansideration are approvpd
.-�t�ci ciev�lo�ed, r^ c��siderab!� �mount of land c�ould si:ill be Ieft for de-
vEl.v�}smenp� Rn Lt-ae vicinitya B3eed on the informatinn we received from the
os�,�er. o� �tte lando ��e have inade estimates pertaining to trsffic �enerared
l��y �"��1� cl�veicFinaenrc9 �hp resul�a of which sre shQwn on f�.�ure Zo
i.��.g��a-, 2 ��:�ws ,�p ta f�.ve s�ts o£ �rolumes for a iaua�ber of sectians
caf. �°a�d~�a�y �.i.; �t�.e vi_cinity� 'ihe�e f�ve sets are:
��_ �_�� a >•.. -,
t:e c..:��_.:,La.n�, �rafYic vo�.+.zu�eo
2 . '.s;.i;as �,F:rier�;�.ed by raj,�p?�ei.e additiQnal �evelopment over and �bove
�.�Z�i_ 61t11Ci: ?)�<'S�I7:�'.�.y 'L-':i1S CS d
�}� T��i.�� �;cn��-�:,�e� by �c3�gex Kang, �agata and �Iongs�
!L� I:Y�� �x��.�zw vu?e�m.� �ha�: etou�.d e;�ist in four �x £�ve yearsa assum-
��n� ���a,.�;�?e�� d�a�rlog�:e�.ti by Cha� time 4r�d the cample�zon of the
?«�:Z=,��,��I������.;n rr�u;�e b�s��ti��.e�. 4Jh�te Hear ,�ve, and R�ath Sf�o
a� x�i� ��-��'::.c vc��.�rr.� tkafi �aou�.ci e�is'� in �.9850"
��i�: n:�s�>>��W��T ; ir? �:efn�sizlg tc� tt�e �L-t�che� �asp� st�ted tha� the existing voleames
�i: S�au:r,°t;as� �-�,� ���c25 u:a� at R�zt:h S�x-�e.t ;.s fi418; tt?e �rips �ene�ated by complete
r�i,ynQrc:�;3_ ��:��i.r��snent �cs;: o{ tf3e �c��urb�:n»�ssr�� intersection wc�uld be Sa99f so
�h��e �aa)A?.�G �,:: rbc�� S �i�es tfie �rist-�rc�; L-xa€fic; aad st Su�ubban a�td Ruth �here
�c�.5.;c� S€� _','33� w��.ica �.s abou� half c�f the ::xist���; at Burns Avencae it would be 2324
�;�.� �t�e F���.s�:�.r�� xs �_?40, aaizzch is about double� He cc�nt3.nued xeading _-
fD.t_,� �cl��.ri.�r�, F�.gu�-e � �how� t�4e numbe� of �n�-way ��ips th�at would be
�r�zS��:r?t:�-,.�? i�Y �ar.'r� �>�r.e��. o� �.a�nd sti3.I to b:� develo�edo
L;°<:�3f;c3 ��� �l��;e ��t��ec��o�s y w� fe�;. th�t t�r�ff#.c in wnd aut of the sre�
Ci�is ili? �a:..""JC'{i J_�:
i:, ^���+��:� �ra� in p1�cQ �t the �-94 off-rr�mps a� Ruth St� and at C�ihite
�����- r�:_.,�
• _ � _. — ;P�3!'�c+ 4r •' l�f_•C.'itl+�?(?3' �� �.G�1'�
2� Su3urbatt �Ave, just wesr of Ruth Ste is widened by eigh� fto, es
descri_L�ed �b�veo
3� The �urn:�-Suburban raute betcaee�z P.uth St o and White Bear Ave e is
cons�ruct:2d and �s opened to traffic,
4� S�dewm��cs are installed, All £uture develapers, iacluding those
under cc�nsideration a� the present time, should be required to
ins�aix sideFrslks as part of their development, In addition,
sir3e:aalks should t�e cpnsCructed rdjacent to alI property presently
5�. fizi�:� �,ve o c+�es t af Whi�e Bear Ave o is rea l.igned so that f� inter-
swcts E�7n:i�e Bear Aveo at Suburbsn Aveo At the �resent time there
are t£�:r�e ��elativeLy closell► spaced "�7e intersections al.ong EJhite
Bear A��e, s��ath of Z-94o These thre� "T" iii�er�ections can tse
car3i�i.ri�d �,nto one intersection, [hereby 21imi�ating many problems
nssoci.���:ed Faith turning mvvemenCs„
7n add:t��c�n t�o �h� implementati.on of the abave £ive mentioned itnprovements,
it a��aea€s as though t�effic signa�s wiZl be required �ti the intersections
of W��ite ;ear �t�eo and Suburban Ave, and aC either Ruth Sto end Burns
�'.ve� or. Ilc�t.i St, and Suburban ,�ve. �t shou3.d be noted because o£
prabiem� associated with the ver.ticai alignment aloa� Ruth Sta Chat a
tr�fiic si gcaa�. z.ns�al�atian at Suburban Ave, and R�eth StQ could cauae more
��ro�lems, fro*n an �ccident �tandpoint, than it would salve, For example,
7ecaea:e c�; cs�e gx�ades, sc�uthbound tr�f£ic an RutEx St� �robably would ex-
perier.ce difficzE�.ty stopping, and northbound traffic, once it were stopped,
F�ould c��per�ence �ifficu�.ty, garctic�alaxly du�in$ the winter months, getting
'�`t�ere is �;� c�uestion �hat �dditianal d�vel�pmen, over �ud above that which
p�esently exists will generat� �dditional traff�c con�pounda.ng the present
s�.tuatio:� waick�. is just beginnir..� to b�came a prable�ua We do feel, however,
th�f tYaf�ir g�n.erated by tihe three proposals presen�ly under consideratien
cai< <e h.^z:d?.�r3 �c3equa�eAy :.� xmprovecaents ,�2 �chrough �4 1a.sted atsove are
im�ier�?ent:�d cra,-inb the �973 ��nstructiQn seasaa,
`tn£o��:� ci*s.�:�ssions with tYie M�nnesata Highway Department have i�dicated
rh�i: s igr_��1 s an S�3'hite �er�� Av�� nt tiae ��94 off-ramps can be ins talled
a:�ci he �,-� �,nex��i�n by m�d-�.�74 and �hat pezhaps �he fnstaZZ�L-ion o£ a
si.�r�� oz_ ?<<+.t�z Sta a� the I-9� off-rs�►p and at Old Hudson Rda can be
trs.st�i�.l�c� i_r� cc�n�aec�ion c,�iih the Whz�e Bear Ave. sign.als.,
�dr�i+.i_or.:�t. �ev��opmen.t genera�.�ng traf£ic of anq sigr�ficance over snd
�b��;� E:��a� ��es;�a�Lly in p�ac�� ax under present considerati�n� wf11
:.•eq�.i,rP �i1E a.m�alemen�afiir�:? of the fifth point listed above, as we11 as
�:��r insf;.,�:t�.a�:aor. of ad�ie.�.ong� �raff3c signsls,
F�,�.tt�ou�h t�.e 2ee1 �.hat the uieima�e traffic volumes can be hAndZed, there
�.s ���y 3.i.r;�1.E que�tion thet tr�e present re�.atively $ood accident
izist:�ry CJ�,g�, '3iiff�re prim�rily becaus� of increaaed ttaffie voiumes,"
� , w• ��r�;.y j " !j,"f. .`P:.�e�: 2.� ��"��
M�, Ma�e�,:ta as�nd �f t�ere we�e a�iy definite p1.�as to pave Suburban fxom Ruth to
White �ear�
��xr., Ro�e�:te� si:E7y.er; t��t h� did not know.
Mr� Maief:t�� said t�� saw no prol�Iem i�f they would do thato
�ir� Rosetter svi�' chat the paving of Bur.ns from �urns to Suburban is up be�ore the
Counci�. �7c�t�r:.
i�x� Iier�.sht�of as<>�ri xf �n tIzeir pro,�eci:ed Craffic co�.ant they had �aken 3.n,ta
eo*_z�id�r.�:i:i_a,:r. :•,s;�*? �hA Knutson devAlopment is fixiished,
=�ir, ?����t��;r s�;;.� t[z��e wasn't any indication thr�t they had �aken t�is into
, accou.lt:, He :;�a_d �1�,�;i inics�cm.�t�_on wouldn°t be an the map unl�ss they had this
it�for�:t�,x�ic.a t�r:;�;?y �.nto their pseviousl.y existing pro�ectionso
3�r;a ��ac���-�z.� u�,k,a;j r,rhat f.he sta�f wauld recomv�end,
Mr, itcse�t�r s�.�;te� �hat ttie Tr��fi� �ng��e�r's le��er dic3�'fi; m.a;�e � s�ecific
r�c:��A�i=��,.��.c��a,� F'� said they h�ve showei Pnaugl� ways this t�aff:ic could be handled,
�le 3aid �a� cc,u�c�-c'� i:��xd th�t tl�e�e shou�.d tae any rec�mm�n�3a�ic�� of d�nial �ased
taxa L'raffic„
A�r�, ��c��xare s�:��1 si�e �wandered i£ there Ezed beer► recor�enda�ions fc�r �idewal�es u
ana uih�� �:��5 �;rc��.c3 do !�o the gar�s�_ng p�.ans ar if tha� had been pravided foro
�i,:�, Ras���e:c .��ici tl��t they �vould ve on the boulevard anyraay sa �t wouldn`t m�Fte
�ny d�.fi:erence ��,� �[ae ��.ans, �tac�y could�, howevez,, �eca�tnend to Ca�ancil eF�at approval
b� conai.c:io:��c+ �:� tE1� build��.g u� sfdewa�.ks accordix�g za the s�ecif_ication� of the
S�uew���: �:�p�:���•,�r..�a
Z��'�. M�l�c,iovTS�r_� i��rnduced Ydr. s�c;�g� �etersc�n, attarney Scor Mr„ �ta2c�igi� N2lsasn,
:?�f_ca, �nc o., trt-n� h� aaid w�s ehe :.ntended oc,�t2r. �f T�u��er. Kixxg� AZr.o Petersrsa
s��¢�a t.,=.at �}2c? �:���� is presea��.y �oned �;om�x��ci�l ac�d ttie u�e is cs��pleCelp
caL:p�e�i?�.'=,e �azi:�a �'r3t ��sistia� ci:;e Fnei caith L-F�e p�upe�ty, �Ie sa�.sJ th�t immed�etel.y
��ci-oss 5�:bur�,<�� ::�;vcs�a� ��:0�1 �t�eir �ropr�s�d site is ?oea�ed tne �e*.arfi ou�l.et sta�e�
Z�a�;�l�,e';� �c.�,:� :�r<.3 �t-st to th^ �;�s�t �yexl.y°s s�s�reo t�r. i:he cra�r�er of Ruth ana
cI?e fx��dray `tie:�e i_� �xese�itxy � �i;wo S�ceaii Res�ac�rant a�d � Gui� ser�tiovxo He said
tE��t �sr_ �i�e s��n�� :;�cic� �f Sub�:rb�a;� nrL��nt�y rhere a.s unde5� ccmu�ructi.can a Wmtz�'s
�:��;tsc�::��r�i- �.� �t;e w�s� of Bu��ed t:�.ng. }�� s�aid �he so���we�t c�rner %s pres�ntly
57�c:a�L, Y3e �z��; #:nzar tta�: cxas�3� residents �-e in the :�artmea�.c� wt�ich are on
�la� s��:d:Ex si<i� o� u11Y'il� as �iuz�k7s is p�:oprasec3 to i�� pu� ina The depti� of tih�i� lot
�_s �.S:S fe.et, 3�� t?���� �re ���s�:c�xAn:ate�.y 2Lt� fQ�� awca� from �+ne ��sa��n�en�ts o He
d�a� �:t°���- 'r_h.:.; is „ c.c���Li;��.c. use a�d scagges�ed th�a� thxE �.s �a l.r�gical. devela�w
u��r�t �� c;�a�c ��ra:arn.:�:y, He s�irl th�re :�n z�o prob3.�� wi�h dxainpge frcc� �he proposed
p�:.tts.�� ?�aL-,. ��,, ;::�° �, �ina� Ord�g�axzce a.s concerb2ed, as�shalt suxface d�ca�.nag� as
�;�A:,i� F��� ���ci t;.;z� _.�;�� i_s corapa�i��.e witia Ch� a��� aad ttae �mni�g is pr�per�
�a_°�<� a��.�•�.�S�e� :�a��;.s-�Y, e,7;14 ���te� 3he 1%vec3 a�: ��50 SzFb�r�a�n Aven�e, said ttt�t
sz�r x�e���:3� r:f-,� ���L� 3:�a bc r�t���x �gsgeeuted becsuse w,�e w��n°c. �w�re of the
�sa�ro�iear;:�n� �� �ta�c �ra�fi� r��Qtto Si�r� �m�d yoe� couadt�'t ju.s� .;it dowa� and laok
�sk ii��.;aesx i��:afc :���ve tca study :.he ��ohl.eaio S�� r���.c� ��i� �ives �rzth�.� 1/2 black on
Ru�h �n� �ubi.e::�a�=�. Z`(ae pre�tious r.�giit sh� s�icl she wai.t�d IS mi�nute� Co get out of
� . �t� ._., ')';.._ . �- �?,?Ew� Fi -� �€�t' ��r,k���� 23 . }t;�:?
Bye�Zys and �5 �irta�tes ta gefi onta }3urczs Avenueo 3he said ahe was �azed there
w�ren't r�ar.� �ccicien�.se P�ople who watx� to make a 3.eft turn �rom Subarban
anto R•c�ttz hare a �3.�ficu2L- �ia�e because the grad� is steep, She thaught the only
s��.�a��ott �cs t�►a.s 4Tt'10�.'L.' �ro�1�m wou7 d uE to b7.ack e��f Suburban et Itu�h and to nQt
�et any trar�ie t�ro�gt� thac wayo
Nf�s� Cochzanp msked if it would solve ithe prob�em if Chey wauld a�ake it a one caay
csn S�.I�urb�n fwum l'��atta unt�.l a few f+�et sw�y, then you could get onto RuCh �rom
:�cFb�.r�aan L •
�f��, LanL-�_y sai3 t��t Ruth i.s pre�ently a Ilesvily-[�ev�IJle�i ��reeto
�ir� i�c�'��tl�.n. sur�� `hat n�or.e tra�fic w��2 t�e gaing oni:a Wnite Bea� i� they
,-.1L`I��L9'�J"u' �:C1c^:� S��"�Ei:,,
1►4rs� ��:a'rx�y .::�i.d ��elat f�r 5 yea�s rhey [iave be�a tryir�g L•o i�n�r�ve the street, and
t�y 9��:i:ag it ia al�. �snde� caater ��ain�o
I�r, McPa�t�.3.r. �sked i f she was familir�r or�,th the I�'.nuicsan m€�tter,and that i£ �h�y
are zor:�d g�ropex�.yg i� is k3�.�fl47�da
�rs, �,.an�:xy �ai.ci s��e caas, bu+r ghe �sked hvw mu�E► �raffic an .��ea c�n s�and, She
�s?�ed i� t�3e.rs «as i�� p?-avzsion fd� the h�alth, safetv and we�fare of �he areao Sh�
said �ha?L tt t,��:::, ���orteci �::at S�littY a driue�tn in an area, �here would be a 3U0%
3nc�Lase tti t�:afiA�;�
Ii.c� Eer��lt.�ci= sa�.c; ±:��a� �:ra�fic is a�.r�ciQUS in Che s:�ea, He �r�i.d �here is only or�e
p1�ce �hes.e �h� '�x�tffie could bQ �,rorse �nd that is an P�ary�.sud .�venueo
Ai�°, T�i��'a��Iit: sa�_�3 �:h�y ar� �o�_�� to r�ak� a 4-iane street ou� of. 5uL•urbax� by Buruse
I�rs� �,an�ry s��d i:�:�y w:�ll E�a�TF� �o t�a�e a se�aap�.�ore a� �very it�tcrse�:tion in s
resident�.a� age.�� Si�.� �a�d e'na �xad� is �uch i.h�� iah�:: they comn dac,m Suburbare
appx�o�c(3��Yg ��utl, �hey c�n't sto�� Sh� said i� is a bu;; rc��ste and a schcaoi bus
�co�a�e<. �h� s�:+_d th€ prabler i.,; �hat yau �dve �e gE�: a runreing a�art o�f Ruth
ca �e�: uTt th� ix:��Zry a.z:d s�g�a�� ��o?�;t aLleviaice th��o
PR�s� Ct�ciz��ne s:�•s.�� t'rix�� �t�te �uffi.c �ngineerts �°ecomset�:.nCican w:3s �a not hav� a
li;��t at ���uru,�.-a 1;iRf� I?iii�l bu� tcs h�t��;e one �t Burns and i�utli�
�z��� r,:��i;::ry s��;..�i :::�,rz ttn��.�gsit �i�e}T sI:oi;id bl.�ctc off tthe s�:APe� and f�rce traffx.c
tQ ga ao��-� t.�.e ire:;:��� :�i;� �et iset� �tB�s ��ea fro:u t�i;�:i�e Bezar t�venGeo Jne �hing
�act a�s��.z�� tt3:��.. �:�;aug;hp �� �ha#� �I�:�.re is � f�r� sta•�icrr, �i: th� exid of Subur��n
��d tney c�rat�"C:� ���.c�i��e,�y �t�.ject� ,�3.sr�, sh� �aid yra:� c�n°t gec. cnto �he freeway
�t t�►��h; yo� c�sr� �c.L ��y �ui noL- �n, �u��.�.r �Tori:s ha� rsa an��"a;�ion of building
aaay o�f����r�.�s i_�1C���� �'i�� ��mps ar�a too c�cse 3s uf: f.s� �t�A said �hey will neve�•
be �bt.� tca �uz�L►���. f.:r�f�wc sa�zt o£ i:h� �zre�a 3tie s�id Traftic �e�ar�r�s 13tf0 c�ore
c�rr� :.csr.�r�g t�;� S�i��.ir•�»n� �� �s � ��Jery na���w re�i.de���al strce�e� L-hat couldt�'t
b��r ?:he ^:;:a�;��� ±'��ex� ��� � ��t oi sma%1 c�i�.c3ren i�a L•�ae s3�ea, She also said
��•i�ae �,s :: :���_ c;� :iPb�a.s ���t ;s cau��d b; e� dri�le-in, �.Q us�t�er haw tigh� rhe
r�s��;_c4�.cr>, 2�°� e�n ��ie �,�-capQ���r� �'t has beQCt �o�ec3 th��: �he�e �aas � xadius of
7. ��ii�s uri?e�e Srau �oti�:�d find c�r�:ans �and c;rr�ppings €�ra�: ,� drs.�►e-��o S�ae s�id tE►ere
taa.?3 be W�idi�:�on�B. :aoise po�.�u�ia� by the amaunt of �Yaff�_c ��hat wi21. be gener�ted,
f�Iss�9 w�►er� �.x�c.�taon ge�s their deve�.op�nen�: canapketed, the �.raf�fc generated by that
wil�. b� trene�.a�:�s �nd i t wil.l be a�n Ru�tio SY�e didn'r knaw wh�n they are �oiCng ta
�u�c 13�srn� �tzr�u;�, bu� she stated there is � need for mare studyo
� , t :. � . w ���« ? _ �7�>c�:c.ner i��. iS�2
Mro �ohn Tomrt�.nson, gn admins�rative �epr�sentative, stated he Iived at 2232 Conw�y
Streeto �ie �af..d this cioes not involv� him as a residento He �cealfzed th�s property
�s zouec; coz�r.F.pc#.�la He ���.d the questio�a is whe�her o� not they should have to
�E�ow any c�,�nercia�, prapP�ty progoaed, i3e said they shauld be able [o exercise
sacne discret:�on as �o wh�t type cQa$nercisa. it ieo He objec�ed to &trger King and
Zapata he�.aus� thEy bbing mor� tx�ffic, He eaid the� ought ta be able to make
choices 3ike ch�i:� �ie sa�d they could in terr�s of the health, safety and
cvelfar� �ravisionn �Ie hoped �hey cvuld t�irn this down on the basi.s af what
they do haee ta caark with, There is still a lot of raam for commercial develapmenC
besid�s �his; hQ said�
�Irs o Cac:�rs��� sa�d that tne n�w zoning code wi�.l �ake care of those things o Slae said
`� everything ca:r:�rerc�aZ in nature ca� come in nota, �ad they reaZZy don't have discre��.an
ainless tt�ey c��n sho4� it is inJU�iaus to th� hea3.th, safety And weZfare of fihe peoplea
She said she fei� �s �hough they sre alnost si:ymied and have �o particular cho�cee
- �Her p�xsona�. p��fe��nce cn�y be �to the conL-rary, but she ts no� sure they have any
�:hoice ir� the m��tey°a They hed tn�-ned docan McDcrQald°s a year ox so ago, but
they have had t:�7� I:r,utson matter since then, She thought that if McBon�Id's
4�r�d choseza tc ;:n��e baLk, they ctsuld �robably have forced the issueo
�:?:, 23�a�si��r� s<3;.c1 ti��,t he couldri3t support any�hing tha� ��ould .qdd traf�ic to th�s
rar_�.ao �`h.e v�:�af.f:�.c �s �t�ocious ia the ax��ao If i� �.s a bu�y t��r�e of day and if he
ha� cr,c��ia:� :.:r: ,o �a or�e of �i�tese azeas mxid 3.� is a*_ the /�:0� �ush huux, in order
f:a �e� x_t�ca s;- �� �;r_�.v�s L� E�ic�i.gh.{.:� dXives �J��.s�n to R�th t�nd dri�res dawn there
b�caeas� 5.�: :U �hso':.z�e9.y im�ossa��c �o ge� in �here the norm,�1. ca�ay, w°ksich 4�o�aia be
::o �aice �:�wa_r .��.�an �;� T,v,�t� aaad �ry �o �urn do�n Suburl�sn� Me ssic3 yau couldn't
�atce a l�;�c �u�n o�:f �u�h i3x�Ie�s yo� sit :in �he �idd�.� mf f�E�e street and drive out
:�t� f�rsziL• �f s�r�er�:-a�e ;�e s�id i:t�st a� same poin� f.n ti�se �i�ey na�ve ta tske Che
:�t�nd t?�i�a; ;:'t�;� ye:���:hy s��f�ty rar�c? v.e�.fsre of t�e pe�:p3.e no� only ��rho li�r� 1n the
�area bes�. �.tii�� �;s� �.;�e �a�cilir_.i.es rha� are alxe�dy there9 h.e saic3 they haven°t
cot��id�re::; �.Ea�t: ci�_�•ec2iy �� tihe so�thwest Qf �hi.s si�e �hey �re proposing to buy
� lar�e c�.+�n�c n� �.r.,��d fax �z�rk p�r�e��PS, He as�Ceci w}sat �tiis i� gof�ng to do to
i.szat, ?'i�:;t �s ;�crYu; �o �dd �o �:hr� �z��fi_c �Sroble�ua H� did noti believe that the
�r�ffic �.are��x c•a�.�_^, uons�.�3ering the n�amber of �.axs tsoal Knutson or Bastilleo Ae
s�id they h�ve t� cc�a�sider that �ai�en these are c.c3mpleted th�r� are �oing to be
s,ver�l. t_�1pEdar�i.It[IS zj�ci?ti.o�al c�rs � dtay w�tho+.e� t;�a� res�au�-an�s the�eo Iie said he
wauZd �ike �a r��ake a �ot;.on�
Th� �enreser..��ar.�.t�e ��r �?�,nr.ges �.ing s��:a�:ec3 ti�a2 he ca�u�c�n'� dis��ree �_hat the�e are
�ra�l�nis c,r:.t� �;7�,��� dispc�sa�. w,,ere tfae~�e ar� egr�.ops and i�od a� earen ��£ th.e
pzemis�ti�, i:�Lac �.�:� ��i3.�d�.ng p��ns �ai�i.�h �a�re si�bmit�e� sh�w a se�atittg capaci�y
�exr ��U ��;,,��e, '";�i� �•a<�:�Ici m�.rzimi2e �tie piob�e� af disp�sa?o T-te ��.so s�id that
�fae t�x����.�• _:�;����-�.,;-ri ��n zavexag� da��.y �lota nf #i40C3 �c�rs c�r_ Subu�ba�o T'nQ projected
i.i3creasL I:��. i::a:::-a v�:�t�?c"s �,�� iess ���t� il2 Af �i1at amount, sr�d rile 3Qa% incrEase do�s
not s��c� ��c� h�1<; u�-,.�s-� .:.� �:his c�seo He said thati zahi�e Suburb�ara is � residentia�
s�r���� t� +��a� er.st nf R�.tt�; ther�: is �a�hizag ba��: a co�erci�l. area s�here they are
�f�.o riai���:. z�sl�;.:�_-� ubc;��: �l�e ;iesim s��xxdsrd;� fo� Eur;eL F:ine, x� rhe �imens9.c�ns
6�T.^-�iC� C{}�'�t?c��'Cclo
�iro Ma?����;,Ts�Ci �rated tha�: �t�e reau�st ��r diu�ez�ions ��r,�s �.n L-Izp p��kf.ng sta11 and
9_hey a W e :�.� bg 2� --- �a �rob:te�r,.,
� , •`5 '7::� s, . :. ,. ¢f8ara S,3 '"' i�6?CEFk2h�.?�` �;; �.C77
F�Zr� I3enshoof n;.�ve� denia� on the graunds that �� is ir�,jurious to the h�aZthm wel£are
gnc� s�fPty flf t:t�e ne�.ghb�rs trnd of L-tae ci�fzens that might have accasion �o drive
�r:i.�h�.n che �z��a; an_a fa� th� aferE=s��n�iaaed �ceasons, he coul�n`t do anythin� but
��ja�ms��xxd den�.�:2 fr�r .�n���hing th.aC will a:�d to the tsaffic in the ar.eao
Mrs� Gac:�,rar_e �-ast.��sJ if there was �a seco�d to tlie motic�na and �eceiatng nc��ea
stated tL�t t[�e r.u�i.c��s died fo� iacts of a secand,
P4�� ��sieh�a move� a�proval of �l�ae �ermit fo� BuYger K£ng restaur�nt because the
pro�Erty ns �r_op�ziy designed and sina� it ttas beer� indicated th�t Suburbec� and
��s�ns wi?.1 k�� iu�urpvPdo Yt was seconded by Mr., McPart�in and he stated he agree�
*.��th M�� B�'t'�.�t�o�,i b�.st had xead tihe Court xeporfi an tY�e Knu�son mattero Becsuse of
rche remar.ics �� I�ir� �'icPa�tlin, Mrs� Cochrane sai�3 slte woul.d go tzlong w�ti� the reeoeu-
� �n�nd�tiar., I�ir, �c��sl�onf voted a�ainsL- the motio�a for the reaso�xs �tate� previauslyo
Mro Kosetter s�aLed �h�t for lDoncar Cans�ruction C�npany thQy had requested re�•ised
�laa�s whzcr� �l�ou?d tneet d�sf�n s��ndard� wf�h minor �h�n�eso
�r:, �e�-a3.v z_��wLs���, t�ee a�chi�ec� ..o�c ehe applicant+ sta�ed t[ley heve no pxoblem�
cam�ly in�: w;':iz t;.l:�e� �-et��es t�
P�x°� 2�i�aie�2�� ;,a�ci �r�<,t fr�r �he s�m� reasnns, that the property is px°operP.y z�n�d and
si�-►c� zt -;:Eea2:� r��sf�r;. sta:ida�ds an.d ;;iibject to the r�Qu�steci ch�anges Q� th� �st�f�#
�n�i wg.tt� �h� �y:����°s_�ndi.n� tha� �uburba� aad Burns be �mprovedA he moved they
xecvnurenc� �s�raac�`r;,I frr ;.he pexini�r far �E:e [�3ong's resC�urareta T�e motfot� caas
s�co:�cl�c� �y �ir.; J:'�Ct�c'�'YL`��.Ilo M�o Benshc�of vote�3 aga�.nst thQ ra�cati�n for th� same
x�es�orts �� n�o.�;ouc��.}� �tatedo He ��i� they ��rere A�°es_ty tve11 ,��.€npi�g the gura
erecrz�� i�ne 1�u:ild�ng hefare �hey got the pprmiC�
?�ix, Rase��c�r sca::�d �hat �n the Za�a�a �n:���er, tiae only revisi�� requested e�me �o
wxde�� ti�.e d�.:��•eway b}� sbo�it o f�ot t� make 3� 2�6 iee�:o
�ir,; M�ie�:.a �aid �:�:�� Siib�L'CC �r� �i�e s�me r.easons s tha� it� is p�operly zax�eci and
aub jecl: �:� �he ��a:�f's a-ec��ae�r :�c�r r�v:isicsns ��a� subject i:o ttae fac� �t;st Sub.irbau
�ric� ��a�,n� A�°EY1L1@ �.�;_11 be xm�raved� he moved app�roval o� t�e pe�na.E:� I� ws�s
secs�ndeci by Tir., ;�i���rt11n� Mr, Bezshao:� votec� against the recom�.end�txon fc�:r the
reas�7.s s�:af:ed ���.vio��sly,
S�b�t��tec ',�Y� r�parcxved �y:
P_�u3. F.,> I>:�a:��t•�r::° Mx;ao Csro'!,,yrn �r�chzan.F
- �
� � � ' � City of Saint Paui, �innesota
(Please print or type)
� the City Clerk
� City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Application is hereby made to i�$�X� operate a new (cross one out)
No. of islands and pumps :
No. of tanks and capacity:
� PARKING LOT for (customers) ��a1��lii1� (�1,�X�JW���j (��i�L�X�) (�
Capacity of parking lot
116 cars �indicate type)
To be used in connection with: ���dra��
(indicate type sucb as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car
Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.)
Capacity of parking area:
*Location : a•B• cor�r ot f�6urb�a Av� t ►utur� �IIrAi AY�IriN 1'��OCat�d
Legal Description : Lot Block Addition
2S s Z6 ZO fe�te Nitis tb. y plus
Applicant's Name � pp�r C011st�tltfn CO. ��M �t����
Home or Office Address: 6��� y�shie�to� Avu�w follth� EdIM* MI+UN�Dt�
Phone Number : ��•���j
� Y T� �/-d-L��, fi�ra i d [. Car 1 t�ri+, Arch 1 tsat
. G L � �����r ��--
(Signature) (date)
Address : 1721 C��rott Aw.� 3t. tavl� Minn.
Phone No.: �, $��Z
When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of
the prelim�Lnary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk,
Room 386, Citq Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minaesota
Z-3 6/11/56
*EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of 1�ain St. and First St.
2. 3outh side of Main St. between First and Second �� � � � r,,, � Q
ZOI�� �1G FI LE �4� NOV 3 1972
Saint Paul, Mirnesc�a
. .� • • . , �7
City of Saint Paul, i�innesota � J �
(Please print or type) 7�
� the City Clerk
City of Saint Paul, Minuesota ,
Application is hereby made to �����X���������X�X��tX�Xxl41�X (cross one out)
install and operate a new
No. of islands and pumps :
No. of tanks and capacity:
Q PAI;KING LOT for (customers) (�JLI�I��� (�x�r�J�X�O�� (�XtI6AxkX�6l0�) (14�J61�X�
Capacit of 116 cars �indicate type)
y parkin� lot
To be used in connection witb: Restaur'ant
(indicate type such as Drive-in Kef reshment Stand, Used Car
Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.)
Capacity of parking area:
*Location . S.E. corner of Suburban Avenue � Future Burns Avenue relocated
Legal Description : Lot Block Addition
25 � 26 20 Scenic Hills No. 5 plus
Applicant's Name .
Doncar Construction Co. (see attached)
Home or Office Address:
6975 Washington Avenue South, Edina, Minnesota
Phone Number • ' g41-7111
�, �� �� Gerald E. Carlson, Architect
l`�-,�,� � `�/_ r�.,` .
Signature) (date
Address . 1721 . Carroll Ave. , St. Paul , Minn.
pboae No.: 644 2772
• When completed: Pile three copies of this application form and tbree prints of
tbe prelimiaary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with tbe City Clerk,
Room 386, City Iiall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Z-3 6/11/56
*EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St.
2. South side of Main St. betweea First and Second St.
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; : City Clerk
• .
• ., . , ;'
na cw� Hew. ss�os
January i2, 1973
I�ile X1294, page
You are hereby notiFied that a public hearing will be held in the Council
Chambess of the City Hall and Court Hause at 10;00 a.m. on January 25,
1973 on the application of Doncar Cot�struction Company to install a llb-
car parking lot to be used with a restaurant on the property described
on the attached sheet. The property ie lacated on the Nort}� side of Burne
Aveaue between Ruth 3treet and White Bear Avenue.
Por further information, contact the Plaaning Board, Roan 1010 Commerce
Building or telephone 223-4151.
To comply with the City Charter, the Department of Finaace is charged
with informing you of thia public hearing.
If you have any questioas, it is recoa�nended that you attend this public
hearing to afford you the opportunity tc make your views, both pro and
con, kaown to the City Council.
1. .
February 16, 1973
To: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen and I�r. Phil Lee
Fr: Frank D. I�arzitelli ��
Re: Coun::il Resolution - Doncar Construction Company - Wong's Restaurant
I have reviewed the above matter and recommend approval of the parking
permit for Wong's Restaurant on Burns Avenue.
City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02
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APPLICANT Construction 70, Inc. LEGEN
PURPOSE Install 50-car parking lot �qND USE
, -o- TW0-FAMILY �
'�FILE N� 7435 NoQrH � � � COMMERCIAL
° \ v VACANT
.�St,,�Pau I P�anning 800rd, Dote: 12/21/�2 �� Propertv U�der Ccx►Si�r�tinn
.. � y'' • • � • • � �lTY
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Cepital of Minnesota
234 City Hall & Court House 55102
December 18, 1972
Mr, Paul Rosetter
City Planning Board
' 1010 Commerce Bldg.
Re; Applications for off-street
parking lots for:
Zapata (Zoning File #7435)
Burger King (Zoning File #7�+37)
and Wongs (Zoning File #7438).
Dear Mr. Rosetter; � '
Al1 of the two-way drives should be at least 26 ft. wide and the radii
should be a minimum of ei�ht ft. The 30 ft. drives proposed to serve the
off-street parking associated with the Wong's Restaurant meet with our
approval and with the wider drives (30 ft, as opposed to 26 ft.) five ft.
minimum radii are acceptable,
We estimate that the totat number of one-way trips generated by the
above three mentioned proposals would be approximately 2550 trips on most
weekdays, and that approximately 3550 trips would be generated per day on
the weekend.
Fnr purposes of determining where traffic problems might occur be-
cause of these three developments , assumptions were made as to how the
traffic generated by the developments would enter and leave the general
vicinity. Because of the orientation of the proposed sites and the gene-
ral prqximity of existing and proposed housing in the area, as well as
the present accessibility from the interstate freeway, slightly over half,
� or j�st �nder 1400 trips on a typical weekday were assumed to be added on
Su�;�rban Ave. just east of Ruth St. Approximately 113 of the trips to and
fr�m these sites would be added an Burns Ave. just west of Ruth St. , and
iU6�i tri�s added on SuNurban Ave. to the west of the site.
,4t the present time, some tr�ffic �roblems, primarily in the form of
delays, are occurring at the intersection of Ruth St. and Suburban Ave. If
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OtV '�3iJi�Si�e�Y, DFCEMBEF ?1, 1972, AT Z:OQ P,Mo
�t��S�NT• inm�� C�chr2nA; I�essrso McF'ertlin, Maiet�a arc� Benshoof of the Board;
�� t•ib, r'x�.�:lcson, riro Rosetter and Mrs, Barr�.ault of �he 5taff.
C�1�STiZI7C1'At3x� 7Cl„�uTt�'Cn �7437�: An applica�ion f�r a Q�srmit to install a 50-car
��z?ci.:�g Z��� :�oi: a Nu,�gar King Restaurant �n property laca�ed on �.he south side
�Z Su'.�tir;:�ai� ;,L���:�,c�3 t3t�ite l3ear and Ru�h;
i3i}=+CAs2 �C°�?S'C;��;�•�.�IGN v0��t��P1Y r�438� : An application fax a permit to insta3.1 a
�I_6-carRE��r:c�n.�; i�t �or �dcsng's i2est�uaant an pro�er�y iaca�ea can Y:he nar�h side
ot B��r.ns ?�::�:���c�r.�. ::t�ti: �nd fdhite Bear;
CQI��STirJr�R�i�aT ;�t3� �r��,. �'7��35A: An �pp�.icaCion far a nermir to install a ?9-car
�Sa.r�:i_-�� °±ot :��7- Za�ai:a°s AestauA�nt on property l.oca�ed on �he south side of
Ste���a�?�an I;e�;..���n t•r�ziee B�o� anc� RuLho
�:x� I�[��:.;..t�.iu a:�'ced :�.f i_tz�ae w�re �ny pxo�I�•�so
i�irt� 2_-�st�:t��r s��_.) �.�l��t �t;3r; is an �::cea wi.zer� �hE City Cauncil has shoc�m same cancern
_;�rE.vious�_�.�� €d� �a:.c] r�t�e 'I�af€ic �ng:;.neex sLudied tinis at Iengt4 and has produced
a :�eL-_A�• �::hEf�E-: '�� sai.,j �ee could try �,o s��aa�i7eo
:4':'. I��;�<..�.j.___ a�s�t�.��3 �.f 7� :-r�:s n���- }'..aBel2.ts il and h�e was to�.d i.t c.�s,
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X�:', �.:'::�.t��:�Q?"L .:u;�.�� .:�18i:. �(?�'j� L�'E`_.". u*;171.::E`C� .:i2f}' t✓O'J�.� 'iJ2 1;3SE1E'C� v^ �i11.�.ai.i1 L'3;ii1
<. � g p it.
JLt': i t. L.�i._'y c'{l.�i:;.`t_ „et: t_tz� nE^f_?c:iug ?�t� ���:-na��.v the;> :rould bE ir� f�roeble o
�t'r. � i;�.�::__;.�.r.:�_r r>.�-_';.?-`�;Es �'�a�i`,_ F;•.,�Rc:� Ki��r, si:a�Ed tha" �tzey aenu�sted rziao� ci;arcges
i-(� i:i._ ..;r�.., �
r� _ �,,, .� , -+�;_ f�; � � 1
_ .�c, _, z��,� ���c�;.�._� h�.r�dZc .^,�} s_��ee of che per.u�::c a?��1ica��.anS L�C3b��:�E�e
:°�i, �TC::?.C'E:i't:t <<::�.r�:! i::� St':_ Y�2G ��13i1 �?12(� r1..ra �G:iCY'�f"^ :i13Q'�d2C� �� �O �:1II%,
��s�,. --° '-c��:�� ....,..,_1 :.� ��.;�. �:�=:iti�_�; :s�-a?:.s ca���� 3.0 oy 20, �nd �[-te �:�3�;�.zcan2 �.»dic�:ted
t:�P.�.y �;F�rF.:•�
i'7:.:� ',:C '`::._.::I':_. ;?;� ^� �_� '��L.'iC'i.j�P;� C,�B P..�'�� b�a
f,21� ��I��G�JC:'st�s��:-?.. . t•;?r:k?,��tl�?.ZY� t[s2� �ii1�S�eI ?<.�iz� �pp�S.C���Ctty S�d�CI� ti�lII�" i�}rCi�.v�S
".S �tbta"_. . ^.,:�"t�:;.. �'?t. �i:�?:"L �"O i::?� e�&�:V�f1�1 `J'@c4�u :t.S �:O ��EL' kBS�a
��ir, R�s��:LC�r <;�;.�3 ui:aY f.or ��,���e� ��in�; �hn_y 1�rari se�e��l sa�aZ� c?zmensions they wanted
,:�FOti-3.cl;�ct �r. ;:[�v� �iG� �-��dc� be�.�e��ed �hat the a',�piiean� had r�eeivAd the �equ�st far
i:t?ern, 3�e ;=a:�c` t:+ze�= F����;-e v�Yy mi�±o�o
_ '.. . �� ' �..� . • '!}�a cr�, �� „ �. ')c^%^ %�; ,�.,.-�!
Mro Aia�evta ��sked abau�: th� wh�el stops, End I�r. RaseCter said they were 205 feet,
P"ro t4aie�:i:a Gss?c<.d al;v�at t(-�e nreen area, asl{ing if it was really going xx�o
Mr, Malachoraski stat�d that it waso
��ro tda:iecta U,�.�d if i:hey have a c.crostruction pl.an, and askec) ahout the garbage
P;r., ?�ta7.acho�as?t9. said �.t caas to be enciosed in a buildfng, sr.c� �he container will
be s�c�rad :ir�s ide.
i�ro Mc�;et.�a asr�d if i� �aould be pielced up and the represec2tati.ve said it �rou3d beo
ite ;:lren ��;��:�d ii i�iie�e we�.e atiy obLi�CaL-ians conferred a�out pick3ng up the garbage.
�Fr� E,�ci�so�z ::air3 ti�a� tlye City Or�ift3ance requfres tha� the �ari�age be picked upo
?�rso �ac'��r�;ii�� :�t<?�erl i:'t�at the Tyaffic Engineer's Iett�� shoulcl b� read fvr the
I�r� I�asee�ies x?.�'-:.ed ¢ha� t'�e le��er ?-efers ts� a�.l thze� marte�-so kte �ead khe letter
s3.gned b��� 2o��f-�.: Go �'eeereso�, C�.ry Tt-�ffic. �iagineer, undersfgned by Richsrd Ao
Sch�na��r �:nd �a�iz.e�. T� runf.��d� r�s follows:
°`:�?' of ;.he �wo-way d�::ives shouid be ac ieast 26 ft, wide �r�d the radxi
st'lo�.'-?d ?�e a niin�.miun of ea�gl�t f�e Th� 30 fto drives praposed to serve the
ort°str.e�L p�a;r�:i_�.g ���s�caated w�th the 4�To�g's restaar�tnt meet with our
��prr>v�j 4i4:.d wi�i� ttie caide� d�°xves E30 fto as �p�osed to 26 fto� five fte
rn?_t:.i.�nun� �-��?.a. a�e accepi�able,
t�'e r--,,tima�.L t_t�;�t ttie to��l nur�be� of cane-way trips gene�ca�t�d by the
;�bo.-e YIZF''TZI..'4/,�'1i�f,?� �s-op�vals waic�d i�e approximate�.y 2SSU trips on most
U:�.e:��ays, a��d �w.dp� an�:-o�ci.mat�Iy 3554 f�rip� would be �enerated per day on
,::�E, �h��{.CE,'Y1�i,
:.'o�� pu�,����s of �e�.exmYnir.� �ahere tra£fic pr��Iems r�ight• occur because
of �.s,rs� ����:eQ eevelorrnAn�'�.s, assumpC?otzs 41eI'E a�,�de as to hoca the
i:�,�.C{"i.0 ;i�t:t�7'c:��C_f� 'i7j� 4��i� :1�V2�0}°71tEIIi:S SJt?L?LCj 2i3�2� 8i1C.� iea��e �Fle gencra2
vrc;_r.it;YO '3�cau�� or �'ne o��.cantr�tion �f Lhe pro�osed sites 2nd �he ge�er�l
nror:?mi.*_,� �.�:� �x:i.st�i.nr and nr.vpased htsu.�i�g ir.� �:he axea, as ��.ell as
tl:� ,,�r_c;_^.i:� vcc.c�ssiQi:�i�y S'xc�� tt3e iiai:c�sta�e freeway, s?i.;titly ove� ha1fL
fY1,' ;;71=-i� tlilz;•?3" i_[(•�i�'1 4:'�.LlS 'Dil c'i �j'p:LCa^�. �JC-'��.{fjc�}' 4�P�'2 assECmed �:O be �3tjC�(?C� OTl
Su�;�:r'c��:,. .?,�,�o ;yts�� east vf RuL-t1 5t, 1�p�kox3mate7.�� ].33 af �E�e �rips to attd
`s�r-s �I�,;,,� �;���s �r�ua� 'oe adci��d r,n i3urr?s �,ve. just Gyest of R.u¢h Sto! and
3.�:.�t c.;.;_�.� i�cld�d ac� S€?bu�:�,^r� .�iv�o L•a t�e c��esE: �f �h.e site�
i���: L.ze �a�es?:?c �f.�n�, Uc�� �r��f�c p�obi��u�, grima�ily in t�tie form of
2e�.�y��, a?-s, occurr_at2g at r.h� znL�rseccion of R;acfi S�� and Sczbu�ban Avee Tf
jus�. �ncle� ?.!a�J �:�ci�s pe� day are 8dG-�'�} Lo c:he pa�sen.t voZ�tne of just over
ti�C��i t~�_�:; a�3 � r��ir_r' wee��d�y :aitha�z:, �ny addi��.or.�I road�.ays being con-
struri�e�l cs.� i.�.nro�remen�s ia present xo�c!ways b�ing made, 4:he prablem at this
��C�..P.S'FiE.:CL.LC}TI flb�';az�sEy wi1.1 bc compounded, �ow�ver, �aee f�i.giz�e Z� if the
r3urt:s-��a��Urban �OAOJJ`�J� hetweeg� Ruth Sto and FJizite Bear Aveo s.s con�tructed
duri�±� �t:.e �973 cons�Y�iction season anci Suhurban A�e. xs widened by a reiai-
au�� of eig1�� ��a on th� sc�urh s�de of the street from Ruth Sta west approxi-
€-�3t��;1 SE�O :E�o, �ne prob3.ems �ha� would occur at the Rutt�-5ubarban intersection
' - , .' T'r( _I;ij�F•. `_°�. .7i.'-'!'1�'
��ould ��� cc�n.s�_deraL�y less L-h�n ti�ose thar occur at the p�esen� time fox
th� �0�.E OSti7.tl� L•hree reasons:
�.� �'ixsc�, Gnei rost �u�por�ant, the additiansl. width t,rould enable
�a=�_ra_ic eas�b�u�:d on Subur�an five, app�oaching Ruth Ste to farm
t�•ro 3_ax�es a� Lt�Q �top szgrA, with right turning vehicles in one
I�:n� aezd �eft turning v�hicles in the o�hero
�� �7� �s�i.m��e i.:haL �a�p�ox�m3tely 1000 of the e�isting 641?0 vehicle�
usi�g Suh�:i�,an 4sr�, jus� zaest of Ruth ��0 2sch weekday wf,I�. re-
�r_icn>. �F��i� trips �co tY:� souttterly roadwsy �Burns �veoZ jus� west
of I?.u�ti SLr�e€:o
3� The ���,�_3t� conct4.ti.un of �h� roadway surface vf Suburban St e bet-
ween C�tT�rz�.e �e,�r A�fe, a�c3 Sears xs very puore Fle estimete �hat
eai�.�z �t2� �,���n,:ovement of r�is road�aay approxfma�ely SOt3 �rips pex
��y p��rer.�ly using Suburban Aveo at the Ru�h S4o end wi.11 �e-
or�ent ¢hP�.� tr�.ps to Lhe White Beac 1�vee end,
As�urr�a.za� �F�aL- L��� pzesent pronos�ls unde� ccmaideration ar� approved
�a�� devel+��wc+, � c�xuside:��b�� ar�ount af Isnd wou�d sti13. be Ieft far de-
�;��.c,r��e��i:. :a.n tt�.e v�.c:z�it;�a Fsased on the inro�mation cve re��ived ��om �he
ecti�r_e� o� �E��� iat:r?, we ��ave rnade estxma?�es per4:aining to trs�fic generated
hy �:=a3.1 c3<v����rt�r.�m ttzL re.su�t� af wh�ch �re shown on .fi�ure 20
�.''3_�U',:F. �. ;ii1t:�C�T:; it� GG i3.VE' SL"iu Qf t70ZClTilE$ f0� a �umber O� iC'C;'lOttS
q� ����,cicaa�= i�� ;:��.e �iciz�it;�o Th�se f�ve sets are:
�., J�`EiC.' c=:'_S�'7._l� r�'c'3iZ7..0 t�O�Ii?i;°,
2,. '3'x�ii;:� ;;�1�:;'�^�ed by corpBn�:e addirzr�n��, e�velopm�nL- ov�r and �bove
l:?�3>_ 4TiS;�C��3 TS�A:eT7.�.}.�� �X3.S�S•
:i, T�:i��, i.�ra��-�t��=� t�y �3u���x IL�.ng, �$�aata and T�'cangso
�:� `?''r.ie c����,;�i.�: Sf��ur��;� Lha� c���}_d e�:i.*ai� i� :t�ur o� �ive }7E�fZ'S, assam-
=.s��; r�r::p��>�w d¢��?ap���t by that ti.me a�� the �o�p�.et=_"�n of the
Lca�•.z:7-4a;��=ti�e:::.3 �-�a,�L� S�Li,r�en Whi.s_c� �e�r Ave� �z�d R;tth S�.o
S„ :�tx� t_�:�:.:�J.c �;c��:�Q r_hat EdC3il�.a e:�;,s+:. bn 39aSa„
L-�L.: i;c3sc���i:e�,: �.r: �,{,L�;t?g �:o the ��tach�� �tap, 3t��ed that �tne e�ista.n� vo3.um�s
._.� �����.--f:,�r� <�j•� 3f�2.� �sx:.3 �� P�uLt� �Y:-cei� iu 641�3, tlz� tr�gs genc��a�ad by cc3mgLe�e
Cflii-2F!t?a"?��.�:%�. ��s3t.?{??..',?l+TsZ:.'it� F1G'�� O� �.:�'1� .�'sa?�41��34^-,i�"�'LI'Tf.S S.id�L'i.°.ec�ian ;a�u�d bE,' �Jg�y SO
;��►<_a-p �.,cs>,�3 c€. =�b�-.:�� S €:ir�n:� t�;e e�;,ting �.r.af.fi�.; an� a� S�abt�roan �nd ��.€:h th�re
��^���� �,� �%3`� .r��:�^;� :.� ����:zc I���l.t c�f �iae :��-�xsti��;; a� �c�rns Averaue �� ,a�ul�l oe 2324
��.:;' t'sic a-�_��.�i::_���; �^ �.%��� c,T=.;�ch %.� ���ut c����b�.e„ �:�� can��.nued xeadir�g --
o:��i _��.:��t_:c�,�,, :��.g�.ae:e 2 sY�c�w:; t.�� r►uc��er of c��-�ws;� ��igs �iza�. �ouz d be
F_�,.�.::��. ,_. i�;� _;�cY: ,��.rc.ei :�t �ti��2c� st3.�.1. 4:� �c=. d�trelapedo
L^�;,�:s� c;,.i ,���s� r-�-ojeet�Q�.s� ke �e�l �ha� t�Fffac ;tg wnd au9� Qf tk�E are�
f�;:�a. �:{, .,,a,-,��__ i::.
a.�, �:��;ti:a�.> �:�� ,_a �lac.e a� tne I-9� ��f-r��u�s at R:a�h Sto ��d a� Whifie
L;4?u=" .t'a�T?:<.
... . ... .. .. i'J�,r: �; " j i�L '`�.r��:?. ''?i' ['.� S.�`��i.
2� Sub►arba�z Ave o {us t w�s� oi i�tith S�� �.s widened 1�y efght ft., as
descs-�.bed abmve,
3, she ;c�rns-Suburban rau�e betwaen aaath SCo and White Sear Ave. i3
ccsi�s�z�uc�ed and i.s nper.ed ta traific.
4� Si.dLwa?'�cs are instal�.ed. AZ1 futc�� d�velt�pers, including those
unc�c�- c�nsicieration a� �he present tig►e, should be required ta
i�ast;�?.l_ side�aslics as gart of their deve�Qpmento In addition,
�id�ca��n� should t�e cflc�structed ad,�acent to �11� proper�y presea�ly
S, 'j=.i�s i�trc�, CJ�EL of ��F�it� Lear At�eo is reaiignnd so that it inter-
:;�c��.s �•Tiii�e Bear Aveo at Suburhan Ave, At the pxes�n[ time there
are �tzre�. rwlaCiveZy c�osely speced "T" intersections a7.ang WhiC�
�'��r �tiFeo sauth of I-94e Theae �hx�ee °'T" �.neer��ctfons csn be
cam��z��d It�.�o ane 3n�e�sectiore, �hereby eli�inats.ng maay nYOblecns
�s��.^,ia;:�d with �urn�.ng movements o
'ri� 4ddi_t�an ta ;;ize im��.ementation o£ the above five mentto.�ed impresveme�►ts,
i.t Q�p�aa-s �s �ho�agh tra�fic si�nals wili be rec�uired a� the intexsecriana
�� WI��td� 3=��x E�ve� and S�e�uxban Ave o �nd at �ither R�th St� and Burns
A���ti� oM P�LI:.i2 S::� �nd �vburban ,AE=e. It s�iau�d Ue noted because of
�rc��.e�s ����cs.GLEd with �:i1e ve�t�?ca� ali.gnment a�.ang Ruth S�o thaC a
trs;iic s�.�ra�l. i.nstBZlatial�a a� Scaburbaa Ave, and Ruth StQ could cause more
�-��:c�l��.ems, .�a�c�m �x� �ccident st�and�oin�, ct;an it would so�ve, �For example,
i�ec�r�s� c�� �.h� gx�cies� so�thbaund trraf�ic on P.uth Sto prob�hiy woul.�3 ex-
p��';_er�c�� �Iii�:irE�Lt,4,' ��oppxn�, and noxthbound traffic, oace it were s�ogped,
�,�aEn3.cf ��s��er:��:�c� c',�ffi�aal�y, �ss�ti�ul��ly durin, �he wiAter manths, getting
�w���-e ia ��s qcc�st-z.s�� �nat adciitio�nal develr��ent over and ��av� that which
;aa�e��.e�t<y �:��s�� ?vil�. ge�tn�.��n adciitz�nal traf�ic co��ou�d;i.rag the pr�sent
s;�:;�t w��: ��J���,�i� �.s �i.�s�: ks�g�.z.�.ire� ta be�.sxne a prablemo G�e do feel; however,
t�t-tc� t:�°�:��?.c �:�*.�ers�ea by the �hree pr��os�3.s preseni.�.y ur±der ransider�tiQn
ca�: i�e i,:��_c;'.�-? <,aec�u��e�.y ;.� imArov�m�n�s �� thrazag�z ,k�r ?�st�d mb�ve are
•is:�yr:t:_�r.;s,::�r' ;3_i.:•znu �h� �173 cc��is��uc+•i�r� seasan,
:,_r.t;�aa�. csi;�c:c�ssia:�s r�iLh �he M��nesa�Ca ki?gt��aay De�a�-t�a�n� have iur�icated
t:�a�� �:.��:,-��. , •:,�. �iE1i�e �3�:�t- :�vFS� at �h� I-94 �`�-Ya�tp� car� be it�5talleci
a�3ci s�� ;_i° t:;3C?:'c�.'���i:� b.:= �id-I974 .�nd �hat pec���s i.fze insL-�P�ation af a
.,��r;��� or ?:�t�.z S+:v ati tne I-9j�- a�'f-ramp an� �� �'td I�u�son Rd, c�n be
t__s=�.-_!4?_er' i_-� r,���.Eiec*_i.o� Fr�.�:h t.he W�t•��e Bear �c,e. 3ign�I4o
I1ti�Y1.%:3.0^::_'1 ?eye?opm¢t�.t eene���ing t�aft�.c of any signficanee over and
1;;;��.:- t.�:�� f;irr�3L'f2L`Ay �.n �s�.�ce, rsa- und�r �res�nt considerdic�.can, �,�i�l
=:r��,�.�c� ;�i-;�. �.r:i�7eu:er��:�+�ic�t�. of th�e fift�i �o�.nt �xsted above, as wel�. as
f_�_� yn.sLa�?.?ation c�� .�dc3i��onal tr�£�ic signt��so
��k�:'r.n:.c";� sYe f�e:� thaL- �c[�.e ciat:irn��e tr�if3.c valumes can be ltandled, �here
a.s �e�°y �-zt,s��,� Q�,�estir�r. L-ha� che ?reserat �ela��.ve�y �ood acc�.dPnt
`riist�r.y rr�.7.�. a�?f€er, g�im�r_iYy b�cause �� inc�e�s�d t�raffic vo7.umeso`�
.. �71,-..:� �3 " ��°''C r���',n"x." �? 1_ ?t
T�r, Mai�€:t� �s�Led �.� ther� wez� �Eiy def�,n�.Ce plans to pavQ Suburban from �tut4t to
t?Eaite b�aro
��r, RoseL�.e_y ;;�_��te� �hat he did ±�nt kn:ota.
T�::��� ��aie��� ss:.d i�� saw no pro€�Ie;n if they �aoz�Zd do thato
�i:�, Ro��t�t�:� s�ic? �;.h<�t che pav�r�� af Burns f�-rsrn Burns to Su.buYban f� up befoxe the
Cai;��ci?. 3°�sv>
iviA� �c��s��.��� ��s:�.��' i� �m thei� g�:a�ecced tra£f:Lc cvun4: �h�y h�d t�ken into
4�c!.�sa c��Y�<,:��_c��� �.:i�.�-::: ttlA K�t€ei.son d�v�l.nismen� is finished,
��, R.�:�i:��:�- s�:,.c� tiaer� wasn`� ��.y indicat�an th�C tihey t�sd tatcen th:i.s 9.nto
�ccou��L� ;�Ie ;,��_r; �nat infarmaizcsn. �souldn=f. be o�. the map eznlesa they E�ad ti'reis
zxafc��:=_�a�:��. <3�.-r44:�y ;.nta th�i;. �>eviousZy E'YI�.S��T2$ g'1'O��C�j.OLlSa
�T�'re �Cvct�::a:.� s}u�,wd r�n�� ��ie s�r�ff caouZd x'ec�mt�nd,
Iir� �,aset�tvr ,�:�L��� �IYat CE�e `�:.�f.fic Eng�ne�+�'s let�e� �id�'� make s spec3.fic
�-�L!�:rr��s,��ai-i.���.� '�?Q sa:A.r� tk�ey �a�ve sh�o�m �nougit way� tha.s tr�ffic conld be handiedo
i�c saicl �ae c;;u�c�S-�.'e ::.'in� t:h�i: t-tin�:� �hou�� be �ny reccu�aec�daL•io� of ��euial hased
s�n traf�:�.��
. Aizs, �cc�±.L�nc s�+iL� s:2� �.rQn�e�.�� if thare had �een rec�nzne�c�at�.ans for sidewalks,
�:nd �Y,zst �::��;� c�r��;lci do co Lhe nar�.�.ng pl.uns or �.f thr�t h�d k�een p�xavidc:� �ora
;��� �,r�ya�.�.�:�. :��,s�t rht�� thev =.aouid be c�n th� �c�u�.evard �ny��ray sa �� wouldn't m�ke
�dty ���:.£�����rc�n.�� �� �t�� �±?s�ns. Tney ce�ulc�,, Y�aiaever� ��co�acx�c3 tn L'oLanc�1 �h�� �pp�oval
be eo�dii:•�.c�:*_ecl u�; 4Eae JU�.�.(3Y.Y'ah c►� stdew�l�as ar.coxdir.g �ccs ti�e ��ec�f:i.eations of tfxe
��ciew�:.� �'����:�'cr�7.�x�i:o
�s.r_� N�;z�,c:�i-�.�,c�,�>�� .�.�.s:��c;R�ceci A�L o ���aa°ge Fe�:ex�stsr�., ��t�rxaey for P�iro Raleigh Nelsan,
I;Uf ca�,, ��.<L::: , �.vti.� h.� r�;d ca�s th� iiYt�:�dec7 oti�tz�:� o� L�a�:ger K�n�o t�irs �'etez�sQn
�L-�°�:,� �'�;�.: �z��. -.:'>_,� zs rr�a�l�ty �a��d c�i�n�rr.i�? and �he use is contp3.etely
r..c�:��:+�,�v�?�Y.t-� ..:�_r:�� =i:,�v n�;i,:��:a*_±g �:�e :�t,d c;ri.L-h the c�ra�e�tqo He sa:i.d that imsned3n�ely
a,-!i.?:�u� v:f�y':�:r`ri�i'� ...:;I2t'.' i`L"i3C!1 ��i2S."J: 13x'CI�OS�'C� iI.�C('' :{.5 �.00L4'�L.'(� �E3� 5�.'F�l$ OtIk:�2� S�Q`r.`@'
���i�2���:?, . ::�:t':••�� :r•1:Q �j ie5 i`. '�,°„3' L9'3S-..' aa�>�i 7: '.�iyE��.;�7�& 3�OYG�o �'FI �:�1@ COiItL'Y' fl� �U��'1 FaI1a
i:i' T?:�,�':d�� `C:C':�,•r: �..i �.%'a".�?vt�il���T a3 �i.� �°�e&'i�. ���4'_'�:LAY'c'iI2L £il:�.f.� �7 �iU.'!.� S���A.SJilo i1E' 5�11Cj
��r::�c ssz� t:�Y� ;,;:�>� ;���_�c� �:� :s�:;;sxrt<�s� ?resent�y tt�er� zs Lnde� co�,::�uc�ion a G7ong�s
��:�V,uxc-�7�:a tR a�;;^ �;-��.=ss,: �£ �'�r�;�b �K_r��. �i� ��id �he so�thw�st rorner_ fs pz�sently
;.Fi:�'�Cl�:„ s3L� :�:?.[i i,'t"tc`1i. �:'.>.f: :'�OS���{: �ES:LCT+EYL�'S F?'� �.i� �:El� c'%(3`]T'f:Ll2iti:3 CvE2�C�2 c'iLrC' i#S!
�hc� s��s��: ;��.�� ai= .�_�n��zs ��s �i�r�;.s :.s ��ogosed to hR pu�� �ts� Th� d�g�h o� �tieiY lot
�.:� �.�f3 .�E_��, ;���c3 �E���;r a-r.e �p�x�:c�.�z��ie�y ��� fe�L aw�y f�om �he ���r�r�er���o kie
s.��.� �:�+��� �:}z�s _.., ;� cc�:p�;-�.���.e �se anc s�t��est�d L•?��� �'ni.e; �.s �a �.ogical deve�Qp-
�ner�y c�:� �:�:�3�: �,�;V,�;����-�;, H� s��.d L-facre is t�� prob�.� wwLi3 ci�mi�a�ae frmm �he �ro�osed
����..±�x���; '_�i., �`��, �;s�• fts �t-�� Qz����rz.za.c� is cc�aa.c�rned, as�he�.� sur��ce c7rainage i�
�����i� �i� ;�z:.a:�_4d �,:�� E+�e a.� compaL�b�.e witt� te�e �re� artd S:��s� zv�ai�.� is prc�per�
i�i,,�a t•?ar4.?���:� �,aak:.�:;r1 �;.�a s��te�a she �a.ve� �i: 2U5(� ��.eb�cb;�r� �vr�Rae, �.��,d �hat
'r?w�� �z=_�:ari: ~�*a:. �;��:�; �;c� b� �-�tra�` ��z��me��.�ed becEeise s:�e �a�sn"t �c,rs�e af the
s�a;��i���:�;aaa� �f �;� �,.��f�c rersc�r.�o Shr� ��id yo� cou�.Qn't �juFt s�it �iown �n�i Ioo�
at i�,��,�.•�s, I;€�� [a�s�T� �r sta�c�y ���a� ��s���.em� �k�e ��a�.d sa�e �.i�a�4 t:�a��h.�u 1/2 bloci; on
i�c��.�a �t�cl Sun�Y�r�,�:io Ti�e �s��vis�+ss :x��ht sh� said she w�a.ted �,� ��.�,ut�a to get ot�� af
, . � . - _ � . ���..:'': `� .. � R .S'... i��l w �� �f�`�rI
B3��rlys �:�d 15 1?-_ii�ut:�s ta ge� Qrar�ra �u�ct� Av�nuee She said ahe was �az�d �hexe
weren'� r.cre �cc:iz�a3;�s, Peop2� w�ac� wan� to m�ke � Left turn ifran Suburban
a��� P.=.a�i� �37t1� a cii.�ticuit tin� becectse the giade is st�ep, Sh� thaught the only
so�ut�e� �c� *?E�.s ��ahm�.� p�cob3.em woa�_d be �o hl.ock vff Saxburban at Buth and to not
�.et �rcy t��rt�e �:iz�eugh tha� k=a;s
I�ib9, Ccchra�a� :sk�d if ii: weuld $olve the prflblem if they would �eake it � one w�y
on. S�f3ui:b�tu ���� �'�.�,=.t� un�il a iew feei: away, th�n yau. could g�� onto Rath from
�LS�f,rb�n u
�ics� :�:,��.i:.ry s<��.�3 �'s_;at R�L-h i�s ��es�n�l.y a h��vily-�zavelled street,
�i�o Mc���.tl�.n :;��:c� ti�.at �oL^e t,��t��c t�i I1 be g�i.n� onta Whi�e Bea�r if they
�.ulg�:��v� t-t?�ti �'�r_F_e��
?��s, ��n�:,°y s�fc; ����at _far � years t'nep liave been L-�yin� tm �mpr�ve the StP�eC' and
�1 spsxre� ii. �.s s??1 �zxl�� ,aatet .�g2.i�e
i�ir, i�icZ'a��i�.n �v'sc�c] i.f skac was tamiyiar wi.th ti�e Kd1��sbn mai•tex,�^n�ci i:hat i� they
3.�� '�,�:?L-'L� 7�:�4��,::o'�.jr, �C 7.9 L�.��i)iJe?Cl o
i�?-�, �,�;.a��y s;i.d ��ze c�zas, bu� she asP:ed how m�ch :�:.raf•fxc r�n are� can stand, 5he
��I.�d i£ 4€1�=r:n E�,a,, �_� prov5.si�n �uw �he �ie�a�ttz, s�fe�:y a:�d we3faa�e t►f the aret�o She
s�zd ���,�t %� ��;,^:; �n;�c;:.�;d r_�:�� cait� a clri�r��-�.n ir� aca rrEa, t�ere w�ould b� a 30f�%
YL1C:'s^'��aSE' :iF1 �:A.:d�.t:.Co
P�ir,= Y,ez�sE��aoi= s��,? �:h�:u r_f<z�i:ie :s.s c��rescie�.s :t� t�he sre�, fIe ��id ghere is �ix�y one
place :��a��•� tit��� �.A<:fi�ae co�z?.ci `�� e�;;zse a�?d E:!�3t i_s csn �ia�:y�€�nd �venueo
;�fr� r1c��.�r tZ.�.rz 4<�7,c �`x�;r .��:y g���n� 6_a m�a:ce a �S-l�ne s tree� out o£ 5c�bur'ban by Ifarns„
4�Ts o �a��i.;_Y sa��3 t6::f�y c�r:.l� tsavn �:c �tiaE�c z� �c�n�ph��e at every in~?rse��i.c�� !.n a
�:es�d�����;�sa� axk�:.°, ��� r���3,a �.ta;� ��;:�de is :�tech tiza�: c,r�-��r, �i�.ey co�:�� �o�,�ri S�iz�urban
a���x:o�cex�:z� Rts�': ��:�,:�y� cc=;�'L• s�m�ao S�F� s�id it a.a s bu� �o;�te a�d � sc�.aoa. bus
iCOf$t�E.'� �;=?� S:.S::.�s i:`•.1<< �Ji^.�}3�.E:fi` L:'s Z:;"1u� yUli i:?.V� �O �Ci. t�3 ?'12ILi4�Yi� .a�A�s,: 03^.'� �iLS.�I
�£� ��^� 1t�? �i:�3£ Ti:. .,i_n o�(� &���';c3�.� TriCiiti: r3��.tiV:t�3�.:E i:i?3to
�?��u c�%�•�^:rL:.�;_ . �,:�.r' wi:.,a, ti�� �'?-�i`fi.� �,r_�ine�Y•¢s �eco�m�a�r;ati.er� ���� *ts �.ut hnv� a
3��gz�t a* r;::,���.:-€�u-: ;Wzrc, I;�a�.l� ��.i: t_;_3 t���;e ot!�. �t �ica�.s �nd P�utt�o
t:r.�, I�s��.:-°_y s<�=.�r .:'::r� �i�vj��r:zt: i:':.~� s�:vu�.d bl.�ct: �£� t�e str�e� �x�ci fc�kce C�aiici�
�c� o� d�v:�� t:tzea ;::�-==_.,a�.y �:�c� �c�� �;��e i�his eP:c�a frc��n 6;�ei��e be�r !i•;ren�em drie ttiir�g
'F?c1G ���t.:�,: F_'i1?�1 �:'t'.t�1.Ar;:1 y 1.S x��?u'�: �:.�lty�`' t.S c"- 3'_'�7:?'2 s t�tien a1: ��1$ �YiC� *Ji .Sli�1dY'2?c3t1
�nd �4��a3> •r::�Gx?c; iv,:c:�«t�2:,� ...,�3.3ect� 1�?��, �Exe ss�.�3 �Y�u c�n°r get Gazto �he fre���ay
�t kuL�; ��o�s �:�:�t g,��: r�;�:t" ���L �.a� ��.e �b1_ic :�ocks has no in���zz`uiraiz. of bui3direg
any of��-�:�::+�;,, t.��<<�•�z;� ?'tiz� ��m�s <�,:;: to� clos�e a� zt is, S€�e sa:�.c� s�Ezey �-�i1? �e�•er
�� ���?� ?;_s T.ZgLiLL:;:,�. F,.i_4.L�.LC �i.4� s�r the �re�a c�`il3E ��a.d Traffa,c �ei�t�rt3 1300 r�c�e
Cc.t�u �Uiul?'14; E)E: `:.ii?i:;,i.tp1,''L2� �}:. �'3 .; '�i'E'C•yT 13�5�zL�G7 Z'2a�fJC'Yl���:�.�. S�rt?�'e: i`it8� C011�C�T4��
bea� f.�� ':aa£'ico '�.i;pr.p aa� a 'e�t t�f sm��l c�-a�.�.dbe;1 ir� ti�� �r�a, ShP also said
i:r�e:r�• i.;� :� x�t: t�� „ci,4°�s t�;a� zs c�aus�d by {a �rxve-�.�x, axo tu�.at��� �o�a tigh� the
a-es�r.a_cLz�x:s ��Le c: C.C�� p�-t�pe�T�y� �t `ns� bce?� noi:ed ��4�t 4her� c��a� a �adius of
�'. ��.?�s �':a�r� y�v ��ca�c� f;�?ci c�r°-�:as s:�d �,���p�in�s frUm a dr�.�re»isn, She said �he�e
��•�.�.� b° ;':�3r3:�L'.r����. �io���� m+��.1u��r�n b�r �(3e a�oun� o£ t��ffic ti3�� wxl� be generr�ted.
�3.:�aa �,��e,x �>�a{��s�an �;et, the?r c?��,7el.�pm�znt ca�ple��ec�, thc L•ra��rc generated by that
ar#.�:� b�� *�:��c�a��1;��� a�.c3 �.� s�iZ� be s�u Ruth, S�¢ dic3n'� know when �hey are gofa� �o
,�^�� B�xrna �:��o:�g}.s bu� st�� st�t�*� €.h��e iG � ne�d for iuoxe st�dy,
. ..,_ . r.. . • �^x�` ,. � .. 'f�?�C� ,_,.'��'!� r..' . �.C���ej
�?�'o Jo:►n �omiznsor., a�. adcninstiative r�pres2ntar_ive, ��ated he Iived $t 2232 Canway
StreeLa �EEe �a�.d til�:is d€��:s not f.r�vmlve hisu as a r�sidento He realized thia proFerty
�� zor�ec� cdmme-cia�.� H� s�id �t�e questian �s whether oT nQt they should have to
a�l.aw �aiiy c�*�r�rcial �Sr�perty pro;�c�aed. He sa•Ld they sho4ld be able to exercis�
sar�e disw•r_e�a.on as ;:o whati type co��nercfal it iso Fie c3b,�eceed to $urger I{in.g and
�n�at� be�.�ause ��ey bsing r�ore �raffxc, He said they �ught Co bE able Ca make
�hoices �.i.k,e ;.r��o He said �t�ey could in term� �f the h�al�h, safety 8nd
wel�"as:�; protiT�s�.r,rn He hap�d ekaey cttuld t�irn. this dowa. an the b�sis af what
Lh�y r?o F.a.�� :.-a :�._�;?� w3,�h, �hese is still � �.ot of r�am fo� cammerci��. development
�t?$S fi.L�CB i:i1�.S y Ei(? 521.C.�„
�Irso CQ�hr�ne ��c�d tt�at i�he new zoning eodQ wi?1 Cake eare of thcose �hings, She s�id
� every�:��z�.n,�, ca.�c��cial. zr� na�ube can come in now, and they re�Ily don.'t have discret3oa
ta�a�ess ti.ay cs�r� S�1+DGJ it �s ;njuriou3 ta the heal.th, aaf�ty �nd c,relfaxe of �the geopl.e;
�t�e s�zd sf.e fe�i: as i:hough they are s7.most styaried and ht�ve no p�?�t#.cular ckioicea
- Y�e;- p���Gn��. p�'�a���:ti�:��e may be �o the con�:ra�p, but she is not �ure they hsve �ny
r.itoice i�'� tlzz t�.�3F���=_-, 'Y'iley h$d tu�:ied docra �ic�3on.aZel�s 3 yeax n�: su ago; but
�t�ey have E:�c� �:ii�: i;rr.x�tson mattex� �in�e then, She tt�ou�;�.t tt.�t �f McDot�aZd'a
x?gc� c�n�s�r ��r� c�:;<e l.sc�.. they ca�ld �robaL-ly has�e forced the is:��:e>
a�sr, ��ns�,�r�� �;:?�r? rE.a� �.e c�u�.dn°t sc:ppor� any�hing t�u� c,rau7.d a�d traf�ic to this
ar.e�o .ih<� �A«5�i:ic is atro�ious �.n ti�e ar��o If it is a bus� time csf day snd if lze
�as �r.c;�x3i:�� L:� �;c2 r_c a*z�_ n� t��ese az�as an� .f� fs at �he 4:a0 xeastt haur, in arder
i:o oe� �:he�e n� �P�•�ur�s �ap �icI€�xbl:+�, r3rives G7:�.�.sc,n i.o Ruth and dx•i.ves down there
�.;ec�u.s� ir� �.:.= ab;:;r���,:��ly i�ross�b�.e �o ge� a.n ttlere th� nornial w�ya which would be
to �a?�� �,<,taer ;�,�i�o�t �-o Ru�4a a��.r3 4:ry �o turn ciown SuburF�an, He ssid yvu cou7.dn't
�9�k.� �, I�:£�. �:i:~��. ��� E'?i�fi(� =a�,�.e�s y��: s�t �.n �t�e middL� of �he s�reet a�td d�ive out
�� fr�aE�s. :�� ;,r;rrec�rd�� :i� s�ad �hat at s�ne po;.rxt in tiri� they i�a�vp to t�ke rhe
s���.a rtxr-;,` ��Ye ?�ev�i:h� sA�e#;3� �:-sc� we?�are �is ;�h� people no� only whs L�.ve in the
��'L� �,;4�: _:��� ��;�F: �:�ze ��ca,��ties tih�� are a�.��ady ther�, He saa.� they h�ven't
r_�n�f.c����ri�; �.E��.� c�;.�-�cy3.y tio ��e� so+�"�.caest o� �tzis afte �laey arc ptoposing to buy
a na�ge c���:r�':� r�� }.:ai�a ic�x par�c ;��,=.r<<�ses, :�e �s�Ced what th,is i$ gaing t� do ta
�I�aL� �'��k t �.w �,^'rE.� to a�Jd ta th� ���ffic pr4�leue H� dxsl not beiieve th�� ttze
'.t�:��t=.c E�ir.��i:� w��, �ca�side��tng ti�ae r.=.��ber c�� ca�s f?��m knu�so�a c�z Bas�iZleo He
�a�� ��"�cy �a�;e .:::, c�r�s�.��?- th�t ��h�� tF�es� nre campleted th�ere are gaing to b�
„�r�r<'. �:_z�;.3sai:r.?:: :�c:ciz�s.or�a�. cR-F-s � d�y w��:ho�t �:he restiac�ra�Cs t�.er�o He said �t�
rJt7L�4.:� �?_�:L .t;?`"z � �
L(:� . .•_E. � fS�.J'�.i.QIIo
T�S� r.e��,���^;��;.z=^ fo� �t.r.�r;: ai3.�� s;yi:ed Ltiat he ti�ou�da'� disa�;rEe �hat i.he3� ar�
�Y�ble�� .•ri.�t� :a�:s�_:: �i3_spr�s�l �:�-�e1F ;hryre are ca�h�y�� �nc �e�od i� e�ten off ��e
��c�,���e;::� b;�t: :-�:r t:,EC�.zcizz�g Pl.�ns w{�i.ch cve�e s�i�n�.���ci Jhow r� se�tin� capacx�y
=e�r ia� �L-,���, '{:���; Yr���c3 mir_;.*_r.ize �hQ g;.ob=.em �f c�i��os�Io ��s �:�so said that
zhe ��:��'ti=?.c zra�`„���:.Y<3 �.r. aver�,�e d�i�.y ;1�:� nf 64(�U ca,�� or Subus_b�r►o 'Ct�.e projected
�tie=°ease� `4,- ��.�:;:3 c�o���d bn les:� t�:.�r: ?/Z o� tcha€: auiaunt, anci the 30f?7o inexeaee ooes
:a�t aee� '_4� �c�e �.L�e ;.n 2:I?�� c��seo Izz sai� �:4�a� ��ahile Subur'vari �.s a resid�tzti�l
si~�Aw �~� sM�,� e�:;;�, ssf x,u�h, �:Iz��•e �s r�nth3.�^ buC a cr�cserci�� a�e� �rt�ere they are
�h�-o �i�:=�r�=r::.� �s�yic�=; �,L��,� �h� d�s�-;�� ��andard� foz� E�argex Ki.n�, ��' the dimensions
�:�,G�_� ���:.•3:;._�;��v��
�ri�� i��:?��?��;is£:.�. :�,::;;��d t:���fi the r�4�,ea� for di��nsi�ns was f.n th.� p�rking stall and
:;F•��a� ,��� :�� b�. ,,`t �... ��.� �rab���:a
'' ztF.re7 ? .., � .��C:rS�:r?�:' .,.t 1;''�'>
rAr� B�ri�I1�0� ntcv�c� d�nia�. an the gro+�nds that it is 3.a�ur�.ous to ths he�I.th, we1£are
an� s�fe ty �f �Ea� r.�i�i�bors �nd of thc ciCiz�ns th�� migh� i�a�ve aecasion �o drive
�rzthi� t�� ��r�z;; �r�.ci for tl�e aforewentiaaed reasons, he couldn't do snything but
a:zcuz�r:�n� �ieni.c,�. �:c�- szy�hf.ng �hat wil�l add to the traf£ic �.n the t�r.e�o
;�?rs.� Coc,r�ne �:'ced zf there c.�as a s�cond to ehe motion, end receivfng none,
s�afi�ed �izat ti�e moti.on diect fcar 1�clt of a second,
�`�:�., P�T.a:et�.� c_�r��>s�:i a��::oval of t�te re��iL- fo� Burg�r Ki.n� ieseaurar_t because the
�rc��Fi'ty :?s ���ra�r�.y desig�zed and sirtc� i� has been in�icrtted �hat �ubuLban t��.d
3L,:ns wzl7. }sc� i:�,�rotaerlo I� w�s seconded by I�r, McPt�rf�lin snd he stated he agr�ed
wi�h ri<c 13�n�€�oof: ba'.: i�ad r.e�d the Caurt report on the I:siuts�rn maCtere Becrause of
�:E,� L^�r.�:t:�_s of i�-�n �r.�'urtl?n, ri��, C�chaan� said she wou3.d go s�.otig w��h the r.eccTm-
�ie�zcia�s.�_?�, ?,?�, ;�,.r�sti�of v�ted agains� the no�iozz fflr the ressons s�at�ed previ4t�slya
i•�(t� Raa�t:�.�::�: :;ca>>cd s�i-s�t foz T7cncr�� Co�3�xuction, !��rnp�nr►y ��rey hAd rEquested revised
�a���zs ��,h:�_c�� ��'.c�alc3 mee� desi�;� si:sndsrds wi�h inino� cit�nges,
l�r„ ,�ei�1e, !;�,?w�}�, t�(�e apcE���:c�c� �a� the av�alicant, stated ti�ey have no �roblems
:o�n;3�'yirr; wz';�'r� *?�e re4u�sL•�
t��Ir, ?ie�7.C.'i::t.�d :�c�S a c�ui: cor i:�e_ ss�a�e �easons, tt�at the p�aps�ty i, properly zoned and
siz;ce #_t ;,.��,;�, �E��.U�� s�:dnd�=.-cts Anc� sfrbjeafi �o �!ie �eq�esL�d cEianges o� tihe staff,
rnd w,.��� f::�z� o.:�:�".st�rt�zn� thai: Suburban and Bu�na be iuzproved, 4�e T.oved they
Y.°P.{:4ff.^.;'iLaF2.t`. �iyY3it"ie.FC=� ;'i�"� t.`�1.� �E'L't":�� ��D`a: ��IG' W4Tlg',=8 x'E..':3�al2Ti�tltio rl`�.2� T12G't`�.£SL�t WL�S
szcaar�d�d i�;i I��.::o i�F::i?��-L�ir.z, xia:� t�e�ishs�o� voLe� again�� the ma�ion fvs the same
��asn:�4 �:;�> �S���r;�_c�F�.s?.}> .�Lat�c�o He Qa�d �k�ey �rere pr�rty we13. jump�.�g �tte �ua:
f'�:'�?'Cf:7.Ialy i:i��=. ?�txz.�,:i�x�; bnf.ore ��ey gc� �he p�rmito
��r, �.:�;;�c�cd ,����e�i xr-��i: can the Z��:�c� �a�4:fier, th2 on�.y rcvisiau requested caas �o
Nr�der_ wf,e=. ara�tiec���y �y �bout a fcsat �tr raatcp ,i_� 26 :Eeeta
iig<, M.:�.`�p:� :����.d �t�at sui�jec;_ ro t�a2 �Am�� xe�sons, +th�� iC £s properly zon�d ar_d
�a.*.r�;eL€� �:� i:�� s�r,:'f�� �equ�E¢ ::�r ��+r�.sa.ans a�d aub��ct tcs the s��ct thsE: Suburb�r.
w='�c: T�e�4��r� ���Lix=�e cai.��. b,� irn;x�cs�red$ i�e move�u r��r�rmval o� �he pe�ni.�, It was
secc�nctz� �;y 2�i�� :`cit:,:��.�n� I�ir<> ���.sn;�of voi.e�i �g�i.�as�, �i�e i�cc��r�:end�tian �ar the
`i'E'-i?�(?T::� .^^S..c'3LE:C1 �3:%£:°J�.C?Z�=a,�.�o
S�}.��iF.�z:��' Sve �PP�ov�r3 �y.
S.�c(a� �_�,: !-':)�SF+Ct-�-'-`. ��T.Go L'$�O.'>.�713 �OC�'Sx"13[�^�.^
' �
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
(Please print or type)
6 �
96 the City Clerk
City of Saint Paul, Minaesota , �
� l
Application is hereby made to remodel or reconstruct an existing
install and operate a new (cross one out)
No. of islands and pumps :
No. of tanks and capacity:
PARKING LOT for customers employees) (private use) (public use) (other)
Capacit of /,� (indicate type)
y parking lot ��J
To be used in connection with: i� �
(indicate type such as Drive-in Bef reshment Stand, Used Car
Lot, Dry Cleaning P ck-u 8tation, Ice Vendor, etc.)
Capacity of parking area: _ �
*Location :����� � � �1�j��' � i�
� � ���� � �� � �� .
! t 9
Legal Description : Lot ,�_ '?,�j �p � Block �P1 Addition
�, ,�1/ � (/ �/!�( C
Applicant's Name : "� i�1 �/ �Y' � � / L�iU! '!�i ��iji7
�'��v�► ° �. � ��.
Home or Office Address: � �: � � ��
l �� �'
Phone Number . � #(��
���- �
nA�� � � Y
F� Y THI�' /�P ve�sa�y i
gna re (date)
Address .
Phone No.:
When complete : file three copies of this application form and three priats of
tbe preliminary lay-out plaas of the proposed facility with the City Clerk,
Room 386, Citq Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Z-3 6/11/56
*EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St.
2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St.
� ���y. �4 �,� ��
February 16, 1973
To: i�ayor Lawrence D. Cohen and I�r. Phil Lee
Fr: Frank D. I�arzitelli �
i "
Re: Council Resolution - Parking Permit - Burger King
I have reviewed the above matter and recommend approval of the Council
Resolution granting a parking permit to Burger King on Suburban Avenue.
City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02
` Ci�y Cl�rk
. �
11� t«M+ N.w. ss�o!
January 19, 1973
File X129S, Page
You are hereby notified that a public hearing wili be held in the Council
Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. oa Februsry 1, 1973
on the application of the Construction 70, Incorporazed, for a pexmit to
install s 50-car parking lot for Burger Kiag on the propertq described aq
follars: The gaet 25 feet of Lot 3, Lots 4, S, 6 sad the West 25 feet og
Lot 7, Block 20, Sce�ic Hillsa�l�lddition No. S. The property ie located o0
the South side of Subu;ban Avenue betareen White Bear Avenu� and Ruth 3treet.
For further iaformatiaa, coataot the Pianning Board, Room 1010 Commerce
Buildiag or telephoae 29�4151.
To comply with the City Charter, ehe Departmeat of Fiaance is charged with
iAfora�iag you of this public hearing.
If you have aay questiona, it is recomoaeaded that you attaad this public
hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and
con, known to the City Council.
� City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
(Please print or type)
y6 the City Clerk
City of Saiat Paul, l�inaesota
Application is hereby made to remodel or recon�truct aa existing
install and operate a nep (cross one out)
No. of islaads and pumps :
__ No. of tanks and capacity:
� PARKING LaT for customers employees)' ($rivate use) (public use) (other)
� (indic�te type)
Capacitq of parkin� Lot
To be used in coauection arith:_ �i. :�,� '.�„�,"�� � ��f�,� ��""�!�
� IdISCEId�ANB0�5:
(ind cate type sucb as Drive-in Befreshmeat Stand, Used Car
Lot, Dry Cieanin Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.)
Capacity of parking srea:_"''� .n/'��
I ��.� �'� '�G'c �
'�Locatioa :�r � �,', ,� • �� � • i �;, /��� � ,
� �' � � � �
Legal Descriptioa : Lot s' , � ,� �� Block '1 �Additioa
, ,�
E1pPlicaat's Na�e . �' i� � �� � •`` r � ' �/',i;�+,� � ;, �
•� _� ' ^""�/"�,,�
' / ♦
C� y . z; � , � �p i • .''`�. � ���.
Home or Offtce Address: ;G,��• �. ���� � "��a � «�
Phone Number . / � ��
���-- G�p �-" �
Fo Y Tss nn carrr,
, . � �
a d �
8n ate
Address :
Phone No.:
iphen completed: file tbree coplee of this applicatioa foran aad three prints of .
tbe prelimiaary lay-out plans of the proposed facility �tith tbe City Clerk�
Room 386, City 8a11 and Court Souse, Baint Paul, Minaesota
Z-3 6/11/56
'�'EXA�tPLE: 1. S.S. corner of Main St. and First St.
2. Soutb side of Main 3t. between First sud 3ecoad t � �'
� 1� � � � U
F�:�..� �� NOV '31972
ZO��NG �
Saint Paui, Minnesota
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