260686 WHI7E - CITV CLERK � COl1I1CI1 ��"� ��� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANA Y - DEPARTMENT BLUE� MAVOR . Flle NO. �-' �' uncil soluti Presented By LICEI�ISE CONIl�IITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �WHEi�,EAS: On February 9� 1973, the City Council denied the application of Sharon M. Damico for a Sauna License at 2038 i�iarshall Avenue, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That Application M 6292 for the Sauna License, made by Sharon M, �amico at 2038 i�Tarshall Avenue, be and the same is hereby denied and the proper City officers are au�horized to refund to Sharon M. Uamico the fee of ;100.00 DEIdIAl, (i�.efund) P�Iailing Address: Sharon i�1. llamico 763 Larl Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55106 COUKCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: .�� Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY � ROr�DLER Te�ex�- Mme.President Butler FEB 131973 Form Approved by Ci At rney Adopted by Council: Date .- Certified P sed by Council etary BY By Approve by MaXo : Date �� - Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By ,PUBLI3HE� FEB � 7 391� �� �� �� February 13� 1973 SharoA M. Der�ica 7�3 Earl �a�re�i � at. Paul y �i3xzn. Dear iAs.dam: At the Council rr�e�3.n� helci today, your application for t� �auna L�.��nse at 203� P�arshall Ave. was den3ed. A ref"luxd of the licen�ee fee paid by you wi�l. be f or- �rarded to you by mail. Very trul,y yours, Ci.ty Cl.erk �8