260670 P N'KE s- FINA CE RK �T COUl1C11 ���� • `� CB+�ERY=MnEPAOR�TMENT GITY OF SAINT PAl1L File NO. Council Resolution Presented By LICE�dSE COMI�TTEE L Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: The Vational Federation of the Blind of Minnesota, Inc. has made application for permission to conduct Tag Days on Thursday and Friday, June 21 and June 22, 1973, between the hours of sunrise and sunset, on the streets of the City of St. Paul, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That permission be and the s�.me is hereby granted to the Idational Feder�.tion of the Blind of Minnesota, Inc. to conduct such solicitations on the days, dates, and between the hours requested. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith D Against BY � Ro�LEx Tedesco Mme.President Butler FEB g 1�3 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certi ' sed by ci etary By By Approved M or: Dat 1 73 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By pllBLlgFiE�D FEB 1? 1973 � • � ► ° DEPARTMENT CHIEFOFPOLCE OF POLICE � � .b .. .o�.�. ���� �� .. C ITY 0 F ST. PAU L ���� 101 E 10TH STREET ST PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 (612)-291-11 1 1 Pebruary 9, 1973 Honorable i�Iayor and Cit,y Council Saint Paul, vinnesota Ladies a.nd :�entlemen; The Idational Federation of the Blind of i�':innesota, Inc. makes application for permission t� c onduct Ta� �ays on Thursday and Friday, June 21 and June 22, 1973 between the hours of sunrise and sunset. They have complied with Ordinance iVo. 1333�, amending Chapter No. 450.00 of the at. raul Legislative Code and �rdi- nances which deals with the solicitation of funds. i'he application is rnade by Archie �. �'rickson, Presi- den� and �osemary Varey, Secretary. t�ttached is a copy of their application. Very truly yours, ��� �����. License Inspector D.J. BLAKELY J-S. GRIFFIN� R,F, LABATHE W.W. MCCUTCHEON DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE PATROL DIVISION SERVICE DIVISION INVESTIGATIVE DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION O r � � � � ' ! CITI' OP ST'. 1',tLn� Office of Licen;>e Insper,tor 202 Public S�sfet�,• IiuiJciir.,° St. Paul� I�linncsot�. ;510: 1lpplication �or permission to solicit ftincls� or t� conduct t�zg days� upon the streets of the City of St. Paul t I-;innesoL:. D�ite �f fS���lication 1� 19 � 1. Name of orgarzization National Fec�r�4ion of ttte Blind o£ I`ginnesota, Inc. Address of organization 1605 E�:��_bs S�•reet (Iauderdal.e), �i 55108 2. Chief officer of or�anzzation �c^ie B. �rickson� President 3. Secretary of o��aniza-�ior. (I�s.} }?�,AM�ry V'�,r��y 4. A'ame of person or persons responsible for the distribution of collected fundso Board of Directors 5. Purpose or object for irhich solicitation is to be made Pz'ograms of the org�i�a— tion �uch as maintenance of Hor.le arzd Center, Schola,rships i ar s e c _aren o.f. b7.ind parents, publ3cation of bi—mor.th �ioda.cal, pubZic educatior_, etc. 6. Use to be made of funds collected (as stated above) 7. Solicitation ivill be made on Thursdav and Frid�} June 21 and 22� 197'j dates; bet�reen the hours of s�'l� zria sunset 8. Location i•�here solicitation �:�ill ta!te place City of St. Paul (downtc7wn, probab],q some business pla�es if eno•agh volunteer h p a a 9. List the amounts of any �:ages� fces� co►:�missions' costs or expenses paid or �ti�hich are expected to be paid in connection �,ith solicitation, Also list names of persons to �:ho�a payr.ients have been c�ade or ti��ill be r�ade and the amounts of snch payments. (�1 financial stater�ent including this information may Ue attached.) No wages, feess ea::-it�issicros3 e+,c� pa�d: So�icit�rs u,rQ all rolunt��r� �and ths only expense� incurred are for transpor�atior� ar� meals. Litera�ure and miniature white canes are also listed a� expenses. (over} . . . • . - . . , . f , �.0. r:ti:ach a copy of bucl�el; sho�s�in� solicitations "or this fzscal or calendar y eur. �1. :iav� vou rc<^.d Ch<pt;er 450 of the St. Paul Le�:;z:;i;�,::i.:��.� Cod.ey ti:hicli provides for the sectirin� of perr�ission to conciuct t,�rc �o)_3ci-�::t.ion of funds9 or tag dzvs, upon the streets of the City of Si, i'aul ar,d clo you fully understand the re�ulations also pro�•ided in saicl orclinancc: Yes 12. .lpplicntion r.;ade in bc�ialf of icLe a�€�ve or�anization bya r;�,,,e Archie B. Frj.ckson: Tii�tr, or Offire �'esz�ent i��`��;� Rosemax•g Vaxey �L�,3� or Office SeC�et� ST.1TL or r.I�.i��SOiI�) , )SS COU'<TY On ??'�I,SLI' j President��ch�.e �. Erickson and Sec.retary� Rosen� Varey beina ciuly s�.orn say that thc�• are the peti�ioner. iit the above application; tl:at they have reau the fore�oinb petition and dinocr een:�en;;s ancl purpos�s thereoi'; tha'c saMe is true of their oti�m l�nor;ledge. r, � A �����,�v`� E 4�• (��A .R•I� Subscribed and sworn to before me this 'l �� rr.'. a�y of�.::, _ . 1� -., ; .%� �'- _ -.J_. .-r=.- , i , ,'� -<� . � �- Pdot�ry Publi�', Ramsey County! ?iinilesota 19y conr.�ission expires'�.;� , ! ?� /j'%�� i DOROTHY NAIG[R � N4E�ry Pt�b!ic, Ramsey County, Minn. . Z+'1Y �(�R1tt115s!0.'t Expire; July 1£3, 1�78_ � .