260657 WH17E - CITY CLERK 1 /��L��'�
PINI! - FINANCE COU11C31 %`�� �Jv`�
�} un il Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS= The President' s Budget proposes decreased expenditure
of funds in the area of Human Service Programs, and the effect
thereof will be to reduce the capacity of cities throughout the
na.tion to meet human needs; and
WHEREASg The Mayor and the Council of the City of Saint Paul
are informed that the City' s Model Cities Program will be severely
curtailed resulting in the loss of millions of dollars and the
reduction of programs funded, thereby causing ma.ny to lose their
j ob s; and
WHEREAS, The President� s proposed restrictions on Day Care
Services will result in large numbers of children no longer being
eligible to receive Federally fina.ncee� services, thereby resulting
in an overall decrease in Child Care Servic�s; ;.and
WHEREAS� The reduction of F�deral Aid Fund's to Education and
a moratorium on subsidized housing and site selection criteria
will cause gr�eat and irreparable ha.rm to eommunities throughout
the nation; now� therefore; be it
RESOLVED, Tha.t the Ma.yor and the Council of the City of Saint
Paul do hereby urge the President of the United States to take all
appropriate and necessary action to cancel his proposed Budget
changes which would have the effect of decreasing funds available
for Huma.n Service Programs; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVEDt That the Mayor and,the Council do hereby
respectfully request the Congress of the` United States to appro-
priate sufficient funds to maintain a level of funding sufficient
to carry out these urgent programs and to assure an orderly tran-
sition to any new approaches to funding of urban programs so as to
COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hun t
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith A gain s t BY
Tedesco -
Mme.President Butler
Form Approved Cit Atto ey
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by M�r for Submission to Council
�� ou cil Resolution
Presented By `
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
2 .
avoid disruption of continuity of services to people, and, further, �
that Congress insure by appropriate legislation tha.t the present
revenue sharing program not be used at the expense of the present
individua.l Grant and Aid Urban Programs, and that any further
additiona.l revenue sha.ring programs replacing these presently
existing urban programs not reduce the level of funding presently
available to the cities, but in fact should have the effect of
increasing the level of funding which is so sorely needed to avoid
the decay of the inner core cities; and be it
FINALLY RESOLVED� Tha.t a copy of this resolution be transmitted
by the City Clerk to the President of the United States� the
Director of the Office of Mana.gement and Budget, and to all members
of the Minnesota delegation to Congress .
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith _�_ Against BY
Mme.President Butler
Adopted by Council: Date
FEB 9 1973 Form Approved by ity ttorn
Cert' e a ed by Co il ary BY I
BY h �'l
Approve Ma}� : Date Appr ve o or S �1
PUBLI3HED fE81 ? 1973
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500 Laurei Ave. St. Paul, Minn. 55102 227-8726
February 7, 1973
The Honorable Mayor Cohen
347 City Hall
St. Paul , Minnesota 55101
Dear Mayor Cohen ,
A number of City Governments has passed resolutions urging the National
Administration not to cut the Model Cities Budget. .
I call this to you attention and would hope that the St. Paul City Council
would also pass such a Resolution requesting that the National Model Cities
Budget be retained at the present level so that the programs that have been
implemented and the plans that are still on the drawing boards, which many
cities and residents of the Target Areas think will help "improve the
quality of life", may not be aborted.
If you have any questions concerning this resolution as requested, please
feel free to contact my at my office.
�Si cerely,
� �.
ev.�Jo}� W. Pilate
Executive Director .
cc: Files •
h�is. Rosalie Butler
Enc: Ms. Deborah Montgomery
� a�o � ��
CAViio�5-6631 �origre�� of t�e �niteb �tate�
ADMINISTHATNE ASSISTAXT �ott�e of �.te�re�entatfbe�
eo�Msc� �asllington>�.QC. 205i5
Seirrt Pam..MmN. 55f01
February 16, 1973
Mr. Harry Ma.rshall
Office of the City Clerk
City of Saint Paul
Bureau of Records
386 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Harry:
Thank you for your letter informing me of
the Saint Paul City Council's resolution
urging the President to cancel his proposed
budget changes.
It was thoughtful of you to advise me of
the views of the St. Paul City Council on
this matter.
With best wishes, I am
Sincerely yours,
Joseph rth
Member f ngress
, . � � ��o �s7
DONALD M.FRASER ��»H��p��g��
Sie D�simcT,M�xiRSOi� 225J7'.S
�ongreg� of t�e �t�ite� �tate;�
�ou�e of �e�re�ertta�tfbe�
��6ington.�.QC. 20515
February 23, 1973
Mr. Harry E. Marshall, City Clerk
City� of Saint Paul
Bureau of Records
386 City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Mr. Ma.rshall:
Thanks very much for sending me a copy
of the resolution adopted by the Saint
Paul City Council regarding the President' s
The support of the City Council on this
issue is especially useful in convincing
other Congressmen to come around to our
way of thinking on the President' s budget.
Thanks again.
With best wishes.
��°�"�������� S incer �
� . -
. '�..
o M. Fraser
. , C ���o�s�
'�C�if�b ,�f a�es ,�enafe
March 5, 1973
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk and Commissioner
of Registration
Office of the City Clerk
386 City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Mr. Marshall :
Thank you very much for your recent letter regarding
the President's proposed budget.
During his Inaugural address President Nixon told us :
"We have the chance today to do more than ever before in
our history to make life better in America -- to ensure better
education, better health, better housing, better transportation,
a cleaner environment."
Yet the Administration's budget slashes our national
commitment to meeting each of these urgent domestic needs and
other programs to strengthen rural communities and preserve
the family farm.
I will work hard in coming weeks to maintain our
commitments to a better life here at home. The Congress must
review our domestic programs -- to reform those which are
weak or ineffective, to trim waste, and to consider new
Again, I deeply appreciate your writing. We will need
the active concern and support of the American public if
we are to remain not only a powerful nation, but a just and
humane nation as well.
With warm regards ,
r`'' � V tJ�.
Walter F. Mondale
HUBHRT H.rHUMPHREY � ���� r ��
'Zs I C�rf eb .�f af e� ,�iertiaf¢
March 7, 1973
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
Bureau of Records
386 Citq Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Desr Mr. Marshall:
Thank you for sending me a c��v o.� the Resolution adopted by the
St. Paul City Council. I do appreciate being kept inforn►ed as to
the opinions of your membership.
Best wishes.
Hubert H. Humph ey
Febru�ry 13, 1973
Repreaentativ�e Robert Bergland
Seventh Distriat
1008 Longwarth O2Yiee Halldirig
W�,shington, DC 24g15
Deer Sir: �
Enclo$ed ia a reaolution of the Sa�int Paul City CcyunCil, C.F.
No. 260657, urging the Preaid�nt to ctaixicel hi� praposed budget
changes which would ha�ve the et'feat of decrea�aing tluxda
available for human aervice programe e�d xetqumeting th� Congr�sa
ot the United Stat�s tc appropr3a�te euf'fiaien� �rid.s to ma3ntain
a level o= �'unding euf�'ic3er�t to carry aut theae urgent progrems,
ei11. as �rea t'u].ly ��t aut in the attacbetd reeolution.
Youra v��:y tru1.Y,
City Clerk
F�bl'ta�ty �-3, a.97'3
Senator �ub�rt H. Hu�hraY
��2 Old Senste Ofti.ce Ba.dg.
Wsshi�tg�on, DC �Og].0
Dear sir:
Enclosed ia e resolution o�' the Saint Psul City Cauncil, C.F.
No. 2606�'T, wrgtr�g th�e Preaidearrt to Qsncel bi.s prvpased budget
cha�ges� �ltich �rvuld 2u�v+�t tbe �sttect of de�r�rssing i'Unda
ave�ttisbie for htm�ri eearvice programs snd raqueat3ng the Congsva�a
o! tha United State�s to sPP�"Pr�ate auftiei�nt tl�nds to mainta3n
s le�el of' i'1u�dir�g sutt'iciesnt to ae+urry aut these ur�nt pragrams,
a�.l ea mor� t"u].Zy e�t cyut in the attached reac�lution.
Yaurs very ts'u].y,
City Clerk
February 13, 1973
Senator Wa3.t�r F. Mondale
�3 �Dld Sen�.te 0�'tYce Building
Waahington, 1� 20514
D�aar Six:
�closed is a r�aalutian oS the Se,int Psul City Council, C.F.
No. 260657, ur��.n� the President to cencel hi� pxopo�ed bu�l,g�t
changes which wauld he.ve the effeet of deereaaing 25inds
available for hum�n sex�rrice pro�rame e,nd xequeating the Congrees
of th� United Statea to a�+propi�iate suf iciant funde to m�inta3n
a level ot' ftiuiding suffici�nt to carry out theee urgent programa,
all eas �ore t�il1y aet aut in the attacl�ed re�olution.
Yaure very �Gttit1.Y,
City Cierk
Febrtt�r3r 13, i973
Of°'f'ice o�' Man�ge�ment and �tdget
Wa,e�hington, DC
Dear Sir:
Lnelos�d ia s reaoluticm ot the Saint Fsul City Cau�ncil, C.F.
No. 260657, urging the Pre�3dent to aancel his prapo�ed buc�get
changea which wou].d have th� effact a� decrea�aing t`un�a
available for hwnan �ervice progaram�a and raqu��ti.ng the Congresa
ot' th� Unitad Statee to apprapriate auti'icient S1aan;de to ma�intai.n
a level of i�nding auf't`i�ient ta carry out thee�e �xrgent progreuns,
all e,a more� i"li3.l.y set out in th� e,ttecb�d resolution.
Yc,a�ace v'r�r'Y trut],Y,
City Cl�ark
Februetry 13, 1973
Repx�eentative Albert Quie
Firs�t Diatrict
233� R�,,Yburn OPgic� Buil,ding
wa�ahington, nC 20515
Dear Sir:
�aclosed ie a regalution of the S�int P[�ul City Cauncil, C.F.
No. 260657, urging t�a Preeident to cancel his px�cyposed budget
cbar�gem which would bRave the e�fect of decreasing t'unda
availsbLe for hwna�n eeervic�s programs and requesting the Congress
of the United States to sppropriate� sulYYaient fLinnd�t to mmintain
a level oi fl�nding aufYicient to carry out the�� urgent pxogrevns,
all aa more �'ully �teet c�at in the attsch�d resolution.
Yc�tY'a ve�'y trv.].y, '
Cit3r Clerk
ABO t�mor
Fetax�umry ].3, 1973 .
Representative Williem E. Frenze�].
Th3rd Aletrict
1007 Lcng�rorth 4ffic� Building
Waehington, DC 245'�.5
Dear Sir:
Enclosed is a reealut3on ot' the Saint Psul City Council, C.F.
No. 26065?, urgi.ng thet Pree3dent to aanael h�+� propo�sd budget
charigee which xauld have th� effect mf deoresaing lLz�de
dvnilable Sor human aervice programs +annd ree�uesting the Congreea
vt the UniteB Stntes to epprapriate suf�icient S1�nds to me�intain
a le�rel o! i'tusdi�g au�fie3e�nt to ce�ra.y cn�t thea� nrgent Progra�m�a,
all es mare lttlly eet o�ut in the at�a�ehad rt�eolution.
YoRtrs 'V�ery tru].y,
City Clerk
February 13, 1973
Repreaentative �n�her Nelson
Seaond Di�trict
2329 Ray'tnLrn Of't'ice Hu3lding
WBShi�lgton s DC 20515
Dear Sirt
Encloesd is a x�e�alution of the Saint Paul City Counail, C.F.
No. 264657, urging the Pres3clent to eanCel his propa�ed budget
changea which wau1S have the ett'ect ot' de�ree�ing ilu�ds
avail.able for hwnsn ser�v�.ce programs and requ�et�ng the Cc►ngr�a�
o�' the Uni�ed Sta�es to appropriate eutficient Pund�s to maintain
a levosl vi` fland,i�g Anti"ficient to cax�ry aut these u�rgent progreims,
ati � neore tW.1y aat aut in the attaehed rasolut�.an.
Ycnu'e vezy trulS►,
City Clerk
P'ebruary 13, 1973
Repreaentative J�oseph E. Karth
Fourth Distri�t
2�+08 :t�ybuxn Q�'f`ice :t3ui'1cling
Washingtan, D.C. 20�7.5
De�ar Sir:
Enclosed ia a re�olutio� of the Saint Ps�.�l. �ity Cauncil, C.F.
Na. �60657, '�'B� '� �e���t to c�sncel his prcr��r�sed budget
chang�sa which wcral.d have the e�ffect of decreaeing f'uias�
available Y'or hu�arl service progrems e,nd requ��ting th� Congrese
o�' the United State� ta appropriate euft'icien•� i'�ur�cis to r�aintain
a level ot t�iading sut"ficient to carry out the�e urger�� progrsme,
atl aYe more i1�.LZy aet aut in the attache<i re�olution.
Your� very truly,
City Clerk
�'���arY �-3, 1973
Repr�sen�ati�r� I�onald M. Frasex
F�.f'th Diffi�rict
llll �,ong�wox�h Offica �uild3.ng
W��hington, DC 20515
Dgewr Sfx:
Enc3ased is � r�eo�,uti.on ot' the �aint Paul City Couneil, C.F.
No. 260657, urgin8 t2�e PreeSder�t to car�cel. his proposed budget
chenges which wcru�.d he,ve the etfect of decrea�ing 2�nds
evailable for human► service paro�x•amrs ar�d requesting the Congrees
o! the United S��tas to apgraprist� su�'ficient �nc�� to rsa,int�,in
a level of �'un�ing suft"ic3.ent to caxxy aut the�se urgent px�og�rama,
mll as more t`ully aet cyut in the! att�e3�ed reaolution.
Yovra very truly,
City Clerk
ABO s�mr►
Feb�u�ry 13a �973
Repre�entative John W. Zwach
Sixth Di.strict
1502 I�ongworth Off'ice Buile�ing
w�,Bhington, Dc zo515
Dear Sir:
Enclo�e8 i� a reeolutian o! th� Sain� Paul City Cou�cil, C.F.
Na. 2606g7, ur'6l.r�6 the �sid�mt to ear�cel hi� prapoaed laud�et
chaagem which rroul.d hnv+e the atYect af dear�ae�aing fluids `
svailahlea t'er hwnan sexvice programa and requesting the Congress
ot' th� United State� te appra�ri.ate sutticSent 1landa to maintain
a lev�l of t'latsding sutticient to es�rzy out thea� urcg�nt pragrenms,
a11 ets more i�i.tly eet cyut in t� sttsa'!�d ra�dlution.
Yc�u's veY'Y t�Y,
City Clerk
February 13� 1973
Repre�entative John A. Blatnik
Eighth District
2�g xay'burn otf3.a� Bu3.I.ding
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Sir:
Enclosed ie s xesolutiaa ot the Sai:nt P�ul City Counc3l, C.F'.
No. 264657, urging ths Pre�ident to canael his prapesed budget
che�nges which wou].d have the sffec� o�' dsere�aing fwzsd�
svailsble tor human service programa and requestiug the Cangrese
of the United Statea to appropriate euff ia3ent tUnds to mainte�in
a level ot' i"unding sutticie�t to car*y aut tbeme urg�nt Progr�ms,
a�13 ae more 2'u�.ly aet ant in tlze sttech�d resolution.
Youra very truly,
City Cierk
Febr�ttry 13, 1973
President RiCl�ard N3xori
White House
Wsshing�on, DC
Dear Sir: '
Enclosed ia �, copy o! a� �ealution a�' the Saint Paul City
Counail, C.F. lYo. 260657, urging that yau te�k� apprapr3ate
and necea�ary action ta cancel your proposed budget chengas
thnt would have� the affect of de�reaeing hind� ava3lable for
riwnsn eervice prngr�uns.
Yt�vrs 'v�1y' truly,
City A.ark
� � :. .
, �
WHEREAS, The President' s Budget, presented to the Congress on
Monday, January 29 inc�eased requests for defense, and decreased requests
for funds for human service programs; and
WHEREAS, The affect of the budget will be the reduction of the
capacity of cities throughout the nation to meet human needs; and
WHEREAS, The new budget will give to the cities greater decision
making powers , and fewer resources to carry out those decisions; and
_ WHEREAS, The� Office of Economic Opportunity will be dissolved
with no provisions for continuing the much needed community action programs,
with the result that the city's network of urban progress and many programs
, funded through private agencies, involving jobs, will hav� to be terminated
by June 30 this year; and
' WHEREAS, The Model Cities Program will be severely curtailed,
resulting in a loss of millions of dollars and a reduction in programs funded
through that agency, causing many to lose their jobs , as well as a reneging
on previous commitments to five full action years; and
WHEREAS, New restrictions will be imposed on Day Care services
with the result that large numbers of children presently eligible for such
federally financed services will no longer be eligible and there will be an
overall decrease in Child Care services; and
WHEREAS, The moratorium on subsidized housing and site selection
criteria will almost eliminate the ability of cities to construct new housing,
WHEREAS, The funds for Federal aid to education will be significantly
decreased, with a disproportionate decrease in compensatory education programs
and Head Start services, and
r ! � •
� k �
WNEREAS, The President' s Qudget Message phases out the Neighborhood
Youth Corps , which provides year-round jobs for disadvantaged youths; and
WHEREAS, The Federal government, through the Congress, has recognized
the need for providing a wide range of health services to protect the health
� ° and safety of the people, and provided financial support for many programs
above and beyond that which municipalities can provide, the termination of
such funding can, bring about a life-or-death situation for thousands of our
citizens through lack of inedical care, or failure to control communicable
disease; now, therefore; • �
BE IT RESOLVED, That the Mayor and Members of the City Council
of the City of Saint Paul hereby urge the President of the United States to
take appropriate action to cancel the proposed budget changes which would
decrease funds for human service programs ; and
BE �IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Congress of the United States
be urged to assure appropriations sufficient to maintain a level of funding
sufficient to carry on these urgent programs; that Congress assure an
orderly transition to any new approaches to funding urban programs to avoid
disruption in continuity of service to people; that Congress insure by
appropriate legislation that the present revenue sharing program not be used
at the expense of the present individual grant-in-aid urban programs and
that any future additional revenue sharing programs to replace presently
existing individual urban programs do not reduce the level of funding now
available to cities, but in fact increase the level of funding so sorely
needed to avoid the decay of the cities; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be sent to
the President of the United States , the Director of the United States Office
of Management and Budget, and to all members of the P�innesota Delegation to
Congress and that the members of the Minnesota Delegation to Congress be urged
to $pare no effort to achieve the purposes of this Resolution. '