260702 WH17E - CITY CLERK COUI1C11 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL BLUERY - MAYORTMENT File NO. �� ��� Cou cil Resol tion Presented By LICEiJSE COMPIIT'I'EE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVEll: That Application M 6266 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 8312, expiring January 31, 1971�, issued to Sam Leifman as Inactive, be and the same is hereby transferred to Dayton�s, a Division of Dayton-Hudson Corporation at 2 E. Seventh street. Tt�.ANSFER Otd SALE LI�UOR LICEI�TSE (Individual to corporation) � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �� Konopatzki In Favot Levine Meredith � AgainSt By �c ROEUIE R Tedesco Mme.President Butler �C B 16 � G Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifi sed by C il tary / By � By ,/� Appr v d by Date �. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . gy BY Pusust��u FEB 2 41973 ' 'l''d� �F37 s� �.F �66�0,2 �-�- �7 3 -i:. e . _ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL • APPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" L�QUOR LICENS� Dayton's, a Division of Dayton-Hudson Cox�plication No.� .._.,._....__ Name of Applicaut�23�....��.._.B.A._.Er.i.cRk�an.,.....SeniQr.....Vi.c:e_..P.rgs�.d�r�t... �°�8�-...._..5.],,....._.._....�_�___._._ Residence Address........18 6 2 4..._R i dgew o o d._R oa d.2..Way z at a.,.._._Mn._,.._. Telephone No....................................__..�..._...._._ Areyou a citizen of the United States?....._Y��.........._..__.__.---....._--•------_...._.._._.......---.-------••-...._...._--•............._........___....__....................___.._._._ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink paxlor, or business of similar nature? .Yes...__-....the_...Dayton.!.s._�stores__in._..the.�Metropolitan..Area,,.operate.._res taurants Whenand where?......................._----......_..............._...._---._.--••----......._..._.._..................--�--_............................_._._..........---.._...._---._........�......._ If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation.................___�...________................_........._...._.__..._..._..._.._..._... .D.a.��nn�..Hus3s.c�n._.�.osp.Qr_a.�i.�n......-....F..o.r.......G.ener.aL.P,�rposP s�.e......a�.t�.ached....Exhi�.it_. ,� �.A' When incorporated?.....__........_...February 11, 1902 ..�...�.....�.���..w.�. �MW�y� If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?....._...__...._..._...._....__.._..__...................._......__� Hon� many membera?.._......___...------_....._..._..__---•-----_...._..._...._...__._..... Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manager. . . . . . . . . . . . .. See Attached E�ibit "B" Na�nes and addresses of Stockl�olders: ............Th�....St oc.khQ.ls��r__.lis..��r311...h.�.....ma.�.s._.ayailahle----t s�.._�r.n�z�x_...au,.thQ�i�i��..._......_.� upon request. Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known..A1e.xandes.._&._.Ale.xander.i....�herl3ncL Number Street Side Between at ros Str s � � Ward ' ' : Cedar and ' 2 : East Severith South : Wabasha ' ; Street , , , Approx. 700 ' to Academy of How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?. Hairdressing . ...--- - • • - ------..__ Approx. �lOb ���o 'S�u:siriess S�c�'iool�— How many feet from a church (mea.sured along atreets) ?�--�UO-(?�'-----------------__......._--••-------------_......_..._---•-----._._.._....___..______...._ How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?....a}�.�2�°oX.._..�200 Name of closest school....---_R�_�nt��.S.�n...Business..._School..................................._--.•---..._. _. _.. How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?.............C.o.mm�rC.ial_.......................---•--••-•---.--_........_................._...._._.._...___.._ On what ftoor located?..:.......�.�.d�.�'...►�:��'�.��.._.�e.vel_..._..-�-�...............................�- -- --- --��-...................•----.............---------•-�-�--...............................-�------• Are premises owned by you or leased?......41d.Xl��.d...._.....If leased give name of owner............................._............... If a restaurant give seating capacity?.......Riu�r.....�i.Q.i�m....-....2.5.4.,......Ix'On._.I�.�2�'5�.....-....9.�....._.................................•-••----__ Ifhotel. seating capacity of main dining room?...-�................--�-----............._....._......--�-�----�--...._................_.........._........................................_._..._:..._........._ Givetrade name--------------D3_ytclrl!S--•---------•------ ------------------------------------------------...---------•-------------•------�•--�-----------------._...--��----------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ............ ...................The.-_Exhibition H�,_ll on the fourth level_�...----.--_-----..................---.. ........................�--•�-------............-�----�---...----�-�-•-•-�-------------.....----..._...-�-----�-----.............._._.............------�-----�------....._......_-------.........._...------��---..._.........---.......__..._..........---..........---.....-�---------��- .......... .............. ........................................._.................._.._......._........-�---�---...------•----�--�-----------��-------..._._.........._.........__._...---------•------•---•-------....-••--•---..................__....--------�•--- (The intormstion above mnat be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sules). Fiowmany guest rooms in hotel?.-•---------...__.._----......_...._..............._...........-•-•-----.._--------_._......__.__.........._..._._---._..._................_...._...._......_.---....._...r. Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)...._.___._..._._...._....._..............._._.._.._...__.__.....__._.........__..._,._...._._. Give names and addresses of three business references:...__._..._...__._....__..._..._......................_..._...._.__._...._..._..._......_....._.....�.........__ 1......_._._.........._----_.__....---_.....___.__._._..._...._...._..._...._.....--�---...__....._._---�..............�-•-----•--.._...._...._.__...---..._........_......._...._..........._..._................_.�.__.._._......_ 2......_..............��----_...._...._...._.._.----_._._._...._...._..__..._....._...._.....__..._..._.. ......._...__......__....._....__...._.._..._.........._...._....---.._.............._................_..�.-----�-�---....._.. 3....__......................_........_...._...._...._....____....._.._...._.___._.........._._..._w....._.._...___._._..._----__._..___........................._..._..._...__...._...._.........._......._._......_.. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPOBATION BE ATTACHED: � SEE OTHER SIDE � t �,�� > . ,�r STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMBEY, � . ...._..._. being !lrat dtily' s�►orn, deposes and says that he has read the foregoing applicstion and knows the contenta thereof� and that the eame is true to the best of his knowledge,infornuation and belief. Subscribed and aworn to before me thia...._..�....._._..__day of__...__ __......__19 ........_._......__.._.�.... ..._ _.._`._ No Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expirea...._..._..._.__._._...._..............------...._�._.. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, 83' .Car1�R� Erickson . being 8rst duly aworn, deposes and says tha�...he i s_,_,,.,,._„�e.. ,�gn i n r.,�j,��,e P rP�i r3 P n f. of....._......�2.�.Y:�.Q.t�..-.��s��.s�n_..�.s�s�.Qr.a�.iazi....... .._.._...__...._.._.---_._._ __�.._� , a corporation; that................he..................................._.........._.....haa read the foregoing application and knowa the contenta thereof,and that the satne is true to the best of.........��5.._............._...._...._..........lrnowledge, information and belief; that the seal af8xed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of sa.id corporation; that said application was signed, aealed and e�e- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of ita Board of Directora, and s d applic�ation and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. � _ - ...._....._�..` .-� �------ .. ._...._. _.._ 'Y? - Carl R. Erickson, Senior Vice President Subscribed and sworn to before me Dayton-Hudson Corporation thia.-----��-------..._..._day of _...._.......... ..:_.._----�9� : = - ----- _...._.. ...._. .._._..._.__.._..._.�. �- _..._..._.------- , tary Public,:Ramse County, . — ,1AMES H, BQYD, Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. �y COIIlIIllSSlOri P,7CplteB_...,�( Commission Ezn� ¢ust 10: 1976.